this makes SHALLOWING the golf club so EASY

Struggling with your golf swing? πŸ€”β›³ Learn how to easily shallow your golf club and elevate your game to new heights with these simple yet effective techniques! Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, mastering the art of shallowing the golf club is crucial for achieving consistent, powerful shots on the course. πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’ͺ In this comprehensive guide, we break down the fundamentals of the golf swing, providing step-by-step instructions and actionable tips to help you refine your technique and lower your handicap. πŸ“‰βœ¨ Say goodbye to slices and hooks, and hello to straighter, more accurate shots off the tee! πŸš€πŸŽ― Don’t let frustration hold you back – take control of your game today and start seeing immediate improvements with our proven strategies. β³πŸ” Whether you’re aiming for the green or perfecting your drive, mastering the shallow golf swing has never been easier. πŸŒŸπŸ† Watch now and unleash your full potential on the course! β›³πŸ”₯”

Hashtag suggestion: #GolfSwingMastery

start 0:00
introduction 0:15
the drill 1:30
closing 3:55

So you could be one simple move away from getting that shallow down swing that you want let’s get into It so with a majority of golfers suffering from out to in swing path and steep angle attack often you’re going to be working on trying to shallow those angles out to maximize launch conditions to get the best out of your t-shots iron shots whatever it is so when we’re

Talking about shallowing out the swing it can be quite difficult to do got a very very simple tip here to just help simplify it make it easy something that you can take to the golf course that will improve your game right so first let’s talk about what it is when you do

It wrong so what I’ve got here is my swing plate and an alarm alignment Rod now you can put something like this down so if you’re practicing on grass jab that into the ground or if you’re a drive range just poke an alignment Rod into a into a basket or something to

Just help so pler swing is where we’re going to start so here that alignment rods more or less level with my plane of Swing so that’s from where the club head is up to my right elbow and what you’re trying to do is as we take the club away make sure

That that club is more or less level with the alignment rod on the way back to the point where we’re going to get to the top of the back swing here here the cans are going to be slightly higher than the plane but your right elbow more

Or less on it so you’re looking for the sort of Wati High position here to have the club more or less pointing at that alignment rod and as we set this set the club into this angle you can see that it’s more or less mirroring that that’s

Plain of Swing so if we get steep on the way down that’s going to mean that the club gets here and that’s going to be overplayed okay that’s going to lead you steep angle that cut down hit across it that’s your Fades your pulls and your

Pour shots in an ideal weld if we’re trying to shallow it we want to get the club down and the club head slightly under the plane that’s going to allow you to deliver on a much better path which is going to be more efficient and then you’re going to be able to start

Hitting some further shots so you’re going to be able to start hitting some draws get a little bit of shape going that way and control your spin rate to make sure that you can get the most out of your drive so it’s simple you want to be standing there swinging and getting

The feeling of getting the club coming in slightly under the plane in in that way but how do you do it right so what I’ve got here I’ve got my what I keep golf put in okay so I’m going to put that down there more or less level with

My right foot so the feeling that I want to get to hold an alignment Rod swing to the top and back swing s like that and from here don’t don’t move your chest okay so from there feel like you’re dropping that down onto that bag there

So a couple of swings where you turn drop most importantly there what I’m not doing is turning that way on the way down this is just an exaggerated feel for what you want to do it and I always say feel against Real not the same thing

At all but this is just a feel that you’re going to get to the top of your back swing not move your chest that way too too early but get the feeling of those hands working down towards your right foot dropping the club dra straight down or in this case the

Alignment rod and hitting the object that’s there so to stand there swing drop that’s going to help you get under plane on the way down then when you move the objects out the way just get the same feeling now I quite like to get people to stand their swing feeling like

They’re keeping their back to the Target for a second longer than normal not even a second like a fraction of a second so to stand think get to the top and get that feeling get to the top up get that feeling all right so you keep your back

To the Target for a little bit longer and just feel your hands going straight down that way from there just turn rotate through try and get into a decent finish position and that should help you to get slightly shallower get the club coming in slightly under plane all the

Way down and improve those shots so it should look like this so then get Club in your hand just stand there swing get that feeling that the back stays to Target for a little bit longer couple of moves like that set up on the ball and then just try and hit the

Shot and that should help you feel a little bit shallower into the ball and then improve those ball flights and Strikes and get you hitting it a little bit further and more consistent if you want to learn how to drive the ball further without actually swinging it any

Faster make sure that you watch that video

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