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GET UP | Ryan Clark DESTROYS Stephen A. Smith for saying the Cowboys have a culture problem

GET UP | Ryan Clark DESTROYS Stephen A. Smith for saying the Cowboys have a culture problem

Up at the bottom of the hour I’ve been promising you this and it’s going to be worth it we begin s sound off with Dak Prescott and Stephen A Smith so all this conversation about the Cowboys and their culture problem Dak was asked about it his response drew a response from

Stephen A just enjoy the cach is high honestly and and the culture is great from from my from my standpoint that’s something I’ve always bragged on and took pride in so if there’s questionings of that qu concerns on that I feel attacked I’m sure some guys in the locker room do you

Damn right us an attack against you because you should be better than you have been as a quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys come postseason time and you haven’t been and the fact that y’all could walk around with a straight face talk about they ain’t no culture problems is evidence that there is a

Culture problem you’re damn right you’re damn right okay listen so Dak and listen he always says the right thing thing and that’s the right thing to say but if I’m understanding that correctly he feels attacked by people suggesting that Cowboys have a culture problem but not by two of his highest profile teammates

Having their family members openly questioning him his money his leadership and everything else yeah I think I think if you’re a Dak Prescott you’re just going to go by the way that you’re treated by your teammates you’re going to go by what happens when you’re within the locker room what happens when

Michael Parsons gets on his podcast continually publicly to back Dak pres Prescott whether it’s as a leader whether it’s as an MVP candidate and I think that’s what Dak is focusing on also when you’re talking about a culture yes this team hasn’t won Playoff games but they’ve been a team that in the

Regular season has shown that they could be one of the tops in the NFC and so I think Dak Prescott is speaking from that standpoint what they have is an entitlement problem what does that mean what’s the difference when things do start going well they think that this is

What it’s supposed to be this is what we deser deserve this is going to keep happening no matter how I go to work no matter how I practice no matter how I show up to the stadium no matter how I prepare because in the offseason greeny talked about us every day during the

Season Kmart had to report on us constantly Lis rck had to talk about the moves that we were making to make our team better and they start to feel themselves it’s not that they don’t have a culture that can foster winning it’s that they have an entitlement that can’t

Foster consistency in the biggest moments see actually think they have a dog problem they are a very good team but when you talk about winning culture you can’t tell me we have a winning culture do well in the regular season but then when the postseason comes you

Wilt Under Pressure you can’t have an MVP caliber season get congratulated for and then when the playoffs come come up small you can’t consistently talk about why are people talking about us bad mouthing us and consistently come up short like when the playoffs come like

That’s when we see dogs and I think they don’t have enough of that right now Louis Cowboys have a Personnel problem all right look there there’s certain cracks in this foundation in this football team in this roster that show up during the regular season to despite

The fact that they’re winning 12 and 13 games that you know if they run up against a certain profile of team I don’t care how many dogs they got I don’t care how much they like each other I don’t care who’s talking about who whose wife whose mom whose family

Members talking about who there are certain things you can’t do when a team comes out in 12 personnel and you got 205lb linebackers on the football field I don’t care how much you want to get off that block how much you want to fill that hole you aren’t going

To be able to fill that hole and when teams identify that and start pressing on that weak point it’s it it goes from being a little bit of a crack in the foundation to the foundation just crumbles and then they can’t do nothing about it so to me you know look culture

Culture ain’t stopping a team on Third and short culture ain’t f is not stopping the wide zone or the inside Zone that what what what is stopping that are linebackers who were bigger defensive tackles who can get off blocks because we’ve all been on teams we all

Been a part of teams where it hasn’t been always perfect there’s somebody over in the corner talking about somebody else somebody’s family member who doesn’t like somebody else you don’t get along with the co they have a Personnel problem they better fix it otherwise they’re going to keep getting

Knocked out of the playoffs all right I love it let me let me do one more sound off for you guys you know what we haven’t heard from in a while uhoh Aaron roders Aaron roders gave us more insight into his retirement timeline yesterday and his answer might surprise you really

Been in a good place rehab wise um uh from the start and and feeling really good and you know again I’m I’m hopeful I can play two or three or four more years two or three or four I can’t do it you can’t do it I can’t Greenie I cannot

Do it four more years yes of Tuesday reaction to what Roger I can’t I don’t know if I have it in me oh I’ve got it in me I’ll tell you right now here’s what I got in me here’s the thing okay let me just go back Louis today was

Talking about what happened 12 13 months ago well let me talk about what happened 12 13 months ago all the stuff that has been said there have been a lot of words spoken both by and about Aaron Rogers but let’s go with what actually happens on the field the best part about losing

Your quarterback four plays into a season is that he has the maximum amount of time to recover so however healthy he could potentially be under any circumstances he’s going to be are you ago the Jets became a Super Bowl team by acquiring Aaron roders they haven’t

Really lost any of the players they had on that team and now I feel like no one even mentions them in the conversation about teams that could do something so what do we expect them to be I don’t expect them to be anything until I until

I see them on the field yeah the thing that we can’t do in this off season is give them the AFC East Championship like we did last year because what we did realize is much like LS mentioned about the Dallas Cowboy there’s some Personnel problems in New York as well who else

Are we going to throw the ball to outside of gar Wilson how is Nathaniel Hackett going to make sure he can put the football in bree Hall’s hands enough to where he’s effective and it leads to the play action game how is Aaron Rogers going to get the football off because

Here is also what you missed Drey the reason that he was done after four plays it’s cuz they didn’t block nobody it’s a little difficult like just don’t run around getting hurt greeny he was hurt because he was getting sacked almost choked he’s so upset we’re going to redo the offensive

Life you and I will be together in Detroit at the draft they’ll take we almost almost lost for good actually the second time we almost lost him in a few weeks okay quickly we we got uh offensive line we’re going to redo the entire thing in the draft we’ll

Go out and signed free agents Rogers will come back the future is bright Louis yes no gr gry I know you’re optimistic bro I know you are man I know you want to believe so bad you just want to plug in a couple of them big dudes in

In this draft and be like everything’s going to be great greeny they’re not a Super Bowl team bro they’re not they got some work to do but I will say this I will say this though I will say this the look have you seen him and Kurt C have

You seen how Kurt Cousins been looking too coming off with these Achilles man whoever these surgeons are that are performing these surgeries and these rehab Specialists my God I mean they are earning their money the Jets will be better with him but hey let’s just slow

Down on the Super Bowl talk let’s just slow down let alive you’re okay okay believe it Super Bowl might be a little far for us let’s see okay much more football as we go the squad as you can spee one going there spee spe all right down I speee spee open for


  1. SAS shouldn't be allowed To talk football or sports in general in the manor he does.. it gets so disrespectful sometimes

  2. Dak gives the best loser interview in the business, he is complete trash in the playoffs, 60million a year, I couldn't see myself doing it, but I'm not Jerry Jones either, so we shall see how it plays out…..

  3. Amazing real football players not including Shannon sharp know its notba culture problem. You cant have a culture problem winning 12 games each year pass three years. If that was the case 80% of the lead have a culture problem.

  4. I mean, Cowboys are worth $9 billion, most valuable sports team on the planet. They're literally worth more than half the NFL combined. They generated $1.14 billion in '22 in revenue, $410 million clear of second place. They only had one year since '01 where the money they brought in dropped (besides '20 which was the pandemic season). Three of the top five players in merch sales are on the Cowboys. Can you really blame them for having an entitlement problem? All of the evidence, including media coverage of them 2 months after exiting, suggests they are the kings of the world and they don't NEED to win a championship.

  5. All this for a guy who was literally a lamar Jackson away from mvp and a defense that gave up 42 points of actual offense bring up the pick 6 nut the Packers carved are defense asking him to match 42 points is insane

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