Golf Players

Most Powerful Downswing Move You Are Probably Not Doing – Unlocks Easy Rotation

I recently had the opportunity to help John with his golf game, specifically his irons. We made some simple adjustments to the start of his downswing and unlocked some key movements that he had been working on for a while.

John was not striking his irons as well as he would have liked and expressed that he always felt like he was tipping back through the shot rather than rotating, at the end of the lesson he was striking it more solid, hitting it farther and rotating through the golf ball with ease, and to achieve all that we made one fairly simple adjustment to the start of his downswing.

I honestly believe that this will be such a valuable lesson for so many of you watching as this is such a key part of the golf swing and if done correctly it really can unlock so many of the really important movements through impact.

I’ve seen so many golfers put all their attention on impact, when in fact the solution to their issues could be found much earlier on the swing, and that was certainly the case for John.

This move is really one of the most powerful that you can work on in your golf swing.

Hope you enjoy and any questions at all just let me know


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✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.

🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.

#golfdrills #golfswing #golflesson #golfadvice


00:00 Introduction
00:30 John’s Golf Swing
03:12 The Perfect Delivery
04:29 The Downswing Shape
05:47 Unlocking Rotation
07:29 New Downswing Shape
09:16 Gaining Distance
10:21 Putting It All Together

You’re about to watch a recent lesson that I gave to John where we made some incredible changes to goaling and he walked out a completely different goer now John was struggling with strike he was hitting the ball really quite heavy compromising his distance and compromising his Direction and what

You’re going to see in this video is how we diagnosed that how we got to the root cause of the issue and how we actually put the right things in place to make him a much much better golfer and he left absolutely flushing his eyes you can see your head yeah um that’s

Actually my key that brings the shutter down but you can see it’s right on the almost your left ear and then as you sort of make your your back swing move you drift off that a little bit which is not the end of the world but then on the

Way down it does start to shift sort of back up and away you can see how your head’s going up yeah and sort of back away from the target that’s what I’ve been trying to get which is which is fine we can definitely do some work on

That and then as soon as you’ve got your head moving back away from the target the contact point with the ground can often move back in the same direction yeah so that will be something I want to try and Target and then when we look at from

This angle here the club here is a little bit on the Steep side right now when we say steep we mean the club shelf gets a little bit too close to to Vertical yeah now what we have to sort of do is and I’m sure you can appreciate this when we

Look at a goling we can’t pull out right arm and just look at the right arm or club and just look at the club or head and look everything’s connected yeah and one of the things that tends to happen if I just grab my if I get my

Golf club into a position which is too steep the feelings that I will have inside is that that Golf Club wants to crash down into the mat yeah and I probably don’t want that to happen so invariably what happens is we get some reactions to that yeah and what we’ve

Got to do here when the clu shaft gets a little bit steep we need some reactions which will take the steepness out yeah there are multiple different things you could do so some golfers will push the hands out yeah that has the effect some golfers would move their lead shoulder

Up and back which is the one that you fall into so what sort of happens is we sort of look at when we’re making golf we almost look at fixing the immediate problem so what happens is I’m making this far worse Club gets a bit too steep your brain

Goes club’s too steep what can I do to fix it I’ll do this yeah and then you golfing brain sort of says well I can’t rest strike it now but it doesn’t it doesn’t think about that it’s just trying to fix the immediate almost issue

So what we’ve got to try and do is if we can get the golf clue into a slightly better position here where it’s a little bit lower to the ground that gives us the opportunity then to sort of turn onto the golf ball yeah and get the

Handle forward and Strike It Up better okay which I’m guessing is similar to what you’ve been doing to turn through I don’t think you’re M miles away which is we which is good I don’t think we’re pulling it apart and starting again I think we just need to to get to get a

Few a few things in place just take um just jump onto the mat and just want you to take take your setup and hold it just in your glove hand to begin with okay and I want you to head up to the black TEEG I know there’s no ball on there

But perfect so we can sort of start to see how this would pan out in a goling there some pretty simple exercises right if I said to you in a minute doesn’t have to be a huge amount of speed but I want you to swing down

Just try and clip the black T Bic okay if I said to you I want you to do that from here yes okay so no back swing but just just go ahead and just perfect okay that’s going to have a certain feel to it okay and you’re going to you’re going to do

Certain things to make that happen if I said to exactly the same thing but I put the club here yeah that’s going to feel different isn’t it it’s you’re suddenly going to go hang on that doesn’t feel quite right and you straight away you clattered into the

Ground so then you would start to add in these movements here yeah so what we need to do is put the club and I’m I’m making these far worse than they are more in here yes because now as you turn your chest the club comes ding down to

Here we can start to put that sort of gold on the ball this way yeah okay so here’s what we need to do take your head up to the tea we know that the club is going to arrive back at the golf ball okay that’s where we’re going to be

In Impact so if I’ve got a pretty good back swing okay and you have if we just look at this pretty simply from a sort of down the line view that club is in the air yes it’s got to get to the ground because the ball’s on the ground

So it’s got to go down to the ground but it’s also got to go out that way because the golf ball is out this way so for me to get my club head to the ball it’s got to go down to the ground and it’s got to

Go out to the golf ball okay at the moment what we’re sort of saying from the top you introduce too much of the outward and then we have the downward yeah too late so our feeling is just trying to change that relationship so we’ve got to get you to

Feel and sense that from the top of the back swing using your hands and arms you start to add in some of the downwards because what actually gives the golf club its outwards it’s the the body turn the body turn is what gives the club the outwards at the moment your

Hands are giving it the outwards yeah then your body gives it more outwards yeah and we end up in in this position here so if you take your set up to the golf ball for me okay and then just when you’re ready just do me a a kind of

Normal back swing and stop perfect okay so we’re in a good position here okay now I’m going to make these far worse yeah you will with your hands and arms move the club head outwards yeah this way but then as you start to turn your body that also moves the club outwards

And now you have to go tip back this way okay so what we’ve got to try and do from from here is feel like from here down so in this part of the arm and this part of the arm you use those to put the downwards in the club yeah so you feel

Like the club is going sort of down towards that chair behind you yeah okay good so now what gives it the outwards the turn there we go yeah so we’ve got to give your body the opportunity to to turn because at the moment as the club

Gets a little steeper it always wants to sort of tilt yeah you’re just going to do me a little back swing and hold it good and I want you to try and keep your left far here yeah okay but I want you to try and push the club head down

Towards that golf ball that you can’t see properly but you know it’s there good perfect okay you can do that three times there’s one there’s two there’s three and after the third time you’re going to do it as you turn okay yeah and you’re actually going to CLI the ball so

It’s effectively here and it’s going to go one two three and then push and turn okay and we’re just going to chip it 50 yards 60 yards okay okay so one now if you just do that again I’m just going to show what that looks like as a as a

Movement okay so this is the this is the swing you had at the start as you just came in yeah now I don’t know how well you can see your arms cuz it’s a bit dark but you can see your forearm here yeah upper arm there and left arm there

So that club is right between your arms and through your shoulder okay and then from here we’re always going to get a reaction now this is the little rehearsal you’ll see you’re doing the little rehearsals there and as you whoops as you come to hit it that’s excellent yeah that’s really good

We had that through the shoulder it’s now almost through the through the forearmarm yeah much better the feel because when we do this little rehearsal you know when I start my down swing my body is turning towards the target so when I make my back swing and I don’t turn my

Body I can put the club down towards the golf bag and when we look at that golfing from let’s say where that camera is it looks very very extreme but it’s only because I’m isolating that one movement what I’m doing here is teaching my hands what they need to do but I’m

Only using my hands it looks very strange but when I do this and I add the body turn it suddenly ends up in in a really good place yeah so what I think happens in your goaling is that club head moves you know from level with

The ball it moves up and in yeah and then I think you try to move the club Out to the Ball yeah and and then you start to kicking your turn then realize that actually I’ve gone too far now so we’ve almost got to get the feeling of

Club down behind you as you as you turn so we’re going to do that again but I want you to just put you know a little bit more speed in if you can that’s it you got it okay go for it much better now we’re talking there we go longer shot wow okay

Now it was on T which makes it a little easier yeah but right away we managed to get look at the smash 1.39 now it wasn’t a t but that’s the difference that’s what we want normal back swing club goes down to my golf bags that’s it as exaggerated as you can

So hold it there so not so much the hands so we don’t want the hands to go down it’s feeling like it’s that feeling right there you go so there we go that’s it perfect good do that a couple of times and go through much better much better

Good one more and then we’re going to try and sort of put it together and sometimes it actually can be easy to do it as a continuous flow motion rather than yeah stops and starts okay that’s fine okay so so you set up so we’re going to go

Ahead and try and do this you know without without stopping yeah so first thing want to do is just s probably just half an inch further from the golf ball so then touch beautiful there we go good okay and then there’s three things I want you to think about which is not

Easy in a second okay so in back swing you’re going to try and if you can more turn that’s perfect doing that fantastic well there’s your first one second one is trying to get that club head to go down towards my golf bag yeah and then

The third one is actually just to focus and actually look and try and hit that t okay yeah so back to the start so you’re standing in the right distance so you now got big turn club to my bag hit that t oh was close very close good

Try for the first one at full speed that was very good and that is a goal shot smash fact 1.4 one I mean that’s incredible you know I mean more distance but it’s not distance because you’re swinging it faster you just swing it more efficiently yeah I mean that’s just

Phenomenal really thing is it’s it’s all well and good you know telling somebody to you know stop this movement and turn but the club’s got to got to be in a position where it can do that you know if that makes sense so as soon as that

Club gets a little bit steep this way you’re always likely to turn to to tilt and the issue would be if that club gets a little bit Steep and you turn you can easily kind of Hit the smother that’s smother left and so if we can get the

Club feeling like it goes this way the key is the feel cuz it’s not reality then you know if your Club is going down towards those golf bags what are you going to do to stop it going down that way you’re going to turn so suddenly you’re encouraged to turn because it’s

It’s actually helpful to your goaling I mean that last one was I mean that was literally perfect literally perfect okay you got to do it again now okay big turn Club to bag hit the T again lovely not quite as good but again it’s still a really good swing

Like a different golf for now so you turn through better yes but you didn’t get the club Behind you that’s where you get your pull from because the club was a little steep and then you turned onto it so at least you turned onto it and committed yeah I that

Was that was long and struck it for nominally yeah but that was a slightly steeper Club shaft and then you turn in the body such a good goal shot such a good shot okay have a quick look at this this is so these are just the shots of these

Seven irons right and these are are just carry distances yes so 191 79 81 113 now the reason they were not where I would like them to be simply through strike it’s not as if you were swinging 20 M hours slower but you know the speed was um the speed was there but

It just wasn’t delivered enough and the analogy I always use is if your strike isn’t where you wanted to be the analogy I always have is it’s as if you’re sitting in a Ferrari on an ice ring slamming your foot down is just you’ve got all

The speed but you just can’t get it get it down so you look at the last couple 140 150 135 128 141 137 and a lot more consistent in there as well you got one here which is the poorer shot and there’s a little bit more Club head

Speed but it’s actually just through quality of strike more than it is through through anything else right and no um and what’s really positive is that you’ve done that and it hasn’t disrupted your SP you know these are longer ones but they no they no more offline there’s

A couple but there was a couple down here anyway so that’s that’s really positive great


  1. A good thing to tell someone that is steep, is to swing the club flat, and OUT at the ball. They will naturally figure out how to make that happen(sometimes).

  2. Well done Chris amazing how they change I think education of how the golf swing works and controlling low point for strike 👏 😊

  3. Top coach, well done Chris and keep us posted if you’re ever coming down to NZ! We have some pretty amazing golf courses here
    ⛳️ . 🏌️‍♂️

  4. In my opinion this is anything but a good golf lesson, because it doesn't adress the main issues of the swing in question and offers the wrong solution to the wrong problems. A poor setup and a noticeable inside takeway are the root causes of his "over the top" move in the downswing. As long as a golfer doesn't learn how to load his right side of the body and right arm properly in the backswing first, he just keeps adding manipulation and compensations to his (down)swing.

  5. Chris, I’m always amazed at how straightforward and easy to understand your explanations of the how and why, on ways to improve your swing. I’ve used a few of your tips and added at least 20 yards to each iron. Thank you!

  6. Chris, the explanation of this lesson really put things into perspective for me. I struggle with a steep transition, and often try to "pull the chains down" to shallow out. Your explanation of using the arms to assist the club in rotating out really clicked. Was hitting them solid after watching this. My one caveat is that i was pushing the ball a little to the right. Any tips on using this method but also squaring up a bit? Thanks again for the great content!

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