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Notre Dame football show: Hyde and Singer answer call-in questions from Irish fans

Blue & Gold’s Mike Singer and Tim Hyde discuss the latest Notre Dame Fighting Irish football and recruiting topics.

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Notre Dame football show: Hyde and Singer answer call-in questions from Irish fans

#notredame #GoIrish

Well what is going on Notre Dame fans Mike singer and Tim Hyde live with you on a Wednesday night we have a really fun show lined up really excited to get into it so folks please hit the thumbs up on this video before we dive into things subscribe to our YouTube channel

Of course for more content and our offer uh for new subscribers is $1 for two months over at so all the Spring ball coverage all the recruiting Intel talking with thousands of other Notre Dame fans on the loose Emoji Message Board you get it for just

A buck for your first two months so please check that out it’s over thank you uh for the folks who are watching live for the folks who are watching back and those who are listening via podcast again Tim this show that we’re doing tonight we’ve never done anything like this um maybe

That’s a little much but I think this is going to be a very entertaining show it’s gonna be informative but I think entertaining um is really what it’s going to be so folks um yeah grab a beverage grab a snack and uh we’re going to dive into this this I’m pretty pumped

But first you know when I send you when I send you our outline him I’m like let’s we’re going to we’re going to you know shoot the shoot you know we’re just gonna chitchat chit chitchat for a little bit throw something at Tim I love throwing stuff at Tim that he’s not

Prepared for this tweeted out today how about this Tim Bruce Feldman’s top head coaches did you see this uh I actually have the article in my email I just haven’t read it yet one through 10 time seeing this this one through 10 in order Filman okay Kirby Dabo Lance leapold

Kanas I me I guess if I guess if you turn Kansas around number three buffalo and Kansas so but anyway go ahead uh dor four Ryan day five Brian Kelly six James Franklin seven and then ring ring out list Kyle Whittingham Lincoln Riley Mike norell what are your thoughts on this

And do you think that Freeman should be in this or do you think it’s finally not in there oh I don’t think Freeman should be in the top 10 coaches list that’s that’s my humble opinion he’s only been there two years I think Freeman great question about Freeman Freeman’s got to be lumped

In Feld Feldman’s always have this policy of not moving coaches in that are new so I wonder if he’s still if he’s still doing that meaning because you got to jump uh Freeman if you’re think of Marcus Freeman think of his core of coaches Dan Lanning um with

Obviously he’s have two great years then you got venables Freeman Mike Elco heck what they’re all D coordinators so you got a bunch of four XD coordinators are head coaches now with Elco being the one that’s got his second job meaning moved up from duke to a bigger job at A&M but

Um that’s going to be an interesting to watch who who takes the brains out of those four so to speak I don’t know God I can’t think of any other coaches that are brand new been only two years at a job you know what I mean so yeah there’s

Someone out there po Post in the chat please but I would put Freeman in that group where’s Freeman rank out of those four now so you’d probably think Lanning Elco one two Freeman three and venables four so going from there but on this list yeah I mean I mean there’s no Sabin

There’s no harball so those two are OB obviously instant top three gone Kirby moves up people could say what they want about dbo man with 134 consecutive years ranked every year he’s had 10 plus wins outside of this year he won nine obviously and I know I’m a Dabo Homer

But man yeah you know as I’ve mentioned his this Clemson year was like Notre Dame’s 2011 when they lost South Florida when Mike singer was partying at school um not partying partying for the game Mike the game the USC where Dane Chris fumbles on the one yard line bringing

Back memories for everybody so Notre Dame found ways to lose when they probably could have been 11 and one in 2011 just like this Clemson team so dabble putet the list back up I I would my top five I I mean just five coaches top of my head Kirby I would go Kirby

Dbo dor the guy won at ni ni excuse EXC me can’t even say that hide um obviously Fresno State he took over I mean Washington was was not a good football program they had a massive Scandal remember with their coach who would attacking players on the sideline I

Think they were four and eight uh the year before he got there and then obviously transfer portals able to load up and get some freaks I put dor Sweeney Hart I’m Brian Kelly just because he’s won won a D2 title won a conference title at think think of this when a

Conference title at the mack undefeated regular season conference title at cincity goes three times undefeated at Notre Dame I think Brian Kelly’s a top five coach the the the Le dude the leap pulled thing the dud could Coach man okay he can coach but that doesn’t mean

He’s number three all right in six listen six seasons buffalo in Kansas Buffalo six seasons at Buffalo he had one 10- win season and he has not even done that at Kansas so I would love the reasoning for having it’s it’s just respect off the top of my head I mean

Kansas was ranked this year I don’t think Kansas was last ranked since manino took him to the Orange Bowl I I would think um I mean you you win any game at Buffalo Who the hell’s recruiting Buffalo right I mean who are you loading up with but it could yeah

You could say that’s High um someone says Brian K is overrated the dudee wins football games I mean seriously he’s been at LSU twice back-to-back 10- win Seasons you know you say what you want the guy knows how to win football games but whatever um I would say that Ryan

Day he’s got a he’s got a heck of a overall record so he’s got to be in that five six I’m not a Frank James Franklin guy he just annoys me I’ve been around him a few times he I think I’ve said this before he just annoys me hopefully

He’s not watching but uh I highly doubt he is as we know but he’s just annoying so um it’s an interesting list but Lincoln Riley was on there right yeah yeah I mean Lincoln Riley obviously Tim I’m just gonna be honest with you man I don’t want to spend too much more

Time on this list it’s a great list but but go ahead go ahead yeah someone said uh kein kein Landing not ranked in the top 10 yeah I mean I think those Ju Just 10 seconds on Lane kein go look at Lane keen’s head coaching record it’s a freaking roller

Coaster it’s a roller coaster he goes 10 wins to five 10 wins to six 10 wins to five it’s a roller coaster it’s a roller coaster so just just people go look at Lane kein before you uh get a little too hyped up on him as a head coach now

That’s just my opinion um okay so we’re going to we have two big things for today’s show we’re going to start by looking at the one-third Rule and I’m going to explain that in a second and then then um on Tuesday I tweeted out and posted on our message board a link

For people to call in um and send us voice memo so it’s not like a live Callin but it is something where people um recorded a voice memo send it to uh a link and uh we did this a couple months ago Tim and I thought it was pretty fun

So we got some good stuff some interesting stuff um some things that Tim and I listen through them really quick like 10 minutes ago but we’re not really prepared so it’s going to be a little off the cff but it’s going to be uh it’s going to be fun well we’re going

To start with the one-third rule so this is something that loose Emoji coined you know at blue and gold the late great loose Emoji um you know one of the greatest sports Riders who’s ever lived he coined this and uh yeah this so this is the and I’m reading an article

That he wrote back in August of 2020 this is the open okay so he wrote through the decades at we have often spoke about the one one third rule in football recruiting so here’s the here’s the thirds in summary in the majority of recruiting classes about one-third of the group will feature

Multiple year starters SL future NFL players onethird will be either special teams Main Stays reliable reserves or even start for a year and onethird unfortunately either will have significant injury setbacks academics uh issues transfer just get lost in the shuffle of the numbers game so I went

Back and I made a one-third rule list based on that for 2020 2021 and 2022 Tim was very difficult uh because it’s still happening so it’s a little bit of a projection as well and it even is a little bit with 2021 2020 those that story is mostly written for that class

Uh and I I picked back to 2020 because that was the first recruiting class I covered up blue and gold um so yeah John says this sounds fun I completely agree so so I wish there was a way for me to have each name appear one by one I it

Took me long enough to go through this list I mean I I started at like 6:45 and I it took me about 7 it was about an hour just going through this now for you visual folks that are watching on you know that are seeing this on YouTube don’t get upset with me

That it’s not the prettiest looking graphic I mean I’m just a recruiting writer and a YouTube guy like I’m not a graphics guy so Tim my thought is I’m going to pop mine on screen and then you can I know you have your list written

Down in front of you um I think you etched it in in some stone or or something okay so you can tell me what you think and and when we were texting about this I think we kind of in a lot of this is up to interpretation this is not an

Objective factual thing because some of the guys you’re like I could hear Arguments for both like Tim you told me that if someone transferred out no matter what impact they had then you’re kind of put him and it didn’t work out or all right we’ll talk about that so

Let’s just go ahead and get right into it so the one-third rule so this is for let me remove this this is for the 2020 class and this so you had 20 what is this math 17 guys is that it 17 high school players that they took and I’m

Not including transfers in this because that’s a whole different discussion and this lined up pretty perfectly into 1/3 so here is the multiple year starter NFL caliber Michael Mayer I put Jordan Batello in there I think he’s NFL caliber and he’s adul year starter Tosh Baker was kind of iffy

I think Tosh Baker at his size and length has NFL caliber and he started a little bit in the past and I think he starts this year so I feel okay putting Tosh Baker there Riley Mills multiple year starter NFL caliber player and then obviously Xavier watt so

That’s five in that in that grouping special team slash On The Fringe figures I’m pulling these that that’s right from lose article Drew Pine I I I don’t really I mean he started some but you know it he’s he’s right you know he’s definitely not NFL caliber I

Mean I guess he started over a two-year period right maybe yeah I don’t know if he started in 202 but whatever I think he’s kind of right there in the middle he’s On The Fringe Kev Balman special teams on the French figure I think I like Ramone Henderson in that group

Clarence Lewis Chris Tyree is an interesting one Tim I don’t think he really was a starter but I could also see him being an NFL caliber player but then he also transferred out I don’t know I don’t know I I I I think Tyrie

That was a tough one for me at first I had him in the the group on the the left but I put him here in the On The Fringe figures and then Michael kedy um I think is is right there in that middle group setbacks slash just didn’t work out Jordan

Johnson look on for Cary on the o line thing it’s offensive you got to take the offensive line to consideration like car’s a fine player it’s just really hard to play on the offensive line at Notre tame so I I know I put him right there on the fridge figure so didn’t

Work out Jordan Johnson Aiden Kaya never really saw the field Caleb offord transferred out really quickly Jay Brunell transferred out Alexander arensburger and Alex pich The Long Snapper so those are all guys setbacks just didn’t work out so onethird rule pretty I mean there it is Tim much

Disagreements what do you think about this and I’m I’m I’m looking at YouTube chat now to see what you guys think yeah no I mean the I mean four right off I mean four no-brainers obviously Michael Mayer got drafted Bello is going to be a seconde starter before that he was a

Special teams demon since day one at Notre Dame Riley Mills NFL football player Xavier watch unanimous All-American gonna get drafted so you got NFL dudes right there Baker Baker for me is still in the middle until the spring so I mean I I’m anticipating him to start obviously I mean you you

Reported on this Mike they they went looking for an offensive tackle in the portal what does that mean are they going to do that in the spring does someone pop up you know what I mean I’m I’m the different I I look at that the total opposite they considered it

Just like they consider taking a player every but they didn’t take someone because I believe they have trust in Baker so I’m I’m looking at that on the other side of the coin Sim yeah B I mean Baker Baker fingers crossed I I really hope he he wins the you know solidifies

The job so and he ends up being a NFL multi-year starter because he has two years to start still so he definitely could go in that thing Tyrie is a no-brainer in the middle was never really a starter great special teams player role player third string running

Back really behind Ese and digs he got his carries that types types of thing so tyree’s perfect in the middle he’s a grad transfer so yes that’s true true grad so I still think I still think he has NFL caliber but I I think he should

Be in the middle oh yeah yeah without a doubt Ramone Henderson I think’s a middle guy multi-year player played in 21 22 23 special teams Nickel Dime always on the field that’s a no-brainer Clarence Lewis started in 2020 he’s been a nickel and Di guy ever since car to me

Is definitely didn’t work out played a couple in 21 we never heard from yeah like I said it didn’t work out but also dude it’s the Notre Dame offensive line it make like he he was the starter was he the uh I think he stand’s first year right or maybe was last year

Where he was instantly the Right Guard and then they gave him a shot remember I think it was last year but he got beat out by Billy shra and later Rock they just recruited over him man but yeah I could hear argument for both I mean it

Makes sense yeah and to me he didn’t work out he but he grb transferred so I would put him it didn’t work out Drew Pine is where is the hide rule to me if you’re a grad transfer who played you did your service to Notre Dame meaning you played

Four years you grab uated high five to you that’s Tyrie that’s Cary you know guys of that nature no problem with that Ramone Henderson’s a gr transfer Aiden K grad transfer you know you know no you know no problem with that Ramone Henderson as well Pine yes he started Mike started because

Of injury but left left when he knew they were gonna so to me I I put him in the D in the in the other call same same with Kevin Balman Kevin Balman injury Riddle I have him in the other one and your and your didn’t work out um

Agreement with you but I put Drew Pine in the didn’t work out so what did your numbers end up being was it close to one-third close to onethird when you move Baker in uh because Baker will be there um more didn’t work out is what I have

Yeah you had more didn’t work out yeah yeah like it’s kind of up to right on the teetering right there yeah bom if you do what Mike singer just did right here where you space it out true Drew Pine started 10 games give him a high

Five I think he did his part he was the the role player in 21 when con obviously in Cincinnati and the Wisconsin game Wisconsin yeah I think that’s perfectly On The Fringe I I think he and then yeah bomman he’s still here you know like he’s still and he’s been a special teams

Figure so yeah it’s it’s you know yeah some of these splitting hairs yeah it’s true bombing I don’t think worked out I just don’t think he’s he’s played enough Pine Pine’s the one you could flip a coin have an argument because he did start he did go eight and

Two as a starter we’ll roll from there but it’s an interesting it’s a small class that’s the other thing when you obviously the transfer portals made these classes bigger because you gota replenish so much but yeah it’s a you know when you got a 177 man class you is

Isn’t it fascinating just what four or five years ago Notre Dames are recruiting 17 18 man classes because they don’t scholarships now it’s like we’re gonna get 25 fill it up yeah I I’ve talked about this before Tim I think just on my show with ghouls me

Monday uh did you watch that I I watched the first half I gotta finish it yeah we talk way I always feel like when I do the ghouls be show I talk about Tim and when I do the Tim show I talk about ghouls be um and then you guys talk off

I got your I got to your odd Jordan phas on take and I was like I’ll listen to the rest of this later so I don’t know if it was an odd take I think it’s just an unpopular I think dude’s gonna play a ton of football I don’t know how I don’t

I don’t disagree with that I don’t disagree that Talent hands playmaking ability on the on the Ben you don’t I dude I didn’t say that you’re putting words on my mouth I just think he’s being hyped up way too much right now that’s that’s my take I’m just seeing

The the super high expectations you guys got what’s high expectation 40 catches 650 yards couple touchdowns I mean Notre Dame hasn’t had that in the last few years I I’m the opposite of you I I think the expectations are legitimate because he might be the only true

Playmaker on the damn wide in the wide receiver group so like I did like how you were the opposite on that I mean call IAC see it no I feel you it’s don’t get me wrong he’s a I think he’s a really good player I really do but I don’t know we’ll see

We’ll see then they’re wasting him then going to 2021 I like 20 this one is interesting so you go from 17 man class which by the way I started by saying this and then I when I was asking you about the gouby show like I’ve said this before the 2020

Class for Notre d that was so that was my first class cover Notre D I remember that fall Tim being bored out of my mind there was nothing there was I remember writing articles on kids I’m like Notre Dame’s never gonna take this kid they’re never even gonna offer him but there’s

Nothing else going on it was Ramone Henderson and that was it for like the entire fall of 2019 um they had all their guys committed and it was just ran Henderson and it took 17 so then the next year it’s the covid year they take 27 guys

So yeah this was uh this was a year with a lot of busts so I mean half the kids look at that look at that look at that far right look at all of those names so here’s the one-third rule for the 2021 class we got here multiple year starter NFL caliber Blake

Fiser is Roco SP like I think spinler I have Rocco in the middle okay he’s on The Fringe but also like his story is not done yet at Notre Dame he started some this past year he can start this year he still has NFL caliber so he’s On

The Fringe between those two I put him on the left I I I understand if you put him in the middle group ese obviously Jaden Thomas I think that’s an obvious one Joe alt I thought about putting I’m kidding um Mitchell Evans and Pat cougan by definition

Very well might might be a multiple year starter in NFL caliber so I could listen to an argument for on the fridge but I think even though Pat kougan is not the sexiest name out there for Notre Dame offensive lineman I I mean by the definition him of multiple year starter

In NFL caliber like I think you have to put Pat hugan in there yeah I have hugan because I just think he’s gonna be the starter I think Spindler coming back from injury might be battling to be the third guy you know I I’d be stunned if Billy schra just with his athletic

Ability fact Billy’s gonna be what a junior now so he’s been around for a couple years so it’s his time just to be the guy same with Ashton Craig obviously at Center and for those two guys I me they’re upper classman now so I wouldn’t be surprised if those are the guards

Meaning Rocco goes in the middle um even though he was the very first figure today in their hype you know workout video was a Rocco was the first person video so which was awesome to see he’s out there and so special team those were my six

Those were my six of Rocco I agreement with all the others so I’m guessing you put Styles and didn’t work out I totally get that um did I did he was just so like he was pretty darn good his freshman year um so it for me it was

Like he was trending towards this first group but ended up in the last group so I kind of threw him in the middle um you know he he he was a good player I mean but it he left so I I didn’t really know

What to do with him so I just kind of threw him in the middle uh Dion KY I have KY right right on The Fringe I think Gabe Rubio’s right there on the Fringe chance Tucker still at Notre Dame I think he’s On The Fringe

Logan Diggs I kind of have in the middle group for the same reason of styles uh he he was really productive while he was at Notre Dame but he left um kahanu Kia is in the middle because what the hell do we even know at this

Point going a sophomore year as like a 28y old I’m joking he’s probably what 20 or 21 and then Jason anier right there on the Fringe as well yeah man I’m I’m I’m tough so it’s like hey I I literally put the guys that didn’t work out it’s

An army for me it’s I I have all of those guys I put Styles there because Styles I get it yeah you know yeah exactly I mean yes he play I mean what what was he second in he was the second leading receiver as crazy as that sounds

In 22 the second leading receiver behind May was but of the receiver position it was him like yeah exactly so when he left he transferred and had to move to DB remember even in last spring so yeah fin it out and then Rubio I have highlighted giant question marks of

Notre Dame starts spring is he on campus is he back so he he can and he’s always been nothing but a backup so if he transfers but he’s a graad degree guy so you could keep him in the middle if he get said hell he’s gonna so I’m sure he has

Degree you know yeah I’m already thinking Styles probably should have been the right but I don’t know he was good when he was here I did put I’m not gonna lie man I did put um obviously Baron yeah all those guys I did Prince collee as well he was a two-year backup

He played special teams yeah he had he was a five star by on three man just that did not work out didn’t work out you know he was banged up injured had to red shirt this year at Vanderbilt but uh so here’s the didn’t work out group for

Folks listen on podcast Buckner I I mean didn’t work out I put him there just to be honest with the thing sure he played as a freshman started three games but it didn’t work out because he transferred and that was y Prince colie left pretty early Kane bong

Injuries Philip Ro Ry just never saw the field Caleb Johnson left pretty early in his career Joe Johnson left before he got here it feels like Ki G same thing will schweer was an injury I believe Justin Walters just never pained out Ryan Barnes transferred to UMass Devon

Alpw was here for the spring and then left Josh Bryan I honestly don’t even remember um and then Ron paus um you know ended his care his career uh I can’t remember when but you know he obviously never saw the field so let me jump in real quick um we kind of feel

Like Mike mickens is a pretty good recruiter how’s this uh First Class by him that 2021 class he coached in 2020 but uh I mean seriously this I I know it’s hard it’s so hard it’s the co year and these guys so many like K G never he never

Visited they just took him you know so many I mean it’s but it’s amazing when you look at this DBS I mean they what they have six of them and they just all faded away yeah JoJo Johnson I remember yeah yeah so it’s pretty interesting but uh yeah

Styles I mean there’s a couple of those tweeners but overall at least in the First Column bam man those are just your your third rules kind of just sticking right there you know this year is could be a little less obviously because it’s such a large class and only seven of

Them panned out but um still up for you know Jason Ane Kia see yeah some of those guys can move so the 2020 list again that’s pretty set in stone I mean Baker you can make an argument but I think you know 2021 has more movement than you know more movement but how

About lo I mean I thought Logan Diggs in that didn’t work out he was obviously played for two years got car’s two years was a you know big part was Ken’s backup him and audre depends on how you defined didn’t work out really to me if you bail

You only did two years and you left right right in the in the like the big picture of his Notre Dame career it did it but when he was here I think you know it was worth the scholarship you know even just for this like think to that

Virginia Tech game when he’s a true freshman and like he was the bellal um that game if I’m remembering that correctly like I think of the UVA UVA game yeah was it UVA okay yeah so but no no but heck he transferred from LSU he’s on his third program how crazy is

That who you talking about right I was going through this and on three has where all the guys are at now I’m like holy crap I forgot what what so I’m just thinking now if I put pine in the middle group and Buckner and that didn’t work

Out I don’t know I mean Buckner just didn’t play very much how many games did Tyler Buckner play at Notre Dame oh 13 he played I want to say he played 10 as a freshman I mean he got in he got in he got in didn’t start many no no no no he

Didn’t start at all but he he played he had a he had a huge role in that 2021 season he was a major part of that uh that offense so that’s the thing he’s injury didn’t work out left you obviously because the Hartman thing yeah Pine yeah yeah Pine I mean pine just

Basically played because of because of an injury so how do you how do you grade that that could be something that or the history books to look at down the road yeah I don’t know I still I still am sticking to that um yeah buckers started

Three games in 2022 and and then you know was that spot guy in 2021 God that was such a weird season time yeah was Buckner did some good things that year a bowl game MVP because pine leaves so he’s the guy for the bowl it it’s it’s you know that’s transfer quarterback you

Know Notre Dame the last few years so Pine and Buckner are kind of in those no man’s land we may have to do a separate category for those guys yeah pre- lead 11 Buckner man yeah Lux has been Lux must be uh listen to Old Mike singer for a while because

Yeah for whatever reason that Elite 11 is senior year going and you’re like what the heck that was it just looked totally different than what you saw in that Junior film which was so good so is that good on 2021 wrap it up there Tim

Oh piece of cake okay so 2022 is really difficult to do because it’s a lot of projecting because these guys are going into their junior year right third year so I mean 2021 some of these guys are like it’s kind of tough to say uh there’s so many transfers

Like yeah yeah for some of them but like Ane Kia Rubio K like dude some of these like I would keep J Ane in the middle just because played a bunch last year he’s you know he’s he’s he’s got a I mean heck he still has another year as well

So he’s got a fifth year so he could be at Notre Dame for two more years yeah you know that’s one thing to look at so yeah yeah he’s definitely a middle guy keep him there so here’s but I’m saying it’s it he could move like this is not

2021 is not set so 2022 is very difficult to kind of okay so here we go again this is more projecting because I have ail Wagner in the multiple year starter NFL caliber thing because I think he can be an a multiple year starter at Notre Dame and has NFL

Caliber but Billy SCH there think it’s the same reason now between we we Tim we would say sh cougan and Spindler that’s the three battling for for the two guard spots I have all these guys on the left this left group and I feel fine with that

Yeah I got Eli Ren there I think that’s a pretty obvious projection Jaden Mickey I don’t know what exactly the NFL Scouts would think about him but I think he’s a multiple year starter at Notre Dame um you know he’s gonna start over Christian Gray this year I have him in the middle

I I think that’s fine but yeah I don’t know he’s played a lot of football for Notre Dame already so I I feel on the I think JD price um especially Tim from what you you’re like you you think he should be rb1 this year so I could hear

An argument for On The Fringe or it’s just too early to tell but um I’m a big JD Bryce fan Ben Morrison is obvious and then Ashton Craig uh started at the end of last year he’s and then he’s probably gonna start for you know knock on would

Say healthy but two you know and you’re missing two more who mcferson the punter okay all right so I put down at the bottom I put I don’t know Bryce mcferson because I don’t really know how to judge he’s the punter the starting I put him

In there all right and this was perfect onethird you see the s77 there so I wanted to keep it perfect so mcferson family if you are watching I’m sorry your son’s definitely a multiple year starter I don’t really know about NFL caliber for punters um but I put you in

The I don’t know really just to keep this perfectly one middle this is where now now real quick I have like I said I have Mickey in the middle sher’s played a lot but he’s a special team’s On The Fringe player that’s fun I would I would put two bucks

That Christian Gray is gonna be the starting corner so that’s that’s that’s my little uh Spring ball prediction yeah but but yeah I don’t think how many corners but Notre they might play a you know a third Corner a bunch that’s why you have special teams on On The Fringe

Means to me to me my middle column is backups role players special teams guys main backups but like yeah but if you’re playing a nickel 90% of the time you’re a starter if you’re the nickel corner right but he’s not the nickel Corner he’s a true corner you know I wish he

Would I wish he could you know maybe he slides inside who knows I’ve been call I’ve been hoping for it he had a rough freshman year so they’ve kind of kept him on the outside but um yeah no I I agree I mean that’s what we always

Expected him to be the true nickel but to me he’s the middle one with a big circle as in he could go to the left okay Wagner man he he’s a middle to me unless he just wins the job because yeah I mean yeah you can make an argument that all

Of or most of those guys are On The Fringe but know it’s a projection I’m projecting it but but you know I mean the same thing with guard you got you got your three tackles Wagner Baker Charles Jaga two of those three are gonna be starters yeah and One’s Gonna

Be the odd man out so yeah roll from there but I like your uh go ahead read off the middle all right so I have Sneed in the middle and I think for the same reason you put Wagner or I put Wagner on the left I think you could put Sneed on

The left um but I just not as confident right as you know in Jaylen sneed’s future as I am Wagner’s um which I think speaks more to Wagner than sne so I have sne in the middle I think he’s on the fridge like are you

A you’re talking about sne are you a Gad guy or are you a every down can do a lot of different things player so that’s my question there Tyson Ford Josh Burnham Junior to halaka all talented players all could move to that left side very quickly but

For now have him in the middle jabran Payne right there in the middle special teams solid third down back he gonna score touchdowns on the goal line in the middle Donovan hinish yeah solid guy um maybe started as a senior I think a nice role player Steve

Angelli Tim now Tim could be a multiple year starter if he sticks around and he has the opportunity to start but I’ll throw him in the middle he’s On The Fringe I guess he definitely a middle guy now yes I thought about I mean you

Know if you start for two years at Notre Dame at the quarterback position like he has the chance to good chance of having NFL calber but I’ve been saying it for six months man the battle for the number two sets the tables for 25 it is is

Going to be exact I mean it’s huge exactly what you’re saying if Angeli holds these guys off everything I’ve been saying for months I think this is the biggest storyline for not I mean for Notre Dame the future obviously yeah it’s the number two and if Angeli holds

Them off you know damn well that means the staff says that’s our number two you’re a quarterback in 25 that’s the way I look at it because why would they give him the number two reps well unless number two guy that R Leonard because you can’t what are you going to recycle

All this again next year after he’s been really the number two for three full seasons you know what I mean that’s that’s gonna be tough but that’s why it’s gonna be huge minchie and Carr make a move yeah start seeing he need somebody in May it’s gonna be uh pretty

Wild okay so there’s a there’s a couple guys in my set backslash didn’t work out that absolutely could move but right now this is kind of where I’m projecting it no hard feelings but just just just calling it like I see it so Merryweather obviously didn’t work out

Um yeah I remember Tim was recording a little a little YouTube short last year asking you who you thought was gonna be the leading receiver for the 2023 season breakout player we all thought it was gonna be Tobias um the biggest man Notre Dame just 10 seconds on this Notre Dame

Had a unbelievable history of sophomores just being like boom all right I’m next man let’s go yeah right there for Tobias to be in that great group of NFL wide receivers and he’s like I don’t want it yeah life yeah Joey Tona yes you know the you know the car accident and the

The injury that came from that uh but you know he’s restarting his his football career I believe he’s at Purdue so he’s an Indian kid play Purdue so Aiden go byra is one who’s still on the roster so tough to say it’s like didn’t work out because his story still have to

Be told um but I’m just not I’m not I don’t know I don’t know what his path is to play so I hope I’m wrong there I hope he moves into the far-left category but that’s just kind of where I’m projecting right now um I I’m reading the chat over

There John Massie saying Ang jelly ain’t winning any playoff games like bro you don’t know that you don’t like do we do yeah let’s get to the playoffs let’s see if Riley Leonard do we even know Riley Leonard can win a playoff game like Notre Dame hasn’t won any damn playoff

Games exactly um so yeah your your your book your I mean Hartman obviously they couldn’t even sniff the playoffs so get out of here with that crap John um we just we just don’t know we just don’t know angel I think Angel could win a playoff game for Notre Dame especially

If you get in that all right moving on uh Holden stays didn’t work out yeah left before he should have um Tai Chan is still year but I don’t know about his past to get on this field to they just get Rec get kind of get recruited over

It’s kind of like a kedy thing it’s like you’re you’re ta Chan might be a fine player but I just don’t know what the the path for him to to get on the the field are and then Ziggler off the field um you know things he transferred to

Central Michigan I believe it was very happy for him to get a restart there and then Jaden Bellamy um transferred out after his freshman year that was a player that my sources were really excited about to get to Notre Dame and and then yeah he didn’t work

Out um so 777 and then mcferson is in my I don’t know to keep it perfectly even there no I have the same group gobara we just don’t know red shirt injured now it’s year three same with uh you know Tai Chan do he move around does he have

A shot you know two very good football players when they signed yeah things things you know happen in interesting I always keep you know people always laugh at me when I talk about the big three in recruiting George abama Alabama George Bama wait George B Ohio State what did I

Say you said Bama twice yeah there you go so much you say it twice there you go Bama Ohio State and the Bulldogs exactly well Kirby Smart yeah I guess I still think he’s Bama Holden state is the only I I I keep track all the time Holden

Stays is the only one in this class to have an offer from all three of those how’s that that’s wild that’s wild and um he’s a I mean he was a hell of an athlete so stinks he left I thought he was he’s just one of those fantastic

Athletes that it’s just too bad but um no I’m I’m in agreement um Ford ex Tyson Ford I just have didn’t work out because man he’s been here two years we’ve never heard of him we’ve never heard of him for two years and he was Marcus Freeman’s you know hooton and

Holler and first you know guy he went and signed and you know got all the going for Freeman and this was the top 100 guy he got away from Lincoln Riley and everything and just haven’t heard from him yeah so to me he’s in that far right column until we know because even

Going into the spring mik we’re like we I mean he’s not even projected because you thinking Obin and and Josh Burnham are are your strong side ends your your weak side guys are batella toam Maka and H bubacar tayori fighting the insides already kind of solidify

You know so Ford’s going into this thing as a third string end or a third string D tackle as a in his third season so where does he move up I have him other than that I have all the same guys with you and I had a big circle around an

Jelly as well as if he’s the number two man you got to start you know you gotta start planning him to be the 2025 starting quarterback yeah which is which is fascinating yeah okay we’re we’re we’re pretty much exactly no I was gonna say when I say fascinating on Jelly it’s

Not putting him down or anything fascinating that yeah he’s held guys off and there’s some damn good quarterbacks that he is going to hold off and I think that says a lot about him in a good way if I mean if he goes out there and he

Holds minchie and car off this is minch’s second year now obviously at Notre Dame so he’s got same amount of practices as in jelly and everything as well and he came in there with a lot of hype Elite 11 CJ Carr as well man what’s that battle if Angeli Mike let’s just

Say he wins the number two what the hell happens at number three right so I saw your eyes get big it’s true yeah it’s true because because then jelly could be a two-year starter 25 26 yeah anyone on this this group for 2022 that you were looking at it you’re like

Mike you’re an idiot why did you put this guy there is there anyone here like you’ve strongly no I don’t want to say an idiot you idiot No my only one was I got Ford in the far right and I got Mickey in the middle okay just because I’m picking

Christian Gray that’s all okay yeah the Mickey one I think that makes I just had problem because I could you know just when you look at how much he’s already played and started and he still has two years so I don’t I don’t know no I feel

You and I in NFL caliber like yeah he he might not like Chris gra might start over him but I still think that know he might start some football games uh and he might still have NFL caliber and so for 2021 you’re in most disagreement with whom here on this

List uh well I’m I’m tougher than you I had Diggs and styles on the far right yeah that was yeah that I think that was kind of Rocco to me big big circle as in Big okay you know you know he’s a starter now remember he started 10 games

Last year so he is the starter does he come but for him to be the starter in 24 he’s either got to beat out a starter his buddy Pat hugan or Billy schra who’s the super talented Junior so that’s gonna be an interesting one with brocco and then

2020 we’re pretty much in agreement here right you said baby TSH Baker’s in the middle I only have him in the middle until we know he’s the star starting right T here yeah he I have a mill in the middle he could easily be on the left

Side here yeah Tosh and tyrea kind of had you know I could I could I can hear Arguments for for both but Tyre I don’t think there is an argument I think Tyrie I I think the way L sji always broke it down Chris Tyre is a perfect I I agree teams role

Player name got your degree yeah I agree that’s why I put him there but I like it maybe I’m a homer still think he has uh some some NFL potential but NFL potential also as a role player so um so there you go so that’s our one third rule Tim I’m going

To make sure I save those and uh we we’ll have to do this every year I think that was a really fun exercise so let me know in the YouTube comments what you guys thought um disagree agree I’m not seeing any rage comments in the YouTube

Com in the YouTube chat so us usually when it comes to college football takes Tim people will you know piss themselves over just about anything so that must mean that this was uh this was fairly decent so I will uh I will take it all

Right well let’s get a couple uh q&as up here I like some of these uh ones youf prep yeah yeah we we we’re gonna go through a few of those um first we’re going to hear from our sponsor over at auggie’s locker room so folks if you are

In town you are um you know driving through or whatever the ca or or if you’re local whatever the case may be you got to make time for auggie’s locker room the one-of-a-kind unique Notre Dame memorabilia shop uh located new spot so if you’ve been going to Augie’s locker

Room in the past it’s got a new location it’s 1733 North Ironwood Drive in Southbend right down the street from campus so they have a wide selection of Notre Dame Stadium pieces Jersey helmets autographs one-of a kind rney items you got exclusive Joe Montana sign items famous famous sculptor Jerry McKenna

Replicas of The Bronze Statues around the stadium and Auggie gets new stuff in all the time if he doesn’t have it he’s gonna go find it for you think he proofed that with getting gouby his uh you know couple jerseys um so yeah auggie’s the man great guy visit the

Store you’re shopping local helping out you know uh you know I don’t know can I call him like an icon in the area like this like the stuff that he gets is Big Time so check him out auggies Locker visit him at 1733 uh North Ironwood driving Southbend

And see the Vintage helmet display dating back to 1890 give them a call 574 27763 63 that’s 574 277 6363 Pony Boy Curtis says no no gaskets blown tonight great job hey um yeah there you go haven’t lost my damn mind like I usually do to him Hony boy man I haven’t heard

That in ages know that’s a good one so uh let’s get into let’s see okay see what you got lined up here one two three four five six seven is that okay Tim yeah let’s go Tim he got I gotta be uh nice and quick Mike all right this all

Right this is from uh Michael Call called in here we go go back to a year ago oh hold on hey guys I’ve got a hypothetical for you go back to a year ago right before Spring ball you have a quarterback room of Tyler Buckner Riley Leonard and Sam Harman

Rank them and who’s your starter thanks so go back to last year you have Buckner Hartman and he throws in Leonard for this I’m a Sam Hartman’s the starter out of that three if you’re going back I mean that’s just me I I think he still wins the job his

Experience especially in 20124 he’s gonna have a hell of a lot better wide receivers than he got last year that that would be my big reasoning is just the wide are we think in 2024 so we’re bringing those guys in the 2024 wide receivers yeah I would say I

Mean harpman I’ve been watching a lot of Riley Leonard you know I kind of drifted away from it I kind of dived back into it more in the last week or so ghouls be and I have been chatting more about that I think Hartman’s just a better

Quarterback so when it comes to throwing the football and stuff of that nature that you know that would be my pick okay and uh here’s uh here’s Katie my name is Katie and my question for Mike is what player does he think has the most drip let’s go Taco Bell let’s go Taco

Bell Katie how are you um the most drip Tim so who’s the swaggiest I tried to find the picture of Jack Larson from his home visit with the Notre Dame staff and I just did not have enough time to be able to pull it up is

That the jeans he looks like he’s means he’s got his Notre Dame Polo tucked in and oh my gosh it’s so great Notre like on the board yeah you were like Jack Larson is the type of dad who gets you to the airport five hours before takeoff was freaking hysterical

That that that give me give me Jack listen I I mean I just happen to shave today but usually I’m the neck beard guy I’ve got a beer belly I’m out of shape like I am not the person Katie to talk about drip at all um but if people are

Talking Ben Morrison or Xavier Watts I I know um I know Devin real well the commenter here he says Morrison or Watts um so I’m gonna I’m gonna say Morrison or Watts I’m gonna go with Debbie cooked here but uh Katie thank you for the Taco

Bell love we definitely need it but my personal pick I’m going Jack Larson drip because that’s That’s Mike singer drip so there you go that’s what it was that’s a that was a good uh home visit outfit hey that’s just the guy who’s comfortable in his skin enjoy he is I I

Like Jack Larson I like him a lot all right RK Anderson sent in a few questions we’re only able to take one of yours RK but here we go greetings Tim and Mike greetings I’m just wondering if Notre Dame has done enough with their nil program to successfully land Five Star Plus

Athletes for the football team in the next few years okay interesting question exactly I mean let’s just jump right to it I mean there I mean if he saying five stars so he’s saying high school so obviously Notre Dame is not issuing checks to high school guys he

Just that’s just it’s part you you you when during when you go through the recruiting process you do have to say like this is this is what nil looks like here this is what our players are getting to do but my my thing is I mean they kind of already are getting five

Stars we’ve gone through this before Tim like what do you define a five star is it just five star according to at least one service or at any point you a five star or is it just like your favorite website if you go through just like final rankings and you take the four

Websites that do the rankings I mean Notre Dame signed three you know you had Kingston at Rivals Bryce young 247 and then gerby at on three so there’s three five so I mean they kind of are I mean there’s only 30 you know 30 32 five

Stars yeah you sign up you sign three of the 32 that’s that’s you know I think that’s pretty good for Notre Dame I mean Notre Dame’s located in South Bend Indiana it’s just not that easy in modern football um to get you know like those like you’re typical when you think

Big time five star from the south it’s not easy for for Notre Dame to get those kids so something and and when I when I hear five star that’s you know and I’m sure the caller is probably thinking of that how do you how do we pull those guys

Away from Georgia Alabama you know the wide receiver at uh that they got Ohio state is just like yeah he’s a freak oh my God Mike they had day one practice yesterday I was watching some of the highlights I’m like oh my God this guy’s like better than Marvin Harrison already but

Um yeah I mean that’s what I think he’s saying is like how do we get those guys yeah you know you got five star you know you know the other ones you know that you mentioned which is true which is true you know and uh no doubt about that

But uh is the nil program I mean I mean you’re right though Mike they did I mean gerby lammer could have went to freaking Ohio State if you wanted he could have went to Alabama if you wanted he chose Notre name you know you know Kingston the same

Thing he could have went to any school he had in in the country Jo Notre Dame so you all right those things are coming up of this is your brand this is what you could do all those things and I think Notre Dame I think the transfer portals where Notre Dame is probably

Doing pretty good with nil where they’re obviously getting some high-end transfers the last couple years right and I think that’s really shown out as well so you know still I think the ni I think that nil I think is overblown I think you talk about this a lot as well

Where it’s it’s it’s kind of it’s more spread out as we we’ve seen it and you know and there’s articles out there that do tons of interviews at the All-Star games the last couple years and people are like they’re really picking a program of who’s going to get me to the

NFL that’s the way these guys are thinking more than The Upfront check is an 18y old so Tim do you like Taco Bell sure let’s go for it little some CH chicken soft tacos there you go all right let’s hear from Uncle Mikey what’s up it’s Uncle Mike

I just want to say good luck we’re all counting on you that’s all I got again that’s all I got that is a stellar voice memo again airplane from the airplane scene you ever see I Know M but seriously for for those guys that are my age they know what I’m talking

About you know lesie neelson opens the door good luck we’re all counting on you so that’s a from the old original airplane that’s a great phone message Uncle Mikey love you bro all right so here is uh Ron that’s just Ron this is all we got here we go Ron Burgundy close

Okay as a man who holds the virtues of breakfast namely bacon and eggs in the highest esteem akin to the reverence I reserve for Woodworking and The Great Outdoors I am compelled to inquire about Mr Tim hid stance on the most important meal of the day does he partake in the

Consumption of breakfast foods with the Gusto and solemnity they rightfully deserve yours in the pursuit of wisdom meat and victory Ron Tim you ever watched the show Parks and Recreation oh yeah I so you know Ron Swanson oh yeah he’s a breakfast man did you just hear

Ron Swanson say the name Tim HDE Ron Swanson freaking Ron Swanson just called in and he wants to know what your favorite meal of the day is is that what chat GPT working on that thing out there is that what that is a little AI

Dude questions we got bro he asked me if I’m a breakfast guy weekends without a doubt weekdays I’m busting my butt I got I got the kids to get out of here we got to get to drop off we got to get to work I’m definitely a bright and early

Morning coffee guy I put on my Boston sports radio make a piece of toast depending what the kids are having I’m also a leftover kids dad I can’t finish my cereal I give it to Dad I’ll seriously nothing goes the way so he in honor of Ron Swanson nothing goes

To waste I’m finishing the kids breakfast as we get out the door so that’s I love all love all breakfast foods but I don’t often eat breakfast as well all right Wicked Bronco productions here we go Goa hey Mike so it’s here Wicked Bronco Productions um two questions for you are

There first of all are there any guys in this class class the 2025 class that you guys think besides obviously will black who is now a five star our potential five star prospects guys that you think you know have a chance to get you know

Legit shot to get that fifth star and my other question would be going into Demarcus Freeman’s third year what are your expectations is it playoff or bus this year or do you think it’s still too early in the process like he can get a break if they don’t make it with the

Schedule this year uh real yeah five stars Mike current so he’s saying current commits yeah of the current commits the only one that could shoot up I would I would think is just du Knight yeah just a quick thing I mean I love Taylor but is he a festar DB I

Don’t see that off his his Junior film it’d be Deuce night will black I think is gonna stay up there I mean and you know at least on on three the other guy I I can’t like the other networks have him 30th and 40th how in the hell is there

39 other tackles but but don’t get me going um i’ say Duce Knight and then the one wild card in recruiting is is is Meadows out of Bishop Gorman yeah if they’re able to land Meadows and he just blows up at Bishop Gorman this year his

Freak skills that dude’s got a he has a legitimate shot finish in as a national top 20 25 Prospect he’s a freak so will black got a bump on 247 today I’m not Shock what is he now as a position what’s his position 24 so he moved up I

Think he was wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on on and the 247 no nope no maybe they haven’t updated yet no still 29 I’m sorry no he’s 29 so he moved up I think he was 30th I think Rivals what’s Rivals number

40 yeah yeah so he moved up one spot on 247 wow un uh anyways I I yeah just going up the committed guys I think you’re there like who I I so who I think should be a five star versus who I think could get a five

Star is totally different um I think that um um sorry I’m reading chat um I think Ivan Taylor should be considered for a five star I don’t think he will yeah dece Knights I think dude just when you see him especially in person he is

Just like he just looks like a five star um so I think a lot of that will depend on if he like how the senior year goes and then the I’m assuming he’s going to play one of the All-Star games and then how he looks um in that setting is going to go

A long way for for him to get a five star or not so and you know those all the outlets or at least one of the outlets being on three is gonna go see him live you know they’re gonna go see Duce live you know Charles power and those guys so and

We’ll see how I Taylor real quick on Taylor is he is he categorized as a corner because I went and watched the corners yeah he’s a safety okay listed as the upper echelon Corners are like insane it’s not dude I I think he I think he’s just as good at corner I dude

Yeah he’s special to me no he’s good he’s a top I I would definitely just watching him because I’ve been I’ve been trying to compare to other guys I think he’s a definitely in that top 50ish mix he’s a special talent unas unas here we go all right let me refresh the page

Here reboot hi there this is Richard starky hello Richard uh I have a three-part question oh God do we like having one coach for the secondary all right I remember this now I listen to this so hold on two seconds two seconds we didn’t even finish the last one Mike

Third year oh oh yeah yeah yeah I’m writing them down playoffs or bus without a doubt it’s year three the schedule we’re we’re we’ll dive into this even more so &m no freaking excuses there’s no excuses there there’s none so Freeman’s been here three years he’s

Really been here four years so he’s had a stamp on parts of this program for four years so yeah it’s playoffs man it’s playoffs easy as so the part okay first part of the handsome Richard starky’s question was do we like one coach overseeing the you know let me

Just play let me just play the rest hold hold one coach for the secondary who is the ga that will help back there and has Al gold golden talked about which position group he’ll spend the majority of his time with thank you so much okay so don’t know the ga that’s

Gonna help in the secondary now that’s going to be a much better question for next week’s show that I’m sure we’ll get haa on here and we’ll talk about that because that’s something I’m interested in um like yeah do we like mickens coaching the entire secondary if it’s

Just him on an island out there no but we’re assuming he’s going to get help I think golden is going to be back there you know coaching some at practice you’re going to have a ga or two um just like Al golden was the linebackers coach

On paper last year but is really Max laurenitis running the show Max ltis um Max Bulla and then before him James laurenitis was kind of running the linebackers like the daytoday uh kind of practice stuff and then you know so that’s that’s I think it’s going to be a by commmittee thing

But that GA I don’t know yet and yeah you you don’t love mickens coaching it if he’s on an island but that I don’t think that’ll be the case yeah I mean we talked about this when Larry left I me personally I thought it was a I think

It’s a big hit for Notre Dame because they live in five and six DBS I mean they’re always five and six DBS so the the Rover throw it out the door there’s no three linebackers there’s zero need to play three linebackers at Notre Dame with the offense as they do why would

You play three linebackers do you want a 225 pound covering a slot hell no so you’re going to always be at five linebackers so one coach for five linebackers or five line five five DBS and then as soon as you’re in third and seven it’s automatic dime Notre Dame

Goes dime in a heartbeat so the G it’s a great question because the ga is vital does he have experience is he you know is he on staff now I have no idea you know is he because ol lry moved his way up Larry’s been at Notre Dame for seven

Years so it’s a great question the fact I know golden is GNA probably float around more even probably even more so because they don’t have O So losing o he’s an NFL coach so you just lost an NFL coach so that’s definitely gonna be a little adjustment for who’s ever back

There I told you guys at the beginning of the show that this was going to be unique and different and yeah we had people asking me about drips and you know go Taco Bell we had Uncle Mikey we had Ron swans uh and then we had the one- third rule

Breakdown I think I delivered I think I delivered on this was going to be a fascinating show so if you were just joining us here in the past I don’t know even 20 minutes like you got to rewind watch from the beginning I think it was a fascinating conversation this is one

Of my favorite shows we’ve done in a while um so yeah if you enjoyed it which I’m sure you did please hit the thumbs up on the show subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content uh that’s it for today’s show we we went through everything so we will definitely be back

At it next Wednesday we’ll have Tyler haa on we’ll talk about that first spring practice but we’ll also have more on our YouTube channel um between now and then you know recruiting updates we’ll have a recruiting show Friday uh Tyler will do a video after practice tomorrow we’ll have highlights from

Practice it’s a full practice media can only shoot the first five portions of practice you know stretching and then a couple individual drills maybe uh and then they got to put the cameras up and then they get to watch the rest of practice but still they’ll have their

Report on that we’ll have some video to go with it uh and yeah we’ll have a ton of content between now and next Wednesday show as well so really appreciate you all for watching and as always we will catch you next time


  1. Jaden Mickey definitely belongs in the 1st collum. Hyde is a "Know it all", and Singer is much more open minded and creative.

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