Golf Players

Rico’s Flu Game Pt. 2 | Tuesday, February 20th, 2024

Rico battles through an ailment after attempting to fix his jumpshot in Brooklyn.

00:00 Intro
2:35 Rico Battling Through Adversity
12:00 Bubble Teams
16:50 Caitlyn Clark Drama
20:50 Dating Older Women
23:00 Southern Sports
29:00 Big 10
32:59 OnlyFans Mom

Call In: 8887866522

VOICEMAIL LINE: ‪(862) 251-8863‬


You’re going to tell me you’re going to tell me how to do the list eat a burger eat a burger put it to rest do it how we know Daddy’s at the W until 8 hours and D’s watching XXX down in the [ __ ] basement get that out of my will you

Punch the burger I’m going to throw it did you go to therapy yes yeah we changed it we’re back up come on you got a lot you got a lot of Bobby Knight in you you got a lot of Bobby KN in we SE two places rip Bobby night uh Tuesday

February 19th Phil did I get that right no 20th 20th 20th all off close enough yeah we are are struggling I look as white as uh this bottle which is very clear shout out body armor uh went to swish house today for a uh basketball workout trying and fix the shot great

People there great workout had Dana beers help me out uh just kind of even buffering in between to to give me some time in between the Reps because we did the I I guess I’m not going to give it away but we did not do like a full

Practice and it’s been a while since I’ve been through a a basketball conditioning that [ __ ] takes a toll on you I am I took a i spoiler for the rundown time I’m on the rundown I took a five minute or the 30 second break or two minute break to go splash water on

My face I was getting lightheaded like I am struggling have you been hydrating since actually yeah obviously but I will say though this is no shade to our guy Dana um you are definitely battling some type of ailment and I think he was just you know coming off a big dinner and he

Was a little bit more gased than you were cuz I when I was time to turn it on like I you know I could still go and whatever but uh it’s not it’s not a great showing uh I do think they get some tips the problem is you know we

Work here we carrying the place no one debate show in the country but uh I can’t go and put up 400 jump shots a day like that’s what you need to do you got to put up at least 100 shots a day to just get the it’s all muscle memory even

Off a couple today you definitely improved yeah for sure so uh small Improvement we’ll see next time I go pick it up but uh you know that’s that all right uh 40 minutes hard today 40 minutes a hell give me all you got I

Haven’t seen my guy D I miss him but uh jety what’s moving the needle in uh the news so it was a couple things we left on the table Phil you got callers couple things we left on the table from yesterday I want to start with uh

Something that I guess no one has blogged from our company yet but uh MGK just like tattooed his entire body black so I don’t know if this is like what what problem I don’t know if it’s problematic I don’t know what the the like bro is this guy for real is for

This so are we showing it yeah it’s it’s I guess it’s a blackout tattoo but it’s like all over his chest I’ve never seen like that The Middle’s a cross and that’s a bad move dude I don’t know I don’t I mean this is like as bad as

Like it doesn’t make any sense either I I guess pivot this to like what are your thoughts on like I don’t know well I think tat listen I’m not what’s going too far with tattoos I’m not a tattoo guy is he trying to get the pass the

Thing you know you always get the guy it’s like why’d you get that tattoo it’s like bro it looks cool it’s like all right well why’d you get in your [ __ ] back cuz you can’t see it I have and then like other people could see it it’s

Like yeah but you can’t see it the whole time you’re in the mirror like this I’m trying to like figure out if it’s real or not [ __ ] is that cuz I have a bunch of dumb tattoos but like even small ones they hurt like that much shading is just

Like getting the needle dug into your skin for it had to be six hours if it’s whole chest like how’s the process let me ask you this well we always learn we try to learn something on this show yeah you think it’s fake I don’t know if it’s

Fake like I don’t understand what the like the thought process is behind doing it even with anything like you could get a shark in a gorilla high five and and be like what is that ah you know like I it’s funny and I I like like I look at

It I laugh or like whatever somebody oh my my kids said that one time like in a story or like whatever [ __ ] you could have any kind of thing you go and it’s like bro would would you do it’s like I got a tattoo oh what does it mean well

It’s all black what like what it’s like a Rachel doal kind of situation it’s just kind of doesn’t make any sense uh oh what’s the process with the cleaning of the needles it’s like you go in for an 11 a.m. appointment the guy at 8 a. what they do with that they sanitize

Them like pretty regularly like even while you’re getting tattoo they’ll put them in like change the anchor or put them in a in a sanitizer so usually if you’re not getting one done in a third world country and I’ve heard a story a girl I think she was in Thailand and you

Know the like tattoo that Angelina Jolie has on her back it’s like a stick and poke with like a this girl like three friends got stick and poke tattoos in Thailand they came back one of them I don’t know how only one of them tested positive it got really sick a couple

Months later got like a a blood test HIV oh crazy yeah you hear the horror stories man that [ __ ] it’s like it’s like Friday night light when they go to Mexico he’s gonna do like a what was he gonna do a [ __ ] stem cell or something I think

So goog yeah oh Jason you’re Friday lights guy all right uh it’s the TV show not the movie the movie is better but uh Jason Street they go to Mexico to do something Jason street by the way stunk on that show stunk uh Power Rankings goes to Mexico

For an experimental surgery doesn’t say anything about oh yeah it was it was stem cells it’s brutal they had like three different episodes the only good one he got inject injected with shark stem cells the only good yes they’re in the river and he jumps out of the boat

Dude he’s a powerleg he jumps out of the [ __ ] boat uh it’s nuts it’s a it’s a great show but Power rankings Friday Night Lights TV show off the top of my head one Riggins two coach Taylor three sarson four uh Vince what’s his name smash he only

In Five Smash Five Smash yeah uh you know what did he get was he only in one season am I thinking coach coach’s wife is up there too Tyra pull up have you ever seen this girl no pull up Tyra bad that show had some that show had

Some it might have been said in it was good it was said in Texas because Houston Rockets she gives M Kelly a run for a money we could show this real quick Jason Tyra Colette Tyra Colette not bad Adriana picki yeah she’s you know she’s older now but uh yeah rocket um she

Comes back I mean whatever J G can watch the series no she comes back at the end and that visual like she comes in the bar and starts breaking riggin’s balls it’s a it’s a great spot great great way to kind of end it I think she’s only in

The last two episodes she comes back they all that was the thing that was good about this show they didn’t keep him forever you know what I mean like they they did finagle like they found out who was going to be good and all of a sudden Riggins was a sophomore and his

Best friend was Street who was two years older yeah yeah yeah so they knew they wanted more Riggins and they’re like all right how do we do this they knew they needed more smash he all of a sudden was the same age as R it was an interesting

Way to do it but uh it’s a good show it was a very good show the only problem was I felt like the movie had great monologues the TV show had a lot of good scenes but didn’t have a lot of like great on liners you

Know what I mean so it was it was interesting and they really kind of buried home the Clear Eyes Full heart type thing and I do think the movie used that better at the end because that speech by Gary Gaines is way better or Billy Bob Thorton whatever but uh Phil

You got a call uh I have a call but I also want talk about uh you saw one of our co-workers get into some Twitter beef today I did not Patrick Beverly and uh he got into some beef with JJ reic if J okay I’m friends with both of these

Guys met JJ outside the garden very nice guy friend of pev obviously yeah so basically JJ reic went on um I think it was like first take today just trashing doc rever saying just the one Tweeter there in exchange because I see his resp well reic played for him re reck does

Have credibility played for him right played for they both played for them both play thanks Phil my bad okay this man doc actually saved your career started you when no one else wanted to and you retire go on TV and say [ __ ] were they on the same team Beverly and

Reick how did they were on the same Clippers team I’m not sure I’m going to go through this thread though because there’s a couple different couple of bangers so then JJ Reddit comes back Pat my guy had a four-year offer with player options for the same money

To be a starter for a different team [ __ ] out of here my I appreciate JJ reck saying [ __ ] yeah he’s not afraid to sling it I mean he goes at um Rd uh Mad Dog he goes at a lot of people he’ll stand stand on his toes um then Pat why

Didn’t you take it then you was comfy in your role as a team and just say la and don’t just say la okay I I mean I appreciate this I mean Pat Bev obviously we’re gonna side with him because he’s our co- he’s a great guy but I do

Respect re’s a legend JJ reick standing on his his ones and fire him back and again took a very nice picture outside the garden at the Duke came around Christmas with my boys so uh he did have a great line I was like I work with big

Cat and he’s like uh why don’t you go to Chicago I like God thanks uh good for Pat Bev sticking up for his uh new coach Old Coach whatever you want to call him yeah uh interesting shout out Pat Bev hopefully we see I see the box in the playoffs versus the

Knicks you want me to get into that one call that’s gonna be hard of a that’s that’s gonna be hard like rooting wise obviously I’m rooting for the Knicks but like I am pulling for Pat BFF I I it’s if we’re going to lose to anybody well I don’t want to lose maybe

I’m getting soft I think that’s a little soft yeah maybe I’m getting soft the Nicks need to win so [ __ ] you know respectfully aren’t that tight [ __ ] the Bucks yeah I’m getting a getting a little crazy I’m getting a little crazy and he wasn’t even there for the 41 so

Yeah [ __ ] the Bucks Pat’s got another 10 years left on him agreed [ __ ] the Bucks uh all right Phil give me the call all right uh Sam from Kentucky phone Sam give it to us again got it Rico pause yo how are you sir quick healthy debate for

You winning the NIT is better than losing in the first round as a bubble team nah I don’t think so I think they’re both kind of like like to build the program they’re both kind of like uh like you were there at the party but you didn’t make any impact you know what

I mean I know it’s like you got to the dance floor you got to the dance floor you didn’t talking to any ladies you put it this way yeah exactly like it’s a it’s a Monday in high school after a big kegger in the woods and like you believe

This like Phil [ __ ] had a threesome with Susie and Joanne uh you know he went for four hours like that’s the main story you heard Kevin drank like 42 beers like unbelievable like what else and then somebody else is like I was there it’s like were are you you know what I mean

Nobody knows so I think that’s no I get that but you get to play in the garden you get two games in the garden yeah like if you look even like Kansas State like you know lost in the Elite 8 but they were you could argue maybe the second biggest story behind

Yukon in each tournament it’s not always well I guess was there a 16 last year yeah right fdu is that the same year am I losing track it was fdu all right so I’m sorry so it was Yukon fdu then probably Kansas State but Kansas State

Just makes a run it’s those teams you don’t have to get to a final four you don’t have to win the whole thing it’s making the Run everybody else is just in that mix and then like you become a like Virginia Virginia get just gets balanced on pass it’s well all right healthy

Debate the other side of that is if you are the team who gets a big upset you become a storyline but not for the right reasons yes I think all right put it this way if you can if you could tell me you’re going to win the NIT and that

Means you’re guaranteed to do something the next year I don’t hate that like if St John’s wins the NIT this year and they’re for sure like good to go next year and build and this was really year one of the process I don’t hate that but

If they don’t don’t win it or they even if they win it and then they don’t do anything next year it’s kind of like a two-year Gap you know what I mean no I get that I get that but uh healthy debate as always I appreciate the stuff bring a little

College basketball no it’s not bad yeah I love cron tonight yeah I know it’s your I I listen I I it’s a good segue because I was watching SVP last night Hurley is just cut from a Different Cloth like it’s like I think he’s doing that it was definitely not taped ah

Maybe it was who knows but it was like 12:00 at night he’s doing it from his conference room whatever and he’s dialed in as it can be they cut back to the clip like get us now uh and Yukon it is a again it’s a good storyline that

They’re it’s a great storyline that they’re chasing the repeat and they’re the best and the Big East and all that even the best teams can lose a I think tonight’s the night with now every time you think people go get Yukon they raise the bar again and remind you like

Saturday they beat Marquette by 30 kraton I think is probably seven had the monster but but I like kraton in Omaha yeah it’s also a conference tournament week like four games in four days or three games in three days if we get the buy that’s not always a guarantee you

Run through that like if you told me right now I could have Yukon or the field in the Big East Via the payouts I’m probably taking the field and again that’s no disrespect to Yukon because they are a super team but it’s it’s crazy [ __ ] happens we’ve seen I’ve seen

One seeds lose in conference tournaments in the court and what does the coach do it’s not that big a deal cuz it’s like all right we’re still a one seat in the real tournament like wash it off figure it out here we go get a little rest it’s not the be all

End all it’s the teams in the middle of the mix that are fighting for their lives that you don’t want any part of you know and that’s part of the reason too those teams have giving Yukon their best shot I think tonight’s tonight games in kraton correct games in kraton yeah I think

Tonight’s tonight you can get Katon tonight see the thing I wor I like you call more in attorney but yeah the thing I worried about with kraton know is Ash Ashworth is a a liability on offense and fed or I’m sorry on defense and feder Rico or

Whatever the hell his name is uh Pablo whatever the [ __ ] his name is is uh a liability on offense I don’t love that now they got Cal prener and they got uh shyan they got a lot of options and uh it’s not Kuma columa left it’s uh Trey

Alexander is the best mid-range guy I’ve ever seen in my life he just doesn’t he didn’t miss against Alabama uh so they got a lot of options and mcder seems like one of those guys who maybe can break through he got to an elite eight last year uh but I think

Tonight’s tonight you go get Yukon so I would lay it yep I like it sir all right one other one too off of that thank you I wrote the blog off of uh you got any more please call in all right I got the uh I

Got the the new I saw the picture today we were driving back from in the car so Cheryl swoops does that thing where she goes after Caitlyn Clark yes and it’s like oh she’s got extra years this and that when it all comes down to it Caitlyn Clark broke Kelsey Plum’s record

In a short amount of time games wise she’s only on her fourth year she’s a true senior whether she comes back or not that’s her decision she has that option but I don’t know what she’s going to do but she did break the record legitimately yeah with that um now I do

Think you can make a case that alltime leading scores lists in general should just be set to four years now well but then what happens then if you’re injured for two like is it four years of play You’re yeah pretty like pretty much like if you all right so if you did enough

Where you played five games and qualified to come back let’s say you you know break an ankle God forbid on Christmas Day and the NCA deems that as you have a year back or or December 1st is a better way like you played a month of games it’s

Like four games five games yeah and you get a year back now you come back back as a freshman it’s like all right then then you got those extra five games whatever now you got four years from that so you get four years and and five

Games a little people can get a little bit of like extra it’s like the fries at Five Guys the little extra in the bag but for the most part we’re counting four-year records yeah so if Kaylin Clark does come back I would not necessarily carry count those

Points to the record for playing Five you get what I’m saying yeah but either way she broke it clean as can as can be so Cheryl swoops I said was actually doing a disservice to women’s basketball cuz it’s like why aren’t you informed you want to elevate this game and you

Want to leave it better or maybe she doesn’t healthy debate maybe she’s jealous that they have money to nil the WNBA is probably making more money than I mean that’s inflation but the WNBA has more teams it’s probably a better a little bit better of a lifestyle they

Realized things weren’t you know great there women’s Athletics if you look into that in college I’m sure Shel swoops didn’t necessarily play in some of the best Arenas we saw that even five six years ago at the women’s tournament they were like this is our weight room it’s

[ __ ] it looked like like a hotel fitness center it was bad so I think there’s probably a little jealousy with that so it’s kind of like why is K why is Charles SW coming after caylin Clark this makes no sense who did caylin Clark have a major

Do too with a couple years ago Angel Reese now the picture comes out last night angel ree posts a picture Cheryl swoops past and present it’s like maybe hide this because now we know you’re like tipping your hand she’s your mouthpiece in the media yeah and they

Could say like they’re friends and I’m I’m not speaking for Kaitlin but it seems like Angel Reese definitely still doesn’t like her so and there’s a lot of jealousy with that also LSU season from one of them was tumultuous she was in a [ __ ] show so Cheryl swoops it kind of

Seems like was just being a parrot so that was an interesting one give me uh give me the another hot uh headline you got jety you always got one’s kind of off the rip uh Nikki smokes or the great blog uh wrot a Blog sorry um about read

One too he read one too uh about dating older women so he’s 24 years old and he is now on women that are in their 30s he said that basically it’s it’s like a Revival for him it’s nothing like he’s ever experienced more independent they’re they’re just better overall than

The young I don’t know early 20s mid 20s I kind of want to get your take on that I’m going to pull up his blog while you give me your initial thoughts well you got to remember uh early 30s uh I wasn’t really into the game like

That I was kind of locked up at like 26 26 you didn’t have any experience with an old like uh yeah yeah yeah let’s call her she was a teacher she was definitely a little bit older she wasn’t mid-30s sounds like a Jerry Thorton article um yeah but she uh name yeah

Older chicks aren’t bad I’ll give him that but I think now like his spot now he’s got a little bit of money in his pocket and they got a lot of money in their pocket they’re established I don’t hate it so here’s his blog give me some

Of his highlights of course he uses that gift right now basically he’s saying that he doesn’t have to deal with like the baby [ __ ] they know what they want they have money to spend um I’ve never I’ve only wed or beded one older woman really when I was 20 and she was

29 it was a fantastic experience she was a tall dark uh woman from Washington DC and and it was fantastic but I’ve never like dated an older woman so I don’t really know I’ve always dated girl yeah I’ve kind of done the same thing I was never in a serious kind of relationship

Like that but uh I mean it’s one of those things that can kind of take carry a little bit you know what I mean I don’t hate it I think he’s he’s on the right track I also think that older women will Pro like someone like a Nicki smokes

Where he’s out there slinging it like there’s a specific type of older woman that’s probably you know looking for just a one night of fun maybe younger women are kind of caught up more in like you know trying to be relationship material and maybe they just want a fun

Night with SM yeah I think the problem he’s going to hit is like after three four months of you know the meet up at 1 am or like oh we just go to the movies or you know it’s kind of fun and this and that after three or four months he

Might be like looking at uh hey where are we going he might get the where we going a little bit earlier with the older you know what I mean yeah she’s like I’m 37 and I’m still kind of slinging it around at River North shout River North

Uh you know what what am I what am I doing I gotta like I’m in I’m in six weddings this year not all of my friends have kids now now what do I do you know so but hey if he’s Gonna Keep Lily Pad hopping good F the chat’s lighting me up

For saying wetted I meant to say bedded I just it was wet too relax chat it was wet relax chat it’s been a hard day but do you think there’s anything like I don’t know as you as men get into their 30s maybe their stat not the same

Someone like Nikki smokes young stallion doesn’t need doesn’t need I yeah relle relle Ryan’s shooting a shot every day with him so there’s got to be something there with the young guys uh Phil you got a call lined up I do I got two all

Right give me the two back to back uh Ethan from New Hampshire Rico you got me yep hey how’s it doing today um two things one uh I want to talk about college and college sports especially in the south is a next big sport to come out of the South College hockey because

I see all these Club programs I got a few buddies uh one playing at South Carol South Carolina one playing at Kentucky another down at um um Georgia Tech but it seems like a huge hockey market and it only is like attaching to the Southern fan base so that’s one um

And then two I was listening to uh I can’t remember busing with the boys they’re saying now that football’s over what’s your top three things to do on a Sunday so I want to get your take on both those I think the college basketball slates on Sunday are not that

Great so I think this is the time if you did the math you had let’s count the weeks five you got five Sundays where maybe you suck it up and go to Target maybe you suck it up and go antiquing maybe you rearrange a bedroom maybe you vacuum maybe you do you get

Spring cleaning early like February 28th you’re like you know what rather than April Easter’s late this year like let’s do the spring cleaning now like whatever or uh pick some brunch spots that you can go there’s nothing wrong with eating you know eat healthy do do the best uh I

Think you got to finesse it in a way that you can get some benefit out of it though like instead of Target let’s go Costco you can take a lap get a 79 cent hot dog you’re having a great time maybe you could probably get the same [ __ ]

Yeah I mean you also got to talk listen even as a the biggest Sports guy in the world there are days where you’re like all right you look at the thing and you evaluate the the tradeoff yeah like all right now they did pull the upset but

Like Ohio State Purdue I didn’t think that was necessarily one I had to be glued in on but maybe that’s the [ __ ] point is that college basketball is so and sports is so unpredictable that like you know the Genesis tournament or these golf tournaments that are going you are

Getting final rounds at golf if you’re a big golf guy but I watch the majors so I mean I’ll just advocate for NASCAR real quick in Motor Sports in general I mean just put yourselves in their situation they’re in a hot ass car on like the

Very edge of you know crashing the car basically all the time it’s it’s crazy to think about but I understand it’s not everybody’s you know piece of cake but I want to throw that out there what did uh maybe we should get will on quick bombard him what did will say his three

Top activities were on a Sunday was mine or not like what I want to do I think it’s just what I should do before March and you turn into a a Savage and then April April you go sorry go no April you go back to like

You know doing [ __ ] around and then uh in the summer it’s all bets are off it’s it’s there’s nothing going on so you’re just kind of chilling yeah they said something about like a cookout like oh get for a cookout this guy’s got really good food this

Guy’s got this that’s always nice uh I think they said the beach um golfing for sure I mean you can’t go wrong with any of those especially golfing the beach yeah I’d like to see Will on the golf course what’s the perfect talk thanks for the call Ethan we talk about

Scrambles all the time jet ski MH not necessarily like winner well well I do think you need to have a guy because there’s nothing worse than turning in a plus four in a scramble like for you not famili you familiar with how scramble works yeah I I’ve watched like the I’ve never

Actually like played one four guys te off Best Shot we go from there Best Shot we go from there so for the most part you’re turning in underpar yep you know cuz like especially they do some favors with courses that aren’t that hard whatever so I think you do need a guy

Who’s good and is going to carry you but what’s the perfect like Vibe or other three for me in a scramble or your own yeah here I think so so it’s think about of yours so you’re going to need probably someone that’s going to give you some positive motivation I’ve been

On the go I think the no disrespect to rigs rigs is way better I just haven’t been around rigs as much I went on the golf course with this guy played nine holes could have played 92 yeah laugh the whole time I think he’s in

Uh a guy who mess mes meshes with a lot of people and like coaches you Frankie Burley would be my starter okay on that I’m saying locally too like let’s you know ah you don’t want to go crazy like outside or whatever but I’d go uh Frankie he’s your pace Setter yeah

Kirk might be better than him too but I don’t know he’s not listen I feel like you and Kirk will butt heads agreed yeah it’s like and it’s also he’s Cutthroat like he’s got to he’s so good he knows he wants to win if he’s just going to

Finish two under in a scramble and all of us walk off in high five a guy like that like you know who hates scrambles my brother he plays through a two hand four handicap three handicap and he’s like this is guy’s cheat he’s not in the

Rhythm like guys who really play golf so that’s why I think Kirk might not do it Frankie is a little bit more like all right let’s have some fun poor transfusion poor High Noon like figure it out so Frankie I’d like to see Will based off that I think we’ve been we’ve been

Meshing well and now I got one left I know I’m going to like [ __ ] where are you in in hypothetically obvious I’m the last guy I’m Vibes I’m I hey guys I got coolers uh I got a hookup at uh Bryant they got us four golf shirts to wear do

You want to be four or do you want to be three and recruit a four or you you’re happy no I think I’m bad if I break a 100 it’s a good day like if I get off the tea I can contribute here and there

Uh I was gonna say I was gonna say Jerry Jerry Jerry’s very funny on the golf course yeah I think you guys would enjoy each other all right so me Frankie Jerry will for some now I don’t know Will’s background I might cut will for Vibes I

Don’t know how much I can carry will with with golf but we’ll see that’s a good that’s a good segue uh Phil how many you got empty the clip two perfect and Jessie give us a final headline coming out of it Jack from wiconsin we should also Rico what’s up we happy

New Year happy here uh Jack McCarthy we need Jack McCarthy to eventually call in Jack from Wisconsin let’s get Jack back on the let’s get Jack back on the on the good side uh go ahead Jack Jack two hey healthy debate the Big 10 is trash I

Say that as a badger if we really screw the pooch here is the Badger or is the Big 10 in danger of having two teams in the tournament no I don’t think you I don’t I don’t think you’ll ever get two give me the they got seven in right now

No six what do they got seven you got Northwestern and Michigan I just always I just always assume that the Big 10 starts with six they have been rewarding teams who finished 500 in that league for 15 years that’s just how it goes is it that

Bad we’re bad I agree that it’s I don’t think it’s good but I didn’t know it was that bad all right so Purdue Illinois Northwestern I think is in Wisconsin in in I think Nebraska is in so that gives us five and then yeah it’s slim pickings

On the rest I’d love to see Fran get hot and finish at the end of that does he have a lot of opportunity to run here yeah he could take Illinois he could take Illinois twice I don’t hate Fran I don’t hate Fran with that fair enough I don’t hate but yeah

Uh it’s the big 10’s always weak and who all right so refresh me cuz I lose it who who’s coming into the Big 10 basketball-wise or conference Wise It’s Oregon Washington UCLA and who USC yeah USC all right USC is always up and down with basketball they’ve have a

Couple of good teams but they’re not necessarily I wouldn’t call them a Powerhouse UCLA is the PowerHouse but they’ve yet to they haven’t done it I know they made obviously the uh not the championship game they made the final four when they lost to Gonzaga mck cronin’s been good but we don’t know

What’s going on out there so UCLA UCLA is probably the front runner of like that helps the conference where a team they could get up Oregon do team Washington Iowa Nebraska do they never make the tournament again after we bring in orgon UCLA no no you can always have a year where

It’s gonna go I like hyberg and I obviously like uh Fran and if you know Fran has shown he can win there I think the next guy down the road can probably win there as well I was got a kind of a hot bed of talent like the Murray

Brothers are from Iowa they’re like they’re okay they get they got enough where they that program is what it is you got three foure guys guys who fit the bill and then you hit the lotto on a guy like Garza and the Murray brothers who were like 337th in their class or

Something so we got to get a guy who can recruit like France so uh no I think they can make it Nebraska has no wins in the tournament that’s interesting but my point was that you’re not necessarily bringing in basketball powerhouses other than UCLA Oregon up and down uccl La up

And down uh Washington not very good forever so interesting yeah big 10 overrated another year all with all that said if it’s Monday night and it’s Purdue playing it will not surprise me so that’s what can save a conference like for years it was oh Mountain West can’t win anything San Diego State

Playing there Monday night so that’s where it’s at uh we got somebody waiting so appreciate that one Jack Phil next one uh we actually have nobody waiting because he hung up what a dildo now ruin off Jack uh all right give me one more headline uh okay

Don’t show it yet Jason I have to grab it out of my uh all right Dante wrote A Blog kind of in the Jerry Thorton um theme old school Jerry Thorton there have been a whopping from a private school in Florida because of her a mom and her only fans account

I’m G to be honest I just have read this headline so we need to do a little bit of we did a little bit of this on the rundown so actually I’ll carry you through it so nine kids get nailed she have you seen the bumper sticker no I’m

Trying to look for oh my what oh my God not bad where’s the bumper sticker the bumper sticker on the back of her car I thought was at the top of the blog oh yeah right here she’s basically advertising oh my God now so the way it

Was worded I thought that was like an instream ed nope the way it was worded shout out only fans the only stands uh yeah big shout out both the way it was um worded to me was nine kids were thrown out for talking about it or

Looking at the profile two of whom were her own kids so now were these kids approached for the boys real quick being like this is your that’s nice this is your mom and then they had to like they got into a fist fight or were they kind

Of like oh we know about it and they’re kind of showing the kids the other element to this only nine kids knew the group chat slacking the group chat slacking when you used to get I didn’t even I had test answers in sixth and seventh grade for tests that I

Didn’t even asked for yeah you you got like they the teachers used to make the mistake giving it the day before you would get outlines you would just get forwarded via AOL email the outline for the test you’re like oh yeah I’ll get it you know what I mean like you didn’t

Have to you just study the outline it would just show up in your inbox so like that was in 99 we’re talking about now every kid’s got a text every kid’s got Snapchat every kid’s got Instagram every kid’s got everything only nine kids in this class this one of these like wasby

I know it’s a religious school that’s why she got tossed but there only nine kids in the whole class kids are resource and when kids are resourceful it normally leads itself to you know trying to find the the easiest way to exert your horniness like when I was in

High school sorry Middle School like we didn’t have PornHub on our [ __ ] iPhones but everyone knew if you had a PSP you could go on browers and download 30 second clips and I watched the 302 shilot Styles clip rip on Loop for an entire year like if someone’s mom has an

Only fans every single kid modern day [ __ ] Andy do FR yeah man it was just I watched the same thing and it was pixelated but you could download stuff on a PSP oh man every single kid every lunch table is healthy debate as technology made kids softer now made

Harder you know what I’m like if talking about that like that’s crazy but I pause I don’t know though like I I think and I’m not telling anybody how to raise their kids if you’re going to do this like get your money you can do what you

You want to do just homeschool your kids so they don’t have to deal with this because that was crazy though that she’s putting the thing out there like it’s almost like you want to get caught and again like you’re actually you’re entitled to do whatever you want I think

The husband was in every which makes it even more Awkward the husband was in like every shot or every movie oh my God from what I’m told it’s a crazy world man it’s a [ __ ] crazy world crazy world also side part PSP very ahead of

Its time yo PSP was very ahead of time my brothers both got PSPs and I wasn’t the big video game guy I used to play theirs like bar that right now well here’s why I’m back in on the switch cuz my my brother now the switch and he’s

Like I’m like why’d you get it like you know you’re 33 34 like all the games you love better graphics that that but it’s I mean N64 was the best and I think he got all the games for free he said on the download I don’t know that’s Jason’s all right

Whatever yeah no you know we’ve already been run through the ringer like we’re not uh but the other point he goes what does it look like I say it looks like the [ __ ] PSP yeah to make a bigger P the PSP also had movies movies to pop in it was different

The first time I ever heard of a podcast it was because you PSP you couldn’t stream but you could access I think it was called crackle and you could download uh podcast from it so PSP was definitely uh ahead of its time for sure

And I mean you know if kids are going to figure out how to get porn on PSP they’re going to figure out how to find out their kid who sits next to them in Math’s class mom is [ __ ] maybe it’s maybe it’s just me because you know what

I did think was uh a home run as a kid and only one family it was a rich family my mother’s friend that we only saw like two times a year that I always wanted to play with Game Gear what is that pull that up and tell me this is not tell me

This is not the grandfather of PSP andar Sega Game Gear back in the 90s yep tell me this is not the grandfather of these two heal this is the OG for sure yep that’s like a Hulk was this so when was the original uh Game Boy 89 89 if I had

A guess let’s do what dozen guess uh Game Boy I’m going to say 80 89 yeah 89 look at that that’s two points and a dozen I know I gotta bring my was that how old were you in 89 two okay so I had a Game Boy at seven but was it callor or it was the the black no

I had the old black and white that’s a that’s a game changer the game the game boy in the long car ride was the game changer I’m sure like the batteries lasted days it was so simple to trap like you just throw they my parents would just throw eight batteries in the

[ __ ] thing like you had that when you were seven I had a Game Boy Advance when I was seven yeah Pokemon emerald and Ruby on uh Game Boy Advance but Game Boy Color was was legit too cuz it was short it was almost like a it was kind of the

Same as a cell phone yeah it was like blue kind of and see-through right yeah that was pretty legit too so uh I like that I like when we learn something I like we get pushed I like when the coals come in but yeah uh I could see myself getting a

Switch you should because a lot of these flights if I go back every week now on this on uh in Chicago I could see myself getting the uh getting the switch also the 64 games are harder than you think we can’t beat Mario Golf I was going to

You know what Super Mario frustration is that like iconic video it’s this guy just trying to beat the original Mario Brothers or maybe it’s like that’s glitchy though because you can skip like 62 worlds yeah I’m you maybe do a stream where you’re trying to beat an old game

I think that would be entertaining that’s not a bad idea my uh I know TJ did it with uh punch out um I would do it with NBA Hang Time might i’ [ __ ] take forever because you gotta beat all hang time it’s a version of NBA Jam

Which I like better I like hangtime better never heard of it I like it uh what was I gonna say you want a little final but yeah I think with that with that I I could see myself getting a switch and I’m not a massive video game

Guy but I could definitely see myself getting a switch Yeah remember when we were do the man on the street and the guy asked you asked him for super bow pick and he didn’t say anything you’re like yeah phone with the video games yeah uh yeah give me uh give me

The final word final debate okay so I want to I deserve a medal for standing up here my foot cramped twice by the way it’s crazy I’m going to POS you like a legal question what do you think is the most important law we have right now and why for

Society I mean cliche answer is love each other like love law like a like a a you can’t go 65 30 m an hour in a school zone like a legitimate law thou sh not Mur thou shall not murder no that’s a command all right so

Like a law that doesn’t a non prison law basically non automatic prison law I’m just saying any legal stipulation that’s in like the US drinking and driving system okay probably the most important I also think we’re in a a weird hairy spot now with all the dispensaries and

Different stuff like that like n there’s a lot of access for people to be dying driving high as well yeah you know the economy needs boost and I get it you’re entitled to do it it is what it is but like when you you could go to a store

Around the corner pick it up and then you’re driving 30 minutes to your buddy’s house who’s to say nobody’s lighting up in between you know what I mean agree so I’m not a fart like that an old fart but I think there’s a little hairiness to that right uh and

Let’s piggy back off that what is the most useless law we have once again this not like a a saying like a leg I mean is does anyone really take jaywalkin seriously that’s just a a throwaway but Uh what are some you have in mind cuz I’m not really funing spinning through laws but I would say like oh you need permission to like tear at least in New York you need permission to tear down your garage that’s a good one [ __ ] GES zoning perms

A patio or something like I think it’s your all my Chicago people and I’m sorry Carl but [ __ ] garages somewhere along the line in the 30s and 40s these people built monstrosities and now every [ __ ] Suburban house that you buy has a garage and the [ __ ]

[ __ ] I bought my house from had a garage and then a work thing to the side so it’s like I could I could put three of you idiots in there with three beds and you’d have enough space to do [ __ ] wrestling in the middle so you’re anti- garage I’m anti-

Monstrosity garage and I’m anti the fact that they they always have problems there’s always going to be [ __ ] like termites the roof always needs to be replaced they don’t look good there’s no lighting they were never done like it’s basically just a catch all for all your

[ __ ] I don’t know I like a garage I thought you were going like like we should be able to do whatever you want in our prop bu if I got a garage that had a spot where you could have parties and the back three feet was a side door

That put the snowblower and was organized and the Christmas decorations and all that [ __ ] no car never a car also who Parks a [ __ ] just a room that’s a room with a closet no all right so we’re maybe we’re debating different things all right traditional garage are you think of the

One in Brooklyn where you just drive up like into the driveway and the garage is right there and it’s it’s a 4 foot no thinking of the one like on Long Island where I’m from everyone has a garage the door like automatic door comes up and you have all your garden equipment you

Have your hockey sticks you have your golf clubs basketball so I got to clarify a little bit that’s you’re right a fridge out there where there’s Yoo you’re right you’re right that’s a little like a ping pong table that’s a good garage you’re from again you’re

You’re pulling your a little like a is called you not I’m from the regular Island the regular Suburban driveway my parents house and then my house is a driveway that’s like this wide doesn’t fit cars that were going to be made 30 years later yeah you drive this way and

Then like make a [ __ ] turn into a garage that’s 15 feet back and is a monstrosity it’s in the back of your house yeah Urban garage those garages suck but also like parking in if you didn’t have garage and you had to just go street parking for your entire

Childhood that would have sucked too horrifically so what’s the the worst tradeoff I don’t know we we should have reinvented I think we should have mastered garages from the gecko like better the ones on Staten Island don’t need them you don’t need that back [ __ ] garage taking up part of my yard

And my green grass I don’t need that I don’t need a weird thing of cement I don’t think a weird need of cement going there yeah I but buy one of the sheds from Costco that’s the perfect size thing you can’t put a car in it I don’t

Need to put a [ __ ] car in a garage I got a driveway like adapt in Brooklyn you get a [ __ ] driveway where you just that’s it like the garage is fake it’s a it’s a full some of them are even false on Long Island yeah you put your extra

Fridge you know and the maid sleeps in there and you play ping pong no you count your [ __ ] Public School uh but yeah I think garages overall I don’t have a garage by the way they’re all overrated so I’m there with that now when you convert a garage to a man cave

It’s great yeah but you know that’s you got to Chicago does it right Chicago garages are unbelievable so shout out Carl but uh all right that’s healthy debate we’ll catch you tomorrow and then uh we’ll have something airing Thursday as well


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