Golf Players

INCREDIBLE STORY | Qwan’tez Stiggers Visits Detroit Lions

PFF mock draft included after tonights amazing story. Brad Holmes is pulling another CFL player in, this time for a pre-draft visit. Will his plan work to shop off the rack in Canadian retail outlets? Or will it blow up in his face? Has free agency changed? Let’s find out in tonight’s episode of “OFF THE CUFF.”

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What’s happening it’s Friday night off the cuff rock on Detroit Lions man I’m happy to be here I am so happy with Brad Holmes and what he is doing uh sorry about being a couple minutes late but I could not stop doing research on this guy uh that we picked up today

Or at least it it’s coming in for a visit we didn’t pick them up my apologies uh the stories go on forever and ever and ever and it’s a crazy good story uh I was going to uh do something a little bit different tonight I was going to

Research uh and do kind of a review of some free agency stuff and and we might might have some time to do it but I think you guys want to hear this story uh I got to tell you man I I’m blown away by this this kid and what he’s been

Through in life and and where he’s at now and I see clearly what a brad Holmes guy is and he is it uh so like the thumbnail says man Brad Holmes the Detroit Lions they are shopping the Canadian retail markets man it’s uh it’s not five and below anymore

You would think it would be because this guy’s a noname you know but he’s not a no-name over there and he certainly has made a name for himself wherever he’s been so super excited for this kid uh I really hope that things work out for

Quantz I really do um he deserves it so all right what’s up to everybody in the chat we have the Fallen one new name welcome in tonight I think you’ve been here before been a while Curtis Wilson El Tor Tracy who else Steve K brillan Dennis

King SJ by ways of Toronto so King SJ man you you’ve got to have this inline scoop here on these Canadian guys you know uh you would think you know if you can ever bring some some info to the table please let us know Rick grit what’s happening John Pierce good

Evening everybody let’s do this off the cuff Friday night style and I’m going to give you a story and and I’m going to apologize up front because it’s it’s going to take a minute for me to get through this story um so I won’t be able to

Communicate a ton with the chat right up front let me try to find out where I put it first that would help so I put together a lot of information about this guy what a last name stiggers love it love the last name guantes even cooler first

Name so as a report said today that the lions are bringing him in and uh and it’s a weird story it’s a great story and we’re going to talk about it John Des what’s happening how’s everybody doing superintendent Chalmers what is that pop poppy in Lily’s dad that’s a cool one haven’t

Seen that one Michael shambry got some new names in here tonight what’s happening everybody all right so let’s talk about quantz stiggers 6 foot 197 lbs the Detroit Lions have already dipped into the CFL Market uh by bringing in uh Matthew Betts and now they’re they’re bringing

This guy in for a visit so he is the reigning most outstanding I’m sorry the Lions dipped into the CFL Market this off season signing the reigning most out out outstanding defensive player Matthew Betts to a free agent contract so he’s already in house but now Brad Holmes is

Set to host the League’s reigning most outstanding rookie kantes stigers and and like I said it’s it’s a weird story by by how he was able to pull this off but he is going to be one of the pre-draft top 30 visits according to uh Aaron Wilson an NFL

Reporter so shout out to Aaron Wilson for reporting this and uh staying up on the Detroit Lions football stiggers unusual case uh as a prospect who did not play college football that’s what makes this weird he never never played any college ball he jumped straight into the Canadian football league and he

Remains draft eligible and of course we’ll be taking this visit uh like a normal draft prospect here uh in Detroit so or over there in Detroit so stigers he’s a cornerback uh he’s a big guy big cornerback uh and he does move well but he’s taking an unconventional route to

The professional football leagues he has not played one snap of college football he was set to enroll at Lane College in Tennessee but he dropped out uh to an unfortunate in incident with his father who passed away in 2020 uh I’ve got some direct quotes in

Here so these are things that have been shared publicly it’s not me saying these things uh I’m just going to repeat them but his father Raves Harrison had been in a coma since Valentine’s Day of 2020 after a onecar accident and he ended up dying in September of 2020 Harrison’s death shattered stigger

Life and and not just from the natural emotional Fallout I mean he he was crushed um this is what stiggers had to say he said I just shut down because he meant the world to me I didn’t eat I turned off my phone I didn’t come out of the house for a

Couple of weeks I dropped out of school and I stayed away from football I gave up on my dream why play football if your biggest fan couldn’t be there you know as a parent as a father of two sons uh and happy Birthday Christian uh he

Turned 17 today and uh I dearly miss my children right now but you you only hope that you leave a legacy behind with your children that you know for your child to think about you in this way that’s how you hope your children think about you someday and that you’ve you know left

Some sort of an indelible Mark upon them that you will always be remembered for and something unique that I’m doing uh which I’ve started doing is you know I have some private collection podcasts that I do where I’m just talking to my kids and as long as YouTube is around

When I’m not they will have full access to you know all of the recordings you know of me just talking to them like you know hey this is what I’m thinking about you know today and and what I’m thinking about them and and how much they mean to me me

So a little personal for me to share that with you but you know it’s it’s just one of those things like when you read stuff like this it kind of It kind of hits you you know a little hard so sadly uh it was reported that stiggers was battling some pretty bad depression

Uh as as the reason as to why he did not attend Lane College uh he was very open about the fact that he had battled uh this depression after the loss of his father he was highly encouraged by his mother and his fiance uh and stiggers recovered from

Depression and began searching for a place to play ball again good for him uh but managing his depression stigers took jobs that included uh driving for door Dash washing cars at uh Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport he was encouraged by his mother quana and he trained and did individual football

Drills he even considered returning to college to play football but that’s where he hit a ton of roadblocks he called this is a direct quote he says I called several schools and either they wouldn’t call me back or the coaches would say they filled their last spot so I just stopped trying and

Continued to work out he didn’t give up that that’s what’s the bigger story here is he didn’t get didn’t give up this is a testament to to everybody that’s battling something you know just what this kid has gone through and in in the way that you know he picked himself up

By the bootstraps and just kept going is the reason why he’s getting an opportunity right now so meanwhile uh kanana stiggers his mother had other ideas knowing her son was was still deeply passionate about the game she kept her eyes out for any football opportunity and one day while she was

Doing the social media scroll like we all do uh she came across a fan controlled football it was a professional seven on seven indoor football football league in Atlanta games were streamed online players earned about $450 per week not a bad gig get to work out and make a few few bucks

While you’re doing it so stiggers made enough of an impression though at his at at the first open try out for this seven on seven that he made the team he was now back in organized football within two years after he left you know and going through that that whole crushing

Experience uh in his presence man it was undenied right away so I believe that this shows you know this kid’s toughness and and that word grit you know that we talk about in this book that I have right here that talks about this exact thing you know to battle through this to get

Back to to doing what he loved which was playing football uh to climb out of the Dark Cloud that he was in this is just yet another reason why you know I’m so high on Sports and why I love doing this because they’re important to so many different people for many different reasons

And providing an outlet for people to work through things you know whether it’s in Life or at home and you just need a place to escape Sports offers that so when your kids want to play let them play give them that outlet you know maybe it’s not football maybe it’s

Another sport that’s okay it provides an outlet I can tell you that when I played golf in high school there was nothing better than walking you know up to the next Green and just thinking about things you know the entire time preferably the game but you know your

Mind wanders but it was a good Outlet so as the the youngest player in the league he was 20 years old he led the FCF that’s the abbreviation for this league with five interceptions in 12 games excuse me including uh an interception for a touchdown in his

First game I believe uh he ran 28 yards back to the end zone he was runner up in his first year for player of the year now before stiggers join the League get this several former NFL players played in the FCF Terrell Owens Johnny Manzel and Josh Gordon so this league has seen

Some pretty darn good players uh come through it now with a successful season under his belt he was ready for this next challenge right he had he was provided uh uh Pro private workout with the Orlando Guardians of the XFL but the stiggers FCF coach John Jenkins a former assistant with the Toronto

Argonauts told his former employer about this 6 foot 197 Corner 20-year-old who they should take a look at so then the assistant GM to uh the Toronto Argonauts uh said said this about stiggers he said man we saw the ball skills and the athleticism they had guys

In their lead who played in various parts of pro football in Training Camps scrimmages we’re talking about grown men and we saw a 20-year-old popping off the screen against them we saw he was something special you guys getting it yet like like this is a dude that Brad Holmes

Wants he has worked his butt off his entire life to get to where he is and battled some of the highest mountains that he’s had to climb and he’s here he’s arrived you know as Prime says we comeing well this dude’s coming he’s coming for somebody’s job in the

NFL so from here he went on a groundbreaking Journey obviously that that ultimately led to an invitation to play in the east west Shrine Bowl on February 1st this is what stiggers had to say about that experience he says my goal in the east west shrine game is to put it

All out there and show how my life is not just a good story dude it’s not a good story man this is a phenomenal story uh he said there’s a lot behind it I can really play football and this isn’t just a fairy tale I got to

Disagree with you stiggers this is going to be a fairy tale ending for you my man I can see it and I can’t wait to find some tape that’s the one thing I haven’t been able to find yet so this guy’s story just kind of gets more incredible

From here so prior to the Shrine Bowl his journey uh to Canada almost did not happen and this is crazy uh he favored the XFL since it was closer to home but the possibility of joining the XFL through the supplemental draft was his option uh but get this the XFL sent his

Contract to the wrong email address so he never signed it never joined the XFL obviously that made the CFL a much easier choice but it came with a bigger challenge uh and stiggers had this to say he says man I’m showing up to a league second to the NFL with no college

Experience so I thought I’d be the first player cut he wasn’t uh he wasn’t lying man because there’s there’s as I’ll explain but stiggers wasn’t alone in this assessment uh the former or Argonauts defensive back coach Josh Bell uh now with the Saskatchewan uh Rough Riders already had a predisposition he

Was prejudge in the book uh before he even opened it and read the first chapter right when it came to Rookies so this is what this guy had to say uh Josh Bell he said I received an email that we signed quantz stiggers and there was no College next to his name I

Was like oh no we’re going to get him out of here real quick I don’t have time to deal with this guy and I already don’t like rookies and he never went to college there’s no way he’s going to pick up what what our offense is doing

Or what what we do on our defense so I mean guys judging the guy right so next it doesn’t take long for stiggers and Coach Bell to kind of change their minds as stigger started to separate himself right away pulling from the pack during his first two days of

Training camp Bell was especially impressed by how stiggers was able to pick up the terms and concepts of the CFL game coach Bell then recanted his he said this his explosion is dangerous I call him a barracuda that first day he was moving around bursting and shooting across the

Field he crushes the earth when he plants his feet into the ground at the end of training camp I went from quantz couldn’t do anything for me to becoming everything we needed huh don’t judge people don’t ever judge that is the one thing uh that I don’t do and I’ll tell

You a quick Side Story the reason why I don’t do it uh because in in the many years of sales that I was in and and and even starting low in the totem pole back in you know my early 20s doing inhome sales I’ve gone to some of the what you

Would consider the worst houses people that look you know poor and I’m not judging here but it’s you know just trashy everything’s a mess and those are the people that had probably the best credit scores or the most cash it it’s just weird you just don’t judge right I

Mean I’ve gone to some of the nicest million-dollar homes and they don’t got a pot to piss in because their house broke you know they’re house poor whatever term you want to use they just they don’t have any extra cash they don’t have any extra funds now again I’m

Not judging I don’t do that but that’s how I learned you know at a young age like you just don’t you just don’t judge a book by its cover get to know everybody Shake everybody’s hand you know um it’s just the way I live my life

I guess so to go on here stiggers won the CFL Defensive Rookie of the Year award while playing for the Argonauts it was there he blossomed into a standout player he had 53 defensive tackles five interceptions during the 2023 season earning an invite to the east west

Shrine Bowl like we already discussed uh but he was not invited to the scouting combine so inter I mean what a story right and I haven’t I haven’t seen it in you know yet uh in the uh chat I haven’t been reading anything just yet but I tell you what

Um interesting little tidbit to this is according to ESPN stats and info in the common draft era there have only been two players drafted that didn’t play in college defensive lineman Eric Swan big name 1991 and tight end uh Moritz boow ringer in 2016 and stiggers is looking to become the

Third I think this guy’s got a big shot uh I really do and who who is this Samuel manino dude never seen this name before clearly a moronic troll see you buddy all right so yeah don’t know the guy never heard of him before clearly someone that doesn’t like success you know because

That’s what we’re all about over here at rockdown Detroit Lions is success and that’s what the Detroit Lions are all about is sustained success and that’s what we’re looking at right here so this guy I mean just an incredible story uh clearly has that chip right I mean he

Has the edge everything that Brad Holmes Dan Campbell are looking for this guy’s been through it he’s been fighting to stay relevant and that’s exactly what he’s done and now he’s he’s getting pulled in to Brad holm’s office to have a pre-combine or or you know pre-draft

My apology pre-draft visit and it it’s just it’s going to be special if this guy makes the squad or any squad in the NFL um my hats off to him because he earns it uh he he’s definitely earned opportunity to showcase what he can do and if he’s this good he definitely has

A size but if he is this good I mean it it could just be a story that just keeps on growing so all right let me see who’s all in the chat now and uh brila Dennis George vanderin how you guys doing got King SJ still in here Curtis

Wilson so fire off some questions for me let’s let’s let’s talk about this guy for just a moment based on the story what do you guys think so far yeah Justin D G I’m always grinding man always during during the draft and uh during free agency I mean I’ll go

Live 10 times a day if I need to it’s all good it’s just it’s what I do uh I’m here to I’m here to grow just like this guy is stiggers I want to be as cool as that guy someday to be honest with you uh J mommy says great story really hope

That he has a role with the Lions I mean this is the kind of heart that you want right I mean this this is the kind of player that you want to infect that locker room with his hustle in his mentality uh the fact that he he has

Battled back I mean it’s it’s rough to come from that dark cloud right I mean everyone battles something in their life but to go through the loss of your father and then to be put in that situation you know where you just gave up but but then you took it all back and

You fought to stay there I just think it’s incredible pure grip player like brilland Dennis just just said uh it’s absolutely incredible uh yes he’s a cornerback all right so next up here is xavien Howard so a couple weeks ago I put out a video talking about the

Five squads in the NFL that were in cap purgatory and one of them was the Miami Dolphins Miami Dolphins have or are going to release xavien Howard and ogba in obviously cap saving Maneuvers and it’s just one of those things that do you take a flyer on them I don’t

Know it’s it’s just we’ll see what happens I don’t know who this dude is but he’s he’s got to go uh Curtis Wilson no I have not seen you know any of his you know other measurables yet uh in as far as intangibles uh I’ve got to watch tape so

I haven’t seen any of the tape yet uh but we will we will find it somehow you know I was looking for a way to to buy the NCAA tape to see if there’s a way that I could just get my hands on some raw tape the NFL wants uh six figures

They start at like 150k just to get access to some highlights and a lot of them you still can’t use so it’s going to take a few more years you know for us to grow uh before we’re going to be doing any any moves like that you know but we’ll

That’s the goal I mean that the goal is to someday to be able To uh to be able to have access to all of that someday someday soon so xaven Howard uh I’m I’m not you know I talked about some players that were going to be available I’m hoping that Christian uh Wilkins is one of them that you know maybe they can’t retain clearly they’re

Making moves right now to free up cap space because they have to get under the number uh by the well by the 13th and I believe the Wilkins is going to be that they want to retain so uh does Howard still have it see that’s the question can he help us I

Think he can help uh I I don’t know he he doesn’t have the greatest grades this year but he’s also been one of the leading interception uh quarterbacks in the league since like 2016 I think he has 29 he has the most since 2016 I think there’s only one other player that’s

Even close um let me see if I even wrote that down I don’t even think I wrote that down I’ll look in just a second so yeah depth is what I’m looking at the same thing with with stevenh Nelson you know stevenh Nelson does doesn’t really

Jump off the page other than his cover grades are really good and the fact that he only had a 69.1 passer rating against and that’s what I see right away with xaven Howard so xaven Howard’s passer rating allowed is an 86.7 I mean that’s like 20 some odd

Points better than any player that we had on the Lions this last season so yes I would say that the stats would add up to the fact that he could help I mean if he can play this well well this is better than than anybody else was you know this last season so

2023 uh before I go into that he’s 61 203 he runs a 458 so he’s not blazingly fast um but I’ll tell you that speed is not everything in this game it’s it’s a big component but it’s the brains and the brains is where you lose some some big time play

Out of these guys that just you know they have all of the measurables but they don’t have all the brains to go along with it and they’re always out of you know alignment and and and that’s where you get hurt um Justin G says Howard uh is great

But on the tail end of his career he’s depth if we get a solid replacement we definitely need a number one so like xaven Howard uh Steven Nelson they wouldn’t be coming in as our number one in my opinion I I wouldn’t think that you know that would be the upgrade that

We’re looking for I think that with the salary cap you know getting a huge boost today that just opened the door for the Lions to tie up one of these top three cornerbacks in the league right now that are free agents and I would have to think that the Brad

Holmes is trying to do that uh if the Bears can’t you know hold down Jaylen Johnson then there’s an opportunity if the Chiefs can’t keep sne There’s an opportunity but there’s only so many free agents to go around so unless you’re going to trade a player and trade some picks to try to

Take somebody away does that really help the Lions um I don’t think that we can afford to lose any draft Capital right now I mean if we’re moving up in the draft that’s one thing because you’re getting a better player and you’re getting him for a long time

And a really low contract but to trade for a top player right now if you had to give up two first round picks to get the top cornerback in the league and you’re going to end up paying him you know 20 plus million dollars a

Year I I just don’t see where that helps immediately it helps if you’re going to go all in this season but in two years you know you’re going to be right back into a cap situation and I just don’t see Brad Holmes doing that I don’t see him

Putting this team in that kind of a situation knowing where he came from and where this team came from when he took it over I don’t think he wants to go back to the $65 Million Dead cap days you know in 2021 because you can’t do anything you can’t make your your

Football team better um demig God 313 says I love what the lions are doing adding pressure to send a message to every position before the season and he said ‘I would pay Howard to be a backup because depth is my worry for this season so let’s talk about the

Depth I mean we only have two guys signed uh as Corners well you got cam Sutton now I got to pull it up because I’m having a brain fart and I think Chase Lucas is the the only erfa right and I think just about everybody else is free agent

And I’m not counting the Futures I’m not counting you know the previous practice squad guys because those those guys are not depth I mean Steven Gilmore is the only one that has a shot so when you look at our defense CJ Gardner Johnson free agent Kirby Joseph

He’s locked up if Fatu malanu he’s locked up Brandon Joseph I don’t even know if he ever played but these are safeties uh Will Harris is a free agent when you look at Corners Jerry Jacobs I’m pretty sure he’s under contract isn’t he is he not um let’s look

Here so free agents quarterback Emanuel Mosley Kendall vildor CJ Gardner Johnson in the backfield Chase Lucas should be the erfa so he’s not listed as a free agent but he I think he should be Steven Gilmore is under contract so you have Steven Gilmore Chase Lucas obviously should be

Back khil dorsy should be a free agent Jerry Jacobs is under contract but I mean do you really think that he’s going to come back after you know the season that he just had and getting benched I don’t think so so when you look at this you have Cam

Sutton and nobody else you have nobody else that is that is a Bonafide starter other than Jer other than Jerry Jacobs who had a terrible season they all had terrible Seasons so in my opinion you have Cam Sutton and that’s it if it were me sitting in that

Chair I have Cam Sutton he’s going nowhere because I just signed him to a $33 million deal and now I have to completely rebuild my defensive backs again that that’s how I would be looking at it so to your point D me God yes

Um I I’ll get to that in just a second demig God but yes to your point depth is first so you you need to find the depth guys as quickly as you can the bigger targets they’re going to be hanging out no matter what for the next couple of

Weeks and and those are much harder longer conversations unless you’re willing to just throw them a blank check right so you’ve got to find the depth guys before everybody else locks them up and and Nelson’s a great fit Howard I don’t know um I think that from an

Experience standpoint he would be great to have if the Lions you know solidify this this front then it really doesn’t matter who you have back there so anyway with xaven Howard 38 total tackles one interception he was targeted 71 times this season tied for 35th in the league

And he allowed 44 receptions for an 86. seven passer rating against he only allowed 11.4 yards per reception he missed seven tackles though I think that’s that’s kind of a lot uh played in roughly close to 750 snaps so about three quarters of a season had eight stops no

Sacks so I mean a pretty average career you know career year for somebody that you know has been in the league for eight years and he’s not the number one cornerback uh so to your question here yeah only if we had s Gardner right but

Who would we have had to have you know not taken if we had him that’s the question right uh so demig 313 says I love what the Lions oh I already read that one sorry demig God 313 says I would pay Howard to be a backup that is

My worry that one I just addressed uh will non-related question will the Lions be revealing their uniforms around the draft that was the rumor uh it was the rumor that it was going to come out during the draft and I’m wondering if they’re going to keep the

Same helmet you know with this alternate helmet that they have or if it’s going to be completely revamped I don’t know I know the uniforms are getting done but I don’t know what they’re doing with the helmet maybe nothing um but that’s the rumor that they’re going to be on

Display for the draft I don’t know I have no idea um so m p says love the story watch some film The Derek had he has some tools please continue to tell his story uh I haven’t seen any film yet on on this guy uh John Des says we do need a number

One corner hopefully we can draft one that’s the tricky thing man this draft I do want to do a PFF mock tonight I think if you guys are in for it I want to see what’s changed I haven’t even looked at it in a week uh Dem God I would definitely keep

Jacobs Gilmore and SE Howard for experience to teach the young guys see I would take Nelson over Howard all day without without even looking at Howard’s tape I would look at I would look at Nelson first only because I watched his tape and then I looked at his stats and

He’s been pretty darn consistent during his career and he’s going to be pretty uh pretty inexpensive to keep around um and you really bring Jerry Jacobs back like I mean I could see Brad Holmes and Dan Campbell doing that I don’t even know how much his contract is

I guess I should probably look at that to see what what kind of sense it even makes can’t imagine it’s too crazy Jerry Jacobs let’s see here he signed a extremely cheap deal the last three seasons so he’s a restricted free agent agent so I don’t know why these sites

Are not listing I could have sworn Jerry was a free agent um so I don’t know why they’re not listing the restrictedsenses Anthony Pitman Jerry Jacobs khil dorsy all as restricted exclusive free agents you have Chase Lucas so again I guess back to my main point cam Sutton is the only

Guy we got that’s it we got to start over and you might as well at this point so Nelson is a good choice too and yes for Jacobs because if you really think about it he made a uh made more of an impact than any other DB well I guess

You know if the contract’s right there’s nothing wrong with bringing him back and then if he ends up being depth he’s depth right if you bring in a number one corner cor then you solve the problem of not having to play Jerry Jacobs would you agree I think that that would be I

Think that would be the best play get rid of Braden Dennis who’s Braden Dennis I don’t know who that is oh Bonito Jones uh so Bonito Jones is a restricted free agent so there’s an opportunity that he comes back uh I’m more worried about the tight

End position to than I am bringing back Bonito but I think the Bonito is a key piece I’m not real worried on on him coming back I think that he’s a key piece because he’s been in the defense for a little while now and we do need some bodies for

Camp he’s not it’s not like he’s making a ton of money you know I I can’t see him getting much more than the league minimum give me just a second here all right I’m back all right so the next guy up is ogba so ogba is kind of an

Interesting Prospect the dude’s getting paid a ton of money and that’s exactly why Miami is cutting him so is he going to command a giant contract is he worth it at 64 278 uh he runs a 463 and that’s pretty darn fast for a guy his size this last season he had six

Sacks he only had four solo tackles nine assists one force fumble overall grade 57.2 pass rush 67.1 uh total pressures he only had 19 and if we were to look at his uh rest of his stats let’s see what he did this year so he played in the majority of all

The games uh looks like he missed like week nine or 10 could have been a Buy in there um looks like he only missed two games this year so those are terrible stats so is he worth $20 million like he was getting paid I don’t think so so there’s a reason why they’re

Moving on you know he’s a former round two selection uh pick 32 in round two drafted in 200 and 16 so another guy that’s got seven eight years experience again it could be a cheap depth guy it depends on how much he’s going to ask for but these these Lions

Do need to fill out the depth pieces but how many defensive tackles or defensive ends are you going to bring in before you bring in the dog I mean because that’s what we need we just we need someone to come in and round out this defensive line to give us that extra push

So what I wanted to go over tonight is is really just what kind of happening in free agency right now you’re starting to see the noise pick up around the league and there’s going to be a lot of action so there’s going to be a lot of players

That are going to become available here pretty quickly and quite honestly I’m a little surprised that it’s happening this early I just want to pull something up real quick here so looks like the Rams uh agreed to a deal with Demarcus Robinson and then you had the the news coming out about

Miami Steelers released their Center Mason Cole so that one was interesting to me because I mean the Lions need a guard and I doubt that that Mason Cole’s going to want to go play guard anywhere but do you bring in a guy like that to be a backup center uh he was only

Making uh it looks like they freed up 4.75 million so I guess the question is do you bring someone in like like that to help back up ragn now in case ragau has a problem so he was under a threeyear 15.75 million contract 4.5 signing average salary 5.25 million that is not

Bad and if he’s willing to play guard that could be a big bonus for the Lions to have an opportunity to you know slam dunk two two spots right there for backup depth and a potential starting guard uh in case can’t get Jonah Jackson resigned or maybe you’re just deciding

To walk away from Jonah Jackson altogether uh Curtis Wilson says Stephen uh does not have a big enough sample size in my opinion we talking Stephen Gilmore must be uh you know he was a rookie last year right so he needs he needs to show us what he has I mean he

Needs to show the Lions what he has and I think he did enough last season to stick around I’m I’m actually quite surprised that he stayed on the practice squad I think the entire season and and nobody came looking for him uh I can’t remember the guy that uh

Was it Starling Thomas or Sterling Thomas that’s the one that got away and you know if you guys remember last season or maybe you don’t because not all of you were here with me then but I was saying that Sterling Thomas was a guy he didn’t want to let walk away and

Sure enough as soon as you know Cuts Happ and he gets yanked over to what the Arizona Cardinals played quite a few games this year and the reason why that happened is because the lions were betting that that Mosley was going to be ready by week

One and I I I said it from day one I’m like it doesn’t make any sense you’ve got your starters Mosley hasn’t played shove him for four weeks you know put him you know on the transition Reserve uh injured list and shove him just leave

Him there and then in four or five weeks they’ll be ready then you can play him but don’t lose Sterling Thomas and it didn’t work out that way so two guys that you know really played well in in you know the preseason but it’s just preseason uh Sterling Thomas

Proved to everybody uh that he could play in this league because he got quite a bit of time in Arizona Eric Parker says Jonas’s PFF wasn’t good enough let him walk draft the dog yeah there’s there’s plenty of opportunity in this draft matter of fact let’s look at some let’s do a

PFF let me pull one in here you know I I didn’t realize that uh PFF was uh now only giving people like one per day if you don’t pay for the premium which I I’ve had the premium and then they up their rates this year too up to

120 bucks a year last year it was only 79 but they have a 30% off code right now I think it’s called I think it’s 30 MDS uh I’ll put it in the description if you guys want to sign up for PFF premium and do the annual price I think it

Knocks the price down to like 89 bucks or something like that um but before I do PFF so you have the Rams tendered uh in erfa today so any exclusive rights free agents you can work with right now and there’s teams that are doing stuff all over the place Eagles resigned uh their

Tight end Albert I’m not even going to try to pronounce his last name of course the Lions resigned kicker Badgley Chief resigned uh or did sign safety Tyree gillispie that was yesterday Commander signed linebacker Keandre Jones dolphins as we know are releasing xaven Howard and ogba 49ers released quarterback Isaiah Oliver so

He’s going to be somebody that’s next on my list to take a look at um don’t know how much time he played this season have no idea you know what his worth is at this point it doesn’t look it looks like he finished his four-year contract uh and then he agreed to a

One-year deal with the Falon in 22 and then he caught on with the 49ers last season so it sounds like he’s kind of bounced around a little bit but in 2023 he did appear in all 17 games recorded 67 tackles two tackles for loss one interception two passes defensed and one

Fumble recovery so this is going to be a guy I take a look at and can you guess why he has playoff experience he has Super Bowl experience it’s a guy that you know is going to have that chip now that 49ers just dumped them and if you

End up on the lion Squad and you have all of that knowledge those are the guys that I go for so you can pick their brain because we’re expecting to be facing off with the 49ers again at the tail end of next season that’s a guy

That you want to have around to pick his brain about what you know the 49ers do so be on the lookout for Oliver uh to have a potential visit an opportunity with the Lions as soon as he’s allowed to so that’s really all that’s going on

In free agency right now uh few moves over the last couple of days things are starting to pick up and it’s going to start coming real fast and furious as the days Wayne here but I’m going to pull in a PFF mock here and the first

One I want you guys to kind of do it for me like you guys make the picks do a full seven round I’m going to leave the settings the way that they are let me get it pulled in all right everybody see that okay there we

Go okay Justin G says I guess a better question is what star from the Brad Holmes and Dan Campbell area do you think leaves the Lions first man that is a crazy question Justin that is a great question um let me come back to that let me go to

Your previous one you said that you had an oddball question after recent NFL Cuts do you think the pan remains a lion for life he looks like he fits that mold but stuff happens I do I I think that pan is he’s going to get locked up I

Wouldn’t even be surprised urised if the Lions I mean he’s so young I I don’t know if you give him a four or a fiveyear deal why not give him a six or sevene deal I don’t know if it’s I mean I don’t know how long you know of a deal you can

Give players in the NFL um but why not lock him up for a while you know you get them in on a cheap cheaper deal that way because you’re signing them long term and the the price only increases every year you know so after four years it’s going to

Be incredibly hard to keep him you know on that that second or that third contract because he’s still going to be so young he’s like 22 years old uh or 23 whatever it is he’s he’s super young to be you know just now going through a second contract here by next year

Um Mike P says I would not bring Jerry Jay back for anything more than a bench warmer and practice squad I’m in I’m in that boat I’m rolling with you my man he house Ben a minute how you been all the way hailing from California uh he says let Jonah walk

Sign Glascow draft a guard I’m rowing in your boat too brilin Dennis says he freaking loved Starling Thomas I did too man I thought I thought that guy was just a player he was a dog um what about trying to get Gilmore from the Cowboys yeah I mean that Gilmore is

Just a little bit over the hill for me I’d have to go look at his production to make any further comment but from the things that I’ve read he’s he’s really on the tail end of his career from what I understand um but then again you can’t discredit like knowledge and experience

In this league because we’ve seen a couple of 34 and 36 year olds come in this season that handled their business they did okay um cornerbacks a little bit different you know you really need uh pretty fluid body to play Corner in this league because it’s you know unless

You’re coming in in specialty packages um you’ve got to have the goods and and if you’re only coming in on specialty packages then I would I guess argue against uh not bringing them in for you know a considerable amount of money all right so before we do the PFF mock make

Sure you guys uh check out that is sportspy D you guys can get all of your new all of your teams all in one place I love it check it out if you guys haven’t checked it out I promise you you’re going to love how this this website

Works uh they’re an amazing sponsor to have it’s an incredible website I’ve already gotten a lot of great compliments uh about the site and bringing it to your guys’ attention uh so check it out Sports all right let’s move on here lions are going

To be on the clock do we want to do a trade we want to do a trade first do we want to just let it roll first uh first chat I see with an answer that’s what I’m rolling with oh I can see Poppy Lynn said don’t

Even think about trading up in these mock simulators I’ve tried it enough times to know that the final draft results will always suck that’s funny all right Steve K says move up to Arizona you guys know that Arizona is the team that I pegged the Lions to trade with last

Season and I pegged them again this season to be an option now that’s only because they have a ton of picks we’ll see what happens with the uh we’ll see what happens with the uh capacitor picks and if that’s going to change anything trying to make this a little bigger here

There we go is that better okay uh I do not know who will Johnson is in the draft demig God but I’m sure we’ll find out tonight so we’re just gonna we’re g to trade up we’re g to try to trade it’s not giving me the option to trade why not

What’s going on here do want to offer a trade before we start and Arizona here we go we’re going to take their number four we’re going to have to give up 29 we’re going to have to give up next year’s round one and we’re probably going to have to

Give up 92 at a minimum if not more let’s go low they’ll deny it okay they denied it and they got a tongue and picks let’s throw in round three from 25 and they denied it again that’s way too much to give away so we’re going to give up our first pick

Uh number 73 in round one and round three of next year to move up to number four that’s not something I would do but it just happened so for me I I don’t think it’s worth it to move up to number four unless you’re going to take Marvin uh Harrison

Jr that’s just that’s just my thoughts and then you have Nate Wiggins you know there at number nine so there is not a defensive tackle or defensive uh you know end that I would take other than Byron Murphy you’ve also got Quinn quinan Mitchell ter AR on

Arnold so where do you guys want to go wide receiver cornerback defensive line Steve K says Nah trade GF and picks to move up for Marvin Harrison this is a weak draft for our needs it is I think this draft is going to be great in the middle rounds for offensive line

Safety might even be a linebacker in there Marvin Harrison it is Marvin cornerback defensive line oh there’s all options defensive line Harrison Harrison I got three votes for Harrison let’s just go Harrison so by doing this we still have three picks in the top 100 and we took

Number four overall so now that we’re down here we’ve got to get cornerback or end or defensive line right by the way I’ve got a video coming out on rookie or roro I can’t say his name oroo uh coming out tomorrow Al Tori says he would stay at

29 I think I would too if I had to give up that much capital I mean if you look at what it took to move up last year uh that’s what what it’s going to take again this year but Arizon man they’re they’re just going to be collecting all

Sorts of picks cuz somebody’s going to want to move up question is ises Arizona really want to move back I think if they do they’re going to want to stay in the top 10 top 12 all right so we got Jaden Hicks at safety now can Jaden Hicks play Corner

That that’s a question right can he play Corner he’s 63212 he’s a little bit big I don’t know his speed yet it’s why we need the combine got Jonathan Brooks we don’t need a half back we could take an offensive lineman here if there was one that made sense

But you got brillan tce Washington Edge you got rookie which I think you know he definitely won’t be there at 92 and I love Brendan rice see I would have taken I would take Brendan rice you know in the middle round at 73 or 61 versus Marvin Harrison but Marvin

Harrison is such an incredible specimen all right give me a pick we got Trice we’ve got to get a DT in a top corner all right we’re going to take tce we’re going to try to get through this draft quick because this one’s going to suck we’ll take Trice he’s not my

Favorite I think he’s got short arms all right now we’re at 92 we almost need to grab an offensive guard or a corner now we might have an opportunity to get Hayden at 16 three but look who’s there Chris Abrams drain what about mcgoverin where’s he

At whoever showed me that guy or told me to do the the video on him love him so right now he’s at 165 so we’re going to try to get him with our next pick and I’m going to have to move up in the draft to grab him guard guard guard McCormack cornerback

All right so Mason McCormick’s an option let’s take a look and see if we’ve got a good Center guard option in here Bo lemur I’m passing on I wanted I was high on Bo lemur but his arms are a little short and I know I’m a weirdo I’m all about the arm

Length so Mason McCormack let’s take a look at him he’s got great grades wow really good grades uh left guard left guard left guard no Center man you you almost have to take this guy have to theic it is uh BB I checked him out again uh he’s kind of dropping on my

My list and I am going to pull out a full list uh right after the draft of my top top picks there’s Kamal Hayden at 184 we’re not going to get him at 207 so so far we’ve got a guard we have uh Marvin Harrison bra uh Braden tce or brillin tce and

McCormack cornerback yep Kamal I do like Kamal all right let me Whittle the list down there’s mcglover I do I do like mcglover too like I watched his tape and I was really impressed uh yeah ziner he might fall last year I was high on a guy

Um that had an injury and he did fall like crazy so because I just watched m m mcg’s uh tape and I really do like him uh I am uh Vincent smies can I send you a picture of my mock yeah you can just uh email it to info@ ronp podcast

All right let’s pull up M mln here so great grades 91.3 this year uh completion percentage against is a 48% so that’s not terrible man coverage grade 80.3 run defense grade is is solid I mean it’s a 65 so that’s that’s not terrible um play nine games this year so

He didn’t play a full whole season he only had 25 balls thrown his way 12 receptions uh three interceptions did he really take two to the house off an interception or did he play some offense what’s going on there yeah I’ll put the email in the chat just give me one second passer

Rating against 51 point 2 I mean that’s that’s solid solid forced five incompletions one dropped interception five coverage stops so dude solid and if you guys haven’t watched this tape yet you got to do it because you’re going to love it so I say we take my mcglover anybody

Oppose oh let me go back 621 188 so he’s like perfect size and he’ll probably add you know seven eight pounds his first season here’s the email all right we’re going to take uh mcglover let’s see who slips to 207 there we go now you guys can see it

Better got Jaylen Ford is down there at 2117 he’s not terrible um all right so back up to the top here I don’t know anything about Zion log or Zeon log got Jaylen Herold from Michigan Edge I don’t know much about him either any of you University of Michigan people

Have any uh news on Harold he looks like a little light at 242 let’s take a look at his stats pass rush grade 86 run defense grade 73.2 true pass set Rush grade 85. three oh pass rush win rate pretty solid at 19.9 uh outside tackle 451 as far as

Snaps 21 hurries on the season played in uh 15 games so he had a full season my question is is he was he outside the tackle so yeah I think he could work on the right side again I haven’t seen any of his tape uh how did who do against Harrison

Jr Jaylen harl he’s a he’s a DE we also have Solomon bird from USC and then Tanner uh bordini so a center see if he played any guard looks like he played some left guard in 2022 he played some Right Guard in 2022 and then full-time Center in

2023 he is 64 310 so he’s he’s right in that sweet spot probably could be bulked up to 325 it’s all about the arms though if he doesn’t have 33in arms I’d always pass pass every single day I’ll take a kicker with my last draft pick I don’t know if

I’m going to do it in this in this mock but and we have Dylan McMahon I did like Dylan McMahon he doesn’t have the greatest of grades but he does have some versatility at left guard Right Guard and Center uh 64305 so he could definitely bulk up a little bit

But if we’re going to draft best player available based on what the Lions need you got another guard here Javon Cohen uh straight left guard terrible grades though 64 305 what about Tyron hoer left uh linebacker 62 221 so he’s a little light I mean that’s a big safety

All right we need a pick I know these picks suck right now because you’re in the end of the Luke mcaffrey Christian’s brother did you see him in here is he a running back CU we don’t need a running back all right I’m just going to take

BPA here so I’m going to go with what we need and BPA at the same time 65 310 defensive line Zion log Michigan defensive lineman Jaylen Harrell all right Harold’s a good player that’s who we’re gonna take ooh T Talia tug tuava I can’t even say that name today either tua’s

Brother do we need a third uh you know a third quarterback on the roster 511 208 so I mean he’s kind of small prototypical size is 62 and a half Kenny Logan Jr safety we do need safeties all day you can never have enough man he plays all over the place

Plays deep plays in the Box plays a lot down in the box so they must run a lot of nickel 6 foot 205 I think that’s the guy I’m going with also got Evan Anderson from Florida Atlantic decent grades for somebody this late in the draft and he’s a b gapper we

Do need a b g b Gap guy 63 356 who is this dude Evan Anderson man this guy is uh he’s a monster question is can he move grit Warriors only bro I love it the grit Warriors Derek should uh he should trademark that the grit

Warriors you like the safety I like the safety too you’ve also got a tight end here Trey Knox and the lions are light in the tight end Department it all depends on who’s coming back but he’s got a 25% contested catch rate that’s not real high but let me look where

You’re taking him too you know he’s 65 237 so he’s a big boy boy um don’t know his speed so I don’t have enough information on him to to really make an informed decision uh but I’m going to go ahead and take Kenny Logan um I think that you take a safety

This late in the draft you almost kind of have to you need to bring in guys for Camp you know doesn’t mean that he’s going to make the roster but is what it is Marvin Harrison Jr they gave us an a for giving up all that draft

Capital so for giving up four picks two this year and two next year we got one back uh overall B minus in the draft that’s not terrible but Mason McCormack gave us an A minus at 91 Dwight mlan gave us a B+ at 163 so not bad uh brillan tce though for

Whatever reason only a C+ at pick 61 go ahead and take the CFL quarterback player now I don’t know is he listed in here uh let’s find out uh stigers and I don’t see him in here so the code on H PFF is 30 MDS Mary dog

Sam and matter of fact when you go to PFF it it jumps right out at you it’s I I didn’t see stiggers in there all right let’s do one more no trades this time oh I got to redo it I didn’t pick all seven rounds what do you guys think about Justin

Fields more than likely exiting the NFC North and then we’re probably going to have to face off against Caleb Williams which is the guy that I’ve wanted the Lions to draft for a while I said that this would be the year for the Lions to go and draft a quarterback if they were

Going to do it um but GF I mean I’m not saying to move off of Goff but I’m just saying that this was the draft last year was not and way do you see the video droing on M mcglothern too because I’m going to try to get some stats that’s why I

Didn’t come out today all right not stats highlights I’m trying to get some highlights together that uh YouTube won’t give me a fit about because this this guy uh he’s a baller for sure all right here we go Vincent Som says he gave up the first

And the third 2025 picks and got latu Kool-Aid sweat McCormick nent seus and ezam uh I do like sweat I’m not big on latu because of the neck injury I don’t want any play players with Knack or back injuries at all that’s just me personally uh because we’ve seen what

Has happened to Levi anasari and then you know Vai Tai so it’s just I stay as far away from those as possible of course acl’s I can’t stand guys coming off acl’s because you know they’re they’re not going to play um all right Donovan amamos says first round offense second round defense

Third round offense third round defense and or vice versa Donovan Amos do take Kevin Hart in the draft why not uh all right so here we are we are at pick 29 oh Zack Frasier Zack Fraser is a dog 63 310 decent grades tough for competition at his

School play center and he also can play guard but he’s played centers and entire life but you know for someone to come into the league he’ll be willing to play guard and I’m sure that his agent you know they’ve already discussed this that there’s going to be some teams that need

You to play Guard versus center right away and this is somebody that I think that we would love to have back up ragau and learn from ragau and I know it’s the most unsexy pick in the world to grab a center at pick 29 but I’m going to do one more draft

After this I’m going to trade back in the next one so I will let you guys go ahead and pick we’ve got a vote here for Barton and Frasier Barton’s The Tackle at Duke pretty solid grades uh his Gap grades not the best but I’m not real sure that that’s going to

Matter uh straight left tackle so the only the only issue there is you know he he’s backing up he’s backing up Decker and you take a guy this early you know you’re going to want him to start so is he willing to play guard that’s going to be the

Question uh I do not know is let’s look up his arm length real quick so he’s coming in at uh 65 314 32 and 5/8 inch arms so by my metrics and and you know when I went through the top 20 of all uh positions and did the average uh and

Then just from what I’ve known for 20 plus years 33 inch arms are the minimum for tackles if you have short arms it’s going to be very difficult to keep you know those bull rushing you know defensive ends like Aiden Hutchinson off of you and you got to get out and get

Long so he’s he’s a tweener because he’s right on the edge I mean 58s uh and I don’t have a a metric for his hands are measurable for his hands if he had big hands like 10inch hands or something well then I think you know you

Add the two together and you’re fine now if he had N9 inch hands you know obviously that’s a problem so let’s hold off on Barton only because I don’t know if he’s going to play guard you’ve got Tyler nubin as a safety um um First Look tells us he’s 62 210 so he’s

Not totally out of the range to play corner you know can you convert some of these guys you know let let’s go back and look at him for just a second so he only played five snaps that corner he played most of his time uh deep

So he may not be the best cover corner but his coverage C is is a 90.1 is a safety 20% forced in completion rate that’s incredible so I mean there’s there’s options right so which you got Darius Robinson Frasier or Kool-Aid all right let me move down a

Little bit TJ Tampa everyone’s passing on Tampa Darius Robinson is at pick 45 so that’s exactly why I would move back and then you got chop Robinson right there too so let’s try to pick somebody that we know we need right now we need a corner a defensive end a

Center guard or a defensive tackle Frasier Kool-Aid Robinson Frasier Kool-Aid so Kool-Aid or Frasier we got three votes for Frasier all right we’re going for Frasier all right so we went offense now we got to go defense right we got to find a cornerback a defensive end or a defensive

Tackle brillin tce didn’t grade out well last time we’ll stay away from him Austin Booker I’m not high on because he’s he’s kind of skinny now I know that some of the analysts have him pretty high um Mal Kyper being one of them I have Brandon dor loose way over

Him we got devontes Walker as a wide receiver you know who is that one guy uh Xavier Legette this guy you want a big body this is him have you guys seen him play have you watched any of his tape yet Bobby bue yeah let’s let’s Bobby bue the Great Lake State

Guy um Xavier Legette man he he is uh an animal like incredible G it gives you Calvin Johnson buys but maybe we could pick him up at 73 if he’s still there let’s try to get a Defender real quick I think we take Brandon dorus what

Do you guys think I know it’s kind of reaching here but draft Spencer James and then Jordan Baker Spencer James where’s he at I don’t see any of those guys got trand sweat I don’t I don’t think that he’s going to be at 73 for some reason I don’t even know why he’s

Still available so that’s who I’m taking I’m reaching Big Time reach and then look we got Xavier Legette at 72 we at pick 7 73 we still need a corner then you got Brandon Fisk a lot of people are high on this guy defensive line what about Jerry and Jones cornerback 6 foot

191 not terrible grades 87 coverage grade 90.7 man cover there we go so I think if you’re going to go BBA and you’re going to go for what you need at the same time we know that we need a corner we’ve already got defense and offensive line

Taken care of and this guy’s a man corner I think you almost have to take him and to your point there the the Legette yes I would love to have Legette but it doesn’t fit the BPA right now yeah I don’t see him falling that far either I think that once he gets

Through the combine he could potentially slip early early in the second so we’ve got Brandon D loose Darion Jones Chris Abrams drain uh there was somebody else in here I think we have to take Jerry and Jones he’s a cover corner all right take Jones I see a vote for

Jones so pick 92 is just about it I mean you’re really not going to have much luck after this that’s why this next one that I’m going to do I’m going to try to trade up and try to add some picks oo here’s the guy that I just did a video

On he is a brad Holmes guy all day long all day his numbers are not the greatest he had an off year in this last season but I seen enough on the tape to tell me as a b Gap guy that we do need um and I don’t know if a lot of

People pay attention to that you know if you you do these PFF mock drafts or you know do you really look at how the defense utilizes the players and the positions and we we are heavy on the B Gap so it almost makes sense to grab

Somebody like that uh I do not think Dwayne Carter is going to be here at you know he’s ranked 102 I do not think he’s going to be here at 92 assuming that he has a really good combine um but at the same time Renardo green is another solid man cover guy 6′

186 we need a lot of Corners in this draft yes Dwayne Carter is an amazing locker room guy 1,00% uh laugh out loud allamerican TV show Spencer James and Jordan Baker okay so you’re just screwing around I got you gotcha next draft trade down four to six

Bots yeah that’s the goal I want to trade back and see if I can add another pick this Matt uh Gan Cales I’m going to do a video on him too his grades may not be the best but once you watch this guy’s tape and he’s someone that has right and left tackle

Experience uh great backup behind both of our tackles especially if somebody you know were to get injured 66 330 uh has the arm length he is somebody I do like and he would be somebody that I would take right here here but we already took an offensive

Lineman and I mean again this is going to be a draft that you can’t get enough and then there’s Mason McCormack you know we do need a guard I think that’s where I’m going to have to go I see we are looking to spend Brady daddy Brad’s money 1,000% Roger or Robert sorry

1,00% all right so I would go McCormick Abrams drain 511 178 is a little too small for me Dwayne Carter defensive line Renardo green good cover corner all right the next vote takes it yeah Joshua Baker he could replace Skipper or Matt Nelson uh Matt Nelson didn’t come back this last season though

I’m wondering if he’s even going to be back and Skipper I think will be back I think he’s too much of the heart and soul of this team all right we’re going guard McCormick it is and I don’t like you know going from 93 to 163 that is way too big of a

Gap uh I do like sweat I I do like sweat a lot uh and I would have taken him but uh oh oh boy now now you got Theo Johnson sitting there right right for the taking he’s moved up a few spots um and you almost have to take him

The guy’s way too good and we do need a tight end especially if we want to continue but then you got Dwight mcglothern there too yeah it’s too big of a gap that’s why I would love to move back and add another pick in the fourth round or or late in the third

Round uh because it it just makes sense there’s going to be a lot of players like we’re seeing right here would you really want to pass on a mln or you know a Theo Johnson you know and some of these other guys in here that are going to be available I

Wouldn’t all right Theo it is I have a feeling this draft might grade out pretty good I did watch the tape on Frank Gore Jr fun to watch uh too bad we don’t need a halfback but at 5’8 I’m sure he’s more like 5’7 um I

Think he’s going to be able to do something in the next the next level but I just don’t know how soon he’s going to be able to get in I can’t remember the guy from uh the Cowboys but his his dad works for the Cowboys and he was drafted

There and and he actually played pretty darn well you know for a smaller running back he had a heck of a season all right so next up I still think that we need to try to find some cornerback help here or is there any flyers on a wide

Receiver that we would take at 207 seven uh you got Dylan McMahon there Center again we need a center and a guard McMahon sitting there yeah we don’t need to worry about it right I see that we got we got our uh our number one corner coming by ways of uh Mr

Horn all right let’s see who’s next here let’s see who we got again I’ll pull up McMahon and show you guys terrible grades it’s got the size 64305 a center that can play guard Holy Cross guys are are generally pretty darn good Right Guard which we do need 66305

So he could put on 20 lb and Brian EGU 63 250 is a little too small for me all right so what’s our next move guys where we going Johnny Dixon Penn State cornerback terrible grades it’s almost like a pick him when you get down here what about Josh Wallace from Michigan Bobby Tarantino what’s happening yeah we’re just doing a couple

Of the mock drafts round out the night we did a good story on uh stiggers earlier uh dude is had it just has an incredible story I had to read it uh we did pick McCormick uh I thought I don’t I think we picked Frasier too the

Josh Wallace looks like he has some pretty decent grades here in man cover is not the best but he’s got a decent coverage grade uh pretty low completion percentage uh one dropped interception definitely plays Corner pretty low pass rting again 66.2 I think I’m going to take a flyer

On Josh Wallace we still need some cornerback help and last pick of the draft for us Andrew Ray Center let’s take a look 64 309 little light oh I clicked out of it no guard experience in college go safety all right let’s pull up the safeties

Here normally I would take a kicker here because we need a kicker got Kenny Logan Jr again uh coverage grade plays all over the place all right that’s it for this one here oh we got some terrible grades trand sweat we did take sweat B minus so Zack Frasier netted us

A c minus at 29 Rand sweat we we reached 30 spots to take him jeren Jones cornerback B minus Mason McCormick man he’s getting a really great grade there at 92 Theo Johnson is a B Josh Wallace is a good grade is a b and Kenny Logan C plus

So you netted two corners and a safety uh a center a guard and one defensive lineman I mean I wouldn’t be mad I really wouldn’t I mean I I I hate always going trenches but I wouldn’t be mad um and all of this is going to change you know it’s it’s going to

Change as soon as the combine is is over all of this stuff is going to change and that’s where I’m going to be able to figure out who’s moving where and and there’s going to be a lot of stuff you know from everybody that’s going to change and

That’s what I love about the NFL man you just you never know until it happens all right let’s try to get a trade here so I want to try to trade back if Brad Holmes moves up it’s going to have to be into the top 20 and that I

Haven’t done one of those yet only because I don’t know really who has enough draft Capital you know that that would be willing to trade back so Carolina I mean only going back four spots Maybe why is it not letting me go any further back am I missing something here why

Can’t I go back any further I’m definitely not dropping all the way to 55 but I would like to go into the second round and it’s trying to force me to stay into the first well let’s see what Carolina has they have 33 so here’s a move that I would do this

Is what I would do all right 33 and I’m going to give Them obviously 29 but they’re going to have to give me 65 they’re not going to take this I’m going to have to make two trades but I don’t like the gap between 92 and 163 so let’s see if they’ll throw in 102 all right let’s do it so this is going to be a peer draft that I would do so this is what I would be looking at all right get safety safeties are all r ranked late like real late into the you know second round which could be good for the Lions

It really could but because these grades are terrible right now I hate the way that it grades I’m going to take Tampa Lions need a corner bad and then I’m going to double it up you can never have enough I think by pick 73 I think I

Would still be able to grab somebody on the defense defensive line or offensive line Mason mccormicka might be able to get him at 92 you saw Mason I didn’t see a mason wow Xavier Legette is still there yeah they are brutal they’re very brutal they’re tough tonight and you got Braden Fisk sitting

There too he’s got a very low pass rush win rate but you know technique is everything and he does play a lot of B Gap so it’s almost like you have to do it if you really want to set the stage for this defense and and and to really have an impactful

Season hey what’s happening Sports talk with Rob haven’t seen you in a while man how you been who did you say you saw you saw sweat in there I didn’t see sweat oh my God he’s still there let’s see if we can snag him at 90 he’s he’s I think I’d

Rather go with Fisk I mean I I know we need offensive line badly but there’s some offensive linemen in the free agency market too that almost makes sense to get and that’s what I’m banking on I’m banking on you know pulling in a guard in the free agency

Market yeah the combine will make this a lot easier because it’s it’s hard and it that it changes all the grades but I I like Braden Fisk uh the only concern that I have about Braden Fisk is is measurables um he’s got 31 inch arms so I I just I can’t do

It if you struggle with 32 and 38 inch arms you’re going to struggle with 31 so I’m going to have to do it I got I got to grab the stud wide receiver I have to yeah 31 inch is terrible Mason McCormick you already know I want to

Take him because he he’s going to round out our offensive line pick that we desperately need and this guy is a dog I’m gonna take him 102 is the pick that we added and 102 is Dwayne Carter look at that that lined up good but I do like

Ronaldo green or ronard green doesn’t have the best run defense grade but again that a lot of that stuff can be fixed with technique um he is a really good cover Corner man cover Corner Lions need Corners I’m drafting a corner I still don’t like that weight I mean there’s there’s a lot

Of a lot of players getting taken between 102 and 163 that could benefit the Lions I hope that they somehow figure out a way to add some more draft capital and that’s a giant reach for Kamal Hayden but he’s going to be gone so we need corners and I think he’s

Going to be a game changer and we do need a center that can play guard 64 325 is pretty big that’s that big dude that’s like 360 pounds what about Jaden cretti anybody know anything on this guy 65305 then Keith Randolph played with uh the other guy from

Illinois all right two more picks here last pick should be a kicker but for tonight it’s not going to be I’m taking the safety or lapido pretty good guy all right you guys can crucify me later but you want to address needs in the draft you almost have to address them

All that’s a pretty damn good draft if you ask me B+ B B A minus a minus couple of C’s there at the end um but look what we addressed we got one two three corners in a safety and I think that we all agree that our

Cornerbacks are terrible you bring in a class like this that hopefully you know these guys can make it onto the field you got a dog and a wide receiver I mean that dude is an absolute animal and I think rookie is going to be pretty good he reminds me of

Anza not a whole lot of experience and you guys will see that in the in the tape that I that I’m going to be doing uh that’ll be coming out tomorrow uh I’m sorry the video but we also o grabbed a guard and a center that can both play

Guard and we we’ve got some good good depth here the only thing that we’re missing here is you know a lot more defensive line help but this is a defensive line draft that is you know really thin so if you don’t move up you don’t move up and and

You’re just not going to be able to get you know the players that you need Sports talk with Rob says I guess a kicker don’t matter when your coach goes for it on Fourth and 50 every time uh Amo says I’m going to send my

Mock draft go ahead I’ll I’ll look at it and then when I jump back on uh tomorrow or the next day I’ll review them and and we’ll see what we got so all right so tonight I appreciate you guys all jumping in to listen to the story uh of

Stigers man incredible story I I hope the guy uh does something in the NFL I hope someone gives him a shot because he deserves it and and you know quite honestly there’s there’s going to be a lot of movement over the next couple of days there’s going to be be a lot of

Action um I’ll try to bring you guys you know the best information that I can as I know it and we’ll have some fun with it man we’re just starting to get ramped up we are one week away well less than one week away from the NFL combine uh

I’ll be down there on uh the first night for sure uh taking in the festivities and we’re going to have some fun with it so all right y’all I appreciate y’all for joining tonight for rockdown Detroit Lions and offthe cuff podcast you guys have yourself a wonderful Friday night

I’m finally going to go eat dinner so until next time y all take care of yourself bye-bye


  1. So glad your covering this. I've been on it for about a week and I add a couple comments about it here. I hadn't heard anyone talking about him and he's not even on a lot of the radars since he wasn't in college but I definitely think this guy is worth taking a flyer on at least. I just love the story and I'm so glad Lions are bringing him in and taking a look at him. Benito wasn't great but thank God we had him, he took a lot of snaps and I'm sure they will bring him back for depth at least

  2. What do you think about Khyree Jackson from Oregon I like his size and think he could be a good target

  3. LOL. Everybody on this side of the Atlantic is a month behind the British Lions channel! They singled this young man out a month ago! I guess better late than never. Amazing story and I'm glad he's finally getting noticed.

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