Golf Players

Another Dooley Noted Podcast // Episode #328 HBC Steve Spurrier

On this episode, Pat Dooley is joined by HBC Coach Steve Spurrier, courtesy of Meldon Law!
We’ll have the Big Mill’s Cheesesteaks’ “Yes, No Way, or Maybe,”
Hesser & Kipke’s “Three Things,” Leonardo’s Millhopper Pizza “Quick Picks,”
Adam’s Rib Co. 2GO “Gator of the Week,”
All that, and much more!

[Applause] [Applause] B Another duly noted podcast comes to you from the coaches podcast room at spurrier’s grid iron grill in celebration Point okay and welcome in to another edition of another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden law Gator Studios today’s guest will of course be coach spur brought to you by

Melden law we can’t wait to talk to him about a lot of the stuff that went on this weekend on Thursday it’ll be Ralph Russo the sports editor for Associated Press um who knows college football better than anybody and also uh is involved in the poll he he’s a guy who

Does the AP poll we’ll talk to him uh one thing we’re going to try to do I think we’ve got this set up pretty good is on March 19th which is a special day because it’s my wife’s birthday just so you know um but she’s going to be

Working anyway um we’re going to do a special show and that’ll be the Thursday show but we’ll go ahead and get it up as soon as uh Zach gets it all ready but we’re going to have a panel and we’re going to do it all remotely but we’re g

To have a panel and it’s going to be I know um Matt McCall’s going to be I think Mark Wise said he would be on it uh and myself and we’re going to do we’re just going to talk about the NCAA tournament and what we think is going to

Happen and make our picks and go ahead and get that out because if you wait till Thursday to do it you’re watching games right uh it’s kind of like what we went through with uh football and everything but anyway so we’re going to do that special one on the 19th and

That’ll be a Tuesday and look forward to that um I love doing those kind of things and those guys are great to talk to um all right let’s get to our process service of Gainesville starting five brought to you by process service of Gainsville Scott Hart and the good

People over there we appreciate them for being one of our main sponsors and um let’s start with one which was man what a bad Saturday it was huh Florida get it’s run ruled in softball by Michigan they lose another game where they screwed up I mean it’s

Their fault for losing the game um and baseball lost as well and you’re thinking but you know what I I kept telling my wife the sun will come up tomorrow and there’ll be new games to play and they did and guess what they won they won the SEC and uh gymnastics

And one one in baseball we’ll get to all those things in a morning in in a minute I I do want to talk though about without basketball and and the loss there it really is frustrating to watch them I I when they teams go into this zone now my

Theory on this and it may be wrong is that with about 10 minutes to go teams go okay these guys have these guards are are going to be a little bit worn out we’re going to be able to turn them over so let’s go to the Zone then maybe I’m

Totally wrong but you know pulling and Clayton are playing so many minutes um but anyway whatever happened it did not work they turned the over a ton eight times in the second half end up blowing a game another game where they had a 10-point lead this is

So familiar to me even though there are none of the players and none of the coaches are involved that were involved then but it’s very familiar of that run that Florida had so it would have been what 10 through 12 I think 2010 through 201 no 2011 through

2013 they played anyway they played in three straight Elite eights in all three Elite eights they had a 10-point lead with 10 minutes to go and lost them all and then finally got M had the Breakthrough in Memphis against Dayton and made the final four and that team by

The time they got to the final four was exhausted but they had nothing left uh especially Scotty wilin but my point is that I I have seen this happened before uh with the Florida team and so it’s it’s not like un ual The Zone thing look

There’s a way the way you beat the zone and and uh Todd golden talked about this after the game is you’ve got to be quicker with the passes on the exterior up at the top and then get it in quicker and let the your guy in the middle

Decide what you’re going to do maybe he’s going to bounce past to somebody maybe he’s going to kick it back out and you get an open three whatever but it’s almost they’re so tentative and it’s I think it’s just kind of the way especially Walter clay plays is that he

Gets the ball and then he starts looking to where the the hole is in the in the defense but with a Zone the hole in the defense gets clogged up um it it’s something they’ve got to figure out or teams are going to play it a lot against

Them and uh like uh Todd said it’s been an Achilles heel I hate that that they lost that game because they um played so well up to that point and um but here’s the thing they lose the game they still are okay they’re fine uh I know that uh

They ESPN still says they’re a lock I don’t think they’re a lock because I still think if you lose to Alabama no shame in that you’re not going to go way down the net but then you lose at Vandy and then you lose the first game of the

SEC tournament I don’t think you’re getting in I mean I’m sorry I think it’s going to be close at at the very least but all you got to do is win one of those three games and you’re going to be fine fine I would think um of course

Florida’s net and this tells you about net okay all you need to know about net is that Florida’s net uh didn’t drop when they when they lost to South Carolina because it was at South Carolina South Carolina’s didn’t go up beating Florida and South Carolina is

Still 13 I think it is or maybe 12 spots behind Florida because they didn’t play anybody in the non-conference but who’s a better team I would say South Carolina is a better team but there’s also this to remember guys the um the NCAA tournament is not held at any home sites now yes

Are they held or teams play games not those teams aren’t going to play there like if they they could have it and they’ve had it before in Columbia South Carolina but uh they’re not playing in it you know they’re they’re playing somewhere else so um when you think about Florida’s really

Toughest losses not their worst losses but their toughest losses at Alabama at Texas A&M at um they just played um South Carolina I went blank there for a minute um you know they they’ve had some really tough and they and they’ve they’ve played well on the road beating Kentucky um and Happ

South Carolina and Alabama and and um um tchm pushed right to the brink and just couldn’t pull it out so there’s nothing really wrong going on here they’ve just got to get into the tournament see what the matchup is and figure out how to win that matchup that’s all they can do um

We’ll see how it goes going forward here let’s go to number two on our process service starting five which is what happened with baseball first of all I got to be honest with you I watched a lot of the the Friday game none of no I didn’t watch any of Friday’s game that’s

Right because I was at the Martin fennel tribute um so I didn’t watch any of Friday’s game Saturday I watched when they got up in front and then kind of blew it off and and listen to a little bit of it later Sunday I didn’t watch

Any of it uh I was watch I was went out to the golf course and was going to play some golf um so I don’t know and I I I’m looking forward to today’s radio show where sit down with Jeff and go so what

Was going on but it there was a lot of chippiness and involved stealing signs or something I got to find out get all the details from it uh but the coaches didn’t shake hands the teams did Not Shake Hands at the end of it nobody likes it hey it’s okay if Florida hates

Miami and Miami hates Florida Miami hates Florida anyway let me tell you what Florida has bigger rivalries in sports but nobody hates Florida as much as Miami does nobody and that’s every sport they hate hate the Gators and they’ve hated them forever uh but the main thing is Florida

Got one two out of three Jack KAG leó what a great game he had here’s a stat I looked up and this is going to tell you how well he is doing right now now he is again we’re early in the season it’s 11 games in but so far this year he has

Four um he’s only uh had four walks thrown four walks I got to get this straight because he’s a two-way player he’s he’s thrown four walks but he’s he’s struck out 18 guys so he’s walked for struck out 18 that’s a great um exactly what you want and in fact it’s better than

What you want for a uh a pitcher but as a batter he’s only struck out four times and he’s got eight walks and four homers so these all these numbers are great this is the kind of numbers you put up over a season you keep putting them up

You’re going to be the golden spikes winner you’re going to win the big Awards um and he’s done it really well so far obviously Shelton has been really good too five homers already this year and but in that game shell nut um actually was sown another game

For carrying his Bat too far down the line after he hit a homer and there’s a new rule uh in fact I was listening to Steve Russell talk about it today that there there is an emphasis on not doing too much after a homer not flipping the bat especially the opponent

Dug out and be you know you got to be careful here hit the Homer drop the bat celebrate you know do whatever you can but I thought it got out of hand last year uh really out of hand so they’re going to try to put an end to that we’ll

See how it goes but at any rate Kevin OA now 41 and 18 against Miami I don’t think that that number would ever happen um and actually Florida I think’s only almost caught I think they’re one game be um one game under 500 lifetime against Miami now and

Again Miami pounded Florida for a long time there but um they’re catching them all right let’s turn now to SEC gymnastics for number three on our process service games we’ll start starting five and congratulations go out to an SEC champ the Florida Gator uh got

It done lean Wong got it done at the end again um uh Anya Pilgrim with a 10 on the floor a tremendous job there um and uh Leon Wong also won the allaround so uh that’s pretty good in the and going against Kentucky now Kentucky was number

Five going in in Florida’s six so I mean this was a think about what Florida did they beat LSU who’s number two and Kentucky who’s number five to win the SEC it’s how good the SEC is and it’s how good Florida is what a job they’ve

Done with missing as many people as they have because of the Olympics and of course you lose Trinity Thomas you’re going to lose a trinity Thomas eventually she’s got to leave school um but um you lose people like that and you lose to cello who’s getting ready for

The Olympics will be back next year you lose one probably your best recruit coming in who’s getting ready for Olympics anyway my point is I I am celebrating this title believe me I um I give them a lot of credit for getting that done and number four on our process

Service of Gainesville starting five uh talk a little bit about softball we haven’t talked a lot about softball they’ve been out of the out of home I was going to say out of the country but they were out of the state uh out in LA and then they of

Course they played their first tournament in um down at South Florida uh but right now it’s it’s kind of a mixed bag they’re 19 and three that is a great record we’re getting ready to start conference play Alabama come that’s going to be good you know how good

That’s going to be um but they’ve also got run ruled by Michigan they’ve lost twice to Michigan now but they also beat uccla which is a ranked team on the road so that’s a good win uh I’m still not sure about this team yet um and you know that we talk about it

All the time um that you know it’s the conference is so hard like in every sport that you’re going to have to win you’re have to qualify for the NCAA tournament in the conference um play because that’s when you’re going to build up your resume and

Your I don’t know if they have a net ranking of softball anyway I I don’t know uh if I’m making my point but maybe not um the weird thing is Florida Got Run rolled and the pitchers were AA Brown and Olivia Miller who stown two perfect

Games and AA Brown’s their Ace both un freshman but they got run R they gave 10 runs that that was stunning and it wasn’t I like I looked at the box score to see if they walked a bunch no they each walked one they just got hit double

Single double single you know just got hit it’s the way it goes sometimes uh and you learn from your mistakes right but bottom line starts in fact I think it’s a Saturday Sunday Monday against Alabama you know I like CC Network likes to do that so that’ll be next weekend

That’ll be fun to watch uh finally number five on our process service of gains till starting five golly it’d be nice to be able to come in here and not talk about the passing away of somebody but we have to do it again and the reason we keep doing

It is people who we care a lot about were’re losing them left and right you know we just talked about Martin fenny’s celebration of life which was great but then to lose Chris Mortenson yesterday um Mort was a friend of mine and um did a lot to help me in my

Career um I kind of got thrown into the NFL beat and like an 83 84 right in there and Mort was on the beat for the AJC and and he helped me out with a lot of things and uh introduced me to a lot of people and every time I would see him

You know we would he would we would just laugh about all the things we used to do together um but obviously when he went to the NFL exclusively start work for ESPN I I’d always see him about once twice a year and that was and I call him

Every once in a while U but obviously when he got throat cancer everybody was reaching out to him and unfortunately it took him and um cancer man it is just it’s ruined so many lives and I wish there was something we more we could do about it

You know I remember I’ll never forget this when um when uh Bruce Edwards died of of multiple sclerosis up uh we were at the Masters when he died and Tom Watson came in and gave us real emotional discussion he was like damn this disease and that’s

What you want to say about all diseases and I do also understand this is what our setup is here on the earth that you can’t just have everybody live forever right I don’t think that would be very uh we get too crowded um but if you were G to if you’re going

To be Thanos and you were snapping your finger you don’t want to let Martin fenny and Chris mortensson and all the other really good people we have lost it feels like we’ve lost lately go um It’s just sad there are other people I could snap off well I’ll

Give you the list a little bit later but Chris um let me tell you what you and Martin are probably arguing right now over who’s going to write the lead on uh when God ends the world um or when he when he decides to have a Rapture when he decides yeah

Let’s let everybody up into heaven you’re you’re probably arguing who’s going to write the leag two of the best and um certainly Mor was an Insider man he very much like uh Adam shefer I know Adam’s doing um some testimonials to him too I’m getting a little emotional so we

Better stop uh Mort was a good friend and a good man and I’m I’m going to miss him as well let us take a break and when we come back we will um we’ll have Coach spur we’ll talk to him and then of course Robbie Andrew for yes no where or

Maybe and then we’ll get into all of our other fun stuff Adams ribco to go Gator of the weekend Leonardo’s Quick Picks Hester and kipy three things swamp games of the weekend as well all that coming up on another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden law Gator

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Need an MRI call Titan first and you can go where your doctors send their families now offering CAT scans okay welcome back into another dly noted podcast brought to you by Titan MRI from the melden law Gator Studios and of course meld law also brings you coach

Sper every Monday we love having him on the show and that was certainly you know was funny I was telling my wife Saturday man what a terrible day it was baseball loss softball Got Run ruled by Michigan um basketball loss and I go but you know what there’s always tomorrow and

Tomorrow there are more games going on sure enough they did really well on on Sunday including and I know how important SEC titles are to you gymnastics winning the N or the secc championship yeah that was that was fun to watch uh a freshman uh gymnast her

Name is uh Pilgrim Ana Pilgrim she had a 10 had a 10 on the floor that may have been the difference I think we barely won by you know two or three t0 whatever it was but ky’s very good and we had to beat Kentucky to win outright so

Congratulations to Jenny Roland and our lady Gator gymnastic team for another sec championship they they they seem to win that just about every year well I think it was eight years ago I didn’t even know this I was reading it in the story that eight years ago they went

They decided instead of making it for the at the tournament let’s make it regular season who is the best record and Florida’s won six of those so what however they try to change it they’re still going to win it it’s pretty good there’s a lot of good teams out there

Though yeah Kentucky has a team LSU and so forth but uh that was good and then of course our men’s swimming team we’ve run 12 in a row the men have sec championships but this year they scored more points than any men’s team ever so technically you could say the gator swim

Team this year is the best in SEC history not not just school history but SEC so coach nesty certainly does a ah beautiful job you know I heard him talking about this is our culture this is what we do here we win the SEC it’s not like we have rebuilding years and of

Course you have different uh swimmers all the time so but that was your culture too I hope so you tried to set that and get those guys to believe they could win it yeah and uh some uh guy did an article the other day and I told him

Some of our football ills around here such as uh special teams organizations we haven’t been very good and uh our defense still 11th in the conference which we got to get better penalties a lot of careless penalties and so forth some people thought I was trying to be

Too a little over negative I wasn’t trying to do that I was trying to say that maybe just maybe on we get a lot of this stuff straightened out we can win 8 nine 10 games I think we got the players here to do it I really do got a bunch of

New coaches will that help or not we’re going to find out but uh we we could win uh twice as many many as predicted right now I think we can get up to nine wins if you know we get our act together and everybody plays as a team and away we go

So anyway well I think they have their best roster they’ve had under him I think they are too yeah and it’s just a matter of guys doing their job yeah they’ve got a lot of new players and uh hopefully uh the organization and everything will be heading in the right

Direction and uh we got a chance we got a chance for a real good team this year y i so abely I I agree with that and look at South Carolina men’s basketball they were picked 14th bottom of the SEC that’s right and their one game sh

Winning it if uh I think Tennessee loses Tuesday and they win they they’ll tie for it SEC Championship so preseason predictions don’t don’t mean a lot everybody’s got good players and now you got to coach the heck out of them you got to have leadership and with this

Portal I mean that that South Carolina team’s basically built out of the portal one year especially with basketball you can really make it work in your direction now you may get eight portal guys in there and they don’t get along and it’s not going to work that’s the

Risk you’re taking true too that is true too and that’s why it’s important to balance your money out I think if one or two guys are getting all the money the rest of the guys are getting virtually nothing much it could cause some friction there but that has a lot to do

With the culture you have the culture that you have built and now and he’s done that over three years Lamont Paris has only done it over two years um other coaches you know longer you’re there the you would hope your culture is taking effect but um you have to try to get it

Going right away you know it’s hard yeah winning breeds more winning exctly and unfortunately so does losing at one of Vince Lombard’s quotes so uh yeah we got uh you know we got seven home games in football like we always do and one in Jacksonville and uh four away so if uh

If we can get it together and uh get some good leadership and so forth throughout the team uh we we can have a big year yeah that’s what I said about um to somebody on a show the other day I said look they got seven home games if

They can win all their home games and just steal a game or two on the road you’re at nine wins now I know the schedule’s difficult but you know it’s difficult for everybody you know what is uh so unusual to me is that South Carolina when I got up there the three

Biggest games in conference Florida Georgia Tennessee y South Carolina does not play any of those teams this year I know do you know that I know that’s ridiculous so but that’s why they do it they divide it up you know they go play Texas A&M well wait a minute we used to

Play Tennessee all the time I know but that that well what they they said they tried to do and I think they did to a point was to try to take make the schedule you it wouldn’t be topheavy it wouldn’t be bottom heavy it would be

Mixed you know so the you would get a couple of good teams and a couple of not so good teams from from the last five years I think they did they did it mathematically well and and yeah everybody ends up I mean I think kayen deor first game is against Georgia right

Yeah yeah Alabama Georgia it’ll be what’s going to be interesting about that Alabama situation is that his offensive coordinator stayed back with the Seahawks Seattle and uh I think it’s the B’s offense uh is he going to be the play caller or is he going to bring a

Guy in and train him to be the play caller so that that be the interesting part right there I think yeah they there have been a lot of big sto stories breaking it like I get up these alerts on my phones Alabama adds another coach

And I I go I don’t you know I don’t really care that much I care about what Florida’s doing coaches hop around they all the time assistant coaches uh some uh coaches uh are on a staff and they get a chance to go to like Ohio State

For like double the money right as an analyst not just as a coach but uh so titles nowadays I guess don’t mean quite as much as whatever you’re making whatever the salary is they never meant much to me before because I knew there was a lot of cases where a guy would say

Look I’ll stay if you’ll make me the assistant to the head coach or assistant coach or coordinator running game coordinator you know yeah TI but it wasn’t fooling anybody you know well unfortunately those titles help put you in position to be a some days yeah but

Yeah they I they shouldn’t I don’t think just because you have a title but uh but that yeah that’s just the way that game goes about trying to become a head coach and so forth yep so Florida South Carolina basketball obviously didn’t get the way Florida wanted it to go but man

They had a lead they it’s just it feels like the same game being played over and over again where they get a big lead they lose it sometimes they come back sometimes they don’t you know those last 10 minutes yeah it does seem we’ve play

A lot of games like that a lot of close ones but uh well the tournament uh coming up here here what next weekend I guess or so uh well we got two more games and then the men’s tournament but the women’s tournament starts this week Wednesday I think it does yeah Florida’s

Playing Missouri so uh in the in the women’s tournament okay yeah we we’ve beaten them yeah four and so forth yeah our women had a tough outing uh this past week they they just they they’re another team just can’t seem to finish teams off they get they’re right there

In position streaks and then just at the end you know I think they lose by four five the other day and it seems like there’s a lot of games like that with them but true and then baseball taking two out of three how about that for uh

Sully right now his record against Miami all time 41 and 18 that’s pretty good isn’t it is good yeah I mean he’s not going 11 to1 like you did against Georgia yeah Miami is still a baseball school that’s probably their best sport right now I guess uh although their

Basketball has been decent had it but not uh well this year they they yeah last year they got to the final four I think they might have played for the title I’m trying to remember they did get to year it was them and FAU and Yukon and I can’t remember the fourth

Team San Diego South Florida schools how about that but this year I don’t know that um you know um that they’re going to make it Miami is going to make it all their records like just right around 500 FSU went and beat them and fsu’s around 500 so it could be

Florida Florida Atlantic’s probably going have to win their tournament to get in MH um but they could obviously and then um usf’s got a chance I don’t know where where that came from they’ve had a they’ve got had a great season they’re like 22 and four or something

Like that I can’t even tell you who their coach is I can’t no idea yeah so it’d be interesting uh all the spring Sports and everything kicking in softball and baseball kicking off uh but basketball will be closing up here March Madness and tournaments will be going

And the teams are all so close I see you know two makes your threes makes your free throws things like that seems to win these games right absolutely got to do that I did want to ask you about the uh the sper award that we did last week

A week ago and I got to spending time with Mark Rick and a little bit and um obviously your family which was great and all the celebrities that were here which was really cool we got a bunch of them on the radio too uh but how did

Everything go for you oh it was one of our best uh every person I saw that was there said how they enjoyed the event uh Mark Rick is a class first class guy wonderful guy and uh our other coach Jamie Chadwell uh again excellent guy and and both the Freshman players that

Won Noah faita from Arizona and uh the other kid from Purdue thean I think his name Dylan thean we had him on the radio he was really good guy but all of them got up and said the right things you know thank the Lord for giving them the ability to

Play thank their coaches their school their teammates and all that so it was sort of a good feel event that uh and we had a bunch of EX Gators bunch of my guys that played for me showed up it’s good to see Jason OD him there uh you

Know his son left uh and went to place somewhere else up north opportunity to play I think start he’s probably was going to get to play now yeah so but Jason fouryear starter offensive tackle and uh oh so many of our players Shane and Doug Johnson my two QBs were there

And then oh I tell you what uh this Thursday night Danny Warf was coming to town to speak at the FCA uh they’re having a annual event it’s at the greenhouse church out in North Gainesville Greenhouse Church and Doug and Danny and I and uh whose mother

Quarterback Doug Shane Shan Shane uh you know what our record was in the 90s 90 through 99 these guys were our principal quarterbacks of course Shane played all three years Danny had Terry Dean a little bit and Doug had Noah occasionally and Jesse maybe played a

Game or two you know what our SEC regular season record these three quarterbacks these three quarterbacks I tell you right now how many games it was it was 78 games we played I was going to go 70 or 68 and 10 68 n yeah you’re pretty dog on close it

Was 69 and N no regular season SEC games those guys were 69 and N of course Danny his overall was 34-2 uh counting the SEC Championship games and so forth but that that was really when I looked at thatz a lot of people thought that Doug and his guys

Didn’t do much but uh we had two seven in one Seasons I know yeah uh 99 and uh uh 98 98 and 99 yeah I don’t think they were in SEC though I don’t think the fans were fair to Doug but but he was following Danny you know and he was

Following a guy who never did anything wrong you know and yeah I think that was part of it when they look back they they’ll say hey he did pretty well of course you know we didn’t win an SEC those three years but we finished like third fourth fifth in the country uh

Three of them those last five hey in 99 if he doesn’t didn’t get hurt his shoulder and couldn’t I remember you put him in for like one play at the start of the second half and he threw it right into the ground his his arm was just gone he he

Had thrown out yeah they all had excellent excellent careers here all three of those guys so you can come and take a picture with them and uh you know donate to the FCA so we’ll be there at 5:30 at Greenhouse Church me and our three quarterbacks of the 90s Shane

Danny and Doug Johnson so uh hopefully bunch of gators come out get a picture and uh listen to Danny warle that’ll be great uh one thing we will make sure we do today is do the Campus USA play of the weekend and this guy is a picture I

Wouldn’t mind getting a picture of when that is Jack kagle own there’s his strikeout to give him 11 strikeouts and then there is the bomb he hits I don’t know if I’ve ever I’ve I mean Wilkerson was the best I’ve ever seen here but he didn’t just have the raw power like uh

Kags does and to do it both ways I mean Wilkerson was a guy who just battled you on the mound and then he was a great hitter yeah but this guy the power is just unbelievable that was down there huh yeah down in Miami two out of three from

Them so I don’t know if you now did you play both ways in high school baseball both ways Short Stop pitch oh yeah oh yeah we played we had about Let’s see we had about uh nine of the 11 that played the whole game gotta yeah that’s

Interesting nine nine of 11 I me in football there’s only nine in baseball uh seven of nine seven yeah played about the whole thing yeah I knew yeah all right well you got anything else coach no that’s about it for this week uh hopefully basketball uh get a good win Tuesday night looking

Forward to that senior night I’m looking forward to being there for that yeah yeah and I don’t even I can’t even tell you which guys are going to get are going to walk because I don’t know how many guys are going to stay who’s a senior new who’s a senior who’s a junior

Who’s whatever but we’ll see how that goes and certainly this team has given us a lot it’s been a lot of fun to watch these guys they just do a little bit better go further yeah all right that that’s gonna do it for uh coach sper

Segment we’ll be take a break we’ll come back Robbie Andrew will join us for yes no way or maybe we got all our other stuff to do as well on another dly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the meldin law Gator Studios hello there everybody I’m Pat of course from another

Dly noted podcast this is a great Adam Brewer and he has just opened up a place here at Co to go what would gave you the idea to do this to have a to go Place uh we really like the fast concept you know being able to get the

Barbecue uh now we have this new online ordering so we before it was a call ahead carry out quick service um we have like a curbside kind of a deal where um you know you’re everything’s ready to go for you um and then we thought wow we

Have a really great D in concept but uh how can we make this you know streamlined for the customer and make it easy and accessible for all parts of town Adams rib code to go come on down and enjoy it great food great atmosphere a diverse menu everything made from

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Advertising at 352 317 3444 okay and welcome back to another daily noted podcast brought to you by Titan MRI as always and of course coming to you from the Mel and law Gator Studios right now we go to the big Mills cheese steak Zoom line and our special

Full House Studios for Robbie Andrew to bring us in hey P how how was it going how was it going out there with the with the what’s his name I can’t think of his name now I’m think I’m freaking out John Stamos oh I’m on The Love Boat now Pat oh are you

Yeah I’m not Full House someone loves it it’ll be your guest stars will be Gavin McLoud Christy McNichol um one of the areses yeah uh I want Lauren Green on there too one one Osmond for sure will be on there it’s GNA be a blast oh yeah Robby

And I just uh made a long trip down to Tampa for uh Martin fenny’s um farewell and it was we it was unbelievable wasn’t it how how many people were there I I couldn’t believe it yeah I was really stunned by that P I mean there must have been four or 500

People maybe something like that it was and and the speeches were all great and I thought our Chris Harry Gator Chris just knocked out of the park his tribute to Martin Finley I thought it was great well mainly because he told funny stories and that’s that’s he was very

Yeah he was real good and he was quick and so yeah he did he was really good he did a great job it wasn’t like pgo not having any punch lines there yeah you’re right he he had stories but no no closure on them it was like where are we

Going with this one yeah was in right and then we went was in the right place yeah then we sat down and wrote yeah uh anyway uh Martin was a good man unfortunately we lost another one which I talked about earlier in Chris Mortenson I wanted to ask you Robbie

About your memories of work working around Chris and being um friends with him well mind Pat go back to the 80s when he would cover the brav spring training I would too down there for the Sun Sentinel and you know he worked for the uh AJC then so we got to know each

Other pretty well he was a real nice guy yeah super guy helped me with with the uh as I mentioned with the NFL I I mean I got thrown into that beat didn’t know anything about it he helped me out a lot with it really good dude all right it is

Time for us to play yes nowhere maybe with Robbie Andrew and of course we do that every Monday uh it’s brought to you by big Mills cheese steak Street dining done the right way if you go in there and say you listened to it or watched it

On YouTube uh you get free fries with your order so go in there and do that free French fries can’t beat them um all right Robbie here we go on yes no where maybe number one the SEC ends up with seven teams in the dance I’m going to say yes Pat and I

Mean you know you look at all the the projections I think that’s going to be the the number that gets in there but you know some teams have to win some more games and Florida might be one of those teams we’re talking about now so I

Think it’s big that they they’ve got to win one of the last two here and then win one in the tournament I think well Florida can’t lose they can’t go 0 and three or you know they no I don’t think they can either no that would put them on the

Bubble lose their last four games that would not be good that you don’t want to go in like that and even I mean that means they may if they can beat Alabama at home great that you’re definitely in even if beating Vanderbilt at Vanderbilt

I think I think you’re in but uh but but the other teams that are uh like the a lot of people were talking about the SEC getting nine in and I’m like well Mississippi State hasn’t done enough to get in and no they’re not there no in

A&M every time they get into one of those oh this is a big game for A&M as far as the the bubble goes they always lose so yeah they flop you’re right Pat I don’t I think Florida Florida needs to hope that nobody plays the 131 Zone

Against them the rest of the way cuz they they couldn’t handle that at all the other day in the second yeah it was unbelievable no um I have a theory on it but um and I I talked about it before but uh it is I don’t I don’t know why teams don’t

Play it more but I think the idea is to wait until late in the game and when they get tired and they’ve been playing a lot of minutes those two guards especially and they get worn out and they don’t they don’t they just don’t

Have it at the end uh maybe I don’t know as a result there were all those turnovers pack from guys that usually don’t turn the ball over and they just didn’t seem like they knew knew how to attack that defense it was a ugly to see ugly to watch yeah wasn’t good wasn’t

Good at all all right let’s get to number two on our uh big Mills cheese steak yes nowhere maybe Robbie golf watching season starts officially this week with the Arnold Palmer Invitational I’ll say yes on that Pat because so far I haven’t really watched much of any golf but I

Watched a little this weekend and just knowing Bay Hill is coming up and then after that the players so I think it’s time for golf season to start and for people like us to get get interested in watch it now so haven’t watched much yet

But now I’m gonna start yeah I I mean even though that tournament said of course I know but I just didn’t there the guys that up there weren’t that exciting you know Michael Roy had that blow up on 18 on uh was that Sunday or Saturday that was Saturday Saturday yeah

Yeah yeah kind of blew himself up and yeah t Xander had a good tournament Pat he did he did but I’ll be I’ll be excited to watch Bay Hill I mean I know that course really well and yeah me too and then the players obviously we always

Look forward to that yeah they not far off of the Masters so it is not all right uh here is your final question on yes nowhere maybe brought to you by big Mills cheese steak the best thing about being retired Robbie for you is you never have to go to another

Combine absolutely yes Pat we talked about that on the way either down or on the way back from Tamp in the car that we both covered the combine but it’s really not much fun at all I mean I didn’t enjoy it I covered for warl I don’t even know if I saw the

Guy yeah it it I will say this when I was there it was great for content to get content but it was a miserable day you just sit there for hours stand out there waiting and then all of a sudden oh uh Johnny Manzel’s in the room okay

Now you got to get up there and it’s just no fun and you and what a lot of people don’t realize is we don’t get to watch any of these guys working out we don’t get to watch them 40s yeah it’s not like you’re in the stadium watching

All this no we’re in the stadium but we’re in a room that’s locked down where you can’t even walk away one bathroom it was tortur it was torture Robbie I’m telling you torture how we did it yeah and then then we would go out and and have to eat on the company and

Everything you know miserable all right Robbie that’s gonna do it for you we’ll let you go okay Pat good talking to you as always all right thanks man okay well thanks to Robbie for being on as always uh does a great job and let’s get to our Adams rib

Co to go Gator of the weekend boy did I have a lot to choose from again this is a great time of year man when you got a lot to choose from and you know decided to go with I decided to go with Jenny Roland the Florida gymnastics coach as

Our Gator of the weekend the reason is what she’s had to deal with I talked about it earlier you know uh you lose the maybe the greatest gymnas to ever compete uh and you’re and no look she played five years she tumbled for five years I get I she can’t

Stay here forever I get that but to lose Dell to lose the other uh incoming freshman that you lost you had Leon W Wong there was lean Wong where there was a question of how much she would do and would she only do Olympic style stuff and maybe that’s helped because she is

Killing it um but anyway uh so that’s what I’m why I’m making Jenny Roland the gator of the weekend because she has done a heck of a job with this team and winning another sec championship great job Jenny and uh she’s such a good person too as well um been on this show

Which right makes her a good person right right um and so she is our Adams ribco to go Gator of the weekend let’s go to our leonardos at mil Hopper Quick Picks give you an easy one Tuesday night don’t have much time to get it in I know

A lot of you were getting them in just at the nick of time uh but you don’t have a lot of time it’s a 7 o’clock game but Florida Alabama in Gainesville um I’m not giving you a spread look it’s a pick them game as far as I’m concerned I don’t know who’s

Going to win you just pick one and you send it into Patrick duly and we’re going to probably do another pull I will say this we’ll probably do another pull at the end of the SEC basketball tournament which is only two weeks from now right so that probably

That Monday we’ll make a pull because I’m ready to give some stuff away so get yours in as soon as possible well you got to get in by Tuesday at 7 o’clock all right let’s get to our h and kipy three three things Hesser and kipy is a Gainsville Law Firm specializing in

The areas of family law and workers compensation I’ve never said those words before I don’t know why I would screw it up if you’re a loyal listener of the show you know who we are by now if not Google The Firm check out the reviews and hear what our clients have to say

Ken and Jennifer can be reached 247 via call or text at 352 339 9920 Hesser and kipy I think I screwed up cuz I was trying to remember what Ken texted me this week and I texted him back but I can’t remember so I’m not

Going to look at my phone right now in the middle of the show anyway Hesser and kipy three things let’s go let’s start off with number one which was Caitlyn Clark Breaking Pete maravich’s alltime scoring record and I was wondering how I felt about it um she’s

Amazing she does have a three-point line she has a smaller ball Pete didn’t have a three-point line but I will say this Caitlyn Clark is all about winning Pete wasn’t Pete didn’t care whether they won or lost Gary Keller once told me the story and this

Is why I don’t like I look I saw Pete Mari play he was unbelievable but it he only cared about one thing and that was scoring points that’s the only thing he cared about they never went to the tournament um but Gary Keller told me the story that Mar

Told him look he says give me a fake I’ll let you go buy me I just want the ball back that’s all I want I want the ball back so he go fake he just goes oh goes by him gets a layup now now Pete’s got the ball he’s between his legs well

The best you’re going to do is tie you know two to two for that possession but I don’t know I it’s not that big a deal but you know I I I do respect what Caitlyn Clark has done because even though you can make those arguments she’s made people care about

Women’s basketball more than they ever have more than they ever have it’s not those ridiculous outfits that what’s her name wears blanking on her name the coach at LSU son we hate um uh what is her name coach at LSU uh where’s the weird clothes blanking on it anyway it’s not

That that’s not how that’s not why women’s basketball it’s not even because South Carolina is undefeated it’s because of Caitlyn Clark and she has brought people into the Under the Tent Kim Moi Kim Moi golly I’ve said her name in in with in cuss words before but I

Couldn’t think of it but my point is this anyway that Caitlyn Clark has brought People Under the Tent and that is what is important and I think it’s great and people who want a bad mouth or are just being misogynist IC jerks okay I think it’s great what she was able to

Do uh let’s get to number two on our process service on our I’m having struggles today I gotta be honest with you it’s was a long weekend onor H and kipy three things number two uh this I think went right past everybody and I didn’t notice until I accidentally

Stumbled upon it that uh Oklahoma’s 71 game softball winning streak ended this weekend uh the hands of Louisiana now Louisiana’s got a good program you know that uh they beat Florida in the NCAA tournament one year um in the uh in Oklahoma City uh they’ve been really

Good for a long time and they were the team that did it they beat Oklahoma stopped their 71 game win streak I don’t know that I just thought it was important to bring it up I don’t think it’s going to cost Oklahoma anything maybe it’s because Joselyn Erikson came to Florida and it’s

Destroyed the chemistry of the team that’s my story and I’m sticking to it uh finally on our Hester and kipy three things um Mike Evans A lot of people were wondering where he was going to go and now it’s going to stay with the Bucks two-year deal $52 million now is

He worth it he’s probably worth what they’re paying people like that I or those people worth that kind of money when teachers make what they make and the guy tarring a roof makes what he makes no no nobody should be making $52 million to play football but that’s what

They’re paying so uh I think he’s worth it the interesting thing will be what they do with Mayfield assuming he comes back he I I think he’s declares for a free agent I think it’s next week he can declare for a free agent free agency whether he comes back if he comes back

You know that connection is still there if it’s Kyle TR which I hope it is I mean we’ll see how that all works out but anyway that is uh our Hesser and kipy three things let’s wrap it up no more Pat dly story time because um this

That was the last one for Mike Jordan I talked to Mike um yesterday actually and we had a good C conversation about the golf tournament and about um what how much I appreciate him being a sponsor but if anybody else wants to get in as a sponsor it’s not that expensive just

Give me a call and we’ll work it out um and I hate not to have stories so I have got a great story I can tell you but I can’t tell without a sponsor I don’t I don’t know if I’m putting the screws to everybody

With that but maybe I am let’s but I do have a sponsor for the games of the week week and that is the swamp restaurant where you can go there and get all kinds of great stuff uh whether it’s drink specials the food is wonderful there

Love it we we were talking about the swamp the other night um about Karen going there recently and having a blast and I can’t remember the context of the story Karen took me out Saturday to downtown to some children’s bars and um but obviously there weren’t many young people in there because we

Were there at 7:30 so but we we we actually had a great time we went to Arcade bar and places like that it was good we had a good time all right let’s get back to our swamp games of the week and we’ve got plenty

Of them coming up okay here’s a deal on baseball baseball plays FAU tomorrow night Tuesday night that’s at 6 it is on SEC plus Wednesday they play UCF that is at 6 it is on SEC plus course basketball at the same time 7 o’clock it’s not the

Same time it’s an hour later they will be playing Alabama it is on ESPN regular um so again the two TVs you don’t have two you don’t have any TVs because if you’re watching baseball and basketball you’re a happier person and that’s what I’ll be doing um and well

Not only that but this will be much earlier the women uh in basketball I talk I mentioned that to coach sper play Missouri at 1:30 on Wednesday and that’s on the SEC network so look this these women’s team has been hard to stay with but I’ve tried to stay with

Them uh because they blow some they blow way more leads than the men do and that’s saying a lot um but let’s see how they can get something done in the tournament I I will I promise you I’ll be watching it that’s just the way I am

Um and then uh and then the other thing I I wanted to mention was the arold Palmer which will be on TV all week and all weekend and uh it is the beginning of golf watching season for me too because played the course many times and um

Love the course love the course a lot it’s going to be a lot of fun and that’ll be on NBC all weekend and the Golf Channel you can watch it there I will go ahead and tell Pat to a story okay just quickly because my friend Sam

Dolson was there one day we decided we were going to go out I had won a forsome at AR at Bay Hill and we were going to go we were going to spring training games and we had a room there too and so we decided to go and we played and we’re

Playing Sam doesn’t play golf yet he wrote for a g a Golf Magazine but he doesn’t play a lot of golf he’s not doesn’t really know all the rules yet this is a long time ago too I’ll say it was about 20 years ago

But at some point I look up and I see Sam driving right across the te on the 17th hole oh I’m like God I hope nobody sees them I look the other way and here comes the pro at the golf course racing down on on his golf cart to and he just

Starts laying into Sammy Dolson and I step in I go dude I’m sorry he he we’re we’re all sorry he um he didn’t know the rules I’ll make sure it never happens again he goes do you know who lives in that condo right there Arnold Palmer

What if he was looking out the window right then and saw you driving across his golf course te and I was like he’d probably come down here and be yelling at me like you are and I but I said we’ll we’ll solve the problem and it will never happen again I promise you

And it didn’t happen again because I don’t think I I played with Sam anymore certainly didn’t take him to any nice courses Sam’s one of my best friends in the world he’s the guy introduced me to my wife so but it’s a funny story anyway that’s Pat dly Story Time brought to you

By insert name here that and that’ll do it for the show thanks to Zach doing a great job again today we appreciate him we’ll be back Thursday Ralph Russo from the Associated Press their college football editor uh we’ll have a great talk with him can’t

Wait for that until then I am Pat dly I am deep I am way back and I am out of here

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