Golf Babe

This ‘Petite’ Girl Swings Faster than the PGA Tour Average – HERE’S HOW!

In this video, Steve evaluates the swing of female long driver Sonya Knebel to show you how to get more power and distance off the tee!

Follow these tips and drills to increase clubhead speed, smash factor, driver distance, and have more FUN!
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Hey if you’re looking to pick up more distance off the tea then this is going to be a great video for you because right after this we’re going to talk about some basic principles some basic fundamentals of getting more Club head speed and hopefully therefore more distance down the Fairway stay

Tuned hey this is Steve with hit it longer. comom I continue my journey to hit the ball longer and straighter than I ever have done before and I hope to show you how too all right we’re going to be focusing in on a video that I

Found on Twitter the other day this is a a promising young uh ladies long driver her name is Sonia caneal and her swing is fantastic uh you can see also that she doesn’t look to be a big strong manly kind of woman he looks more like kind of

Feminine uh looks kind of more on the petite side uh so she doesn’t have the amount of muscle mass uh anywhere close to it that a lot of men have and yet you can see in this video she’s able to attain a speed of 118 M milph which is absolutely amazing

If you’re out there and you’re swinging 80 M an hour 70 M an hour some of the students that come to me for lessons they don’t even swing 70 M an hour with their driver so they are extremely distance challenged so looking at this you’d say well it’s certainly not a

Matter of size and strength is it this is just a normal sized normal strength lady golfer who’s able to swing at her top speed but she’s able to swing faster than the PGA T average is pretty phenomenal so this is just a great example on how increasing speed from

From what you currently are now has little to do with size and strength you don’t have to go to the gym and start working out an hour a day every day in order to up your Club head speed instead let’s look at a few principles that’ll make it way faster

And way easier to do this all right the first thing you’re going to notice in her swing is she swings longer than you do both in her back swing winds it up way past parallel but her follow through as well she tends to point the club up the

Fairway at the end of her swing so she has not only a much greater range of motion in the back swing this is giving her a longer period of time and distance in order to accelerate the club head to a high rate and because she’s going at such a high rate of speed

For let’s say her muscularity the long long long follow through is giving her a chance to decelerate the club back down to zero again which is really necessary so I see a lot of people that I teach a lot of people who send me their swings they’re

Only taking it back to here and especially a lot of seniors are notorious for finishing their follow through right here so they’re cutting off the ark they’re not allowing the club to freely go over the shoulder and it really should end up bumping up against

The collar or the base of the neck here and a longer hitter will tell you it actually feels like you’re throwing it against the back of your neck almost with the intent of breaking it kind of bounces off a little bit when you’re really swinging at high speed so range

Of motion is one the second thing she does she makes a beautiful and complete weight shift you see what she’s doing in the video what I really love that she’s doing is she’s doing a little bit of a kick in with the knee to overcome inertia just a little

Forward press bounces right off of that and unweight her left heel just like that this gives us a better chance to step down crash down into the left foot and really get ourselves heavy as we start the downswing giving us setting up that brace to really hit again so

Unweight the left foot these are fundamental things but got to be reminded of these things sometimes unweight the left foot and then unweight the right foot and I love how you can see this this is in her what she calls her signature move her signature move is to hop down the

Fairway as she kicks her back leg up in the air and again it just shows you how powerfully she shifted her weight towards the target enough to throw herself towards the simulator screen and of course you can see the evidence that she’s completely unweighted her back leg

And what do I see among short hitters obviously I see the short range of motion short back swing short follow through but often times we often see a twoot balance at the end of the swing in other words you haven’t shifted your weight powerfully enough or far enough towards the target to completely

Unweight the back leg so really simple drill for someone if you do this unweight this heel pick it up step down through pick up one leg pick up the other leg that is a really excellent drill for someone who struggles with shifting their weight one more skill that Sonia is really outstanding at

World class at is making the rist go through their full range of motion from oh perhaps 100 or 110° so she’s borrowing past 90 to go for a little bit more and flinging the club 180° or more around the circle by giving it a burst of energy here but

Then once you’ve given the burst of energy her muscles then Flatline and allows the club to just simply Freewheel and she gets the hell out of the way if you are looking at a pendulum here or a child on a swing and you give it a little

Push it’s going to make the child go higher makes the pendulum pick up some acceleration now notice that as I push however I don’t sustain the force through the bottom of the pendulum it’s a push as I start down after that there is no more force that I’m applying that’s acting on

The club acting on the pendulum acting on the child on the swing you’re not going to go running along with them but instead you relax in free wheel so super important Point get that swish sound go from 90° cocked to 90° cocked or recck to the right forearm in the

Smallest amount of space that you can make the handle travel see that the handle’s only traveling maybe from my right shoulder to the left shoulder as I’m going through this huge range of motion uh in the wrists accompanied by my elbows now these three principles are just good

Fundamentals of a powerful golf swing but unfortunately a lot of golfers out there just simply haven’t developed these tools and therefore aren’t hitting it as far as they’d like to swinging as fast as they’d like to but she’s also got a hidden AA per sleeve this gal

Swinging 118 mph really making it look fairly effortless too is she speed trains so this is a result of swinging different weighted clubs as fast as she can and she’s probably been doing this for two or 3 months now so she may have picked up a

Good 10 m an hour over two months of routinely about three times a week swinging as fast as she can with various weighted implements super speed sticks are great I like the rip sticks you could use the stack all three of them are going to get your goals but it doesn’t really matter

Which one you use it’s more the key is getting out and using them that’s really the key now if you didn’t want to run out and invest oh $200 to $400 in implements you can still take your own driver and at home about every other day

You can do a nice warm arm up and get out there and swing completely out of your shoes as hard as you can about three or four sets of five with a little rest in between because you’ll be breathing if you’ve done it right but also you want to accompany

That with some golf balls every time you go to the range get up and swing those let’s say five or 10 golf balls per bucket and take your driver out and swing as hard as you can as fast as you you can not paying any attention to the

Contact or the direction which will probably suffer badly but you’re just trying to coordinate through your central nervous system cause the joints and the muscles and the actions to syn up better make you go faster you will learn to go faster and then you will get coordinated

At going faster after that uh this speed will then be transferable to your normal Golf Course swing so keep in mind that muscle mass doesn’t always equate to Club head speed Club head speed is more about what Mike Austin used to say Supple quickness not rigid slowness and

We’ll talk about that more in some upcoming videos hey thanks for watching I’m Steve I hope you’ll hit head over to hit it for a lot more articles and videos that I’m sure are going to make you a better golfer and as always I’ll if I don’t see you in the next

Video I hope I see you longer and straighter down the Fairway Everybody Take Good Care


  1. Obviously she is an extremely flexible young lady I mean look how far back that club head goes and look at her follow through it's a thing of beauty for sure but a lot of us men can't even come close to flexibility like that

  2. I have trouble hitting 90 mph😂 She has a HUGE back swing and a longer shaft. No doubt she has talent. Thanks for the video and tips:)

  3. I believe Martin Borgmeier has helped her add some long drive techniques to her already amazing golfing talents. Sped up a really good golfer. She finds target/grid with those swings. Fun to watch.

  4. Mate! my trail arm would choke me if i tried to swing back that far, and I reckon, I'd need a chiropractor to undo me, so i can finish my down swing.

  5. You cannot say "normal strength" without actual measurements. I guarantee you, 100%, that she is putting body rotational forces into that club that no senior golfer could. There's basic physics involved, and you know that. That club is pulling with well over 100lbs force at those speeds. Just because she's petite looking, don't underestimate her.

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