How your club’s swing weight is impacting your golf shot | The Build Shop

Without a doubt, golf club swing weight is one of the most used but also misunderstood elements of golf club performance. GOLF’s equipment editor and experienced club builder Ryan Barath is here to help you understand what exactly swing weight is and how you can adjust it in your clubs.
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Hi everyone I’m Ryan BR for and welcome to my build shop today we are talking about one of the most misunderstood elements of a golf club and that is Swing weight we hear about it all the time heavy swing weight light swing weight but what does it actually

Mean and in front of me I have Golf Club here that is sitting on a swing weight scale this is a tool that is close to over 100 years old not this one particularly but the swing weight scale originally was designed to help balance golf clubs that had wooden shafts so

When you think about how far technology has really come when it comes to golf clubs swing scale is is old it is something that is still relevant to this day because it is an easy way to identify the balance point of a golf club based on a number and a letter

Value in a 14in fulcro now when we think about what it means to actually hit a value most people think of you know D1 D2 D3 when we talk about what it means to a golfer the heavier golf club is the harder it is to swing the lighter

Something is the easier it is to swing pretty simple right but what that means for golf clubs is also direction if a golf club is too light when it comes to swing weight and total weight so the actual just static weight of the golf

Club if you were to set it on a scale the lighter it is the quicker it wants to rotate the easier it is for a golfer to close the club face and also swing it faster which is important when we’re talking about distance that’s why we see

So many golf clubs now that are in that category designed for golfers that are looking for more speed and more distance and the lighter you make something the easier it is to swing now on the other side of that a heavier Golf Club whether it be total weight or especially swing

Weight it is harder to close the club face and in a lot of cases some golfers will swing it slower but for other golfers they might actually be able to swing it faster because what it’s doing is it is helping that player create a sequence in their swing to create more

Power that way they’re not overpowering it at the top of their swing they’re maintaining the right Tempo and that’s why swing weight is so important and grip selection is a huge part of that shaft head weight all of those things factor into swing weight but we think

About what it actually means for a golf club like this right now it is roughly D 1.5 and I have this little piece of paper here it’s actually a little piece of um what I would use in the shop to shine a feral or clean something up or

Just wipe epoxy down and it basically represents you know a $1 bill and if we think about how much this weighs if I put it on a scale and this is why every club building shop my shop has a number of scales this actually here can double

As a scale as well but I like to use a digital scale because it gives me the accuracy to one10 of a gram which means that I can build golf clubs to extremely high tolerance this little piece of paper comes in at just under a single

Gram which in most cases if you’re just waving it around you don’t even really think about how much it actually weighs but if I put this on the end of the scale and it’s not even at the end of the golf club it’s not even at the

Extreme end of the golf club you’re going to see this thing go way off it’s going to shoot up and we’re going to see a big difference in that balance and that’s something that weighs less than a gam and when we think about grips this is really important because most people

Build to a standard weight of a grip that weighs roughly 50 g so when you think about how much a grip can weigh if it is undersized so it’s a little smaller or if it’s a midsize or a jumbo grip then we’re talking about something that is going to create a huge variance

When it comes to swing weight of your golf club this is why when people either get a golf club reg grip for the first time they’ll say it it feels different or they don’t really understand what they’re feeling and what you’re doing is you’re actually just changing the

Balance point you know if you put a little if you put a heavier grip on the balance Point’s going to move up the swing weight’s going to become lighter you put on a lighter grip the balance Point’s going to move down and the golf club is going to have a heavier swing

Weight now I have two grips here that that seem relatively close close to the same mass but if I put them on a digital scale the MCC in this case weighs 50.5 G and the MCC plus 4 comes in at 54 1/2 so 4 1/2 G now we talked about less than 1

G on this end of the golf club will affect swing weight and imagine what that means when you put four G on this end or if you go up to a midsize and you’re talking about a 10 G difference versus most standard grips you’re going

To see a massive shift in the change of how that golf actually feels this is why if some players are going to be using a driver they might actually prefer to use a larger grip because they want something that’s a little bit heavier and a driver is a unique Club in the bag

But when it comes to selecting grips for your just your your irons and your wedges this is why it’s important to actually use the same grip on every golf club because it’s going to maintain the feel that you have another are certain instances where some players are going

To have maybe a a slightly smaller grip on their sand wedge or they lob wedge most cases it’s going to be a lob wedge because it is the shortest Club in the bag that you’re going to take a swing with just so there’s a slightly different feel or in some cases some

Players might actually go a little bigger cuz they’re they want something where they don’t feel like they’re they’re going to be able to swing the club as quickly they’re just looking for some a little bit of finesse within that Golf Club but we talk about grips this

Is where when we are regripping a golf club just the amount of tape that goes under grip will change swing weight so if you put by accident one extra wrap of tape on a grip and you wonder to yourself why does this grip feel a little bigger why does this golf club

Maybe feel a little bit lighter it’s because what you’ve done is you’ve changed the balance point by just those simple little things now so when you are looking at grips make sure first off understand how much the current grip on your golf club weighs now a couple ways

You can do that you can go online go to golf you can look up how much the stock grip weighs on your golf club and from there you can select grips based on weight which allows you to make sure that your golf club maintains the

Same feel now if you are looking at different grips you can kind of figure out where it’s going to fall in line as far as heavier or lighter so that means maybe if you are using a bigger grip and you’re going to lighten the swing weight

In some cases some players might want to add a little bit of weight to the club head whether it be through lead tape or through the more extensive processes actually rebuilding them that lead tape is a great way to start when you are just trying to figure out what feels

Right to you now if you are using a lighter grip that might actually help because you are Mak although you are making the club head and that end of the golf club feel slightly heavier it could feel better in your hands so whether you’re going bigger or going smaller pay

Attention to weight pay attention to size pay attention to how much tape goes under the golf club this is a big thing I like to the reason I like to regrip my golf clubs is because I know exactly what’s going on under each one of these grips so make sure you’re specific when

You are having someone regroup your golf clubs to go through that process and either remove all of the old tape or just follow the instructions that are there to make sure every grip feels the same from Club to club based on steps based on shaft size all of those

Different elements that go into actually getting the grip to the right size Al together and last but not least make sure that you pick the texture that you want it’s the most important thing when it comes to selecting a grip yes we talk about weight yes we talk about swing

Weight but when it comes to your grip it is the only connection you have between you and your golf club so it has to feel comfortable whether it be something like the cp2 which is softer which is going to offer some shock absorption or you have the newest CPX which uses variable

Textures on the grip to really help reduce vibration or all the way to something like the Z grip which offers you a lot of texture gives you that cord all weather traction and at the end of the day means no matter where you’re playing whatever your weather conditions

You’re going to be able to hold on to your golf club and if you put them on all your golf clubs every golf club is going to feel the same as well I’m Ryan brth that was our dive into swing weight diving into why making sure that your

Grip selection is so important and thank you for watching

1 Comment

  1. RB, you didn't explicitly go there, but I would assume that 5 grams at the grip end is much less critical than 5 grams at the head end, since it is further from the balance point. Is that the case?

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