Golf Players

Knapp Time LIV Golf Jeddah | Pull Hook Golf Podcast

In this compelling episode of Pull Hook Golf, host Matt Cook and his guest, @thebuttsy , take us on a deep dive into the latest happenings in the world of golf. Recorded at Putting World in Scottsdale, Arizona, in the midst of a high-stakes weekly putting game, the duo discusses the outcomes of recent tournaments, player performances, and the cultural shifts taking place in the sport.

The show sparks off with a recap of the Mexico Open, putting the spotlight on Jake Knapp’s remarkable victory and the PGA Tour’s promotional strategies. Buttsy and Cook don’t hold back as they delve into the Capital One ‘The Match’ event and the new name for the Honda Classic – the Cognizant Classic in the Palm Beaches. The discussion seamlessly transitions into their golf fashion segment, touching upon the resurgence of golf mullets and preferences in golfer physiques. And last but not least, we’ve got LIV Golf Jeddah.

Key Takeaways:
– Jake Knapp’s Victory: The episode delves into the rise of Jake Knapp, a former bouncer turned pro golfer, highlighting his impressive win at the Mexico Open and his potential as a golf superstar.
– Capital One’s The Match: Despite mixed reactions from fans, the hosts shed light on the unique atmosphere and commentary that Charles Barkley brings to the event, emphasizing its entertainment value.
– PGA Tour’s New Sponsors: Discussion about the PGA Tour’s branding efforts as they introduce new tournament sponsors and discuss the confusion it creates among fans.
– Golf Fashion Trends: The hosts discuss the return of the golf mullet and the trend towards athletic physiques among golfers.
– LIV Golf Commentary: The episode winds down with high-octane commentary on the upcoming LIV Golf event in Jeddah and the stance players take on the PGA Tour versus LIV Golf.

Listener Rewards:
– 25% off at with promo code PullHookGolf25 at checkout
– 20% off at with promo code PullHookGolf20 at checkout

Welcome back everybody to pull hook golf the podcast I’m your host Matt Cook once again we got a very special guest Mr butsy is back in town and he is here for some fun we are at putting World in Scottdale Arizona where we have a competitive golf league would you call

It a league or just like a competitive tournament that goes on it’s a very high stakes Weekly game these guys are putting for uh 10 racks 10 racks a week so 10 bills which is 10K folks if you’re not familiar with the local kid slang yes and uh by the way on tonight’s

Episode we’ve got a great one because there’s a lot of [ __ ] going down in golf today and across the entire last week from the last time that we saw you or you were listening to us which is we got the Mexico open we’re going to recap

That we got the Capital One the match recap I don’t know if people watch that or not but I did ask our good folks over at Twitter and our audience there if they didn’t it seemed like it was about split 50/50 50 okay yeah just about 50/50 and then we’ve got the upcoming

Cognizant classic in the Palm Beaches I love it when the PJ tour launches these new names for tournaments and they’re so elongated they’re just like and the beautiful beaches of the Palm Springs open is cognizant like the same word like if you’re paying attention is that the same are you cognizant I’m very

Cognizant but it’s not the same anyways no it’s a it’s a tech company of some sort which folks it’s the Honda Classic I know there’s been people out there that are very confused about this whole thing they’re like when did the BGA tour go to you know West Palm Beach and it’s

Like oh they’ve always been there with the Honda Classic so just a new sponsor because Honda backed out uh last year they was there final year and then we’ve got the swanie style segment that we have really come to and enjoy and we’re going to get a little personal on that

One as well which you don’t know about because wasn’t in the show notes and then we’ve got the upcoming Jetta o at the very end which live golf you know we love to leave it for the end because it’s our favorite topic to love and hate

Here we go folks swanes okay we got to give it up for our show sponsor swanes which by the way I am rocking it putting World here is given us a great venue with the tournament in the backdrop and uh swanes swan. Co s WN I get 15% what are we talking about here 25 % off using promo code pole hook golf2 at checkout I’m wearing the Camden hoodie this is the one that I was obsessed with that the Waste Management Open it’s sold on out on Tuesday that’s the that’s what you’re wearing now this

Is it but I don’t have the Waste Management Open waffle cone kind of texture to it it’s so soft and nice and then it’s got the little black like Linings and stuff uh it’s absolutely fantastic for those of you watching on millions. or if you’re watching Youtube

With the actual production of this um otherwise podcast listeners uh you can just imagine go to swan. get yourself 25% off using p hook golf 25 at check count and it looks like that they’re going to oh scoring update here we go little hang on here for the

Singles eight under we’re getting an update here in the lead folks these are this serious yeah these are these are all two putt pars uh shortest hole is about 12 ft longest one I’d say about about 25 they roll about 13 not much room around the hole here lot of break a

Lot of break on some of them if you put it off the surface onto The Fringe area it is out of bounds so to be eight under out here these guys are Pros it’s a very impressive complex as well I mean the booze are good we’ve got our Bushwood

Here great food here too by the way and yes Bushwood Spirits got to love that giving it a little sippy sip which one do we have here uh we’ve got both the Rye and uh which one did I bring the long ball long I like the I love the Ry

The r is my favorite but I will say I just love the name of the long ball chicks dig it chicks do dig the long ball all right let’s hop right in folks just a little funny hopping our way into the first segment which is the Mexico

Open at Vidant we are going to recap this because welcome to the show Jake naap were you impressed I was um God I couldn’t stop looking at his arms to be honest with you the guy’s just yoked out of his [ __ ] mind absolutely jacked I believe that he was a bouncer a couple

Years ago I do believe that years ago yeah yeah pay his way onto the PJ tour didn’t have the money to keep going he sure did it was a restaurant that turns into a nightclub it’s pretty cool it’s the story it’s the Talk of the Town if

You will it is which is great because the PGA Tour finally did a promotion properly but Jake knap really teed it up for him no pun intended except all the pun and literally with that tea up remember he was in contention at the farmers so I did not know that they

Already were like talking about him a bit they already had the whole thing about him being a bouncer two years ago and then sure enough two weeks later Vidant leading so the entire way was like it almost felt like a full promotion of Jake na well the second

Coming of Freddy Couples right that whole that whole bit the over swing as you will very smooth I love it too the guy’s awesome we need it I mean we need it in the game because so many in rors now are just like he can’t go to

Parallel can’t go past parallel you got to go you know three quars and this guy just throws it past John a little bit yeah there is kind of a style to it and just the smoothness to his swing and then he bombs it 330 it’s like does he

Hit it that far yeah he does yeah which is why he circled this on his calendar because he was on with smiley Kaufman before this week they were showing some clips of him on Smiley’s podcast and he was talking about cuz Smiley’s like oh man you’re probably going to play pretty

Good at the Mexico open you’ve got that one like circled right and he’s like sure do you know I do Tony Fen now played really well there last year and won so and rolls The Rock he does roll rooll theck which is really surprising for a guy that bombs the golf ball you

Don’t expect it but they’re calling it nap time because his social media handle is nap time I hear that good absolutely great but he was a bouncer in Orange County folks his grandfather who also passed away they did a lot of story lines around this whole thing as to how

Important the grandfather was used to text him after every round still does so he texts that number that was his grandfather’s after every round and he has his initials tattooed this is smart see I’ve got it on my forearm on the inside but he’s got it on his actual

Bicep on the inside which he knew that that would always be shown whenever he’s finishing his golf swing and it’s probably something that helps him out doing curls at the the gym too one more rep right he sees that so biceps a specimen very good and he’s a huge

Anaheim Ducks fan so there you go folks there’s the Orange County tiin and I also learned that uh he is residing here in Scottsdale Arizona so Jak if you are if you are out here and would love to come on the Pod love to have you love to

Have absolutely so how about that little little pitch for the pull hook golf podcast and then you know nap time nap time but this is the one that it’s like man did the PGA Tour just get lucky because he was in contention or like two weeks ago and started talking about him and

Then it led into this but it they don’t do a great job ever since tiger they got spoiled yeah yeah um I got a real everybody on this podcast knows I have a very tough time with what the PGA Tour does or lack thereof of promoting new

Players that are on tour yes well they used to be really good about it 10 years ago I that’s all they did yeah but there were some other guys that came out right like Dustin Johnson uh another one like when the ball started going a long way they had quite a few players

That they did a pretty good job Bryson they made a they made a rockstar out of Bryson he’s a complete nerd no offense Bryson de Shambo but um they did a great job with him but since those guys kind of left and yeah I’m with you 100% so

Then we got Sammy valaki and by the way bsy and I if you missed it on social media yes folks we are playing true North on Sunday and I got to tell you we were sitting there before the round uh I texted buty I was like hey man I’m going

To head over to the range where are you he goes I’m at the bar I don’t hit balls so I go to the bar facts and I proceed to order in old fashioned like any good gentleman would and sure enough we’re sitting there watching the golf actually

They had left it on the Golf Channel for too long so it ended up going to the lpj tour and I asked the young lady very awkwardly I’m like could could you change it to the men’s tour please and I felt bad about it what do mean but then

We changed it over and you got to see yourself a guy who you love Samy valaki malamaki valaki don’t know much about Sammy but let’s get into it you loved his physique oh remind me remind me of who I’m I’m it was a long day on Sunday it was um but I

Will tell you that you were in love with his golf physique cuz we said Jake knap he’s got the athlete physique and then you got Samy valaki who had the big belly oh the potato dumpling body they both had mullets which we’ll get to later oh that’s right yeah it’s a thing

Now it’s here to stay yeah golf mullets yes um but you loved him he’s from Finland he’s got a classic golf body kind of looks a little John Da esque he’s a big boy big boy yeah big boy you love that about him you were raving about this guy is a

Legend because he’s doing this with that body exactly you got a well we’re going back into a classical uh era of golf uh you know tiger came out and ever since then it was robots and and we’re going back to an AG old thing you got some

Style and golf swings and you got some fat dudes out there again it’s kind of nice and he launches it just murders it murders Just Hits up on it hits a mile in the air great golf swing and this guy by the way he has won twice on the DP

World Tour so he won back in I believe 2019 and then 2023 so he won last year as well on the DP World Tour so I was kind of banking on him because I’m like you know the toughest thing and we talked about this on this podcast before

That the toughest thing to do is to win or to win when you have a big lead and you sleep on it going into Sunday yeah and Jake Jake knap is a rookie folks so he’s a PG tour rookie didn’t win on the corn fairy tour he went into it with

What a four shot was he was he four ahead five going into to Sunday right Am I Wrong somebody fact checked me if you’re on Twitter just add it into the comments that we were playing golf right watching it um that Gap got closed right were we all square so valami

Baki he he ends UPL tying it up I mean I think it was whole N9 or 10 that uh he was tied up and then he faded he faded a little bit and that gave Jake knap just enough room to close it all out Y and here’s the thing

Vaki oh 2023 and 2020 I actually have it in the notes was not 2019 thank you for fact checking me Twitter um so 2023 and 2020 W on the DP World Tour he’s also finished second three times how old is he no idea what would you guess 27

I was going to say 27 to 30 so people are saying that Jake NAB is because he’s 29 he can’t be a superstar why I think that’s [ __ ] that is [ __ ] dude don’t believe it no I mean look the average age of a PJ to a rookie

Is still what 30 30 something in mid-30s he used to be in the prim how can you not be a superstar and you know not to discredit the PJ tour with the onset of live but if there’s a chance to be a PJ Tour superstar uh now is the time vaki

You got a shout and volam manaki great player are we are we butchering that yo yeah no I mean but on on the on the broadcast it was hilarious because they’re saying all day Saturday they’re call him vakia there’s no a at the end

It’s just it ends with an i so I don’t I don’t think that we’re as bad but it is one of those names he’s from Finland guy’s a great guy looks like looks like he can Chuck some beers with you butsy he sure does he I mean like why have a

Six-pack when you can have a keg I think that’s his Mantra as well um he looks pretty tall too is he I have no idea he looks six plus and he AB like I said he absolutely hits tit missiles right down the middle so we love that you got to

Love tit missiles now the other part of this is that wind really played a factor out there in Mexico yes they finished up I Jake knap finished up I believe he was at 19 under once again I’m kind of BL L on the final tally and so forth um but

Listen he was up there 1.45 mil he’s probably not going back to bounce at a nightclub anytime soon no chance he has arrived but that was really really impressive and do you know what the PGA Tour did this week I don’t I’m going to say it before we get to the upcoming

Cognizant classic yeah in the Palm Beaches he uh he got paired with Rory and Chris Kirk who won last year okay how about that action huh how about just getting that’s why I’m saying they’re promoting him very well at this point they know they’re the right thing

To do we’ve got freaking gold in this guy or d diamond in the rough right here he looks like a million bucks let’s put him up against like like like let’s put him up against the guys did you see his girl uh no I didn’t how was she

Beautiful very good yep very good okay so Jake naap that being said we’re not going to do a leaderboard rundown because we need to move into the next segment which is Capital One the match do you love these hate these or different on them uh I’m going to I’m

Going to be very honest with you this episode of pole hook golf has brought to you by Bushwood Spirits remember those laid-back funfield days at the country club from the classic comedy Candy Shack that’s the spirit Bushwood spirits and bodies a lifestyle company with roots deep in golf’s most beloved Traditions

Bushwood brings more than just premium whiskey to your table it brings a sense of nostalgia and camaraderie that every golfer cherishes whether you’re reliving your best shots or simply enjoying the 19th hole with friends Bushwood is there to make those moments even more memorable and here’s something to toast

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Back to the show I didn’t know that that was even going on until I popped on Instagram and saw Rory throw a dart on 18 in the dark and Lexi Thompson make eagle and and get a skin and I went what the hell is this what what’s this

It’s the match now they’ve been doing the match for what three years now four years something like that ever tiger and Phil yeah tiger and Phil now we got kind of a I don’t know I’d call it a watered down version of that not even trying to

Be negative I didn’t even know it was happening but uh I didn’t either up until I because one of my favorite ABS did you know what about it before it happened no that’s what I’m saying no but one of my favorite ABS is Bleacher Report and

All of a sudden I’m on there because I checked the Yankees the Nicks and so forth I’m a New York guy fol I’m from New York city so Lally when I go on to Bleacher Report I saw I I was like oh [ __ ] it you know what let me go into the

Golf portion because their golf portion is not great Bacher report hit me up we would love to be on report uh but what I’m telling you is that all of a sudden because Bleacher Report is a part of Capital One the match all of a sudden I

Started seeing that it was live and I’m like live hang on a second what time is it it’s on a Monday where’ they play so actually this is pretty cool they played at this new track that’s all night like it’s kind of like our uh permanently lit

It wasn’t like artificially lit for the tournament for the match like grass clippings got it where is it it’s in Palm Beach got it so or West Palm Beach area in Florida and it’s this new park they call it the park and basically it is a gilan designed golf course with a

Nine-hole course and everything that is for the public so and they keep prices low they have the first te there is really big well it looked pure as hell it is so sick it really good so sick is it I’m sure it’s open during the day but yeah yeah but

They got the night Golf and everything no they have night golf installed okay like it’s it’s permanent I think so got it fact check me Twitter somebody checked that out yeah real sorry about that should have probably I didn’t realize I was going to get asked

That question um but anyways you had Max Homer Rory Maloy Rose Zen and Lexi Thompson now for those of you that didn’t watch it maroy wins for a total of 2.4 million wins it for charity so none of that goes to him it all goes to charity which is great love that for

That but is that a tax write off for those guys when that happens yeah it is right yeah okay 100% yeah now the other part to this is that and I hate to say it because I was on Instagram today but I wouldn’t be truthful and direct if I

Didn’t say this that Fourplay was actually correct when they were I saw a clip today from them and I got to give them credit because I was thinking the same thing that all of this I am done and I believe it was for playay I hope it was for playay because I’m giving

Them credit and I don’t love to but no who does when they actually said uh I hope once again that they actually said this that they wish it was a match and not not skins and I’m like I kind of agree with that I don’t love the Skins portion to

The match right they they need to just be playing heads up golf against each other and I thought they were doing that so it’s just skins just skins that’s how you won you got the most skins he got the most skins mooy that’s that’s dumb I’m sorry the the best part about

Capital One the match Charles Barkley is the best Ernie Johnson comes in a close second then I could really do without Trevor Trevor a I have nothing against you so great I apologize for this but I could do without you Christina Kim could do without you and Katherine Tappen

Could do without you not electric no Barkley holds that entire broadcast with Ernie Johnson that is the entire broadcast Trevor Digs at Barkley but like they they’re like golf digs it’s like it’s like listening to Arnold Schwarzenegger or something like Charles’s voice is good enough by itself

You know what I mean like terrible and then you know Max hit it down there and it looking nice and then you know he hit it by the pen and it’s over like it’s great yeah and then DJ K thr that throw that little actually was really gooders

BR 30 80 points a game sorry no little little more little more could you actually for the rest of the episode do it in bark I apologize you’re F apologize um but these come on man I miss the shells with Wonderful World of Sport I’m so trying to keep a straight face I

Love your Barkley impersonation by the way I hope other people do too um bless my mother sorry sorry go ahead let’s just keep on track here literally I miss Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf and the matches they used to throw at like I mean God it’s like the

Original YouTube of golf right it was unbelievable the action but you know who was meant for this I don’t Max hom Max hom was hilarious last night he’s a great character man I mean he’s he’s uh like the Twitter murderer if he wasn’t good at golf he could be a YouTube

Golfer absolutely yeah he’s got the personality for it and he cares about it 100% now all right let’s move Beyond because I did ask Twitter and I said this in the beginning do you love the Capital One the match and it was kind of split 50/50 I don’t know what it is now

Cuz I think I have a little extra time on it yeah might might have gone down after this conversation but let’s see I do Wonder though has YouTube golf removed a lot of the interest from these types of events yes yeah uh YouTube golf has proved that uh personality and not even great

Personality alone can uh conjure uh well what what did good good do and I hate giving them credit Garrett you’ve done a great job job but over 100,000 live viewers at the good good open at grass clipping I saw that I was really impressed about that live tour next week

Uh quarter of that live so uh yes I would say YouTube has absolutely entered the building no see you’re new to this when we diss on live golf you got to give the live golf lovers a moment to where you go e muffs and then you and

Then you let them know ear muffs off and then you can go back into it I am a live golf lover that’s the thing so I get it no you’re not because you you love golf these live golf lovers are new to the sport and just love live just for

Whatever reason live lovers they just they’re like but they have the most stupid comments on Twitter it’s the dumbest [ __ ] like at least the like I’ve got an appreciation for the PGA Tour Fanboy no factually grounded conversation it’s just the PJ tour only fans guys like like those guys are funny

And what’s hilarious about it is that the live golf fans don’t know that they’re just messing with them they’re literally just messing and it’s funny because they’re throwing out like factual stuff but they’re twisting it in a funny way and what’s great is that like the live golf lovers have no idea

Because they’re new to golf like that to me I’m just like I die I laugh all the time they know nothing about the Heritage they know nothing about the history of the sport they’re just they’re just they’re new and they love it there’s some guys on my Twitter that

Just crack me up on an ongoing basis like this Phil Nickerson guy Nickerson Nickerson Nickerson what a great handle though unbelievable like this guy and he destroys people he F Nickerson and and like sometimes I’m like okay sometimes I’m like that’s too much that’s too much but other times I’m just like sorry

That’s yeah no you figured it out now on to First te fear Nickerson yeah fear nerson and it’s great but the whole thing is like this guy destroys lives he’s kind of like a maxom we talked about that during the Phoenix Open uh or the Waste Management Phoenix Open God I

Wish you would have said Nickerson that is really good isn’t it great and like he destroy but he goes soft on some of these living guys which is great too like I appreciate that like you got to have a sense of humor in all of this if

You’re going to like both sides you really have to have a sense of humor now yeah let’s get to the upcoming cognizant cognizant classic let’s be cognizant of the cognizant classic it’s in I don’t know if you got this or not but it’s in the Palm Beaches okay what

Course no I know PJ National Resort PJ National sorry okay that was a great DM question be cognizant of that and all I could think the entire time cognizant in cognizant classic in the Palm Beaches PG tour whoever you got as a [ __ ] promotional person Jesus Christ where are you finding these guys

I mean I know they’re spending a lot of money but this is like some Happy Gilmore [ __ ] like you know what this was the best 20-year gig that anybody could have because all they had to do was promote Tiger Woods and they were in the clear right and then it’s like okay

Dustin Johnson he’s wearing disco pants out there with his sideburns down to his freaking chops remember when he shaved oh God bad day for golf bad day for golf bad day for the ladies too put it back on by the way I told you when we were out

There Sunday I’m like Dawson Johnson is my role model well he’s a lot of people’s role model I mean I don’t know if that’s true I [ __ ] how he the the the screw and other T wives look let’s put it this way he’s he’s not a he’s a lot of people’s role

Model and they wouldn’t admit it say that but I will admit it I have no problem dawon Johnson you’re my hero I love you okay very good and by the way I’d do the exact same thing you’re doing where it’s like I’m running off into the

Sunset I got 300 billion get [ __ ] and a great beard and I still look great so and what’s hilarious is like I’ve talked to Bobby about this so many times yeah and I’m just like hang on is my perception of DJ correct and every time he’s just like dead on like does DJ

Really care about ever playing a PGA Tour event again no no when you got to love his Outlook when the rumor came out that after 3 years of his live golf contract he’d be done nobody was surprised cool loves Yachts loves Paulina plenty of money loves party

Favors golf has been a Segway for him to uh kick back and enjoy life uh in a way that most people can only dream and I got to tell you I’m jealous of it yeah of course who God me too such a legend such an AB and by the way just to show

Up and the best part about Dustin Johnson best part is that we’re blowing DJ right now we know this he can show up to a live golf event yeah practice for a week and then win yeah well after not touching a club and this what I’m saying like he’s not on

Tour anymore guys when yeah he’s not there anymore you don’t have to deal with him when there’s about 30 other guys you don’t have to deal with anymore either so yeah lot of asteris on tour this year oh God we’re going to get there don’t you worry don’t mean to jump

Ahead I I saw the notes I apologize we we are going to get there trust me okay so folks back to the Honda Classic oh I’m sorry the cognizant classic in the Palm Beaches okay we’re back to that we’ve got last year’s winner Chris Kirk great alcoholic back he’s gone cold wow

That was really good he went cold turkey on the alcohol and he’s already back in the winter Circle last year and then this year so Chris Kirk great job getting sober okay absolutely love that for you white probably had something to do with it but who cares that’s a great thing

For you though because clearly you won last year you won already this year and great business decision bartender pissed at me for saying this but glad you’re sober on top of that PGA National Resort you won this which not a long golf course par 71 7147

For the yardage very short for a Tour event and and then you got to watch out for holes 15 and 17 which are part threes over the water yeah let’s give a little field breakdown because this is actually one of the stronger fields for this do you know who’s in this this week

That wasn’t in last week I that you bet on regret regretfully I do not know so you know what’s hilarious you had no idea Tom Kim was in the Phoenix Open and he was you picked Tom Kim last week yeah Mexico open wasn’t in the field you said

I’m the I’m the pck C you like I checked he’s in the field we’re good no no folks that was false Tom Kim was not in the field last week so buty you were disqualified immediately that’s okay and guess what though this week he’s in got him he’s in so I’m going to

Ask you with the strong field this week folks here we go you ready camera’s up there you ready for this strongfield Rory mooy great player live golf people hate Rory makoy which I get it oh he’s the final boss of the PJ tour but what’s amazing is he was the sacrificial lamb

For the PGA Tour and he has turned his back on the PGA tour and it’s hilarious because LIF golf fans still just [ __ ] [ __ ] on him which they’re like dude even Phil Mickelson came out as like stop [ __ ] on Rory we want Rory bring Rory over Rory will end all can you even

Imagine H I said give him a bill give him a billion dollars and Rory’s coming over so that said all right look I’m sorry what I said I [ __ ] take it all back I’m here now and uh yeah you know love that Ferrari will that happen yes

You think RI will go live yes is there odds in veg on that so Rory ah God I can’t get into this you can I want to get into it do you know something I know too much uhoh folks the problem uh-oh folks he knows too much

Rory can’t lay Woods spe that’s all I have to say there is three against one on that PGA Tour policy board which led to Rory mroy leaving the PGA Tour policy board Jordan spe taking his spot and guess what and Jay Monahan still has a job right that’s factual what’s crazy is

Like I talked to stman about this how so I had Kevin strowman on and now he’s going to be the next guy that’s the head of all of this oh oh for the players yeah so it’s him or Kam vas which both guys are great for this but I hope stman

Gets it because stman is actually Duke educated super smart great dude outside of golf he’s he’s yeah what’s incredible is like I don’t think Kevin strowman gets enough credit for being such a cool dude he’s a dude I don’t think a lot of people know that either yeah and I will

Say this he is a dude very Arizona Savvy mini tour guy like [ __ ] he shot he shot 59 at uh oh boy yeah we’ll get into that later here’s the thing folks when it comes to the PGA tour with Rory mroy yeah he’s jaded why do you think he’s saying the [ __ ] that

He is at these press conferences cuz he’s pissed off MH he want like if Liv gives him a bell he’s gone gone in a heartbeat you really think so 100% there’s no doubt that Rory mroy is is gone wouldn’t that cost him any credibility in that he has in public

Life ever so not that I would be mad about it I think it’s great and I want to watch him play golf because that’s like my question to you is if you were in the similar situation and somebody offered you a billion dollars to suffer your credibility would you uh I speak

For a lot of people here probably everybody out here watching for a billion dolls there there’s a very long list of things that I would do and uh undermining the PGA Tour and going back on what I said would rank very low on

The list of uh why is it that that put a really terrible picture in my head of things that you would do maybe CU you hung out with me for a couple weeks I don’t know horrible horrible things I would do for that kind of money listeners you

Don’t even know what kind of things that might be mentioned here but things I would eat things I would say let’s get back on track back on track so we we stopped we strong field this this week with Rory Maloy and went on a goddamn Dent which by the way the listeners of

This podcast love cuz they’re used to this it happened in the beginning days with monkey it’s happened with Bobby and it’s happening with you right now butsy so here’s the next yeah it’s just three generations Matthew which you know what’s the best part about Matthew Fitzpatrick oh man he went by Matthew

While he had braces and was super nerdy now he’s got a hot girl lost the braces they’re gone gone on mhm ma Matthew is now Matt Fitzpatrick all PGA material well you don’t look bad you’re just poor and that changed for him and with that

Uh his teeth and uh his tail so anyway sorry I don’t I don’t mean to be direct but that’s a pretty factual statement I think it’s it’s absolutely absolutely factual folks now let’s get into this sorry you are you are right though he did have those weird little buttery

Beaver teeth with covered in braces and yeah he’s back he’s back mhm he’s got a hot chick good for him clearly not in it for the money and let’s talk about Tom Kim Tom Kim oh I don’t know what it is it’s not AAL hang on hang on we got an announcement

Announcement what do we got oh damn it Matt you’re going to hate me I have to pee again fourway tie folks T3 now a quick word from our sponsor swanes is here with a fresh take performance-based materials are a given these days but if you’re looking for the stretchiest and most lightweight pieces that deliver a look that says I’m here for a good time take a walk on the

Swanie side with fabric Source from recycled Plastics and Designs sourced from our very own Weekend Warriors Swan is looking out for both our planet and those that need a little style to boost their drive another 15 yards premium looks from top to bottom at swan. big pot tonight here at the

Putting World folks we live in the Scottdale area $10,000 I’m not even sure if what they’re doing here is legal but we won’t get into that no it’s not these aren’t gift cards hang on you can’t leave yet cuz here’s the thing oh it’s okay we’ve got a betting segment

Right now and we haven’t even gotone through half the [ __ ] field okay so Tom Kim Tom Kim cam young oh Cam young I always forget about cam young dude everybody does uh that’s our pause Guru right Ricky Fowler Fowler’s in the field SJ okay so are we

Talking about who we’re taking minwu Lee so so let him there’s a lot of guys in by the way live live lovers are ear muffs guys ear muffs turn it off boys for all the live lovers ear muffs there’s a lot of guys in the official world golf rankings in the top

50 in this golf tournament which is great in the official world golf rankings we won’t get into that which is not official but that’s okay so let’s get into the but into the buding let’s get into the buting the buding the cuz I’m looking at my notes and I got

Betting and then I got but’s picks so I’m going into let’s get into the Bing who’s your main pick this week I’m going to give you first dibs because you’re new so I’m a huge Tom Kim fan I can’t even tell you why why did I know you were

Going to go no I’m not I’m not I’m not taking him your dark here’s why I’m going to take Fowler only because uh borderline childhood friend known him for 15 years now uh also Ricky Romano back up just a touch yeah yeah mic little loud little loud no you’re

Good just move the mic a little further away back to fer well last week we had an issue where we weren loud enough like now we’re I’m just kidding um Fowler no just move the mic just I’m joking with you I’m [ __ ] with you I’m sorry we

Won’t waste much more time doing that uh Fowler so his caddy is a very good friend of mine great bass fisherman by the way R squar 59 or 58 you can find him on Instagram catches Hogs don’t know how he does it hey who’s this caddy now

Ricky Romano oh he is you know who that is yeah I do you know who that is picked up his bag you’re right yeah so out of just hoping a uh somebody that I know has great success he’s going to be my number one uh we got to go Fowler cuz I

Want to see those guys win wow Ricky Ricky F now stalling in the field who’s your dark I don’t know that’s my Dark Horse if Stallings is in great otherwise I’m going Tom Kim everybody’s minwoo Lee oh my God okay I’m not so here’s my picks folks which you might want to take

A little bit more serious I apologize no you’re fine um my pick this week number one is Eric go who finished the [ __ ] is that rookie of the year last year PG tour need to my research pxg guy should know that should know that team pxg

Right here baby Beyond Eric Cole as my main horse my Dark Horse Jagger Meister when you say Dark Horse and I saw this in the notes you know you got the main picks and you got dark the Wild Card like okay it’s like somebody that call

Dark being like thrown up there as like oh this is Tom cim or like this is Scotty sheffler like it’s somebody that’s like deeper like Ricky Fowler last year would have been a dark horse in a lot of tournaments yeah and picturing a player riding in on a dark

Horse majestically to come from behind and win like I get it kind of phenomenal very good kind of phenomenal I’m not sorry you know what sucks is that I have no more booze than there’s so many booze around me I mean we can we can take a pee break can

Because we’re live I know I’m just kidding now here’s the thing might have to get me a catheter for future shows you guys got the bets for this week which by the way I’m so sorry for last week Taylor pendrith just came early so that sucks

Is is Keegan in the field no okay not to my knowledge okay that would be another one I don’t remember seeing Keegan in the field I don’t have them in my notes so I can’t say for sure okay but I don’t remember okay we’re moving into the swan

Style segment which by the way folks once again wearing the Camden hoodie here absolutely phenomenal it really is a nice looking dude I I noticed it and like you know guy to guy I don’t want to be like God this guy really is a nice looking but we got to get past that

We’re in our late 30s here like I should be able to say that too it’s not just that we’re in 2024 it’s dude it’s a nice [ __ ] it’s very nice looking especially in person I appreciate that look soft it’s very nice so let’s get into this Jake Gap and our boy vaki vaki

Vahak um both rock hard golf mullets is this a style that you’re into do you like this the mullet no the golf mullet not just the mullet but like these guys they’re shaving down like the front they’re shaving down the sides and they’re rocking the back and

When they’re wearing a hat here’s what they’re doing Matt they’re they’re taking something that was traditionally reserved for uh hockey players baseball I think well hockey players and hockey players did and it’s finally kind of transcended we’re in golf now uh guys are working on their wings we want the

Wings back there so I love it personally I can’t grow it my hair is very thin um even with Rogan products it’s not for me but not for you no it’s not dude I maybe a trip to a turkey something we might need plugs here in the next few years

But uh I love what these guys are doing love that sorry I didn’t mean to that was a hard stop hard stop love that for them sorry and I got to agree I love the hard Mo you’re going to get I love I got hard over the golf mullet

Hard plugs hard plugs um love that for them for all of them because in my early days in college sure and even in like the mini tours when I first came out going back I mean we’re going back close to 20 years okay Nostalgia I loved having the flow in the

Back wearing a hat got the flow it’s a ball player thing it’s a it’s an athletic it’s a I’m an athlete kind of thing yeah so I’m I’m in so that’s the first part of the Swan style segment we’re in for the golf mullet okay folks

I see there’s a lot of you out here right now there’s about 800 of you I can see it on the screen that are watching this right now oh wow yeah there there’s only about 800 to about, 1500 that watch the live which I love I love that about

You guys now the other side to this is do you prefer golfers to be in great shape like Jake nap or do you like them to be in full golf body like Sammy vaki oh man mean look I’m skewed right I mean I consider myself in great shape like a

Bodybuilder covered in a fat suit but uh look I like the athletic look I bet 90% of the dadbods out there that comprise who plays golf uh who pays the bills I don’t know if they really like that they they probably are rooting for like a

Bulaki really okay you know what I mean yeah I think they’re rooting for somebody with a little pot belly that beats the living [ __ ] out of it I’m gonna say that I’ve always been a soccer like Michael Jordan Jake knap I’m with I’m on the Jake naap side I’d like to see the

Athletic guys so there you go that’s all I got for that one and then by the way I said the swanie style segment was going to get personal it is MHM when we were out golfing on Sunday yeah I had on which by the way was perfectly

Done where I was like okay I need to match my putter lot of blue so I don’t know oh my Putter’s over there I can’t reach it I had it over here my putter is bright blue the lab golf putter got a white shaft white grip love that thing I’m like I’m

Matching this up in case Cas butsy decides to do some content sure enough what did your followers DM you man I had a couple hundred DMS this [ __ ] guy loves blue and I think he figured that out I had somebody say that you were covering the white belt because you knew

It was just completed the outfit too much I did have a white belt like that’s crazy it was on we have to take a pee break here Sam Bro God I feel bad about it oh god well we’re back we are back we’re good and guess what our favorite topic

Of the night very good live golf Jetta because there’s no place like Saudi Arabia land of the oceans and the blue seas and the lovely ladies so let’s get into it Taylor cooch oh man talking about the comet Jesus Christ you know what I’m talking

About no if you you need to follow the Twitter account because I hop in there a lot and literally this this was the first thing I saw this morning and I went Ham on it ham so what walk me through it Taylor gu made a really big

Mistake that’s and I even I messaged Taylor gu and I go man you got to stop doubling down on these comments because you’re sounding like a idiot like just an idiot like I’ve made bad takes in the past but this is a really bad one cuz

His team captain yeah so what he said was is that if Rory mooy wins the Masters this year oh yep mhm there should be an asterisk what about what about your godamn yes he is and you want to know why I don’t agree what what go

Ahead hang on a second the point so we’re going to get there because Brooks Kea said at every major tournament there’s a select group of guys that can potentially win win this [ __ ] thing and he’s right correct and he’s one of them so tell me who could win The

Masters that Taylor gu is referring to to where an asterisk would be involved DJ he’s in Walken he’s in so then what the [ __ ] are they talking about see I knew you didn’t know what youing I thought that they omitted all these players so who did they omit

Nobody T all right then let’s go back five minutes in time I take that back I just assumed that’s see that’s what we do we read [ __ ] online Taylor G so Taylor G is chill before he say [ __ ] like that I wasn’t invited oh he’s mad about got it so he

Decided I’m one of the best golfers in the world get [ __ ] not taking away from Taylor gu’s game at all he’s a great player he’s great but I’m like I even told him on in like not on Instagram on Twitter I I messaged him directly and I go how’d that go dude he

Hasn’t responded yet which I’m like he’s responded to quite a few I think he got sick of all the things that he had to respond he got destroyed absolutely destroyed and I go I even put it out there I’m like anybody of my audience tag a live golf account that you think

Would be hilarious to try to defend this nobody came through like and accounts were being tagged left and right nothing absolutely nothing I feel like such a pleb right now cuz I didn’t know that I I just assumed with his comment DJ won the Masters during Co you’re in so he’s

In automatically all the all the big live guys that belong there the only other one that’s really pissed off who else take a stab who who is that R’s there ROM’s there so what are who are we talking about we’re say it say his name I don’t know I really don’t Taylor gu

And say it like John CL name a blood sport I I am going to give you a hint it’s from the UK well oh oh I know EXA yeah Lee loves wood sorry Westwood um he he’s he’s upset as well he he’s riding we’re on the tail end here my

Man you know you know what the best part is you Ain winning the master he mad cuz he it exactly and he has been in contention so actually Lee Westwood has a better argument than t t past two years yeah six overpar at the Masters

He’s had one round under par it was one under and it was 71 again I’m going to go backwards in time I did not realize the reference I just assumed with that comment that the big guys somehow weren’t playing and uh I’m glad I didn’t like I was working

Today and so I didn’t get the chance to like go type some dumb I almost typed up a post and said hey you’re welcome the best players in the world aren’t at the Masters like you know glad I didn’t do that and and guess guess who got the

Invite Walky nean well that guy’s a [ __ ] stud absolute St who made that knows that he he has a chance here’s the thing you know the few live golf accounts that decided to chime in tried to like redirect and deflect to well the official work off ranking suck and it’s

Like no [ __ ] sherock like nobody’s debating that it’s just should there be an asteris to the Masters this year because Taylor gu isn’t involved no [ __ ] no no and I don’t think Roy would feel that way either not not after knowing now what I know Brooks Kea Taylor gu’s

Captain wouldn’t feel like if he won the Masters this year it would be an aster how many people are lighting me up right now for trying to defend that not knowing I apologize I apologize it’s okay this [ __ ] oh my Lord this [ __ ] happens gu great player now here’s the

Other thing to live golf Carlos Ortiz played in the Malaysian Open now I did ask Twitter I go okay guys how many live golfers if they were receiving official world golf rankings would be playing would qualify in eight no but would be playing in a Asian Tour tournaments okay how many do you

Think no IA none because if they had been but you say receiving world golf rankings what are they receiving world golf rankings for if they so for their rankings in live golf okay so because they’re not receiving those bunch of guys are playing in these tournaments

Cuz they need to get points to go up so Carlos Ortiz and by the way this was probably the best Asian Tour event in the history of the Asian tour okay you had a lot you had Louis tasing up there you had Carlos Ortiz yeah you had Walkin nean you had I mean

There was a number of guys that were participating in this trying to win before going to their live golf event in Jetta Saudi Arabia to get their [ __ ] up yeah so Carlos Ortiz wins which by the way if you ask me not upset about Taylor gu not getting into the Masters

I would be more upset about Carlos Ortiz not getting into the Masters yeah cuz Carlos Ortiz this a young kid that [ __ ] play this is Juicy like I just didn’t even realize that I hope now I’m on the other side of the fence now I want to go

Light Taylor gu up like yeah there’s no [ __ ] asterisk because you’re not playing bro exactly you’re one guy him and Lee Westwood get over yourself now Lee has Greg Norman syndrome right never got it done you hate to see it he sniffed it for we watched it our growing

Up right there he never got it done I cheered him on in 2015 oh he’s a likable guy you want him to win but never got it done how old is he now 46 45 something like that he’s up there yeah you’re probably not going to win The Masters so

Anyways yeah that’s crazy man I had no idea and then we got the return of Anthony Kim which by the way folks I was waiting for us to get into this cuz like you’re that age this is like this is like a god Rose From the

Ashes and he’s back I think I’m almost done with the iPad at this point we’re just going to chat it up you want rock it this is I know agents that were telling me for over two months Anthony Kim is coming back and on live gol and then by the way folks For

Your Entertainment had Lance benadon who’s Tiger Woods C D now okay what’s his name Lance pennet okay and when Lance was on we talked about Anthony Kim and he goes it only makes sense for Anthony Kim to come back and play on live golf can we clear up the insurance

Issue so that the people that don’t know it only lasted 10 years so that’s over done so he could have so he could technically play a Tour event hang on so I have this in the notes his last event was 2012 Okay so it’s 2024 that’s 12 years so Insurance

Lasted 10 years he waited an extra year because he didn’t get an offer so all you people out there barking that yeah he’s going to go live because he doesn’t want to pay back the insurance money it’s done that’s false done that’s false he was injured for 10 plus years God

Knows what he’s getting for uh an appearance this week do we know what that is so that is the one thing that I have not hammered down and I’m not comfortable reporting so I I have something before we get into like where Anthony’s game is

I mean God we have no [ __ ] clue we’ve seen seen a couple mysterious clips of him hitting balls I mean the latest one was him today and but what do you think about ak’s game so I said it looks the exact same can we bet on AK no there’s

Nowhere to bet on him well individually I actually asked a lot of a lot of fans out there and they threw out some betting site know there’s one I wasn’t familiar with right I think it’s in the UK but I’m like can we there’s somebody that gives odds on live FanDuel doesn’t

Have it no no but like you just said so even on my DMs on Instagram somebody somebody let me know that there is a Bing site that gives odds on live golf I’m going to tell you guys right now Anthony Kim is probably going to be one

Under at the end of all of this oh I disagree I think he’s going to come out and blow everybody’s balls back I think he might win it I know that’s so bold to say but Jesus Christ I think I think this guy might just like come out he he

Gives so little [ __ ] and I think he’s been secretly playing golf this whole time so here’s the thing last last year the individual winner of Jetta was Brooks capka okay score was two times back to back he beat Taylor gu in a playoff last year year prior that was

The one tournament that Brooks kepka won now now the team winner was the Fireballs followed by the range goats and the cleaks okay I think Brooks goes for for the three p you think he’s just going to walk up and D him down was in the playoff with him last year this jeda

Course yeah but Matt can we speak to that a little bit these guys on live I’m so sorry this Jed of course they still want to win though there’s still a desire to beat your peers I was amongst major league baseball players I did VR for Major League Baseball for a while

Okay and one of the things that I will tell you no matter how much money these guys were making some of the guys that were making the most amount of money especially when I was around the Los Angeles Dodgers wasn’t matter when I was around the Dodgers those were the guys

That worked the hardest and I’m like and I said it to Bobby on the podcast I was like just because these guys are getting so much guaranteed money doesn’t mean they’re not competitive that they’re just going to pack it in and go I’m done right man like you still

Have male pride like at the end of the day you got there you got there on the back of that like yes was there a concerted effort to get to the point where you’re professional golfer but dude it’s like if you go play pingpong with your buddies in a garage

Somewhere get paid God damn dollar you’re going to try to [ __ ] on a [ __ ] I don’t beat these guys I’m still the best like yeah so yeah that that argument to me is [ __ ] false all right you ready for this yeah lock in let lock in come on so we have a segment

Here on P Hood go you’re going to do great come on n n you got come on 30 90 points a game golf picks but louder who is your individual worst player of the week I think uh I like that guy’s pick I think I’m

Going to go gu just cuz like [ __ ] Lee nah it’s gu Danny Lee why Danny Lee you’ll you’ll find out my team pick is the high is I want to bet you $50 right now that AK finishes in the top three individually iron heads take it yep all

Right 100 bucks 50 I don’t got that kind of money I don’t own in a podcast um Iron I’m going with the iron heads as the team that is going to [ __ ] the bed and finish last H okay all right iron heads God you had a couple so you had a couple guests

Up here from the uh couple professional Putters and butsy was right we had a number of professional Putters join us not only did they share their insights and stories but they also shared and joined us in raising a glass of Bushwood Spirits it’s not every day you get to

Clink glasses with the pros and dive deep into the World of Golf in such a relaxed and engaging setting the laughter the camaraderie and of course the putting challenges made it Unforgettable and let’s not forget that Bushwood flowed and boy did it ever flow but it brought out the true Spirit of

The game reminding us all be the ball to stay in the moment and to cherish these incredible experiences we do want to thank everyone at petting world for hosting us to Bushwood Spirits for adding that extra flare to our gathering and swanes for keeping me in style and

Of course to all of you for tuning in until next time keep and remember golf is not just about the shots you take but the memories you make cheers Everybody

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