Golf Players

Cam Heyward Talks Steelers Future, Mike Tomlin & NFL Honors

Cam Heyward talks Steelers, NFL honors, playing for Mike Tomlin, the future of the team, and what life might look like after football.

0:00 – Intro
0:37 – Walter Payton Man of the Year Award
4:26 – NFL Honors Party
9:33 – Joining the Pittsburgh Steelers
11:36 – NFL Veterans vs. Rookies
13:35 – NFL Legacy: Second-Generation Players
15:49 – Young Steelers
21:14 – Ranking the NFL’s Best Offensive Lines
23:37 – Analyzing Steelers Defense Challenges
26:30 – Spotlight on George Pickens
27:52 – Rising Star: Jaylen Warren
30:41 – Life Beyond Football
32:35 – Reviewing Love is Blind
34:46 – Cam Heyward Interview Highlights

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Was it two years ago when Whit won yeah and I was like man I’m not even in the same category as this dude like this dude’s amazing like I didn’t feel worthy of even being up there with him cuz I was just like man Whit is doing an

Amazing job and then to see you know the fruits of his labor where another player was affected by it I was just like damn that that that’s Special Welcoming now to the show this year’s Walter pton Man of the Year Pittsburgh Steeler great I can call him a Pittsburgh Steeler great already uh cam Hayward welcome to the show dude appreciate you having me brother it’s so good to see you the last time I saw you

I had to go to uh my brother had a a dinner uh not not yuk call but how he had a dinner our youngest brother during NFL honors and I didn’t have my phone and I walk into Kelsey’s party and there you are and I’m like how how’s your

Weekend going and you’re like I just one man of the year we’re we’re in the club dude so how did it feel and uh how was the speech I mean I watched it but how did that go dude um man it was it was one of those euphoric nights where you

Know um I had planned on it you know I uh went into it thinking like man I’m just here to have fun have a good time it’s in Vegas brought my wife and you know we were just going to enjoy it but um you know the the night was awesome uh they didn’t

Tell me I was winning so I didn’t really have a speech ready and so you know uh that was crazy in itself but man I was uh you know this point those moments you’ll never forget so you went off the cuff a little bit yeah yeah I a know what to

Say well the things that that’s always better though right I mean that I feel like that’s always better especially for athletes we we can uh we can maneuver those issues a little bit well you the things that came to the top of your mind obviously you talked a lot about your

Mom and you talked a lot about Mike Tomlin and the Steelers organization like those were truly the first things that came to mind huh yeah you know um you want to single in on the people like that are there CU there’s like it’s a crowd so it’s like I don’t want to get

Lost in the middle of it but um I just wanted to thank them um because one the Steelers gave me the the opportunity my mom and my wife and uh coach Tomlin have all you know Been instrumental in helping us get to this point um and I

Just wanted to thank the nominees you know I’ve been there when you won and shoot I I watched you and I was I was appr preach of just hearing your story and hearing the work you did you know it’s cool to be recognized as you know

The May of the year but it’s even cooler to see what the guys are doing around the league because I don’t know if we do a great job of always highlighting what great job our our guys are doing yeah I always feel like bad news travels way

Faster than good news and there’s so much good news man and I just remember going there and you know like winning it’s cool and I know you’ve been there a lot when you were nominated but for me it’s like everybody’s a winner for being there you know like all the work we’re

Doing getting showcased and looking around and sharing the stage with certain guys like for you who was the guy that you shared the stage with that you were just blown away to be standing with dude well like was it two years ago when wh won yeah when Whitworth won and

I was like man I’m not even in the same category as this dude like this dude’s amazing like man I I I was like I I didn’t feel worthy of even being up there with him because I was just like man Whit is doing an amazing job and

Then to see you know the fruits of his labor where another player was affected by it I was just like damn that that that’s special he’s a special guy and I felt that way about all you guys like I was just kind of I felt like unworthy

The way you put it you know like I I almost felt guilty to win the award you know what I mean because it’s just like there’s so many dudes who you’re like that guy’s a better guy than me like Man of the Year it’s like the MVP award it’s

Like you it’s there’s going to be arguments over it every year but it’s all good stuff cuz like you said we’ve got so many great people on that stage every year and there’s so many guys that probably could be on the stage as well there’s so many guys that aren’t on the

Stage and the whole thing but I just the work you do is incredible and one of the things that I was zeroing in on was Craig’s closet and I just think that’s so cool you know getting dudes who are nervous about uh a big interview or

Something where they have to wear a suit the right threads and I I guess my follow-up question for you would be was this the most nervous you ever were in a suit uh besides you know the most nervous is probably when I got married uh CU I was

Like why the hell is my wife marrying me yeah like what’s the catch dude when’s the other shoe going to drop who’s playing the joke on me like you know but uh you know um I when they told me I won I was just like like you see Prince

Harry up there and I’m like that’s crazy how how the heck am I supposed to like be up there with Prince Harry like it’s not it doesn’t even make sense at this point well your football royalty now I mean it’s really the biggest award in the National Football League people love

The MVP and the Super Bowl but it’s really the Pinnacle of our sport to be at the top as a man as a football player you know what’s great about a lot of the guys in Cam’s one of these guys that like I consider him like Hall of Fame

Guy like players and Hall of Fame guys too you know like uh it it it it is a special thing to be both and you are and I just when we were talking about the speech of course dude when we were talking about the speech I’m looking out

There and I can remember and I don’t watch stranger things but David Harbor is a guy I recognize from a lot of stuff and you know I’m nervous I’m like how’s the speech going and I can see like under the spotlight is David Harbor and he’s sitting there like and he’s nodding

It just gave me a little juice to like keep going and I’m wondering did you could you see see the people in the crowd like were you kind of star struck by anybody looking out there cuz you know comedians can’t see musicians can’t see but they light that thing so you can

See everybody’s face yeah you know I was trying to zero in on like people I knew cuz I was like okay if I can if I can go with them like trying not to look at you yeah yeah you know I I knew like the host Keegan Michael Key we have met

Years ago at a pro bowl and so you know I saw him at the corner of my eye I’m looking at him he’s a excited for me but then I look into the into the you know audience I’m looking at mik T Mike T you know they have pictures of he looks like

A proud dad in that moment I’m like man that’s awesome but uh you know I’m looking at my wife my mom I’m looking at the Payton family because you know you get so close to them and it’s like man like you’re just appreciative cuz like

You you I I felt like they were my biggest cheel leaders too so it didn’t feel like I had to you know you know go off the Spectrum and really you know talk off cuff though yeah well I mean like Mike Tomlin he’s he’s a he’s a

Younger guy he’s getting older now but like I always think of him as a young guy number one he looks young and number two he acts young like um and you being like going into year 14 coming up what’s y’all’s relationship like is it kind of like peer-to-peer you know like you guys

Are brothers or is it kind of like he’s your big brother or is he just coach uh he’s coach Big Brother um he’s wrapped up in a lot man uh you know he text when he was at the combine and he’s already talking [ __ ] to me he’s

Already giving me hell you know talking about I got these D linan out here I just want to draft them all so you know he’s getting underneath my skin in that way um but you know as much as he talks about my old age I was like now bellich

Che’s gone you’re the oldest coach now so deal with that so you know it’s always you know poking and pring at each other to you know make us better that’s not real no yeah yeah yeah I think I don’t believe it well he’s the most for sure I just refuse to believe that

Mike is how old how old is Mike Tomlin dude now man they just pulled up they just pulled up oldest NFL coaches and they had like Romeo crenell in there he every year those eyes get a little bit Andy re still got them Andy Reeds got

Him but that the longest tenur coach in the NFL is Mike Tom it’s just incredible dude and you know I was thinking for you in Vegas you know and me as a guy who’s been to a Super Bowl and the whole thing like you’re imagine being in that game

In Vegas and Like if you if you were there this year year 13 Grizzle vet you know these young guys’ eyes get big in Vegas like how what what do you think the challenges would have been had you guys gotten that far of like of of keeping it together that week you know

What I mean like what do you what do you what do you got Pickins like a padlock on his room and BR you know there would have been just a bus leading them you know they took him out of the city but you know there would have been a bus

Leading every everybody right back to the city no question no question party bus I think s nights i’ I’ve heard about like when guys have been there before there’s always been a curfew of when you’re in the city yeah but I don’t know like it’s more just like understanding

We got a job to do like you know would you rather you know 15 minutes of feeling good or would you rather eternity of being remembered exactly so that that that’s what be my message like we could party after but you know we got a job to do oh yeah you can party

After you know what I remember for eternity was my introduction to the Pittsburgh Steelers football team it was my rookie year 2013 we went up to Hines Field on Monday Night Football I don’t know if you remember this game but it was the game where Cutler hit Ryan Clark

I believe outside the outside the hash uh on a scramble well dur oh yeah he trucked RC yeah dur during one of these now we’re on the same set during one of these plays during one of these plays I’m I’m blocking maybe I was blocking

You or trying to block you and the play ended and I’m trying to walk back to the the Huddle I’m walking by a pile and uh Kel tabletops me over a pile and I go to put my hand up for him to pick me up and he psyches me out I

Got up and I was like uh you’re that guy huh he was like I guess so and to me oh man what an [ __ ] and my in my brain I was like I guess all the Pittsburgh Steelers are just [ __ ] you know you grow up you’re watching James Harrison

He’s like the biggest bully in the world on the football field I want to ask you because you are the archetypical stealer right now I mean I think about guys like Vince Williams who many people don’t know the way he played the game uh but people know Troy palalo who is the most

Archetypical stealer um that maybe people wouldn’t associate with the team that you’ve played with since you’ve been in Pittsburgh that I’ve played with oh man um I know Landon Roberts hits as hard as almost any of them oh yeah yeah’s a he’s always coming down here I Rob doesn’t

Play um it might be Vince though look like Vince doesn’t get enough credit for what he did like we always call him our 907 linebacker because you know if he gets you in the hole he is going to make you pay I think one year he had like

Seven sacks at the inside linebacker position so it was just like he wore 98 I know I know he was was just running around in a big guy number out there just lighting shout out to Vince Williams yeah he was a beast du um when you got you he was asking about Brett

And like I just wonder cuz there were so many vets when you got in there and like when we got in the league cuz what was your first year 11 11 yeah was that the lockout Year yes yeah so like you came at the cusp of like when the NFL changed

To me because like you know when I got in the league there were so many vets and you know I know a good organization like yours like there were a ton of good vets that had played a lot of good ball and I wonder with all those vets who was

The nicest and most friendly to Rookies and then who was the biggest [ __ ] who’s the biggest oh man um you know your Star Struck cuz like I grew up in Pittsburgh like I was born in Pittsburgh so when I got to Pittsburgh I was like my brother my little brother

Had a Troy palalo Fathead in his room and I was like that’s weird like he might be when I got here um I think Troy might have been the nicest tro like that’s baby Jesus like he is there’s nothing he can do that’s wrong

Um and it’s just you know he comes up to you hey cam how you doing you know pleasure to meet you but then Troy tells jokes on top of it you know and like Troy’s one of those people that’s not really funny but is funny at the same

Time just because it’s Troy um you know he always tells this joke let me tell you a joke and he goes cam Hayward and I’m just like bro I’m just like he’s dad jokes bro yeah oh he’s full of dad jokes let me tell you a joke joke cam

Hayward so so I guess he was the [ __ ] and the good guy rolled into one but I I was gonna say Joey Porter might be minus 200 to be the the just from pey’s cool like you know pey welcomes everybody and is usually the loudest one in the room so you know

That’s how I am he was an [ __ ] to friends with everybody walk exactly exactly you need guys like that and now you’re playing with his son which is crazy and like that’s insane and the whole opposites that’s the crazy that’s what I heard and then like you you being

Second generation and him being second generation and you crossing paths like H H how have you been able to help him with that whole deal the pressure of it and it’s the same damn team for both you guys yeah you know for us it’s it’s it’s

Weird cuz like I remember when JJ would just show up to a camp and just be at Camp just walking around running around in a golf cart like a kid and so seeing him now he’s a lot more prepared than people realize like you know just being

Around it and I think um when you get these second generation guys like us I think um it’s not like you know we get enamored by you know the stuff that doesn’t matter it’s we love ball we just want to play ball and you know we want

To prove it I think that’s been the main thing because we’ve always been the shadows of you know our dads and so it’s like man I got to I got to set on this course for myself no question I think like one thing that always drove me

Crazy was like people just just saying hey well you it’s all Talent with you cuz your dad played I’m like it’s combine week man look at some of these defensive ends bro the way they’re testing like you want to talk about freaks we’re freaks but we’re not the

Biggest freaks in the league I think you know and especially with you having a different body type than your dad and you know a lot of guys are that way like I think it’s about the mental makeup I think it’s you know like Just For Better

Or For Worse you’re not like you said enamored with it you you don’t think your [ __ ] doesn’t stink cuz you can go home and there’s somebody at home that’s better than you you know for a while in your case but uh but you know like we we

Had dads that played uh and and I think we we we were subjected to pressure that made us better yeah you know I was just talking to somebody and you know the the things my son’s going to have to deal with as he grows up it’s like you

Know everybody’s going to be trying you just cuz you’re my son and you know that’s just the way it is you always have a Target on your back and I like it that way like you learn to embrace that part y you you certainly do and so

Talking about these young guys who are you excited to see play next year uh you know take that second year jump or maybe a second third year guy I know you’ve got you know her Big’s really exciting Benton you probably taken him under your wing there’s a bunch of young exciting

Dudes on that team who can you not wait to see play next year I think you you hit the nail right on on it you look at Keanu Benton and you look at Nick herbig um you know my Wisconsin Brothers uh we got a lot of those dudes these days but

You know I to be a rookie and play the line I think Benton’s got a high ceiling um you know he uses his hands well he’s able to move well still things he’s getting used to but yeah he he’s ahead of the game um and then Herby he just he

Provides Splash like you know it didn’t feel like there wasn’t a time he was in there he was making a big play and you know I just him learning from TJ is always going to be big you got TJ and Alex so to have a three-headed monster like that at the outside linebacker

Position is is crazy in our league the first guy I asked you about when we we talked at the Super Bowl and we caught up a little bit was was you know High Smith’s importance because I think he is just way overlooked uh on the national media scale and you know overshadowed by

TJ understandably but this guy can absolutely play and I know he didn’t go to the Pro Bowl but this guy was a beast this year how important is he to your defense and and uh and how much do you enjoy watching him rush opposite TJ you

Know I think with TJ you always look at it and say he’s Superman but I’m like you know he Smith is Batman and you get those guys off the edge and um they create a lot of Havoc you know it’s funny cuz you know TJ’s not the one

Who wants to drop and Alex never really dropped in college but Alex has got so many picks and they’re so crisp in how he drops it’s it’s insane so like we always say you keep catching it like that they’re just going to make you the

The drop in from here on out you might want to drop one of those pics or or run down the seam when you’re supposed to be hook curl you know just just [ __ ] it up man that’s what I would do that’s what I would do um I think what’s so interesting about your

Division is It’s So Physical but they’re three different challenges like the schemes the Run schemes the sort of things like you know when you when you see Cleveland you’re going to see you know big physical dudes you’re going to see some Gap scheme you’re going to see an athletic quarterback and Lamar uh

Joe’s going to get that ball out like do you do you find yourself changing the way you play in each of those matchups yeah you know with Baltimore it’s it’s such a heavy dose of run um and you know that’s why I was kind of annoyed when

They played this the KC it was like you you go to the Run game every single game but the the second you play Patrick Mahomes you decide to Shribble up and not be yourself right um You didn’t mind that though I’m sure I I didn’t care either way so you

Don’t Roe against those guys yeah you want if it was possible you both teams to lose uhhuh yeah I just went the end where they can’t go and they got to bring in another team but then you look at like Cleveland um and it it’s a heavy dose of run and

Play action um they do a great job of you know getting uh their wide receivers in good spots uh and then you know for for whatever reason this year Cincinnati became more of a passing team um and can went away from the mixing runs and um

You know Jamar Chase T Higgins Tyler boy those those guys are special so it’s it’s more of a passing spread off type of game when you play them what’s the big difference inside when you play a team that goes gun run a lot versus the team that you know is under Center and

Uh maybe some of the angles man I I think I think when you play when you play Baltimore it’s just like you’re in a three four structure almost the entire game and you know you’re worried about that fullback who’s 300 lb over there rard so you’re having to you know

Linebackers have to cut him down as soon as possible y um but then you look at like the spread offense and you look at you know you’re usually in a two and a three um and you know if you stop stop them on first down and they don’t get

Any yards you’re you’re you’re setting your hair on fire at that point you know you’re really just you’re playing ATT track ATT track me for the most part and you know on your way to the run so it’s it’s definitely different our league but you know you got to be prepared for the

Run you know for the long term do you have one game that you remember division that was the most physical one I mean I have them in the NFC West I remember one game in particular with the Niners when they had all those dudes and Seattle had

All those dudes it was physical but this is a [ __ ] I mean this is a washing machine the AFC North do you remember one game that it was like oh my God you know there was a stretch in the Baltimore Series where um it just felt

Like we were playing Navy and it was just triple option so it was just Oh either the dive up the middle or we’re going to flip it like you know and you’re just it was like we played them and then the worst part about it is we

Played them again in another two weeks and so it was just like you know it was like you know each other it’s just like we’re going to keep beating on each other until one of us blinks how about o line Kyle let’s talk o line I want to

Hear this from both of you guys cam first who do you think is the best o line in the league best o line League oh man I don’t even want to give anybody credit uh I know maybe not anybody in this I was going to ask you about a

Player like you know who is a o lineman in the league that maybe deserves more credit you don’t you don’t have to [ __ ] crown him but you can say Hey you know this young guy from XYZ does a good job at this I don’t think we give enough credit to Marshall Yanda yeah

Dude he was amazing yeah bro could play center guard tackle in every position like yeah he was a b played with the nastiness and like you know I didn’t like talking about baltim more but like that was a dude who was like okay you better bring your heart at cuz that dude

Can go all over the place unorthodox pass set really would get on you and use his hands well he moved laterally really well I got a funny story about yand so my first time with the pro bow I’m riding the bus and there’s no I’m like

The last guy on the bus and there’s no seats except for one next to Marshall Yanda and I didn’t know Marshall Yanda at the time like as a person I didn’t know how he was and I sat next to him I was like Hey M Mr yand big fan he like

Nice to meet you you know nice to meet you it’s like you know he’s got his hard hat in his Lun dude he happy he said do you mind just not talking to me before the game he said I know you’re excited to be here kid but do you mind not

Talking to me before the game and it worked and it was great oh I got to try that got try that can you not talking to me before the show you got to be he comes in here with his cup of coffee he’s just the ball of energy I’m

Like uh I got to try the Yanda thing but yeah Yanda was great uh Yanda was was God he was great yeah and the thing about playing yand was like you’d feel that last shove all the time that uncomfortable like just like the echo of the whistle that that makes you feel

Like you you have to disengage and if you disengage and even if he’s not on you he might find you you know like he’s always around the pile either you lean on him or he’s going to lean on you it’s a lean Fest dude it’s a last shove fest

With that guy Rob nikovic said it he goes when I had to play Marshall Yanda and he was playing tackle he was so unorthodox he was better than any tackle I played um and I think that happens a lot with guards that move outside because they’re so different they’re

Used to being in a phone booth um let’s talk about right now man like I I was I was on the bandwagon all year cheering you guys on standing on couches in our live Watch Studio I was big Steelers fan and then you guys hit that that bump in

The road man and and you know the indie game I felt like was like man the bottom just fell out cuz I was putting myself in y’all’s shoes and you know you feel like The Season’s on the line and it was so hard to get a stop I felt helpless

Watching because it was like they just moving it how did you climb out of that hole cuz the whole country left you all for dead after that game um you know I think that was a stretch we went uh lost to AZ lost to New England yes and lost to

The Colts and so and you know it’s it’s easy to think like the sky is falling but I think you just got to kind of just reel it in um and just you Singler it you you you say dude we got one game and kind of just lock in on that but we

Definitely don’t make it easy on ourselves it was it was it was rough those those three games and um man looking back I wish we really could have took advantage of that opportunity hey so from the outside looking in I work on at CBS on Sundays and we got to cover

You know we we got to talk about all these uh these hot button things and sometimes uh I was asked to talk about aoid in offensive leadership in Pittsburgh as a defensive leader in that locker room at what point do you take it upon yourself to say I got to cross uh I

Got to cross the uh what is it the party line here and go talk to this offensive group because you know they respect a guy like you yeah you know I think you know I I won’t relate to any one point but there were times I had to go across

And you know just have conversations and I think you know it wasn’t just me there was other guys because at the end of the day you don’t want it just to be oh the offense is losing your games it’s the team that’s losing your games and you know that my

Name is on that and so um I felt like I I own some of that responsibility and so it’s more than just one guy it’s more it’s more of what do we got to do to get this right and you know holding each other accountable letting the offense to

Grow um you know it’s tough because you lose Kenny for that chunk of games and then you’re trying to put Mitch in and then Mason and so in that you lose some stability at the quarterback position and so um luckily Mason got it going late and you know really opened up

The offense cuz um you know from the quarterback position not having that um that Foundation to really lean on when you know Kenny got hurt and I think we were s-3 at the time yeah but we were still doing with a lot and you know injuries and in consistent play well I I

Got tell you two of the guys I love watching the most on that offense are you know George pickings and Jaylen Warren I guess I’ll start with George um I know he had that that stretch where people were on his his ass a little bit about finishing and that sort of thing

And you know like there are plays where maybe if you caught me on film you’d be like you know what I’m saying and I’m sure cam as hard as he plays sometimes you could run harder I mean but you know you got to reinforce that effort and

That maturity and I thought he responded really well and and and I loved when he was on the sideline I was ranting about this on the show and he was doing I can’t hear you thing and I I wish I could have been like George you did hear

Everybody like that’s why you just went for 200 brother what what what what went into that for him you know I think George is Young and so the the way we live now and everybody’s affected by social media and everybody’s you know locked into what a reporter or what the

Media is going with it’s just you know we tell them we’re riding with you dude like and you know it might not be pretty shoot we all mess up like yeah like we just bounce back from it and you know once you go out there and show them

Something else it’s like oh now we’re back in good graces so you know it’s just like bro we’re never going to turn on you it’s just we just want you be great he can be great man and Jaylen Warren to me he seems like a little bit

Of that AR archetypical stealer you know and I I love the guy and he seems like he does and says all the right things and I wonder can he be one of those offensive leaders is he already you know I think the young Jaylen Warren um you

Say he’s just you know he’s getting ready for his opportunities um but I think having a real balance between both him and Nai and them both understanding that we need both of them to be on the top of their games uh and we need to

Both of them to ask a lot of each other that allows for them to challenge each other and I think um you know each one of them makes each other better I I I feel like when you look at our running back position I hate teams that have

More than one running back that that can dominated a game as opposed to one running back where oh yeah we Tire you’re out you’re done yeah no question and the and the the the different cuts yes that you have to anticipate as somebody who’s playing two gaps at times

And and you know different blocking combination because you might see more Gap came with one guy and like when Justice Hill came on this year for Baltimore and even more so that really fast kid that got hurt I can’t remember his name it’s like two months ago Keat

Mitchell uh you know like it throws different looks at you it like really unsettles you yeah and then you they can stay you know healthy throughout the entire game and you get to the fourth quarter you’re like shoot I don’t know what to expect at this point but if you

Have one guy it’s like we’ll get used to we we’ll lock in we you know we’ll get you down all right so you’re you’re talking to two dudes two old dudes that have dealt with groin and adductor and hip flexors and all that stuff I know that you’ve been going through it and

You’ve went through it and you’ve come back and played football and uh I saw one of your tweets you know you wanted to REM you’re going to remind these fans what are you doing this offseason to prepare your body to remind the fans because we know how tough dealing with

That midsection that core that groin can be dude uh first of all I’m just getting healthy like this past year was literally the one of the worst years I’ve had just from a Health standpoint um you know first tearing my adductor and dealing with that trying to come

Back trying to run was stupid as hell I I look like an idiot when I can’t lift your knee up you can’t pick your leg up like yeah and so it would just get to a certain point and be like I can’t run anymore you know and um you know now I’m

Just getting healthy um you know I want to get back into my Pilates again and get going from there do they make a reformer yes yes I just hate spreading my legs cuz I just don’t feel comfortable in that position exposed bro you feel exp Mike honcho

Position like I’m in have stir-ups or something yeah exactly what’s up cam I have a question about your podcast not just football with Cam um how hard was it managing and and recording that podcast in season I don’t think it’s that bad you know I I like the think I’m

Pretty um organized with my time time so when it came to like you know we would do it every either Monday or Tuesday you know earlier in the week if we had like a Thursday game but uh it doesn’t get too t tough I think the funniest part is

Like people think like I can’t have anything to do besides football like you know they they expect me to just be a robot all the time it’s like I can’t talk about the game that you guys want to talk about right why why do you like you see guys sitting courtside at

Basketball games or going to hockey games or baseball games or posting things they’re doing on their bye or whatever but like you’re taking an hour out of your week yeah you know like there is a point of diminishing return with work anyways you got to find some

Things to like stimulate yourself I play Call of Duty for four hours a night like yeah dudes are G you can take an hour to record yeah and I’m usually bitching about something so you know I get on there and I get to vent about it so it’s

Cathartic dude for every good for everybody and it’s good for the fans cuz they get to know people that’s big you know like that’s the cool thing that’s going to take you want to talk about like us making more money money the salary cap going up and stuff you know

Like the more players get you know ingratiate themselves with the fans but more than anything just like break the wall down a little bit the more the more it’s good for business like you know we wear face masks we need to date more superstars who do you got on that

Steelers roster that’s a that’s a bachelor that we can or make a fist Patrick okay okay easy sty his tape is great that’s a great that’s a great tape great tape dude great tape hey and you got something in common with Cam I think yeah cam I’ve been trying to get these

Guys to get on the Love is Blind train to get right so listen I have a question for you do you think Chelsea pulled the biggest finesse in love’s blind history by saying people say I look like Megan Fox oh I saw that that’s so crazy bro the the show is predicated

Literally on not knowing what someone scouting profile said I look like no she said that people say I look like it’s like getting a Brady comp and you can’t even throwing out oh man poor Jimmy poor Jimmy she finessed Jimmy okay okay okay let me break this down first

Of all she didn’t even say Megan Fox this is how she finessed it she goes yeah I’m I’m like Megan I’m like MGK’s girlfriend or wife and it’s like he’s like Megan Fox and so he’s like you walked him into that said it yeah oh my goodness and the other girl

Was like you will be kicking yourself like he was like he he was like I’m just telling you she doesn’t look like that I need to watch this bro this show is just gold it’s gold and another question do you think any this is great this go all

Day any of these relationships like will stand the test of time before we get there I just got to say the other finesse was there was one more finesse because they didn’t show it in the show but then they went back and they started giving like behind the scenes stuff they

Said Jimmy looked like uh Christian uh maaf so I was like kind of thrown off by that I’m like man people out here lying and scamming on this show that’s crazy oh man but if I address your question um you know when I look at this show it’s

Just it it’s a train wreck bro it’s a it’s a train wre like the only couple I think that might have a chance is is what is her it’s Johnny and Amy okay and I think the only thing that’s weird the dude’s like well you got to stay on the

Birth control and I’m like bro you got to strap up yeah my guy you got to do your house yes that is so the street that is so funny bro I just was literally watching that scene so the premise is just like blind dating yes

You don’t see the person you have a week to basically find someone you want to propose to yeah like you’re having all these blind dates so there’s a wall between you at the table yes so you’re walking the the girls are walking in hear their voice you you could just hear

Their voice and see their silhouette yeah it’s Stevie Wonder speed dating yes exactly okay see that’s good Chris Stevie might not be though really though actually I’ve heard a lot of stories about Stevie driving golf carts and [ __ ] like sh Shaq said Shaq said he walked on an elevator one time Stevie

Wonder looked up and said Shaq like how dude dude have you seen uh the greatest night in pop no Netflix okay so there’s a part in there in oh I heard about it though this is like back in the day yeah so like there’s Stevie

Wonder and um is it Ray Charles I think it was Ray Charles was there and so Ray Charles said he had to go to the bathroom and step was wonderer was like I’ll take you and then somebody was like it’s the blind leading the blind what they end up in the kitchen

Somebody’s pissing in the casserole oh my god dude I got to watch this show man love is blind when does it come on bro I’m telling you like you’ll binge it you’ll be like so I can get it on my Smart TV I can just pull it up okay me

And my wife are going to watch it here’s the crazy thing I feel like they they could bring that show to Charlottesville for sure oh let’s do it bro they need to do it with athletes and just watch everybody like hype up yes dude I run a

43 yes [ __ ] yes someone said I look like TJ watt it’s like Ryan Jensen I have a sixpack morning hey oh hey cam Hayward man you come back again dude we love talking to you hey dude so much respect for you I’m so happy for you when I saw

You at Kelsey’s party I was just like there he is it it couldn’t have happened to a better guy dude and um welcome to the club I guess it feels weird for me to say that to you uh cuz you are you are you are you exemplify the award my

Dude appreciate that you know I’m honored to be a part of the club and honor you guys even have me on the show that dude anytime anytime good luck go get him next year bro get that adductor right and we’ll talk about love is blind another time sounds good all right bro

Appreciate it guys yeah take it easy


  1. Thanks for bringing on Cam, one of the best dudes, glad he finally got recognized for it. And Cam, screw all those naysayers who call themselves Steelers fans, I look forward to watching you play next year and beyond! Heal up and go do some damage!

  2. "They" never let these high profile "award winners" be a surprises.. 
    People are allotted preparedness, if only hours.

  3. Cam Heyward has made 4 All-Pro Teams, 6 consecutive Pro Bowls, Walter Peyton Man Of The Year, and he's still trucking at nearly age 35. He is getting on the edge of having a Hall Of Fame argument. He didn't even start until he was 24 or he'd have another couple years to have added to his numbers and awards. A great career that doesn't get enough press.

  4. Troy had some good players guiding him along his rookie year why he was good like that. They were good teachers(Brent Alexander, Chris hope, and mike Logan)

  5. I hope this salary make everyone comfortable so they let usplay…cam Heyward 6’5 288 has been to the pro bowl 6 times

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