Golf Babe

26 Minutes Of Karens Messing With The Wrong People..

26 Minutes Of Karens Messing With The Wrong People..

Subscribe for more videos to see Karens Who Got What They Really DESERVED, Karens, Public Freakouts, Karen Complications, Karens Getting Owned By Police, Karens Going to Prison, Instant Karma & More!

Videos inspired by:
26 Minutes of Karens Vs Kids!

18 Minutes of Karens Vs Kids!

TOP 25 BEST Entitled & Angry Karen’s Who Got OWNED! #19 Sneaky Trends

Karen DESTROYS Loud Lamborghini… Karma

Racist Karen Gets INSTANT KARMA after this.. Illusive

Karen Attacks Neighbor after this.. Illusive

When A Karen Goes To Prison.. Illusive


Ah parents the unruly hurricanes of everyday life wrecking Havoc with a gust of entitlement and a downpour of absurdity they walk around thinking they’re Untouchable but what happens when they meet someone who won’t back down to their nonsense today we look at the moments where Karen’s got put in

Their place this Karen starts bothering these teens for riding a bicycle at the golf club she goes as far as calling the security on them but when they just laugh it off she gets all worked up and starts filming them first first first first call Dad to ask him what the number

For that’s talk English why you can’t do that what the heck hey hey excuse me hi yeah this is minion Heiser uh I just you on Robert’s course there are three guys riding their bicycles in the uh and they they said they’re just see their feet they’re

Riding their bicycles in the sand traps on Robert’s one no that’s two that’s two that’s Robert’s two this is Robert’s one okay okay you’ll send somebody out right now great thank you so much I appreciate it look I’m sorry I’m sorry do not laugh

At me I know I swear to God I’m not cuz he he’s being disrespectful let’s go I’m sorry both of you are get out of here I’m so sorry let’s go get out of here I know I know it’s me let’s go let’s go we can’t be on the trail we

Can’t be on the trail do you belong to the club yes yeah obviously my dad like like like 30,000 a year D it you know it doesn’t pay 30,000 a year you’re so out of it he’s a premium in the club I’m sorry he doesn’t nobody you know you

Know the best guy that plays golf that’s my dad you know you know what’s his name you know what’s his name you’ll probably know him if I know if I tell you his name you you’ll probably know him if I tell you his name right now tell you

Know Michael Michael who Michael Angelo no he’s one of the the best that that plays on the okay so as my husband get out there I know him you guys are destroying those no my Nom I’ll it I’ll it don’t worry about it you know they’re coming

Out here to play tonight so get out of here they oh they’re playing tonight my dad’s coming out of here too go okay got it got it okay sending it a crazy ass [ __ ] this Karen bumps into this guy’s car but instead of exchanging info like normal adults she starts blaming him and

Yelling like there’s no tomorrow you don’t get it in life you son of a I’m older than you are oh so is that something to break about that’s got nothing to do with what you did you’re an y you’re an a proverbial yes ma’am you just can’t handle oh yeah you’re

Proud of it oh yeah okay why don’t we start ench exchanging information now are you ready to do that or you still want to sit and holler and some more well you know what can’t you at least say you’re sorry can’t you why you hit me Dam you’re the one that started

Driving all over the road like this I was getting away from you you you were behind me why’ you have to go around you cut me off you were behind me you tried to cut me off behind you ran up beside of me cuz you were coming in from the

Left you ran the right you you were behind me what was so my car the proof is there you don’t get it stup but [ __ ] go look at my car if you would have stayed behind there’s nothing wrong with your car I Tred to avoid hitting you

Avoid hit me fed up to hit me ma’am if you my car if you have just stayed behind me all this would have been fine I did and that went if you stayed behind me if you were staying behind me how did all this happen to my car

Because you sped up qu I would have sped up what’s going on can you believe it Karen has the nerve to kick this guy’s dog and acts like she’s the victim when he confronts her and get this she won’t leave him alone even when people ask her

To leave she’s the witness are you going to hit me no are you going to H me no I’m not I’m not going to hit you well I going to take dog away don’t take my dog away out the I’m trying to get out of here she’s walking around kicking dogs she

Assaulted me she’s walking around kicking dogs look I can’t even get out of here and she just kicked him again is you’re punching me she’s walking around what’s with her ask her I don’t think honestly you me punch me like I didn’t even talk to you insulted

Me and then you know what get lost seriously get out of here I live here you get out here he took pictures of me you’re the only one that’s insulting anybody yeah no you are no you are look we’re out walking our dogs you come up

And you punch me so how about you walk your way our way I’m fine with that other than she just kicked my dog hard I’ll walk away oh gee really you can walk I’ll you’ll walk away Scott free after kicking my dog till till she Yelps after you

You’re unbelievable I’m glad I got this on video away I will at least she’s okay she yeled loudly she just walked up whack right in the ribs look at her she’s freaking out just by me moving oh give me a break I’m walking my dog why would I assault you say

That say that to oh protect because Sheed me did she not walk up on you like she punched me so I she walks up and punches do you know her no I don’t I don’t know her either I didn’t even talk to you this is two people walking their

Dogs walk back here a few and she can walk down that way you look at my dog is shaking she’s scared like you know what just I’m going to go I’m going to go take care of my dog you walk your way I’m going to walk my way I’m just glad I

Got this on video sorry buttons I’m just glad I got this on video cuz you’re messed up you’re messed up no you are yeah look at my dog is shaking for no reason she’s freaked out and she might even be injured go away I

So now I have to take her to the vet to check her ribs can tell to yeah I’m going away unbelievable like who walks down the street and kicks a random dog and away why should I shut up you go away no you go away first I’m not going to go away

Until you go away I’m not even yeah don’t even you know what nothing’s going to come of this let’s just go away bye this male Karen was throwing a fit cussing at a worker and demanding a refund while filming the whole thing but when the worker fires back with some

Cussing suddenly Karen acts like he’s the one who’s been wrong you can’t talk to me like that Ty I don’t care you can’t talk to me why are you swearing at me why you swearing at me you’re on camera say hi on camera oh you just swung at me [ __ ] yeah yeah

You camera yeah I’m calling Burger King head office and you’re responsible for this you’re not taking action give me my money and my food please yeah we’re stepping in you’re on camera I don’t care just because I work at Burger King doesn’t mean this happen it should not happen it doesn’t matter

Don’t worry I’ll contact what’s your name mil recording me where’s your name tag that’s right there you should tape you just have to report her she didn’t step in to report take care of her employees this is going on YouTube this is going everywhere so you want to walk no no one

St in to take care of anyone yeah the manager didn’t take there was no customer service taken care of where’s my food where are you going to spit in it now yeah exactly innocent you kill innocent people in Afghanistan and then you come here and try to treat your who said I

Was in Afghanistan you’re in the Army and not what they this is going to head this guy catches an old creep in the store taking photos of his girlfriend but instead of feeling ashamed the old guy acts like it’s no biggie come On that out of your hand I am not around recently deleted right there need some glasses so yes I do the all the all there you go 69 items you [ __ ] what are you a pedophile or something no you sick n thank you for your time you don’t get

Back on your camera when I walk away I’m not shut up okay this guy needs to get the hell out of here something we walk here looking at all this stuff and he’s sitting here taking pictures you pictures of I just made them all I did have take a picture of

The lady and they’re all deleted oh that doesn’t matter why are you my thing that’s sick dude you are one sick Pig Dude nasty [ __ ] you’re lucky you didn’t the motel staff asked this lady to pay 9170 now but she says she only has to pay later however there’s a system error

And the staff can’t confir confirm her state so he calls the cops on her when she gets defensive has Sonia gotten back to you at all or are you just not going to answer because I would like to be able to get in my room and my cat and make

Sure that she’s okay 9170 I do not have to pay 9170 cuz we were charged for Saturday and that’s what we were told and you won’t talk to your general manager to find this out instead you call the police and then you tell me that I’m you called me

A you called me a [ __ ] a customer a and you have terrible customer service the motel sits in Southgate this guy wants to let a cat sit in the room by itself because we were told we paid until Saturday Saturday but he’s telling me I have to

Pay now because of some system error because he won’t talk to his general manager to get this fixed right now it’s illegal to videotape people without the oh well this is going to go everywhere thank you this is a public area no it’s not this is private

Property it’s public okay let me ask the police these two weirdos start disrespecting the drive-through workers demanding a refund but when the workers says no one of the weirdos totally loses it right to refuse your service just give me my money back just give me my money

Back give us money back give me I got you give me give me no no we not here here here care no stop telling me my moneyy don’t talk to me like that give us our [ __ ] where’s our money do you understand yes where’s our money at act right in my

In I the cops you’re in the wrong I’m not going to do nothing to her cu no cuz give us our money back cuz do not get the out my dve give us give us our money no get out of my drive give us our

Money you at hey yeah are you a manager I’m not going nowhere manager go we ask money we we know our money right now that’s it all you got to do is give us something that’s all you got to do you got to move right there you

Go hey my mom I beat that ass this crazy Karen barges into the restaurant and starts filming the worker harassing him while shouting about how they don’t care about the environment [ __ ] planet we have one mother earth right we have one mother earth you get it right one mother earth take care of

It respect it the way deserves I’m s manager I’ll I’ll get him and he you out get your manager let’s go Justin come here Justin Justin let’s go let’s go Justin let’s go I don’t care if I go I’m sorry to bother you Justin your employees don’t care about the

Environment I didn’t throw this out don’t worry I’m recording I’m recording this whole time I’m recording Facebook live Facebook live leave Facebook live a good night Facebook live sorry Facebook live you don’t care about the environment you don’t care about the environment we one Earth we want Planet

You give us about it we’ve won Earth respected it houses you and homes you and makes you’re don’t give a excuse no no worries a good thank you very like like a how much reinforce that statement she looks like she had had so much meth in her sstem I was just going

To say kids why you yo Aon crashes his car and flips it over then he goes off on the people around blaming them like it’s their fault sir call my lawyer you shut the up calm down you’re good you you went do something brother law he he the money problem he’s

Drug he’s Dr is everybody okay though he’s wasted did he come out of the car yeah was anybody else with him no was he driving or the passenger seat no he was driving he was driving we saw him swerve anybody in the back seat hello this Garen was being super rude to the

Workers in the Drive-Thru next thing you know they totally lose it and starts cussing her out I get nothing because of what because you’re being disrespectful I haven’t said anything to you guys but you were talking to us disrespectfully and this is all being recorded right now so you this can be

Recorded this is recorded in my drive through now go this is not your drive-thru we didn’t do anything I’m surely going to post this on Tik Tok we can know about Taco Bell this is Taco bill and erlinger this Ain erer B what is Dixie Dixie Highway y’all I know I live here

Babes and I also live in LA don’t do too much cuz you can get sued so who are you talking to I’m talking to you you are cuz I’m a customer I haven’t done anything to you and I’m not moving out of this line I’m not you’re not a

Customer because you’re not get nothing in my drivethru you’re Bo I’m what oh yeah who do we need to speak to what’s the what’s your uh corporate 1800 get the out of my drivethru oh oh yeah she’s very disrespectful y’all hear this on here I don’t know her

Name but we are at Taco Bell and Dixie you guys heard how it started off how they were talking to the customers now they said they can’t serveice and we made it here before the time um you’re being disrespectful to my manager I haven’t I was asking who they were

Talking to being disrespectful I don’t have to put it’s been recorded it has not been disrespectful require your services ma’am ma’am am I able to purchase my meal because I haven’t done anything you apologize I’ll give you your food ma’am I’m what I’m not trying to be

Rude but what am I apologizing for your mouth I heard what you said about my sister-in-law and my manager ma’am you just cussed at me I haven’t cussed at you I haven’t said anything about okay I okay you’re right I’ll apologize for my part I I apologize yeah I haven’t cussed

I haven’t disrespected I just asked who they were talking to cuz I’m a customer you feel me it wasn’t nothing I apologize I was rude so I just ran all I Rush iush what talking about is when you turned to your friend and said well just being rude yeah that’s that’s a

Statement that you guys were being rude asking a question and that’s when you start doing okay but ma’am you got to realize is was that correct to come at somebody a customer cussing and I’m yelling at him and in here as well what you’re not understanding is what I’m

Doing in here I I I I I do understand that but y’all just let that go on for about 2 minutes on this video that I have I’m not trying to be delete the video please ma’am you’re I asked you nicely I’m not wait hold on hold on hold

On hold on hold on ma’ ma’am I’m Karen thought that she could cuss at the worker in the restaurant but she didn’t expect the cops to arrive and cff her I don’t know I’m who the are you talking to I’m working yeah you work here are

You the manager are you the owner or you started run your mouth because I asked her that I said we weren’t done eating yet I don’t give a you you what do you do here you’re a cook backra those balls up come over here right now who owns a play who owns a

Playb all I asked the girl I said to the girl I said we’re still eating we we’re not done yet that’s all I said and you started getting cocky and being a smart ass with me that’s not yeah that is how it went then you just try to yell at me

And tell me to leave yeah it is yes it is hey what spot did you say you Ken yeah you’re literally ruining why don’t you never eat again cuz you weigh 500 lb police I need I didn’t do what are you doing I didn’t do what am I do I didn’t do

Anything this team confronts the manager for firing his girlfriend she couldn’t make it to work after losing their friend but the manager doesn’t care one bit she couldn’t come into work today cuz four of her friends died literally last night bro this is my business I

Don’t know what to say yeah but if four of your friends died would you come in to work today I still have a business to I don’t know what to tell you yeah but she’s a six 16-year-old kid who four of her friends died and one’s in a coma

She’s never had to deal with any of this [ __ ] before that seems a little to me does it not like I said to you this is a business man yeah I don’t give if it’s a business this is no my my boss runs a business and he gave me the day

Off okay good for you boss bro like it just seems up you know like that that’s like you you can’t be doing that why not cuz four friends like four of your friends die and one’s in a coma you’re going to come in to work you’re going

That’s what you’re telling me right now for if you were a 16-year-old kid right now four of your 16-year-old friends die bro and I was here pushing it because I know I have my bill and this is my business yeah but she’s a 16-year-old

Kid she’s a 16 she how her mom call me me and me and her mom we talk about we talk you know but you fired her over the phone she tried to explain to it to you and you said oh I’m busy goodbye like I

Was on like I heard it I was there yeah but like so so you just give her the day off like that that’s be a decent human being for once in your life like a decent human being okay bro like I I just I just can’t understand your thinking right now

Of firing someone who’s all their friends just died like main friends just died one’s in a coma in the hospital boy man did she W her monkey call me all right this male Karen was screaming like a maniac in the store the workers are trying to escort him out but he just

Keeps on screaming Recording do it where about I ha You I don’t even want to go in the park This Racist male Karen in the neighborhood gets all bothered when he sees a child drawing on the sidewalk he tries to wash it away with a bottle of water but the mom wasn’t having any of it and puts him

Down racist ass I’m not racist you are racist and you’re on my camera too and I will call the police the best believe keep it moving go go you go right now you you can’t make me go go I can make you go no you can’t yes I can you go you

Call the police I’ll say right you go you go I’ll right I will call the police on you you’re a racist my daughter wrote all this stuff God bless you yeah yeah God bless you too you and the way that you think you races you come prepare with water

Bottles so you can erase this every day yeah every day yeah yeah you have that much hatred in your heart against blacks yes you do look at our neighborhood I look at our neighborhood what the is is Chu on the sidewalk bothering you for is ride your bike and keep it moving why

Can’t you talk like a normal I am talking it makes me mad because people like you causes problems mind your business this is Chuck on a sidewalk this is my neighborhood so what you can ride up and down this neighborhood all you want to but m your business and

Leave this alone as long as you keep on doing this I’ll keep and then I’ll keep on doing it to prove a point so if you want to waste energy sitting up here trying to erase the word black because it bothers you so much I’mma keep on

Writing it and I’ll have more surprises up my have a discussion we can’t have a discussion why because you’re bothering something that my daughter drew on the ground do you know that black lives matter is black lives is matter and I’m black and you white and you erasing the

Word black every time I write it on the sidewalk for black lives matter I’ll continue bless you Sister bless you yeah bless me bless me cuz we’re all children of the Lord amen amen so mind your business and ride your bike up and down this block we go we we got we got

Something that we don’t agree with yeah yeah yeah but what we don’t agree with is you erasing off of the sidewalk that my child writes look at no you need to mind your business and keep it going I don’t want to listen I want you to keep it going go


  1. I mean who cares if a child is drawing on the side walk it's just chalk and the old man acts like its bothering him. 🤦‍♂

  2. 13:48 that Facebook Live lady was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣. All that crazy Mother Earth nonsense. Lady they work at Lil Caesar, relax 🤨.

  3. to be fair both of them, no one have the rights or authority to bless anyone lmao. when the fuck did you level up to be a priest and learned buffing skills? is your agility faster? is your power or defense stronger? nooo. i don't think so. certainly no damn barriers or shields with the buff because mass shootings happen and people give thoughts and prayers and blessing..maybe upgrade your blessing skills to increase the duration or

  4. The guy that said this is a business and fired the girl who lost her friends in the ones in a coma what's the name of that restaurant they should that's the place you should try to get close down

  5. I'm 17 minutes into this and save for the crazy girl in black screaming about Little Caesars " ruining the environment ", this has been pretty boring. No retribution against any of the " Karens" ,just nothing of note.

  6. How was the woman yelling at those little punk asses for riding on the golf course a Karen? she had every right to tell the little bastards to get out

  7. Ce qui me surprend toujours avec les vidéos de Karen ce sont les personnes qui s'obstinent à argumenter avec elles… 😮

  8. “What’s corporates number?”
    “It’s “1-800- GET THE F OUTTA MY DRIVE THROUGH” 😂😂😂😂😂💀

  9. People dont train in there rooms like front kick? Bro im not a fighter but every dude i know shadow fights and strechtes for fighting. How can you let anybody hurt your dog. How cant you frontkick her dude tf

  10. The poor girl who lost her job, she shouldn’t have lost her job. The manger should care about their employees mental health! I hope she’s okay 😢❤

  11. Calling the cops for talking and riding their bicycles you should get charges for calling the police for irrelevant crimes

  12. I honestly didn’t see her kicking his dog. Not saying that she didn’t, she probably did, but it’s not on the video.

  13. Why do people in us want their food refunded after eating it, like I’ve never seen it happen anywhere else

  14. First lady isnt a Karen. Its incredibly disrespectful to grounds staff to ride your bikes through sand traps. It ruins them. I also dont know about that specific course, but in all the ones near me, you arent allowed on the course at all unless your golfing, so riding bikes around while ppl are trying to play is disruptive. The kids are dipshits and she did the right thing notifying management because that's straight up vandalism.

  15. Yo I’m a really big fan of you and I with I can see you in real life and keep making videos, I will watch all of them😊

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