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The Bahrain GP was not the race F1 fans had hoped for. F1 2024 might be another Max Verstappen show and that might be problematic for F1 going forward.

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Is chaotic has there ever been a more chaotic week in the F1 new cycle I don’t know for for my money it’s absolutely unprecedented what’s going on Clay hating problem Pittsburgh game and uh another impromptu one cuz the F1 new cycle just going like keep doing video after video and

Then new cycle just catches up and slipstreams me and overtakes me and then I’ve got to go again right is bunkers got to keep up with this news cycle and it’s just one thing after another thing after another thing so let’s do Muhammad bin Salam first and foremost Muhammad bin

Salam is been investigated by his panel by an FIA committee for something dodgy that he’s done he’s done two things M been Salam says Andrew Benson FIA president under investigation for alleged attempt to interfere over F1 race oh my goodness is this where we’re going with this this is chaos Walther

Absolute Chaos two things he’s done and again probably important that I spell this out as far as the journalistic Integrity of the thing Benson you can vouch for but you know else you can vouch for Joe Seward I’ve put the bloody um I put the link in the chat for his he

Was the one to break this news and I got to give these guys credit right when they break the news there is an art to being the first to cross the line as a joural and Jo Joe Joe the legend that is was the first one to break this news and

He mentioned it in his newsletter which comes out every single Monday morning the link is there so you’ve got the link to the Twitter flat out publishing I think is the the link if you guys want to sign up for some decent news ahead of time so go on

Then what does Joe say about this um about this chap this chap has been very in fact you know what before I get to that let me talk about let’s have a word about Muhammad bin Su and what he’s been up to and his trap record so this past

Weekend when he was celebrating 20 years of the Bahrain Grand Prix you guys have seen him on Instagram celebrating by posting a picture of him prince Andrew and Max Mosley three of a kind you guys know what those guys are up to I can’t even talk about that stuff on the

YouTube channel lest everything get demonetized not very wholesome characters you would have seen the interview with prince Andrew where he was asked about all his relationships with Epstein and why he was at the house so frequently and why there were so many pictures in the Press with the tomb

Together and why did you need to go over to Epstein’s house to break up with him as a friend what was going on why so frequently with Jeffrey Epstein and this is K Matthew thank you so much Matthew says if Max does end up going to Mercedes the first request will be to

Have them high Adrian New Year hope you’re having a great day K I want to do a podcast on my own oh mate Matthew do it that’s my advice to you just do it don’t even overthink it mate just bang it with the equipment that you’ve got

Because life is a finite resource right and the longer that we take to listen tomorrow’s not promised recommend you smash it out Matthew be a success mate um and thank you for the donation really really appreciate that sir um so Muhammad bin salams his most recent indiscretion social justice

Incursion was posting that picture of those two BDS Max Mosley you know former head of the FIA was a bit dodgy as well right dodgy L NIS goals was at his parents spread in and all this other stuff there’s all these DOD went to ores in Nazi dress and

All that say it in hush tones Cameron but all you need to know say all that to say this that the guys in that photo are dodging if we’re using pictures of those guys to celebrate 20 years of Bahrain then then what’s that telling us right what does that say about attitudes

Towards sensitivity towards diversity and equality that there is none is what that says Muhammad bin Salam is a serial killer as far as these things as well you guys would have seen the comments where he was saying I don’t like women that think that they’re cleverer or more intelligent than men

Well what what what what are we doing here MBs are you not the figurehead of the safeguarding entity that’s supposed to be regulating F1 you can’t come out and say these things like this there is a um a professional Duty right a code of conduct to be abided by and this is

Ultimately what’s caught him out here but he’s a serial killer isn’t it you guys remember he’s talking about the valuation of the commercial rights holder F1 as a sport and a business as an entity saying that if the rumor is to be believed then that price is too high

What are you doing MBS you are a Serial line stepper and you serially frequently overstep your boundaries that’s not your remit chap even as recently this weekend the rumor if rumor is to be believed he’s advising Max fora and what’s good for him what’s good for the sport is that he

Comes out and defends Christian horer unequivocally with zero caveat Max foren doesn’t want to do that he would have done it otherwise why are you getting involved in this NBS who made you head of PR of Red Bull no one just take your nose out of it mate it’s honestly it’s

Ridiculous at this stage and you know what I wouldn’t mind I wouldn’t mind all of this stuff all of these Shenanigans and Lin stepping if not for the fact that he at his own job when it comes to competence as far as the FIA concerned instituting the rules in a way that’s

Consistent across all drivers historically they haven’t been able to to get that right so you want to keep your own house in or the MBS before you start considering other things don’t take on more that than you can manage and what’s clear as at February 2023 March even

24 it’s Madness the news cycle has got I don’t even know where I am 23 February March as at March 2024 what clear is that Muhammad benam hasn’t got his house in order and it’s not good enough it’s not good enough this is a billion dollar Sport and he

Owes it to everybody all parties concerned to nail this better right B and down 2021 was only the other day the Inc has barely just dried on Michael Mass’s NDA so what are we doing here you guys remember Monaco where they couldn’t even tell whether Max Ven and Co had

Cross the pit line the line that delineates the P they couldn’t even tell didn’t even have the code or sensors they they didn’t even know they were looking like they were doing the manual jobby you remember Austria when there were like a gazillion infractions and then had to review them post right like

What are we doing if you can’t even get your own house in order then why are you why you why is this even of concern to you and it’s frustrating I’ll be honest as a man that’s loved F1 for the past 30 plus years this is just it’s saddening

It’s saddening that we can’t just turn up on a Sunday and watch a race and Trust the result that’s been posited in front of us each and every single time we’re having to do the bloody due diligence did they get this right what happened with Alonzo in the pits do you

Know what I mean and that is one of the reasons so Qatar last year you guys remember alono got a cheeky five second penalty for not being in his box and then he got another 10-second penalty for when he went to serve the the penalty in the pits you guys

Remember that they started working on his car before the 5-sec penalty well apparently allegedly started working on his card before the penalty had been served and for that he got an additional penalty that tooking further down the grid now Muhammad bin suam Joo what you saying yeah hit the like Joo listen to

Joo is infinitely wiser than me do me if I hav smashed the like Bor fa because it all helps to advise the algorithm that we’re out here doing the racing God’s work what do you on about com right so might be muhamed probably as good a Time

As ever for me to get this up he Muhammad bin Salam has been investigated for two things one is related to the excessive T spend as far as too much private jet stuff and they’ve got this weird taxation thing that in France if they spend too much money then they

Don’t qualify for this lower rate of Taxation or something to that effect don’t quote me second thing though is more important Muhammad bin Salam says Andrew Benson president of Motorsports governing body the FI is under investigation for allegedly interfering over an F1 race result how can that even

Just read that that is chaos what are we doing here Abu Dhabi 21 was not long ago you got the head intervening over step there should be CH I’ve always said you know there should be Chinese Wars between the FIA in intra FIA between the head and the marshals and the stewards

They shouldn’t be able to or at least the head and the rest of them right he shouldn’t be able to overstep what they’re deciding at the coace I’ve always said it there a very famous picture with NBS and Ross Brawn in 2021 I’m like why are they even talking to

Each other should they even be able to converse because if they were If This Were a bank and I were back SL middle office and then you were a sales Trader or a front office whatever an fx derivatives traded then I wouldn’t be able to talk to you there are Chinese

Wars as far as our work stream and I don’t know why the FIA and the commercial rights holder don’t have these as well it makes no these are just ndy these are nauy controls around work streams to ensure that there aren’t cross there isn’t cross-pollination

Right how is he still in the job Foster says mate you need to tell me this because I don’t I have no idea I mean how many mistakes can somebody make but that being said 2025 the elections are coming up right so good luck trying to get through that a whistle blower Andrew

Benson continues has told the FI that Ben suam allegedly intervened to overturn a penalty given to Aston Martin’s Fernando Alonzo at the 2023 Saudi Arabian and Grand Prix the claim is in a report by the FIA compliance officer to its Ethics Committee which has been seen by BBC sport again

Journalistic Integrity add in for item from one Andrew Benson Ben suam and the FIA have not responded to request for comment of course he hasn’t of course he hasn’t what’s he if this is true through again another one whose tenure is now untenable like and how many infractions do you want and

Need you’re talking you’re talking to Max for stappen like like you’re his dad or like you’re rbr’s PR like what do you want about and I know Max and Bernie used to do all these things before and had a very many different plates to SP and were managing PR and would fix

Things in the background I get it I get it but it’s a different day and different era now it’s 2024 how about rers one what’s happened to that substantively where’s that going oh I remember M Muhammad bin Salam is busy posting pictures of prince Andrew and Max mosy know L to

Commemorate 20 years of the bar raid grubby yep of course of course why not Leroy is staffed I’m telling you it is absolutely ridiculous but we are where we are the other transgression again like I like I said said already traveling too much they’re allowed to

Only spend so like T we used to do this at work right travel and expenditure claims you’ve got to vet them are they in line with FIA policy or whatever company you’re working for if not then you you you reject them back and apparently he’s been making too many

Flights on private jets he’s gone over and above the the allocated spend as far as travel and expenditure well of course you have Muhammad bin Sal worth what else would you expect at this stage do me a favor guys and smash the like it is very important what else would you

Expect from NBS at this stage my eyes awarded again it’s too much the F1 new cycle has done my heading good luck to him though good luck to him he’s he’s he’s uh he’s he’s had a bit of a laugh hasn’t he in this

Role but I just don’t I don’t okay so I do know why he was appointed we will all know why he’s appointed cuz ultimately green is the only color that people care about right say that semi tongue in cheek but also there are serious undertones and it has always been the

Way with F1 you see that as they’re trying to expand and go to jakat Chicago potentially in the next couple of years Las Vegas is now Center Beast Liberty Media to drive the sport need more Grand Prix right to drive up attendance numbers drive up Paddock fees that’s how

They grow the business both the top and bottom line being revenue and profit after tax it’s interesting let’s see how they get on Joe pomp pomp Pompano has already reported that North American numbers viewing figures are down 10% year run year so let’s see how that goes with

This season looking as it looks currently a it’s not going to be an exciting one unless we start to get the lights of Max for stappen going across the Mercedes which could be a b possibility owing to the fact that it was reported today that he has a clause

In his contract and check this this is like this is mindblowing stuff Max V stappen has a clause in his contract called the Marco Clause meaning that if helmet Marco Chief advisor to Red Bull Racing if he leaves or retires at aged 80 80 then Max for steppen can automat

Automatically apparently null void his contract he can go anywhere or do anything sign with Mercedes or anybody else this this is going to be Bonkers talk about Silly Season all of those teams including Mercedes including Aston Martin Ferrari to they’ll all be looking at Max VAB and he’s he’s one of the best

At the world of talent wise he’s one of the greatest that we’ve ever seen by the time his career is finished he will be on the Mount Rushmore for F1 drivers so how about that what and he’s what he’s potentially free depending on how this Christian horn just for stappen

Austria Thailand depending on this whole rigma role around the power struggle and dietr mat is no longer there and his roles and Authority hasn’t been delegated forward to the next Generation in Oliver minl and Mark mat shits depending on this all depending on how this all went off not not to mention by

The way the fact that Christian hor apparently tried to Rally some British financiers with a view to buy the racing um of Red Bull Red Bull Racing of course now CEO wanted to become full owner of it as the uidia family discussed whether it’s potentially worthwhile spinning off

F1 Technologies since it’s not it Bears no relation to the drinks company right they don’t need it to sit under the same parent member which is interesting but Christian of course did the British Finance year in attempt to buy the F1 technology arm of Red Bull group without of course telling Austria

Being Oliver minl and dietr Son Mark like I mean and breathe C like it’s chaos this is absolute K I’ve come to get it for 2024 you can hear the Birmingham in my accent even so enthused am I at all the hurricane and Whirlwind around this F1 news cycle it’s

Bonkers it is Bonkers oh oilfield thank you so much for the kind words I’m doing my best out here you know we can always improve I’m trying to uh I I’d I want to be the F1 news breaker who who breaks news apart from Benson and Joe sward in

A way that like to get on camera and talk about it and give opinions I mean that happens in like other sports all the time right you would have seen I’m digressing and riffing massively here but you will see stepen aith and Skip bayy in America but I feel like we’re

About 10 15 years behind them as far as our F1 content I’m mean I’ve seen a podcast just pop up just now no mention by the way clearly pre-recorded on the international internationally syndicated broadcaster being skyf one and I haven’t seen in the title even I didn’t see a

Mention of the most upto-date news the the bloody helmet Maru Clause nor did I say any mention of this latest NBS movs cuz the new moving too fast for them and they need to be a bit more agile and Nimble now that everybody’s got YouTube and everybody can have a camera pointing

At them I mean you got to got to break some news right it moves quickly J says if Max has some children Jos would have something more important than oh my gosh Jo you’re not you’re not you’re not easy Joo that’s it kyi F1 inside the camera

That’s what I’m looking to do I want to know the news man I want to get ahead of the news curve and extrapolate that to some forward Focus for forward focused forecast right with a view to understand where the sport is going not the here not just the here and now and what’s

Happened like last month or six months ago I want to know where the sport is going that’s what I’m invested in being a nauy being counter accountant who’s always done forecasting and budgeting but I digress back to the old F1 so max for stpp and has this clause

In his contract that means if helmet Marco leaves as he might potentially on the back of all this rigar roll power struggle doesn’t like Christian Horner along with the other guys in Austra if helmet Maru Lees then mattx can do whatever he wants now is that the right

Decision from a racing perspective and again I’ve seen numerous posts oh F fake news about Max stappen and and Jos stappen was always going to go go and do it right but this is news breaking in real time right we’re telling the story we here no one’s going to B thousand

Under my user and I me Mis move the saloon semantics you know nobody knew about the Marco claw does that mean 100% that Max is going to go to Mercedes well of course it doesn’t but none of us are stupid here I don’t know why the F1 Community likes to patronize and

Condescend like anybody’s Daft like we know what time it is but you you’ve got to like package the this is what F1 fails to do right doesn’t package the story tell the narrative in a way that’s drive to survive does when it’s ready and when they’re ready to nail a well

Produced episode but for the rest of the time Fone just sits there like this is our product like do you know what I mean like it or lump it if you don’t like it then that means you’re not a true fan and go and watch some other sport like

Miss me with that man honestly I can’t I can’t State enough that that attitude within the sport can like it it turns me off like I just I want to be the the antithesis to that on the Cameron F1 Channel I want to be knowledgeable I want to have Peter Windsor’s brain and

His engagement and be a bit you know what I mean like I just want to take from the best of them currently in space and that’s why we’re trying to do and that’s why you lot of see me bang out these three videos a day or whatever

Whil the was the new cycle is hot but I digress ven has this clause in his contract what does that mean well that means that all of the other BDS all of the other team princip team principles get your words out Cameron will absolutely be on high alert you saw the

The photos of Toto wolf talking to Jos for steppen what else would he be talking about if not for having his son at Mercedes to replace the not insubstantial sir Lewis Hamilton who who better to repl I know people are talking about Kimmy Antonelli he might be the

Next one and he’s he even looks a bit like senia like the way he wears his hair and all this stuff and he was quite brilliant in his first F2 race having skipped the feed of for the traditional F2 feed of formula F3 yeah he’s good

He’s all right like he looks really good but you know who’s better than Max forab as at March 2024 than you know who’s better sorry than Kimmy Antonelli as at 2024 Max for stappen that’s just the truth he’s F not to say that Kimmy won’t get there in in

The end but as at now in real time if you’re talking about asset value and ability to win a championship then mate I don’t even know if there’s a driver in the world that I’m picking over Max for stappen so of course with Toto freshing Toto’s Memories the fact that he missed

Max for stepping in the first place that they tried to sign him but they couldn’t offer him a space in F1 immediately that’s what Red Bull did that’s why he’s a Red Bull driver and I still think that sits that weighs heav heavy on Toto Wolf’s heart big mistake that I argued

Very recently on a Shakedown episode that that potentially of all the Strategic errors that that Toto and Mercedes have made of all the bad car designs of all the rolling forward the zero pod from 22 through to 23 they are all big big mistakes I argue that probably principle amongst them not

Signing Max for stappen so give Toto wolf half half a sniff at signing match with Sten today in March of 2024 you having a laugh mate going to bite off your hand Toto wolf Toto doesn’t make mistakes twice he will he will he will give Max Forin a contract and a pen and

Ask him to write his number down Toto went from the Lulu to Lulu from MADD to Lane it’s techy isn’t it but who better to replace Lewis Hamilton there is an unknown with Kimmy or caros science you almost feel like you’re getting a downgrade a downgrade in the near term

Particularly right Kimmy Kimmy’s not as good as LS is now you’re investing in the future in kimy and there’s uncertainty and risk in that so why listen I don’t know man I don’t know we shall see I but the new cycle is Bonkers and Christian Horner saga continues to rage

On and by the way this Max for staing thing is a function of that you do know that right because J for stappen has for I keep going through this but I think it’s important that we understand the context and Circumstance J for stappen is very very keen for Christian heret to

Leave for whatever reason there is spe massive speculation that he’s the third party in the love triangle with the accuser who’s now been named by the way which is an absolute Abomination if she didn’t want to be named legal procedures pending potentially Jos is potentially involved

In all of that and again again it’s a love triangle potentially allegedly and Jos wants Christian Herer to leave immediately vacate the post said Jos for stepping to the Daily Mail you are more than causing a distraction and that’s techie drop a like Jo Jo listen I’m going to do a

Cheeky fing here Joo if you got I need moderators guys if you if you guys want to moderate then um let me know cuz the chat’s getting a bit mad now as the channel starts to grow J shout me if you want me to take

That away I’ve just I’ve added you as a mod so I say all that to say that the F1 new cycle is very very chaotic right now but I’m enjoying it to be honest what else have we got to talk about he says in whispered tones it’s not as if the

Bar Grand Prix had lots of themes and narratives that we can dive deep into it other than Max V stappen and Red Bull in the rb2s just being super dominant Supreme almost too easy right almost too easy 22 seconds down the road was Max for Sten

As at the end of the Grand Prix and I I’m do you know what I mean it doesn’t fill me with optimism about having a season that’s competitive a and then thring be quite the opposite o Contra monam I says apparently Horner wanted to make a grab at Red Bull with a British

Yeah Ivan I think you’re late to the party I’ve touched on that already again that’s courtesy of our friend Joe sa there is a link in there if you ever want to um subscribe to his newsletter where he talks about all the breaking news and massively insightful articles

Liby media I’ll touch on this very quickly but you can go back and watch the video if you if you if you’re fancy don’t need Max are you serious game Ender um Aaron now you’re being ridiculous Merk don’t oh my gosh game Ender Game Ender you’re drawing me in go

Then game Ender to that point it’s an interesting point that you make I will say this to that point which one of those 10 teams on the grid doesn’t need a Max for spping oh wait game ofender I um max is likely to leave than

To join my I you know what I would argue that back and forth every single day game ofender a driver as quick as accomplished as Max V stappen who who doesn’t need that I’m asking non- rhetorical question techie word did they Fabrizio Tech is um you you by now you’ll understand what it

Means by the context Tech is like pmic or controversial or marginal oh that’s a bit techy isn’t it difficult to unravel multifaceted G on Cameron if you vocab if Matt goes then then what transfers what transfers would start says stale um will every be fight can you imagine

The fights in real time for that Red Bull seat everybody all of those drivers not in even the ones in contract Lando Norris would be dying to getting that Red Bull like P all of them you’d have to fight them off with a stick every single one of them would be trying to

Get into that that Red Bull seat what the quickest car that we’ve ever seen in F1 history the most dominant potentially well at least it was last year and it’s probably more dominant now a kyi you’re a legend thank you so much for becoming a member I appreciate you and you guys

Can all become members and you get get a cheeky get cheeky access to some emojis and I try and write a cheeky newsletter once a week to you guys so you know where I’m thinking and where the Channel’s heading so there you go and I’m going to start to do behind the

Scenes footage and additional episodes that you won’t get to see on the channel but it is techie and and yeah who who doesn’t which one of those teams don’t need a Max for stappen which one of those teams has a pairing so strong that they couldn’t use a Max

For stappen that a Max for stappen wouldn’t increase their stock as far as their driver pairing there’s not one of them there’s not one of them on the gri cas so maybe you might want to argue Ferrari in 2025 but even then I would I know people

Love charl clir and admire him for his a Tob speed but in absolute terms as a racer as a as far as his ability to get it done over the course of a race distance I would kick charar to the curb instantly for a Max for stappen and I’m

Sure Frederick vur will too do you know what I mean no worries come mod life let’s go Joo I’m at tord International Joo that’s right next to like my old stomping ground tford that’s down the a38 isn’t it tford or am I think think of tamou that sounds very near where I

Used to live man from Birmingham certain coldfield but I digress um yeah I I think each and every single one of those guys would bite off Max’s hand to get him in that team and quite rightfully said look at his record I’ll never forget people always say about Max that

Adversity he’s ability to withstand adversities as yet unproven and I think that’s the biggest pile of sh 20 that I’ve ever heard in my life 2021 was one of the greatest Seasons a support fam a support the you’re a legend Cory thank you so much I’ll never forget

2021 and now there were a couple races that I’ll never forget Silverstone not the Silverstone actual race not the Silverstone Grand Prix but the Sprint race and the way that Max caused LS Fitz I didn’t ever think I would see someone in equal is Machinery trouble leis Hamilton not around Silverstone around

Another trap maybe that he’s not so hot but Silverstone leis Hamilton is a god around Silverstone that’s his stomping ground right he’s got his 10,000 hours around there he’s obviously British so very well acquainted with the track Northampton etc etc but to see Max cause that amount of trouble in that Sprint

Race okay so maybe he had a marginally quicker car um but to see him cause Lewis ham at that was when I just became a Max fan instantly game of Ender says respectfully I think charl and George are so close to Max’s level the Gap is game of Ender respectfully I Just

Disagree Just Disagree and and this is hypothetical right we we we’ll never know it um it’s all hyp it’s hypothesis this is Barber Shop talk quintessentially but from what I’ve seen I I I think George George makes a cheeky mistake and I don’t think he’s as quick nor manages his

Tires as competently as Matt staffen or if he is that’s as yet unproven right that says yeah let’s go Kyrie happy to be aboard the camp ship Kyrie Legend um as yet I’m Prov proven hyper but I might be wrong nobody bets a thousand right I might be off with this is the

Truth who knows we need to see George in a proper car take it to Max but I don’t know I just think that guy is very dangerous and again my old man always used to say you judge the extent of greatness by how somebody rubs up

Against other great and we know Lewis is ridiculously good so for Max even if Max didn’t okay sack off Abu this is the argument that I was put forth let’s pretend that Abu Dhabi didn’t happen right controversy Etc let’s pretend that the the season ended at was it Sai

Before then at Qatar let’s pretend that that’s when the season end ended and and Max lost the championship to L even with that for Max to go head to head nose to nose with one sir leis car Davidson Hamilton for 20 races as near as makes no difference he’s Bonkers I never

Thought after ni rosberg’s fuus win I never thought I would see another driver be able to take it to Lewis Hamilton like that I will be honest I will be honest who’s the who’s number two to Max then says Aaron um but after it’s for me the three are Max Alonzo and Lewis

Right not in that order well I think those are the three that are na Alonzo is still a god tier driver you saw him at Brazil last year right unbelievable the way he pulled off that maneuver on czecho Perez in the dying stages of the ground three oh my gosh there you go

That’s the sort of thing if that was going on this weekend that’s the sort of thing that we can talk about and get our teeth into as far as like the racing and the switch back The Cheeky Up and Under as Alex Jake calls

It the the way man the way he set up czecho Perez not into turn one like NY zero IQ drivers do at interos the Brazilian grumby set him up dummed him just like Lewis did on Max dummed him and then nailed him into turn four and

I’m here that’s what I am here for oh that’s the sort of thing that can get me excited not what we’re seeing at the moment A procession I mean do you know what know it like what are we doing here nobody’s you you you’ve got to be a

Serious die hard to enjoy that Grand Prix that we just saw this weekend though knife sharpens knif see it there car see it there steel Sharp and steel and all that um yeah but the newy these bunkers at the moment hence why I needed to come on

And and chat with you guys again I’m going to try and try I need to start doing these more frequently cuz I enjoy the back and forth and putting forth arguments you guys see me on the Shakedown which again I’m going to start to upload onto this channel god tier F1

Conversations with my guys baxi and chz who are always telling me how daed an F1 mind I am probably rightfully so said they understand it more than me but that’s what I like to do K of says mer AR dropping George well they would drop him instantly if it

Meant getting Max let’s see how this plays out telling you let’s see how this plays out because you don’t you can’t always predict I think if there’s a lesson over the past week I remember this time I remember Saturday Sunday last week thinking in 48 hours that this

Christian horag would be nailed done with it would be behind us I presumed I assumed that Christian or was still going to be team principle for a new for a number of reasons look now I didn’t forecast I didn’t foresee all of this other Shenanigans and variables and

Leaked WhatsApp message it like you can’t there’s no predicting F1 and for that reason and maybe that reason alone is still probably the best sport in the world for me it’s just so nuanced and variables and god tier Minds trying to solve for the the richest racing project

In his like it’s bonkers it is mad Eland Eland Co J Toto will not make the same mistake twice no chance I feel I feel like Toto now I I’ll end on this I feel like Toto is quite determined not to make another me he doesn’t want to go back to the

Board as 33% owner or whatever and say I’ve made it of a mistake as far as my driver in that seat it will be one of Kim antelli or Max V stappen sounds crazy I saying it mark my words Kori says if the boys schedules allow especially shz would you guys

Consider the a Shakedown watch along along cyi would be sick I think the problem with that is that Shez is now down under right so when we do I’ll uh pel back the fourth War here do a bit of kayf well not kayf but behind the scenes

So when we did the Shakedown we we tended the shake down like 700 p.m. GMT so British time Chez is waking up at 5 a.m. to do those recordings so that’s some that’s some serious I can’t even open my eyes at 500 a.m. so Shez is um yeah sh his levels absolute levels

Ryan says they wouldn’t drop George Mercedes in the car capable of been in I agree with the the second Clause there on not so sure on the former who I think the question is who are they dropping George for now Toto wolf you’re right Toto wolf

Is a sports etiquette guy and wants to do things the right way they always talk about not the winning but winning in the right way the Rules of Engagement and they don’t want asterisks over their Championship they’d rather not have them but so in that sense you got to think

That they he has a relationship with George right there’s a BBC podcast called back to basis back to ba back to base sorry where they’re talking about George was staying over at Toto Wolf’s House and all this they’re quite close I think George is to Toto what Christian

Horn is to the V family almost like an adopted son you know and I think he wants to put his arms around him and look after him that much is true but you know what business is business sometimes if if a driver like Max for stappen is on the

Market and you you got to do what you have to do right although it’s a bit of a nonsecretor right because they’ll have a empty C anyway it’s not like they’d have to get rid of George to accommodate max they’re looking for a driver anyway and Toto wolfes asserted that they’re

Going to take their time making the right decision on that let’s see how that works out let’s see how that works out unle says last week I left a comment about Christian being done because if Red Bull didn’t sack him that the pr would I was told not to

Be Hasty I used your game of phones analogy for that comment um uncle sugar so you know what the scories with that already we’ve talked about it so at that level at your exact level of stakeholder shareholders have got a rub rubber stamp it right and the uidia clan what’s your favorite seral

Says visual um it’s a really good question is that if it was an interview question I wouldn’t get the job what’s my favorite cereal I don’t really eat cereal that much I tend to have a nuts and fruit these days cuz I’m old and I’m trying to be healthy

Um I can’t of remember where we were now a Chris thank you so much for the donation keep it up good work F enjoying the videos Chris we’re trying man I’m trying to make waves in 2024 I feel like you know what I’ll be honest with you

Guys I went through a bit of an introspective phas you know when you kind of like do your David Goggins and look in the truth mirror and I feel like I hadn’t been like the other guys that I see kind of like doing bits in the space their

Work ethic is like like Max for stappen and Lewis Hamilton levels and I’ve kind of been not latifi I wouldn’t go so harsh but I’ve kind of been like Charla Clair maybe and that’s why I’m trying to up my game this year having a having life is a finite

Resource right noris is very I’ll read this one and I’m going to run away stelle says Norris signed Norris signed very fast or no so many op are possible so I know that Peter WIS is a fan of that like waiting to see what how the landscape works out again in our last

Conversation he said that pastri potentially should have chilled out at Alpine for a little bit longer and now he would have been in pole position to take Lewis Hamilton’s Mercedes seat um I think the nature of these guys contracts in real time I don’t think anybody signing like Max

Has signed a long-term deal to 2028 but I don’t think anyone signing like five or six-year deals I think by the nature of F1 they understand then it will be it’s a moving piece right in real time it’s like a revolving doors and so you want to be flexible in terms of your

Ability to negotiate a contract or get out of one right so I I assume that Lando like Lewis might have signed a 2 plus one that’s that’s a 2-year contract with an option for an additional one so I don’t think that precludes Orlando Norris from putting himself forth for

This Mercedes SE he’ll want to be loyal and I think maybe as at now Mercedes probably still have a worse package than McLaren but for the long term as per Peter Windsor you kind of you’d rather be like you’d rather be at Mercedes right I think they stand a better chance

Probably in 2026 now of building a car capable of challenging Red Bull for a championship but I digress kyi trainer for you V your family being owners and responsible for SE site and there you go k you said it better than I ever could the 51% owners you got me back on track

Cy didn’t he fair play I’m nauy here I’m ready to go to bed d ma daily maale a gossip Tablo quote so many called friends yeah you can’t trust the daily Ma you want to trust the Andrew Benson cyi train of thoughts idia family right idia family owned 51% % of that that

Company right Red Bull group this means then that as far as your your C sweet level exx that in terms of hiring and firing that you need their sign off right they need to rubber stamp each and every single one of these decisions fire it’s not a remuneration committee REM

Renumeration committee will decide how much decide like Christian on us 13 million a year or whatever he’s getting but it will be something like that it’ be like a a board meeting or something where they decide It ultimately and I’ll let you into this um waiting for cam to

To see one of my comments Lane I’m sure I read one of them out lane but this is why Lane you become a member because your name shows up in bright red colors or green colors right not to uh not you don’t need to do that if you

Don’t want to but I appreciate the support um and something else I was going to say trainer thought kyi again do you have Tik toac I do race number one but I’m not really on there too I don’t know I’m not really a you

Hear how I talk and I like the Cil and the monologuing and and the short form I tried it I did try it but I didn’t feel like the juice was worth the squeeze ultimately I don’t think it speaks to my strengths as a content creator necessarily to go on there and squeeze

All that I’ve got to say into a 60-sec vertical video I’m like well it was nice and then even there’s a there’s a school of thought whether that translates into people actually if you’re a long form content creator a talking head and I do a video on the greatest overtake ever M

Hacken and the double overtake on Michael schumacker and zanto or whever it was then when they come to my this Channel and hear me just talking it’s like there’s a mismatch a I will end on this guys um have a multiple STS a good shout clips good shot racing IQ 200 level

Um Joe Seward’s newsletter this morning did make mention of the fact that on February the 2nd I feel like I’m I read so much different different Publications and listen to so many different podcasts thank you so much race number one I appreciate your kind words I’ve read it somewhere I feel like

It might be Joe award’s newsletter let’s just say it for now and don’t quote me between these four virtual Wars let’s keep it secret but I read that on February the 2nd and this is quite GC on February the 2nd the austrians so the Austrian leg of the Red Bull company

Um letting into the shadows of management or whatever experience yet are kyi bloody Nora that’s a that’s a long one to talk about the shadows of management mate as an accountant you do get to see some things go on then I’ll end it on this February the 2nd so the Rumor Mill

Says the austrians being Oliver Min and dietr mait’s Son Mark they had a statement ready to go announcing Christian Herer had left his position now that’s where it comes in they they offered him a deal where he was going to take sick leave basically he was going

To leave due to health reasons and that was going to be a lie that was going to be the the the the dressing that packaged it with all the while they dismissed him for the alleged accusations um then Christian Herer being a gangster lawyered up massively

When he heard of this he lawyered up massively and he presented not an injunction but presented the case against and and said basically this would be an unlaw an unlawful dismissal if you chose to action it and then that’s why you get the the independent investigation courtesy of

The the KC the Barrister King’s Council and we are where we are yep exactly that Clips got his lawyers and fought it off and I don’t hate that right imagine it’s hard to be so definitive that about this without knowing concretely what’s what it’s all speculation ultimately but it’s quite

Nice to it’s quite nice to go back and forth Barbershop talk ultimately anyway guys I’m going to run away um expect the news video at some point tomorrow it’s going to be a busy day um and I will try and stream two a days two a days I think

Su me and again looking to do the industry thing and and purple sector this 2024 out but for now I’m going to go and get some sleep thank you so much guys thank you to the new members kyi let’s go liot with tala see it there let’s go kyi I’m going to run

Thank you so much for watching thank you for engaging me in this new cycle and this this new bout of content trying to get it out each and every single day you guys are absolute Legends do me a favor between now and next time make sure you

Subscribed like the video drop a comment forward it to a friend of course but between now and next time remember as always to look but never stare peace


  1. If you don’t stop talking shit I going stop watching your site your talking rubbish what races was you watching in 2021 . That the same man who kept crashing into is team mate and wanted to punch someone in an interview ?

  2. Cam! One of the few Youtube F1 Brits who I can understand! Besides all that he gives mostly an honest un biased, sometimes too nice gentlemanly opinion! Cheers!

  3. The Soap Opera of F1 is way more entertaining than the silly races. Watching them makes me sleep on the sofa within ten minutes or so.

  4. Let's talk about Jos V not liking Chirsten H telling his girlfriend to do her job & get to work. Being a female doesn't get you a pass.

  5. Are we don yet? The story is getting more boring than max verstappen domination. We just dont care about Christian Honners private life😀👍🚮

  6. I know that you have to make videos and content and stuff, but let me explain the whole Mohamed situation… $$$ and that's it, end of story… when you have loads of $$$ you can do or say anything you want and get away with it.
    People don't realize that these leaders in this region are not Billionaires BUT Trillionaires !! Elon Musk is the middle class to them😁😁

  7. That Mercedes fanbase isn’t a fan of Max and his dad by any means. I was at the Austin GP last year and the team LH fans are a serious bunch 😂

  8. Why not get Max if you are Toto? Maybe he wants to experience having a proper driver, proper champion at his team.

  9. Cam; Thanks so much the great updates. this is pure karmic, abu dabi 2021. real facts. keep up the good work, from NYC

  10. Sorry Cameron Max Mosley’s father was the leader of the British fascist party nothing to do with Max. Yes he was with prostitutes but did not dress as a Nazi and was successful in the court case against the newspapers. I didn’t always agree with your opinions and that’s fine but please try to get your facts right. Cheers Jim

  11. Cameron, keep the news coming! Use your best judgment, the off track drama is proving better than on the grid action.

  12. Get Max’s father out of the paddock! Its distraction for everybody. Ged rid of Horner because the investigation was not transparent at all. Find a divorce lawyer for Horner. Afterall that, we will be able to concentrate on the F1 season!

  13. you should try to do a psychological view of the situation, look into JV behavior and past legal troubles,, tie it into current behaviour
    news, thnks

  14. I say it again, Ben Sulayem, president of the FIA has proved he is in bed with Redbull, quick to slander Toto and Suzie without proof but defends Horner where this proof of foul play.

  15. Ben Sulayem, is the definition of poor leadership. He didn't graft, he was born into riches, he is not like the other team principals who had to learn real leadership. The size of the productive output of a transactional leader and transformational leader is a chasm. I hope FIA elects a true leader this time, because Ben Sulayem will ruin Formula 1

  16. With all due respect Stephen a and skip bayless only talk ball sports they’ll never talk about f1, nascar, Indy, anything motor, it doesn’t involve them.

  17. F1 has had questionable ethics for quite awhile, a lot of turning a blind eye. This would be a good time to clean up the organization before it implodes. It’s a shame that at the peak of F1 exposure on the world stage these issues are the focus of attention.

  18. Where are your "Chinese Walls" for the Toto & Suzie situation? Why can't Ross Brawn talk to MBS? Is MBS just meant to sit in an office in France, never leave and never speak to anyone. Ever since AD21 you Hamilton fans have lost your minds

  19. If max goes to mercedes in 2025, here's what will happen

    – Max will still win by 20+ secs
    -George will be condemed by fans as the worst F1 driver
    -James Allison will the be GOAT
    -Some fans will still cry " its the car"
    -F1 to some will stay boring

  20. Excellent diction brother. One thing I haven’t heard enough of – How does Newey factor into this team movement conversation?

  21. This whole shit show has f*ck all to do with Jos Verstappen, it all goes back to the Horner vs Marko feud. Jos has never been the best when it comes to PR… Max is loyal to Marko and blood 🩸 is thicker than water 💧… Didi is probably turning around in his grave of disgust… Sad, sad sad….

  22. Max Mosley’s alleged “orgy scandal” proved to have come from the sordid imagination of the tabloids. There was nothing wrong going on there. No “nazi theme” or whatever. It wás however rather embarrassing, it was a private “adult” party…, but like he said, what people do in their private lives, is private.
    I suspect 99% of people reading this, have at some time in their lives, once or daily or anything in between, masturbated…, but that doesn’t mean we would like the details of that being talked about in tabloids!
    Max Mosley wás the son of a very dubious father. A powerful political figure, on the wrong side of history, but in all honesty, you can’t blame Max Mosly for that.
    Max Mosley wás, on the other hand, the decent conscience that made Bernie E. seem nearly respectable.
    Also Max Mosley was instrumental in making cars (not in F1, but “normal” road vehicles🚗 ) múch safer! Without him, there wouldn’t have been Euro NCAP safety ratings & crashtests… In fact, I think there’s few people, éver on this earth, that have saved as many lives & severely wounded, as Max Mosley…, even if he was a bit of a kinky guy, going to adult parties… 😉👍👋

  23. The teams are trying all kind of air small wings and different solution. But Merc have tried in 3 years and can`t make it. Could it be that the Honda engine just is very much better than the other??????????????

  24. Hell just froze of Cam, Max has just Blinked his eyes in Christian’s bluff calling. He has just publicly disagreed with his Dad.
    The one thing you were adamant would not happen!
    Interviewer “do you agree with your dad’s point of view”
    Max “from my side I’m just focusing on my driving, and that’s the important thing for the team right now. “

  25. Ben DIDNT OVERTURN ALONSO’s PENALTY! The team put in an appeal at the stewards with new evidence ofOTHER SITUATIONS OF PENALTIES where the front jack touched the car within the penalty time and that in THOSE SITUATIONS the penalty had been deemed CORRECTLY DONE. That’s why the penalty was reversed! And Alonso got his P3 back. WE ALL KNOW THAT cos FIA immediately afterthat weekend changed the rule that the front jack WAS ALLOWED TO TOUCH THE CAR IN THE PENALTY TIME FRAME!
    So it was NOT BEN who got the penalty dismissed at all!!!

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