Golf Players

Episode 878: #RuffinosRants, CFB Playoff 5-7 Model, #AskBlake

Tonight’s Topics:
-Best Position Group In SEC Is?
-CFB Playoff 5-7 Model
-Kentucky vs LSU Preview
-Saints Draft

Presented By @Betonline_eu | @BleavNetwork

Oh W You know it’s college baseball season when we have BigTime teams in the Southeast specifically mainly in the south East uh that lose midweek games and I ask the question every single year do midweek college baseball games matter now if you’ve been here long enough you do know um the way that I

Feel I will mention it a little bit out of the break or or before we get to break here what I think about it just to remind you my feeling and my opinion here about midweek College baseball games in case you were were wondering uh Wake Forest and why we will talk about

This again number one in the country Wake Forest goes down today in the midweek Mississippi State loses to Austin P so the number one team in the nation goes down now on places like D1 baseball LSU is number two so if they have a good weekend are they the number one team

Again Ask LSU if they want to be number one ask LSU if midweek games matter you know it’s funny uh we did an interview with Jay Johnson about a year and a half ago I think it was and the first question I asked him right out of the shoot right

Out of the gate coach does midweek games matter and you know Jay you know what he said every game matters we treat every game like a playoff and he’s dead serious he’s not joking around when he says that but we are not going to spend this whole show talking about midweek

Games ah we are live welcome back ladies and gentlemen I your host Blake rafino this is R series Sports something that we mentioned last night but now have to talk about in more detail uh Liberty’s head coach Jamie Chadwell so we we did mention this last night some of you may

Not remember or you know with the chaos that yesterday was with two big time LSU games on were unable to watch the show last night uh but Ross Dinger of hell I don’t even know where he is anymore I think maybe he was with Sports Illustrated I think he’s with

Yahoo maybe CBS but Ross delinger talked to um how do I want to say this a a a very a coach who is very bit a head coach in college football is very very bitter in Liberties uh Jamie Chadwell off the top we got to talk about this article uh in

New LSU wide receiver CJ Daniels so we’ll touch on that best position group in the SEC which reminds me um to mention this we have come to a collective decision here at ays we will be starting our round the SEC series a little bit sooner than we thought we thought we’d

Start it in the first week of March we’ll officially start it in the first week of March but on Mondays and Wednesdays movie mov forward at 10 a.m. Central Standard time we will be live going around the SEC bringing in a lot of guests to talk the SEC I will be

Talking the SEC so we’ll we’ll interact obviously with some LSU stuff but we are adding on are around the SEC segment we will be doing that every Monday and Wednesday for now for now um throughout the midweek so that we add another show uh into this so we’re

Looking at we’re looking forward to that we’re really excited about that the team is really excited about that so we’ll be adding some SEC content uh to the channel but best position group in the SEC is one area that we don’t talk about a lot in my personal opinion but LSU has

The best position group that I think the SEC may have the college football playoff is going to the five and seven model we will talk about that um here tonight sorry I thought I heard something crazy uh I had a little bit of a brain fart because the wording was

Weird I will tell you why the wording is weird here uh but we’ll talk about the college football playoff five and seven model what do I think we’ll preview Kentucky in LSU look man ky’s got three really good guards okay and Reeves Dillingham and Shepard LSU I hope I hope

The PCH is packed tomorrow at 8:00 pm I know it’s a weekday uh but nevertheless I hope that for a good game hope the Tigers can pull one out in the pmac if we have time we will talk a little bit about the Saints draft who I think

Um they should draft or what position group I think that they should draft so if we have time at the end of the show jamack show we will get to that uh Todd Davis says Liberty coach Jamie Chadwell claimed that U paid transfer wide receiver CJ Daniels $300,000 among other

Benefits that is what he is claiming uh the other benefits are apartment and a vehicle um here’s what I’ll tell you that is not true this is starting to gain some traction here and normally when you have head coaches that go out there to guys like Ross Dinger saying

That stuff there are NCAA things that normally follow it with nil um I I will tell you that that is not true that is not true uh here’s what I will tell we’ll talk about this out of the break so I don’t want to get too much into it stop being bitter you

Little hoe that didn’t happen didn’t H it did not happen uh Kenny says not worried about the early rankings yeah I’m not ever really worried about the rankings um at all in college baseball until until the end until the end uh Roger dugga says aha we are live from the 337 Lafayette

Stand up 337s in the building moist one of our favorite listeners here on ays say still in school down in the 706 Fort Eisenhower Georgia good to have you in here moist I think that that is the best uh uh name alive uh Todd Davis says Ross is Yahoo

Crap Sports I look man I I don’t I don’t have any issues with Yahoo whatsoever they’ve never done anything to me Nilla gorilla killer says what’s up Blake I saw where you brought up Aaron Anderson being used as a running back uh didn’t say that did pose the question but I I I

Will yeah we did pose the question could a way could a way he could be used like a DeAnthony Thomas type player I don’t think he I appreciate the question uh killer I I do I don’t know if he could be used specifically in that type of

Role because DeAnthony was used in a lot of different ways could they yes but look I’m going to continue to to to um look I I I hope Trey Holly get it it gets proven of his innocence right like I I 100% um hope that that happens here but

Regardless if it happens or doesn’t happen whatever happens I should say um I still think you got to go get it back you cannot you cannot play Russian roulette with that position group guys it’s it’s literally the only position group offensively that I worry about now and I don’t worry

About it from a talent aspect I just worry about it from a depth aspect because guys running backs have a shelf life for a reason they have a shelf life for a reason mainly that reason becomes due to the the just pause what I’m about to say but the pounding that

They take and they it is a brutal brutal position it’s the reason that offensive line defensive line and running back are the three position groups with the highest shelf life now you have your your your situations where like an Andrew Whitworth plays from like 1906 to like 2022 right but Frank Gore at

Running back you have small in instances where guys will play longer but never historically does it happen uh Lance says preach bro on Trey yeah look look I mean I I do hope that you know everything works out for him he is completely pleading his innocence and

Good on him man like look man it it is some I’ll just say this because we won’t talk about it for probably some time now um for me eyewitnesses and guys have been inlaw for over a decade before starting this doing this you know more on a full-time basis uh here now eyewitnesses

I’m telling you man they never a lot of times never pan out never pan out um a lot of you probably remember the better call saw clip where he switched the uh uh uh uh the accused uh for like some some random guy he goes yeah that’s the guy he’s the one

That hit me in the face and it wasn’t even him they had switched him out eyewitnesses can be good testifiers but a lot of times man they are not I’m just telling you historically they are not they are a crucial piece for an arrest they are not everything in the

Court of law uh wil says I ordered a homefill apparel sh using the promo code rafino Joe softest shirt in my closet yeah man listen uh shout out to our good friends at HomeField apparel man I got like three of them my wife’s got a couple of

Them I wear them on this show I I love wearing long sleeve shirts um just because of you know skin reasons and you know whatever you don’t need to hear about my white problems um but nevertheless HomeField dude their gear is fantastic their shirts are fantastic

That jacket that they just came out that LSU jacket that’s out I know that it’s going on sale they told us it was going on sale now that you know winter is starting to pass a little bit here use that promo code rafino Joe guys you get

15% off um of everything there I I mean literally everything year use that promo code rafino Joe okay a couple more before we get rolling uh oh that’s not Wick uh Richie Evans what’s up Richie says good to be back in the 318 31 great watching ays been in the Bahamas with a

Hot mama hello hello man I ain’t touching that one because I about to say something listen man oo I remember when me and my wife take exotic trips boy that’s why I pay for them boy I tell you uh Todd Davis says I take a back I take back the stance on

Yahoo sports they are good just can’t stand Pat 40 yeah they should have they should have um fired Pat 40 a long time ago look I I I think you know Pat and them do a podcast um they have done some shitty things to really good people in

The past um and Pat is look listen man Pat is a can be a piece of [ __ ] I I’m just being honest being in this business knowing people in this business talking people in this business I I mean he said some [ __ ] a couple weeks ago I I forget

The context of it um but he said some completely outlandish stuff you know like he he’s a guy that you know every Hometown has one of these guys the guy in your hometown that thinks is is is doesn’t stink has a little bit of money and you know you look at him like

Man that guy’s got everything he probably doesn’t probably an alcoholic all right last one before we get rolling uh Dane berson says Blake the code is only good for one order I tried to order stuff and they would not allow it well that’s interesting because I’ve used it like six

Times I don’t know Dane I don’t I’ve legitimately used it I know for a fact three times uh when for Christmas presents and I paid him for it um they were not giving out they give us our stuff free but not everybody’s stuff free uh Tyler Scott says Wake blew my

Parlay that pitching lab is garbage uh is a garbage can yeah well they can’t hit right now um Nick Nick Curts is the kid’s name that plays first um he has been a little bit off but I tell you who hadn’t been off the Lavalette kid from Texas A&M dude is absolutely destroying

Baseballs absolutely destroying baseballs I think he’s got four now which leads the SEC all right let’s get rolling everybody do us a favor by by hitting the like and share if you’re on Facebook do us a favor hit the like and share sh all those social media groups share to

All of your social media Pages if you’re watching us listening to us on YouTube like subscribe and notification Bell wherever you listen to podcast Ray review And subscribe and again don’t forget 10:00 a.m. tomorrow we will be live and continuing on Mondays and Wednesdays may do it more uh once the

Football season starts going around your SEC but on this channel ays sports we will be going live at 10: a if you want to listen learn talk more uh about the SEC we will be here at 10:00 a.m. uh tomorrow Brooks Austin um who covers Bulldogs will be joining us at 10:30 so

Don’t forget about that all right let’s pay some bills around this thing um the CJ Daniel story with Ross dallinger we talk about that leaning off next oh oh oh oh oh actually we’re gonna talk about uh midweek games for two minutes and then this juicy CJ Daniel story We to we

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Hey y’all call Tyler he’ll shoot you straight we’re back all right moist says Blake you playing with fire to say Nick’s name from Wake Forest yeah and imagine um do you guys remember show a thumbs give us the thumbs up emoji inside the chat do you remember all of

Our postgame shows during baseball and the College World Series last year uh give us a thumbs up if you remember uh remember when they play Wake Force twice and I had to uh say his name multiple times um I had actually three complaints uh about that and I’m like look man it’s

The guy it’s the kid’s guy’s name what I mean what do you want me to do what do you want me to do if I come out and say number 31 for Wake four I it seems like I’m unprepared then I’m not doing my job

I I I can’t do that but I’m not I’m not I know it’s funny I I I get it and I know what it it what it sounds like but I did have to emphasize it because last year people were like literally filing complaints somebody actually filed a complaint with

Our good friends over believe all right let’s do this uh very quickly uh Wake Forest and Mississippi State both lost midweek games today um listen it always brings the big time question do midweek games matter in college baseball and we talk about this every single year for me even when we

Talk to to Jay I think you know a year year and a half ago about this coach do midweek games matter he says every games matter I want to I treat every game like a playoff game now he really doesn’t necessarily because you know I mean look at the SEC

Championship series I mean or tournament series I mean you get what he means look here’s what the ultimate thing about midweek games are they don’t matter the teams in the SEC because you’re the likely excuse me the likelihood that you play A ranked opponent or a good opponent the weekend after losing a

Midweek game historically it it doesn’t matter for you but let me tell you who it does matter for ask Austin P at the end of the year if that’s going to matter for them ask UNCC Greensboro if it matters to them beating number one Wake Forest who may win their

Conference guys wins like that can boost you for them let’s just say what it is for rankings for people around the SEC no it doesn’t really matter a whole hell of a lot okay but for everybody else that’s not in a massive P5 conference it does so more than 2third of every

Baseball team in the country it matters to ask Southeastern if LSU going to Hammond America coming to Hammond America I guess I should say since we’re here coming to Hammond America if it matter if if that midweek game matters to them hell yeah it matters to them and the ultimate thing and the

Thing that I will always say okay look you lost one m midweek game last year to the team that I never want to lose to in UL it’s early early early in this baseball season now Mississippi state’s two and two but so regardless the bottom line is okay it’s

Not a massive deal okay but it can be if you lose multiple of them and look as a competitor me personally as a dude that wants to win in everything that does me personally I don’t want to lose table tennis or or anything to anybody like line up the pingpong table I I’m

Not I don’t want to lose like if you’ve been a competitor your entire life and especially a lot of you that are business owners so a lot of you are in sales you got you have that competitive nature in you you got to have that competitive competitive nature

To be good at what you do so stop that stop that okay sure we I’m sure I’m positive okay now I don’t know if you know sometimes they don’t but I am positive LSU May slip up and lose a midweek game and I am sure we will have that discussion and

We’ll say look man every game matters but you know it is what it is you played you know Rudy pek but ask a team when it comes down to seating time like you Lafayette if it matters to them it’s their Super Bowl they’ll print the shirts like their

Texas A&M because they literally have nothing else to do they get you know they eat crawfish and some of those little Rudy poos drink glasses of wine on a podcast and look like a damn fool all right let’s get rolling so there is an article that was released on Yahoo sports by Ross

Dinger about incoming transfer wide receiver CJ Daniels now in case you missed the article let me give you a little brief synopsis of that article that was released now bro Bible who has been to their credit they have put out a lot of content meaning bro Bible that

Has hit a lot of traction in the SEC Jimbo Fisher remembers bro Bible uh about their recruiting class A couple of years ago when they were number one and paying for all the recruits to go there but Ross Dellinger wrote an article and said that he had spoke to Liberty head

Football coach Jamie Chadwell and Jamie Chadwell stated and I’m paraphrasing a little but stated in not so many words that LSU incoming transfer wide receiver CJ Daniels received $300,000 in cash to come here a brand new car and an apartment here’s what I’ll tell Jamie Chadwell none of that is true and here’s

Another thing about that article and why things like that and articles like that can be deadly and not necessarily deadly because look nil is the thing but can start bringing unwarranted questions CJ Daniels goes in the portal and LSU has a nil conversation with him guys those conversations are happening every every

Single day multiple times a day if LSU did not tamper didn’t do anything kid comes here on the visit they have the conversation everything is above board there per Louisiana state law trust me I’ve been in those conversations have had attorneys look into the nil law

Because we’ we have we still do multiple deals in nil but the bottom line comes in one thing raw steinger it does a lot of good work he is very connected he talks to Greg sanki wrote an article today and about him speaking with formerly SEC commissioner Greg sanki

Tony petiti uh the new commissioner of the Big 10 here’s the problem that I have with that article it would have been easy for a guy like Ross Dinger who has a lot of connections still in ban Rouge a place where he was on the beat and covered

This team to make a phone call and say listen jimie Chadwell just said this do you care to comment or even if you don’t care to comment start asking LSU people around the qu you know ask people around LSU football Ops you don’t even have to use their name and

Even in that article when it says that LSU paid this and they gave this and they did this with an apartment and a car and cash he could have I know that he could have picked up the phone and said hey guys is this true and

In his article he could have said at also to add context to this I spoke to multiple sources at LSU who denied that this is true now huh uh I asked the questions and the people that I talked to said what brand new car multiple people that I talked to

Said what brand new car now here’s the thing and it’s funny because people who uh will take what I say and say oh well Blake’s been the guy that says LSU is not behind in nil why is he you know not taking a Victory lap about LSU giving somebody wide receiver

$300,000 in cash a car and an apartment because guys I just speak the truth regardless if I’m what the instance is sometimes I’ll have an opinion on what I believe and that’s my job to have my opinion on what I believe but when something’s not true it or

Something is true we’re just going to talk about the truth LSU is not behind in nil they’re unorganized that’s why Allon Thomas is here it’s why you make that higher they’re not GNA be unorganized for long I can promise you that because I’m hearing things on the streets you

Know the streets always talk man the streets are always out there Ching about what’s going out there going on out there people like to talk hell I talk for a living but sometimes when you listen to what people say I think LSU is getting a little bit

Ready to gear up for some things guys I will tell you that I’m not going to say that nothing that Ross steinger Jamie Chadwell said is factually incorrect meaning I’m not saying that CJ Daniels didn’t get an nil deal coming here I’m not gonna say that I’m not

Gonna say that there weren’t things that he asked for and coming here and transferring here I I can’t do that what I can do and what I can tell you is the article that Ross Dellinger released and the article That Was Then republished by bro Bible is not true so as this

Continues to be shared inside of everywhere out there in The Ether I will report and tell you that that’s not true now let me throw this other scenario your way too not that it matters but can I ask a God’s honest question what does it matter to anybody

What the kid made and what does it matter if he got a new car what does it matter if he got an apartment what does that matter because I think it’s funny Jamie Chad well you make a lot of money your damn self so somebody a kid that you coach

Going to make an opportunity for themselves you’re going to say something about it how dare you you’re making millions the reason that you’re partially half and halfway undefeated you know I remember Liberty struggling against New Mexico state in a championship game or or or B or or what’s a championship game whatever game

It was that I watch for whatever reason you wind up getting beat by Oregon and the only Bri Shining Light that you had and why you’re able to remain and keep your millions and millions of dollars is because of dudes like CJ Daniels so you better be quiet

Because here’s the ultimate truth Jamie I know and you know because a f couple a couple of phone calls can be made you’re not too innocent either are you he who hath no sin cast the first stone the bottom line is what does it matter and you know what to Jamie Chadwell for

Saying what he said to Ross Dinger in that article you can cry wolf you can say whatever you want but you better get the facts before you go out there in the public in the media and start rap and just absolutely saying falsehoods that aren’t true I don’t know Jamie Chadwell

Never have had a conversation with him don’t know his personality could tell you what he looks like that’s about it have heard him in in interviews before sounds like someone who’s a little bit Hur about a situation that didn’t even happen and I will tell you this is how these conversations so

For example remember when Evan Stewart was going to Tex A&M and they said that he signed a deal for $750,000 and now you got all of these texum people people saying look man I didn’t sign a deal for that I didn’t even get close to that amount of money I

Have told you and told you and told you and told you and told you that all the stuff that you’re hearing that is being reported Nico IA or Jaden rashada guys it’s not remotely true I think Nico got a lot of money and will continue to get a lot of money guys he’s

Not going to make 13 million he’s not making more than Josh Hy is he’s just not it’s just not happening it’s just not happening I I I I would love to be in a world where the and we talked about this last night I would love to be in a in a

World where a player you know because we’ll talk we’re going to talk about this college football playoff expansion in just a moment you know think about it like like this it’s so funny that you got people still writing articles and pushing the the issues and the problems about nil in the portal

Meanwhile they write a small little article about the 57 rule that the college football playoffs going to they don’t they they talk a little bit about the $7.8 billion dollar that the col that ESPN’s going to give these give the playoff which then’s giving in a TV contract to the

Schools we we talk about Florida State and realignment and Florida State want to pay f a half a billion dollars to get out of there of the ACC if a kid made $300,000 who gives a flying F kaka kaka who [ __ ] doodo Doo who gives a flying Rudy poo

Like really who cares and who gives a flying Rudy Pooh that a kid makes whatever he makes okay meanwhile you just signed a $7.8 billion playoff deal over the next six years and you want to say he’s got $300,000 suck on a bag of grapes that is

The biggest load of baloney I’ve ever heard it is the stupidest thing I ever heard and it’s also a little bit comical let me tell you what’s a little bit comical too that you got coaches out here some of them Dabo making 11.5 million talking about how the transfer p is an issue

Dabo dog you’re making 11.5 million shut your cockold come on I’m off my sobx but we get I I I I I I just as I’m sitting here stuttering I I what I’m sometimes guys I’m speechless imagine being in this studio with me all day long TV TV laptop laptop camera

Camera imagine being in here with me all day and having to keep up with college sports LSU in general and imagine getting phone calls making phone calls and an article like that comes out and me making a phone call and them telling me on the other side of that line bro

That [ __ ] didn’t happen and then you go out to social media and say hey guys are you coming on a show like this that did not happen God bless the United States of America God bless the United States of America it’s all I can that’s all I can

Say what do you think I do with my God forsaken day all day maybe I should film it and blur blur out the phone calls I get all damn day long work phone family phone I know what some of you are going to say Blake you better be careful with

That work phone and family phone because you had two phones wife gets wife gets suspicious I leave this one around just laying around okay and everybody knows my passcode somebody can take my phone I got two kids they have my phone all day long please dear Lord come look at my phone

Um Ryan with a $2 Super Chat says why are we in other people’s pockets anyway I don’t know I I I legitimately don’t know legitimately don’t know have no clue have no clue okay thank you Ryan so much for the Super Chat Dane would I’ve never received a phone call from

You this number right here is a business line it goes directly to these two things all right uh let’s continue you know what’s interesting too about all of that that that I I’ll just leave at it with here if it was true let’s play hypothetical very quickly if it was true for

LSU and LSU did do that boy a lot of people would have to walked back their comments wouldn’t they oh boy you know quincha junan got a lot of money um didn’t make 300,000 though all right let me do this we’re about 40 minutes into the show um

LSU man basketball should we do men’s basketball out of the break no we need to get to this college football playoff thing and our best position group we got a lot of things to talk about all right let me take a very quick break come back we’ll talk about the the 57 playoff

Model LSU versus Kentucky and best position group in the SEC that LSU is actually in my opinion number one at we do that we talk about that next do us a favor during the break like share notification Bell if you got to go take

A p go take a p do whatever you got to do but we’ll be back in just a minute us pay these bills stay with us by the Drake Williams Law Firm Drake Williams whether you’ve been injured in an accident you’re preparing for a future with your estate planning you’re

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Inspections drone inspections they do it all give them a call today at 225 717 5591 that’s 22 5 7175596662 I don’t think I I think he put in a hit piece type of thing there personally um guys it’s just so easy to pick up the phone and and and call somebody and ask I mean it’s it’s not as if that you are putting like you have a you have a a

Sitting head coach a coach who would have had a team in the playoff which we’re about to talk about here in just a moment a guy that would have had his team in a 12 team playoff go out there and talk about your school a a school

That he covered I might add and of all the transfers to talk about right like all the transfers in this transfer portal class to talk about with money Quint John jins Caleb DS Walter Nolan Etc you go and get a a a quote that you use for CJ Daniels from LSU

Why didn’t you go ask anybody about Walter Nolan why didn’t you go ask Mike Elco what happened with Walter Nolan why didn’t you go ask L kein what happened with Quin Sean juins why didn’t you report on that H oh well they they told me not to report it that’s horse manure that’s

1,000 grade a top shelf triaa rated horse [ __ ] y’all know it is okay so today it was announced that the college football playoff is going away from the 66 Model which would have been the F the five power five Conference champions getting a automatic bid uh and a the highest

Ranked group of five well today I had a little bit of a brain Farm like why are they going to five the Pack 12 you know anyway but the four power four I guess you can say Conference champions and the highest group of five will get a buy normally

And historically okay what’s going to happen here is is and clearly those teams are goingon to be at 12 that’s how it’s going to work and you have your at seven at large bids so meaning you’re going to have all four Conference champions from the power

Four that are going to get a Buy in week one which you ask me why would you want to be in the SEC Championship Game well buy a buy game in a first round of a playoff might not be a bad thing now we’ll see how a lot of this plays out in

College we have never seen this big of a college uh football playoff before we’ll see how that plays out but that is why you want to win your championship game and why it could be a big deal because you get it a off week but five Conference champions and seven at large

Bids you know what’s interesting to me and why I don’t like the automatic Championship qualifier because there’s going to be somebody that wins the Big 12 this year that’s gonna get an automatic bid and gonna be in that top four who doesn’t deserve it because Let

Me Give an example even though LS let’s even use LSU as an example the team that we talk about are you a th% positive that next year Utah could beat LSU now LSU might not win the SEC hell are you a th% sure that they can beat Old Miss LSU

Georgia now Georgia will be the front runner but Georgia Texas all teams that could wind up losing in an SEC Championship game and not being the SEC champ so the Big 12 Champion is gonna get an automatic bid so is the highest group of five team which this year would have been

Liberty and guys I got to tell you something even though Matt house might have been one of the worst defensive coordinators and arguably is the worst defensive coordinator like add an LSU for your fighting tigers and for everybody around the SEC Etc college football Etc are you a th% sure that Liberty could

Beat hell Ohio State didn’t make the playoff for do they beat Ohio State now Ohio state will be but they won’t get the you know won’t get the luxury of an automatic bid if they don’t win their conference it is what it is but you are

Next year I promise you this going to see like a three seated Utah okay that is above teams like LSU Old Miss Texas maybe even Georgia a team like a Michigan Oregon or Ohio State now not all of those because somebody out of that pack is going to win their

Conference two of those teams are going to win their conference Championship Games probably going to be Ohio State look like it might be Georgia this year that’s what the pundits believe anyway I just don’t like automatic qualifiers I I I think that the 12 best teams should be in now you would

Ultimately had the question or who are the 12 best teams but there’ll always be something in there where you could have you the teams at the bottom 11 12 13 14 15 all of those teams are going to lose a game that they shouldn’t have and you be like

Well you know maybe if we would have beaten Old Miss and maybe if our team would have made a stop as an example if the playoff were this year U would have been in the playoff if they could make a stop against Lane keff and Old Miss and

Jackson Dart now Missourri would have been in and you would have had the question well damn we went up to to Colombia and clapped those uh uh well I was going to say tiger cheeks but I mean we’re Tigers too here but you you went up there and you beat the fighting Eli

Drinkwitz’s I am not a college football playoff expansion guy I never really have been I I don’t think that there’s 12 teams that can win a National Championship now here’s what I do think is fun about the playoff you’re gonna have a lot of HomeField venues in round

One that are going to be played at home that you will never historically you don’t get like could you imagine Oregon coming down the Death Valley like could you imagine LSU going to the big house and having to play Michigan in round one like could you imagine those type of things those

Are something that those are things that I want to see that I would love that’s probably arguably the only thing that I love in all this I just don’t like automatic qualifiers I don’t think that any team in the Big 12 I don’t think any group of five opponent is going to even

Be better than you and probably won’t be better than the top half of your conference teams like I’ll give an example Utah would have been an automatic qualifier if the playoffs were two years ago so remember the year when Anthony Richardson at home beat uh Utah and in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium so

Imagine this scenario you you have a Utah team that went on the road week one in Gainesville and lost to a six and6 Florida team right but they won the Pack 12 championship game they would have had an automatic qualifying bid meanwhile are like so I won’t even use and

Well I’ll give an example ell you in Alabama now you’re going to say Blake Alabama Alabama had no business being in the playoff Tennessee maybe could have been even a better example does Utah deserve to be in that playoff when a Tennessee and and LSU beat them an an automatic qualifier

Because they won a conference that’s shitty LSU both and Tennessee both beat Florida and Utah couldn’t go on the road and beat him the only SEC team I think it’s interesting I I do see a Super Chat uh in here it says C Hardy saysi can see it now we are going to

Have an unranked four seed in most playoffs with a first round buy I don’t know about thank you so much uh uh C Hardy for that super chat I don’t know if we’re going to see a um an unranked in the four because look I I think the

ACC Champion will be ranked I think the big big big 10 Champion will be ranked clearly uh the SEC all of those Conference champions will be ranked now here’s the crazy thing like I’ll give an example remember when LSU under Nick sain went into the SEC Championship game and beat

Tennessee LSU would have been the SEC Champion they would have had a first round Buy with in two what was it 2001 with Rohan Davey and then 2002 so I asked the question did that team deserve to be in maybe over in Tennessee now you beat him and I get it

I don’t know if any of those teams will be ranked are unranked um because like lusu would be ranked Iowa if they would have beat Michigan this year would have been ranked only one that you worry about would be the Big 12 right the Big

12 um you know who wins the Big 12 like if Baylor comes out of nowhere gets in there is nine eight and four and upset to Utah uh Kansas State think about this TCU TCU um remember two years ago TCU lost to Kansas State they would have been in

Kansas state would have been in an automatic quality fire before um TCU would have so I I see uh Jared Hill says the ACC is done I don’t know if I agree with that if Florida state has to pay them a half a billion to to exit I don’t know

About that because they brought some teams in they brought in a big Market in of Dallas um I don’t know if they’re done yet yet we’ll see we’ll see uh but C Hardy says or a six and4 Louisville beats FSU or Miami um you mean eight and4

Yeah it could happen but I I they would be ranked though if they’re in a conference Championship game at 8 and four they’re probably going to be ranked but I get what you’re saying I get what you’re saying Danny girl says the problem is we cannot trust the top 12 either because

There is not clear guidelines or metrics to our ranking system um yeah I I I don’t I don’t know about who would have been left out of this playoff that you thought should have gotten in who I mean LSU LSU didn’t deserve to be in I mean let’s be honest LSU did not

Deserve to be in Jaden Daniels deserved to be in because of what he did LSU as a team had no business being in there um so yeah think about look at this Paul’s Hub says the 2001 automatic qualifiers would have been LSU Miami Oregon Colorado Illinois and Maryland what a cast how about

That 2001 was that the year that we played Illinois in the Sugar Bowl or uh and and and clap them uh uh clap them uh align ey cheeks um pen Jones says Blake the ACC dropped its case on requiring all that money last week and now the total

Buyouts like 150,000 it ain’t $150,000 you mean 150 million um if it’s $150,000 they would have struck that check and been out of there yeah look all in all I I’m just I wasn’t a playoff expansion guy I do think that there’s some positives to it you know I

Wouldn’t mind if you want to be a ranking system an unbiased ranking system uh you could go and just use your top 12 for you know and use the BCS model uh but let me let me let me say let me say this before we move on

Because we do need to preview this this men’s basketball uh game um um what’s going to happen how do no let me not say [Laughter] that I’ll just say it what’s gonna happen when the number one and number two SE get in there what’s going to happen when the

Best team that we knew who it was all year and the second best team that we knew who it probably was all year gets in there and you got a one and two championship game kind of like what you had last year then what I I’ll just I’m gonna leave that

Alone I think that a lot of this guys is just for and girls is just for money uh Brandon Graziano says where’s Florida State going to go I’m assuming we talked about this on the rafino and Joe show you can go over there and subscribe

Brandon I I you know I don’t know a lot of people say the SEC but Greg sanki has been pretty adamant he will not add just one team he wants to add more than one just one team you know something that might not make a lot of sense um I mean I’m

Assuming they would want to go big 10 or SEC but they could go independent they could strike a deal with ESPN themselves CBS themselves and get more money now ESPN probably wouldn’t want to play with them individually why would that why would I want to pay you more after you left the

Conference um maybe they would I I don’t know they could stay independent speaking of this playoff thing hey hey hey you know what I almost missed something big about this playoff the 57 expansion by the way Notre Dame is not allowed in the 57 model because they are

Not in a conference now they don’t play in a conference Championship game so they’re not they can’t have an automatic qualifier because you’re not a champion of anything you can’t be a champion of an independent um they will never get that number one overall seed and no matter what they do they

Will not get an automatic qualifier because because they are not in the conference now you could make the argument though they kind of somewhat already get a buy game because they do not play in a conference Championship so if you want to have an automatic type of qualifier get in the conference if

Not and you want to keep your NBC deal because you make a lot of money doing it do that it’s probably what is the best for you but sucks to suck God they think of them they think of themselves so highly and mighty and man the truth is them Rudy poos man they’ve

Underperformed we took their coach oh he sucks well you lost to Marshall you freaking Rudy Poo Marshall Mar what what is it oh yeah we are Marshall We Are Marshall tomorrow let’s move on tomorrow uh LSU takes on Kentucky in a really big game in the pmac at 8m Central Standard Time so LSU is coming off of a really good win they had a

Heartbreaker earlier in the week last week uh against Florida on the road Jordan right to tie at about 6 foot from from the basket unable to connect LSU loses a heartbreaker at Florida but the fighting tigers or the fighting men’s basketball team they go to South Carolina during the weekend and

Pull an upset against the number 11 ranked uh number 11th ranked uh South Carolina Gamecocks big game all of us were excited we did a postgame show right after it everybody was excuse me fired up for that game and I got to ad admit something

Here you kind of felt like this game was coming a little bit right like this this game was always coming because you can only have so many comebacks in the second half only have so many games where you’re that close against really good opponents before you

Upset one of them now can you get on a little a little bit of a role now the ultimate Blue Blood the biggest basketball blue blood that we have Kentucky who has struggled a little bit this year not up to their par what they want to be themselves comes into the

Pmac uh tomorrow night look they got three really good guards does Kentucky Antonio Reeves uh Rob Dillingham and Reed Shepard all of them Reeves has 19 and a half points a game Dillingham 14.7 points a game and Shepard 12.1 points per per game and their big man in the middle uh Trey

Mitchell with 12 and S and a half rebounds a game they got a good squad man they’re still Kentucky they still got some really young and good NBA Talent they have some seniors on that team they’re really well bit built roster that calip Perry has there now

Calip Perry and his squad has had some struggles this year they come into a pack hopefully in a very hostile environment a very hostile crowd because man you can win this game you you were shown that this team can look a a very hot Florida team can come back against a

Really good Alabama team just couldn’t hold on when the depth started to really take hold in that second half uh you you play really good and win and split against a good TCH STM team you beat Old Miss so look you have a very big opportunity here to get six and seven in

Conference and then your schedule after that guys gets extremely favorable with the rest of your conference games until you hit the tournament I I think for me in this game we’ve seen what Jordan Wright can do we’ve seen what will Baker can do at times both guys seniors and have led

This team and it can only get you so far now Jaylen cook looks like he’s not he might not play he has a lower leg injury per Matt McMahon who was at his press conference today and conf confirmed that left leg injury um or lower body injury excuse me but you’re two

Sophomores and Tyrell Ward and Jaylen Wright have to be big again like they were against South Carolina Trey Hannibal look God bless him love him to death he’s a turnover machine sometimes make some low IQ plays but man nobody on this team hustles more than him and

You’re going to need that if Tyro Ward is hot from the outside watch out you can you can tomorrow night upset Kentucky at home you can do it Matt McMahon for everything that we’ve said about him and all the criticism that he’s taken this game could be an early preview win or

Loss hey man okay look will Wade’s out the door you had a bad year last year you’ve had some struggles along this year if you beat back-to-back ranked opponents here you really start looking at Mt McMahon saying okay guys he might have been the right guy for the hire

He’s turned this thing around let’s see let’s see McMahon start getting to work it’s a big game for him to get a little bit of that monkey off of his back because I think down the stretch regardless of what happens tomorrow tomorrow I think that you still can

Be and get to that 500 Mark a little bit above that 500 Mark so you got a favorable schedule you know you got three home games in a row here if I’m not mistaken and four of six that are uh at home it’s just such a favorable stretch that you could win

Possibly and go five and one there or go five- one here is a strong possib possibility very strong possibility I hope the fighting mcmah can get it done uh Brian Turner with a $499 super chat says Brock Bowers new wide receivers coach Keith Williams and his talented wide receiver are Trio in

Heaven for this Saints offense um uh Brian I I don’t disagree um I don’t disagree with that I don’t think that um Brock Bowers would be a bad pick um at 14 I I think Brock Bowers is a freak of nature speaking on the Saints draft very

Quickly I very very very quickly I just don’t see the Saints going outside of anything outside of offensive line Andrew Pete’s not going to be there Ryan Ram is starting to get older he’s got the knee problems you know Trevor Penning guys probably a bust I just don’t know if they’ll go

Over Brock Bowers over an offensive lineman if an offensive lineman is there you need offensive line if you’re the Saints I I just can’t Envision them doing anything else like I I unless something crazy happens where the two or three best offensive linemen on your

Board or off the board I I can’t see you not going there I I I I I just I I cannot see it I know that you have drafted a lot of offense and defensive lineman in the first round a lot uh and it’s not the

Sexy pick it’s not the face of the franchise type of pick but sometimes you do got a draft for need and if you’re going to keep your quarterback that you’re paying that much money to Upright you got to go get guys along the offensive line in free agency I don’t

Really know any a lot of the top free agents off the top of my head along the offensive line you’re probably going to have to go get one now everybody talks about the cap the cap the cap the day that the Saints have cap issues is the day that Jesus Christ is

Coming back uh reincarnate the the the the the skies will open the Seas will part and Jesus is coming they will not they are not in sack sap cerie hell now I don’t think that they should have given the money like they did to Derek Carr you should

Let that son of a gun go to New York but what do I know uh Brent Simo says unless jd5 is available if jd5 is available at 14 I will pull I will shave my ass live on ays that’s probably way too much TMI um the last time I did something like that

Uh you Brandon Graziano in the chat was actually the one that saved me for not having to shave my beard um but I I will shave my ass live on on on here all right I’m not going to do that let’s do this um we will pick up this topic on best

Position group because we got so long before we get to that I was just adding in there had a good show man hour and 10 minutes episode 878 don’t forget we will be live tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. we’ll go around your SEC Brooks Austin

Joins us I hope to see all of you there until then we’ll see y’all tomorrow y’all have a good day Peace oh


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