Golf Babe

WHAT Team Makes The Finale for the $5,000 CHECK? | Golf Girl Games

Welcome to the first golf Girl Games event, where four teams compete for $5,000. There will be three 9 hole rounds with various formats and only the TOP two teams will advance to the finale. This event is being held at PGA National in Palm Beach, home to the famous bear trap and site of the former Honda Classic.


Each round will be split into two videos showing 2 teams in each. For round 1 part 2 we have Winter N’ Miami & Dresscode Violators. Stay tuned for round 2 next week where each team will play 9 holes of Alternate Shot, the hardest team format out there!

SoFlo Girls: Allison Dusek & Sabrina Andolpho
Legally Blondes: Cailyn Henderson & Deanna Confessore
Winter N’ Miami: Hannah Leiner & Sara Winter
Dress Code Violators: Mei Brennan & Cobair Collinsworth

Mei Brennan
Cobair Collinsworth
Hannah Leiner
Sara Winter

Round 1: Scramble
Round 2: Alternate Shot
Round 3: Scramble from the red tees
Finale: Best Ball Matchplay

This is the FIRST of MANY amazing events! Stay tuned and hope you all enjoy.

I’m let’s go oh No what I’m Talking good morning everyone it is round three what up what up what up it’s the morning of round three and we are ready to party what’s up guys welcome back to the golf girl games this is round three and we are the leader so we have the soflow girls whopping seven

Under overall and then we have winter in Miami at four over four over so we’re the top two they took a big jump yesterday but we’re going to come back we played really bad yesterday and we’re still on second so all shot is hard yeah

But today to make it easier to just get some low scores on the scorecard before the cut we are doing a scramble from the red teas we’re on the front nine at PGA National so any like this is the game time right now only the top two teams

Advance the finale so and then it’s clean slate and then it’s clean slate so literally the scores won’t matter in the finale it’s straight up best Ball Match plays I’m going to talk some [ __ ] with Hannah right now oh I bet I bet I’m I’m ready for it wait wait wait what about

Stay humble no yeah okay no not actually our strategy we staying humble because we cannot get ahead of ourselves Let’s get It anyways this hole is 322 yards we’re playing from the red so it’s a totally different strategy here you know we can bomb it but also there’s trouble so I’m going to do the the T flip to see which team goes first one two three all righty

Easy does it we’re going to have Allison go first though because I think that’s how you have to do it you have to have the person layup I’m going first for the soflow girls and I have a six iron which I hit about like 180ish so it’s just going to be our safe

Shot and Sabrina’s going to go and bomb it over the bunker into Prime position get Hannah scared Hannah doesn’t get scared she like dude look how much of a tweaker this girl is I’m a tweaker you know yes that’s my strategy TW I told her I was nervous this morning though

Cuz I am I’m nervous you should be I am scared silence on the tea please yes buddy let’s go that’s perfect perfect yes safe and sound do you want Sarah to go since she’s hanging IR is that okay what do you want what would you rather wait we’re waiting on the

Group ahead of us so to keep up with pace of play since we’re very respectful of everyone they’re going again okay bye Baron just hit it out there somewhere nice uh beautiful okay okay I’m going first H yeah go ahead applying the pressure let’s see if that that

Would only work if I believe that pressure was real okay we’re safe now you can rip it grip it and rip it can you tell I’m losing my voice a little bit but not like that bad not too bad I kind of like the sick voice I’m like hi

All righty finally do you think I can reach the bunker where coob Bear’s in um maybe if you like long drive it okay guys here we go Alison’s safe so I’m just sending it oh all right Alison good thing you went first she sent it all right I sent

It they’re going to be Ching each other so much going to be like I am going to go not where Sabrina [Laughter] went yes my God I love you all right Alison we need a little team huddling regroup all right come here you [ __ ] all right we’re we’re coming for their NE

Stepping on their throats today ladies and gentlemen this is my strategy start can you tell who’s from Miami and who’s Canadian no but it’s going to be a fun day it’s going to be a fun day okay guys I need to change my attitude right now literally from the second I opened my

Eyes I texted Alison and I was like I’m nervous and you get all antsy and [ __ ] and then you blow it right all right so we just eat off Sarah played it safe she got us in the Fairway which opened the door to let me just

Take a whack you guys already know what Hannah did a high draw straight down the middle bomb City and we’re bomb away all righty guys okay this slow ass group needs to no the group in front of us is really slow we’re waiting but we’re going to be proactive here we’re going

To uh oh jeez it’s 160 it is yeah bro but honestly 150 to the center it’s a hard Fairway to hit here like it gets so well no the champ course is a different animal okay guys I literally need to change my attitude right now I’m like

Like full tweak mode I know I don’t know why I have such nervous energy right now like there’s no issues everything is fine yeah it’s not like we have a legit I think it’s in 11 shot lead like buddy you can take it easy I know I know wait

Let’s do our team handshake just so we like got get get a club ready one two three I’m hitting a a seven okay yeah all right let’s do it all righty yes okay that’s fine turn d a little turn okay that’s fine all right we’re putting I’m hitting a

Freaking five iron I’m just she’s on the green pretty safe so I’m just gonna kind of go more at it here towards kind of the middle of the green oh God all righty what the hell is going on all right that really freaking bad all right like but yeah like your

Normal Tempo is so good just stick with it yeah you know mhm like there’s literally no reason to tweak right now yeah we’re on the green too you know we just have a two putt like they can make all the birdies they want they’re going

To have to make a lot yeah that’s true okay I’m just going to hit a full 50 if it’s a little short that’s okay and then you can be no yeah literally more aggressive okay right yeah I’ll just 98 you said yeah this usually goes like 90

95 yeah hit your hit your shot and then do what you do and then I’m just going to put one on the green and then we’ll go from there oh that’s a beauty Sarah oh okay so I’m supposed to get inside that you can get inside that yeah H yeah

Little closest to the pin challenge like come on Parts nice that’s fine we’re good nice that’s literally no stress like we had one literally just who cares as long as one of us we’re going to ham an egg all day I mean she bombed the drive so I had

To do something yeah and now she’s going to go make the putt easy peasy okay so this is what I call a traditional like Florida shot because the grass is really thin but then you have some green to work with so I have a 58 in my hand and

I’m just going to try to bump it it’s kind of like okay the Florida shot and the hit and hope are kind of like they go hand in hand all right Alison it’s just going off The Vibes you know take a seat buddy go in go in go in

Okay oh wow that was almost Jarred all right I am just going to you going try to put it up yeah I think I’m I feel kind of good putting I’m just going to aim it up this slope right here and just have it kind of like trickle down I feel

Like we will be able to make that putt either way from yours sit sit sit all right okay honestly that’s fine a little bit of a lengthy par put but you know we’ll make one of them the the Florida shot is more like trying to make

It and yours is a safe play like maybe this size is a little higher but nothing crazy it’s a little faster so it’s going to probably break more than yesterday TR do like outside right Edge yes yeah just give it yeah just get it there and then

You can be more aggressive I honestly I’m kind of feeling this one I like the way it looks oh yeah oh yeah let’s let’s go she knew I knew it I didn’t even have a ball I didn’t even have bring one I love the way that they’re in for birdie I mean they’re

Still a far ways away from us well that I did not want to see that really no neither do I we need to get momentum and just I think this a damn par putt yeah just securing the par and then we got the Jitters out of the

Way come on come on oh God I thought I hit it pretty well okay okay if I make this like shit’s going to really turn around did it break this way not as much as I thought just aim straight kind of yeah just yeah aim straight with some distance on it

What let’s go let’s go we’re going to do it do it ready bro I was nervous that that was like such a momentum changer for us wow birdie birdie birdie can’t Birdie the all until you Birdie the first and guess what we just did bir the first and we were

Feeling it yeah well that was a knee Shake oh baby I was I was shaking at the knees trembling we’re good no worries no stress yeah I just like I’m not sure how I’m feeling about them making that first one no yeah we can’t literally Alison we

Just we can’t focus on their gam that’s true that is so true we literally like ignore them like they’re literally not even here yeah they’re going to try to really get in our heads oh we can just bomb let’s just bomb right away Here let’s get it done All right this par 4 is 300 yards since we’re playing from the Reds I’m going to take driver uh bug and then Sabrina’s gonna can this thing chill bro what I swear I showered it’s a was is it actually bro wait is it there

I got stung by a wasp like a month ago it’s the most painful thing ever oh my God gosh okay they ran to the restroom really quick so we’re just going to go ahead and go for pace of play purposes like we can’t just not go right now

Because people are going to get pissed so here we go okay let’s get the driver going you you’re a freaking you’re an amazing driver player Alison off the tea here we go oh I touched it you do that bro these Florida bugs need to chill out yes slay

Sit we’re fine that’s fine is it is that water I don’t should I hit driver up there yeah yeah okay cuz I can’t like I can hit a driver good I can’t get in my head about the driver I just need to like get the confidence back I’m aiming up the right side

Here oh God no oh god oh jeez are we both in the water I saw a bounce a few times is that water over there I don’t no oh my gosh I’m not really thinking too much today I’m just swinging yeah yeah I think I thought a little too much

Yesterday grip it and rip it is all I’m doing oh no that’s right no but that’s fine yeah that’s fine so bad it’s good woo uh yeah okay okay I have like 60 yards I’m just going to put a wedge up there somewhere I think there’s a backs

Slope but I’m not sure just yeah there is a little bit it’s a nice little soft wedge nice Sarah you left oh [ __ ] all right well we’re on that wasn’t very good but we’re on nice it looks good are we still there oh that’s okay that’s fine that was I

Have to stop talking too soon like in the air I’m like oh that’s so good and then I’m like oh that’s fine we got mine what are you going to hit Alison I’m going to hit a 58 okay all right guys so Alison and I are like 71 yards I

Got I don’t know I don’t know why sometimes wedges are harder than just a full swing but I’m going to kind of just hit like a pretty Speedy 56 here try to just get a close here we go be good turn be good all right we’re

Kill ni shot Sabrina thank you all right buddy all right that was so now I’m just going to try to go for it like no matter what happens I’m just going straight for the pin yeah we got a little bird day opportunity that was clutch thank you

Sabie y get up buddy the well that is why we have sabras I’m seeing down this hill right to left yeah probably going to break quite a bit Yeah and it’s quick with it mhm so what do you think like a foot outside I think yeah I think that

Could work I feel like I can definitely get this close and then you can just go for it yeah I’ll just leg it up there if it goes in that’s all righty ladies beautiful a bonus oh Sarah that was so pure that was really break didn’t really break that

Much Hannah you can honestly like almost just outside right Edge yeah Hannah’s bound to drop like a 40-footer oh yeah this one could be the one go go go go go go go ni can I just tap this in then yeah sure good all right do you mind taking it on out please

Absolutely all right guys I’m just going to see if I can just make it make a little up and down and then what’s what’s up we just need to oh yeah put a mark there okay honestly like Allison and I don’t really read putts we’re just

Going to kind of send it let’s see we sofo girls go off The Vibes man we are the vibe Queens oh that was so bad go there we go I miss on the side you’re so annoying that so bad and it goes in the let’s go

Buddy all right Sarah all right we are now 800 I mean like honestly going going boom boom chakalaka goes okay next hole though it’s a par five it’s 4:24 we can definitely get there in two I feel honestly an eagles is the vi I need to hit my damn driver straight like

No more Kyle birkshire we need to play Alison deack I just I want to rip driver cuz I want to get the driver going because if we have to play our own ball for the finale we need to kind of like Get acclimated for sure let’s get

It should we can I go first yeah sure what’s our strategy with that cuz like we’re both having some driver issues right now well let me like hit this one and we won’t have issues anymore okay I know I feel this course is a lot tighter

Than the other one right I know the problems more like water and like it’s more of a golf course yeah all right ready that’s perfect yep good shot all right thank you okay Alison’s pretty safe I think so I just need to get confidence with my driver because it was

Here yesterday but but just hit do your Tempo okay oh what is that okay you’re fine yeah like it doesn’t feel like the worst contact ever but it’s just not sounds really good honestly yeah it sounds bad all right well Alison we’re using yours okay dog I’ll just put one out there

Somewhere hopefully on the green stuff nice Beauty I didn’t mark my ball did you I have a tailor made oh okay all right now I can just go for it okay Hannah bomb this yeah so Sarah just hit a great bomb right down the middle Set uh uh that’s a little left

Might be okay yeah one of those will be I saw bounce a few times I think you’re good one of those will be fine I damn I I feel like we were going from like a beginner course like not that hard to like way harder it’s not the course it’s me yes

So if you guys didn’t know we’re at PJ National the champ course they played the Honda Classic here I it’s so funny because that was one of the first tournaments that I ever went to or like PGA tournaments I ever classic but this is the one of the hardest courses that

They play the on the PJ tour are you serious yeah it’s one of the hardest ones like if not the hardest there’s just a lot of water like if you’re not hitting it straight off the te bro bro I literally shot like 85 here at the peak

Of my golf career like my junior golf career do you remember that it was a scene let’s make this interesting okay I am going to do something kind of crazy I’m going to DOD just so I can like keep it low and roll it up there and then

Like Hannah’s going to there’s like no trouble up there so we’ll see this is just you want to move that little thingy yeah I guess yeah kind of just like an experiment like we’re like directly in shank mode like let’s pull around d o d oh

B I think that’s fine yeah that’s you’re in the grass yeah no no no there’s really no trouble up there 217 what what club do you have 3 wood you think that’s yeah I think that’ll be fine I love this I see this on the

Green oh yeah oh sit draw draw draw draw draw okay I’m on grass just a little right okay easy chip yeah I feel like people are going to be rooting against us cuz they’re like oh like where’d she go I don’t know she like stuck the

Finish so nice is that good Hannah yeah I’m good nice nice nice nice no bro I’m actually I’m actually scared to go head-to-head with them in the finale bro why I don’t know what do you have there Sabby okay we are 177 with a little wind into us I think

I’m going to hit a Hybrid wait is wait maybe it’s not into us I like that you’re going to probably have an iron right I’m going to hit a Hybrid though like let’s see it’s wait what is it again 177 and it’s a back pin yeah I’m

Going to I’m going to probably hit a Hybrid and then I think let me go first see where it goes because I feel like for you it’s an easier shot cuz you’re hitting iron yeah okay I think you should hit an iron honestly because bro

If it goes over it’s like you know how it is here it’s a drop off and you can hit that pretty far okay yeah I guess she has a point I’m just going to hit a five iron let’s get this on alleviate some pressure make a bird make an eagle bro yeah

True oh that’s beautiful bro oh my my gosh oh my gosh it’s sure see I knew I should have hit a Hybrid for real like I don’t hit it nearly as far as you next time do not talk me into changing clubs cuz I’m telling you like I literally

Don’t hit it nearly as far as you so put it on what are you hitting seven six okay you got this buddy can you like not say stuff as I’m stepping up the come on turn turn turn turn turn turn buddy go a I just hit myself in the

Head and it literally went in a trap bro I’m like literally in the middle of like stepping up like in my mind I’m like where am I going to hit it then I hear Bo like bro okay let’s like make a pack like not mad or anything but don’t like

Let’s just keep the club selections to ourselves cuz we don’t know each other’s yardages okay like you’re blaming me you literally decided to hit the club and it’s my fault like I just no but we’re actually so fun though oh bro that’s like perfect yeah we’re so fun actually

Never mind we’re good we’re chilling chilling big do let’s just CHP it in for Eagle yeah let’s just CHP it in like I’m going to hit like a little bump and run 52 Hannah hit a really good 3-wood we have a little chip for Eagle here um

She’s just going to stand on the green and show me where to land this ball and that’s our game plan here all right yeah right here sit nice that was good all right well I wouldn’t say it was good but it s like the bird going to get

But what did you feel like with that one I aimed to right cuz the distance was perfect so like exactly where you told me to aim like that’s pin is that equivalent to the hole Yeah you made it just made it yeah so I would say that’s

What you you do land do you want me to stand there um sure um a little bit more to the left yeah like yeah okay come on you got this oh go go go go okay that’s okay that’s okay why am I so short I think we’ll take mine yeah okay

Guys Allison and I up and down for birdie it’s a pretty like straightforward chip I have a 52 it is a little elevated yeah I’m going to try what what club do you have I have a 58 but I like Landing it there and like

Letting it roll out just a tad okay so I’m going to do more like bump and run style but like which is technically safer I feel pretty good I’m just going to go go ahead and send it sit oh great CT a tease right here okay Alon just try to make it now

Cuz I feel like we have a pretty good birdie off yep all right ready Sabrina watch come back all right oh did you see that all right that mine’s like a T claster let’s just go with this you guys want it out yeah all righty fulling to

Make this one we got a little birdie putt here um downhill breaking a little right to left I’m just going to try to get it really close and then Hannah can go for the hole that looks good right there right and just really easy oh come on come

On oh that was so close it like didn’t move it like moved but it didn’t move faster than yesterday would you agree that was pretty firm like I feel like if that wasn’t that pace that would have been in it just depends on your pace

Like you could go right add it with that pace well yeah you got to freaking hit it okay that’s fine we’ll take yours do you have my ball or would you rather uphill um doesn’t matter we’ll do yours cuz they’ll give us the read okay guys

This is for birdie I’m just going to try and just tap it in because I feel relatively good about it he does it all righty okay I’m going to do the same yeah just tap her in yep yep nice all right moving on and we proceed five not

Ideal all right minus two after three I wonder if you and I have somewhat of an advantage being so close and like kind of knowing each other’s games cuz like a lot of well actually may and coar have played college golf together yeah they’re teammates yeah yeah oh this is

One interesting hole I forgot what ooh PJ National get it do you think you can get there no right I think that is that a you guys have a chance I want definitely get there okay I’m going to do the safe route I feel like Alison’s actually been hitting her driver better today do you

Agree yeah so I’m just going to go hybrid just put it in a safe spot here we go over the bunkers on the left it’s 25 to carry the bunker I’m going to just go right oh it’s really like there’s bunkers and water that’s this course’s

Defense so as long as you’re out of those you can make something happen go okay that’s perfect nice nice so you wanted you can just try to bomb it yep that’s exactly what I was thinking I might tea it high and let it fly yeah

All righty this is going to be my Kyle Berg Shire swing let’s see since Sabrina is already safe I’m just literally going to try to hit it as hard as I can which sometimes doesn’t work Serena watch let’s go baby set I don’t know where that went all

Right I think you’re perfect bro yeah I think you’re fine all right okay one no I’m going to hit a driver so I’m not hitting it that far today and then Hannah’s going to go for the green that’s fine yeah I think you’re right over it right

Yeah all right so that’ll like trickle down there yeah and there’s some space it’s going to work I’m just going to freak draw just dead straight that’s be good that is my partner oh my god oh I thought I Cuban Missile the Cuban Missile strikes again maybe we’re going

To see a whole one on a par 4 are you a little more tired today I was tired last night like I almost fell asleep and um before I got a Diet Coke at dinner yeah I got like the spicy Marg had two sips

And I’m like d C please oh my go the spicy Mark was not good me and Hannah literally hit it right next to each other the spicy Mark was really not that good no it was ass damn I hit it as far as Hannah let’s go Hannah’s like known

To be like the best in South Florida for bombing it all right I have a 58 it’s 38 yards I’m going to try to do a nice and easy flop we this is kind of like a short-sided pin right here for sure and I think it has like a huge down slope

After the green after the after it so all right smooth here dog oh shoot oh no uhoh the pressure’s on Sabrina press’s on no I apologize you’re that’s a hard shot it does it slope all the way down after the pin it’s yeah you’re if you go past 5 fet

You’re rolling off holy [ __ ] nice to know I think I’d rather not know that there’s more room than you think up here though in the front oh oh that looks good oh great shot wow nice baby that was so good the Nipper the little Nipper all right Swizzle did I just go

Right at it Swizzle Swizzle Swizzle nizzle oh I it’s it’s hard it’s so hard so hard y okay pressure’s on hanita holy [ __ ] Miss missile come on pars oh my God if I do this one more time in a row I swear to God I’m throwing my club in the lake okay that’s

Okay we all know the bunker I’m just going to put one up there nice and easy just hold it just hold it on him nice oh wow sit sit sit come on Hannah you can do it it’s tight you got this the sand is compact good Hannah oh that’s great sit

Sit take a seat take a seat oh my God bro this a monster I don’t know what to tell it’s okay well you know could be like for pce of do you care if we go no go are you sure yeah we don’t care okay

I want to go okay guys for pace of play purposes because we do have people behind us eventually we’re just going to go really fast what do you think this is doing um I’m just going to try I’ll keep the tea there though oh [ __ ] yeah

Okay all right let’s see if I can drain this for a bird all right nice birdie it’s too too easy let’s not react thank you let’s not react bro please this could be the best part in YouTube history okay what are you seeing I’m just going to chip it okay I’m going to

Put it do you want me to go first yeah okay uphill breaking a little right to left I don’t even know how it’s sat here I know right hey let’s make this okay got us up there good speed it doesn’t really break as much as it

Looks I literally was about to be like take the pin out but then I was like I’m not going to be cocky like thato I feel like sometimes playing from the Reds it’s like oh yeah it’s shorter but it’s tough that shot was hard like think people know how incredible

Your Chip Shot was that was a tight lie short sided like that was insane I didn’t even bring my putter no in college I never hit green so I like have practice on those shots okay Alison and I are just going to keep our mouths shut because I don’t want to celebrate I

Feel like it’s rude like if other if another team’s struggling and we’re just like making a birdie I don’t want to be like oh my God not our best hole actually a pretty crappy hole um we got Bogey and for a scramble that is no bueno so we’re back to even we’re

Back to even we need to really we need to go under the next we need to go hard right now cuz it’s we only have like what four holes left 5 six seven we’re fighting for we have we have five we are fighting for our life’s for a spot in

This finale and we won it we’re going to do it we’re going to give it our all part three these are my favorite I freaking love par 3es I wish we knew how they were doing we don’t want to know I am personally thinking of what the other

Groups are shooting are you or no I am but I’m trying to block it out I know okay so they’re talking some strategy over there and uh we don’t know what they’re talking About really really short hole here but you do not want to underestimate it so let’s see how far we’ve got 78 yards oh perfect 54 to carry the can I go first I don’t know I’m just I’m going to hit a 56 like I’m just going to pretend the

Water is not there it’s kind of such a stress reliever to have a teamate what yeah I said what water you worried about the water like I almost see the hole sit on it baby go in the hole sit baby oh that is so long P the guns out

Yeah I hit a that wind maybe is a little stronger than what’s the yardage again it’s 70 78 so literally try to maybe just play it like landed like8 you’re going first you stick a dart let’s go Miss dock sit okay good very good you both okay nice ma’am okay Han again do

Suck oh that looks good Hannah looks so good Hannah I actually think I’m going to change clothes oh set okay can I she’s at just stick a right on okay no pressure no pressure baby oh baby let’s go see this is what I’m talking about I want to play against de and and

Kayin I don’t know why they’re so funny to play again for Nice Shot Sarah that was so good nice shot set up last minute Club switch what did you hit I went back like went to a 508 and just opened it full swing cuz they were rolling out so

Much yeah yeah I’m not even going to line it up I’m just going to do f is this you Alison yeah oh this is more like maybe it’s going to rain a little bit now that I’m looking that makes me like not happy at all all righty I’m

Just going off Vibes for this just uh yeah come on Allison I’m going to watch this line though just in case oh love that for you greatt thank you okay so that one broke a little to the right yeah beyy nice bird partner good job guys we

Needed that big time after that for the whole squ that’s a nice feeling when you birdie after a b okay guys so Sarah just got her own birdie which is good puts us back at one under which is what we needed yep started off a little slow but

We’re back and we have four yeah we started off hot and then and then we went through a little thing and then we went through a little thing and now we’re back we kind of have to go on a bird train right now to secure the

Finale let go yeah let’s go bend that ass over let that coochie Breathe let’s get it done they’re 245 we have four holes left okay let’s get this round over with you so we’re on a par five right now I’m going to hit my 3-wood and just do a safe shot and Sabrina’s going to go and bomb driver it’s short though we can get

Another birdie here try Eagle yeah yeah this is my first time hitting a 3-wood today yeah no yeah buddy you’re fun yeah you’re yeah that’s perfect I need just get the driver going oh you’re fine yeah that’s good I need to get the confidence of the driver now

You still go I’m just going to rip literally right down the midd feel the approach I’m not even playing it safe I’m going down the left as you should oh bye see you water you’re fine I mean like I know you’re in the ship but like you’re still

Fine overall no yeah we’re fine we’re chilling get that birdie fuel or maybe Eagle no I me on the last hole let that run through your veins oh yeah Sarah that literally could not have been any better okay that was good now you can just like long drive it

Yeah but that’s the whole point love that from you holy bom Hannah woo all right we’re looking pretty okay guys I’m having like a small heart attack because there’s a little bit of clouds and it cannot rain right now because we have a lot more golf to play and we need

To get it’s it’s chill it’s yeah it’s not have some that look good more is it glossy it’s a plumper but it’s like a nice plumper it’s like a minty plumper oh it’s not like pins and needles okay these girls in front of us all all

Really great girls but they are slow as [ __ ] slow as [ __ ] we’re pretty far we’re like 196 it’s like 174 to the front I think I’m just going to hit a full hybrid because all right what do you think about that I’m not telling you what to

Hit oh yeah that’s true we decided that but I’m going to go first I don’t know if I can get there with the hybrid but that’s better than going long I just don’t want to go long yeah like we it’s a par five so there’s wind I’m going to

Just aim really right here we go turn oh wow that looks pretty oh my okay nice that’s perfect I I’ll just be more aggressive cuz we have a shot yeah I’m not really confident with this at all but seren’s in a good spot so I’m just going to see

What I can do here how far is it again like literally hit at like 200 all right go go go that’s in the water teamwork is the DreamWork two on the water but hey two but the other two are perfect so it’s all good okay I’m we

Got about 150 into the wind I’m just going to smooth a six cuz I don’t want to be short and give Hannah a really good visual and we’ll go from there oh Sarah oh that was so beautiful okay that was good roll down it’s rolling okay she

Stopped come on perfect now now I’m just going to go for it because my partner got me a good look at Eagles so and I Chu it but you know it’s okay it’s fine yeah whatever we’re fine we’re on we’re playing for e that’s all I care

About guys I hate slow play but I it doesn’t seem like it’s affecting us that much so all righty here we go it’s breaking a hell breaking a what I don’t know what that was supposed to be I’m going all the way I don’t know what that

Was I love you I H you here we go oh lab golf come on please don’t be the joke okay honestly that’s really not that bad hon yeah that was good you have to play it all the way up there all right buddy show show the line come on buddy oh

Jeez come on it’s going to be closer than mine though okay we’re perfect can you call it yeah yeah this would be really nice to make considering we’re still fighting for a spot kind of need it in the finale I have a good feeling I’m going to show Hannah the way and

Then she’s due for a bomb so I mean like are you going to show me the way or you just going to make it I might make it honestly yeah that’s the energy we need I’m kind of feeling it I’m liking the way it

Looks ooh ooh oh come on okay that was a good good leave though okay I’m happy with that Here Comes the Sun so it hit that little thingy and it push him more left so I think inside that the line you gave me was perfect I hit it a little

Hard okay like you had the perfect read on this putt you got this all day that was so close I’ll just tap that in for birdie that was great yeah tap that on in for the big bird dog all right wait what is this one wait wait

Make sure this for birdie oh okay nice birdie okay that’s all we need we just need to keep going okay guys Alison and I’s fifth birdie in a row okay has a flex here we go let’s see if that was our [Laughter] second yeah there we

Goad Center what are we five under after six yeah it sounds about right to me go let me tell you A five under after six we’re probably the most annoying group to be paired with because we’re literally just like making everything I don’t know what’s happening but I’m not

Complaining at all seriously me neither Let’s get a hole in one let’s ramp it up let’s ramp it up 27 km someone huh wait what kilometers that’s not moving yeah 153 153 yeah okay kilometers is at what we use in Canada you use miles right kilome yeah kilometers is like yeah miles he hit this 150 km you

Fre isn’t it meters just hit this by the pin who cares how far it is I love it oh yeah I love that draw draw draw draw draw oh yes woo get in the hole get in is that in no but that’s like it looks close okay now I can just really

Go for the slam dunk dude my heart was like be the moment it’s okay Hannah’s up there can I go I’m looking the M we’re just no but what was our plan this week I hit a bad shot you hit a good shot you

Hit a bad shot I hit a good shot okay so they absolutely hit an amazing shot let’s just hit an amazing shot here too I I feel good I have a six iron in my hand strategy is you know we’ve been really feeding off each other here here we go

Ah oh that’s nice that’ll be good what the hell is that okay I’m going to hit an eight and just get it good all right that’s over but at least I have Allison what’s the yardage again 153 all right but to the back pin so be a bit

Short uh oh Sabrina you’re not can watching my shot no he we’re fine there all right whatever okay so we just birdied the last hole on a par five now we are pretty close on a par three so let’s go birdie again and then we could

Be on track with Sabrina and Allison who are five under it’s their day job yeah literally got five birdies in a row they’re they’re rubbing off they’re rubbing off on us now honestly we like that they’re playing good because yeah when you’re in a group you’re like your

Playing are playing good the energy and The Vibes are better and I feel like it’s making us more competitive cuz like we want to make group that’s playing bad I feel like you’re going to play like cuz the energy is low right yeah but I

Feel like the energy is so good in this group right now and we’re just trying to keep up with them and it’s making us play better okay guys we have three holes left we’re five under I have a good feeling we’ll make it to the finale

But we just want to get some good Juju before the finale cuz we’re going to have to separate and play our own bows so let’s like just lock in here lock it in lock it in baby I’m actually so curious to see who’s making it to the

Finale yeah me too I don’t know wait should I go little Florida shot right Here nice sit oh hell yeah buddy great ship okay Allison’s close that’s that’s a par I’m just going to like full send to try to make it I think it’s breaking a little bit right to left yeah dunk it bye that’s it all right that’s good that

Was F solid solid should we just tap it on in yeah go ahead yeah can you take it out for us too yeah for sure all right there we go thank you securing chilling it’s a big putt Sarah come on over I think it’s it’s not moving too

Much but I think it’s just I’m going to trickle it in from the right side trickle it in yeah Hannah felt it she wanted to go first it doesn’t look move unless you hit it softer I guess but honestly it’s going right on this way so just aim at

It don’t take the hole away get there that was so weak all right if this was match play I’d say it’s good but you know we’re going to have to see it happening all righty guys nice yep so what are you at for this nine or overall

Now I think we’re three under three under overall no overall um overall we started four over so we’re and we’re two over two over okay two over all right I’m actually really curious to see what the other teams are at it’s going to you guys did have a one shot lead we

Had a one shot lead and then we were three ahead of the other team yeah so yeah if you see see me and you want to say what’s up I feel like I’m almost like not bored like I feel like we know that we’re making it to the finale at this point

Yeah like you I mean like we’re playing some incredible golf so I mean this is fun so like I feel like now I’m just oh [ __ ] I feel like now I’m almost like preparing for the uh for the Finale get it done let’s get it done I feel like the smart play this is kind of a driveable part four but there’s water short of the green so it’s like it’s really risky to hit driver so our strategy Allison’s going to lay up I got my five iron and

If she’s good I’m just ripping the driver cuz we have nothing to lose now yeah 240 carry wind’s behind nice yep yep nice and safe that’s what you needed should I just like full send rip it just see what happens yeah we’re in Prime position but like she’s going to be

Super short water yeah I can go like I’m not going to get to the green no just go yeah you’re going to hit it 3 if you do it would roll up so what’s the carry 24040 bro is that stupid that’s so stupid why but you’re fine but you might

As well you’re fine yeah that’s true like there is a high probability that They carried it in front of us yes we watched them I think they both did yeah and I feel like you guys hit further I have I have enough golf balls to last me a while so here we

Go uh what are the odds no comment what are the odds this gets over oh no that’s really bad eight go wait but that might honestly be okay I saw it land it’s landed cuz water doesn’t go all the way through okay so ni okay we’re going to do what they did

One of us is going to lay up and one of us is going to go for it wait actually let me see something good is that pretty nice all right that’ll work I know now oh my go that better freaking go are you green I made it

[ __ ] dude I crank that okay so I had a huge slice but like we’re chilling we’re chilling we’re chilling oh is that my ball if you see me in hey let’s see where I’m at I saw it land so I’m there you want to just use mine

Sure if you see me and you want to say what’s up are you tailor made no oh that’s her oops no worries okay could you be a deer and yeah sure why don’t chip pal 75 yard of roonies 75 like 74 okay okay got it won Face yep stick it

Close come back go go go go go go go go go go what did you oh was fine what’ you hit there I hit a 58 okay I mean that’s fine it’s an uphill putt but I’d like to see you stick it a little closer than

That that’s like 70 it’s like 82 should i h i kind pulled that what of pulled it a little should I just hit like a chippy 52 okay yeah I’m just going to hit like a chippy 52 I’m going to just choke down a lot and just kind of like try to

Flight it in there because I Spectators oh look at the Ducks okay here we go oh my God all right it’s fine we’re fine no worries Allison’s up there it’s not good no we’re in a good position we can still make that yeah can you hold this I can pop this no this

Popped I we so nonchalant right now good if you see me and you want to say what’s up got 47 feel it you look like you feel it good sit sit sit okay that’s fine we’ll make that I’ll get it closer this is where I come in I didn’t

Want to be short Han I got one on the green there we have a birdie PT for sure so I’m just going to try to get it closer yeah oh be good kick left nice oh Sarah okay let’s go that was good thanks okay we have a little I don’t know what kind

Of shot this is just a little like I don’t know like this is definitely putable we’re just a bit short so I’m going to pull the flag just in case yeah so she’s going to chip it and I’m just going to putt it but I mean her and I

Were just preparing for the finale I think we’re pretty much secured for that so all right come on dock let’s just get that those vibes up that energy up coffee round two soon yeah right dock do sick okay it’s do SI bro oh sorry sorry like it’s unreal Sabrina and

Dilo’s about to hit like do you want me to Mark can you mark it please come on I don’t have a marker okay Alison’s mark it I have to go can you just make a little dot that’s going I’m going to put it in wow that was not close at all I like

The aggression though the aggression is good what it’s nice to be aggressive like yeah your partner was in nice good up and down ladies we’re running out of holes so I’m going to just do just that like think more right at it that looks good to me you’re aimed right of

It did it hit something I don’t know dude that like broke a lot cuz it like started this way and and then just went left uhhuh trust the line we had trust the line we had yeah it is pretty quick I’ll say that yeah yours pretty quick so

Maybe it just moves quickly uh-huh okay A little outside you got this nice Pace come on come on come on oh nice okay that’s fine just clean this up nice honestly it’s anyone’s game right now like we don’t know how the other girls are playing Alison Alison

DEC can you please pause the Duc that’s what I said so Sabrina has been my best friend for literally like 7 to 10 years and she still doesn’t know how to number one spell my name number two say it right like I’m not even joking we’ve like freaking lived together at like

Junior golf events and she can’t say my name Allison dek just don’t even say the last name it took you 5 years to spell Allison right Alison dusk doc bro I don’t know like I feel like I say it right and you’re not happy so

It’s like which one is it well do well doc I don’t know how many times I have to tell you and how many times that you’ve literally heard it it’s DEC keep saying yeah you keep saying it like the check where it’s like dock or I don’t

Know my dad says some [ __ ] like that Buton just call me Allison and it’s spelled with two El’s she’ll literally post pictures on Instagram be like a great day with my girl Allison and spell it wrong four years after knowing each other I’m like are you okay Bro Sabrina how far is it I’m just going to hit driver we’re 31 let’s just send it we’re we’re secured we’re yeah you guys are in such a good position you got no stress you’re just chilling we on the other hand have to make a birdie how

Does it feel the pressure I love it you do it feels good you know if you think about it like pressure is a privilege yeah right there we go all right that works yep good does it I don’t know where’d it go I think it went over

The hill but like on this side yeah you definitely got to cut the corner forgot mentioned that okay guys I’ve been struggling today with the driver and we’re playing baseball for the finale so I need to get this thing going just aiming right towards the right down the

Middle no no no no no cut cut the corner cuz that’s what I did and I just flew it okay oh that was perfect that’s beautiful that is so good so good Sabrina position guys all right Sarah I’m just going to do what Sabrina did yeah oh Beauty okay A little right that

We’re safe no but that’s yeah okay perfect now you can go for it do I whack it you absolutely step on this one oh so good a little high but kick left yep Sarah what’s happening right now we are on the last hole of round three the two top teams making to the

Finale and there’s what we think a tie going on so Hannah and I have to birdie this hole like we have to birdy this hole we’re sticking the vibe can change so much about oh is it oh was right on the tree oh looky there looky

Here if you see me on you want to stay with J ski they did oh oh my gosh okay they birdied we have to birdie okay um we have to birdie like there if there’s a time to birdie it’s right now we literally just watched the

People we’re tied with make a birdie so we’re going to really stick it close we’re ready all we can do is our best so we shall do that we shall do that this was our goal we made it oh my God Sarah that’s all over it be the flipping

Club let’s go go baby all right I’m going to put it closer what did you use pitching wedge half swing that wind did you see it think full Gap whatever you had in your hand the wind is winding all right I’m going to like do a little knockdown just put it In come on be the club be the club be the club be the club be the club be the club okay we got options we got options let’s go make the pet we’re going to need to get it together and refocus because we’re chilling right now yeah

It’s the last time that we are chilling for a bit wo that’s pretty go in WoW Sabrina what the heck how do I even follow that one up you don’t need to buddy it’s okay buddy get don’t go in the bunker I don’t want to get that all

Right we are good we are the champions my friend bro we need to chill because literally finale time next if you see me and you want to say what’s Up inside left inside it’s breaking right yeah it’s breaking right but don’t give the hole up aim inside the hole Yeah I’m going to be aggressive because I just want to like Ram in the back and just get it there yeah let’s just make it and go onto the tiebreaker come on Sarah

Go it all comes down to this oh my God mark it Mark it you have a tea I have the little Marky thing all right Sarah come over here hey you s it minded right yeah it moved right do you think like it was we or

Yeah holy [ __ ] I like can’t watch this guys I’m shaking I didn’t even have this [ __ ] like college like I’m like okay and this is this is the this is me just freaking did it don’t think you’ve got this you make these all day literally you make these every single

Day of your life it’s just another pot there’s nothing on the line who gives a [ __ ] Ram it in there no that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay good job good job I’m proud of us I know we did good guys was that bogy we went of bogey thanks guys okay nice job

Guys okay let me just and I’ll let you finish this is not that it matters we freaking tried our best you 600 damn it be 6ly what you did harder okay here we go guys to go 6 almost could have been more straight this was 13 as the total it was that bogey

Yeah under all righty guys okay all right partner was so we wouldn’t have boogied that hole all right guys so that is the end of round three everyone played good today but it really came down to the end Allison and I shot 600 let’s go we need

To bring this energy to the finale what happened with you guys what was your thought made one bogey that costed us we had one bad hole and if we would have made that bogy we would have been going into the finale with you see you never it’s like literally just one shot

But even like the round one like it all comes down to like one shot that is golf but anyways so going into the finale we have the sof girls versus the Legally Blonde it is straight up match play best ball all the scores are eras now now it’s just head-to-head

Anything Can Happen Yeah clean watching you guys betting on who we think is going to take it but this is going to be intense but anyways if you enjoyed this video make sure to like And subscribe and just stay tuned for the finale it’s going to be really intense yeah bye he


  1. How about a camera up by the green. Instead of two cameras watching the ladies hit or filling divots. Just curious as to why that was a decision.

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