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Will Craig Jones Return For ADCC?

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Guys 86c invites are going out Nikki Ryan got his invite his place is secured I think despite him being 12 years old this will be his fourth ADCC if I were to do ADCC 2024 it would be my fifth time doing it honestly the

Main reason I’d like to do it is just to tell Lan JS I was able to do atcc one more time than him that is the only selfish re reason I’d want to do it let me explain why I’m on the fence about even participating in this

ADCC um first one I did was 2015 that was in Brazil I got smoked by homoa ho first round that was pre trt Craig Jones I went in there natural I went in there for a Brazilian holiday and got pillaged but there was about 1500 2,000 people in

Attendance for 2015 the prize money for ADCC 2015 first first place in your division $10,000 that’s you win four matches against the world’s best Grapplers you get $10,000 2017 I did as well 2017 was in Finland I don’t know how many people were in attendance for

That it weren’t a great deal of people Brazil felt busier maybe it was uh Finland was a much bigger uh Arena so uh it could have had the same amount of people it felt very empty though but again prize money to win your Division 10 ,000 2019 was in

California now we had 4,000 people uh that bought tickets for that event that was the first year Mo jassm ran it and it blew up 4,000 tickets sold prize money $110,000 so again if you beat the four if you win four matches so if you beat

Some of the best Grapplers in the world in your weight division you walk home with a whopping $10,000 now adccs every two years but we had Co so it got bumped a year um we come back in 2022 full sellout 13,000 tickets sold Mo jessum crushes the promotion

Again you win four matches you get $10,000 again so again the sport is growing it’s growing at an exponential rate 2024 already over 10,000 tickets sold crazy amount of tickets sold it’s in T-Mobile it’s in the UFC venue for Las Vegas and it’s likely going to sell out

18,000 tickets as it stands for me to participate in that and win it which we all know I’m not going to do would be 18 H would be $10,000 prize money obviously you get second place third place fourth b i I think fourth base is like [ __ ] $1,500 or something something crazy obviously

They give our submission bonuses um and then if we take into account streaming rights you don’t have to really obviously if the ticket sales are going up that much you got to imagine the proportion of people watching from home is growing exponentially as well so you can imagine that those streaming rights

Are quite valuable and if we imagine 2024 there was a battle to get the ADCC riots between flow Sports and UFC Fight Pass now flow Sports went out on that and I have to imagine that that number they paid would be well over a million dollars well over a million dollars for

The streaming rights so it’s balloon this year the sports growing prize money Remains the Same I’m not sure who’s to blame for that also I’m not even sure why it’s not on UFC FB given that I believe the founder of ADCC Shake tanon

Also owns a stake in the UFC so to me it seems like logically if you own ADCC and a stake in the UFC you’d have some sort of uh arrangement to be able to get your show on or whoever’s running your show obviously Shake tanun doesn’t run it um

On UFC F pass so I know a lot of the Grapplers were pumped for the potential to be on fire pass who know maybe it’s uh streamed on both platforms maybe there’s some sort of deal to be done there but for everyone asking hey Craig are you doing

ADCC I yeah I keep asking myself why would I do ADCC right now some people say well it’s the World Championships don’t you want to win a World Championships yeah that would be great but does it boost does it necessarily boost your career in any meaningful way obviously for me personally my career

Career is built on losing in the finals so for me to win it would probably be destructive to my career and my jokes but very good for my own ego but guys look at some of the people that have won ADCC their life doesn’t really change

You know what I mean like it’s how you win it or it’s really I mean even sometimes like like uh guys like Jean Carlo I think he had three out of four submissions that’s one of the best [ __ ] performances effort but if the fans don’t really find something loving

You it’s the same in the UFC some of these guys dominate get finishes the fans don’t get behind you the fans don’t get behind you your bank account doesn’t really change obviously we’re not doing this just for the money but in a sport where there is no money enough money to

Eat would be [ __ ] nice so guys if you win ADCC you your life’s probably not going to change that drastically you know like you’re not going to like I had that moment in 2017 l j had it in 2019 obviously our lives changed significantly because of the way in

Which we participated in the event and surprised everyone and the influx of instructionals ability to sell online instructionals boasted the bank account quite healthily but again if you win ADCC and the fans don’t get behind you you don’t know how to Market yourself you’re still going to be teaching

Classes at night you’re still going to be struggling to get by you’re not going to be getting major sponsorship money nor should you really because if you if the fans aren’t behind you they’re not buying your merchandise you know what I mean like think about some of the guys

I’m not going to name names cuz these guys will uh these guys have big Egos and might physically attack me but like think of some of the people that have won ADCC and ask yourself has anyone bought a t-shirt or a rash C with that guy’s name on it probably not would you

Want to buy an instructional from that guy maybe no so again like for me personally I give credit where it’s du like uh the people running ADCC capitalized on the growth of the sport and have built the world championships and grappling but for me I’m struggling

To find reasons to compete you know what I mean like uh obviously I’ve been very critical of flow Sports in the past a flow paying me to participate in ADCC no I don’t get a [ __ ] dollar from flow grappling to participate in an event that they’ve bought streaming rights to

That they’re going to make quite a significant amount of money off you know what I mean like is ADCC uh or the people that profit of it giving me any under the table money absolutely not you know what I mean obviously it’s well within my rights to go secure sponsorships for my clothing

And logos to represent on the platform but again like uh it’s actually a tournament you can participate in without a Visa because there’s no show Money there’s only prize money whereas uh if you participate in any event without American visa and there’s uh show money that’s actually legal on your uh Esther

Or whatever so for me I don’t know it remains to be seen whether I compete or not but [ __ ] me it would be nice to get more than $10,000 to compete in this event and uh obviously I have to win it guys I make more money selling dick pills I make

More money doing ad reads on the podcast I make more money doing seminars I make maybe [ __ ] five six times that amount of money instructionals every month so for me to do this why would I do this I’m a [ __ ] karate expert now doing ground karate in karate combat you know

Like I believe uh compensation where compensation due prize money should match the growth of the sport who knows maybe they listen to this and change the prize money maybe they already had intention of upping the prize money if they do that I will take full credit for

It anyway but guys for everyone asking if I’m doing ADCC 20124 this is as clear answer as I can give you right now


  1. Being that the Rich AF middle eastern country's run/own ADCC. You would think they would be more than willing to throw more cash at the winner? They do for everything else.

  2. Sounds like you're starting your own Mexican Ground Karate organization… a pro level of grappling vs amateur adcc

  3. After a quick search I found IJF gives ~28,000 US dollars to Judo World Championship winners. They also give ~5,400 US dollars for many other grand slam events. They also give significant prize money for team events. The athletes also have a chance to qualify for the Olympics. Some countries will give Olympic Gold medalists a life pension.

  4. You were also wrecking EBI at the time, and I think historically you will be remembered as a guy who changed the sport for the better. Bodoni is freakin incredible but I think he’s looked at as a Danaher disciple. So why not just drink from the horses mouth, as they say in Aukland.

  5. The athletes need a union, and they need to agree to only support one org, whatever it is. That one will blow up. Then you guys will have greater leverage. Right now there’s none

  6. This is a masterclass in what grapplers need to be focusing on beyond being a world class grappler. As a creative (and professional athletes are in the same boat as professional musicians, writers, painters, etc), you have to be a masterful marketer, a skillful public speaker, and an entertaining person.

  7. Gotta stop just relying on prize money. Gotta market yourself. You may dislike Gordon but he isn’t relying solely on the ADCC perks

  8. What else would you do while all your potential competitors are off peaking for, competing at and recovering from ADCC? Twiddle your thumbs? Pick up some other sport?

    Idk, if you like competing in grappling then it seems like a no brainer.

  9. You should make at least $10,000 every time you win a match so you’re walking out with $40,000 at most. If anything, Craig should get paid money on the side just to compete. Big names like that should be taken care of before they even get there.

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