PROPER CLUB FITTING vs POOR CLUB FITTING // The Club Champion Difference

Today Zac is in the bay with “fitted” T300 irons he received a couple years ago. Fairly quickly, Ian can see these clubs aren’t helping Zac reach his potential and makes some changes to get Zac into a truly proper set.

00:00 Intro
07:15 Zac’s Gamer Titleist T300
15:32 Taylormade P770
20:26 Titleist T150
24:17 Ping i230
27:34 Titleist T150
28:45 Conclusions



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

So good yeah so good yeah I think this has to be the winner it just doesn’t even feel like I’m hitting a ball all right guys welcome back to the channel So today we’re going to take a deep dive into maybe a bit of a controversial topic Mikey and something we feel really

Really passionate about custom fit versus custom fit I like it this will be good they dive into what people should avoid yes and why they should come to club champion absolutely um there are so many layers to that definition or that title of I was custom fit and unfortunately there are a lot

Of people companies out there doing it and doing it in a way that is unfortunately going to leave people wondering is this custom fit even is this even worth doing is it worth spending time and money on you know I’ve been custom fit in the past it stung me

For X dollar I got worse not better you know I couldn’t get a hold of the the fitter afterwards for any followup in terms of making sure the clubs were good we’re going to dive into all of that today and we have I have a very special

Guest to do that with we have Zach with us on the channel hey guys thank you so much for having me today I’m so excited to be here for this test um I think it’s going to be a really good one I’m definitely it is and you are a prime

Example Zach of someone who has been custom fit and we’re putting the air quotes around it yeah I went custom fit um about two years ago for these t30s and uh I really like them actually I I feel confident behind them and for me that’s what I want to feel like when I’m

Playing just a lot of confidence um I’m a I’m a field player so I’m not really although I did have a fitting I didn’t get into the nuanced statistics and numbers that are important for me I kind of chose my club based off of how I felt

Like I was hitting it and what I wanted uh just how I felt so yeah um it’s gonna be really cool to see what kind of uh results we get today and it’s your background that could of LED you to that type of decision making process you’re a

High level tennis player we talked earlier about how you choose your rackets how do players pick their rackets and really there is there is no custom fitting like this in in tennis I mean you can get some different rackets to try some different you were educating us on strings early and the different

Options you’ve got but lots of lots of different tensions racket weights weight dispersions but there’s no way to um show Numbers behind what you’re doing essentially at at regular tennis clubs they’re just uh not available yeah so uh you kind of really have to go off fi and

If you’re a coach like if I’m in your position on the tennis court um what you’re seeing with the player swing and um just kind of doing a visual analysis so um yeah that’s kind of my background in tennis and I Implement that across R

Other sports so for golf I kind of just know with muscle memory I’m able to repeat something and I hit the ball this way it gives me a flight that I can repeat and I’m happy with that I’m not thinking about it much more yeah and and

I think for some people it’s I don’t want to say ignorance is bliss yeah but there’s sometimes overthinking it can be overthinking it totally um that’s herel that’s what we do we overthink it for you uh and guys what we are going to dive into today is we’re going to take

Zach spec sheet right so I said to him coming in if you have the spec sheet from the fitting you got I’d love to see in advance be great so Zach gave us the spec sheet titless t30s True Temper AMT YX 100 shafts there actually wasn’t a a designated Li angle

Recommendation on the spec sheet but as it turns out after measuring they’re a little bit upright but the biggest I guess red flag immediately for us when I saw the spec sheet Mikey was when we looked at Zach’s clubs were they’re not AMT whites yeah I when we were chatting

Earlier I was like did you get this reshafted like maybe one iron is just different he’s like no this the whole set so um you want to quote unquote say lied to or there was a mistake from from the fitter but that attention to detail that was not there from what you were

Fit to to what re what he received that’s just uh I mean that’s just a slap in the face to the customer in my opinion yes um you know you you buy your Mercedes GLE 63 AMG and then it turns out it’s got the 350 engine in it you’re

Not going to feel great about it no you’re not going to feel great because you specifically bought a spec that you thought was exactly what you wanted and it turns out to be nothing like what you wanted now we’re going to see in a second here whether they actually are

Great for Zach or whether they’re not great for Z we’re we’re going to see uh what they are like in terms of performance but immediately cuz Zach talk about his fitting experience actually very confidently like you talked about like you know it was good I really you know found like some good

Improvements from the previous set my question to that is would anything have improved on Zach’s previous set because you said it was a bit of a beginner set or an older set a graphite shafted iron set from the ’90s exactly so maybe anything was going to be that next step

For you um unfortunately you know from a custom perspective I don’t think you really got what you paid for which is the unfortunate thing and and that was coming up for four years ago it’s three years ago sorry 2021 that’s a long time yeah to be

Playing with these clubs and and sort of playing the game and and that type of thing so um guys there’s there’s levels to the detail what we deliver what we recommend is why we have that relationship with our clients what’s why we have the relationship we do with our

Club Builders we have to make sure that’s that process is step step by step carried out meticulously so that what you get in the bay is what you get in your hand 100% I we cannot speak on the custom built side of it more I mean the

Fittings great MH but for all our Fitters you know us Canada UK Australia they’re always thinking that build process you know how dial this swing weight length l fly um yeah it’s it’s a big thing it’s why you come why you come to us exactly okay we’re going to get

Some spec uh spec shots from Zach now with his own clubs we’re going to see how suited they are uh and then we’re going to get to work in terms of what we think is going to help Z play better love it let’s do it let’s do it okay Zack from your

Background playing tennis you’ve got some some speed right you were hitting some balls and we don’t know how exactly how far you’re going to hit six specifically but you definitely have some speed how far do you feel like you hit six how far on the golf course do

You gauge for a sixr distance I’d say between 205 24ish okay um yeah I I can I try and take lower Swings with clubs I don’t try and go there and just power it yeah um just try and stay in control but yeah if

I’m if I’m carrying it the way I want to it’s going to be between like 205 24ish love it love it okay let’s hit a few let’s see what’s going on how many rounds do you play a year I would say if I’m lucky probably

Closer to 25 25 30 lots of scramble play with my friends the summer that’s good5 out that good week yeah I can see that distance there I mean you’ve kind of open face fan that one a little bit and it’s it’s breezed out to 206 on the Fly 219

Total definitely a cut player I’m not trying to I don’t really hit draws on purpose that’s a beauty there’s your there’s your lovely little cut there wellow really nice we a couple more give me just one more good one okay so there are a lot of numbers that are

Popping up on the screen it can be a little overwhelming to not know what I’m trying to look for yeah uh I mean it’s it’s all just I mean shot per shot it’s honestly not that relevant to even really watch them what’s more relevant is when we get into this sort of

Averages over here and we we can of look at uh when we get to the compare page Zach start looking at things like what like I look probably as much at the standard deviation as I do at what the actual number is itself like 36 93 in total

Spin you know it’s probably not ideal but if it’s doing the same thing every time I can kind of live with it because it’s repeatable but the reality is based on the standard deviation it’s not that repeatable so it tells me we we fluctuate too much so um okay last last one last

One nice nicely done okay we’re going to have some fun with this one this will be good yeah so let let’s kind of look at this in stages right because if we are again talking about for the benefit of you guys watching why do we think you need to be

Custom fit right by us by a team of professional dedicated Club Fitters uh and then guys this might feel like you’re getting pounded over the head with a hammer on on the the sort of the value of coming into Seas but it it kind of is it’s important that that you know

We we try and get this across cuz sometimes we tip toe around and not want to hurt people’s feelings but the only people whose feelings are getting hurt are you people who are spending your money incorrectly so this is why we’re doing you know this video in particular

If we look at Zach’s numbers here great Club head speed at 93 Miles hour Zach you’re just about on PJ tour average right so you’ve get great speed you are good on efficiency but a little it’s a little up and down on on that efficiency that’s where the standard deviation kicks in

Um if I was to look at these numbers right now I’d probably guess you hit a three hybrid maybe a maybe a fivewood um so the fact we’re hitting a six iron is again another bit an indicator for us that something’s not quite you know right here then we go into the delivery

What is it about it then that makes it sort of um a little bit dangerous territory for you so this club has 26 6 and A2 degrees of Loft on it I measure it 2 minutes ago you deliver 20 and a half so you you lean the shaft a little

Bit forward which is great you’re not much of a divot taker right so you can catch behind the ball a little bit from time to time but you’re not a big steep divot taker so that’s your DNA as a swing then if we want to get into your

DNA as a player and your movement pattern so when we talk before you we hit balls we’re kind of subtly interviewing you right how do you play tennis Western G okay cool because there’s they’re playing with different types of grips and Tennis that have different Ground Force implications

Someone with a western grip and you demonstrated it for us which was perfect is going to use more vertical Force than someone who has you know I guess more more of an orthodox old school grip who’s going to be more of a rotator right that’s very impactful in in what

We’re going to see in the the bate then I start watching your legs right so I start watching how how your legs straight and how your footwork moves you have a lot of torque in your feet right that’s where a lot of your power comes from so there’s all these little

Indicators in terms of your your past and then what you’re doing in front of us that tells exactly what you have in the locker you’re hitting that great and it’s going going miles I think you have a lot more in the locker if I’m being

Honest I think you you could get a lot more out of it so that’s a little bit about what we sort of do behind the desk here in terms of the fit itself and then when we sort of diagnose the numbers the one thing Mikey and I are looking at

Here and go we can make this a lot more consist totally yeah yeah consistency the big one that strike likes to move around efficiency goes down a bit when we talked to you earlier you were like yeah there’s times you know if I turn one over the draw you don’t hit and it

Goes 235 yeah you know that’s that’s the one thing I want to get rid of your B I always ask customer you know what side of the golf course you hate the most and they say left okay you’re never going to see left after today

Um so yeah this this will be this will be a fun fit um okay we we’re probably going to go in a a completely different direction in terms of the head uh that we get you into um we’re probably going to take some distance away from you uh so you’ve

Got you know Tons of Speed and and you know you’ve got enough in the distance in the bag that you can actually give some up in order to condense your yardage a little bit right now I think you were warming up and you’re hitting

Sort of like I think eight or 175 well I get I get worried about what do you do from 110 and 1 you know 30 those those yardages start to become a problem right I I actually play five wedges right now I have a 62 degree 57 degree 53 48 and

My P wed is 43 43 yeah okay we we’ll dive into all of that as well and we’ll probably start to kind of bunch those up a little bit so you don’t have such a wide sort of range of of yardages within the IR set awesome okay yeah this is

This is probably actually the other one that I mean that moves pretty good yeah and it’s 29 and a half yeah okay Zach we’re making changes brother we’re into some new stuff uh tell me p770 is the first stop you kind of had your Club side by side with it

There you’re like yeah it’s smaller but it’s not tiny it’s not intimidating by means definitely when I stand over the ball with the T300 the it looks big bigger than normal which I think just gave me a little bit of a confidence boost because if you m hit it it still

Feels like it’s going to hit the facez it’s just it has a big appearance behind the ball but this is a little smaller and I don’t mind it it’s not uh like something super tiny you feel like you have to strike lightning to hit it yeah

We want to kind of leave some tech in there because obviously the amount of golf you’re playing one thing we haven’t got on camera yet is what is your current handicap oh uh I would say I’m probably Ro a 12 okay excellent so ball striking that definitely exceeds your

Handicap level but at times some M hits that cause you to fall back into into that it’s often a couple terrible misses that lose a couple balls that really drop my score but when I’m dialed in I can have a good round and and put something decent

Together okay let’s let’s get a little uh idea so we stuck with your shaft project x6.5 um in p770 spec-wise Mike uh 3° upright 65° and uh one Dee weak on these ones okay let’s do it that softness mhm just like there’s there’s a really nice softness to the

There just the spin just giving you that control 5300 spin a nice thing out of the gates we asked earlier you know Zach we asked you you know what what ball do you play and you’re like I’m you know playing X ball right now and then playing another ball

The odd time I find if you’re in a fitting in your fitter throughout the process doesn’t ask you what ball you play or recommend or you know in all our well our studios here we have the ability to throw a prov1x down or throw a left Dash Down makes a huge difference

In in the fitting so um we’ve done that a little bit with you as well we threw down so we started we were actually just in a Callaway Chrome tour to start with so it was it was just a a fairly solid slightly lower spin ball and then we’re

Going to give you the contrast now with the high spin Pro VI X I like it that first hit felt really nice gorgeous that flight’s so different there you go so good it’s a great strike yeah I mean to be honest three absolute Beauties but in terms of the direction

Now it’s it’s very very predictable got this tiny little dispersion Circle even that ball speed uh standard deviation so much tighter which brings the word you know consistency in the play for your game and look at look at that look at the the three balls we’ve got there 183

183 183 before Zach you were I said to you didn’t I said like you know put your finger up and take a pick of what yardage you’re going to hit it’s it was almost impossible for you to uh to get some predictability now I would like to

Probably if we could go over here into the club data I’d probably like to bring that Dynamic CL down just a little bit 22 is probably the sweet spot so we now know what we need to do at the static Loft to move the dynamic but it’s it’s

Really really nice one of the things that’s good for you as well is dynamic lie not being tow down so this minus 2.4 meant that the toe was down sometimes when you were hitting yours and you were catching that heavy strike that’s what that was that was the Toby

In the ground so by going a little more upright we’re actually cleaning up that contact that’s why those probably felt really nice those lastes phenomenal okay let’s uh let’s make those little uh adjustments for you cuz you couldn’t have given me three better strikes that was perfect that’s the stripy that’s the

Kind of flight distance it’s okay I mean that’s yeah totally 196 on the Fly spin now is slightly better window that’s on the last so there we go 54 132 now we’re cooking that’s good how good is that depressing you depressed quite depressing that’s right

Wow I mean I loved what we had in the first three but I really loved that we had with the next couple then we give you your sort of distance back right so we take everything we loved from uh yours we take everything we love from

The first one we gave you we can of mesh them together and and we’re in a really nice spot still great Dynamics goes up really really good stuff okay let’s uh let’s explore a couple of other options all right Zach um I think first one was I mean you could have almost stopped

There to be honest you could have but we we don’t and we won’t uh we’re going to keep on exploring I really like that sha for Z 6 that’s something that you know if you came in here and you know you in that shaft and Obby wasn’t what you were

Uh originally supposed to be in actually fits you quite nicely I I think you time it nicely and all the important stuff that we consider when we’re picking shafts or players sort of like it um the the thing with t150 it really is designed um with

Consistency in mind titless saw a lot of different sort of irons that they kind of guess were competing against but you’d see fluctuations in in a really good one versus a not so good one high spin low spin and they really designed this one to be as consistent as it could

Possibly be for this kind of players cavity H category um again similar size to p770 probably same thing like enough confidence not too small but certainly not oversized by any means yeah looks great yeah it looks good all right let’s see a few came off really nice m a little bit

More of your faithful fade on that one yep still felt good barely feels like you’re even hitting a ball when you connect with that nicely yep good swing really good swing yeah that’s let see I do one of the other things I noticed just from that shot is it’s not

Rolling out yeah you know I’d get some with the T300 earlier hit one Landing like 205 roll oute to 225 yeah when the spin is as low as it was you know and the mid 3000s you’re going to struggle with that okay well that’s we’re done folks

Thanks for coming is that noise so good yeah it’s good man I’ve never found the center the face on my t150 so enjoy it I can for that look who you’re striking those last few it’s just that’s why I don’t want to mess with the shaft like

There’s no need if you’re finding the The Sweet Spot it’s a good match for your time and yeah so we would just stay with the shafts that that you’re currently in I mean just it’s one less thing to think about change time you know the head is obviously the

Difference Maker here the spec of the head is is different but after that we we want you just to continue to to feel comfortable in your set these are these are amazing these are really really good um one more then we’re going to change over to the Ping uh i230

Okay ref fraction clunky yeah yeah a little bit it’s a little heavy still the same distance though I know yeah a little high in the head but even even though you missed that one right and you got a a ball speed penalty on it look at your your

Launching spin wow same same as move holy you know we saw that earlier on 4,300 39 34 36 like jumping all over the place even to be honest a little bit I mean obviously those were higher lofted but 53 61 57 like that’s why we talk about what is engineered into those

T-50s being so unique is that it just doesn’t want to move no I can’t I can’t sort of you know overestimate enough for people like how important that is if if you have one thing that changes there and it’s your ball speed that’s a penalty cuz you hit it slightly heavy

Fine she still carried at8 you’re front the green probably rolled on got 20 footer for um you know birdie yeah I love it right let’s go into the Ping all right Zach um God knows why we would get you in anything else other than those t-50s with the project de because they were

Perfect for you but let’s look um we we selected three heads at the very start we thought would’ be good for you p770 t 150 i 230s y guys there’s lots of sort of opinion on these things you guys might be suggest others in the comments

That’s all good you know Cobra uh the king tours that was another one that was in my mind as well but Zach doesn’t need 40 heads to try he needs you know three or four of the right ones and having a demo Matrix is is sort of uh Vari deservers is

Basically gives Z the options of getting the exact right thing I think that point though is sometimes we get people that come in and they want to try everything the Fitters know the ins and outs of every Club head every shaft in the demo Matrix so if you if your fitter pulls

Four four you know options they’ve got their you know right intentions in mind for getting you the proper head so totally you don’t have to test everything you do not okay let’s uh let’s hit a couple with this i230 oh you spoke too soon that’s flushed

That one no it’s so nice little bit more spin there it looked maybe 5 fantastic no complaints about gorgeous yeah really nice again mean super important Mikey we’re keeping all of the important things that Zach needs right obviously distance we’ve got the consistency um ball speed is is really really good

See if we just probably actually the biggest spread with the Titus which is actually I think that’s okay yeah you know we hit we hit more shots certainly the tight list um yeah the difference I’m just going to following the trajectories up there um it’s launching very very similar but

Slightly above the tight list and because it has a little more spin it peeks a little earlier and then that’s why it drops a little uh shorter okay couple More how does this one feel feels really good do you have a preference between this and the the titlist there’s just something about that titlist being forgiving where we saw that the ones that I didn’t hit well were still performing as we wanted them to yeah and I think that’s important for

Me um how I feel on the course when I’m playing I I know I’ve said that a lot today just but feeling confident and feeling like I’m I can execute this shot exactly as I want to in my mind um the club um forgiveness is allowing me to

Have more of that uh mentality which I I think is a big deal I me if we we go into this sort spec and actually Zach is swinging a little bit quicker right now so he’s actually not getting quite as much efficiency isn’t the worst thing

When you get somebody who high speed get get the efficiency down a little bit people think of efficiency like it’s always you have to Max efficiency you don’t H not with a a sixer and anyway so really good on the uh Dynamic Loft like where we at in Dynamic like not as toe

Down but I still I still believe the this set of numbers was was sort of the best we’ve seen uh give me one more with the Ping and then we’ll go back to the t150 okay just good isn’t it it seems like it comes down quite steep I know it

Definitely does just a little bit of spin I mean it’s really hard to pick a winner between the titl and the and the Ping if I’m being honest um it’s there’s decimal points of performance uh between them they’re so both so so good for you all right Zach

One more ride around with the T1 15s really impressed with that i230 though I thought that ping was good for you the more you hit it so good yeah so good yeah I think this has to be the winner it just doesn’t even feel like I’m hitting a

Ball lot centered strikes when he hits the t150 isn’t there there’s one thing me obviously we’re all going toit miss hits from time to time but but they like isn’t that fascinating look you hit a lot of shots with both same exact launch angle spin rate within 18 distance within two yards standard

Deviation almost identical Zach it’s it’s a pick them it really is I mean there was one shot the very first shot I think you hit with the titles went a little bit to the right take that one out and they’re identical dispersions as well so you know sometimes when you look

At the you know the the the sort of the data or or the the illustrations there it makes it look like one is way different from the other it’s just one shot just eliminate that one shot and it brings it all back together yeah I I I couldn’t if you turn

Around to I Love The Ping I want to go with the Ping like how it looked felt it’s a great that great choice same with the titles great choice yeah not a bad one amongst them they both look great too they do can’t complain about either them definely do I’ll say that the

Fitting experience that I received where I got my t30s it seemed to be more about what I wanted and the fitter saying hey Zach like what are you looking for what and you know at the time I was like I want to hit farther yeah and clearly at it

Worked for a little bit but now it’s not really benefiting my game but I like the approach as to more of like a a swing diagnosis here you’re not I’m not you’re not asking me what I know yeah you’re here to help me which is uh which is a

Big deal yeah I think immediately our role is to make you comfortable to pass over the trust into our hands that oh these guys know what they’re talking about they’re they’re able to diagnose uh obviously the ball flight the the ball flight struggles that you

See in the golf course even to the the um divot type that you’ll take in the golf course shallower divot vers steeper devis once you start to see and and gain the trust n that yeah these guys are you know they’re they’re going to have my

Best interest at heart here which is the most important thing then you can relax and just just hit your shots when as you say it’s about what you want and you know the the distance Factor everyone always goes in say I want to hit it further it’s not really what it’s about

Now you’ve actually as it turns out you’re not going to walk out hitting it you know that much shorter really you know it’s just it’s the consistency of how far you hit it the ball speed and an actual fact is when a little bit you you’re faster with the

T150 on average than you were with the T300 so it’s just the consistency though like we talked about that that we’re going to give you in your game that’s the meaningful thing from a 12 handicap to get down to five or six is knowing which club to pull at the right time and

Know it’s going to do its job and and not going to put you in trouble over the back of a green or way short fall into you know a little you know Creek or something like that that’s that’s the most important thing cool okay guys um

Really fun one to do was was Zach and you know I feel like in Canada we’re blessed with players with high speed and and can hit it really really solid and you know it’s so important like we’ve seen in other fits we’ve done with the follower fitting series that we get our

Hands on players like that and really get the sort of the most important parts of the the ball flight under control definitely spin rate obviously consistency of ball speeds m strike location all those things tightening up dispersion I mean that’s a big thing today look how much difference that

Dispersion is you can go out there and confidently know where that ball is going to go every single time you hit it which is which is good to know definitely definitely okay guys hope you enjoyed this um we want all of you to have this experience you know if this

Resonates with any of you in that I see a little bit of me in there I had a fitting and it kind of seemed like I was kind of controlling in the bay what I was trying that’s not really A fitting that’s called a demo day um that’s that’s something where you’re literally

Just trying golf clubs that’s not what we do if that’s what you want to do you’re probably better not coming to us anyway um that’s not what you you’ll never no one in the Bay with me or Mike or really any of our guys will ever be

Going yeah give me that one give me that one put that shaft on whoa whoa whoa what are we doing here you know that’s that’s not what this is you know we’re here we are trained we’re in it for you guys to help you perform the best we’re

Going to show you the numbers in the launch more so we’re going to deliver the results and we’re going to pass it over to you to see if you think there’s value enough in that for you to improve your game definitely great stuff okay guys stay tuned for more and we’ll see

You again Soon


  1. I was fitted last year for a full bag at a well know golf store in Ontario Canada and it was my first time I ever had new clubs I was so excited my irons was a great experience but it left me very little time for my woods and I was rushed through this part of my fitting I am now trying to sell the driver I was fit for ended up just buying a ping g425 max stiff shaft and was fitted for mizuno stx230 reg flex and could not keep it straight

  2. Huge fan of your channel. In fact, best on fittings I have followed. I’ve tried to discuss custom fittings and book one without success. Both Mike and Ian on this fitting which is obviously not a standard fitting of 1-1.5 hours, would be a great fitting. Reality, cost would be $400 for an hour which this fitting was obviously a longer fitting than 1hour. Love what you guys do 100%. Let’s be honest here though. Fittings like this are not available without the marketing aspect.

  3. This is real rich for club champion to put out … no disrespect to the TXG boys. I’ve been to club champion for a driver , iron and putter fitting at multiple locations and been dissatisfied each time. 4000$ later I should have went to a local club fitter. Talk about messing up specs. Club champion couldn’t even get the most important spec right (dexterity). After a two month long wait club champion sent me a righty driver and I’m a lefty. When I sent it back they didn’t even bother to change the adapter to a righty one. I still have the driver and their “build sheet”.

  4. I have a bad feeling after my CC fitting. I ended with with a set of T200s and I was shocked at the price. I am embarrassed now to admit I paid nearly double the $1300 list price (5I though AW) even though I got pretty near stock shafts. It was too awkward for me to ask "why are these so much more than list price?". My fault though, I don't blame anybody but me. The issue now is that I'm not even sure I want to take them out of the box. I've considered looking to 2nd Swing to see how much I could recoup.

  5. Mizuno has their own proprietary fitting system. Titleist has fitting systems too. IMHO, fittings are over rated and wrought with problems, lack of properly trained fitters and over priced equipment.

  6. Awesome to watch, but what is even more impressive is the hairlines of you lads. Not even a hint of recedance from the forehead.

  7. The fitter (human being) is most important, not the place where the fitter works. Not easy to find the right person.

  8. There’s custom fit
    Then there’s Ian fit
    I want the Ian fit he knows what he’s doing can’t find that anywhere

  9. Got fit at Club Champion last week. Very similar experience to this episode. I hit 3 or 4 iron heads…3 or 4 shafts… Dialed in the best combo for my game (not the longest combo but the most efficient). TSR2 Driver/3wood and VA shafts got me ONLY a few more yards but more importantly predictable ball flights and spin rates to get better over all performance… I'm glad I took the plunge. The extra 50% in cost in upgraded shafts and lie-changes is the "value" of the fitting process. Without that investment, my game would be the same just with NEWER sticks. The difference between CC and the other guys is that ur paying for the correct shaft diagnosis and lie modifications.

  10. I was recently fit at CC in Houston and I had a great experience. Nick was knowledgeable and I was not rushed. The sad but truth of the matter is, no matter what I was fit into I already knew I was not purchasing through CC. Their prices are just to inflated on top of equipment that is already over priced. The other issue I have with them is the universal hosel used… lets face it the masses do not need to be swinging drivers in D8 swing weight. The inability to be able to try different swing weights is ridiculous. Also Ian, you guys at "TXG" are able to blow grips on and off why is this not possible at CC?

  11. Agree with other comments club champion does not equal PXG in any shape or form in my experience. You will spend thousands of $$ and be very frustrated.

  12. Contemplating getting fitted for a driver shaft, but it’s just hard to think $200 and a launch monitor then $200+ more for a shaft is a huge game changer

  13. I did a club champion fitting recently and i will tell you it is not even close to what you see people get from Ian. Honestly, it's turned me off to fittings in the future because it was pretty far from expectations.

  14. I don’t have an issue with paying CC prices but their fittings are terrible. CC and TXG aren’t the same.

  15. I’d rather trial and error on my own – buy used on ebay and see what works and sell what doesn’t. Have had more success that way than being “fitted”

  16. I recently went to be fit for new fairway woods. I requested to be fit to stock shaft offerings and was informed they don't do that. I had prepaid and driven over 2 hours to get there so proceeded with the fit. In the end I was fit to a nice aftermarket setup that was $1000+ per club. Total waste of my day and money. This was at a new Club Champion in Canada. I wish there would have at least been something on their website when booking, that explained this.

  17. I really hope the company ceo reads this comment section top to bottom, I have no doubt Ian and Mikey are some of the best fitters around but this is not the case nationally

  18. I'm a Master Fitter @ GG. When you dont control the building process, unfortunately, you're at the mercy of the OEMs quality control. All fitting companies have different processes in place, but controlling the build comfirms the fit and allows for a better product.

  19. I got fit at the Club Champion (formerly Pureform Golf) in Brisbane while on holiday because my state doesnt have one at all. Jaydon there had me for my driver, woods and hybrids fitting and I learned so much about myself and my swing there didnt have any pressure to buy or pick a certain shaft, just genuinely tried to maximise my distance and give me something I would be happy with. I gained 30 METRES on my old Callaway Rogue Sub Zero.

    Couldnt reccommend the fitting process there more (except goddamn they need better AC lol). I did find I cant hit hybrids to save my life, no matter the setup but I stripe Callaway AI Smoke woods specifically just because the head visuals put my mind at ease and let me swing.

    I got to try all the brands I wanted (only about 3 I REALLY wanted to try) and was given others to feel out, experiment with midsize grips, retry my driver mid-set (important) and I settled with something Im very happy with shaft wise as he just changed up shafts on me with some of my feedback and looked at the performance.

    The fitting cost was totally reasonable for the knowledge and data you get back ($250 for all 3 clubs). But the build cost is what really gets you, proper boutique shafts are NOT cheap but the selection was backed by data and left up to me to make the call and I chose to go all out. Callaway Max AI Smoke driver, Max D 3 wood and 7 wood with Draco shafts in correct stiffness for me.

    3.5k total is eye watering but Id rather my tools be as perfect for me as they can so the only other issue to work on is me 😂 takes out the questions during learning and training. My mistake was not realising they had one in Brisbane and not getting fit here before I bought my whole set of Mizuno Pro 221 irons, I likely would have fit in a KBS shaft at about 100-105 instead of 120 or gotten a putter fitting. Now I know and Ill be back, if anything for the data and knowledge alone.

  20. I hope these fitting philosophies get spread in the US locations. I have asked what ball they had in the bay and noticed it was a mix of Prov1 and ProV1x. Fitter said dont worry about which one I am hitting because it won't make a difference. Also find it weird the fitters can sign contracts with companies and thats what they tend to promote more in the fitting.

  21. I have a fitting on Tuesday at the Scarsdale location. I am looking to understand what will better suit me in a driver. I am most interested in the G430 max 10k and QI10 Max. I am hoping to find a stock shaft that suits me and which loft is best. Early season I struggle I am like 5 mph slower than peak season and I never do hit driver very well inside. hopefully I can still get some usable results. I have been slicing the ball and leaving the face open with driver I believe my grip is a heavy culprit. I plan to buy one of these clubs regardless so I figured why not try to get some confidence in my purchase choice.

  22. Agree with most of these comments. I too went to club champion. Fitter didn’t seem so know anything. When I asked what ball we should use and if I should use my own. He said It didn’t matter. I did go with his suggestion and expect the club in next week, so we will see. I just don’t feel my fitter personally was very knowledgeable… I even asked to see strike location and we looked at it once… for the whole 2 hours I was there…atleast he didn’t try to upsell me. I knew going in it wasn’t going to be cheap.

    Got fitted into Ai smoke triple diamond. Ventus red TR red 6S. 100MPH club speed.

  23. Only pre requisite I have going into an iron fitting is that i need to hit Graphite. I don't swing super fast, but im also not super slow. Most people in my speed range use steel and most fitters look at me funny when i say i need graphite, but i just like the feel better 🤷‍♂️ i literally had a fitter try to tell me steel was better before he even saw my swing and really did not want to have me try graphite. I insisted and even while i was hitting with the graphite shafts was making comments like "see youre more consistent with the steel" and when we looked at the data after i actually hit it further with the graphite shaft and had very similar dispersion if not slightly better lol. I'd absolutely love to get fitted by someone like you guys, someone who cares about finding what truly works best for the customer. Sadly not all fitters love the process.

  24. I find it incredibly hilarious that all these negative cc comments and ZERO response from Fraz/Mikey… EVERYONE I know out here in San Diego hates cc….buncha donkeys lol the kingdom, Callaway and Titleist performance centers blow away cc…

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