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Fyfe’s New Mindset | Shelter FootyCast | Hamish Brayshaw and Mark Readings

Hammer is back for his first Shelter FootyCast of 2024! He gives us an update on how his brother Angus is tracking after his retirement and reveals some insight about Nat Fyfe’s mindset change that could lift the Dockers to another level. We also preview the 2024 WAFL season, straight from the Sandover medallists mouth.

Music by The Southern River Band.
Shelter is born and brewed in Busselton, Western Australia.

Follow us on Instagram: @shelterfootycast

Shelter FootyCast is produced and recorded at BackChat Studios.
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#Football #ShelterFootyCast #BackChat #ShelterFootyCast #AFL #WillSchofield #MarkReadings #hamishbrayshaw #fremantledockers #freo #dockers #natfyfe #fyfe

Yes we are up and rolling on a uh Thursday morning with Mark Rings no will scoffield he’s just uh just hopping his way from one side of the continent to the other course of course tonight we’re going to roll into the shelter Brewery and have a heap of fun with a special

Live podcast from uh the shelter about what’s going to be a magnificent 2024 season Mark readings with hammer brayshaw joining on this Thursday Hammer hello hello good to see a nice shirt yeah matching shirt mine’s extra extra extra large which my wife was very happy

I think just to have this on me because the last picture that was on the socials it looked like I’d been rolling in um sugar for about with on enjoying a little bit Christmas not a lot of good news out of that time I’m not sure you

You look pretty fit and cut thanks mate trying my best yeah but I’m still pretty glad to have the shirt on well the shirt just explain the shirt because I know it’s it’s one of our favorites it is one of our favorites the Bison uh from the

Alen B the win he just said uh got up there there in his speech and said look I’m a bit fat at times and I love a beer and we thought geez that sounds pretty good put that on a shirt and uh it’s just gone Gang Busters so the back chat

Audience has loved it sure the shelter footy cast audience love it as well so we’re um yeah flogging them off absolutely great to have hammer in the house also of course the southern River Band for getting it started for this morning show uh socials at shelter foyc foyc shelter uh YouTube back

Chat we’ve got the shelter footy cast playlist uh it’s all happening and as I say tonight live show at shelter in Bon tickets available at the shelter website or check the link in our Instagram bio apparently Hammer at 7:00 beers are on me 8:00 the show starts uh will be

Recorded and come up as a bonus episode tomorrow but uh you don’t want to miss all the the fun stuff that happens in between which is basically uh scoe and I taking the piss out of each other correct getting on the cans and enjoying yourself down there with a few shelters

Absolutely before we talk some 40 we do have a great uh how about this giveaway I’m not sure if you heard about this a travel and Sport Australia just up the road Paul and T Ramsey they do a super job and they got a great team there and

Basically giving a couple of fans regularly uh prizes a chance to go and travel with the West Coast Eagles in fact next week’s going to be the first one two return airf fars on the Eagles Charter I think got Port Adelaide first up from memory uh in mid-march plus

Tickets to the game we’ll give out a code word on the live show tonight more details on how to enter will be given at the live show uh you’ve been on I presume the Eagles Charter flight back in the day back in the day fans travel

With you on those occasions well we the only time I was in the charter flights was 2020 so there was no one else so I haven’t been on anyone with the with the fans on there but uh yeah I’m sure it’ll be an experience but jeez Paul and teral

Giving away the goods yeah that’s it’s a great trip because in terms of getting up close and personally it’s great when you win of course and come back with the boys it’s a bit of a Vibe if not it can be a bit somber but yeah get to see how

They prepare which means essentially they sleep or they play cards or they play uh some game on their iPad is that right yeah exactly pretty much I mean what’s the flight 2 and a half 3 hours so you can get away with it pretty quickly some guys like to have a little

Nap others just can’t sleep on a plane so you can see the guys that get up and are walking around the aisles and doing all the rest of it but uh yeah they Buzz around good spot now uh I’ve had a couple of nice moments in footy this

Week you’re back in well I say back you’re you’re on the cusp of playing some footy yeah we are we’ve got an INT club tonight so uh I would have otherwise been down there at the shelter Brewing uh shelter brewing and having a couple but uh no we’re back we’ve got I

Think we’ve got three or four four weeks until round one March 30 is our um Saturday the 30th is our first game so yeah it’s h it’s all coming along pretty pretty quickly it’s exciting it’s good time and uh yeah footy’s about to get going we’ll talk some off of footy a bit

Later in our shelter footy cast but uh I had a really good Tuesday night went to Trevor nisbet’s farewell at subaco y she was a walk down memory lane for the Eagles footy club and also guys from the east coast of course Andrew Dillan the

CEO of the AFL came along um Brendan gal from Richmond Andrew isand been around footy for a long time uh just to name a few there were a heap of notables I mean obviously Justin Langer being a board remember DK Lily my alltime idol was

There and a lot of players from past a lot of Administrators and and workers at the Eagles from the past and yeah ni he I think he got the farewell that he deserved he didn’t want that type of farewell he wanted lowkey but to be fair

To him he’s he’s been a terrific store wart for the footy club and and some great things were said about him lot made about short Stumpy legs and his uh inability to play a lot of League footy but he played a lot of reserves played Four reserves Grand Final in the waffle

So uh he uh didn’t quite make it at League level I tell you what he’s a giant of the AFL and Andrew Dillan said as much yeah he’s uh well I mean I was at the club for what six years and he was there for my time he was there for

30 odd years before me so he’s um he’s been around the park he’s he’s done it all uh and old East Perth he was the footy manager at East Perth before he got his jobs there so look he’s been a legend of West Australian football for a

Very long time and uh yes it was from all reports quite a big send off which he wouldn’t have enjoyed but uh yeah absolutely deserve it he’s all the all the premierships all the success all the ups and downs that he’s been able to ride that football club through is um

Yeah it’s a testament to him and he’s yeah certainly going to be missed one regret it was a Tuesday night not a Friday night or Thursday would have really pinned the ears back there a lot of blocks there would have loved that but anyway we had from Bill Kerr Dalton

Gooding um Chris Allen going back to his East birthday Phil scottt Michael mol houseee was there um dton Gooding I think I said there’s there a great number of PL people that have been part of is’s life so cudos te we on niy great career Don Pike now the new Man In

Charge let’s hit in our sh the footy cast our big moment of the Week happened yesterday and it was Sam pal Peppa with the AFL tribunal 3 and a half hours was the tribunal hearing the bump on Mark Keane which left him concussed yep and the AFL now I don’t know if the rules have changed but the interpretation and the penalties

Certainly have gone up a degree four weeks what are your thoughts no absolutely it was uh it was I get that it’s a you know you’re trying to get yourself going for the season he plays on the edge and he’s aggressive player but to just drop the shoulder and just

Go bang the way he did was just stupid he didn’t need to do it uh and with all the world focus on concussion for the AFL at the moment to do that and knock a bloke out is um is not what you want and four weeks I think is is just it’s it’s

You know I think we’ve got uh Tassa Crow sending the boys over to to play Port Adela they’ll be one down so look it’s uh you know disappointing to see it happen um but the four weeks is a just penalty yeah so you said you’ve been at

This so I’m just talking as a as a punter who looks at it and and saw the incident all be in slow motion and and the way the tackle evolved and the way the incident happened Port Adela didn’t appeal but they thought it was it was very much excessive the penalty I

Suspect the AFL will have that as as as The Benchmark now because if you compare that to others last year he’s getting some extra um mayonnaise on the top of the penalty so is it because of simplying we’ll talk about your brother shortly but is it the even a stronger

Focus on protecting the head in 2024 moving forwards it’s got to be I think it’s um yeah I think it has to be the way that that I mean he obviously had the intent to just smack him so it’s you’re coming through with force and I think they’ve now steering to the point

Where any contact with the head is going to be met with some serious penalties any intentional Conta with the head even more so and then with the high Force they’ve got I mean we had our we had our waffle sit down the other week and it was okay here’s the concussion protocols

And it’s pretty strict it’s just a grid it’s like okay there’s high impact there’s intentional bang that’s what you’re getting and so I think in the past that sort of stuff has been oh there it is but maybe we’re going to drop him a week or two I think they’re

Going to be uphold to the letter of the law now and there’s just so much heat on the game for concussion and protection of the head that anything that result results in concussion has to be looked at pretty harshly they’re just trying to phase that stuff out of the game there

Are things that just happen in football head knocks accidental clashes like there’s things that happen where the head is in trouble but where it’s in intentional contact with the head they are I’d imagine especially early on in the year they’re going to try and put a

Huge Stamp Out on it so off the back of that uh and we’ll speak again about your brother shortly The Wil at Community level and and Junior sport level are looking at a 21 day um after concussion 21 days on the guidelines now it seems inevitable at some stage in the near

Future that AFL players NRL players which is I think around the 11 12 days for each code y that is going to go up is that something you feels more likely than not yeah I think so and I mean I think the waffle has been a step ahead

Of the AFL in terms of their sort of precaution for concussion we’ve had the blue card rule introduced there’s been certain steps that the waffle have taken that are probably a step ahead and I think this is is another one of them um the jury is out on the the time frame

For concussions to sort of settle down obviously the the severity of them will will impact that but a mandatory 12 days I think that’s a number that’s just been it’s one of those things that’s just been plucked out you know it’s okay we’ll sweet 12 days we’ll throw that in

There any some scientists has seen a study and it’s there so there’s lots of inconclusive evidence so I think the more time you can give it the better obviously understanding that guys want to get back and concussions a weird one because you can be you can feel fine

After 2 or three days and you’re like well I’m ready to go but the long-term ramifications of that if you do go out and get hit again are severe so I think they’re just trying to give as much risk mitigation as they can for the players

And I I think that 21-day protocol will probably roll out if not this year at some point then the next year or the year after in the AFL and I don’t think players are going to bat too much of an eyelid at it considering all the you

Know the talk and the hyp around it at the moment and that being said it’s at the other end of the year but looking at Grand Final week more and more I feel and if the 21 days comes in it doesn’t matter but to have a week’s break

Between the prelim and the Grand Final are are the Super Bowl it means that possibly players that are under some question mark or the the concussion issue comes into play that to me is a an obvious one and obviously get injuries right but yeah it’s an issue that’s not

Going away and I think in many ways it was there was a it was the Catalyst for what we saw at the tribal yesterday I might be wrong but it was with andw angus’s uh decision to retire after medical advice we know the background to

It we know that you’re very close to it more importantly a week or so down the track it’s it’s a bit like being made redundant in your job or or or losing something in your life with it’s a grieving process how’s he handling it oh

He’s still look he’s still in a bit of shock I spoke to him the other day and it’s the boys are back training now they played a game and it’s you know the world it took a brief pause and you know paid its respects to him and lots the

Media team at melbour did a fantastic job of all the highlights and all the you know memories about him and it was awesome but at the end of the day The Season’s coming so it’s you know yep sweet there’s the blip and you’ve got to

Move on so he um he’s taken a step back and and taken a bit of time off from the footy club which is um understandable he’s he’ll try and I think get back in at some point and be around the boys but for now it’s just it’s a bit too close

To home so he’s taking a step back he’s I think he’s just going to be a gypsy for the next little bit and Float around and travel he might get out of the country he I just don’t think he’s in a point where in a position where he wants

To watch or be around any football right now so he’s still sort of com to terms with what’s going to happen he’s 28 he’s had a great career but you know he ideally would have liked to have played for another 5 to 10 so he’s got some

Things to think about about what he wants to do but he’s yeah he’s come to terms with what’s happened he’s reflected with pride on his career and he’s very grateful for what’s been what’s occurred obviously he would still like to be there but I think he’s uh

He’s content with what he’s done and now it’s just a bit of we’ll give myself a bit of a break he hasn’t out of breaks in school a lot of these guys that get drafted straight in from school straight into football so he’ll take a bit of

Time he’s got the luxury now of you know having this ability to do you know pretty much whatever he wants with the you know while his head’s still going to be okay so he can you know travel the world and see what’s going on and you know just enjoy himself but I think

It’ll be away from football for a bit yeah I mean I don’t know Angus but anyone you listen to about him at the footy Club give him the highest of price so that that’s a bonus also I suppose the other element and I’ll ask you there wasn’t a moment in preseason that he

Felt poor it was more just the updated medical advice I’m guessing and and the other fact that I think longterm plays into it is that his his partner is the daughter of Danny folley so that that of course we know the background there so this is a this is a very sensitive issue

For for both sides of the family yeah absolutely and I think without even without the medical advice the question was still looming over his head as to whether or not he uh he was going to keep going and that was always going to be a question you know to be made before

Round one and I think with the uh with the updated medical advice he wanted to you know he wanted to be 100% sure going into the Richmond scratchy um the practice game and he he didn’t get the tick and it was in fact the opposite so

It was you know happy that he got those that advice and the medical sort the medical help but um yeah I think look from my point of view from Danielle definitely from Danielle’s point of view there’s a bit of relief there that it’s you know it’s finally the quest

Decision’s been made I think for him personally in a couple of weeks or months or however long it’ll take there might be a bit of relief for him as well because it was a struggle for him because he obviously wanted to play he’s got this family you know history and so

Yeah the fact that the the decision was made for him might might so he might take a little bit of solace in that but at the moment he’s um yeah he’s just taking a bit of time and had a cigar after the GF over here y he actually

Like the cigar he I don’t think so I think you saw the photo of Michael Jordan after the after his couple of championships and thought this would looked pretty cool yeah I there color boys on the cigar that’s uh that’s interesting he didn’t look like a cigar

Smer anyway before we talk about the wa teams and what’s coming up this weekend and a bit of a look to the year ahead today news breaking about Harry she AFL Rising Star winning the Sid Barker medal the youngest ever at North I believe 19 years of age uh he was

Contracted until I think 2026 or there abouts now it’s out to 2030 his life is essentially now locked away at North yep he’s uh he’s a star this kid I think he’s from what do he have 30 on Deb against West Coast and he dropped the first he missed his dropped his first

Mark missed his first kick and oh he’s he’s a young kid he’ll get used to it and then just dominated the rest of the game um I don’t know where this one sits so the rule changed I think back into of last year to have now that it’s anything

Over a six-year contract is has to be scrutinized by the AFL a bit harder the president and the CEO of the club have to tick it off uh came off the back of Bry Grundy going from Collingwood to melbour to Sydney in a year all still while under contract Collingwood so

These big contracts have to be ratified a bit harder and I think not sure how this one sits because it’s it is a six-year deal now but it is coming off the back of an already existing contract not sure where it sits but but this will

Be the F this would be the first big one since that Rule’s been put in and uh to sign that big of a deal at that young of an age it uh it shows the faith that they’ve got in him but I’ve got nothing but hopes for North Melbourne footy Club

Over the next few years because guys like him like George wlor and and Nick ly and even Jo simin the these young talented players that are going to be you know obviously they’ve had some compensation from the AFL and no one sort of shies away from that but make

Hey while the sun shines and he’s a sort of kid you want to keep around definitely absolutely uh big dollars you expect maybe back ended but either way he’s got some huge upsides so s pal Peppa Harry sheel uh this is the shelter footy cast we’re going to talk about the

Eagles and the Dockers a couple of points tonight Matt Clark comes across from Richmond as the uh list Rebuilder after what’s been a tumultuous time and lot of criticism now to be fair can’t be just the list manager’s fault that these things happen the club’s in this position but Matt Clark comes with pretty good credentials

Yeah he does uh been able to do some pretty good things at Richmond I think the good thing about this position is it’s pretty difficult to go any worse uh you know not not having a go at the Eagles but they’ve been ravaged by injury it’s been a tough last few years

And building this list is essentially you get a free hit it’s uh you know you you come in you got open slather to do whatever you want with your list and you can sort of guide the club into a direction where it’s you know it’s tough

To finish any worse than 18th so I think they’ll be uh I think they’ll be better off for the um for the appointment and just having some sort of clarity around what that looks like I’m sure he’s got a vision about where the club he wants the

Club’s list to go and list profile um it’s just about getting him on the park you can have the best list in the world but if none of the boys are playing then it’s uh it makes it certainly difficult oh which the G through at the moment

We’ll touch on that just for those that don’t know much about Matt Clark there was M Clark who played Ruck for adelay back in the day wasn’t it not him it’s a guy that helped engineer well certainly part of the the the team that helped engineer a hatrick of premierships at

Richmond so that’s where the credentials come from and uh as you say you get a bit of a a clean slate to draw upon and hopefully not the ran O’Brien did a bad job but he just the bodies just weren’t out on the the park regularly enough so

Good luck to him in his new job speaking of players out in the park uh of course the Eagles Take on Adelaide on Saturday about lunchtime our time Oscar Allen’s getting some s had scans on his knee yep uh off the back of Matt Flynn off the

Back of the other injuries what is this this just this trend this theme isn’t going away Hammer no it’s not um I think for Oscar Oscar’s a different case he’s uh he’s been at the club now for what six years and he would have had surgery 15 times he’s breaking records for the

Most scans ever he’s a he’s a fragile yet plays it’s weird he’s got I don’t know he’s got glass bones he’s got glass everything but still somehow manages to get out and dominate so I don’t think the results of this scan will put him off the park for too long regardless of

What it is so he’ll be okay but the injuries that they’ve got and have continuously had for the last 3 years it’s uh it’s quite remarkable and the way that these things are happening mattt Flynn’s hamstring that pulled from the top of his Cal and it’s just all

This weird stuff it’s you know you have to scratch your head and I can’t imagine how frustrating it is being in that position as a player as a coach as a list manager as a physio as a head of high performance it just you just must be scratching your head at what’s going

On and pulling your hair out but um yeah it’s another one that you know Oscar needs to get fit and needs to get back out there they’ve got McGavin who didn’t play last week they’ve got she that didn’t play last week um obviously Matt F Ryan Tyler Brockman there’s lots of

Guys like that that’s six or seven of your your best 22 players that you can’t that aren’t playing so it makes things tough obviously jimy got knocked out the best player ever so there’s they’re just they’re they’re just getting hammered at the moment ah good morning to Peter

Sumich by the way who just left the West I know you did a bit of work for seven yeah after a dispute or a debate about Harley Reed um yeah we’re don’t going talk about the number one drive pick today apart from the fact he had a

Little bit of a scare at training yesterday and uh in in brief what you saw last Saturday from him being used inside the Center Square down back you’re expecting that to continue against Adelaide on Saturday or you expecting a a more permanent role for him somewhere else no I’d expect him to

Play the same role that he did against Foo uh he looked like an 18year old kid who was you know a bit not Star Struck but a bit you know it was his first game of footy um the thing that I loved about it was he got caught holding the ball a

Couple of times trying to stiff arm and it’s like if you’ve got the confidence do that as an 18-y old kid like you are going to and he’s a he’s a star so he will take that he’ll adjust quickly it’s not like it’s going to take him 2 3

Years to make that jump He he’ll make it in a couple of weeks but he um you know it was his first game so to have the confidence to do what he did despite not playing his best game it’s you can see that he’s got that Talent there um and

They won’t throw the uh they won’t throw the baby out with the bath water there he’ll have he has a one blip but it’s you know that’s the role he’s been trained in all preseason he’s ready to go and he is just going yeah he’s going

To be a talent and they try and protect him in many I mean you can’t expect this kid to come in and I mean everyone talks about Chris Jud what he did after one game at East Perth but you know this guy’s a different different person different character and he’ll clearly be

A different player we think yeah exactly and I mean it is so it’s unfair to talk to talk about him in in the likes of Chris Jud because he he might end up being a brown L medalist and a 300 game player and a star he might do but to put those

Comparisons on him early Chris Jud was one of the best players I’ve ever seen play football and we watched highlights of him on back last week and I’m like is he just the best blower of all time bouncing out of stoppages picking the ball up breaking tackle it’s like he

This kid might have that potential might be there but to put that on him early he’s tough and he’s 18 but yeah he um he seems to thrive on the uh under the pressure he seems to really enjoy the the mantle of being the number one pick

And the best young kid and you can see the confidence that he plays with and from all reports he’s actually he he enjoys it but he’s quite humble and sort of laran in his ability and he I think that’ll hold him in really good stad going forward and yeah the confidence

That he plays with regardless of how it’s going to go it will he’ll be in he’ll be fine yeah and Country kid look he’s handling Perth pretty well I think and and if he keeps an eye on the paper he will get his his head on there

Probably every second day but but bottom line is as you say Chris Jud the other thing Jud he didn’t have to deal with so much was the social media just just exploded in the last 5 10 years so uh we hope Harley Reed goes okay before we

Talk a waffle preview the freem metal Dockers they’ve got P Adelaide tomorrow night um as much as we thought the Eagles were poor the do there’s some nice things happening there with their forward line their mids are you you as bullish as as you would be um

Having seen them now on Saturday heading into to round one I am I think uh their ball movement they played a pretty stunted West Coast and I think that you can sort of take a few things out of it their ball use and the style of play I

Think at times was exciting at times was a little bit like last year so there’s hopefully they can be a bit more exciting going forward but the best thing I think for the Freya footy Club looking at it was net F playing fulltime in the Midfield he’s massive he’s huge

And speaking to Andrew the other day he has moved past the point of individual sort of recognition he’s done he’s won Brown lows he’s won best and feris he doesn’t care anymore about any of that he just wants to win um and the only thing he wins a Premiership he goes down

As one of the greatest players ever I think uh and I think that he knows that as well and that’s his goal so at a stoppage just rolled into Andrew and said hey mate I’ll just come and block for you you just run off did the same

Does the same thing to Caleb and no one can tackle him no one can get him he just holds his hands up gets the ball hit to him and then two two draws and then he just goes bang so the fact that he is out there fit and firing is going

To put them right in contention I think to play really good footy this year and he’s still one of the best players in the comp and uh from all reports he’s back yep absolutely and we know that the Midfield probably I think a little bit skinny if they could have two or three

More quality players it doesn’t hurt we see Collingwood and the best best teams do that but uh the other kid that’s coming through and I’ve mentioned this I’ve already banged on about Cooper Simpson but I I’ve seen a couple of things already that he might be a if if

Not round one certainly early doors with Dockers theyve got no Luke Jackson tomorrow night with delayed concussion yep and uh off the back of that um he Chapman’s gone overseas to Qatar must be good have you been to Qatar but the injury what it must be like a rehab

Center for excellence where you just all the all the all the Crocs go over there to get fixed up well I mean all the um I played golf with played golf with the guy the other day that was uh in who worked with a doctor out ofar and all

The major soccer leagues across the world Fly Guys in there Neymar’s there and Messi’s there and Ronaldo goes there all the stars go there so they must be doing something right absolutely H the other one other play missing just a slight hamstering injury is Michael Frederick who I think just recau he make

Sure he’s right for round one my colleague at 6pr Steve Mills has he likes having a bet has backed him and tipping him to win the brown L medal he is uh Michael fredi yeah he needs to be that’s MSY needs to be tested for for something that’s so’s got him at 4,000

To1 does he exactly but Freddy if you can do it brother I’ll tell you what uh uh St a very happy man this is the shelter footy Cast as we know there’s a live show coming you from bulon tonight the shelter LIVE edition Ham’s going to be playing a game of footy that’s tomorrow night isn’t it no it’s tonight tonight what’s tonight Thursday thday Thursday so int club tonight int club tonight yep

Weekend off oh KY up here a long weekend W weekend but uh let’s talk waffle as I say tonight join SC if you get the chance if you’re heading out of bus and come and see us I’m putting on the drinks apparently from 6 thanks to our friends at shelter we’ll

Go through it sort of numerically or certainly um from what we saw at the top of the table last year uh e uh as Premier peel Thunder they played in the grand fin let’s start with the running Premier in brief uh again I don’t know

All the ins and outs but I do know Bren te’s coming back into the mix which is is huge breaking 25-year drought last year so EAS M 25e drought with an asteris on top please cuz they uh obviously cheated n they that’ll get back no they they’ll they’ll be as on

That one but they’ll they’ll start two Asis they those the Premiership points you’re talking about the the salary cap yeah the Premiership points they’ll start two back so they were clearly the best team last year without question they uh they had the most durability with their players they dominated they

Made the Wacker their home and they they really got that going but uh yeah that’s going to pay them back this year cuz I think they start two is it I thought it was one but I might be wrong one or two thought it was one games back we’ll get

That check anyway regardless they start behind the eight ball which is huge for the competition it is and you’ve just you know all looking forward East birth and EAS want to sure when you play each other but that’s going to have a bit of spice to it oh well we always do they’re

A good side though and comes back so that gives them something we’ll go through some of these sides I mentioned we’ll start with the premier so let’s go through sort of Al alphabetically by the way Claremont uh finished fifth they won elimination final against your mob and

It was a a real learning experience I thought for some of your players about finals footy they were beaten eventually by subaco you almost feel that they’re going to be in the top half top five every season just by pure virtue of what comes through yeah their

Zone they they get really good talent through the through their young kids they’ve got some star players uh we talk about Freddy his brothers come over from the S so he’s going to add uh some speed and Pace in that in that side uh they’re always good they will be Alec Waterman

Goes back so there’s another a bit of depth they’ll be they’ll be pretty good so I think it’s um you know they knocked us out in the final again the learning curve for us we had a lot of young kids playing their first game of finals footy

We sort of still getting to know each other as a team and then under the pressure of finals things sort of start to happen and and they were very good that day so all credit to them but uh yeah they’ll be good again they always are absolutely we mentioned you know

Bolton and Bary Rogers the two guys that are there abouts Bon playing a different role but yeah right I just they’ve got too much talent available at their Cults level and and you know I’ve got in trouble mentioning the fact they’ve got Alban and they got broom and they’ve got

They got the pick of the crop when it comes to the country so hence they hence they have a um a very strong record in Colts footy they work the Zone well as I’m told all the time but yes uh they do and I I think the good thing about or

The thing about that club is that and successful clubs you always see all three grades doing well Colts resi and lean and that’s an they’re a really good example they never that’s been our issue a little bit in the past as Perth is we’ve had we might have had success or

We might have been playing well in League footy but our reses aren’t playing very well and our Cults are sort of struggling and so you find with the good teams that depth everywhere across all three grades uh has a real impact on how your league team’s going so it’s uh

It’s important and they do a really good job of that okay that’s the ti let just going back to eal had ification that they’ve been uh stripped four Premiership points and five Player points for next season also coping a $10,000 fine for breaching total player payments that was in 2022 so not their

Premiership year just to clarify that so but uh there still obviously as you say when your words and a that’s going to go pumping up the Rivalry now so only four Premiership points I mean they still would have finished two two games last two games last year yeah so they look they still

Would have finished number one they still would have finished top they finished two games clear on top so they uh there’ll only be one one spot behind the eight ball but it’s good to see him starting one behind yeah and an asri according to ham as Prem ship as

Premiership asri Okay so we’ve talked about EAS Bren tile good and we know that they’ve got some quality there with Jon Mar who didn’t play in the GF by the way so Milan Murdoch they’ve got it all happening for them let’s roll down and

See who else we can we can touch on in this waffle season coming up of course starts on Easter Thursday with West Perth and Claremont uh let’s go to the next team on the list uh let’s throw subo into the melding pot um again a team that’s always thereabouts and

They’ve got a little bit of a blip the last couple of years cuz they’ve won a flag yeah that’s been the bit the uh they were they’ve been the dominant team ever since I’ve been over here they’ve uh they just always seem to be good um I

I think they’re very well L uh Lee Kitchen is a is a fantastic player and he’s been able to lead that team and after after horse dropped out kit took the mantal up and they’ve just been a dominant team ever since but I think the good thing about them is they’ve got now

A young crop of talent that that uh while they have blipped on premierships they’ve they’ve been able to bridge the gap now and they’ve got guys like scoffield who have come through and uh playing really good footy and they’re they’re they’re just dangerous across the park again so they’re going to be

Hard to beat they always are it’s um I’ve heard I’m not sure what Zack Clark’s doing is he playing is he not well I’ve heard he he’s retiring I’ve heard he’s retiring but there’s been nothing official made yet no I’ve heard that two months ago so and look there’s

Still a tiny question mark record on leag kitchen because of his I mean just getting through the preseason if he gets to round one I think he’ll be fine he he’ll be fine but he’s he’s a ripper and uh great a bit of verbal between is I’m

Saying there is but anytime you two have a there’s a bit of Gap when he’s out there yeah we chat a little bit uh we we when was it it was two years ago we uh we we was like 72 to 15 or something at half time we smashed them and they

Kicked two goals in the uh opening the third quarter and I was like mate kit where’s this been for the for the first half anyway they kicked about the next six and it got real tight we still end up winning the game but I said to him

Afterwards J that’ll be the last time that I have a chat with you but uh no he’s a great great fellow they’re a great he he’s just led a very successful football club there it is subo we expect them to play finals uh in 2024 let’s see

If we get a couple more teams rolling through up the list uh pel Thunder yep where are they in the mix uh obviously it’s all reliant on on what they have with their AFL listed players yeah it is I think that’s the uh that’s the key

With with Peele and with West Coast it’s it’s a matter of their listed players from their team coming back I think you saw it with Peele this year they they’ve gone on to make the they made the Grand Final last year and were able to be a

Successful team they had guys like will Brody playing in that game and uh you have that depth so that really helps um but they’ve also got the benefit of having a a catchment zone so they’ve got some pretty handy waffle players on their own Blair Bell’s played 100 games

So they they’ve got guys that have played a lot of football for the PE region so again they’ll be good they’ll be better if their AFL list is healthy so they’ll be interesting they’ll be T they’ll be tough to play against they always are especially driving down to

Mander and and and playing them in you know in their home in on their home ground so yeah it’s uh you hope to get them on a good week with injuries at Freo put it that way absolutely and one guy I think might make an impact because

I don’t think a play Early doors for Foo is Pat Voss who was in this practice match last weekend he came out on primarily in this the second match which was two 20 minutes Sim simulat I thought he showed a bit so again they get if if

Tracy and he team up in attack you know it all depends on on what availability he’s going to be I think most of the Year unless there’s injuries uh a pick up for for Thunder yeah exactly and I mean it’s it is the it is the way all

The time but if you’ve got a fully fit AFL list you get guys that have played 30 40 50 AFL games playing waffle and it’s um you know they’re too good for that level but they come back and they have to play so it’s uh and especially

If freem man when Freo are successful and they’re playing well the guys who get playing who come back and play for Peele they they’re playing for sheep stations they’re going for it so it’s not like you’re coming back and oh you know turn the toes up and playing waffle

It’s I’m trying to my best to get back into a winning team so if fre are successful Peele are successful it’s it’s the always they sort of go hand inand what about the Royals your team finished fourth last year you won the sandover Angus Shoemaker came third it

Was a a pretty good season bear in mind you know you you’re climbing up the ladder but the next progression is to win a final and hopefully go deeper Scott Jones was a big absence late in the season he had a couple of injuries but uh I’m I’m sure you’re going to talk

Up the fact that there’s a there’s uh more growth yeah there certainly is I I think for us last year we probably exceeded expectations of where everyone thought we um we jumped the gun on on being a contender I I think was is the way that we’ll probably put it we um we

Had guys like Mitch croin and Mick Randall and Tom North come to the footy club and and they’ve obviously been great for what we’ve been able to do but we haven’t necessarily recruited heavily this offseason uh Zack Hill comes from used to be a Perth went and played

Country footy now he’s come back so he’ll be an inclusion who’s played some waffle League footy but apart from that James star’s come from Peele so he’s played 50 games they’re probably the only two that we’ve really recruited heavily on um we’ve just sort of built that stability in our list obviously

Scott Jones is a massive inclusion he helps us being being back and gives us first look in the Rock uh but then just being able to have Liam Tedesco play with us for another year and and Mitch croen be there for another year and Tom

North it it just gives us a look of uh continuity and I think that’s going to be the big thing for us so we’ll have another year of playing together it’ll be much the same team K dmar is the only guy who’s gone he’s gone over to the

Sample um apart from that we’ve retained everyone so it’s been a uh that doesn’t happen a whole lot in Waffle footy so it’s um it’s going to be an exciting year definitely yeah the waffles all the better when the Royals are up and running Perth if they up and running

That would be a good thing for the comp as well because they’ve had uh well very few fine times in the last 40 years trust me as a per supporter ninth last year two wins no play got more than 12 votes in the sand over Hammer but they

Have done a bit of strong recruiting sling hog comes back into the mix uh ex southr and played some State footy and they went to jalong to cherry pick a couple of players yeah they did uh one of my very good friends Charlie constales come over Sam Simpsons come

Over with him um they’ll yeah they’ll certainly be better this year you can’t have talented players play like that come in and not be better it not only makes you a better playing team but it raises the standards of training it it gives a lot of these young guys

Something to strive for they’ve got a they had a pretty good Colts team last year so they’re going to have some Colts come through which is always important and in the past Perth have been robbed by the fact that they’re best Colts players or you know they have someone

Pop up and oh they’ll get drafted so they’re only good Colts players will get taken there they had some guys go in the midseason so it’s it is always tough but they’ve got these guys now that have come in and will make that team more stable um you know no players had more

Than 12 sand over votes last year for them I think Chu Charlie conable averaged 35 and maybe a goal in the vfl last year so I’d imagine he’d probably be pulling a few more than that but there’ll be guys like that that step up for Perth and make them more stable

Throughout but it’ll also raise the level of the other players it it’ll give them something to look at at training and and it will bring them along for games so they’ll be a lot more competitive I I wouldn’t be surprised if they win you know quite a few more games

Than two this year obviously but they’ll be um you know they’ll be a much much improved side from last year Hammer don’t say that because you know what kills football supporters is hope hope it’s hope it’s when you don’t have hope like I haven’t had for so long you know

That’s fine just roll on forget about it if there’s hope there’s disappointment that comes with hope so I hope you’re right but I’m not so sure um South tral disappointing by their own lofty standards finished eighth last year 6 and 12 record but you get the feeling

There’s going to be a bounce back with them yeah finished e had the obviously the two game uh Back start so that was that was difficult they probably St wouldn’t have made finals anyway um but they I think they’re going to be another team that bounces back so I’m not sure

What what’s Hayden scho doing he’s retired he’s come back he’s gone to DAR he’s come back he’s played country footy he’s come back and now I think he’s playing again so he’s a star he’s a sandov medalist he’s he’s played 200 plus games so he’ll be good uh Tom blch

Is obviously a star for them Izzy winders come over so he obviously dropped off the Eagles list and now he’s playing there so um and then they’ve got guys like Jordan guchi who was at adela’s list who’s still there in playing footy and and that’s another

Year on their list so they’ll be good again um they’re always a bit like subo they’ve been there or thereabouts for quite a long time they’ve been successful they’ve won Premiership so it’s um you know that’s a team I think that’s going to bounce back obviously

Got hinded by the two game Head Start and I think at some points throughout the year probably when finals was lost for them it was just well what are we going to do next year so I don’t think that record necessarily reflects how good they were and how dangerous they

Were last year and starting from Level pegging will certainly be uh will be interesting let’s roll through a final two three teams uh Swan District’s 7th uh last year uh recruitment wise not sure where they’re at with that but they’re they’re you know a young team

And I think Andrew PR’s got a big job in the fact that you know trying to get them up to that next level that being said Tony knots on track I think to plays 300th game yeah relatively early in the season yep I’ve uh I’ve been

Keeping an eye on that he I’m pretty sure he’s he should do it by round you know yeah early rounds early round four or five I think something like that so he he’ll be close um from reports from them last year they were you know they

Were hiking Bluff null at 1: in the morning and doing all this sort of stuff to get them fit and ready to go and you could see that they were a much fitter team than they were the year before I think they probably burnt out a little

Bit last year so it’ll be interesting to see the difference in this in their preseason and how they um they go about it but they’ve got some dangerous players I mean Jesse Turner can get it he gets a footy and no one can run with him so they’ve got got weapons up

Forward Tony not obviously has has been down back for a long time and and makes that backline work and makes them sort of in sync so they’ll be they’ll be a good team they’re always dangerous especially going to play out there no one likes going to bassendine to play

Football I love it yeah I mean it’s a great spectating venue it’ be awesome to sit in sit in the canar and watch but um you know they’ll be there thereabouts again they finished seventh last year I think they’re a better team than that it’s about their Fitness and how much

They can keep guys on the park and yeah I certainly don’t I’d not want to play them in not 300th cuz I think they’ll be throwing everything at it absolutely I think City stack for memory I’m not sure I think he might have gone to swans potentially we’ll wait and see what

Happens on that FR West Perth finished six the finals missed the finals by the game I think they won the flag the previous year so they F off the cliff but um you know I’ve got a mate Muppet who works at seven and he’s a mad West

Perth fan he reckons they will just lift so every team as we as we’ve just described are going to be improving lifting and winning more games that’s a good I mean looking at the Waffle last year and I think the uh the thing that I’m excited about is the competition was

So close I mean third second to fifth finished on the same points West Perth just missed out were there were teams I think with the exception of Perth and West Coast last year everyone was competitive no matter what game you played in and hopefully that’s a little

Bit different this year but yeah I remember Muppet coming up to me after winning the sandover and uh and he said mate look meow had 32 that last game and you got the three votes I said but I’ve had 37 and kicked a goal mate what do

You want from me he had 37 beers just the night no he’s uh he’s a massive West Perth man but oh look I mean again they probably fell off a cliff that wasn’t expected last year uh whether it’s a Premiership hangover or not I’m not sure

But uh we you know we played them in the last round of the year and they were 50 points up on us at halfway through the third quarter so they’re they’re a quality side they’ve got guys like Luke meow who’s a star and cartel who’s been

You know a genius of the game for a long time and been able to dominate that forward he’s I don’t know how many Beres he’s won but um you know and then their backline they’ve got some solid players down there as well who’ve played a lot

Of State footy and you they’ve got stars all over the park so sixth probably isn’t a representation of them but at the end of the day you can only have five teams finishing in the final I think I’ve said everyone will be there or thereabout so it’s uh yeah they’ll be

Good they’ll speaking of improving a from West Perth Falcons and uh we know that Aaron black relinquished the co- Captain cdms I think is doing it so this year West Coast Eagles you know a lot about him one The Wooden Spoon windless season um we know they’re getting a few

More advantages or or some opportunities to build their list will it be enough to make them competitive uh I’m not sure look they’ve got guys so Jackson Nelson’s obviously there they’ve got uh Jason Gil and what’s who else have they got they’ve got a couple of guys that have

Come in and they’re now playing for them uh was on collingwood’s list the name’s escaping me no can’t remember his name at the moment that’s disappointing because I’ve met him a few look me he’s a nice guy uh but they’ve got a couple of guys that have been there or

Thereabouts and are now playing so that will give them stability whether they’re in or out of the what depending regardless of what their AFL team’s doing um but again it’s like you can’t expect the waffle team to be competitive if the AFL team is just have been ravaged by Ines because the competitive

Waffle players then have to go and play AFL and you get left with pretty much nothing there were games last year where they were having sort of one to two players and one player had to move you know had to play a half because he would

Get taken off and he’d be having to be an emergency for the AFL so you know Trey rusco there it is thank you very much nick uh so yeah look they’ve got a couple of guys who will be there every week uh but again it’s you just can’t

Expect a team to be competitive when all their players are being taken to play absolutely it all starts on the Easter Thursday West Perth Claremont huge week end of footy coming your way over Easter but of course we’ve got waffle W starting this weekend the AFL practice match is continuing but most importantly

Get down to the shelder uh brewery tonight because from 8:00 a live show it’s going to be scy ammer Hammer brilliant work love the bis and love you have a couple of beers tonight skate for the B you’re a sand over medalist that will never change ACR course socials at

Shelda footy cast footy cast at shelder you you P chat shelter footy cast playlist beers on me from 7 tonight at shelter see you there 7 to L


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