Golf Babe

Anthony Kim’s Wife Inspired Comeback After ‘Falling In Love With The Game Of Golf

Anthony Kim’s Wife Inspired Comeback After ‘Falling In Love With The Game Of Golf
#golfcentral #anthonykim #livgolf

Greg Norman had to wait two years to finally lure Anthony Kim back into the golfing Spotlight but it was Kim’s wife Emily who played the major role in her husband teeing it up in the Pro ranks again in live golf it’s been 12 long years since the Mercurial Kim last

Played professional golf and the return of The Talented but mysterious now 38-year-old has been capturing the imagination as the American returned to action at Liv golf jeda Norman Ed the lid on just what brought him back to golf as he joined the broadcast team of the event it really started a couple of

Years ago to be honest with you Norman revealed we reached out to AK early on and it wasn’t the right time for him but I wanted him to know that we had interest in re igniting him and bringing his passion and belief in the game of

Golf back out to get to the point where we’re at it was probably very emotional and passionate for me to be able to pull him back back into the game because very few people know what it was like to be at the upper level like he was he was an

Incredible player just before the end of my career I watched him and I saw this talent and then to see him fall into this dark hole and then about a year to clean himself up get himself back injuries whatever it is and to see where

He is today and to walk with him and be with him in the last month and a half 6 weeks to go through this process he didn’t want an agent he wanted to do it all himself he wanted to speak to me he wanted to speak to one other person he

Just wanted to deal with this thing because he has been reinvigorated in life through his wife Emily through his daughter Bella and it’s brought something back to him and I was walking with Emily down the first hole and I said what was it that really got him

Back and she said it’s the game of golf I said the game of golf is one thing thing hitting the ball right but it’s the emotional that allows him to go o I’m good at this golf is a safe haven oh God golf is going to give me something

Else what that is the happiness that he hasn’t been in for the last 12 years until he met Emily Norman says wife Emily was the key to Kim’s return and jeda is just the start of his road back to the big time he had a Mystique about

Him and he has a cult following Norman add he has been reinvigorated in life through his wife Emily and his daughter Bella whatever happens today doesn’t really matter I said to Emily on the first te today the journey of 1,000 miles starts with a single step and that

First step is his first swing today and there will be a process for him to go through I’m just so happy for Liv I’m happy for golf I’m happy for AK and the family and his journey is going to be a Fant fantastic thing

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