I Try the Legato 3 Piece Urethane Cover Golf Balls

I Try the Legato 3 Piece Urethane Cover Golf Balls vs my Vice Pro, 3 piece urethane cover golf balls. How do they compare?

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This is going to be fun yeah I got this right here it helped take a lot of it down so that’s pretty good I can see clearly now the weeds are down I can see all the obstacles in my way all right on my way going to the mun I just got through

From there weed eating a hill on the uh number hole number eight part four so but I’m going to go back play a little golf if you saw my Instagram post where I’ve got the Legato balls I don’t know if that’s the way you say it or not but

I got those three piece uh urethan cover balls and I’m going to put them up against my my Vice Pro um see if they respond a little better around the greens you know I was kind of wondering as far as testing a golf ball out what

Is it that maybe get you to choose a certain golf ball like uh you know what is it you’re expecting or wanting out of it is it distance is it green response spin um sorry about recording half of my face um what is it that most I guess

That you want uh the most out of the golf ball my thing is I want I want the spin around the greens I I don’t distance is is okay but you know I don’t hit it far in the first place so basically I want it to stop or or

Something on the green you know spin back or whatever so if I the most spin around there uh you know or get it to check up at least that’s what I want and that sound so that’s another thing for me you know prob ones have that snap

That I don’t know what you call it that tone that you hear when you hit one and uh the Kirkland Signature kind of sounds similar but you can tell there’s not to me I can tell the difference you know and then a little bit I don’t want it

Too firm but I don’t want it soft so somewhere in the middle you know as far as the fuel goes but those are the things I kind of look for in a golf ball so now I’m at the course I don’t know how many holes I’m going to play

Probably just five I mean I know that’s not very much time to uh evaluate a golf ball really or a golf club but uh the school’s over here behind here and they let out 3 something o00 so uh the traffic builds up so it’s kind of hard to play across the road you

Know it’s bad enough it’s across the road they don’t want to hit no cars but so we’ll see what happens though uh but uh yeah I’m going to get started so pretty much I’m just trying to mount I mean this isn’t really a full review of that golfball

Because my arm is fatigued but I just want to come out here and play with it and see what I think that a hit very good off bat my arm still just a little bit like jello after using that weed eater for the while the day but um we’re still going to

Play I guess I could I could do it um you know One V one style see who wins pretty good pit shot with the 56 went a little bit too long but I think it’s on the edge of the green so yeah that was a little bit weak shot

There but we’ll Tre see what we can do with it left myself short so all right so the vice just got a chance for birie and Legato has got a chance to rep par oh okay so Vice won the hole but uh the the putting is my fault

That was just terrible awful putting you know these greens they’re kind of rough so it’s hard to really judge one of the things I will say about putting this is that it has a nice fat little line there to line your P up with so I really like that the Vice Pro is

Thinner so but I like it very dark very easy to see you know black line and it’s kind of bigger than normally it is and it’s got bold track in the middle of it all right so I kind of mish hit the uh Vice ball and it went sliced a little

Bit to the right but the Legato the first ball I hit that felt pretty good it has seemed to have more it felt a little softer than uh the Vice Pro so now to see where I hit that Legato ball I hope I’m say the GTO sounds like the cat

Bato anyway so it’ss in the just the left of the Fairway so a lot more playable so if that doesn’t I don’t know had nothing to do with the ball that was my swing that’s the whole problem just like a guy follow on YouTube that I watch a lot

Gabe uh let’s play through check his channel out but he says you know mere mortal so that’s what I’m doing I’m M May I’m worse than a mere mortal all right so I hit that good distance I just didn’t I was expecting it to draw a little bit but the ball

Felt good off the face again so and then got more more distance on theen all right let’s see if I have a shot at the green here looks like it I’m not going to be super aggressive because I’m going to hit those FS with a 58 I’m just going to keep

A r it up there my wedge sit sit it’s a pretty decent shot so we got a chance for birdie with theato and I’m over the green with my third shot with the vice in the hole you know I almost went in with the uh

Vice Ball but it checked up a little bit and hit the pin and uh got a good shot the third uh shot with Legato and uh had a chance there for birdie and just miss puted or something I don’t know what I did there but these screens you know it hits something rolls

Off didn’t take much it’s not going to roll through most of the time so two pars uh Vice is still one up all right the vice I hit very good it’s perfect I mean you know how I wanted to and the uh Legato I pulled it

So not the ball’s fault I think I I try to make more of a cut I don’t know I wasn’t standing right or something but I P I pulled it went over the top hit it out of the hill and I mean instead of a slice hit hook built good off the face

Again great off the driver face and I’m getting that little bit of click that I was talking about in the beginning of my video somewhere in there I can hear off the face of the club with the golf ball so the B does that for me too so with

The the AO you can you can hear a little bit better a little B more crisp decent feeling hits I might have hit that one a little little thin on the N trying to get it there but uh held up on the Wind so it’s on the edge is

Green all right see if I can get some spin or check up with it so we did check up but it’s really short but it’s it’s on the green all right it’s really close right there together so but I’m going to try to do the same thing with Vice even

Though it’s not the same distance spin sit okay not not going to happen I guess LIF is short okay so more bad for me uh we should have two pars but instead we have two Bogies but they both react pretty similar theato has edged me

As far as feel it feels better it’s more Snappy I don’t know what you call it but uh I just like to feel that cover so we’ll see what it looks like after I play two more holes Bren ball all right so we got a little

Bit of Miss hit we went to the god that’s me and uh but might be on the green or just a little short got a lot better hit with the uh the advice but again that was me that’s the ball and maybe we can save par closer tapping distance

But off the Putter and feel they feel good but since I’m not going to get a good roll it’s really hard to judge the the putting but uh they’re I think they’re about the same there got get close it’s hard to hold back on a pigeon wedge

But out of this dirt right here it’s not good to hit a 56 or 58 wedge terrible all right so putting atrociously those two were left way way short has nothing to do with the ball that’s me and the greens but uh as far as fuel goes I think Legato beats my

Vice you can you hear that click it feels a little lighter of course I think it is than the vice and but the vice feels really solid both of them feel solid Vice feels a little bit more solid hit hitting but Legato has that click that I’m looking for you know that sound

And similar to the Kirkland really but with a you know different name anyway I’m not saying they’re the same but they feel pretty close but a little bit more pop than the Kirkland I guess but together really they’re about just as good as each other so regardless

Of the score so I feel comfortable playing either one of those balls but I think I can give just a slight Edge over to theato maybe because it’s new something and um too bad the score didn’t to coincide with that but uh uh I’m going to play some more with it uh

And maybe do an update later on but and and I will say this the the viice are a little bit cheaper so but let me let me clean them off both and then see what they look like the covers this is the vice right here

Here and of course I don’t see no skus on that I cleaned them all both off I had some green spots but looking at this the G it looks pretty pretty clean no scuff so for five holes the cover still looks good no damage that I could tell and out

Here it’s kind of rough so so as far as that goes I mean I probably need to play a lot more holes for it to actually show some where but uh that’s all I got for now we’ll see you see you later thanks for watching


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