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Crossover: Warriors Winning Ways & What’s Bugging You

Willard and Dibs join Steiny and Guru for a Friday edition of The Crossover. The guys react to last night’s Warriors win over LeBron-less Lakers, and more. Plus, the guys dive into What’s Bugging You, brought to you by ATCO Pest Control.

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Debo has a special package and now I’m getting concerned that when he’s oh gosh I am ready to go now back to steiny and Guru on 957 the game all righty steiny and Guru we are now joined by Willard and dibs and at some point we will get

To the what’s bugging you segment brought to you by a pest control uh I can’t wait you want to do it right off the bat or you want to wait a minute no we do it it twoo yeah let’s wait okay I think you’re right okay do it now you’ll leave at

202 he’s already clocked in you twoed son of no we don’t look at me I don’t know why you take offense to this we want you to stay I know you do and why won’t you stay a lot of guilt just go here’s a great here’s the part I’m going to let

People in on this one I’ll start singing JY so yesterday yesterday I sent a text to the four of us and I say hey guys it’s a it’s I got my month posttop and and I couldn’t get the Mr the X-ray scheduled for any time after 2

2:30 is the latest I could go so it looks like I’m going to miss this last segment no worries no we’re a fraternity you s this dear job I thought something was wrong his fake heart just rankled he go will respond I didn’t give it a like I gave

It a love know Mark loved Stein message he goes did will it respond I said he loved it you’re damn right he did he responded in kind all you guys an apology you do we’re a fraternity and Brotherhood here in family serious I run into FP at the Warrior game bloop and I

Just interrupt your lives and send pictures that I didn’t have to send but I’m that guy that want my family to know I would my brother and it happened by accident we’re having a good time so I apologize will and dibs I got no I mean

What’s wrong with that did you send it via text yeah I put a group message see dibs doesn’t even know that he got ITB for I responded right away I didn’t get but my point is I didn’t have to send it to you you’re right it’s not a group

Text you just sent it to me okay ohb now you have to apologize it went to three other places I hey Evan got one I thought I had you guys all on the same one all 212 st’s gone I’ll see you 212 oh boy you know you my dude man I put it

On the group one me joy any time you guys are look at you but D I’m telling you I thought I had you on there so it was an air that’s why I’m apologizing no runs no drifts no errs another win for the shout out kryon yeah that was Johnny

Johny Ben L of ourselves that was back yeah so I guess I’m uh I’m on the B Team I’m the Klay Thompson to you I’m on the bench I we still pay you 30 hey according to Guru at least 30 hey hey hey 25 on a scale of 1 to 10

10 what do you think Joe what’s on Joe lob’s sentimentality meter do you think how sentimental is he no for Life The Warriors oh he’s a he’s a six oh I’ll take the under I would take the under there take the well it depends on if

Clay says you know I’ll play for 14 then the sentimentality goes to a nine if clay says I want 30 then the sentimentality goes to a one I would argue that’s not sentimentality that’s business but what is sentimentality when you are the billionaire owner of the Warriors I don’t think it’s much there’s

No such thing correct that’s why I take the under right yeah I don’t think he’s thinking that way at all um I think that uh here’s how I would say it the sentimentality breaks all ties but if it’s not a tie there’s no s well didn’t Draymond get some of that in

This 4400 stotty disagrees I no Draymond is still a winning player yeah I don’t think that’s sentimentality I think that’s that like Steph Curry wanted Draymond to finish his career with him so he stays and Draymond still plays winning basketball more than clay plays winning basketball give you that this if

Curry wants clay here he’s gonna be here I won’t go I won’t go that far well yeah I don’t does Curry want clay here like he wants Draymond here I Steph’s not the GM he’s not the GM but all things wink wink well they run through him okay you

You run things clay going to come across his dance hey is it the most under discussed sound clip and maybe the most under thing I’ve heard through the last month of all this Warrior stuff and I couldn’t even tell you exactly when and where it was but Steph Steph at a press

Conference out loud said Klay Thompson is now adjusting to a new role and and for that to come from Steph Curry I missed that one right did everyone I missed that one too I’m not saying am I making this up I Steph Curry some point over the weekend I think or whether it

Was the All-Star week or it was coming out of it getting ready for from practice couple of days ago he made a reference to Klay Thompson adjusting to a new role and I was like Wow for that to come from Steph as opposed to Steve

And to speak about it as if right like this done it’s not something we’re doing on a Tuesday man something we’re doing for the rest of the year and maybe the rest of his career that’s what it yeah that’s what I heard that’s what I hear when I hear that that’s fascinating yeah

Boy that that that’s almost saying and we’re all starting to realize Klay will never be the same player like right it’s one thing to think that but I’m there was a juncture in the game I’m in the arena he has zero points and it’s it’s

About and he had a good he passed he facilitated but Willard no the the clay experiences he had 35 and he had zero and you could tell it wasn’t sitting well with him so I had the clay cam on are we going to see the slumpy shoulders

Or is he going to just and I didn’t see the you know but then he scored and there was just relief you know again he had three but three points yeah it’s just like 353 and now be 50 tonight he’s averaging 19 a night off the bench it’s

Going well 19 W 19 a night but I was more struck by what we heard he did pregame like Trace Jackson Davis’s night was largely due to Clay and and that wasn’t on accident that was an actual strategic approach that they talked about before the game if if we are going

To spend as much time as we have have breaking down the mental health of Co of Klay Thompson and um the frustration that that has led to for the organization and fans then when he gets benched and scores 35 and the next game they have he sits down a rookie and goes

Here’s what we’re going to do like we’re g to you’re going to roll to the hoop and I’m going to and I’m going to Dish to you so that you can have a 17-point night that’s pretty Health w i i i love that from him one for nine be damned

Yeah I feel like uh the true test is going to come on the road trip I think when in a game games like last night when you’re at home and you’re playing pretty well boy it’s tough to it’s tough to be a powder and a moper at home when

The you got the home yeah when you when you’re when you playing pretty well you’re up by 20 so you know if if let’s say they go on this road trip and you know stub their toe and Milwaukee or you know whatever and he’s not playing well

Can he do it then you know can he keep his head up then and and fight through it on the road because that’s Road’s tougher I I you gota you gota you got to be an actor at home because that’s the worst that’s the worst look ever if the

Warriors are up 14 against the K uh whoever and pods is playing well and you’re over there moping like we’ve kind of seen that at home yeah that video of December 13th game remember and he was letting dibs he was going in on were they were they winning or losing that

Game I think they were winning but it wasn’t a blowout he was frustrated yeah I just you know I’m Pro clay you think no I’m just yeah no that’s good yeah I yeah and I know I’m just telling you man it’s gonna if Curry doesn’t want

Him gone he’s not going anywhere and for Joe lob to say Draymond Green is like a brother right in that kakami piece that just I’m in the bed reading that like okay we can laugh or those are just words but I get it they they’ve got they’ built something they’ve had

Experience so clay has none of that you guys think and they already offered them 24 million I don’t think it’ll be 12 now cuz you had a bad season no but it might be 20 and if you’re Joe lob and you’re looking at where you are and and job one

Is get below the apron and job two is get below the tax and so you look at where that would be for clay that’s probably 20 or 25 at the most you’re going to give him and you know he’s only getting two years from the Warriors I

Think and we just talked about that and I heard it and you’re right and C Steph has two more and Wiggins has three more and Dre has three more or actually Wiggins has two more I think and a player option so you’re looking at two

More for clay so do you give clay 3 and 60 or 2 and 50 if you were lob which one would you rather do you’d probably you’d probably rather do three and 60 and then eat that third year and and say all right clay you know we can either we can

Either cut you for the 22 million or whatever that would be or we can keep you but I think job number one is to get down and get out of that repeater because if you’re still in the repeater not only do you pay that exorbitant tax

Bill you lose a draft pick in 2029 well uh the cynical brain first round pick gone yeah yeah cynical brain would also think this and I didn’t think of it until last night and you don’t do cicis I don’t which is why I was maybe really

Late to the party maybe you all thought of this last week but uh clay coming off the bench could well keep him a warrior exactly and I don’t mean that because oh he’s accepting his role I mean that because there is a a plausible scenario the rest of the way where his

Stats kill his financial M it’s a great Point yeah and and therefore it like if he if he has a bunch of if he has more threo nights the rest of the way is Philadelphia coming with $30 million Nick season right no no and so I wonder

If the Warriors I think there are multiple reasons for why they made this move some of them more obvious than others but I wonder if that didn’t come up in their strategic conversations with this move because he’s made some comments like I’m all kind of like it

Was a week ago Ray Allen or job I’m I just got a perfect this role and I was like oh that’s a okay and and what does he say about it while they’re winning N9 of 11 you can’t say a damn a word can’t say a word and I thought it was

Interesting what you guys threw out earlier it might have been UST steiny I’d rather give credit to Guru so I’m going to say that it was Guru even though mad at me no more you were on the threat I thought I’ll text you right now di if it

Makes you feel I’m good but I thought you the picture that goo sent me the reason why Guru didn’t text me is because uh right now in our little Domino thing is he’s getting cuffed around right now yeah by the way where have you gone on Words With Friends uh I

Played I played moments ago okay been about threey honestly the only reason why I came back to Words With Friends was because you were laid up oh got you you’re the only game I have going oh what a God yeah let me do the legal and

Then you can do the your thing you’re listening to 957 the game kgmz FM in HD1 San Francisco always live on the free Odyssey app twitch and YouTube powered by first NorCal Credit Union it is 2:00 so I might as well get put in the back

Burner 2:00 this feels like the way it should be uh stand down yeah Mark you got something to say I’m sure go ahead I was just wondering how many what was the good point how many years somebody made how many years till this group is playing chess at an outdoor Park picnic

Table five Willard I’m go three to five words with friends oh oh this group he talk about us well first of all it’s a game that is thank clay th yeah so did I it’s like mobile Scrabble and I’m well aware of what it is my 80-year-old mom plays

Yeah we the only person I know answer for everything well and he’s I don’t even know how to play Willer God forbid he hat on like a coach or a GM but he’ll come at me being guy no you know uh farhan’s fine but you 10 years ago I

Played Words With Friends with steiny and I actually met a listener who’s become a really good friend his name is Curtis Abby oh wow uh big Kurt and I’ve played many many rounds of golf with Curtis So Words With Friends actually led me to many friendship bring people

Together I haven’t played in six or seven years and then steiny was laid up with surgery and I thought how can I reach out to him during his time well some of us think of our friends but and I thought you know what I’m gonna get

The app and I’m gonna ask Dy if he’s still playing cuz I know he’s really good at it and I’m I’m good but not as no you won more than me no no no you’re than historically I think you like I’m under 500 against you I incorrect incorrect anyway out humil

Only only old only older than playing Words with Friends is arguing about who better at words with unable right now I mean what is happening let me bring did you have a warrior point and what’s Bug love to hear it my warrior point oh I tell you it’s bugging meing it it pisses

Me off I’ll be honest with you and I don’t know which one of you did it somebody in this office did it but that’s coming up in two minutes his point was if you were clay would you rather get 2 and 60 with Philly or 2 and

55 with the Warriors or 2 and 50 with the Warriors that to me is interesting because if you’re clay would you rather stay here take a little bit of a haircut Sniff and be the six man or go to a new destination and try to be new clay

Somewhere else I think it’s less about the money and more about the role like let’s see what happens with 28 games and how he feels in terms of being a six-man right like there are times many examples we all know them through history the microwave like there are people who have

Been the six man who are also the man oh man you can you can do things CW right you can do things out of that role so let’s see is it 35o clay or three-point clay what what right like which happens more over these last few games and we’ll

See how he’s blending with it I know that you usually athletes take the biggest offer that’s obvious right but I can’t imagine that 5 million bucks at this point in his career would send clay to the East Coast for the remainder of his career unless he thought unless he

Thought that was either a a better roll or B a better shot at another ring right even if it’s 10 million I think you did 2 and 50 or 2 and 60 I think it was the scenario and I thought it’s interesting especially like what you’re talking

About Mark and he loves the ocean and he loves the bay and he’s in tiberon and pH you’ve got a situational Health well you’ve got a coach that you know teammates that you love and so you think these 28 games I think the I think it’s already defined if he’s coming back or

Not you Steiny’s like all these whether he’s back or not cuz Curry is I feel like Curry’s goingon to tap into what he tapped in with Draymond to where they had dinner with the owner that’s just me but it is kind of intriguing like also he’s kind of playing for it

His tenure in a or the money I called I called this I called this Warrior Survivor two days ago and I think everyone trying to not get voted off the island and he’s AB like there are very few who we know are not going to get

Voted off the island we know Steph pky probably probably kaminga um but like all of these guys are are are playing for a role here or someone else some some of them would probably like to be on a different team Moses Moody I I bet you all three of you may disagree with

This but I think I actually think if if the season ends and I and obviously How It Ends is going to impact who’s actually going to make him an offer but like I actually think like the Pistons I guess they have like 60 million in cap

Space if the Detroit Pistons said to you know if there’s a free agent out there tier one that they know they can get for 35 and they have enough to give clay 25 I think clay would go to Detroit for you know 80 million over three years now would they ever would they

Ever offer him that they would have to think that they’re much closer than anybody else they have no shooting yeah but I think it’s I think it’s about the money I don’t know because that’s his dad like I’m his dad has you know responded to this stuff on Twitter

Before champagne and Nets onwi she’s Inc consistent a Mark’s former partner he’s a dub he’s a yeah but he I like it’s kind of interesting he won’t come on any no he ghosted you no he doesn’t ghost me maybe I should reach he text he texts me

Back within 10 minutes every time and he says I’m good nope and that’s probably he knows he knows why we’re call all right I hear you he’s so tapped in he’s yes he’s working for the Lakers but he is he is one of the biggest

Family men I’ve ever met in my life and he knows every damn thing that’s going on with those boys he knows damn well what’s being said up here he don’t want to come on here oh is he is your son having attitude does he have a mental

Health problem does he want to stay you didn’t want to talk about that what’s he going to say exactly what’s bugging you D yeah what’s bugging you courtesy of ATO Pest Control we’re now on The Crossover with dibs we’re doing it what’s bugging you well who wants to

Start I’ll start because you know we work in an office where uh we have a new office and it’s beautiful and uh we’ve gone from two floors to one so now we have probably 80 or 90 employees working on one floor which means we all share one bathroom

So you go in the bathroom and uh you know we’re lucky enough to have a urinal and two toilets so is anyone else nervous right now I’m terribly nervous I’m so nervous right now I can’t wait you’re my partner which is why I’m nervous but anyway go ahead you should

Be nervous I’m terrified somebody in our office and I’m assuming it’s a male and I’m not trying to uh gender bathroom right well could be a uh non-binary individual who choose chose to identify with this gender and use that urinal but you go to the urinal this about 5 days

Ago and you know when you’re about to do your business yeah you inevitably look down and there’s a piece of gum that somebody spat out into the Ural that’s not acceptable and I’m looking at this and I and I look at it and I go you know

What this this is somebody who’s got no no understanding for the person the janitorial specialist who has to come in here put on the glove and grab that piece of gum out before they clean the urinal that is completely soiled by all of our DNA and I thought you know what what

Insensitive completely clueless individual would spit their gum out into the urinal to be whizzed upon day after day after day until our janitorial expert comes in and cleans it up and I thought you know what this is really bugging me and that piece of gum sat

There day after day after day and you know we’re all guys was it blue that’s on me no see I had gum during the show I had gum so you think it was me I didn’t say that you smiled and Evan looked and smile I had gum on air just yesterday D

So it wasn’t me it was the day before I would never do that you’re a person of interest it’s very early it’s very early in the process was me I’m I fished it out now with the DNA lb so I’ll have answers I promise I have gum on this

Show you go are you doing gum I’m going to take a queue from the 925 we are you talked about us being a fraternity you know what it’s probably FP all right there you go put the gum in the toilet it wasn’t me well thank you I’ll just say this YouTube thinks it’s

Me it wasn’t it was a piece of white gum and when was this y this was about a week ago oh yeah so I just had do thate I’m a gum I mean it’s Gumm I’ll just say this and you know we’re all guys and when you see something

That’s in the eral your instinct is to aim at it and I mean am I oh that I got that problem yeah am I wrong and it’s like you’re okay let’s see if I can move let’s see if I can get this thing all the way around clockwise

Counterclockwise this poor piece of gum and so our custodian and that’s real dude he has to go in there and put on the glove and it’s like he’s got a Steve wils you know I’m built for this oh you guys got a I don’t mean to make this non

Sports but that really bugged me no that’s that is there was nothing but truth but that was also the most dibs what bugging me I thought it was the trash tell you far’s inability to build I just want I want for you for to not be

So triggered by such things dude oh wow just fire on the gum and move on with your day I fired on be be you need more ignorance as Bliss in your life no what what I need you do no cuz I think about people who actually have to do the

Things that we won’t do that’s beautiful that’s beautiful and I know the guy who comes in he comes in I say h we pound it out exactly great I’m going go next can I go next like to the urinal no to the what’s bugging yeah please go ahead

Sensations we have friends and family and I just I’m in this market I’m in this medium what we do radio and I’m just I love all my friends and family but they think they’re program directors so this goes out this is personal to my buddy Hawk who tells me and gives me

Guru analytics during the crossover that I don’t get enough shots oh God and I tell Hawk I’m coming out four hours hawk sometimes you got to P they’re not doing they’re they’re passing me to rock Haw but he’ll send me a text on my analytics

That I don’t get in enough and I feel like I’m Russell Westbrook on this thing so we go back at it and I’m like Haw I’m okay brother I’m getting my touches so just for the wannabe PDS out there you don’t know you’re not right all the time

Be real with me does he take shots at me cuz I definitely take more than my 25% we coming off four hours I need you to do it all right yeah so Hawk I love you your heart’s in the right place but it’s like come on starty I got I’m fighting

You four hours I’m fighting too many battles dude you’re fighting for your life dibs is like I get four words an hour why are we worried about Guru yeah poor goo doesn’t get the talking out yeah’s half asleep over boy thinking people in my keep it moving oh boy go

Ahead Mark I am ready to go if you want I’ll be I have my annual physical this morning this is awesome yeah I’m not going to I’m not we’re not going to go into into anything no metrix no I’m not going to yeah were you asked to cough uh

No I was not uh everything is looking good they’d maybe like me to put some chia seeds in the smoothies other than that we we’re doing fine yeah we’re doing I’m very Yeah clean bill uh knock on wood feeling good uh in the neighborhood here’s what I want to know

And do you guys know who Nate barazi is the comedian one of my favorites I’m gonna go see him for the second time in my life here in a few months and he’s got a whole bit about this what is that form that you need to fill out every time you

Go and why don’t they have it on file but here’s the next thing today was a new experience for me because I did this here in the office yesterday so you know what I’m going to do because they always they call you all week right you could

Pre-check in you could preche you know what I’mma do it and I spent 15 minutes on the phone answering every question you could possibly imagine about me and every relative I’ve ever had resps hep a he B submit my MRI I arrived right on time today say Sir will you please put this

Mask on I said absolutely I didn’t know we were still doing that but you got it put the mask on and then they go would you please fill out this form oh no and I was like At first I was like such a right except for here’s what was

Weir it was such a you want to know what was on the form will you ple write what’s your name oh what doctor are you seeing oh man what date is it sign you have that info you made the appointment totally I need to tell you

What doctor works here why do they force you to sign something every time totally they don’t even know how to start an appointment unless they give you a clipboard I’m like you’re good can we just do this I got kids at home and places to be anyway that’s it I love it

That’s it yeah and your your physical was good everything was fine what you got was there a glove involved yeah there two oh oh boy what’s bugging me I would say you haven’t left yet is what’s bugging you we know 23 strong answer really good what’s I

Guess what’s bugging me is this uh is is a notion that I think that is well way overstated that Steph’s running this team and whatever Steph wants goes I I just I think Joe Steph this is what we’re thinking what do you think you’re thinking but this notion if Steph wants

This it will happen and like I don’t I don’t think it’s like that I I don’t like I don’t if the Golden State Warriors decide they want to move off clay for whatever reason Steph can’t save him like you can’t make Joe lob pay a guy if he and Mike Dunley don’t think

That’s best for the franchise I’m not saying I get Bob said it on the on the show we go through sta you can go through staff but that doesn’t mean he’s running the show he’s just a he’s an important voice that’s all nice all CH

Man I had a great time you were supposed to be on there brother and I’m G send it to you anyway no you don’t have to I already did who’s the bald guy in the middle oh Frank 49er Frank 49 Frank he came out to our venue

Uh Sandro at the bar so and FP there you go yeah he must have been on that thread all right J have a great weekend Monday or Guru will do it several times over Tex steiny

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