Golf Babe

2024 Memorial • Leaders • R2 • B9 • Aaron Gossage • Jordan Castro • Jacob Courtis • Gannon Buhr

2024 Memorial Championship presented by Discraft
MPO Lead Card • Back 9
Featuring: Aaron Gossage, Jordan Castro, Jacob Courtis, Gannon Buhr
Commentary: Goose & The Disc Golf Guy
Camera: SpiiciiBoii
Edit: The Disc Golf Guy
Location: Fountain Hills Disc Golf Course, Fountain Hills, AZ
Date: Friday, March 1 2024

Seeking revenge or simply trying to duplicate? Either way, it’s our last time around the Fountain Hills track for the 2024 Memorial Championship presented by Discraft. Conditions again look good for scoring so we’ll see if our lead card can work any magic and maybe most importantly, stay out of the pond.

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Dietrich Design:

Hello everyone and welcome back we’re here for the second half of round number two the 2024 Memorial Championship presented by Discraft this is our M lead card sweet action coming to you from the goose who’s on the mic again also have Jordan Castro along with cupcake no I

Don’t feel weird saying that about a fellow adult male and of course Ganon Burr our defending champ from last year trying to fight for the title again it was his first time last year he says he wanted to come back and try to defend the title here we are halfway through

The second round it’s a four round event but your last go at the Fountain Hills course and now we’re going into the back you said it yesterday the back just you you’ve even just step onto the back nine with a slightly different mentality don’t you definitely um actually it’s

Actually a little fortunate for me I actually messed up this hole yesterday so coming right into this instead of thinking to myself I have to birdie out I’m thinking hey if I throw a good shot here I can improve on my round from yesterday by one stroke with a nice

Simple shot and spoiler you just closed out with a bonus Birdie on nine getting that one on the previous hole so now trying to put yourself in position here on 10 it’s got to be building a little internal momentum definitely threw a much cleaner shot there got it nice and

Wide around the tree so exactly what I’m looking for gon follow suits it’s not a it’s not a difficult shot by any means you just got to hit the line and you end up you know 15 20 ft cupcake has been throwing an interesting kind of uh line with his

Forehand I saw him do this two or three times during the round where he’ll just come out with that anheiser release on a nice stable disc it ends up being the same result it’s just a different like way of thinking about it or a different feel with the hand so if it’s working

For him you know more power to him and the backand approach um I’m not a big fan of it but Jordan executes it very well there puts himself yeah what’s that 26 27 ft just a little nose up yeah it’s been a little bit of a disappointing day here

For Castro it’s had some struggles not what we would necessarily expect especially after seeing the 10 under during yesterday’s effort it happens though you know some days it feels easy and some days it doesn’t I I know how that feels from both perspectives for sure he’s got such an interesting like

Circle one putt for these like short tap-ins kind of things it just looks a little awkward a little funky he doesn’t look comfortable but uh he ends up finding the chains like almost every time so I I don’t know what it is but I feel like everyone has more confidence in him

Making it than he does I remember a few years ago when he came into the scene and he was making putts from everywhere he’s like he would just always say I’m just such a terrible putter it’s like what are you talking about stop yeah I know I wish I was that terrible right

Exactly your Putter’s Looking Good Feeling Good picking up another birdie so now you’re seven under through 10 and that’s got to feel pretty good especially with opening with a bogey yeah yeah for sure um my big thing yesterday was I wasn’t throwing very well off the tea but I was putting great

So today I was like hey just clean up a few of these tea shots and you’re going to have a great day and I so far I’ve done that I haven’t really had to putt much all these shots been about you know 20 25 ft so this is an interesting one whole

Um 11 I’ve said this in the past plays a little longer than you think and today I was thinking to myself I haven’t had a great lot of confidence in my whole 18 shot so today I dissed up to something a little bit more stable on this shot and

Really committed to it I just hit it super hard hit my line right and this is the best shot I’ve ever thrown on this hole yeah not arguing with that is that inside the bullseye is it that close pretty close um I think it’s about 9 ft so definitely in the bullseye

In but it’s not it’s not that close no but that sits down for him too it gets up catches Edge you would think it would for sure start rolling and it doesn’t just kind of flops over for him yeah after he’s calling bir to get in it’s another forehand and you were just

Talking about kind of that the way that flips up and I’ve never seen a disc land over there in in 20 years of coming here I’ve never seen someone put it over there it was a bomb I we could not believe how far he threw that disc Castro the lone

Backand this is such a smooth shot I’m jealous of that that like just curls around runs out of steam right next to the basket cupcake from just wait this is this is 80 ft past the pin oh no it looked in from my perspective but just

Heer didn’t a touch early and caught the tree and unfortunately that’s it’s just as bad as hitting the cage on that other hole you know you get the bad roll away and he’s fortunate to even like be in bounds there and let me tell you man we had just sat

There and watch cupcake pup for 3 minutes I was like hey do you mind if I just go tap out real quick just like break it up at a little bit you know you could like order a sandwich from the bar across the street get it delivered and then come

Back that that was a solid putt there 20 ft or so after missing a couple and and nice and quick too so Props to him for that one I learned in the editing process that nobody really loves to sit and and you know wait for all of that uh you

Guys start yelling at the screen just like I do and and and I say it all the time too like I see a timer so I know exactly how long things are taking but we’re moving on to Hole number 12 again we said it was the easiest yesterday

Still playing on the easier side but not quite as uh much of a gimme as it was yesterday yeah we still had this like um we had this in the morning but uh like head crosswind on this hole which makes it pretty difficult because most players are throwing the backhand Hiser and it’s

Easier for it to get away from you I did that a little bit the first round and today I just threw it harder threw it a little bit lower nose down throw my Cheo disc like genon says right there absolutely perfect [Applause] shot just getting a little quick there

Takes a little bit of skip that’s 28 ft you know a little little scary Jordan asking for it to get down he didn’t love it out of his hand very similar line just a little nose up with that wind they just so easy for them to to leak a little bit

Left normally would get a little more ground play than what it did honestly that’s a really smart way to play it though you just do the one bounce on top of the hill drops down and it’s usually in a pretty good spot there and G and I

Have been battling pretty hard back and forth a little bit this round and I I thought to myself before this putt I was like we’re going to see right here you know if if he’s keeping Pace if he’s if he’s got things dialed in and if he’s

Quite as locked and loaded as he looks I mean the fact that he’s nine under through 12 you’re sitting eight under through 12 and that one’s high right chain which is not a common Miss for him yeah a little uncharacteristic for sure knowing you’re also already you know essentially underneath the basket

So you’re going to be walking away with a birdie one of the interesting things that we’ve noticed is you know cupcake has said he’s like I I can feel that it’s time like I know I need to putt and you see these hesitations that sometimes come from him and it’s really

Surprising yeah I’ve talked to him about a little bit too and he just says it’s hard to get the disc to come out of his hand like he’ll go some of these pump fakes he’s like he’s ready to putt it he’s it feels good and then he’s like

Nope it’s not coming out of the hand got to go a couple more but does make a very solid putt there it’s a good birdie pick up that puts him five under for today’s round and it was near this point um with all this cupcake putting stuff going on

Where I thought to myself um it’s not really bothering me but I’m kind of rushing my shots just to kind of like pick up pace of play on our card to keep up the group in front of us and I had to do a conscious note of being like hey

There’s no reason for me to really rush anything from myself just to deal not really fair to you someone else on the card yeah and yeah it was a good thing for me to kind of like notice what’s going on in my own game and be like hey

Actually like take your time and throw the shots that you know how to throw don’t let any of these external uh distractions keep you from making that happen yeah that is really interesting uh because like you said there’s almost this sense of urgency as a card but you

You shouldn’t be personally making up for someone else and here we are 13 pretty stock backhand for you y throw the cheater disc doing cheater disc things you know for a few years we had a a branch that came out almost perfectly horizontal and you really had to make

The decision most people were throwing underneath it and when then that Branch ultimately got removed this hole became just a must get you know stock Kaiser shot yeah for sure I remember throwing underneath that Branch um definitely made the hole trickier and even sometimes I’ll throw up through the the left Gap there

Between the trees just for fun okay sometimes it gets a little yeah just to have a little bit of fun on the course here on the back nine and honestly it was like three subpar shots in a row it seemed like after mine I don’t know it I was

Surprised by all three of those it’s one of the easier holes out here seems like a stock Heiser and especially with a little bit of wind we’re having on the elevated basket being nice and close is definitely a good thing the hole with the most birdies was whole four that had 70

Birdies out of out of3 people I Mark am I out or am I still in what’s the conversation here so he was right on the edge of the Circle and he’s outside the circle currently but um I had to tell him that if he marks it I would say his

Disc is inside which um he he agreed with so he’s like okay I’ll I’ll just not mark it you know stay outside the circle you know whatever try trying to be you know good rule follower kind of guy right yeah cuz he’s looking for that

Kind of Step putt he wants to be able to follow through and see here’s the beauty of like not taking so much time is that you can take a moment be like Oh I’m not reading the wind very well I could step off reset um no one’s going to mind that

You know do that once or twice a round we’re all like hey you know what happens you know you’re not having a good feel and then guess who forgot to step put at the end of that I was going to say he buries it with such confidence

But it all right so he’s going to change it up yeah I was like come on man you just like it’s like you’re like low key trolling like hey is this outside well I’m not going to step it anyway just did that to flex on me or

Something this is a weird distance for me I have a very low release um on elevated baskets so it’s really good for me to take a nice slow down swing so I can really hit the placement that I’m looking for on the basket yeah it’s one you wouldn’t think you’d have neily have

To take a little extra time with but I could see you know with all those thoughts going through your mind with your style it is is things that just not a lot of other people are factoring in and I think we missed Jordan’s uh second shot he was U maybe 50 ft short

Something like that and just chipped up nice and quick didn’t want to have anything to do with the long putt at the elevated basket yeah and you can see Jordan Jordan was getting a little irritated um with how long everything’s taking here and I don’t blame it and here here’s my

Deal I was dealing with it all day just fine I had no problems with it if Jordan wants to call it 100% I’m going to Second it you know if it’s affecting other players I’ll you know I’ll be right there for it but I’m not going to

Be the guy that calls him today I just did not feel like it h a side note your mom on the bag again is that who I see out there that’s awesome she loves it and it’s so nice having her there she’s such a positive energy on the course so

Um I don’t know every now and then she’ll R someone or another which is pretty funny but uh I I it’s an a tier we all have fun so it works out good here we are on 14 375 downhill don’t dare straighten out come on you don’t love it yeah bad talking

About so bad talking about some of the things you can’t do on this hole yesterday and one of them is you just can’t hit the right side of that Hill I was expecting my disc to swing a little bit can thinking the same thing Yanks his a little bit

Wide and um he does get the swing so it was just a little bit of a weird wind and I wasn’t reading it very well but um little bit that adds to that is I did notice at the time that uh one of my buddies uh Tony is making a little run

For it out there yeah AB doing some work cuz that’s going to get an extra skip or two behind the T sign and ultimately way down there is going to go out of bounds yeah we’re kind of keeping an eye up on the third card you guys are of course

Lead card we’ve got cameras on the Chase card but on the third card Bella missed whole one but he’s put them all together since then what is he doing I know I looked down at a scorecard to like see where I was and I was like oh I’m not

Even in first place right now like what that was a that was shocker yeah thinking like wait a minute I’ve got all these guys on the card and I’m shooting pretty well yeah ganon’s closest to me and then you see that Bella has put together a string

Of birdies in fact he’s hasn’t missed any holes since hole one at this point Y that’s insane I just missed one on this back nine and everyone you miss on the back nine hurts so I mean we’re all you can see he’s kicking his mini there

Every Miss putt here is we know we’re losing Strokes to the field and K it’s got this tricky putt here and he’s one of the best in the world at it I always love him trying to like it’s it’s a little bit of a game

You know you got to you got to figure out what what kind of putt can I throw that’ll like fit through the gaps that I have well and then the extensions you know or uh his appendages certainly don’t hurt you know gives him a lot more

Options than a stubby little me you know out there trying to find a line you see him reach out and I’ll totally agree you often see him make these really awkward and angles and that one’s just barely off the mark But if you were playing horse against someone right like you’re

You’re picking him as a favorite almost every time he’s just got all these uh awkward possibilities that most people don’t and then he generates so much Power from Just Like a compact stance if he needs it he’s got a really good putt for it um I’ve asked him and Ricky a

Couple players like that that are really good at those kind of putts if they practice them and most of them say they don’t they just are like hey in the moment I I know what to do I just like line up the Gap and make it and I was a

Little surprised by that but uh I don’t know just cuz they are so good at it it just seems like something that they they have to put some practice in you think that they’re going to the local playground around the jungle gym and just like making up you know angles and

Different ways to do it but not the case so at this point in the round I said to myself um ab’s on a heater and when he’s on a heater he doesn’t get off one he’s got two holes left to play and I I’m thinking there’s a good chance he’s

Shooting 17 down today but I was like you know what I’ve got four holes left if I birdie out right now I can keep a lead so I’m like hey I’ve got something to shoot for nobody cares about my round because they’re all they’re all Wasing the

Homeboy the Arizona guy but I’m like hey just uh grind it out here be proud of yourself and you know get these last four you know and sometimes you just can’t help it when somebody else is like you said on a heater you know you you uh

Just have to maintain and stay in your own lane and do what you can do cuz that’s all you can worry about really and knowing you’ve got plenty of golf to play too for sure oh yeah we’re only halfway through the tournament um we were talking about this yesterday a

Little bit about looking at the scores and you know what that does and it was interesting today because it did put more pressure on myself I was like hey I have to execute today because someone’s popping off yeah making a making a charge for sure in one sense it’s

Probably not a good thing to look at the scores cuz it does add the pressure but in another it’s an a tier and any pressure I can add to myself in this situation will be good for myself in the future okay so practicing some of that

Pressure pack uh in the moment kind of stuff as we see Castro come up just a little bit short I feel like he could get here with a putter if he really wanted to I know man when he threw that one I was like goodness man he just throw so

Hard super stable ton of Heiser yeah just not straight enough on the look Canon practicing and his swing as waiting on Jordan who converts uh real quick about this low-lying area the first time I ever met AB was probably 10 or so years ago or whatever year that was even maybe more

Than that maybe 12 years ago he was ripping drives from up near the restaurants throwing down the opposite way of this particular hole and just watching this little kid you know launch these discs I might have footage it would be Priceless if I do yeah sure uh just watching this kid ripping these

Drives I mean he was you know two feet shorter than me at the time and I’m about 12 years old yeah he throws so far I asked AB one time if he’s ever eagled hole 8 out here at Fountain and he said yeah one time when I was like 12 years

Old I threw a 360 and parked it of course he did and I was like I don’t even doubt that so the par there for cupcake and we’re going to move on to a whole 16 so this is another interesting situation oh sorry I’ll let you well I just I I’ll

Get a quick shout out in there six-sided disc has been super super supportive of all the coverage in fact they were Silly enough to even do an interview with me as one of their podcasts that just dropped on their Channel they continue to put them out every single week they

Are doing podcasts but then also have various stops in their uh series that they’re doing so I’ll just say again check them out six-sided disc on YouTube and all the podcast apps as you step up to 16 yeah so I shot the hot round yesterday with 11 down and I’m sitting

11 down right now after 15 holes and I’m like it’s not even close to good enough it it’s such an interesting like difference between the two days so I’m like have to have to execute here got to throw some good shots and here happy with myself made a good correction from

Yesterday through the disc I should have thrown and yeah well we see that you and Ganon really have turned this into a two-man race on this card Jordan and and cupcake have both kind of Fallen back and aren’t really a threat as of right now so it’s you and Ganon out in

Front a it was an interesting reaction there but um four super solid drives there if you’re not inside 25 ft um you feel like you’ve done something wrong off the te on this hole Yeah third easiest hole on the course talked about quantity of birdies before this one had 61 birdies out of

103 competitors look at the disrespect from this guy he marks his he marks his lie and then just sets his disc right on top of mine little little gamesmanship [Laughter] here I was telling him man I remember that you punk just kidding it’s it’s all it’s all

Fun games as you tap in you’re going to move to 23 under and Castro from short range closes out the star frame just two holes left to go in the round we’re almost at the halfway point in the tournament like you said from here we head over to Vista after that

And these last two holes are not easy um both of them you have to execute solid t- shots and usually a big putt too um this one does have the guardian trees right at the end so you have to be on a favorable side of them to even like have

A putt so um definitely not gimmies and just trying to put myself close here give myself a chance and the tead is so slick on this hole that you just you have have to be ready to slip on one of your one of your feet slip it right next to the basket

Yep that’s two days in a row putting that one right there next to the basket super happy with that genon doesn’t love it Andor maybe had a little bit of a slip yeah same thing but does have a putt there short right got to contend with those trees but definitely a chance

So if any of you played this hole um there’s this little chunk of circular teapad on the front that’s got some pretty good traction and then there’s a sidewalk that’s the other half of the teapad which is super slick and if you want piece of advice for how to do this

The key is to start on the dirt and to build all your momentum while you’re on the dirt because you get no traction whatsoever on the sidewalk but if you can just kind of like step across it nice and soft then you get the the nice plant put right at the end

And someone that doesn’t have to deal with that at all is cupcake I have never seen someone’s form like that but the guy does not slip he doesn’t push off that front foot he just rotates on it so yeah and the fact that he then has you

Know as much power as anyone else in the game and then some is so incredible as well yeah it blows me away every time I see it B’s got a line off the top and that’s a putt that I I seen him make before you know what I mean and I

Think he’s just not quite H got the confidence yet with the new Putters and I think we’ll see him be making a lot more putts like that after he gets comfortable with the the new plastic well we see couple more guys pretty close cupcake in for the birdie he moves

To 16 under Castro would love to follow suit and squeaks that in so very solid drives there yeah a little bit of a disappointing day they’ve got a hold to go a little bit of a disappointing round compared to what they did the day before as we said we’re just about halfway

Through the event an so annoying doesn’t love it meanwhile I mean we’ll take putts like that all day I know man that’s that’s like three in a row at this point to I don’t know it didn’t feel like I had to putt up until this point pretty much

This entire round yeah it certainly has to feel good and uh that’s what I want to know as we head into the final hle you’ve seen it twice through maybe even three times or four times depending on the coverage what’s your favorite hole out here at Fountain I’ll ask the same

As you of you as we go through uh 18 here but what what’s your favorite hole out here I got to go with hole nine I think that it’s it’s a really fun shot right out to the peninsula a lot of lot of risk um so yeah that’s definitely one

For me the toughest birdie and the one that’s easiest to lose a disc on and that’s going to be your favorite hole exactly this guy’s a maniac folks well let let me know in the comments like share subscribe do all the YouTube things but that is wow what an interesting call whole

Night so going back to a little bit what I was saying earlier um hole 11 I threw that nice stable nuke just in preparation for this shot okay I even thought to myself at the time I was like I’m throwing this just cuz it’s like

Just like 18 and when I stepped up to the screen I was like just rip it hard trust in the disc and beautiful executed shot put myself about 15 ft from basket so another little tip out there for anyone is try to find some similar shots where you can build a rhythm and

Go from there kind of assimilate you know one shot to another or associate them cupcake threw a beautiful shot right there put it about 30 ft away and took a big old roll back to about 70 and then Ganon just taking his time here and the wind just starts ripping on him I

Was like what is happening yeah there was a good 30 seconds that I trimmed off of this uh t-shot here I’ll I’ll I’ll admit and he throws it straight out of bounds catches the tree kicks him back I was like unlucky break with the wind lucky break with the tree somehow it

Evens out somehow tap in par like what is going on here I guess it works not really in range for Jordan to give this a a firm bid yeah and he’s just going to pitch that one next to the pin hoping to possibly hold on to Chase Card positioning cupcake can be aggressive

Because he’s got a better angle but that looks like a par in store yeah solid putt there I like the I like the nice floaty bid there and not much putting required for you got to feel good solid 14 under with a bogey which I think we we forget about

Cuz it was way back on the first hole but 15 birdies out here you can’t really argue with that yeah I was driving really well today I had just what is it three shots that got slightly away from me so overall very happy with my round it’s a little strange to shoot my

Highest rated round ever and lose to somebody by three Strokes in the same R ouch okay okay ah well good that is a little good tidbit I didn’t know this was your highest rated round ever uh it’s an honor to not only have it recorded here on the channel but then to

Have you commentate on it is even better so thank you so much and I’m go ahead yeah it was a fun day and I was just really proud of myself for um seeing the ab was ahead of me and then tracking him back down keeping my one stroke lead and

Um yeah we’re halfway through the tournament and there are some good scores out there well we’re hoping to keep the train rolling we’ll head to Vista for the next two days that’s after you stop at Eur pizza for a for a a kzone of course but uh Aaron thank you

So much for joining and with that we’re going to head to Vista like I said rounds three and four gosage Bella Burr and Robinson will be your lead card one hell of a battle in store yeah and don’t forget about Jake Brown shooting the 11 down there and once again thank you

Terry for having me on the channel love doing the commentary we’ll see you tomorrow


  1. Great commentary guys! Really enjoyed Aaron's run through. Regarding cupcake or any player for that matter, I think you need to answer this question: what if every player did what this player is doing?

  2. Excellent stuff, Terry. Aaron's fantastic on the mic and your editing and commentary is concise and digestible, which keeps things engaging while not taking away from the action. Nice stuff. Also circular tees sound genius

  3. I know its only a handful of problematic putters, but it just makes the entire operation look mickey mouse league when basic rules of the game aren't enforced. It breaks the facade of 'super serious real sport' vibes PDGA/DGPT are trying to establish.
    Get temporary referees for a year or two to fully establish rule enforcement, even if its only for the 'big' tour stops. DO SOMETHING. Don't just keep apologizing for not following the rules of the game at the highest level of the 'sport'.

  4. The whole Cupcake situation is difficult for everyone. Its obviously making HIM uncomfortable(watch his body language after a made Birdie putt) . Its not crazy to say its difficult for the viewers(who cares!), and it is most importantly incredibly tough on the rest of the card. NO golfer should have to be thinking about other peripheral stuff out there during a tournament round, even a lowly A-Tier(🙄kidding). So nobody's happy! How is this going to get resolved? Stay tuned is the best answer I have. But it can't go on too long like this and in a DGPT event …. I think (and hope) action would be taken before it starts affecting the other players.

  5. my theory why the sidewalk is so slick on 17, is that the old folk out there done walked the shit out of that loop…else when they put it in, the smoothed it out like that…which is pretty unlikely. ..if the former is true…that's a lot of walking…they looove that fountain loop

  6. More Goose commentary is what disc golf needs. Great insight from a player who’s played the course and a natural in the booth.

  7. Hey Terry, the intro music was so loud compared to your commentary was hard to hear. Might just be on my end, with my dodgy earphones but maybe something to look at, thanks mate

  8. Was a big goose fan before but hearing that extreme ownership brought him to my #1 spot. And a commentary master!!

  9. Hey Terry, I think you should post the unedited play of Jacob's putting in another video. It's not cool to remove all evidence of rule breaking, then trash the guy and basically call him a cheater. Let us see the evidence please. Aaron said Jacob putted for 3-minutes on hole-11. Can you post just that hole so we can see how close it really was to 3-minutes. Thanks.

  10. Maybe if the card actually called this guy out for this violation of the rules the disc would leave his hand a little faster whether or not he’s ready…

  11. Question: If you were to call someone on taking too long on a putt, when do you do it? at 31 seconds? or after they putt? and do you have to have a watch out counting the seconds or is counting in your head adequate?

  12. why is the music so high and effects, and talking is low, terrible, the talk should be the highest to adjust after ,and some bad camera placement. 3/5

  13. Cupcake needs therapy for his putting. 😆 how do you have anxiety putting? You know what to do what your about, putt it! 😅😅

  14. The cupcake stuff is really crazy. I think someone needs to speak to him so he understands the negative effects it’s having on the players and viewership too.

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