Golf Babe



Are we going last to leave your bed yes on your bed only on my bed okay I’m just kidding I’m just kidding warning warning you must stay on your own bed water water not my I know you’re hiding something oh my gosh this is going in the toilet hey

Maddie yeah since you love your bed so much do you want to spend all day on it what you love your bed I know you do oh of course I love my who doesn’t love their bed yeah and you know what I think you probably will are going to be the

One that’s going to win this challenge well what’s the challenge it’s on your bed I’ll tell you in a minute Liam yeah do you like your bed do you want to stay all day on your bed sure you can wear a priz yeah Wen you are going to help me

Make sure nobody’s cheating oh nobody’s cheating also I’m going to bother them too like try to like oh yeah and to instigate him yes um Anthony um do you want to do a challenge bro you love your bed so much you want to do a challenge on your bed

Sure it’s last okay you want to hear the challenge I know still probably already can think of it is it are we doing last leave your bed yes on your bed only on my bed yeah I’m just kidding I’m just kidding so we’re doing last SLE on all

Of our beds yeah you got all going to be on your own stand our own bed by ourself yes girl what type of challenge is this this is not even a challenge you know you might think it’s easy but I think there’s going to be some challenges so I

Can’t wait to see it what do you have on your in your hand so here is for the challenge we have a stack that has eliminated and one that has a break and so they’ll be given an option one of two envelopes they can only open one will they open eliminated

Or will they give get a break we are going to hide slips random items if they find them somewhere on the bed they will receive the item they find if they don’t find anything not my fault not my problem get on your bed five four 3 two

All right so Priscilla listen there are a couple of things hidden on your bed you hit stuff on my bed if you find them call out and you’ll receive them them but otherwise good luck last to leave the bed guys I’m going to start getting

All cozy and comy this is my bed I love it it’s my happy place what am I going to do here guys this is going to be so easy for me because I basically live in my room like all I do is go to the bathroom or eat

When I leave my room that’s all I do so I’m chilling I’m chilling my head guys this is going to be so easy because it’s a bed like why would I want to leave a bed oh my gosh fighting and guys look I have company with me my cute little bear

I love you I can’t I think they’re giving each other items away here oh Anthony found the first it what is it uh a book it’s a book to read I Love A book I actually like to read simply dis is that cheating no one’s got to know okay no one no one

Needs to know no that now okay Liam look what I got oh no what is that the we have to find some i f with my little eye anyways guys I already found another one seaweed seaweed coming right up Anthony seaweed coming in oh Liam I know we love

This St at me today I don’t care check in it shirt probably you didn’t you didn’t eye Focus Liam you compliment to your daddy pop popcorn here it is oh o wait I see it I see one a pudle okay oh we what where did This here’s your pillow you almost broke my nose so you find anything or what it sounds like everyone found stuff and it sounds like people are eating I’m getting pretty hungry so I guess I’m going to look for my first paper bro so smart I knew I I had a

Feeling it was in this pillow come here Teddy you’re not Teddy you’re Teddy want be here come your teddy the best boy I got the best boy I got the best boy a few moments later put the W I wo wo wo wo did you step on the floor he did

It no I didn’t wo wo wo W no no no no no no hey warning warning you must stay on your own bed I told you Liam you need ey this found it see what you got water [Applause] water why would you do that you just whoa you ain’t finishing that

Puzzle better not fall enforcer enforcer we may have a violation he’s still here and he is not leaving Teddy wait where you going Teddy wait Teddy wait that’s so nice I love you oh it’s in my eye mask here it is please be you know what you guys can look at it first

Okay candy that’s something that’s something I I wanted real food but cand is good do you like candy fetch me some candy candy here wa I don’t like this um Mr um I think this is wrong candy crossed down it says chocolate so I think this is the wrong thing this is

The WR thing here’s your chocolate right here yo that’s kind of suck that’s kind of wrong prisilla yeah can I have candy sure take it I don’t want it I’ll replace something what do you want really yeah because I because I want that’s why you always share

Okay okay okay okay can you give me popcorn but like the spicy one the fiery pop madd’s so nice she lets me use everything like she has no problem right honey a problem with I heard them talking why are you lying Maddie’s not nice she always has a

Problem with me using your stuff so rude hey something looks a little off guys I’m so happy I’m for sure winning also guys I’ve just been like hanging out on my bed like like this it’s kind of cool I guess I just wish I

Have my TV remote and my phone I left it over there mot right there it is who moved it who moved it wait what am I special here’s some more all right guys let me check on boys how they’re doing what is doing more a is a so nice

Honey entertaining yourself with come why you just sitting there bored you bored you look like you up to no good and why do you have holes in your socks oh let me see what why do you have holes in your socks why what did you do

Because of the dance what do you have I have nothing show me I know you’re hiding something oh my gosh this is going in a toilet I’ll [Applause] disconnect F all right you want to be out okay I guess he’s out that’s how much he loves PS5 I don’t know why what

Is he playing um what’s it called fortnite so guys Anthony’s out sucks to be Liam so there’s an extra slip on your bed you might want to take a pee let’s spice it up a little bit very hot very hot oh you’re on fire you’re all hot thank you what one eternity later

Switch she the big what did you find I Said switch with Sil my gosh guys Priscilla is laying in her bed so comfy like she doesn’t want to get out she’s going to really be mad now looks like I got to switch with you what I got to switch with you what sure no you’re joking what switch with

Some I’m not going any I’m not going anywhere this is mine guys guys guys check out ch’s cheeks how mad she’s getting right now they’re red guys they’re red he’s out he’s out that’s my paper a Priscilla choose one of these envelopes hold on you’re going to choose one and she’s

Going to choose one there is a break and there’s elimination here which one do you want to choose which one do you want to choose a break or elimination your cheeks are so red cuz you’re mad I know it you worried spy too all right open your envelopes

Yeah let me hold your water open your envelopes I bet you had the elimination We five minute break five minute break give me that popcor give me no you each had the same you guys each had the same chance of getting a 5- minute break or elimination and I truly don’t know which one you got I said this was going to be

Easy if I want her to have a break no don’t what is what is it oh eliminated popcor Now give me you only care about the popcorn guys what’s going on in there I’m I’ll tell you what’s going on in there pick an envelope to determine your

F pick an envelope to determine your fate pick an envelope to determine your fate who miny just tell your bu oh let him go hey which one Teddy which one Teddy which one wait I didn’t choose that one here we go here we go here we go it’s either 5 minute break or

Elimination I don’t know which one it is on Teddy for uhoh Teddy’s like what are you doing get out of here good Lu Teddy uhoh oh oh oh wait what challenge is over it’s over we won what what happened Liam Liam you won now go get your spicy popcorn

Boy hey Liam you want to know your prize you want to know your prize want to get price Priscilla’s bed no I’m just kidding you got 100 Robux yes I’m done with you all I am done with this I’m done with you all I’m going laying on my bed and going to

Sleep go Sho I didn’t deserve to like that I was like I was like so relax my foot’s as sleep I see a sky with a r a car but I’m running I see a train moving all too fast but I’m not leing


  1. Hi ily guys so much one your videos make my day and 2 please pin me it’s been my dream for a year (Maddy is my favorite😊😅)

  2. Priscilla be like – FeCtH Me SoMe CaNdY” HuEhEhEh LoL
    👇🏿who agrees “it just makes it better even with the voice”❤

  3. Omg hi i am you guys numder 1 fan❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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