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Johnny Tapia Documentary – The Tragedy of Mi Vida Loca

A look back at the life and boxing career of Johnny Tapia.

When he was 8 years old his mother was brutally murdered her lifeless body abandoned in an Albuquerque Gravel Pit by an unidentified killer haunted by her memory he later sought relief in drugs and the sport of boxing battling the voices in his head each opponent in the

Ring became a reflection of his mother’s killer the sound of the Bell igniting the rage pen up Inside Born in 1942 Virginia Tapia was the eldest of 12 children spending her formative years in the coal mining camps of Colorado before her family eventually settled in Alber New Mexico she left high school early in order to marry Emanuel Garcia but the marriage ended in divorce and resulted in Virginia losing

Custody of the two children from this Union she began dating again and became pregnant after a one night stand on February 13th 1967 she gave birth to Johnny Lee Tapia Virginia chose not to disclose the identity of Johnny’s father a decision that has remained a mystery to her family subsequently Virginia

Married alcario gagos an alcoholic who struggled with Heroin addiction the relationship was tumultuous marked by frequent arguments and eventually ended when gagos was incarcerated following the dissolution of another marriage Virginia found an apartment with her sister Mary Helen she supported herself and Johnny through various odd jobs mainly office cleaning but she never

Secured stable employment despite facing numerous challenges Virginia’s resilient Spirit remained unbroken and she treated Johnny with gifts whenever she was able she would always take me to church and to go shopping toia said she had this big Riviera I remember she spoiled me man it was a hot Friday night on May

23rd 1975 when the 32-year-old Virginia and a girlfriend went out to a honky tonk bar called the Cow Palace her sister Mary Helen stayed home and watched over Johnny later that evening Virginia lent her car to a friend who was leaving to follow someone home Virginia stayed at the bar waiting for

Her car to be returned but her friend was picked up for a DWI leaving Virginia stranded without a ride home at some point in the early morning hours Virginia accepted a ride from someone at the bar she never made it home around 9:00 a.m. the following Saturday the

Owner of a gravel pit stumbled upon Virginia laying face down in the rubble a blood trail stretched over 100 yard behind her evidence of her desperate attempt to seek help her once white blouse was saturated with blood she had been stabbed in the chest arms shoulders

And back a total of 33 times wounds believed to be in flicted with a pair of scissors according to medical examiners incoherent when found Virginia was unconscious by the time she reached the hospital she died shortly after being placed on a life support machine Johnny moved in with his grandparents his

Bedroom now reduced to a sleeping bag on the floor the lone reminder of his mother was a portrait on the wall his questions were Relentless what happened to my mom why didn’t they get the guys who killed her we always knew when Johnny was thinking of his mom his

Grandmother Esther said he would cry so easily and then he would go crazy tapia’s childhood now consisted of low riders battered pickups and street gangs his uncles seeking to toughen him up orchestrated fights with older children a victory earned Johnny a meor reward of a dollar while defeat resulted in a

Harsh beating as Johnny Grew Older he began hanging with the wrong crowd a gang called the Wells park Locos his grandfather Miguel put his foot down warning Johnny if you hang around with bad people you could get stabbed tapia’s grandfather Miguel spent his life working as a coal miner Road laborer and

Janitor he also boxed in the Civilian Conservation camps Miguel decided to teach Johnny how to box in the backyard he filled an army duffel bag with dirt and hung it from an elm tree keep your guard up Miguel said while instructing Johnny to hit the makeshift heavy bag

Show no fear his grandfather soon learned that Johnny had a natural aptitude for the sport but had little patience as he wanted to hang out with his friends Johnny made his way into the wells parkk commun Community Center where he began formal training under boxing coach Henry annias senior Topia

Began winning trophy after trophy including two national Golden Gloves titles but his inability to focus remained he come to the gym in shadow box for a few minutes then leave anayia said Tapia then bounced from different gyms and trainers like Danny Romero Senor and beta Martinez before veteran Albuquerque trainer and manager Paul

Chavez agreed to take him on but after Tapia lost an amateur fight by disqualification Chavez noted that tpia needed to control his anger you’ll never really be good Chavez warned Johnny if you’re always losing your cool Topia turned Pro in March of 1988 beginning with a draw in his debut match before

Embarking on an impressive win streak and another left right by Tapia and down end of the fight referee got to stop [Applause] there and that should just about do [Applause] it yes it was both of the fighters were tough Fighters but I didn’t know nothing

About this guy I know he has a lot of years of experience but I got told my train I’m going to go get him that’s what I’m going to do to all my Fighters I will promise my grandma a champion I’m going to get it for if I have to bang or

I have to box I got to do something so I feel good and everything so thank God I have I’m home away from home I love it here how you like Fresno they’re treating you pretty good out here you become like a second son to Fresno I’m a

In other words don’t first class everything so I love it here I might just live here I don’t want to go back everybody loves me here I’m G to stay here you going to come back to Albuquerque you’re going to go to FR house I got to stay here but I’m going

To come back here I got to go back to Al cque tomorrow see my family I’ve been away for a while come right back and do another appearance I have my knuckle in his head but I’ll be all right by next week Johnny you’re still undefeated

Where do your career go from now who are you going to fight next I don’t know whatever my trainer says I’ll do it despite his success his lack of discipline persisted he would often cruise around town in his 1964 Thunderbird making pit stops for a Big Gulp in Snickers before seeking out

Girls or parties this like of focus on his boxing career nearly proved costly in March of 1989 when he had a close call against Freddy Hernandez the Huffer was tough though standing 8 count St was back on his feet yeah been hit with bigger chairs and they have a mexic

Cali Johnny tapi with a tattoo on his chest two times National amateur Champion 1983 and 1985 at 106 112 lbs he was the best in the country Hernandez not not throwing too many [Applause] Jabs ta leading with that hook good body shot counter by Hernandez boy Hernandez lightning quick on the counters lightning quick and his punches hurt Phil because as I mentioned earlier he’s a natural featherweight 126 lbs I know when I moved up from 139 to 147 Ernie Chavis who fought here on the

Marriott card dusted me in two rounds in Las Vegas so I know that four or five PB weight weight disadvantage is just too much good body shot by Tapia right hand follow the jab we’ll be talking more about that this evening the war the war promoted uh on close circuit television

Southern good left hook by Hernandez Tapia grabs a little bit that might have been the hardest Johnny Tapia has been hitting a long time he got hit by one shot on the neck there’s still a bruise on his neck it looks like a monkey biter hicky but that

One left to put a big bruise on the neck of Johnny good exchange by both Fighters get the feeling as this fight winds down here at the end of round two that this could come down to a fight where the best counter fighter may prevail Johnny tappy has got too good of a jab and the right strong right hand oh good shot by good shot by Hernandez taby

Look a little hurt there John and Tapia abandoning uh abandoning his defense there he was getting hit with shots he just decided to go for it and he got hit some more both Fighters lunging thr a lot of wild blows Hernandez I think Hernandez is confidence is starting to build a little

Bit Ste uh without a doubt AIA former two-time National amateur Champion tough guy looking at his face from round one till now and see the the confidence begin to wean just a little as a look of concern comes over his eyes I’ve see Johnny Tapia Tapia his 80 and

One record is on the line against a very very difficult Super bantom Freddy Hernandez without a doubt I think the uh fight’s even at this point after four rounds it’s a good fight so far it’s a good test for Johnny tab Johnny tabi needs tests like this he’s been whacking

People out in one or two rounds real quick so he needs this he needs to go eight I didn’t think he would but he needs it a Tapia has got to begin demonstrating that explosiveness we have seen in his previous fights Johnny tappy I think there’s a fa

In Phil he’s too flat footed doesn’t get up on his toes now absolutely no movement at all from either one of these Fighters good Exchange Hernandez right in front of Tapia I think tapia’s hurt a little bit Johnny Tapia cannot afford to stand slug but Tapia doesn’t believe that and

That’s the problem see here’s the thing if it turns into a war of attrition usually the bigger man wins because he has a strength back there in his side we use a judge of professional fight are effective aggressiveness effective punching ring generalship in defense and uh except for a little

Little laggy on the defense I think Mr Hernandez is in control in this fight and no he’s not related to my former broadcast partner Tony Hernandez or Enzo Hernandez good body shots by hernandz beautiful body shots I think they should tell him you got to go out there and knock M

Hernandez out to I think that’s his his big shot he’s behind by three points eight round but how do you do that he’s been unable to do it in the first seven rounds well he was in the first round he was Landing beautifully he was setting it up with the jab Landing beautiful

Right hands and left hip leads he’s got to go back to using that jab it might be too little too late now and of course for Freddy Hernandez he was on the the short end of the string rounds one and two and since that time before boy has he lit the

Afterburners without a doubt he’s in control here he’s got to feel it began with a stinging right hand back in round three and from that time on Hernandez really has been Fearless yeah he’s owned Johnny Tapia for the most part of this fight last round last round of a great Fight oh Johnny t CIA angry now here in the eighth and Final Round And Hernandez are going to go to war they’re going at it Johnny tabia like showbo look at him trying to pump this crowd up trying to pump the crowd up behind him Johnny Tapia holding and

Hitting Johnny CH working this crowd sing sing and I don’t know what Kenny Davis the referee is doing breaking Fighters out they’ve got a fight in the inside tappy look a little Boby there by right hand tappy is just winging but he’s catching the shots they’re right above

Us personally I think it’s ooh ooh getting a little rough here referee Mr Davis he’s lost control of this fight good left hook by Hernandez good another left hook by Hernandez T good jab by Hernandez final 30 seconds of this fight oh taia and Hernandez what a [Applause] [Applause] war 10 seconds [Applause] left oh her goes down oh my did the referee stop the fight no he did not stop the fight he did he stopped it the referee stopped it in California you can be saved by the final Bell and I believe the referee signal

The fight was over after the bell rang if he did I think that’s a a boot another boot on the referee’s part I thought the rule was you could you could not be saved except for the Bell on the final round wait a minute that was a final

Bell ladies and gentlemen in nandz was Saved by the Bell the B goes to the scorecards judge Pat Cony scores it 77 74 judge lumaret scores it 767 75 judge Robert bird scores it 7675 the winner by unanimous decision Johnny Tapia despite emerging Victorious Tapia found himself drawn back to the same

Troublesome circle of friends with a bandana wrapped around his head a Pendleton shirt adorning his back tattoos etched across his chest and trouble brewing in his heart Johnny earned the nickname of Lil Loco his descent continued as he made the Fateful Error of allowing one of his friends to

Stash cocaine in his apartment there is an old Hispanic saying Tapia said live with wolves and you learn how to howl while Tapia continued to win inside the ring his struggles with substance abuse intensified outside of it following his victory over Santiago cabalero he tested positive for cocaine Tapia promised that

It was a one-time incident never to recur however over the next 18 months he failed four more drug tests consequently his boxing license was suspended derailing his fast track to stardom it was during this time he met the attractive but no nonsense Teresa Chavez Tapia convinced the quiet girl to say I

Do but their wedding reception degenerated into a beer soaked brawl Topia was later found unconscious outside a fire station where he was transported to the hospital over the course of the next 3 years Topia was arrested several times and jailed for 45 days for repeated DWI Teresa left him in

August of 1993 after one of these arrests but came back to him upon his release when he tested negative for drugs she replaced my drugs Johnny said she’s the one habit I’ve never tried to shake after enduring relapses and more ugly fights at home Tapia made his

Return to the ring in March of 1994 marking a comeback after a Hiatus of three and A2 years topy was now deep in debt to the IRS but a childhood friend named Joe Maloof helped him pay back his back taxes as the fighter was paid meager amounts for his comeback bouts

Topy made up for lost time quickly fighting once a month before before meeting Henry Martinez on ESPN for the vacant WBO super flyweight title because the ref has to make a judgment call All right we head into round one the star down was intense Johnny Tapia

With a big hug to his manager trainer Paul shavez a man who’s stuck by him during the tough times and hey guess what they’re doing just what they said going right at it this might be a significant figure the way they’re fighting The Knockout ratio very similar but d since Johnny

Tapia came back from that almost four-year layoff he’s a different fighter he’s a banger now look at him laying the right hand to Henry Martinez he wants knockout every time he’s out there now he’s been fighting with anger which he says he directs against himself

On one of our top B boxing telecast back in may we saw the stylist in him but that was a diversion he likes to go inside he is railing away Martinez Landing some right hands a big right by Martinez yeah there’s a lot of opening here for some early fireworks because

They’re both shooting from the side and the middle is wide open for both Fighters there’s the left hook of Tapia which is a big weapon for him now Henry Martinez has gotten there with that right hand a couple times but I think most people in boxing field Tapia has a a superb

Chin a superb chin and a good reach from the outside Martinez is counting on Tapia staying right in front of him and so far Johnny Tapia is obliging Bo Tapia stop as if to warn Martinez and Mar now look at Tapia he is hot Martinez just hit him and Martinez

Can do that the crowd thinks this is very good for Johnny taia but it’s not he’s being allowing himself to get unraveled here and he’s getting nailed with right Hands by Martinez Johnny Tapia was hit with a low blow reason well it’s been R Wild here in

Round one there’s Capia Landing the left hook to the body every time he starts to throw that though there’s a right hand for Martinez over the top well for Tapia in the last week he has not been able to sleep he’s been thinking about this fight it’s been consuming him so you

Know the first round he’s going to come out and be totally wild big left hook by Tapia doesn’t move Martinez back and Henry Martinez has served notice here in this first round he’s not AED by the crowd he’s not AED by T tapia’s punching power which has been overpowering for a

Lot of fighters in the last five six fights it’s wild don’t go anywhere cuz this one could be one of the best brawls we’ve had here on Espen in a long time stay with us he’s voluntarily relinquishing it we’ll see if he goes back to it boy

Martinez can’t miss with that right hand he may have stunned Johnny Tapia Tapia talking to him now but it’s Martinez who is composed and getting the job done right now Tapia has used his anger and his motivation to intimidate other opponents but in this case he’s a better in against a better

Fighter I think he hurt Martinez with the left hook to the body in the head and now they are fighting on every break Mar CIA giving the referee a lecture on low blows the referee is having none of it you cannot fight in referee at the

Same time and a nice right hand by Martinez well it’s wild here in round two halfway through the round have your boxing a little bit more and what people realize when you watch a fight like this it’s one thing to say it’s bombs away but there’s a lot of

Subtlety by both guys in setting up these shots these are not just bombs you’re seeing hit movement you’re seeing head movement to set up the bombs the jab of ta getting in Martinez though excellent overhand right Dennis Nelson the referee not performing according to tapia’s likeing good right by Tapia they are both

Landing huge shots like that [Applause] one half a minute left in round two but for tapio really it’s that left hook that might be his best weapon these look like two chins with a long warranty they better have there’s the hook by Tapia and the seconds remaining here in round two it

Doesn’t get too much better than this if you like bonson we’ll be back for round [Applause] three we head into round three is scheduled for 12 it’s for the WBO super flyweight Championship Henry Martinez in the white and blue Trunks and Johnny tapy in the black with the blue stripe

It is a vacant title they’re fighting for and fighting is the operative Bo look at those numbers through round two very tight they’ve each had a good round in this contest and they have raised their intensity level up to the championship level and Tamp is whacking

Away with that left hook he now has a beat on Martinez for the first time with that hook and he’s hurt him a tremendous right hand behind it too strong jab by Tapia is Martinez hurt the crowd thinks so and tap tried to set up the left hook to the body

Again there he moved to the right but Martinez got away it’s closer to land the big left hook we move into round four Johnny Tapia in the FL trunks Henry Martinez into the white and blue and Tapia takes out a little of his frustration hitting on the break and oh

My big right by Tapia hurts Martinez Martinez should try to stop frustrating Tapia he’s only getting him more focused now this crowd is on fire as Johnny CIA tells him yeah I’m getting it done then he whips them into a frenzy in case they had forgotten where they

Were well he better make sure he fights instead of cheerlead that these are part of the idiosyncrasies that make up Tapia it’s all part of this Persona big left hook by Tapia as Dennis Nelson does his best job as usual to get in the way of the action he’s doing a

Good job of that so far the crowd chance Johnny tapia’s name they’d like him to go in for the kill because he knows that’s his only chance to win this fight on the inside couple of right hands get there by Tapia as well as left hooks Martinez

Working on the inside and again the hooks from Tapia good jab there by Martinez and countered by Tapia I’m a little surprised still to see Tapia willing to be so close to Martinez here if he steps back a bit he’ll get the range for that left hook

To the body and get his ja moving and maybe a mental note to make here the amount of body punches that Martinez is landing this could have an impact they’ll show up in the ninth or 10th rounds if they’ve been as effective as they look and Tapia Landing some great shots to

The body and those counter right ANS as well I’ll tell you Henry Martinez has shown us an outstanding chin in this fight he has taken some big shots from Tapo his boxing life and 10 since his comeback started in 1994 and that will not code well for

Martinez if this fight goes a long distance because if he’s in Virgin Territory trying to make up points it will be very difficult and you have Tapia ahead by two points so so far in this SP and looking pretty consistent so far good looks on the outside good

Success on the inside with his left took to the body you get the feeling Martinez is slowing just a bit here in the seventh round we’re halfway through the round well he’s approaching his limit here another round and a half and he will match his career high as far as

Rounds nice move by Tapia as a lefty and now he switches back well now he’ll try to do some frustrating of Martinez show some different looks show him the Southpaw style if only for a second he doesn’t really need to do that but he’s feeling confident with everything he’s

Throwing and a moment ago Martinez missed an overhead right A Punch he had been Landing consistently shows that he’s getting a little bit tired and a bit slower coming over the top under a minute left to go in round seven it’s scheduled for 12 it has been action

Packed there’s Capia with a combination you know if you’re just a little bit tired and you launch your punch for maybe two to three in difference that can make it Miss it’s so small of the difference between hitting the punch and missing it when you get a little bit

Tired and I think both men are a little fatigued right now they have fought at an absurd [Applause] Pace a few seconds remain here in round seven this was a close one and Martinez punctuates his part of it with a good right hand we’ll be back and they have been treated to some

Great boxing you like to see taia going downstairs as he just did with a double left hook being focused turning into his punches just as well as he did in the first round and Martine is trying to cut him off and do damage on the inside [Applause]

Both men missing a little bit more now though daveid the fatigue is a part of it there’s the good right though by you what you’re going to see is both Fighters now missing more but trying to load up and land the one telling shot in each round the ones that will impress the

[Applause] judges at some point in these fights technique gives way to sheer determination and we’re coming close to that point I think we may be there good JB by tap you they both whale away here in round eight it is not as pretty as it was earlier the technique is going but the

Will and the heart is still there it is all guts right now no backward Step By Design the only way you move back is to be driven back both men starting to establish their Jab [Applause] again that would be the ideal fight for taia if he can maintain it his movement

Has been a little better than Martinez throughout this fight he’s using more of the floor close round in the eth Martinez is where he wants to be on the inside but it’s Tapia who takes advantage of it a big left took to the body by Tapia you saw it there there’s

The advantage of reach he can land what it matters to be a fallway left hook and not get hit by a counter an excellent round round eight a close one and it ends as it began with both men wailing away good left took by Tapia he’ll be back I hope you [Applause]

Will there is so much opportunity there when Tapia dips down to throw his left hook for a split second the right hand of Martinez is right there if he can simply time it well the other champions in this uh super flyweight or Junior bantamweight division Yung Chu has the

WBA title WBC Title by Hiroshi kawashima and Harold gray has the ibf title in this weight division which always leads me to ask how many worlds are there ah they’re all world champions good left took by tapion [Applause] underneath a half a minute left to go on

Round nine and Dave this has been an excellent round for tapio able to switch styles do it effectively go on the outside he has shown more looks in this round than in any other round of the fight he’s really given a complete guide to what he’s all about technically in this

Round and now Henry Martinez has seen a ninth round and so far he doesn’t like it we’ll be back stay with us Johnny Tapia in between rounds looked at Paul Chavez his manager and trainer and said I’m the Champion and Paul Chavez says I know you are well they’ve

Got three more rounds to go for him to prove it but they believe he can do it well you talk about the fragile psychological state of a guy in a title fight ta the big round nine there at 2 to1 Edge he is in a Zone he knows it he

Feels it and it’s making him a better fighter throughout this contest and now let’s talk about Henry Martinez this is a place he’s never been Dave what can he do do you think to try and get himself psyched to come back in this fight well he can figure that anything can happen

In a title fight nothing is etched in stone Brenin can carry him but he must get on the inside and do his best work and Johnny Tapia gets this crowd wild again you got him leading by three points and this crowd makes Johnny Tapia a better fighter is the adrenaline flowing in

Johnny Tapia I guess so my goodness it’s flowing like Molen lava here he may be a little out of control but as Dave has said that’s when Johnny Tapia does the best oh big uppercut by Tapia whatever mistakes he might make by being too psyched up are more than compensated for

His intensity Johnny Tapia treats a boxing match like it’s a rock concert and that’s the way this crowd is treating it and right now they’re teering his hit SS big uppercut by Tapia excellent left hook and Henry Martinez waiting in but taking punishment in the process steam coming out of Martinez’s shots

Here as you would expect now as he goes into that Uncharted Territory he’s hurt by the left hook the left hook her Martinez with 42 seconds left to go cania put him down big upper cut underneath by Tapia Martinez was stunned by the left hook another one by tap

Boy Henry Martinez fighting his way through this slower reaction times it gets tougher and tougher for him Capia whales away with combination he can smell this title they’ll remember this night in albaquerque boxing for a long [Applause] time Tapia has too much got don’t [Applause] get it is high drama here in Albuquerque

As we head into round 11 this feels like a Tent Revival in round 10 you see the numbers Johnny Tapia having his way and not throwing as many punches in other rounds but his accuracy goes up and one reason is that there is so much more of Martinez to hit his arms are

Down he’s exposed more and shots that were caught before are getting in now they are going for the WBA super flyweight Championship Johnny Topp the black trunks is now widening his Gap We Believe against Henry Martinez and he is going after him Martinez is hurt and from more is his perspective

Johnny Tapia is the wrong guy to get excited he just barely beats the count is over they had to do that Johnny Tapia has made it all the way back and what a way to do it the victory paved the way for an anticipated showdown between Tapia and

Another rising star on the New Mexico boxing scene Danny Romero with each passing fight anticipation and Buzz surrounding a potential clash between the two fighters escalated but domestic problems delayed the fight as Tapia was arrested for allegedly hitting Teresa with a pistol Teresa spoke up loudly for Tapia during his trial requesting that

The fighter be giving probation and the judge granted it the story got turned around that Johnny pulled a gun on me Teresa said that’s not what happened but he pleaded guilty because he didn’t trust the system Topia was later arrested with drug paraphernalia in his car his third offense in exchange for

Not being incarcerated he was banned from the state of New Mexico for 2 years Oscar De La Hoya invited Tapia to train and live at his camp in Big Bear California the Tapia accepted but trainer Paul Chavez refused to leave New Mexico Teresa then became tapia’s manager outing Paul Chavez as trainer

Who then sued the couple for breach of contract Topia then had a revolving door of trainers such as Robert alkazar Larry gusen Miguel Diaz Geor Shalo Willie boser dub Huntley and Jesse Reid Johnny’s a self-taught fighter Romero Senor said I can’t take credit for him Paul chabz can’t not even anayia who was

His original amateur coach basically Johnny trains himself he always has Teresa meanwhile negotiated a deal with promoter Bob arum getting a higher percentage of the gate than Topia ever received before the fight with cross toown rival Danny Romero was finally made as the two met in July of 1997 in a

Highly anticipated fight to be telecast by a HBO round one begins they waited years Tapia loves to start fast Romero will want to establish his technical superiority and his punching power early on Tapia wants to lure Romero into a war happy of the body in the Crowd Goes [Applause] Wild

Good right hand Inside by Johny Tapia and he ties up Romero as Danny steps in go this guy is sizing him up for something big Romero is sizing him up tells you something about youth boxing in Albuquerque look at how well schooled both Fighters are both have excellent

Left jab double the left hand Left Right coming com by Romero by Danny Romero best combination of this round for Romero Tapia again digging the left hook to the body continuing to counter inside as Romero comes at him Romero trying to block that Tapia left hook

With his right elbow and Johnny nods for the crowd as believe me he’s playing with fire here you better win and be serious about it Romero going back to trying to establish his jab which seemed to be part of the plan in round number one you heard his dad telling him the

Second third rounds that he ought to dispense with the looping right happa lands a hard right hand counter as the third round comes to a close and celebrates by leaping into the air in and out in and [Applause] outen double that jab by punch that numbers another huge round for Tapia

That right hand left hook to the right hand of the body left hook a knock knock his ass out set him up for it with a onew onew pull out then come back to the body left hook he going for your pains now too there he’s going for your P you

Look good son in and out box this guy and have some fun with we look good not just me us you own him son we look forward to seeing you September 13 against Hector Mach kamato I will be there and I will be ready on tvko Happy

Al Landa left hook to the body crowd going wild Romero seeming to try to get in closer in this round Mitch pulls him apart to try to prevent any buing Danny Romero attempts to close the space between himself and Johnny tapio yeah that was a little holding that it a lot

Of people couldn’t see unnatural things going on so don’t make too much of that but with Maro stepping in closer now that right hand looping across the top begins to land in the first three rounds Johnny Tapia Landing power punches at twice the rate of Danny Romero so Romero has got

To close the gap and make his physical presence felt in the fight Romero more than double Ta on power shots in the six and he starts the sixth with a right hand the canas come on keep up hit the canvas but halper’s not going to rule it a knockdown he

Warns him not to put his gloves on the canvas when he clowns he could have ruled that a knockdown believe me in a way it was a knockdown because that punch hurt Tapia and he fak play around and touch his hand to the glove arol do

You think that was a legal knockdown Jim let me let me tell you something could have called it a knock then you were right but it was obvious that Johnny tapy was clowning and Mitch hper being the good referee he was just warned him and said quit fooling around he didn’t

Get down on the end of a punch it’s true that he touched it with the canvas but that’s good a reasonable call by halin and Danny Romero establishing power shots again in the first minute of round seven so Tapia goes back to trying to counter tapio was fighting a much better

Fight when he was counter punching not using too much of the the ring now he’s starting to use a lot of the Ring trying to be the aggressor and he’s being [Applause] CED you got to start out tending to doubt a guy who’s been trained his whole life by a Police Athletic League

Volunteer trainer but Danny Romero has it all now here comes [Applause] Tapia the one time that Danny Romero decided to stop stand steel he started to pay for it Tapia came alive and brought the crowd with him good right hand by Tapia his punch in several [Applause]

Rounds no matter what he does Romero is right back into his facee up and [Applause] down tremendous discipline shown here by Danny Romero it didn’t go well for him in the early rounds but he stuck to the task and began to chip away and find his opportunities good open right and

Counter I thought Johnny Seed into the lead in rounds eight and [Applause] N I have Tapia ahead by a point I think it’s either man’s fight going down the stretch George don’t you yeah Romero started to pull away and then all of a sudden tapier got a second

Win and he start getting advice like you’re looking good play with him this is what you want to tell a professional fighter you want to give him too much advice and once that corner start clicking like that and you got to J you can do anything you want go go go

Fascinating in the unpredictable life for Johnny Tapia 3 weeks ago he fired Jesse Reed tonight Reed is the primary voice in his Corner hand and drill him with that uppercut on the right side I’m a cie I’m your Champion Big Bear hi love stay here deep breath Johnny have fun with him

Have fun with him son have fun I’ve never heard a corner tell a fighter to have fun you thinking needs to clown with him George no they’re trying to tell him in his own words relax you’re the man out there we believe in you so go out there and do

What you do and have some fun with it that’s the best advice you can give an experienced fighter especially when you haven’t been in training camp a long time with him especially a guy who genuinely loves to fight as Johnny Tapia does it’s been a marvelous demonstration

Of the trained skills of the two fighters I’m not sure that everybody interested in this fight understands trained skills this has been a dynamite fight it’s been a terrific Bight te that oh man hard left hook to the body by Tapia crowd trying to lift their man Danny Romero hanging [Applause]

In oh that was your left hook kind of under like with when you start getting close and not having a throw with the energy you got things in hand napia clowning a little bit giving the crowd something to have fun with too not only that you’re fighting a young boy you got

To do a lot of things in there to make him think something Romero has a round and a half he may need to do something dramatic to pull this fight out which means at least a knock down and he doesn’t look like he can get it don’t count out the possibility of a

Romero knockout late he has twice in his career knocked out opponents in the 12th round now Tapia lands a left hook and a straight right hand and Romero comes back with a counter left blood from Romero’s [Applause] nose and you heard Harold letman say that blood on Romero was one reason he

Gave round nine to Tapia up him up go go go lot of blood coming out of Romero’s left nostril Happy at trying to give Romero a hug as he went back to his corner at the end of round 11 Romero did his best to ignore him crowd loves it last round last round well you don’t clown on a man and offer to hug him [Applause] up get they got it now don’t

Get he you hey just trying to hey have some fun with him in 3 minutes a decision can determine a winner here but neither man is a loser tonight they gave the world of boxing something to wait for and they made it worth waiting for Harold lman

Your score through 11 Jim 107 102 eight rounds to three Johnny Tapia I think he’s boxing beautifully he’s putting on a clinic side to side Romero off balance with that left jab he looks terrific with that jab I’m telling you he’s beaten him I have Tapia head in a much

Closer fight Tapp is charisma not an inconsiderable Factor down the stretch we controlled btic 12 rounds of his career well you remember Jim ear before the fight I said he’s a he is an underrated boxer he has boxing skills but he tends to lose it during fights

And here he’s maintained his Poise and his control 30 seconds left in the Battle of Albuquerque all of New Mexico now Rises to await the final decision boy I wouldn’t want to be a judge of this [Applause] Fight a good round for Romero C his trademark back flip let’s wait and see what the scorecard said ladies and gentlemen here is the decision of the judges at ringside judge Dr Clark San Martino scores it 116 112 Judge Jerry Roth scores it 116 112 judge Glenn Hamada scores it 115

113 to the ibf and WBO Junior bantamweight champion of the world Johnny [Applause] aiaia Larry thank thank you very much Jim congratulations Johnny congratulations Johnny you seem overcome what does this mean to you first of all Don’t Stop Me Jesus Christ he gets his victory but I just I’ve overcome everything and

Uh I give all the thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ what won the fight for you style uh different movements I have a good team on my side I just I I just listened to our game plan and I did it have you ever fought such a disciplined

Fight from start to finish and did you think you needed that to beat rero I just did a lot of good things today I had power strength in Aon I refused to go down down I refused to lose and whatever he hit me with it was

Not going to hurt me I noticed after the fight while you were hugging your wife Teresa that you took a look over there to Danny Romero’s Corner what were you thinking you know everything’s done said you know let by guns be gy guns let me

Live my life he lives his life he’s a good he’s a great fighter and uh he’s still a champion in my heart cuz he held his title for a while do you feel still somehow purged of all of the hard feelings that had built up for so long

We made it bigger than ever and uh the best man won and I kept it like that you said before the fight [Applause] that you said before the fight Johnny that you would be a free man after this fight what what did you mean by that I

Haven’t been a free man since I’ve been been one years old man and I’ve lost a lot of my life and uh I struggle and F to keep my dream alive me and my wife got a good game plan I just I don’t know

What to say right now I just I did what I had to do and I did it a seful thank you very much for an outstanding fight Johnny Tapia tapia’s defeat of Romero didn’t ease any bad feelings between the two Tapia said that he wanted to shake Romero’s hand after

The bout but the Fighter’s father waved him away senior was an ass after the fight Tapia said I wanted to say keep your head up Tapia also refused a rematch and wanted Romero out of his life let me live my life and he lives his Tapia said let bygones be bygones

His Fame now extended Beyond New Mexico and even the sport of boxing itself as there was talk of a movie deal signing with Don King Topia was promised even more lucrative paydays but problems on the family front persisted in a February 1998 article in the Albuquerque Tribune his estrangement from his maternal

Grandparents Miguel and Esther was revealed I I don’t want nothing with Johnny no more Miguel said my heart is too hurt he hurt me and Grandma he has a new family now his grandparents and extended family believe that Johnny had forgotten his grandparents he turned away from me like I’m nothing Miguel

Said but Teresa wanted to move Johnny away from Albuquerque as the fighter made bad decisions while on those streets Johnny himself cried after reading the story Teresa said that their efforts to reach the grandparents were blocked by meddling aunts and uncles I’ve tried lots of times to call them

And they always hung up on me Johnny said if I went to visit them doors were slammed in my face they remained as strange when officials reopened the murder case of tapia’s mother Virginia in 1999 a sometime boyfriend Richard espanosa was identified as the killer espanosa was a custodian for the

Albuquerque Public School System and had been seeing tapia’s mother for over a year he became angry at Virginia when he couldn’t find his wallet and accused her of stealing his money the primary suspect from the beginning he was found with blood on his shoes and his wallet

Was found in Virginia’s car the evidence was turned over to the County DA’s office but there was no record of them ever receiving the case Espinosa died in 1983 after being hit by a car the Revelation gave little Comfort to Tapia his boxing career saw continued success

As he made two televised defenses before facing paella in June of 1999 toia Mak in the second or the First Defense of this WBA batam white Championship there it’s talk he will move up if you super bantamweight or Junior featherweight after this possibly take on Nester Garza one of the Champions

Good right hand by Tapia he’s starting to get that right hand in and throwing the hook but every time he throws the hook to the body Paulie Isa very quick with his own counter right hook a Alla going downstairs to the body and then Tapia digging his

Hook Tapia now standing in front of aen it is Paulie AA doing the work on the inside very well this round inside let’s go CLE around guys too much movement now from either men Tapia [Applause] turning into even more of a brawl than you would have expected both men looking

To set down on their punches good Left Hand by aala Tapia throwing the hook and leaving himself open and Ayala getting there with that punch and remember Johnny tapy is stepping up in wait so he’s facing a bigger man he’s used to only one fight is a bandwe what [Applause] what go let

[Applause] go got be a slip that will not be a knockdown but in the early going here Paulie aala especially in the second and third round is dictating the pace of this fight CS Resulted left hook again downstairs by tapion when he gives AA some foot movement he’s much more effective some lateral movement and that’s what they want from him and see now when he moves to his left he’s much more effective and Island can’t really land what he wants

What hasn’t been evident is the double left hook from tap he’s been Landing it to the body but then not coming with it to the head there’s one left hook but none following it to the head which is usually a good weapon for him great

Right hand gets in by tappy he’s had a better fourth round much better fourth [Applause] round and hand speed by Ayala on the inside Tapia just kind of stands and [Applause] looks good right hand by Tapia better round for Johnny Tapia especially toward the end and there lands yet another right

Hand took downstairs fighting the right form now against the Lefty but AA also doing good work on the inside and throwing the uppercut they want big hooks by Tapia it’s a war here in round five we haven’t seen Tapia this flat footed in a long time he is staying in

The trenches with poau all and ripping body shots those will have an effect as this fight goes on those are huge left hooks by Tapia downstairs I hold I hold and they are slowing paully AA down I believe for Johnny Tapia he has controlled this he is ripping big shots

To the body he is getting in his rhythm now here comes AA with some good Jabs and good combinations good right hook by AA big Hook by Tapia the left hook with under a minute left to go here in round five excellent bantamweight match up this is a superb fight by any [Applause]

Stand hand speeding combinations from both men Capia with a big right hand pushing Ayala Back and Double left HS [Applause] again big hook downstairs again by Tapia but AA comes with the uppercut both men doing what they need to do and doing it well good every time

Topia switches to Southpaw he does well and he did it again there there’s a lot of hand speed being exhibited in that [Applause] ring Johnny Topia at age 32 is really an interesting case study as a boxer he just keeps getting better and he’s the only guy I ever have

Seen in my life who had four years off from The Ring doing terribly abusive things to himself came back as a better fighter than he was when he left the sport and I mean a measurably better fighter Tapia is controlling the pace now he’s he’s moving to his left better

He’s getting the hooks in the combinations the right hands Z working on the inside both men doing a lot of body work and now when Tapia throws that left H to the body he’s bringing it back up to the head quicker and ay is not able to land

The right hook as he likes straight left hand by Paulie a and there’s Tapia he is so effective as a lefty he might want to stay in that posture longest he’s confusing IA with that stance and getting the job done and his speed is now having an impact on

AA good work in the inside though by paully AA what what a great fight and there’s tapus moving to his left to cut a off which is the right move aala working well on the inside good right by Tapia and a jab one speed of Tapia each man takes

Turns land in good combination and again the speed of Tapia stands him in good stad as aella has to chase him [Applause] first one man then the other with [Applause] [Applause] combinations good hook by by AA and a good left hand ends the round a very very good combinations by Tapia a hook gets in again by Tapia they are both throwing big punches and good punches good combination by tap and then a jab [Applause] If there are any better bantamweights out there than these two guys I will be shocked you are looking at the two best Phantom weights in the world right There both men in addition to the work they’re doing to the Head are going to the body a lot under a minute left to go here in round [Applause] eight more but like the others it’s been close right hand gets in by Tapia pushes aella back good hooked by Tapia and aella comes back with a one-w combination and now Tapia tries to rev up the crowd but IA responds with his own and by punching but the last thing paie Elli

Wants is to get into that kind of thing with Johnny [Applause] Tapia tapy has not moved to Lefty yet in this round where he was so effective early foot Movement by Johnny the double left hook by tapio that’s what he wants to [Applause] do excellent job being done by Joe

Cortez breaking the fight as when he needs to but not when he doesn’t have to toward the end of this round Tapia is starting to come on with under a minute left to go here in round [Applause] nine good Left Hand by Allen copia hit with the right hand but

When he switched from Lefty to righty good hook but PA a comes back in what is good good round nine for him knocked off balance by a left hook but not hurt and he comes back and they end the round slugging CIA slips down Jo cartez is doing a masterful job

Of refereeing this fight gets in between the two quickly left hook by Tapia well Paulie Alla had himself an excellent ninth [Applause] round good combinations by Tapia those were good hard punches some of the best he’s thrown in this [Applause] fight couple of those with block but a

Couple got through boy Johnny Taffy is setting down on that right hand now and AA coming back with his own uppercut and hooks [Applause] when Tapia leads off with the jab he’s more effective he’s been ignoring that [Applause] punch both men Landing big punches this has turned into a war guys

Ayala with a right hand downstairs Tapia with his own left hook to the body this is one of the best bantamweight championship fights in recent memory good combination by Paulie AA good hook again by Tapia and a big right hand by Tapia but AA comes back with a counter

Punch it has been so throughout this fight just what think one man has a big Advantage the other will come [Applause] back round 11 a pivotal round and might be a Johnny Tapia around he has been I think a better ring tactician in this SP and landed more

Punches in every round so important now good left Hands by AA though round emotion from Freddy roaches in the corner that we don’t always see from him the crowd shows its appreciation and let’s see if Tapia is as aggressive as they want him to be good hooked by Tapia starts off the [Applause]

Round Ayala with a good Combination good combos Inside by paie tap staying on the inside now good double right hooks by aala and uppercuts Paulie AA ripping those shots in the inside gains the early advantage in this round good hook again by Tapia Tapia rip shots and then as a lefty gets the straight left hand

In jab and a straight right by Tapia both men look at all they have left here in the 12th round thrs bya or by Tapia as AA came in good right hand then a hook by Tapia beautiful oh nice left hook may have heard AA momentarily and a good right by

Tapia this is a war here in the 12th round a minute left to go both men are landing Big Shots wow this is As Good As It Gets Tapia ripping a left hook to the body Paulie AA on rubber legs who wouldn’t be tired right now both men are throwing

Everything this is one of the best lower weight fights I have ever seen big hook Here Comes AA right hand by Tapia another right hand only 14 seconds left to go they are leaving it all right here big right by Tapia the crowd will let you know what

They think of this fight it was one of the great bantamweight fights in ages paully AA falls to the mat well ladies and gentlemen after 12 rounds of boxing we do have a unanimous decision as the judges agree here are the score totals judge at ringside gutus scores about 115

To4 judges Dwayne Ford and Fernando viso both scored about 116 to3 all three in favor of the winner and the new WBA bamwe champion of the world Paulie aala AA called the upset in one of the most superb bantamweight Championship matches you will ever see Donnie Tapia is not happy about

It don’t know the loss was disputed but age began to erode tapia’s skills he lost another decision to aala in October of 2000 that same year he was hospitalized for depression and diagnosed as bipolar people don’t understand this about Fighters Tapia said once a fight is over it’s the

Biggest crash of all crashes the depression just comes like a freight train he turned to religion becoming a born again Christian I don’t talk about my religion much Tapia said I don’t want to be a hypocrite with the life I had believing in God is my strength and

Having the people surrounded by me love me as a person as a friend not as as a champion that’s the number one key it’s my wife my brother my family compartive everything else I mean I can put 18,000 people in the stadium they’ll say Johnny Johnny Johnny all night love you this

And that but when I get home I urinating blood I have people that take care of me and really provide me and give me what I need that’s something I got to get strong with in my life right now it’s almost over so yeah well the the the boxing you know I

Want to be able to know what I’m doing today cuz if I do something stupid I tell my wife tell me to quit I want to be one of the fighters to have something be able to talk to walk to continue being successful life but cocaine remained the opponent he could

Never beat by 2001 he was considering suicide in the ring he labored to a disputed win over Manuel Medina to win the ibf featherweight title but lost to Marco Antonio Barrera 7 7 months later in a one-sided Affair in 2003 Tapia spent several days on life support in a

Las Vegas hospital after suffering from head trauma the 9/11 call included references to possible overdose painkillers and suicide Topia recovered and returned to the ring 8 months later but was now an empty shell of his former self losing to Fighters that he would have once toyed with in his prime

Getting stopped for the first time in his career in 2005 in 2007 the now 40-year-old IA squeaked by to decision a club fighter with a 14-9 record only to slip away from Teresa in overdose once again in the next two years there were promises to see a new Topia a comeback

With a new trainer and new promoter negotiations were once again underway for a major feature film on his life but in 2009 Tapia found himself back in jail for drug possession serving a one-year sentence in 2010 he returned to the ring after a three-year Hiatus winning three

Times before hanging up his gloves for good he then turned to training Fighters and focusing on raising the children that he and Teresa adopted I’ve done it all I’ve done it all am I excited about it am I happy about it am I delighted about it no but it was a learning

Experience and if there’s a 100 kids I can get one to listen I done my job but it’s not about being rich it’s not about having Fame and it’s not about having Glory I I have all that it’s about knowing the first time was a mistake

Second time was a habit for me and I’m speaking for myself I’m not a preacher and I’m not a teacher and I’m not out to to go and tell people don’t do this don’t do that because I don’t want to follow my face either I have problems today do you

Get scared a lot every day when I wake up when I go out I get a little time I go do this I go do that scared am I going to go do that Am I who knows I can’t control my emotions I wish I was Stronger inside it’s

Hard when you have a lot of tragedy in your life it’s hard to look for the good on May 27th 2012 Topia was found dead in his home on the 37th anniversary of his mother’s death in autopsy revealed that he died from heart disease everyone wanted a happily ever after for Johnny

Topia columnist Bill Knight wrote but perhaps he has finally rejoined his beloved mother perhaps his soul is finally at peace the beauty will be there forever and a day they wake up every morning and I look out and the Sun’s Up and people are going on with

Their life and I feel like my whole world has stopped and I just don’t understand how someone could be wiped out of your life but everything goes on over 7,000 fans gathered at the pit in Albuquerque to mourn his passing Johnny remained a polarizing figure while some mourned his loss deeply others

Questioned whether he should be admired nevertheless Tapia always accepted responsibility for his addictions until his dying breath it was me Johnny said it was always me


  1. Blessed I got the chance to work with Tapia before he passed. One of the most humble down to earth people I’ve ever met! R.I.P. Champ

  2. Anyone who played recreational sports up to Jr and hs….coaches used to tell us to have fun….you start taking it too serious is when the love of what you do isn't what it used to be like…..have fun and everything else will fall into place.

  3. I'm a boxing fanatic since 4 years old I remember my dad asked me what do u want for Christmas a bike ? I said no dad I want a pair of boxing gloves lol new subscriber as of now good info .
    This channel is awesome

  4. Met Johny In Ruidoso New Mexico was a very nice guy took time to talk with me .After that would run into him from time to time was always friendly.

  5. I would see Johnny at the community center as a kid, I had to have been 8 or 9. He was always cool, down to earth, humble, grounded.

    Last time I saw him, was a year or two before he passed. I hadn't seen him since those days spent at the center. Johnny spoke to me like he had known me for years. "What's up, Carnal?" Johnny was always cool, down to earth, humble, grounded.

    Truly a great person. R.I.P. Johnny.

  6. He is my favorite fighter of all time. I'm 50 now and pop is 72 and we'd get excited to see Tapia. I've still never seen such a quick puncher. Oscar would be second on that list.

  7. He loved his mother and missed her everyday of his life!! Nothing like a mother's love which was taken away from him so young nobody could help him except him self but he choose not too ! He had a kind heart inside but very few people seen it I don't think even his wife knew. He died tragically but now he's with his mother and he's happy in heaven rest in peace johnny you deserve it

  8. Johnny Tapia was the people’s champ. You rooted for him. Not because you thought he was perfect. Quite the opposite. You saw a lot of yourself and what you could’ve been if you made those same mistakes, and went through those same tragedies, as Johnny. He was New Mexico’s Rocky. I read that towards the end of his life he gave his life to Jesus Christ. That’s the greatest decision he ever could’ve made with everything that happened to him. May he rest in eternal peace. God bless all of his remaining loved ones and fans!

  9. I fell in love with boxing and Tapia after seeing one of his fights. I was from California back in the day right there in Los Angeles.

  10. Éste maestro tenia qué vivir feliz y saludable y lo que le pasó a su mama cuando niño es algo y un hecho muy pero muy triste para un niño como J.TAPIA,yo siempre veía sus peleas de boxeo y en su época fue muy popular y valiente boxeador Estados Unidense.

  11. I was at The Pit watching this fight with my Dad. RIP Pops. The Pit is one of the loudest places on earth. The energy that night was wild and it’s like a real life Rocky movie. It felt like Tapia was us and we were Tapia. He was so loved and valued because he fought for us. There will never ever be another Johnny “Mi Vida Loca” Tapia.” New Mexicos Champ. RIP

  12. Thank you for some great memories growing up watching a great champion and a real Warrior with a good heart I really believe that RIP Champ.

  13. Tapia i am so sad for your loss you aré an inspiration you could had went full on negative instead look at yourself a full on inspirational story good job 99o

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