Golf Babe

Can Positivity Make Me a Better Golfer?

In this episode of Charles Schwab’s The Challenger Series, we’ll get an exclusive look at GabbyGolfGirl’s journey and what it takes to compete at the highest level.

From her early passion for the game to her dedication and perseverance, Gabby’s story is one of inspiration and determination. Witness her unique approach to the sport and discover what drives her to succeed.

Don’t miss out on this inspiring episode of the Challenger Series!

#CharlesSchwab #ChallengerSeries #Golf #WomensGolf #GabbyGolf #GolfStory #Inspiration #Motivation

Link to the video!

There’s a lot of fake stuff on YouTube but I’m not interested in that I want to give people the real Me I’m Gabriel de gasperis golfer and social media content creator most people know me as Gabby golfgirl I started playing golf when I was 2 years old my parents got me a set of golf clothes they were pink and I kind of just fell in love with it

I love the game so much I love that I have to put in a lot of work to get better I love a challenge and I love sharing that with others in my experience junior golf is so competitive that it could take the fun out of the

Game and that’s not me I don’t want to be a part of that can positivity make me a better golfer I make all types of videos tips to help people get better tricks for fun I challenge people at the random golf courses I do collabs I

Always try and choose the tips that I’m working on myself this is a great field drill to do for chipping off an extremely tight lie if I’m working on something I’m like let’s do a tip about that I just want to make it as authentic as possible right now what I think needs

The most work in my game is putting and I think that’s just cuz I’m a more of a mathematical person not really that feel oriented so I have a hard time with speed on putting for me this is the best putting drill I’m learning the game and I’m

Teaching the game at the same time helping someone else play well makes me feel just as good as playing well myself I’ve had a billion coaches but my best coach is my dad my name is Ron de gasperis and I’m Gabby death obviously as a dad I’m I’m super proud of her I’d

Love to tell you that I’m there really managing her time um the fact is is that she really is managing her time on her own every day I kind of set out to do two things get better at my game and help others to find their love for the

Game I’m the first tea time in the entire Club I play for about an hour and 30 minutes that’s 18 holdes and then right after that I usually go home early lunch do some homework then I’ll come back practice film for social media anything I have to do for like Instagram

Reals or any other social media I’ll do then then I come back edit all of it do homework 9 to like 11:00 at night I analyze what I do a lot if you open my laptop it’s YouTube analytics on the top and we’ll have a spreadsheet we’ll say

Okay which videos gain the most followers which videos have the most comments and we kind of put them in categories and then whatever is doing the best at that moment we’ll put out more the best video that ever performed was the one where I just introduced my

Mom it’s Mother’s Day and I’m bringing out my mom so meet my mom when Gabby was little my husband and I would write on her gloves motivational quotes I don’t know if I’ve have if I can remember like the best comment but really I do like the tips comments because I feel like

I’m helping others that makes me feel so good like they’ll say you’ve shaved five Strokes off my game I loved when you said this I’m like that’s that’s what I’m trying to do you know this is the two ball triip shot I think the exciting thing about this

Journey on social media for Gabby is the fan base that she’s created and it’s growing so rapidly so for us it’s exciting as a family to see her wherever she goes to build that momentum and that support of the fans that she has and if she does

Make it to the LPGA then it would truly be unprecedented to have that massive following going into that LPGA Tour a fan base for any player I think is extremely valuable but women apply a lot of stress to themselves so whether it’s in sports or in just regular life and sports even

Heighten more I do it so do a lot of the girls I play with and so do a lot of women on the LPGA Tour and I think that if women can make themselves a little bit more relatable in those tough times people would sympathize and understand I

Always want to be transparent and honest with guys about my golf game I shot 80 today we obviously have concerns of her being in the public eye but I think there are concerns in anything you set your kids out to do sometimes the comments are negative but most of them

Are really positive so I’m super grateful for that listen I can’t control what people say I can control what I put out there I’m just going to go after every shot the best I can be as confident as possible here we go she’s super mature she’s super responsible and

We definitely as a family have a good management over it I think she’s going to have a lot of opportunity just from what she’s learned along this journey and we’re proud of her no matter what if I play D1 golf I will pick that based

Off how much do I love the team not necessarily the level of golf but I would want to love the campus the coach and the kids that I play with that is most Important you know golf is my life but there’s more to me than just golf I’m still 16 so I don’t know the future I don’t really know what’s going to happen


  1. For me, your channel is my favorite! You keep it real. Nothing you put out there is fake. It’s just not who you are. I can tell golf is your passion by your enthusiasm, love, and emotions in your videos.

  2. I've been golfing for a long time and I've always found value in your videos. Really looking forward to your continued progress!

  3. Hey Gabby, everyone can see your dedication, hard work, and authenticity. If you stay on that path you can’t go wrong.

  4. Your awsum Gabby!! I actually am thinking about digging out my clubs this summer that I haven't touched in at least 5 years because of watching your videos:)

  5. Gabster, except for the fact that you didnt start calling your blogs "glogs", i have thoroughly enjoyed your channel. This video was so well done, and i keep forgotting how young you are. Youre very well spoken….but even so, keep staying true to yourself and who you are, and youll take this thing to the moon. I started watching your channel early on, and Im sure I speak for a lot of folks out there when I say Im proud of you. That sounds strange, I know, but a person with the wrong value set could have driven things right off the rails. Keep on keepin' on…..and I'll continue to enjoy your Glogs!!

  6. Good video father&daughter … am gonna post that on my golf page here in Iceland even if we don't have that many golfers …. few thousands on my page might and hopefully get inspired to bring their kids into this beautiful game of ours 😉 Best of luck in the future Gabby …

  7. If she makes it to the LPGA tour, she's gonna be the biggest draw since Tiger Woods came on the scene. Nothing but the best for this sweet kid!

  8. Awesome to learn more about Gabby and family, and some of her mindset and goals. Thanks Gabby, love your content! 💖

  9. Gabby are the most complete person I know, so mature! Ron, you and your wife are the most nourishing parents to both of your children.

  10. knowing that there are young women out there like Gabby gives me hope for the future. for real inspirational

  11. Keep going Gabby. You are a great inspiration to others, not only in golf but as a person as well!!!!!

  12. Gabby, I started following you early on. I have truly admired your love of the game, your work ethic, and your commitment to grow. Regarding college, you will make whatever decision you make, but, boy would I like to see you in burnt orange with a Longhorn on your cap.

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