How to Get THROUGH The Golf Ball EVERY Swing

Your golf swing shouldn’t stop immediately after impact with the ball. Instead you should feel like you are trying to hit through the ball.

Once you make this change the quality of your contact and carry distance will start to improve significantly.

In this golf lesson, PGA pro Kerrod Gray and Simon Dyson demonstrate how to get through the golf ball and get your club swinging with that satisfying ‘woosh’ sound every swing.

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⛳ Chapters
0:00 Introduction
0:15 How to get through the ball
1:15 Drill to get through the ball 👈
1:55 Follow through finishing position
2:35 Float towards the target
3:30 Drill demonstration


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All right Dave let’s talk about getting through the ball mate we’re at the 18th here at the montg and it’s a pretty ominous t- shot we’ve got water left we got water right this was my second swing of the day the first went in the water

Didn’t show that now how do players have the confidence to stand up here and get through the ball right and let’s remove a lot of the technicalities of trying to hit these perfect positions and talk more so about a feel and a sensation play can use so the idea of um not

Standing up being intimidated or distracted by like the view and choose a specific Target and coming to the shop walking into the shot saying commit to this golf shop sending the club through the ball and sometimes it’s a lot easier said than done isn’t it but there’s a a

Certain feel that you can generate maybe from a few practice swings before you hit the golf ball as well yeah um almost imagining kind of the energy of the golf club in a way would you say that’s a that’s a good way to approach it yeah

And I imagine your mind could be the club’s building up energy to maximize its energy through the shop yeah so you’re building that up rather than hitting at it from the top maybe getting short quick on it but can we build it up to send it through the golf ball you

Hear almost that swoosh just coming in after the strike yeah and I think anything involving feedback is really good and like you said a bit of a swish happening through the balls so um look you can get the golf club turned upside down right and just make little swings

To begin with and see if you can get some sort of audible whoh past the golf ball would you agree that’s a good yeah definitely y helps you T it timing it yeah and absolutely so starting off with something like this guys is you don’t

Want to spend all day on the the tea on the 18th turning your Club upside down and doing this cuz you get some dirty looks from your plane Partners but nice and slow just slowly building up some speed trying to get some whoh after impact and even through doing that Dave

What I want you to do is after I make this little swing here talk about the finish position and what players should be looking for from this face on point of view around where their weight is positioned and their body and their chest for me yeah so as you’ve come

Through our weight has moved over to the lead side yep and that leads the down swing so there’s a a bit of a weight shift there a bit of a shift over to the left side as we then come through the body is rotated so the hips have rotated

Round torso rotated round and then we start to see some nice extension of the arms we continue moving all the way through you’ll finish tall on your left side W on the left side but certainly not having this back up this lean back and pulling away from the shop the

Hesitance yeah for sure and that that’s a massive one there and you’ll be so surprised when you do this little drill of having the golf club upside down trying to get the feeling of the whoosh after you have to have this sensation of almost a delay back here isn’t it

Because you’re building up this energy to release it later and by doing that it encourages your body to float and move toward towards the target allowing you to get all your pressure forward and this big beautiful body extension which Dave was just talking about there and

That’s really at the end of the day when we see those hesitant golf swings where the players are back foot banding like this and their arms are all bunched out well they definitely didn’t have a whoo past the ball did yeah definitely not definitely not sending that energy

Through and yeah if you get intimidated by the shot or you’re trying to protect your score at the last hole we feel safer if we don’t move so much but that Dynamic movement sends it through the ball and it’s safer cuz you move better more efficient I want you to really pay

Close attention to kind of the look of the shaft as he goes from the top of the Swing coming down and then that nice big whoh after certainly more powerful than mine go again and again lovely one more now you can see his pressure goes to the

Outside the hips move forward the chest extends beautifully just like you see with your favorite golfer all right turn that upside down Dave Let it Loose well tell you what mate you got me by about 30 on that one must have been all about the bu nice


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