Faster Golf Balls in 2024? | No Putts Given

If a faster ball doesn’t go further – what’s the point? Anthony Kim makes a “comeback” and a hell of a weekend on both LIV and PGA Tour. Lots to dive into on this week’s NPG and we’re taking you along for the ride. Let’s get it! Looking for something specific? CLICK MORE ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿฝ

ย ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿฝ 00:00 Welcome Back
๐Ÿ”ฅ 01:50 Ball Speed Conundrum
โšช๏ธ 09:15 Switching Golf Balls
โฎ 14:18 Ball Rollback Bad?
๐Ÿ† 16:35 Cognizant Winner
๐Ÿ”ž 19:27 AK Finishes Last
๐Ÿ”ข 26:28 Stamping Lofts
โ›ณ๏ธ 31:01 Niemann Still on Fire
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ 35:10. Best Equipment: Shoes
๐Ÿ’ฌ 36:36 Can You Play ProV1?

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You’re going to tell me that a golf ball that is faster may not actually go further is that correct yeah it may go further what hey everybody what is happening no puts given how you living it’s Monday we’re recording on Monday publishing Wednesday Tony and Chris golf by T golf by

C we are a good 10 minutes into this already and forgot to hit record so oops here we go man we had some good stuff in there too I I apologize to everybody that uh I’m not going to be able to remember every every quality thing we

Said there in the last uh 10 minutes that didn’t get recorded 10 minutes of Our Lives we never get back Tony sorry oh well that’s all right is what it is lot lots to talk about the ball speed conundrum kind of a new take on a current topic Anthony Kim makes a

Comeback of sorts is we’re going to give him a grade in grades and discuss the cognizant finished up on Monday Austin eot one were you aware Tony of the cognizant being totally lost track I was not consciously cognizant of the fact that this is the Honda or what used to be the

Honda and I have no idea I I mean I know what Honda is I’ve own a number of Hondas I currently own with Seven Daughters several old model Hondas I do not own a the cognizant so I don’t I don’t totally know what that is and we

Got some quick questions well and we have some quick questions maybe not quick answers but some quick questions so let’s start with this ball speed conundrum and here’s why I’m calling it a little bit of a conundrum set the stage a little bit typical Cadence for ball manufacturers is every other year

So roughly every 24 months in terms of bringing a new ball to Market this year 2024 is opposite for Titleist meaning 23 25 assumably 27 it’s the Year everybody else prefers to release a golf ball or most everybody else which makes sense right I mean title is a 800 lb gorilla at

Retail on tour um jwall I think you saw this tweet as well he recently uh posted something what did you say eight out of nine yeah so we got yeah I think probably everybody got the same email from Titus although jwall may have this info at his fingertips because he is

Pretty entrenched with the the goings on of tour but yeah so eight of eight of the first nine tour events 2024 one with a Titleist golf ball mhm so again including the cognizant classic including were you aware including the cognizant so just mention that to again set the

Stage right that Titleist is is the 800 lb gorilla so and we’ve mentioned this before if you’re a ball manufacturer not named titlist that’s coming out with a ball in kind of the opposite year of titlist you can’t just make a ball and make it as good there has to be something that

You’re trying to do to get people to switch right it has to somehow be better so if you were sitting in those rooms with those R&D teams and they’re asking you hey we want to come out with a ball but we got to make it better what does

Better look like to you yeah that’s a complicated question and so I mean we’ve talked about this it’s it’s not easy to overcome history perception itself Etc and so I think at at a basic level and and certainly in the case of Callaway Chrome tour X in particular i’ better

Better looks like more ball speed it looks like more greenside spin at least that’s the story that’s being told we’ve seen it when we tested them um but it it may not tell the whole story of the golf ball and that that’s where it gets complicated and again that’s why

Everybody that that’s trying to compete trying to show benefit is is also trying to keep it simple so that it’s it’s easily understood even if it’s not necessarily a complete picture but it’s an understandable picture yeah so and you’re going to have to help me understand this a little bit

Too because when I hear ball speed and I see somebody getting another 2 3 four miles an hour of ball speed particularly off a driver right and we see it in testing we see it in you know graphics on television broadcast and things oh ball speed 185 ball speed 182 ball speed

Whatever it was but you’re going to tell me that just because the ball has more ball speed that doesn’t make it longer not necessar can especially I mean we’re when you’re talking about high compression tour balls so you know your your X balls things like that you are

Already wherever you were last year two years ago you were already flirting with the USGA distance limit so adding more speed you’re still you’re still limited because unlike the the driver rules where there’s some room to negotiate and navigate loopholes and you know explore we’ve talked about the the

Gap between CT and Co and those sorts of really obscure details ball testing is simple like it is it is hit under a certain configuration and if it goes farther than the limit that’s the end of it right there’s no there’s new no Nuance

To that it’s it’s past fail and so if if you add ball speed and you’re already right at or near that limit something else has to give which is you know okay maybe maybe we put some more spin into it that’s that’s a way to to gain speed but not

Necessarily appreciable difference right you’re just kind of changing the performance characteristics something with your arrow maybe where you get a little different trajectory that doesn’t necessarily fly as far off a driver things like that so yeah you can absolutely add speed without adding and and significant speed too like a golf

Ball one M hour two three that’s that’s no small number but you have to do that in a way that doesn’t by Design does not add a whole lot of distance and so that’s you know that’s kind of the nuan piece of it I guess yeah and I think too

To that point it’s like okay when we talk about total distance of a golf ball certainly ball speed has a lot to do with it right if you know if somebody has 180 mph ball speed and somebody else has 160 mph ball speed Arrow anything isn’t going to make up for that

Particular difference right like that is probably right that’s the main driver but you mentioned two other things which was Spin and arrow like how important are those in terms of total distance both matter I mean right speed is speed is it’s it’s the heaviest part of the

Equation for sure but obviously right we we’ve seen balls that you you can think speed strong correlation to compression but we see you know balls of equivalent compression have significant differences in distance and you can say you know even say similar ball speeds have very disperate total distance numbers because

Of those other things one may spin significantly more spin significantly less fly higher fly lower flatter whatever you want to call it right just those other pieces of the total distance equation come into play it’s not strictly just a hey the fastest ball is always the longest ball because if if

Your goal is is the fastest ball all you got to do is Jack up compression right but you need to do you need golf balls to do other things and to an extent when you look at the totality of a manufacturer’s lineup you don’t just

Need to be fast you also need to be different right you’ve got to create that differentiation between your other products so that you’ve actually given golfers something to choose between rather than three balls that you know all fly more or less the same and I think for the most part everybody does a

Good job of that yeah no for sure and I think um I mean I guess so to get right to it like here’s the question is let’s say that I do get a couple more miles per hour of ball speed and right we’re seeing companies I mean Rory said I want

To say you know that new tp5 tp5x whichever one he’s in gets him another half a club on his irons I had a buddy that did a you know one of the tests with the Chrome tour ball this weekend against the current ball that he was

Playing yep also saw you know a couple mile per hour increase in ball speed so the question he asked me was hey I got a couple more miles per hour ball speed should I switch I mean because that’s ultimately a question right because you’re not going

To you can’t hit two golf balls on the same shot so should I you know should I switch from the one that I was playing to this one that’s a little bit faster yeah maybe and that’s that’s the tricky part cuz oh yeah give speed is good I

Want more speed I like that and if we look again specifically talking about the test that you and I and your friend have gone through now with the testing chrom soft X versus in our case prov1x was it faster yeah yeah I saw that I didn’t I didn’t do that portion

Of the test I saw you hit it faster we both did the green side portion we both sell more spin so that gives me my t-shot and you know my 50 yard I missed the green or I hit my t-shot really close to the green right green side aspect but

There’s a whole lot that goes on in between and then there’s the other piece we talked about right does is that ball speed component am I also optimized for trajectory and spin so it’s a hell of a good starting place if you say I’m going to start you with

More speed and I’m going to start you with more green side spin I am absolutely curious now for me I can tell you chrom soft X in particular that b spins too much for me super interested in Chrome tour MH so give me those two things I’m interested but I also want to

See what happens in the in between right how does it perform on irons you know does it even I I’ve always said for for average golfers hybrid performance like whatever that you know whatever you’re hitting in that four five spot in your bag that that’s where I tend to see a

Lot of difference um if you’re consistent enough right I real not everybody is tuned in and sees the difference but it is there and that’s where I I’ve I’ve seen it a lot in golf balls and then obviously when you get into those those short iron approach

Shots so it’s yeah speed is good spin is good at either end but what happens in the middle and I think it’s not to say The Middle’s the only thing that matters but it’s again you need to see the totality of the equation which is why every manufacturer recommends like go

Out yeah all right you got some launch monitor numbers M that’s going to tell you what your starting point is what you’re working with whether or not it might be right whether or not there may be a benefit but ultimately you need to take those out onto the golf course play real holes

With them and see what happens even like our robot test right we’re we’re here to show you those comparative differences this one’s faster it spins more flies higher lower right but from that go all right based on this information here are the two or three that might be right for

Me go out on the course play so again I love more speed I love more spin but you also need I want to see the rest of the picture should you switch should you not it to me it’s like a golf ball that goes faster it’s

Easy to go just look at that and say yes if it goes faster it’s going to go further which again that’s not a guarantee it’s a good start I mean okay damn good start it’s a damn good start because you it’s really hard to get more

Ball speed other than you know if they engineer that in there obviously great but if you swing it fast or whatever but if just a ball is going to give you a couple two three miles an hour you didn’t have to do anything different it seems to me like it would

Be hard to lose that throughout the rest of the bag but the other piece we didn’t even get to yet is manufacturing consistency am I going to get that ball speed and that performance on every shot and I know you know we haven’t had time

To look through that in ball lab yet but what’s your you know current state of affairs in terms of running balls through ball lab and that kind of stuff yeah I mean there it’s in process so Rob is is our ball lab guy now we’ve got we’ve got Callaway I think

Probably into the second dozen so you know as as most people know we space out those orders to make sure that we’re not just pulling from three dozen that were manufactured at basically the same time so working through those tp5 have been ordered Bridgestone has been ordered so

It’s in process and and we’ll have all that pretty quickly and I’m I’m for sure interested in seeing what we find um especially we’ve talked about the Callaway story for years and the quality and and how we have seen that steadily improving and it has been two years

Since we last ran Callaway balls Callaway you know chrome chrome tour whatever we’re calling them this week right Chrome soft um through ball laab so we’ll see we’ll see mhm well and you know it’s funny we talk about these increases in performance you talk about potential you know benefits of more

Distance and all that kind of stuff and there’s still right it’s it’s still our understanding that’s all going to come to a screeching halt here in what appears to be not super long I mean again so I’m talking about the ball roll back I’m talking about what exactly that is right there’s

No reason to suggest that that’s not going to happen at this point right I’m I mean it’s unsettled as much as the USGA and RNA have said this is how it is it is it is not written in stone yet because uh all avenues have not been exhausted and and whether or

Not those Avenues will be pursued I don’t know there is some chatter but I said I consider it unsettled it’s a blueprint uh but I wouldn’t say the uh the construction piece of it hasn’t hasn’t started yeah and we’re going to I think you’re going to specifically dive

Into more of actually trying to quantify what this would look like for golfers like we haven’t really gone down everything’s been theoretical to this point of hey you’re going to lose X you’re going to lose y well what does that mean what does that look like and

To actually be able to give people some kind you know a reasonable picture of okay well here’s maybe what that would look like for me we’re gonna dig you know we’ll touch on like the fascinating thing to me is you think oh and I think

This is kind of what the roll back crowd part of it wants to see perception of artistry to the game but and I know it’s not a crowd that Embraces data necessarily but when you run the numbers and look at it from a stroke strictly from a Strokes gain perspective what

Those what that data tells us is that the roll back in in one sense has the opposite of what has been said to be the desired effect that is it’s going to like hey distance is is too important in today’s game we need to dial it back

Right but if you run those Strokes game calculations look at the math you actually uh rolling back the golf ball by call it 5% whatever the number is you look at those Strokes gain tables it’s not a massive number but you’ve actually increase The Strokes gained Advantage

For the longest hitters so right pretty interesting would that wouldn’t that be something if by rolling back a golf ball you actually took the one part of the game that you said was too important or had become too important and you made it even fractally more important like and

It is fractions but but still yeah d math so stay tuned stay tuned for the math the cognizant I want to talk about this just very very quickly shorter topic here in between couple longer topics the cognizant were you aware of a Monday finish Austin ecro played fantastic coming down the stretch there

Were weather delays I no idea why the tour didn’t put them off split T’s and threesoms on Sunday morning knowing that there was weather coming but what do I know uh side note one of my favorite parts of watching this yesterday was there’s a number of players that are in

The field or in the field for the cognizant they’re also part of the seminal PR member event just down the road and so one of which was like Rory mroy a couple others so you saw these guys like running trying to finish their round before uh daylight expired because

Like hey if you got to come back Monday morning seminal Pro member is is out but uh Austin necro won good job Austin another yeah I mean this is like look let’s just real briefly speak we’ve talked about this I’ve said it before right this is this is the Honda now the cognizant

Would have been one of the the higher quality filler events so to speak and you know if you’re the PGA Tour this is not the leaderboard you want by any stretch of the imagination and and all I make of this is is that you know

When if this battle if you want to call it that live versus the PGA Tour it it has to be a winner take all it absolutely has to be that way otherwise you have you know two competing tours that are half as interesting as either one should

Be right so you know this is this is what we get this is what you get this is what you’re going to see on live from time to time as well you know sometimes you’re going to get the leaderboard you want sometimes you’re not it’s going to

Be true on both sides and you know if the reality is it provides very little incentive to watch either right now yeah it you know and and from an equipment standpoint I just found this you know quickly interesting obviously Austin he is a ping staffer so no

Surprise to see ping clubs in his bag but did have a mix set of the blueprint te and the blueprint s irons we’re seeing those show up in more and more staffers bags for Ping it seems like the blueprints are resonating with that but the bigger point to me

Was all of his clubs all 14 of them were ping you don’t see too many 14 Club contracts anymore no and it may not be like I don’t know as for sure is it 14 or he just likes all 14 I don’t know didn’t sneak a hybrid in

There Fairway with some anyway thought that was potentially interesting so all right we said last week Anthony Kim back from the dead in terms of professional golf was off you know disappeared off the maap for over a decade nobody really saw him heard from you know all those kind of

Things and he’s back he came back he came back last week he he played golf in a professional tournament I think that’s he played golf in a professional tournament on live what do you give him give him a grade A through F give him him and this is this may be tooo kind

But I’m trying to cut the guy a break cuz I I I realize like 10 years plus is a long time to be away but you look at the numbers 16 over 33 shots off the lead and so I look at that as three rounds yeah he he need

To be 25 Strokes plus better over the course of three rounds to be competitive and man it just to me is fundamentally he’s good for golf I think especially if he has kind of maintains the personality he had 10 years ago if AK is still AK that’s awesome but you can’t you can’t

Go out there and and lose by 33 Strokes if if that is the pattern that develops and yeah it’s sample size of one tournament so there’s there’s lots of room there to improve as there is for any c minus situation MH but it’s it’s it’s not a great looking start and I

Think it’s it’s probably what we expected yep um but yeah it’s it’s still not great so I’m going to give Anthony Kim a c and the caveat is this he can replace that c with a higher grade down the road because my thinking you’re right I mean it’s this first

Tournament is kind of what we expected I didn’t expect him to come out and shoot 6565 in in being contention that was the best kind of wanted him to though right like I wanted him to I thought that would have been the best story that would have been phenomenal it would have

Been in line with the Mystique that you know so many people kind of trotted out or or kind of characterized him you know with in terms of coming back but you know 76 mid-70s three rounds in a row 33 shots out of you know contention

Dfl by by more than a little too you know that’s by more than a little yeah I mean he could have come out and shot 808080 and I don’t think the narrative would be much different you know uh my thing is this it’s really the the energy and the

Excitement around it was really really cool there are people again that got up at 3 in the morning to watch and to see this and that’s awesome oh it’s the first time I’ve ever in bed and again not every live tournament happens in Saudi Arabia but it is the first time

I’ve ever looked at a live leaderboard first time I’ve cared enough legitim yeah so yeah because it wanted you wanted to see now that amount of Goodwill is going to dissipate exceptionally quickly if he doesn’t start shooting some compelling scores because Anthony Kim shooting 70 to 75

And finishing in the back half of every field in a three round tournament kind you know after three four tournaments five tournaments I I I think that Goodwill is gone so I’m giving him a c right now because that’s kind of what I expected super average cut him a little slack

That’s fine but it’s going to become an A or an F in three4 I don’t see him staying in this situation he’s either going to improve and it sounds like you know maybe he will maybe he wants to work on it do that stuff I hope he does

I again I think that would be really good for golf now I will say that paying him millions of dollars getting him you know entrance into a field guy who hasn’t swung a golf club you know professionally in a competitive environment in in the last decade it

Doesn’t do a whole lot for me in terms of like why Liv should get world ranking points definitely it sort of argues against right like uh you know well we we pay these guys to show up give them points you know Anthony Kim didn’t earn his way

In other than you know a name he built 10 years ago plus that is and again we we’ve we’ve talked about this right the legend exceeds the reality at this point anyway right so it’s real tough to to say like oh yeah let’s let’s give them

The ranking points I think you know aan Lynch wrote an article last week shortly after um the Anthony Kim thing became finalized legit definitely happening and the the simp he mentioned right nothing I think how he phrased it was basically John ROM is what Liv is a

Reminder of what Liv aspires to be Anthony Kim a reminder of what it actually is right and that’s it is so in in in that respect if he continues to come out here and and finish 33 shots off the pace it delegitimizes what what Liv is

Trying to become right because it is a sideshow it’s like yeah we you know this is it is a spectacle it’s it’s an it’s the definition of an exhibition then at that point it truly is and so in and like I said you know it’s it it harms

The brand if he continues to play like this It ultimately may prove to be a bad decision in the long run but again right if he turns this into an a then it then it’s the best decision ever um yeah and I I’m not going to suggest that the the

Current world rankings as the system exists right now today is the best answer that’s out there I don’t think it is there has to be a a better answer but you know it’s like at some point in time are you bidding against yourself like you you know if I’m in lives shoes

And I’m sit say hey we’re trying to legitimize we’re trying to work towards this what are things that we could meaningfully do that are constructive in terms of finding a way to do it other than just pounding our fists and saying give us points give us points look at

How good we all are you know we’re world class players give us points okay fine well you know what let’s do this let’s take a guy that hasn’t played golf in 12 years pay him a lot of money and let him come be a wild card for the rest of the season

And anybody like that idea oh yeah let’s do it it’s great I struggle with that one I struggle with that one so we’ll see AK great to have you back I hope the best for you I really do I want him to do

Well I’d like to see him at an a not an F quick questions Tony quick questions maybe not quick answers quick questions first question is this hey and some of these came from readers most of them came from readers scoured the interwebs some of them came from me one of them

Did but the first one is this we stamp Lofts on wedges why not irons why would we I I just this one I I get like and the argument is well like Loft jacking is cheating and so if you don’t put the Loft on if you put the

Loft on everybody knows the truth etc etc right stops manufacturers from hiding the trickery which the specs are published anyway it’s not trickery but if if L becomes the thing does anybody reasonably expect if I handed you one company’s 37 degree club and another company’s 37 degree

Club would you expect that they would both go the same distance yes they’re both 37s they should go exactly the same distance every time you know different Center gravity locations different soul designs all of this thing that you know launch and spin characteristics if you will so much more goes into this

Equation than just Loft stamping I mean it’s it’s no more meaningful to put Loft on the bottom of a club than it is to stamp a seven right right what what do you say to people that should or they say hey I I think you should I think you should put you

Know okay go go get a stamping kit and you know stamp whatever you want on them um but I might do that I me remember Ben Hogan when Ben Hogan came back the first time it came back tried that and it was just yeah it was confusing because again

Right if you go more confusing then good because if you had a you know we’ll again stick to the 37 degree example if you had a 37 degree Club in your previous set and the Ben Hogan club for example stamped 37 right and you go oh that’s the translation maybe maybe not I

Can tell you for me it wasn’t one for one so knowing the Loft didn’t actually help anything it actually created more confusion because what was my six was now my seven or something like that so I no benefit no benefit whatsoever other than for the people who go oh there’s

Integrity in in in stating a loft on a club yeah I it’s no more meaningful than the word tungsten tungsten if and you know if tungsten’s in that club it’s probably stamped or laser engraved or on their somehow they manufacturers want want you to know there’s tungsten in here my two

Thoughts on that number one is think about like player starting the game like you learn incrementally hey this is what you know like the the one time a year my wife will go out and play golf be like hey do I use my seven or my five or my

Nine or my you know seven or whatever it is 34 exactly so not only is it twice as much information you know 9 vers hey us your 34 it doesn’t communicate it nearly as well and so then you grow up like that or whatever it’s like hey that’s

What you’re used to 3 four five 6 seven eight n you know whatever the case is and the other thing to me is the stamped Loft tells such a little part of the story you know it doesn’t tell the anything about the CG location or the dynamic properties I just want to know

What that club does because of the material it’s made out of because of the size of the head CG position so on and so forth like you said this would be kind of a really really cool thing we we could take two you know take two seven

Items right both at exactly 32 Dees of Loft in entirely different constructions you know like you could take like did this a little bit with uh with Titleist imagine taking a t350 and a muscleback at exactly the same Loft and let’s see what happens they won’t go the same distance

They will not do you know what will happen Tony what will happen that 350 is going to go straight up in the air and who knows I mean you know it’s going to you know cuz it’s designed to get the ball in the air right and

And uh and who knows who knows all right next quick question walking Neeman he is the one that won this week on uh on live The ak’s Comeback the dude’s on a heater he’s into three of the four majors this year now he just stated that he’s into he got

An exemption I guess into the PJ Championship as well the only one he would theoretically have to qualify for now is the US Open but he sounds like to me almost ungr I I don’t know what’s your I I’ve never heard somebody who who not only got paid a ridiculous amount of

Money to do nothing right he doesn’t have to play good golf he can finish behind Anthony Kim and still get paid but not only that he is whining about tournaments he’s in I’m just like shut the hell up man like nobody nobody is saying that owgr

Has it right and you’re not better than that number indicates but come on you’re you’re you’re in three of the four and and look we we’ve said this before like I don’t know what Greg Norman told these guys it sounds like he made promises idea yeah like he just kind of pulled it

Out of his ass that they would be getting owgr points right that was that should have never been assured right and so like look man you you can either take the money the easy money or or you can you could have stayed on tour gotten those points

Qualified for the majors easily I’m sure sure but man like it’s I I’ve just never seen people who should be and have talked about how great they have it how amazing everything is and how unsatisfied they are by all of it so I you know what like I’m I’m solidly in

The you know shut the hell up like what are you complaining about right you got all the money you could ever need you’re playing in three of the four majors you have a chance you can still qualify you can qualify for the other one and guess guess what if you get into

That one and play well you’ll play in every other one for the foreseeable future so it’s on you man stop wh I think to me it it sets up for a really really interesting uh year for him in particular because can’t tonight’s played exceptionally well again three round tournaments make whatever concessions

You want but now he’s kind of put himself you know more of a bullseye and maybe he needs that to play well I don’t know but there’s going to be you know a an awful lot of focus on how he does play in the major and should he play

Really well like you said then you qualify for the next one or it puts you in the next one you’re exempt based on your how you play great that’s I think that’s probably what they want should he not play well that’s where it could you know I there going to

Be people who are going to be very quick to the world will not be kind you know or like I said just what are you setting yourself up for I mean imagine somebody that’s ranked you know better higher than a 100th in the world beats him in one of

These events like well maybe you are the 100 best you know best golfer in the world I don’t know look you know so I just don’t know why you’d set yourself up for super easy criticism but again maybe that motivates him maybe it doesn’t I don’t know I’m telling you

Being being a grieved is part of the live model right there’s still got to be like you know it’s um yeah all right two more questions for you take equipment out take speed training devices out we’ve talked and want to continue this discussion of different parts of the golf ecospace

Or ecosystem that don’t necessarily get treated like equipment but should right so it’s like hey if there’s technology in your driver there’s technology in X so my question for you is this what would be the first non-equipment non-training aid piece of non-golf equipment that golfers should look at to improve on course

Performance that’s a tough one I mean I think shoes when you because there there’s a fitting aspect to shoes that that to an extent mirrors golf clubs it’s not and it it goes beyond I’m a size n and a half so I’m just going to

Have a grab a n and a half but and I’m fitted you have things like all right what is what is the structure of this shoe is this is this a very stable shoe or is this a shoe that’s going to move with me and ultimately am I the type of

The way I swing do I benefit from an ultra stable shoe or do I need something that’s going to move and bend you know like that’s why FootJoy for example a lot of their models now have carbon and non-carbon models right the carbon tends to be the more stable the other one a

Little more freedom of movement so that’s that is a lot of that piece of it is is actually golfer dependent like like a golf club so that’s I think that’s what I it I like it that was going to be my first answer too there’s going to be more stuff coming up like

What are other things that are out there that yeah don’t get qualified as equipment but probably should what’s the benefit of having a cck size golf glove right what’s the benefit of different apparel things like that we’re going to dig into that maybe in a a different

Episode Moving on but last question for the day this one came from andw Burton on the Twitter spaces he had a quote that or a question or a quote that he was given by apparently another Pro or somebody out there saying hey no offense but you’re probably not good enough to play a

Prov1 yeah and I mean is playing a premium ball a function of skill I guess is the underlying question so the the rest of that piece and it was kind of what caught my attention was because it’s going to extend uate your mistakes MH and this was one and and obviously we

Weren’t in the that discussion we don’t have the full context but I so I don’t necessarily want to go and just totally rip the guy who set it apart but that’s one of the things that it does not make sense to me fundamentally and let’s let’s take price off the equation right

If you want to say hey you’re not good enough to spend $54 a $55 a dozen on golf balls be going to because you’re going to lose so many of them and then it becomes like hey is my fin situation such that I can you know pound prov1

Into the woods all day long that’s different piece of the discussion sure the idea that it’s going to accentuate a mistake baffles me to an extent and and I say that like what do we know about the prov1 both in terms of performance and and how it’s made right okay so it’s

A mid spin I would argue low to mids spin golf ball mhm it’s trajectory mid again and and I might even go so far as to say on the low end of the midscale right and being a prov1 we’ve got you know we’ve been looking at these in ball

Labs for three generations now I can tell you it is if not the best among the very best balls made anywhere in the world in terms of quality and consistency so you don’t have to put too much worry that you’re going to have some kind of core consent concentricity

Defect that’s going to make it Fly offline so if I’m thinking what is going to accentuate my Stakes a really poorly made golf ball and and quite frankly a lot of these two-piece balls that are supposed to fly straighter are poorly made we cut them open we see the

Layering mistakes they’re going to accentuate your mistakes because they’re going to fly offline because they’re out of balance right so that’s that’s one piece of it low spin right it’s so it’s not going to fly crazy if if you said if you said you shouldn’t play a prov1x because it’s

Going tot mistake I’d still be a little bit on that but at least I’d be like I can see how you get there from a performance perspective because it’s a higher spinning ball and it flies high so yeah all right it’s going to stay in the air it’s going to give more

Opportunity to wander offline Loosely makes sense um not to the extent that like something that spins like a Kirkland or flies like a Kirkland that would be one way yeah that’s going to accentuate a mistake right a prov1 is not going to accentuate a mistake now You could argue all right maybe maybe

That kind of golfer would benefit from something that is lower spinning still lower flying still okay make a case for AVX as perhaps a better alternative but the idea that a prov1 or a similarly well constructed ball with a similar performance specification is going to accentuate your mistakes doesn’t make

Sense to me I I can’t get I absolutely cannot get there I love that and with that stay tuned people there’s always going to be more information coming out next week the week after all these kind of things find us follow us on the inner webs let us know what questions you have

Until then we Out


  1. AK wonโ€™t survive LIV.

    Stamping loft on irons would be pointless based on technology.

    May ball fittings be more helpful.

  2. The golf ball rollback is still a terrible idea. I'll be 50 years old this year and have only been golfing 5 years. Any drive over 240 yards (I play the SIM MAX and Maxfli Tour) is a bomb for me. I've been considering a new driver and the Cobra Aerojet is making a strong case in regards to the potential rollback. In regards to LIV and the PGA, as long as Patrick Reed is on LIV, I am not watching it. Let the top LIV guys play in the Majors, but I don't have the time to watch the PGA and LIV.

  3. Iโ€™m sorry, but who gives a โ€”โ€” about Anthony Kim. Guys come and go from the tours all the time. Iโ€™m sure there were great players whoโ€™ve been MIA for years who deserve a shot just as much as Kim.

  4. Not alll cars try to beat Porsche and Lambo. So why try to beat Titleist if thatโ€™s not your market. Win by making very good value balls for most golfers.

  5. For equipment I believe that many people underestimate the importance of proper golf attire, especially when it comes to jackets, sweaters, and cold weather gear. It doesn't necessarily have to be specifically designed for golf, but finding outerwear that allows you to move comfortably can make a significant difference. Several of my friends complain about playing golf in cold weather, especially since they feel restricted in their movements. However, introducing them to clothing, both golf-specific and non-golf-specific, that keeps them warm and allows them to move freely has been a game-changer for them.

  6. If the "big names" from LIV were playing the tour, how many would have played the Cognizant? The same percentage as the "big names" currently on the tour that played. The course is too hard and it's too close to Bay Hill and the TPC. The only reason Lowry was there was because it was close to home. As far as watching, what else was on? Didn't Ryan Moore play with a set of irons that just had lofts printed on them? I wonder how long he stayed with that.

  7. You guys are on drugs, AK's grade is a D at best. F benefit of a doubt
    P.S. I have enjoyed watching the "lower tier" tournaments and see new guys vie for a first win scenario.

  8. Last year, after about 12 months of personal testing, I found the absolutely BEST ball for me … Callaway Chrome Soft X LS, which I liked a little better than the ProV1 X Left Dash. So what happens four months later? The new year comes, Callaway CHANGES THE NAMING CONVENTION of their top-end ball, and does NOT apparently create a low-spin model. Meanwhile, just like they have done for a couple decades, next year Titleist will tweak their balls, but they'll STILL be the named the same, and they'll still cover all their performance niches. And now, when I need to buy balls for this coming season, I'll be gaming … the ProV1 X Left Dash, because it's the only one I can rely on to map to my own testing. MY POINT IS, ball manufacturers, make it easier for us to a) like your ball, and b) believe we'll still like it a few months or a year later.

  9. Itโ€™s my understanding that pro golfers donโ€™t buy golf balls, so in reality they could play with any one of several balls. What about the club golfer who is on a budget. My best round has come from a callaway supersoft.

  10. 2015 Nobody knew who Rahm was. 2010 Nobody knew who Koepke was
    2024 Everyone knows who Eckroat and Knapp are

  11. How is it different then sponsor exemptions and YouTubers playing for spot other then getting paid. The field for some of the pga not very strong. Not a liv defender but would have to criticize both ways.

  12. I have tried to give Pro V1 a chance numerous times and i just don't like them I am 59 and a 7 handicap 92-96 mph driver swing speed i score better with the Callaway ERC soft longer distance and better feel ( to me ) I also love playing the PXG Extreme / Vice Pro Soft / Callaway Truvis chrome soft / Srixon Q star Tour Divide in the early spring or late fall i like the Srixon soft feel I score the same will all the balls and do not really notice a distance difference I guess it really is different strokes for different folks LOVE GOLF try to golf 100+ rounds per year shooting for 150+ this year cheers from Canada hope everyone has a great golf season

  13. AK performing poorly compared to the LIV field means that LIV isn't easy golf. It's still the best golfers playing courses that are just as hard as the PGA tour. If he had played well and competed, it would have made LIV look bad. If a guy on a 10+ year layoff is anywhere near the top of your leader board, that would be embarrassing for LIV.

  14. I wear a 9.5 shoe but need a wide toe box, 2E . When are shoe manufacturers going to start making shoes that are in the shape of peopleโ€™s feet !
    Iโ€™ve never seen a person with pointed feet.
    Guy Canada ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

  15. Regarding loft numbers on clubs is more equal than stamping a number i.e. 7. 34 degree 7 irons are going to much more similar than a 7 iron that varies from 27-34 degrees. Regarding spin accentuating mistakes, I don't follow. Back spin stabilizes a ball flight. It may come up remarkably short but backspin helps doesn't hurt maintaining a line.

  16. When you are talking about golf balls please use the correct names of the ball…is it the chrome soft x you hit or the chrome tour x? I'm willing to bet it's the chrome tour x, but I don't know.

  17. When are you going to put a link to your Spy hats Chris! Hard to find at the store! Like they are not there? At least not yours!! Missing out on some merch bucks bud!

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