Golf Players

Rugby League Legends | Back in the day with Mark Nixon | Kiwis | Hornby | Featherstone | Rochdale

Mark Nixon bleeds black and white. A Hornby Panther. A Kiwi & Canterbury Captain. A loveable larrikin.

“Harry” has an incredible journey, from playing as a young lad in Hornby, to playing in front of packed out crowds in the UK playing for Rochdale and Featherstone, going to the Canberra Raiders on the Rookies Scheme, and even having a crack with the Sydney Roosters later in his Career.

Nixon Captained Canterbury on one of their greatest days, when they beat big brother, Auckland in the 1993 NZ Provincial Grand Final, a match that has gone down in Canterbury folklore.

#kiwis #nrl #rugbyleague

Hey footy fans welcome to the point of difference rugby league podcast I’m your host Dave and today I’ve got a cerb legend on the couch is a horie Panthers great also play for the kiwis it’s the one and only Mark Nixon how you going brother beautiful my friend

Beautiful it’s great to have you here man honestly I’ve be really looking forward to this so uh I’ve seen on Facebook you’ve got a pretty amazing vinyl collection is that something you’d say you’re pretty passionate about well I fell into a few I collected a few Dave

Over the period yeah wish i’ have got more in the UK yeah but I never stopped since I my first purchase was the Duran Duran really seven in the Ragged tiger 1985 oh good still plays like a JY lightly played yeah I’ve got a couple of other ones that I’ve LLY played probably

Because I like Tiffany I don’t really play that anymore but that was what you had when you’re younger yeah but hey I got some good ones and yeah finals never went away aome yeah they come back which is so cool well yeah like apparently so

To come back but the with the high spe um things you have now yeah sounds great W’s good we and there’s nothing better than getting home and plan putting a nice vinyl on and relaxing Dave pop open a cold one hey yes absolutely wow yeah

Cold one ice on the Rock never know you know my first ever like music I ever bought as a young fell was the Red Hot Chili Peppers California on tape no less that’s still one of my favorite albums today I love it I honestly love the red

You can tapes of got there’s another we uh tapes have uh it’s a group that do St with the tape thing and not any tape obviously you had there in the car but the tape loose in there but yeah tapes and Cs on the way out vinyls here

Vinyl’s back baby all right oh that’s so cool man um so let’s go all the way back to the beginning actually no I want to start what are you doing with yourself these days oh well I’ve just football-wise I’ve just been myself and mik d and uh uh become cany selectors

For the Bulls this year and hoping to Tak them out of the dotens and back no disrespect to anyone beforehand but we’re got to move forward now and hopefully and W Wilson’s the coach great friend of M waler he uh coached the is it the um ride side in city in a Grade

To win that that’s one of the greatest things uh any coach in canb have done and Sydney and a gr so we’re looking forward to it Malcolm h he’s very passionate and it’s going to be working with him which should be which should be really good this year good fun yeah to

Say the least and Mike the r love the buzzer yes he’s a beautiful man and he thinks alongs the same ways as you know I do and so does waler so yeah M pretty handy player played in Warriors Hunter Mariners just saying still want to chew

Your air off about that one day Mike yeah the mag poys mag poys yes mate oh that’s awesome man I’d love to see can get back up at the first grade and then obviously go all the way and get back to where they should be number one

Baby I mean beat by tar really beyond belief you you know yeah right okay so this r on the clock Mark Nixon where did you grow up and what was life like for you as a young father I had a great family life my parents Paul and Pam we

Were live by hag um sorry lesle Park Roswell play back is it’s a place so the back Alleyway back straight onto liy Park is it the shelford’s lived over the next to us two wow two Adrien shelford hary shord the Woodgate brothers were down the end

There um a lot of other kids who played you got the Neil ker there Simon Angel there and Shane Han around the next street all the kids around the park were always at the park and and say so this gr and H being the club it was were so

You know in the 70s they just come out of that great 60s period and so they little lot of junior size cuz they obviously on the other side of home you got with them street so you’re either h l or homie W right so there a lot of

Junior sides and their Premier side was a little bit in Decline at the time and um but they stay came back they bought a couple of players with great rain Robinson came back he played in’ 68 they brought him back to Christ Church and he play coached Us and got us back going

Somewhere in the comp with Papo EAS were very hard to beat and I started being a ball boy at the show grounds so and then H be you know obviously they climbed out of the 70s into the 80s and ban Lon had coach them and Kevin woodam come in y

And turned them and started and and all the kids had come through and they started being Hornby the club they were yeah again and then obviously Frank got a hold of them and that’s why I come into Premier nice but you know and the Juniors mean it was it was fantastic so

Many kids my I’m very lucky that my father coached saw he and he was very Progressive yes we had an Australian side come over and play us at under 11s called Mount Dru yeah play at Branson intermediate and this is the old Rugby Union league thing and there and it was

The only going to we play to Branson nowadays we they got leag there but the head master was too rough but was good they were top s top side and and it was and the whole school watched us yeah you know and this the days where you all bu

Out and they come over we went we went there at under 13 played hardboard valleys in Manley nor of Newcastle and then up to mount Dr three completely different areas but it was uh it was our 13-y old side and brother’s 11-y old side and and they we knew about

Australia then we wanted to be Australia we we knew we could play those sides in so that was good yeah and you know obviously we knew about English R league but we we had the Aussie boys and not a lot of that’s done these days Junior

Sides right yeah so was that where it all started for you like actually playing and then coming up through the grades through Hornby from day one yeah yeah and and you play rers in the football and we play the West Coast but I think in Kary 11s we played the

Darling Downs come over from Australia play The 11s Ken 11s and kenary 12 Terry side never wooden side I think they beat them and we just got beat and that’s when we was represent side night you know these oldie boys had the H get on the shoulder pads and know running hard

And it was good and we went we we played a lot of Australian sides during our Juniors so we were knew that sort of football yeah that would have helped you progress yeah yeah and it wasn’t new to us about anything like that okay yeah were you a

5’8 I started I played half back actually really most of that yeah look at you know half as we progress here played half back till yeah up till under 15 yeah yeah cool cool so would you say it came naturally to you being a

Playmaker hey we did a lot of and we did a lot of Athletics as well when we’re younger for the papai Athletics Club Logan’s father was the president so we’re always out running and doing in Shar us yeah playmaker well and then finishing they used to call the you know

The seag go there’s the ball like to getting a chip that’s what Frank coined it that one one day again yeah so did you work like extra hard um in training outside of like you know your regular training was it just something you just naturally wanted to do as a junior I

Didn’t have to you’re naturally fit but we we did do wees 14 15 we had that going on but after that y absolutely yeah worked um yeah definitely on the Sprint work yeah yeah like liking it to say like Aon W he would wake up you kiwi

Jersey on the side of his bed he’ R over at 5: in the morning look at that and that would get him up to go train do extras well is that the sort of thing possibly I already had one before him so I didn’t have to do that but I yeah I I

There was other um CH shot other there was other things that motivated me like previous to that I went to the 15y old tournament and National Tournament never got a game only player in history never to get a game of 15 old tournament really and

That coach I he came up to me when I made the KE was and all I said hey mate you’re the reason you motivated me the only game I got was on the front lawn at the Russell Stewart’s house and B py right I mean Russell Stewart good player

Old man came out and bagged the coach hit him up at the airport you can’t treat you can’t treat players like that anyway yeah so that was motivating yeah very I I didn’t as we got I was through the grades and got to 1340 I didn’t mature

As fast as the other kids okay so to on 1 so at 15 16 14 I was a small kid with braces running around and then thing I shot up again and propelled yeah yeah and that’s when it all started again for me ni right so

Did you always want to be like a footing player or a professional footing player or was it just sort of something that fell on your lap the more you play absolutely I couldn’t see anything else okay we used to get the challenge Cup finals on TV in New Zealand at a.m. and

I mean those sides were wearing the flat you know would just wearing AD gear and Fon rers in the in the crowd at wimbley you think geez it’s greaty and I played test matches on the sun color TV coming like 7880 the Kiwi had a bit of a good

Series in Australia there and lose a lot of players up and that we saw that was Unreal and then you know the Aussie football they play once a year the Grand Final and you yeah yeah it would seen it that was way out things you knew it was

Going to be professional and things were going to come right yeah and living next to the park it was always five nights a week well obviously four there was a team training on that Park yeah kids whatever they separated the two so yeah good cool so play as a younger fell I

Love asking those questions did you cuz you were a half did you love the contact right at the beginning or is that something you had to adapt to I don’t want getting tackled for the start so that’s why you yeah C with the ball so why you’re try and get away

Score tries will back up and whatever but the contact here for the game is great you know we got taught how to tackle around the legs early in our careers we by good coaches my father other coaches around the leagues he in the right position shoulder and we like

That so the contact was obviously it’s contact for and that we loved it yeah and you just hen up to it don’t you yeah absolutely it just came naturally you don’t care you always plant every day a week so when did you step up to primce for horn me

Well the thing is under 17 I play for the same team right through the grades so that’s Logan Edwards and Dave Lee and Timmy Fagen and Peter Beck and Scott bar and Darren white some Neil ber good players yeah and but I was in the same

School yeah at school was was with um n woodam and Tony Stewart Chris Moffett and Logan SS and those guys and and it it came after the 17s I yeah you go to the 19s and you have two sides okay and my team would the 7s were coming up they

Were the younger side and they were already the older side so I switched teams myself and Peter Beck with when Lex Clark and I went to play on the older 19-year-old side okay and it caused massive controversy at and Logan dogged up on me never talked to me and

The big game and my other mate Warren bro got a letter in the mail someone we’re going to get you and they cut out really yeah L Clark us it of motivation before we played them and they always maintain if here Peter had a stay we could have been the only team that’s

Come from The Young time to but any anyway the older side never won anything in their life old side and and we ended a few players we got Chona come down from North is and a guy from Andrew Jackson had come along and and the boys

Were all fit and we end up and Paul Chamberlain and Brett Roger come across uh from ricken high and new play they been rugby players and got a start together and got a team spirit going and we end up one of being Papo Terry her’s

Team for five five years and we beat we beat in final oh and we we and this the instantly we’ been bonded for that for years after that and it’s funny we used to hang around the two two fans of Combi and a Ford andon would drive one and

Never would drive the other one and everyone girlfriends and boys pile and drive around every satday night was a tight side Lex Clark great coach Lex he was the coach and so it was good but the next year we went have the premier as of Frank a lot of players had

Left the club and they been in the Grand Final and hey me never went straight on the Hales and I think Chuy and was there and Michael Crawford went up Logan eward he went to marisma and why Wallace be he went to Mar but we end up making the Grand Final

Play H got beat 1514 and I the the other one’s years before when he kicks it from the halfway couple the bank anyway and me and we make the Grand Final every year this is great but the next year Frank’s gone he’s coaching going to coach canbury Le

Clark comes up but there’s a few old you can’t see all ey lips and we don’t make the F we make the Gold Cup we run fifth and sixth and get beat in the Gold Cup that’s the bottom four yeah yeah it’s gone from the top and I’m never experienced this and we’re

Like but the year before in ‘ 87 I’d made the junior kwis okay so that’s when I R started sign it sort of hit me up and signed me there so and the next year in ‘ 88 I I’d played for cany first year

Y with great he as a coach so and played a but the horie team Premier we we’re we’re very average and that’s when I got the rockie clearance the next year yes after 88 and I yeah and I just also been playing touch as well and I got a phone

Call late after the you know going pretty out I got the Roy thing you a phone call I think my parents were away my younger brother Justin I think no wanted me looking for him to play from New Zealand but someone had pulled out but I answered it yeah fine and they

Said coach goes now are you Mark I say Mark goes how would you like to come to the world touch tournament in Australia it’s 12200 and I’m looking there and I just got the bail out on my card being stolen and I got $1,200 for the

Insurance money on yeah I’m sure and I’m thinking I get there I go there I can go to the Gold Coast rookie that’s me best chance of playing Reserve grade or first grade yeah so I went there did that played the game and it must word got out the

Australian coach was Buck Rogers he the Raiders assistant coach but anyway myself and a guy called Alan lsay the canary rugby halfback drove to the Gold Coast TW heads with the yeah no one in the office so we drove back a High car specially to do this and Jesus anyway I

Got around and Buck Rogers was the uh Aussie key hit me up go mate if you can play Touch league as good as you play Touch we get you the camera really I was thinking oh yeah right two days lat on back to Machin Rings up no yep Rings me up to

Machines yeah we’ll seeing everything over his training program see on January 1 and this is uh November and I’m like you kidding me everyone’s going to top yeah everyone’s gone to other like I think jerem M kren’s gone to North Sydney and um with Paul nahu and toots

Is still he’s going to West and Dean Clark’s going the roosters and and like I get there and um you’re talking mingz all the big gun riy Stewart Lor daily you tods all of them they’re all over there Raiders little back show up I show up but I didn’t know

That some scenes in bu Rogers had their own touch team and part of the deal was me to play tou with their team ah and that was the funniest thing and like they they get they wind me into that and but oh yeah I show up so we

Stay at a hotel I’m staying and David barill and Nigel geffy and Darren Fritz the other tr and us all in the thing and then they we go to First training and they’re narrowing that down then they make us staying in the private sweets yeah at the cuz they can’t and with

Beards doing the Coca-Cola k thing and um Todd’s at Wakefield triny and he has uh David top Coke can’t agree with him fish is just us comes home turns up sees me there goes mate get your gear you’re leing here coming stay with me and it was like somebody your mat after the

School cuz I say SE and they going you going to sit on going and oh you kidding aren’t you see you boys I said don’t worry I got me 21st coming up yeah and that was it we and we went good are you training T machine four

Different sing groups and you’re in a blue um Maron green whatever and I was Ricky stew group and Bre CL in there tell you train on Tuesdays singet groups and as competitive spring everything oh unreal training great and that must have made you as a player like going to

Camera they were the best side of the late we’ve gone to our first game as a the 52 after I’ve played touch played touch we played the tournament scored a win in Fry and I’m in the front seat driving Big Buck Rogers you and in the middle of Timmy were drinking and they

Were s you 500 bucks and money stats on give CL I’m your Buy rap anyway we go to our big first 21s Reserve grade first grade away at alaa for a weekend and the three GES just W by 30 points crazy and everyone’s like Jesus we’re going good this year this going

To three teams are stacked everything yeah and there’s some players here that you know they’re looking Gary Belcher yeah hre and Ivan HJ oh yep Y and Ricky and yeah and the great forwards everywhere so young forwards coming through and and they going going good the club’s going good and Tony said

Well we have a 21st here right have well only B the 52 grated players in the G and we got this big house and wooder parade no sponsor around us big two story by the river balcony and where and it it’s on yeah and the bonding in the

Air and I Ricky still handed me four half yards and doing on had a cracker Jesus though give me come on K we and back got great photos it was great night out you know who would do that experience you know run stand and for that club no one’s better than

Anyone else oh that’s awesome that’s what they had no one’s better than anyone else everyone because of queenslanders have come from Queensland to canra so there’s a lot of them there there’s 10 of them yeah and the Sydney boys and these country boys and everyone’s in couple of key weeks well

Lan have been there the year before but he had sort of falling out with Buck Rogers okay give him a whack I don’t know why but yeah it was great and always in that that the rookies game I knew that I was I was mean to go to RAR anyway had a

Contract with him okay so it doesn’t matter what was going to happen I was just going to use it as a they never going to sign 30 $36,000 a strali got Matthew W coming through and uh and other players and it was great great great close to playing I play no I

Played I think I played Reserve grade one time every M every week they they would you sit there and they name like four or five reserves to go to the reserve grade sit on the sit like that but you always hoping that you’re going to get there and then and

Then at a few places you never got might have got it SW on sitting on the bench and there but then they was such a tight Bunch they they had to tell us not the ones who didn’t get on the bench not to sit there anyway and having a pie and

And talk to the other players cuz everyone be up together oh that’s amazing what great team C they had it they had it in Spades you and that’s why what flicted in 89 I think that they won the final 21s cuz I went early CU Frank

Wanted me well Frank got me to play for Canary he was in a bad run there and on the way through to England I played against wiing okay and they didn’t I got a bit a bit dirty that I left earlier for the final thing was

A and I I knew that and but hey it’s what what it was you know being being a kiwi forward’s one thing but being a kiwi back in Australia yeah he ain’t you know they don’t see you as equal okay you have to be special right I think

There’s only three players playing over there at the timean would have been one of them and and Clayton friend yeah well the other half back well that’s pretty cool but and I think Fred was here but there wasn’t many others to get a getting a run so it was good hey

Fantastic train had a train put it this way I mean Mak some great people and still friends with them today you know and caught up with them years later and but on on the way through I’m I’m heading to the you know play Frank at we played Bas Reserve

Scored a couple Frank Wayne Wallace is in the cany team and he tells me he knows I’m Logan Hing back to the UK going for Logan came back and I’m going the First stt with the RAR CU I couldn’t go the year before W goes I’ll see you

There I said boy I’m in the K to I just told me I takeing on the I’m taking me on 30 30 want me midweek okay oh God I’ll see you there right well then Frank goes yeah I’ll see you there I’m going to get a camp van I’m going to drive

Around and watch all the games with Cameron Cameron Bell and Lorie stubbings and like oh yeah dudes want to see us the rale but yeah so that this then that’s the start of the good one so how did the rale contract come up the chairman called ly Stansfield they had a

Lot of cricketers from here okay sdam and he was both sdam Cricket right and think Graham um Ben Harris Ben Harris and the other brother what’s his name the good one Chris Harris was here Chris Harris yeah they play for and it’s called rans bottom the Cricket Club oh my God and

Another guy Shannon Stewart play there later on and and they um Ram bought him and they he own he was both and but he but he they see me play in the Junior K 87 we had a good side seven from Seven brought me arm against uh Alm side there

That Bob B was cach so sto out of s the toour was good S for S great ke J tracking great side you know tmy T Dean Clark Tony toi stop it and and i’ see me there so they already got on to me and

So we they knew that I was going the year before but went on the rookie thing and we get to rale and I’m there first and I’m I play playing Halifax I get there Friday Saturday Sunday play Halifax come off the bench the B Roy Dickinson must have

Whacked one of our players in the face and 30 7,000 TR hle they come down from the first division yeah so I went in for the try to be T head but got 10 minutes while I’m on the warming up again someone spat right in the back of my

Head turn around and Allan AER the great coach don’t what about it soon get back out there show me what you can do you know it already ined me to Johnny Woods The Legend he was plan for us he was 36 years old before would bought him yeah I’m like wow man last

Time I saw you was a Ballard you was 13 and so it was they give us tou out 326 anyway we play Wednesday night but before this long hasn’t shine up it’s just me sitting in the house on me own for two days talking to no one and I’d

Never meet D Onan the big cowboy and he next Bang Bang Bang on the door Monday night and here he is wearing a big leather jacket B leather jacket reading the doors book doors of perception with one bag cowboy boots on bow straight in there you go you good

Thing good so I T the ears off him for about 2 hours go can see why you’ve been on your own for a while you talking about ear off yeah and becomes good then Logan shows up on the windside three of us in his house tips his bag out he’s been

There before what are we up to goes right he boys just jacked up 1,500 quid for three cars so we go looking for these cars then gets an out 700 I and gets one for 600 they St morning cuz I’m for 200 a dson 180b with and things running the house like

He’s on firsto and he’s and’s I’m going to get a job we in Manchester and they go things had other ideas he’s going to run a raffle in town and make some money I don’t think there’s any prizes but how Logan are doing that I don’t want a part of

This but but de Dean was fantastic absolutely fantastic in the house Dean ran um and Logan and then his boy his M come and stay with us and Logan ended up getting his own place yeah and I had another guy Grant Downing stay there and

A guy aie guy called Andy Harris who was had English passport who played Reser great for the Hornets but Dana we were very competitive very competitive the and the house and we’re playing anything bowls for money we play Scrabble we’re playing Scrabble and we’re going massive and I been and this

By a lot of the period I’m starting school Tri I’m getting a bit cocky in the house and I think Dean knows it’s time for me to get out cuz I’m baiting him anyway we playing SC me Logan Grant Andy Harris is the and I’m giving a bit

Of s a few thing next thing the board up it’s in the air he’s grabbed me he’s thr my head into the sink smashing me smashing me don’t be so cheeky we love this I’m great F Logan jump on his back try to get a muff I said [ __ ] I got a

Couple on cuz you got none and I kind of training on got here but you tell you what we laugh about it now tough me right I a couple lessons don’t be a don’t be checky to someone much bigger than you yeah especially when they’re from auand DIN

And over the years he’s looked after me he’s fight for life and great I talk to him most weeks now brilliant follow and but I but I end up moving out straight away got my gear see I’m going to a little Logan and deepish and CU Logan

Had a house to himself he’d been sold to Swinton tell didn’t like the way he was operating in the village okay so it was great we lived there and they live there and we used to in played very well Russell went very good season and that’s when yeah they started

Logan there was a question someone said about nickname Harry yeah yeah because Logan used to take his whole pay packet out and he’d load and i’ I only take five pound out so just for a late night drinking a bit of a dance and three nights in a row he weeks in a

Row can you leave me some money I said man I’ve only got five so and the young ones the TV show The Young Ones oh I love the young ones yeah that Harry the bastard was the he he owned the porn stop you the porn they

Try to sell the TV and all that it’ll be 5 quid it’ll be 5 quid n I’ll give you 5 quid he go you Harry the bastard and we go to training he starts calling out or he was yelling out before the Harry Harry and they’re yelling on

The side next thing the Ellen a start oh good Harry boy Harry boy and the pomy start calling me Harry Harry and this is gone from there and Spiro out of control get back to New Zealand and I’m I’m playing a game for Hy and he’s there and

He’s yelling out from the side of the thing then other people say what Harry then it’s just gone Harry Harry and I’m sure some people don’t even know me H you Harry so they had that happen it’s just it’s just Harry the be Brett Rogers loves he

Calls HTV Harry the bastard yeah or Harold or and you know it’s quite as funny how that happens and um rale we we ended up getting promoted to the first division oh nice we we beat uh old them first time 20 years in a big Derby game on a on a boxing

Day on a boxing day there and Dean and Logan had had had a punt with the the other boys of by some reason and there was aund couple hundred in there and and and Logan’s not playing and he’s he we’re running out half time and he goes

Think the boys want to know the punt still on he goes then goes tell him it’s still on I want the money in this in the bar after the game this half time like the and that’s great we beat them we beat Halifax right at the end too and

And and we after given us a touchup and I end up playing half back in that game cuz um a little halfback Sul had been injured and and a strug a genius from alen AER he coach like that he he goes I I I know that all in your life previous

You’ve been playing halfback a lot so he started me with Johnny woods and we beat them they they had a good side with uh Chris Anderson was a coach and Tony Anderson and Heather Bri heatherington and the big Forwood pack with Le holiday and and um big big prop couple of big

Boomers and and it was good and we end up getting promoted so obviously and in this time when were over there Frank turned up at our house with his Camp van parked outside and wanted to use our facility yeah and that was great and he s d down

With a beer and he sit down about how he wanted to coach can when we get back and who’s on the side how he want to do things in that because what we hadn’t real what have been going on in England first previous and everyone doesn’t know this about really about Australia except

The Palms were playing left and right centers and left and right back rowers okay before Australia right so even camra weren’t playing till I got they W playing there in Sydney until when we into England I I started off playing Le C so it wasn’t the same as like second

Five and C you would repping around they were playing it like that a back R there C running it like that so we knew how to play in Frank see and and and I told him how this was being played and he said well you we’re BR to bring that back

Right from can we do it right from the start yeah and CU my first game other the RO prop said they G playing in roog their ground was like carpet was a soccer team there and and we played switon was that fast faster even when I

Was in Australia the way cuz left left and right and you never went round so and and that’s how they say so Frank sat down we talked about who’s going to be ins the side and how we going to do this and so yeah we get PR and so we get back in

Canary first didn’t start too well uh CU I already played with right half well G us a touchup yep but then the next week we come back and beat Orland the first time in 9 about that y 2522 amazing and I remember the game and we’re only 900 people there I think we

We were still starting to right and put a good s we had a good s out C and Loy I remember that last game last play where I went to dummy half and Banky was there and Kelly sh watching me but I spotted Simon Ang out there and I

Just threw a big about 20 M sight SP out to him missed out a couple and then he just went for the hole Logan just PE straight off him yeah and we over wece game over and we’re like be for a while like like right at the death yeah

Wow well yeah yeah well I thought and we knew we always could beat them aand because I to say the 19y olds when we were we went won the 19y old tournament on the west coast beat Orland and it was first time there for a while so we

Always felt we could win it l of the players on the side and we Beauty yeah so we uh we had a few the we went to the cers and where Jim Jim Mason Jim Fisher own that and you know we had a big night

And was like real good and yeah we had come back to Rally play Bay plany and then play or up there and they fire up again for that one yeah I think one boy they beat us like 3220 or something like that but hey we wi in the game now we

This game and and and we are Canary and and they knew that we were coming for them so that was good and then had a good season the I think I won that H won the premiership or 19 oh yeah no this is what 1990 yeah so I end up

Roar in the first Division I actually had a great season yeah played for the kiwe trials SC a c with pres St against England went to Papa New Guinea with the it got dropped against Great Britain didn’t even get on but bought Ry in B Bailey promised I was got to ask you

About about that while we’re on It come on you must to be filthy about it surely absolute filthy I I was m and I’m in the airport and I Gran stepan’s going home for the The Palms engine he go up camp can’t believe they they [ __ ] dropped

You the best [ __ ] player last week and I’m like yeah [ __ ] get back to the flat we’re living in the boys and R Roger reg she made drop what and the Kiwi was are planting C next week and I’m filthiest anyway Rie and Tony K and

K and I turned up we went out when they were here and it didn’t really so but a week later after the last G we white Bo at our flat and someone got a phone called from the manager and Harry pack your bags you going to

Pap on Saturday so I was like thank God for that yeah get to Pap yeah get yeah get to Pap Guinea what a place come on M what a what a place Pap stories come and it’s it’s unreal you can’t we the first place we up in gooka and

My it pissed down with rain and we we won 428 I think yeah good score and was hot and and but we were jumping into the swimming pool after training in in our GE and they didn’t like that because we didn’t want to do a washing and they said don’t

Do that in the boot of paradise it was a closed fortified uh Hotel area they made a documentary with it and like oh I mean I I I think one we were at a supermarket we got so much we had to leave out the back door and like

And it was Unreal they was trying to give hold of us and Gary F couldn’t go anywhere and um it was it was super cool then we end up back at our in Port mby and played there and and 36° we won Reggie was my roommate he was

G whatever was doing he was hard to talk to we won we won 1610 and um started at 5’8 got all these grass burs on my leg stucked in my pants and needed shots to get me and we come back to Sydney cuz we’re playing Australia okay we’re

Flying into Wellington and Kim’s injured I’m thinking right was going to start but I couldn’t train the first three days and think the lack of communication there but I end up finding that I’m not starting I’m bringing Kelly shord in really yeah and he’s starting ahead of

Me and then on the beach say play Australia and Bob you know got Bob really we played Australia the subs of himself Georgie man Gary Musa and Maro it’s 10 to go B Fon just runs straight the subs out and we’re looking around he doesn’t put any of us

On De hler comes up to me after the game he goes [ __ ] he swap jerse I said yeah he goes man can’t believe it could not believe that you’d be a your off tell about it that’s a double wmer mate yeah so that was was at end of the and then I

End up going back like for I mean I know Gary and the other boys they but for me it was like you know the old man’s here you don’t get on and you started last week it was like I don’t know how you I’d never treat players like that you know even

Can’t say now sorry sorry F you just run us out I don’t if he was trying to kick the score couldn’t trust us the score was like 2412 but I’ve looked at the game well we could have come on and edit some starts absolutely you run them out

And they were I know they were filthy the other boys and and and that’s right so he ended up finish that and I head back to the UK with RAR yeah and been play with war it’s uh I don’t think I I didn’t think they well

R they offered me more money to come back early for the start of the Season get their right at the start of the season right cuz you can’t go to the offseason till your team gets out of the line r cup or finishes the thing and I yeah didn’t

Think Addington had a good start I don’t think we could beat them and I I played the semi we beat Li then I said I’m going to straight to England now and they were like oh you dirty bastard did you not play that final no I

Boled to the UK and like we had NE woodam and Justin they play halves and good centers W Wallace is giving me the food [ __ ] yeah cuz your brother didn’t he yeah and you were joking so and I knew they give me x amount of cash and

But end up going on a win they did they’ve been adding to like 242 or something didn’t they then they play Bang Bang bang so effectively I get to the UK I can’t play anyway cuz you can’t play till they’re finished okay so it’s not bad but all we

Makes on the the OE so they turn up in Rog and the club keep going say you know how to play this week or then I’m like oh well I’m four weeks out before I get there and we got some cash and having good times doing having a good time with

The boys and you know our first game back and uh we played Bradford Northern and we beat them and I thought F we go all right we’ll go all right this season you know we ain’t going to go all right we end up getting flogged every week we did

All right in the big Castleford and the uh um one of the midweek cups and I could have don’t know was a Regal trophy okay I end up I’d been sent off against lead with tripping M Kiti four weeks he had to pay your f yourself and I thought

That the club would so we come to play the final of the Regal trophy we made they actually made the final here Bradford and I’m not all to play so the Monday night we log goes I’m going to Billy you you coming or what I said I guys called training but Tuesday

Night I’m been banned so I should have gone to Billy Idol yeah you sure and um so that was that was average and so end up having to sit down another week then we come back and then things went uh we planing tried hard we tried hard the

Side but we were getting out gunned a bit Yeah and we got beat by we our first game against Wigan was Unreal we you know the central par we got close yeah but the next one that be a 666 all Hanley scored six tries he pushed Dy Gregory out oh pussy’s

Teammate out of the way to get another one real funny but and I I really like some and cast us up again and I remember getting home I’m grazed again yeah ice spoons and thinking this is hard G here and anyway finished the season I end up

Back I’d sign for another year but I cut it short yep I just they would have been in they got relegated but I couldn’t I just couldn’t handle gun back there and just it was 52 weeks in a year grind Yeah Yeah you mentioned thr Hall that’s

Pretty cold right the goes on a lan yeah from ho Halifax is on ground yeah and it get cold cuz I’m playing in the winter then so I didn’t want to go from another winter to another winter I needed a summer so I cut it short came back to

New Zealand and thought well have a great summer and it’ll be great and we train half for the next 90 into 92 we’re playing uh it was good and and it was great we know what we played started again and with mobile South I think we played

Canary Banks toown is it or the roosters okay and play The Roosters yeah yeah and we went It Was Fear we went pretty good you know and they and quenon Pa got picked up in the game called canra nice and had a few season of can

Oh it’s yeah but I forgot to say we not a great trip in 91 right at the end of the season we played the and 91 for Canary we beat Oakland and we had a right at the end of went on the we played north and west in cany ockland

Okay and the Friday night we you know was good and and kenary went good we only got people 119 up there and and on the Sunday they drew with West cuz a lot of the boys come back play for the horie and the um all the hwood hor boys come

Back and played the line r cup for their Club sides and they took a big Squad up there and it was a really good trip and then by the end of the year 91 horby Wayne wson lost Taylor who former kiwi was the manager 30,000 we raised went on

An 8 day tip tour bus trip around the North Island nice two games few players pulled out but Logan being L go I’ll meet you in pton W said he’s going to meet us in pton where is he meeting us in P he said I I don’t know what he’s doing he’s

Going to meet us here we get to p and sure enough he’s waiting on the W way out no way and he goes I see he goes mate don’t worry about the bank get money I’ve got 800 on me I’ll give you 400 now when we get to Hamilton you fix

Me up Hamilton yeah stop grab we’re going we’re going to py North and play the black pair was all beat there and then that was great they loved us you know and then we were up on the bus trip we’re cruising up to him get there go right get the money go to

The bank go he goes man I reckon okay just for put a g put a no no I had a bit put a pair of R band as well I said right so and he when he plays he’s play he we Maris off do he Maris be okay and

We’re we’re on the TRU and we we’re going to North we’re going to f yeah we we the Fay and we’re playing the kingsington Knights and F man and we go to the we go to the end of the season doing with in the electri poar the Greeks he’s president and we

Play the game we beat and they come out pretty hard and we had to if they don’t like they like the ball being booted back to them but and I’m thinking jeez way wall taking the game pretty seriously I didn’t know that he had paid after for

His elbow 13,000 he had a few night before the game and that cuz out there one of the pubs we to had the big he’s got a picture of him with the s brothers packing together scum if you had look around the room look at that picture I

Said and but it’s so good we’ve done this but our destination is is the Bay of is for the last three nights nice and it’s Sensational we’re there and we’re all and we got we had 100 dozen cany draft and and the club and we going to

Russell and we’re there we we made a many hole eight nine holes with turned the 18 can of hole bring ho and I done it’s a great great time theie and the bus D home brilliant and you know uh well done on that trip I don’t think

Anyone’s attempted to do that again in New Zealand and fantastic trip some of the the great stuff and and with that and so we’re get to the 92 season and homie well homie aren going that good again get a bit stale things here and K did you win 91 though

Yeah1 yeah H yeah pretty awesome yeah yeah that was good and and that’s why I promised Wayne i’ get back after the other we won that and that was good with Justin and then 92 we I think he’s he’s gone to HW yeah now there’s a question

There’s a fan question probably the best time to ask you about that is right now what did you think when he jumped ship to H cheing me I mean you know um he he grow he’s only small in they called him in but he he grew in stature yeah I

Couldn’t he was going to get coached by Gordon Smith he should have stayed but the him and my father the ego at the time were massive they both got in they had to go take home it ridiculous one in one out they went to cour over I’m like

Oh you guys are embarrassing man and it was on the papers and like horie didn’t want him to go yeah but he did it because he didn’t went horie mtin never him plan together or it wouldn’t matter cuz I was going to the W was PL me in

The centers anyway I was going to play center Okay so we bought actually bought B Harding came there too but 92 we got a bit stale and we only made the semi and we’re out of the canary had not a bad year I think we had Logan never played

Or Brett Rogers few reason I think we we drew with or all that year okay and I made a ky we TR but I just felt I was a little bit that that year bit off right with without being in England and not match hardened okay so it’s since 92

Season the end of year I thought man really this is getting to this day I have to so really train hard I want to make that K to and a guy called Andrew Jackson who I met had played he had been to Arkansas University really he come back with this training program called

Pusa power he’s got me into it BR Stewart into it and a few others and and some rugy doys and it was a real power based power cleans weight and Sprints stretching thing and I’ll tell you what that summer it was I’ve never it never

Went out so it was one of the most intensely boring Summers I’ve ever had where and you you just you so have to be so selfish so there no alcohol no nothing it was just yep that’s it and I come out of the we come into 93 season and thanks to Jacko I’m

Fizzing M and Hy come out and they got a real New Look s of goober gear the coach and and Marty Creek has come down from the north Orland and Simon and we’re fizzing we come out BL everyone this preseason and then Canary comes out in

The first game playing we Blitz off from by 40 points yeah and we’re going real good and then and on the doing this thing and and somewhere along the season there you know make the tour and then somewhere along the season I think I might have must have smacked

My uh Shin yeah and it was bit it been but got fret okay it I thought it 10 n but it kep an ey anyway we we made the F we made home we made the final against H yeah yeah and it was a very intense game and they

Beat us 86 I think my brother cheated I’m sure of it he did a rugby player rolled it between his legs we had a played right at the end and Mar never kick the ball out the F we’re going to do the dead man we li down and yeah

Off but it was a great season there only3 good some good players H with us stack side and Hy and a lot of the other good sides around town you know real good call cany Buzzy after you know after beting Orland in the middle of the

Year and you know so that’s the big game that’s the big game that bit of a chat about that because this is like folklore and Canterbury history here you know like you had a reunion for it just recently last year um you know you’re lining up with your mate Aaron wher in

The HS you got Justin Wallace on the wing Mike Dar on it’s Justin Wallace is on the [ __ ] he’s trying to punch Frank in to get on sorry stand Justin was starting half back the first time we beat so converted to the W he’s been everywhere but that’s how good

The side was he can’t make it he could make it we the week before Berg’s got into and pulled his hamstring y so we have to move in one and and and mean you know we could have other options but Andrew Vincent been the main State he

Has to be in the side Blair Harding comes into the side and he me backline me Le Harding and Brett Roger with f yeah the buzzer D and Marty the creature at the fullback and wh goes to seven and then you got Edwards you got Tula here y y the Assassin he’s here

Andan and Angel and effectively the three was two from H originally in say ly BR Stewart and Big M suu yeah and what and what K with the Nagasaki sh and and Paul Johnson yeah Andrew Vincent and Justin yeah and couple of players like he could and Shane in just miss the

Side you know Y and yeah and we we’re we’re up for the game there’s no doubt about it I feel sorry for full Burgman he’ been playing great all year yeah but he should have passed the week Bing the week before he tried to go a bit too far

And the H he went and I P it but you know he he was working with Ken reg league and another guy he was here they they they did a massive great marketing that week they had the and I like they got Le Jon the cricketer he

Can’t he told J he told me that he’d never been to a like the crowd packed in and they had was the first on they they Cannon shooting up with be yeah and what the master me and boie what do you think so if you go stay in the Chang room

We’ll do that trick and we’ll get them out walking out first and that you know that and we’ll play the uh the music to the omen what’s that that and they did that to them Oakland are out there getting booed by the crowd and that music coming at them at this

And and then we run out real and was in the start the funniest thing in the [ __ ] I never see tooth freak out like and I’m getting around but I knew being Ling for that long he going to be late but look Mar is Logan I said be here be here and next

Bur [ __ ] you just worry about you going to play so we our plays and we’re off from what happens the first one goes good but and if you see the camera always comes back off he goes well we just do the same play they all on to it and I said yeah

Yeah I’d something out and they wer stra away cuz with that we we just went first play the prop goes here runs to the 10 and then the half back takes the next one and just skirts it to where we want it to be and it gets

A real quick bail on and then Logan just comes from the BL open to the blind so it’s a skinny blind and you’re going to play numbers on them three on four or two on and how we how we did it always like that the first one he double pumps

Sells a dummy and turns Evo party inside out then Marty comes off on the second one Craig told me said he didn’t know where he was going he said thought it was he L was DW past BR just went straight through the hole and mik the

Ring scores in the corner in the zigzag Corner that’s always his Corner buzz buzz his Corner the big zigzag on the thing yeah withington people used to sit oh ofing we’re up 12 and we’re going pretty good here good and and then obviously we kept in up hard on them and things went

Away and it was good score you could see if I’ve seen other parts of the game you can see T and we didn’t have a good record down here um and tier could get away they could start if they started playing they had to be really hard D up

On them but they never were lucky they we just K them out of the game just had one of those flat games yeah yeah well they they well they started try they couldn’t oh we’re watching them all game and M Joe was only 17 years old and we’re watching them closely I was

Watching them closely with t was going to where he was going to go but to was marking him pretty well the old tennis ball cuz he was bouncing around everywhere TOS but that was that was fantastic I mean I can’t even these days come people talk about it it’s like was

One of our good games yeah but people remember that one the most and L it’s a big mythical R rap about it yeah but yeah so it fantastic to in the in the reunion yeah there was beautiful brilliant and and just there a couple of guys just took quite obviously ble

Harding rest in peace he did and but itone was here and it was in great spirits cool oh it was great and it would bit of Frank’s also been running but we would might have set put more on the bar but doesn’t matter in the end we

Had other sponsors that come forward on silent one thanks Lee Hart and people Paul Johnson um but it was great great to get around the same room and and real good good laugh you know you had a laugh right to the end and I was lucky to

Brett Roger and Simon Angel staying with me and and that was fantastic we had been hanging out for years we boys and and thanks to Arie Jacobs for driving us around all weekend and looking after us and Logan for being sober on that one and great driving us around as well it’s

Pretty cool like being little brother to O but being such a stacked team like well but you guys were stacked yourself to be fair I already thought that a lot of kiwis in there and played in England St played at hell for that uh Buzz had

Been in Carlo and and W had been in couple of ilara and played over there and F had been around and he’d been on the kiwi2 an 89 F the posum Y and um you know Mike C been a junior kiwi and and toots has been prolific at West with all Hanley

Yeah and he was at F rers at the time they W going to release him but Frank told to me I remember Frank goes I’ve got a surprise for you 3 weeks yet because we what you got here he goes took turns up right likez toots last

Game was my it was in 88 I think 88 for can and when Logan got stuff armed at car park and it was a bad tackle from uh Dave Watson and we were like Dave we’re going to give you for that one we’re I’m going to Forget You D yeah

T and Brit Jo ended up at West day both y yep yeah ah very good very good so 1993 you ended up going on tour ofit and France and you got to Captain New Zealand mean come on you the captain New Zealand two midweek games what’s that

Experience like mate you I don’t want to be like the butcher totally uh frust it was great in you you there and what happened the week before I I was on the I was my other so test against Great Britain test against Australia where I didn’t get on so I’m

In the test team against Wales first up on the bench again and and I’m like monkey hell pulling out anyway FL the subs yet then leaves me on the P again gr low goes what are you doing he goes I want him to start next week Captain anyway so I’m like

[ __ ] another 50 qu as well know another cat but anyway so we going to the game we play Brad and Bradford W in the comp yeah the big bues are out for us cuz we we beaten had two good games against great r on tours here that recently and they

Had a good side Derek Fox and Davey and and Paul um there new not uh Paul Dixon and uh big Ford pack uh uh you know Harmon and good side and we got all right with yeah in the game but Gerald cter was out I’m sure he was out in the

Corner there they let it in and just got beat 148 and and the Gary comes on and starts a punch up remember there’s a punch up right the G it goes It goes over into the bench and they’re off the bench into each other and oh man can’t control them was

Going Madness but oh like how how he dirty dirty yeah dirty on the bus I could see his dirty and that so we’re still hanging in there anyway got that and it’s hard game and then we go to play Castleford yep and we’re in this game but I’ve got T

Richie black and k plan for and that plan for the test spots with Lee Crooks uh beefy England and uh Johnny he’s some good players help the good good foot backs as well and and Richard Russell and um very good s big Hampton that prop prop there Y

And we in the game and we’re there and we’re just real close and they ring real hard I mean Richie Blackman was playing out of his skin yep I try and to his belt new one and we just get we just get nodded again and I’m like doing the

Interview after the game thinking oh that’s it for me I’m going to get Dred right here there yeah and I talk and anyway on the way back in the bus I know how he filthy not to me all right call a meeting yeah but that’s it

Mate yeah someone El I said fair enough fair enough that’s all right it’s right long we go on form again after this so next thing he he puts he tells Lo he’s going to be there but we’re playing Saints play the first test as well after

That and get rolled into Wembley and I’m thinking oh it’s 17 no and great good side but I just didn’t think we he’s putting the right players on the the right players and Ming it up and there anyway we played Saints on the Wednesday night and he put Steve K’s Captain he thought

And we end up winning I scor the match one on time I come on and play Half Back nice and these what it G know solda come off and he just leaves what at six and me come on at seven yeah this half back thing again yeah yeah we

Played the other way around and I get the match on time and he’s a lot better things are good and he’s talking to me now he’s saying what about the selection who what are you thinking I’m like yeah and then we go to the second

Test at w and there a chat I think well he brought some Eng Bo we again oh no M and and and he’s he’s fil but we going away let next week we uh in between that week we’re going to play the great run 24s at uh up witon yeah

And we beat that give them a touchup too and puts everything back Comm back on everyone’s everyone’s back in the good Mo go you get this oh and then get this I think there’s another game the next weekend we’re playing leads oh and his name said they in the bench as well on

That and we beat him we give a b you aing 38 Freeman and whare in the centers and and we give him a touchup yeah and then the feelings good they had a mean side yeah yeah the feelings good in there and and we go to the third test and that Sunny Nicholls

Smacks John LX in the back of the head and I’m 8 man I got e man I’m doing the cut with Gary I see Gary skillful looking at me going not good not good but I think before that we play and and then the last game after that we played

Witness okay and we beaten him and good a bit of a punch up in that game too pulls me out we do a bit of a dance go and then then we’re into France and first three games in France are good we we play the French Le m b was P for them

Big horses running with the knees up run straight at me and the cent in Gary half get up and hit him I what do you try that anyway win that game and then we when the next one’s another punch up with the French boys love coming out yeah I’ll play the first

Three Center 58 58 and score big score and then he names he names uh Squad and 18 19 martinon and John Paul Johnson what the the yeah but because you know and he I’m filthy anyway so it’s all right see how he s it’s all

Great but we got the kit or the kit after the so we’ll hand out jerseys and shorts everyone has some have these have these boys your number and that was great we go FR France CU how is one thing with the KE had been beaten in front and so Australia sometimes you can

Beat be beaten the carass on Avenue beautiful brilliant there so we won the four games you know I think they know can be tricky there the referee and so he brought Kevin k in for that game and probably didn’t really need to we would have won anyway and so everyone was

Happy and we go to La on the way home and it good has three nights and go to Disney man do the little [ __ ] big drink up a lot of money and have a team fun with a lot of alcohol Dwayne man and ly I they’ve gone to

This a bottle store but they unaware of they aren’t thinking how they to buy $900 American with the alcohol and bring it back to the team room without bringing it back to the how they’re going to get it back I realized [ __ ] hell you know and this American dude tuns up and I’m

Actually outside when they come up and a pickup truck hey guys I’ll give you a ride here throw it on the back turn up loogan’s on the back hold on to the p and joking so they get the old thing bring it all in there and

And the F first night have you ever seen that St ler head where the hitting golf balls that’s where it comes from the hitting golf balls out of the from inside the boy say about over here to get them out through the double doors into the longest drive into the car park

Okay and there’s no cars park out there and I smashing and I’ve walked in the room that’s hilarious we’re having to go having a drive next thing Johnny W LX walked through the door and someone Sky one and sit there b straight back and go straight past his head

And I said what I’m going I’m see you but the boys all loved each other we got back from New Ze you know we like well they well I suppose losing the two as Captain was it was hard going you know over that and and and but the test

Series was yeah so I guess uh yeah and then that rolled into the lry cup the next season jaded to cuz we go on the class of the coach there on Whit you had a great great season though even tries just yeah I I I started slowly and then

And Phil bankrupty if D should be in state he had a good plan he he wanted to reach me bringing off the B and we started off well and then went a bit iffy but can the Cardinals came good yeah I mean it was a good comp it was

Like somewhere bubbling under between the English Second Division and first division there was a lot of good players here andal had a strong comp the Warriors went around at that point they were year away yeah 12 sides decent players kicking around yeah a lot of good players they were going to the Warriors

Next year Well Gavin Hill was playing for the cougar my old sof in gra yeah so yeah he was playing for work at so yeah good side the car the split kry the thing is jar stes was I thought Wayne Wallace was was I one favorite to get

The Cardinals dropped but he missed it to Jared star so way Wallace had to take the shers he took all the horie boys over to there Y and they started well and he he told me he wanted to he couldn’t afford be would me and myself Mar David over there as well they

Couldn’t afford and sha has had the the Cardinal sign me early so that was good and we’re on good side we Stakes he was very very good here at stakes and I had been coach by him before he’ been the hes one he is good play good plans and

What happened he he had a good plan with we had Phil bank and I like Phil Phil was great and you know and obviously D pson and what had was going to Wakefield he wanted been G so we’re going to get four half down the

Street and he said you know got to just use lightly and come back right in the right time of the year you had a big you know been on the tour you can be Jad I am I needed to go swimming and get back but we do this for this period of time

But on John coffee got hold of this and had the backline he put a headline on the back of the paper Nixon dropped great didn’t need that but that’s all right you know we in town but anyway bank here it’s cool well cool and we go up to North isand and uh

We’re playing the V and we’re in the airport yeah and Phil’s been going all right but Phil had a habit of G he’s turned up to the plane with his tracksuit pants on the wrong way and his jacket inside out and stesy looked at instantly you know and

Was and we but we come good and we came good and we won a lot of game we we beat North coat twice won the playing full yeah yep W Wilson um yeah great players Darren ay you could speak highly more players uh in sty and Tony wof was a trainer

Assistant coach very very good and we and Scott W on One Wing and we could not beat the only we had trouble with the manic side yeah everyone else were good and I think they they us I think we us three I think TR yeah yeah Dean Clark ay

Clark um d d Mo B B so yeah andys we were doing them in the qu in the semi-final and and and then they say they played that roller ball with they just go one side and roll all the way back y the final didn’t they they lost the

Final for two North yeah Y and and then the Warriors coming and it was great right and I’m thinking yeah my leg still harder ground [ __ ] yeah and who I got another whack in it and anyway so we finished that season it’s like yeah Party Time next thing Steve Martin Steve Martin from

Phil robers Australian was has lot come over I’ve got a I’ve got an injury couple of injuries I’ve got Martin Pearson down bibs out to Frank’s recommended you I’ve got uh one Spar overseas cot spot I’m like yeah yeah he goes what what do you turn what do you

Want to turn I say right okay you serious he goes you can get there long we’ll get there take a couple weeks get the sorted I said right what has happened previously and I know this and then you you get a lump some they sack take the money they need pay out right

So I said Ro I’ll have the house the car you pay for everything the rent the water the outlet electrics gas everything yep no worries and here’s x amount was like 300 a week th000 go there 1,00,000 okay 300 200 a win and 100 to be in

The top side so 600 qu a week and I not ping any bills that’s not fair man because you they would tell they will tell you well cuz that’s the last gig Ross they they will give you the lump sun make you pay for everything right okay you to go find your big

Dollar sorted so it’s great and it was great and I got so if you came in rale Manchester Road was living in a Coronation Street house this was living in a beautiful uh Muse Cottage in Yorkshire yeah and it was lovely where we were and to around the corner and and

Eva EV R party was the other important oh wow and what a good big Leo Casey Big Boy Malloy Steve Malloy Matt Matt cullin would been a rockar with me um D Gibson Kyle Gibson Daniel DV the Frenchman and the other Frenchman Freddy bonay bqu they LED them in the

Village and and but anyway Eva went home for some reason I think we so Brett Roger coming stayed with me and I was married with my wife Joe and we had a great season F and rers yeah very good season yeah a challenge cut semi-final with like yeah brenon

Tuda and Brit Rogers yeah playing in the we’ve gone M we’ beat we beat Saints on the way we beat a c Drew Le previously um played uh all the top size Warrington and we’ going well we’re going well we hard side to beat especially at post

Office road yeah and cuz but what happen Steve Martin got the sack and [ __ ] they bring in Dave Wood and we’re going from one to the other and Dave Wood’s uh old style Wing coach Legend know remember his first training one was two lap LS and we have a [ __ ]

B we got in the pup some [ __ ] we get some [ __ ] uh Team B we get great and I got a bit injured there and come back and so Mark Hon’s a halfback we start him my sheeld for £80,000 half hard to follow got a saw a

Knee injury there but I come back managed to get catch the side on the bench and it was great to had the challenge cup yeah man we played leagues and they leagues had Aller Gary scoffield Alan Tate asini folio George man Craig Enis Kevin oo you had no right to beat

Them running out at Allen Road 22,000 and we’re in the and toots toots beautiful man go how much you on he goes, 1500 go [ __ ] we’re only on a thousand [ __ ] and so get out there and and things don’t start too well all go a couple interception but end know scoring up

Like like 308 to 26 or something like that we come back well just a couple of things in quite go they go on to I think they wian beat them at uh Wiley but what a s you know and you see after all’s M after the game was great you know they

They end up finishing that season quite well uh Fe Rover and so I wanted to get back my leg was sore [ __ ] so we get back to New Zealand and I I Dave Woods like f rers super leagues coming yep and Fon rers are I finished 10 they eight they

Should not be relegated but for some reason they want to bring a new side in to the Super League so they’ll bring a French s in the Germain and they bring in they start is it new sou Thunder or some other side that they want to bring

In and spread the game so dve Woods on the phone me because how we’ll get you back next year same thing [ __ ] T to we talk tombs and everything I said this one thing Dave I just got to get the fizzy a bit of fraer there but couple of

Time it end up being fraer right and got in there so I had to didn’t have a car so was out for a week but they hadn’t started then I get a phone call Two Weeks Later kind of how they C of for you we’re not going to Super League they

Had to be they’ve been relegated to D two and they’ never been back since W from 1996 till now what is that 27 years fedis R is the Great Club they are you know won the challenge cup have never been back in the top flight because of the some commercial reasons and other

Times might have been their own doing but yeah it’s pretty sad he yeah and nor nor hav’t been in the same flight either they G that way but you know Fon right that was terrible what they did to them really and post it’s a great thing to play at post office Road

You would you know beautiful ground Y and The Rovers up the Rovers and so we get so I got get back and had to fix me Le anyway I come got got jobs a posty yeah yeah riding the bike and so I don’t play 96 back here oh

No I didn’t play the ’95 in New Zealand come back in ’96 yep yep and do you have a couple of premierships with Hornby when you came back yeah was great way and once again Wayne Wallace is at the hel of the Panthers yeah and I tell you

What he should work for the CIA because why post office then I boy come and go to AIS cars and got a got a bit of cash job down there clean them off the ski SE or you know and he tracks me down yeah right uh yeah I’ve got I’ve

Checked up a sponsor you know I he go I know J Doug chasing to play for the the the Cardinal the balls I said yeah yeah they are they but no I’m going to have a crack at them and see what happens so I went I play with can balls and that and

It was going right but I got whacked in the face right and my Fred my jaw and it dropped all right and um had to have an operation so that was the end of that I did so when I come back I just play the

Home and W was get me jacked up and and that was good and we end up winning the comp work in the cup great season year and play with can was here that year as well we beat a yeah and I think lesie Volo was uh playing and and and it was a

Good year played yeah it was great another K and I think 94 Stacy told me he was 16 played against or k i you 17 Stacy the other day 16 but yeah and then so that was good and and comes into 97 and I’m thinking I’m to the wife M we might have

To do something here we all turning up we go play France we look at that option and but next thing Terry humans ringing me up the roosters now the roosters are looking for a halfback yeah and we get you over get you over and I said yeah next thing yep it’s

S for dirty beats and on the phone no way beat and he said yep got the phone got everything ticket everything for you and I’ll get to the airport that’s FY be’s here picking me up in the airport no way he go I thought you were taller

And I said well yeah right thanks ay anyway we’re driving the train we’re training outside the Sydney ground where they train Outfield it’s Reserve gray side I’m wearing a puma shirt which is the same color as the Ed Des but I can’t turn up there and anyway we’re driving

Through traffic he’s aggressive drive people get out way getu you get out the way P driving P yeah DW me training and in straight in a half and Joe Thomas is the coach and it took me 10 minutes they didn’t splain anything to me so you drop straight in there on

The drills it took me 10 minutes to work out what actually they were doing yeah they were they were playing a city was a 30 meter 50 was uh Sydney and the role was the roosters they’re using words instead of numbers okay and I like [ __ ]

C on to that go on to that and then there other plays and that’s just dropped me straight is it yeah so yeah so that was all good I had to get back to no they didn’t really someone dropped me off at ter house start at ter and

Then right window started playing mainly at mly another Reserve grade game and we give them a yeah go good go good a half back but between this a training I think you did that that was great yeah B Manley and Reserve gra side me few

People come and watch and [ __ ] I get a [ __ ] shot cuz I much short than half and we go to training and um Phil this is the proper training [ __ ] long passing wasn’t real strong on that and we’re doing quicking draws okay and Phil goes here and he’s trying to

Tell me he he sign on spr a couple kicking them bombing and all clear’s catching with their Wingers yeah and you spr a couple out there but I’m h a couple good ones and Phil’s going you got to power off the leg you do this and

I’m like this is out but anyway laughing like that so we’re going to play s we’re all going to S and the country a top side yeah and it’s a night game and final TR whatever s whatever and I I jump on the and I’m no

I’m sitting next to me next CL jumps on and sits next to me you and he he goes He yeah M you’re right yeah he goes M how how did you get to be here he asked me every question how are you here how do you know how did you where did they

Pulled you from who are you he just asked me every one of the know this is why he’s such a detail guy yeah about and he know New Zealand and all that and he just asked me every question and it was real good and good luck and we get to and and know

Same with and funny is that Nigel gaffy and David barill so the plant house it’s hard to PL things aren’t going too good anyway I get the drag after 50 and I’m thinking oh well I’m here but they sort of say well you can hang in there we’re not

Going to pay you much but like all house back here and all that and it’s all good and [ __ ] but go to France be but come back even going there in the whole experience I got um um right back and it sort of seemed the training my training

Method for that year I played a real good game I was playing in 97 I reckon I was playing my best football again really or early bit football at 5’8 Bit Stronger Faster um playing that good and it show it play I got dis cated elbow halfway

Cuz once dou wanted to play on that rip but I didn’t want it h jacked up a good deal just an elbow come back from that um playing real good uh played for canbury against a again in 97 I had the best game at 58 I reckon even better

Than a couple of earlier games to 91 I stepping strong Fel doing doing a lot of weights and training good and eating properly and real good kind real good [ __ ] I’m good here make the New Zealand residence 13 hopefully get in that uh we look at going to France and I told Peter

Brown and you can play the French Club and good comp be quite cool you Rick and and we’re playing R and number two round and the first half starts off real good playing Center bang get a try another one scored too but in the second half we given that and their coaches Kev

Herman Williams and he’s yelling out get next get next oh why we’re g pretty good but I D Down The Blind Side from a a cut across and I pick the ball up it’s just a bit low yeah and get like that one like that the marker a marker guys there

The PNG guy flies out and hits me with a full on head butt oh my God right in the side of the skull Y and I’m instantly down and I’m out out and never would him lifs the field to run on to get him and and it shuts The Crow and

Anyway wallers goes and like a young BL orange is playing the horse driver yeah he’s good football he’s playing halfback and he’s he’s here and he’s only 1918 and we’ve had a good season we’re walking off walking with Herman listen don’t see the doctor because you get

Four weeks stand there next thing I uncontrollable spewing all over I’m in the thing and I have to get a go to hospital and uh end there for a week and then I have to go and see a neurosurgeon I have to get there and we go in there he’s got

The bow timeing your wife and sorry to tell you this you get another whack on your head son and uh your brain will you probably die and I don’t know who started crying first me or me ex-wife well she thought it must have been going

Home or but yeah it was just the end of it was just like and what else happened a week later my face dropped yeah it’s like wasn’t the Posley thing but the nerves in the face dropped right down so they like oh man and it recovered cuz I

Had a great doctor called Deb Robinson okay who was the all black doctor and we got that sort that came right and mate it was just and people say are you still de I said you know what permanently means the nerves so you can’t plug anything so I’m defin that’s here yeah and

So ACC I’m glad I never got ACC they said they ruled it as a 7% impairment def one here probably to lose a finger the job still the post office so it helped me get the job at the aort as Aviation Security Services I didn’t get

Any ACC okay but so that happened and most people these days you’d had to get counseling on that sort of carry on cuz you didn’t know what to do with yourself like I that was my whole thing it was gone and one yeah one hit one hit one

Yeah one hit and it’s finished and crazy crazy I knew yeah crazy and that guy getting deported okay anyway H won the competition that year piston might be peo right thing and then I got involved with coaching a younger side then some cany 19-year-old side and and

Then was a winner chicken dinner the Ry Union boys come knocking on the door yeah Stevie dods at high school old boys and I ended up coach being at old boys for 5 years getting and and doing their first of as well as a trainer and training some good players like a young

Well obviously Dan Carter’s young and you got uh sha web noo CH H and obviously merens came back there and Ruben Thorn and wow and and the a lot of the and Simon cron and they they’ve got on to coach now and and yeah that was great cuz I obviously

Knew Rugby Union having played a lot when we were younger and it was great and and it was cool and had few years here and then I went tried to get out and went to Littleton bought me back in y I was playing D two and did that then

I went to Brighton was great there 2 years here and they were the comp first time in 54 years oh good I said when we come but I’ll come here you WN the car Y and and they did it was great awesome man oh good so

That’s taken you to the end of your career yeah yeah and uh now I’m back at and since I stopped there we’ve gone to uh be a RAV League selector for cany yeah which is going to be great and we’re looking forward to that and obviously I’ve taken um you know notice

Of a lot of other things going on and and along the way and yeah so we we looking forward to working white M Wilson and yeah and it’s good to see and and and Richard aar’s come over here he’s 12 years old when I’m at rotow and

And I’ve kept in contact with over the years and I’m being in the Warriors now has been it’s exciting cuz he stayed at my house come down last year and come straight down here and stayed and talked about 40 with me and met some go and

Knows a lot about Canary and he’s been good and it’s it’s been exciting yeah New Zealand now ni so what do you think about all the talk of the Canterbury Bas in our I it’s got it’ll be very hard I mean you need $100 million and a super

Base you know where you go off the Crusaders there’s nothing let that happen you need a a state-of-the-art Gym training ground everything it’s going to cost money and we ain’t got it Crusaders even got it right I’ve done rugby park up like how it is they might give us the

Show grounds back that would be cool and do that but it’s a dream but I definitely say that they’ll be going to P getting 80 million people you okay yeah so Pier Nixon you may know him he want your thoughts about him playing football he’s a beautiful boy p and he’s

Got he’s a goodl looking lad and like I watch him play soccer you know how you mean to be a father and yeah and on the sideline see well this the last time I’m coming you kick the ball out you can’t even keep it in the field buty he did

Drum lessons he he’s Journal he’s a very good journalist and and he does drum and Bas and I pushed him to you know helped him out there but no I didn’t want him to play rap League he he too goodl looking fair enough okay Aaron Costello wants to know would you have ever

Considered crossing the boundary line and playing alongside Aaron w at horville Coy he was CO’s a very tricky character he I considered going to coach them one day back in the day but not going here to play um they had too many good players over there L was the only

Club that offered me a bit of deal and like and like left home wants to go to I could even do it and and in glenor and Orland as well and I can play against can so yeah okay Pamela Nixon wants to know who was your toughest coach on you

During your well obviously is PB Nixon who me father who he was very tough and he he asked myself L he was back in the day it was too tough on you you know we went down now we if he wasn’t like he was we’ never got anywhere yeah you know

You [ __ ] foot in around if you play Bad you played bad you don’t want to make a tackle you must set tackle he’s going to tell you yep he’s no you you can’t I don’t know how you talk to the players is but I think if you play a

Game which is rugby league or Rugby Union or even American football you’re going to have to have it up straight yeah there’s no I mean you’re only one of the team yes it’s not about you and when you become a bigger than the team and you think you’re someone

Else that it’s not you’re just a component ex and you need to know that you’re not pulling your weight and that’s that’s the whole thing and and and of coaching teams you know there’s always players want stickly hit out of the Barrow but you have to put you have

To man manage them that’s why some of them think guys are great yes as coaches okay right so Bergie Phil Bergman he wants to know what’s your philosophy on tackling I.E they can’t run without a head possibly this this this statement has it’s probably been a pregame statement yeah before we’ played

Wellington or Orland and one of us and I and it might have been the last thing I said before we’ve gone out but no I’m always a low tackler I couldn’t go high a lot of people go you know I never went High I had to go

Around the legs and and just have technique head on side on and and especially in Center you can’t you you try to be a macho man go in high it’s no not my I got tackled high but I don’t think I ever went too high on anyone or

Might have when when I was a bit older yeah I was never a third man in okay okay Brendan jury last last F question Brendan jury wants to know do you remember playing a league Union hybrid game in Queenstown in the early ’90s oh absolutely tell me about that absolutely

So again my mate Andrew Jackson he has started a gym down in in in Queenstown and he has FL and me myself Brent Stewart and Frank indicot to come down from canbury he’s taken and they’ve got and also you’ve got Andy Hayden there y uh Mark Cowboy Shaw a

Host of other players and we’ve played I think it was I think it was actually yeah want we tried a about league but I don’t think they could do it we play I played flanker and come on and I was on the Rock Mark sure P into the Rock and

Ball and it was brilli weing Bluff jerseys and and and it was cool man it was see be pretty tough and hard and and I remember um how we how we down here I’m hanging out back sure still having a drink in the and the lift with their

Boots and having a laugh and she to I like this boy yeah so was good and it was great we did play that and we had a good time down there and uh sorry Jacko we didn’t pay for that bar the bar in the in the in the room there but I

Picked you up since I think you when you were in my house last time but uh very good Frank and here FR St and um and Andy I got to meet Andy Hayden there too and I told him I read both of his books and he actually looking after me uh as a

Bit of a manager he got me on the clash of the codes and a couple a couple other things for me and he he rang out looking for me and got me a yeah good gig and yeah very good oh Andy he 20% man but man to knock that

Back awesome man okay so three more questions these are my questions who will win the NRL in 2024 tell you what I I think the Warriors have got a shot I like to look at pen obviously again um the Broncos will be tight going to be tied up the

Top of the table but I’d like to see yeah I I I think that you like see the Warriors get up there but I I think going to be hard to Bow even know so they got someone covered in for for for the caros K and lul last year lul

Gameing yeah they signed Schneider kog he’s great off the UK in the Raiders yeah K his old man I think it his uncle Trevor CER John coger play for old against so yeah um but the bronos will be hard and see the other side yeah I can’t really The Roosters will be there

About I think the roosters are going to you like them I don’t you like them oh I don’t like them as a side I’d never follow them but as a team on paper and their squad I TR it’s pretty hard to knock them be fa even though on camera I

Love the you always follow the roosters you know but yeah hey we can’t wait it’s going to be good you know back on TV and and then you know those afternoons on a you know cold afternoon boty the roast pork out oh beautiful two cold ones let’s meet okay so what’s your favorite

TV show hey and well it’s been there’s been a few but I I as a series I really I discovered Seinfeld when I was younger and I love the humor there Alan pet would be one of them the English show with Brant humor and the the the whole B

And how they Germany and used to Bas the cany humor on that lot of that and atmosphere in the [ __ ] y um and obviously py blinders and I love py blinders great show Entourage which I’ve watched again about the Hollywood star and he has his mates all living with him

Out of in the the eight Ry gold he’s man agent crazy great show awesome man awesome okay cool right last question if you’re on death row what would your final meal be mate we’re going to have your mother’s sweet to pork yes I love sweet for I actually had it a couple of

Days ago it was unre it was brilliant go down super walk and get it next it’s not like Su on St more Ro you don’t want to miss that it’s so good awesome man thank you so much for coming on the show man go back in the

Day with me it’s been pleas yeah so cool having the man Martin nion on the show how good is that and thank you to everyone at home and listening on Spotify for watching U it’s been another cracking episode so thank you very much and we’ll see you guys next time for kickoff full



  1. In reply to Marks answer to the question on the South Island NRL team. $50 million in the bank required by the NRL which will cover the first 5 years of a South Island teams involvement in the NRL. Training ground is sorted, Nga Punawai. Playing stadium will be the new Te Kaha stadium 😉

  2. Another tick in the box Dave, good humorous interview, the thing I enjoyed about Harry, he'll give you 100% with his footy every time he takes the field, but didn't hesitate when he wanted to socialize & wind down after giving his all on game day.

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