Golf Players

NFL Combine: Draft’s No. 1 CB Blows His Groin OFF running a BLISTERING TIME! | 4.28 OFFICIAL!

Clemson CB Nate Wiggins injures his groin after destroying his first rep of the 40 w/ a 4.29u (later changed to a 4.28 official) time that he was “disappointed” with, reported Stacey Dales of NFL Network. Wiggins is Murf Baldwin’s No. 1 CB prospect for the 2024 NFL Draft.

To put a number that okay big up there but like 433 I I think this guy’s capable of hitting it here he goes wiggin 429 a sub four three getting a round of applause from the fans here you see this speed we’ll show the video later when you see him chasing

Plays from behind um that is not a surprise to anybody in the building and this the run is the hustle and what’s on top is the flow nice nicely done Nate Wiggins wow a leader in the clubhouse an unofficial sub something I should probably rip it oh no wiggin ran that

Time and now what’s up Stacy well what’s up is you’re watching Nate Wiggins get taken back for medical treatment I I actually just talked to him after we saw him run that blistering 429 unofficial 40 rich and he told me it’s his groin he he actually said I felt it pop he said

It’s on fire right now and that he is done for the day and I did follow up and say well are you are you happy with your time and he shook his head no he wanted a 42 uh so not satisfied with the unofficial 429 but concerning with the groin injury

429 is what he ran and then so he ran a 429 and felt something possi that’s not good no but I mean the fact that’s impressive how that’s a ridiculous number with 100% Health to uh to suffer that injury and post that time and just hopefully he’s got a nice a nice Runway

Time to get healthy in time for the fall here Nate Wiggins he came back out with some ice on his body and told me it’s actually a hip flexor he’s dealing with said he believes it’s more of a strain after he talked to the medical staff and

Told me he believes he’ll be ready for Clemson’s pro day oh that’s good which I believe is on April the 6th so that is a great positive report coming off of what we thought was much more concerning with uh a groin injury that’s great

News and um as we just saw he he could take it day off of the ab work you know I think it’ll be fine you know what would you give what do you mean what would I give I mean I’m making an assumption I I apologize for that I’m I’m

Sure guys you’re in similar posture right now right now mean I’m in ice down mode right now I should sit up in my chair you’re not wrong


  1. So happy he will be able to recover soon, I can’t imagine some of the pressure these guys feel to preform at a peak level.

  2. Ice pack is on his groin not his abs. TF he got his shirt up fo? Somebody tell this conceited dude all the players have abs not just him. Gonna say it first, he’ll be a bust.

  3. If you’re watching this from someplace other than the USA, other sports is the only reason why we don’t dominate soccer internationally

  4. just doesn’t have the body type to support the run or handle physical receivers – third rounder and will need to be in nfl training program for a few years to build strength

  5. Im going to say he doesnt want to do anything else there. Just casually sitting there after getting some promo time. Fake injury, plus he doesn't have the ice on his groin lol. needed to text everyone and see the reaction online.

  6. That boy not hurt. He ran an amazing time and will be drafted based on that. Slick move. Anyone who run a super fast time like that, usually sits out because they don’t want to risk screwing up on another drill and lower their stock.

  7. Bro not hurt. Bro trying to get drafted, runs a 4.29 and pulls groin. Instead of being pissed and mad, he’s laughing and smiling on the sideline? 🤣 he knows what he is doing. Last image of hun will be 4.29. COME TO EAGLES BRO

  8. Are the groin and hip flexor two different things? Is there actually a muscle called the groin muscle?

  9. thankfully it's just a hip flextor Murf. He should be good to go for his pro-day glad the kid avoided a big injury. a 4.2 at 6'2 wit the type of fludity and agility wiggins showed on tape is unreal. Does his weight concern you in any way since he's only 172?

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