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FSU Football News | Jeff Cameron Show 2-14-24 | FSU Recruiting & Transfer Portal | Warchant TV #FSU

FSU Football News | Jeff Cameron Show 2-14-24 | FSU Recruiting & Transfer Portal | Warchant TV #FSU

The Jeff Cameron Show for February 14th, 2024 includes FSU football 2024, transfer portal signings, conference realignment, FSU football news, transfer portal update, and recruiting news

#FSUFootball #JeffCameronShow #warchanttv
#FloridaStateSeminoles #FloridaStatefootball #Warchant #MikeNorvell #FSUFootball2024 #CollegeFootball #Seminoles #CFB #Recruiting #Noles

Please click the link below to subscribe to Warchant TV on YouTube! Florida State, Florida State football, FSU football, Seminoles, recruiting, Noles, FSU, Mike Norvell

Afternoon I appreciate that always out there busy working wherever you might be that was loud and weird all of a sudden in my head don’t know what happened there uh you didn’t hear it oh I heard it yeah it was out there who knows what’s going on uh the Grim ones are in

The system early I don’t care it’s too beautiful out to get into any kind of a uh interaction with those bastards let’s get straight too it’s uh going to be great we get to hear from what will likely be Florida State starting quarter back this year where the expectations

Are very very high and the buzz from a 130s in0 season did not get uh I don’t think quelled by by what happened in that exhibition game people treated it as such uh we’re saddened by what it rendered that game to be but the but the overall momentum of the program I don’t

Think was slowed down in any way and then it was only bolstered by the fact that Florida State went and filled a lot of needs it let’s go back and and lead up to this point we’re about to hear the audio from DJ here in a second but you

Know you you think about the end of the year we’ve it’s been well traveled Road and what happened with the injuries and and the way that Florida state was limited in a lot of ways not just not getting the opportunity to play in the in the college football Invitational uh but but also

Because their offense couldn’t be their offense at the end of the year and they had so many guys get hurt and they overcame all those things and they just kept finding ways to win games in the conference Championship and put on a a performance for the ages defensively in

That game because they were able to do that I think it carried over I and then the thought was kind of like well all right we’ve got to get back to reality we’re not going to be the same program we’re going to have to let’s see how the

Young guys do let’s see how the next man up approach works because I don’t think we’re going to have a huge in influx of transfer portal players we the thought was and I can tell you that the mindset was I I I don’t mind saying this that

All right look you you you’ve done a good job of raising the talent floor and you got some guys ready to step in use Brock linnn as a perfect example like okay well he’s going to have to go through this season and hopefully by the

End of it we’ll like what we see we feel good about the talent and the toughness but you know there’s going to be some bumps in the road it always happens and then all a sudden that position there was a bridge brought in I Young comes in and you get excited

Because of how much football he’s played and you realize the potential with the the you know the numbers the size and you think okay well that that’s kind of interesting all right so we got a bridge quarterback and then you you know at the same time you have all all those Alabama

Kids come in and you fill positions of need with experience you get your best recruiting class under Mike norell that’s not to say that there weren’t mistakes made or frustrations there are fora State should have capitalized more in my opinion on a 13-0 season they should have done better with high school

Recruiting uh you know they lose out on the five-star kids still and they’re going to have have to they’re gonna have to do better there um but they do enough to have his best class and the trend upward continues but one by one as you listen to those interviews with the newer

Players and all the newcomers in general and you hear the way they talk about the program and their perceptions of it you can’t help again to be excited about what’s going to happen at the very least right around the corner in Spring football because there’s a lot of

Unknowns in terms of how guys will fit even if they’re players that you’ve seen elsewhere how will Florida State use them how will Florida State you know that competition we’re gonna see a lot of intense competition in the spring that’s good for any program that’s good period you want competition at all times

Brings out the best in everybody then your head coach is downright giddy about the group and he’s talked about that most recently in Orlando but he’s whenever he’s had an opportunity he’s talked about it so it’s exciting and then today finally it kind of culminates

With we get to hear from DJ and and I wanted to lead with that today because I think uh that honestly how he plays will go a long way and whether or not you’re on the over side of nine and a half which yesterday Tom we found out is the number for

Florida State at FanDuel uh nine and a half that’ll I think pretty much be across the board it’ll be nine and a half interesting that in the a C you have three teams at nine and a half Clemson Florida State and Miami boy those are really high expectations for Miami a program who

Annually disappoints in a way that is profound to that fan base they must be on eggshells because every year they say it’s our time we’re back and it just never happens and it never happens and it never happens and it never happens and it never happens and it never happens and it never

Happens and it never happens and it never happens and it never happens and it never happens and at some point they’re like well is it ever going to happen I was young when I told people Steve that we’d be back and I’m 52 and we suck still it’s been never happening

I don’t believe it’s gonna happen but that’s them we’ll let them worry about the never happening part we just went 13 and0 and prior to that won 10 games it’s always happening around here so that’s the good news and let’s see if we can continue it and improve upon and not

Have to take a step back at all with that as the backdrop let’s hear from DJ earlier today I like the order of this Tom we uh really quick hope you’re doing well buddy um I’m doing well my favorite comment in a long time uh is Chris says he thought

He was caught in a Time Loop so do they so do they so does Miami so does Miami yes so so uh the order of things if I’m to see this correctly I think we we wanted to talk a little bit about um him sitting down and and

Talking with Mike norell and the way that Mike norell uh kind of vetted him and him norell and in the program we know that DJ also talked to Jordan Travis so you’re going to hear a clip about that as well and then we’re going to get the assessment of DJ’s game uh

And from his own lips what he thinks about his strengths and and you know what he brings to the table as a quarterback I’m excited this is good stuff yeah what sets the stage for the first clip is is that Mike norell the way he recruited dju when he was on

Campus and as you recall that interview when he left Moore he seemed pretty pumped about what Florida state was and and the tactic was Mike norell came prepared with three games of DJ’s film that he wanted to go over with DJ in the room mono Amano offensive mind quarterback let’s see how

We look here and and that’s something that you don’t really hear about but in the transfer portal days I guess that that would be more routine it’s not something you would do with a high school quarterback and say all right I don’t care about anything else and you

Don’t care about anything else let’s get to the film but when you have somebody who’s been around at two different programs this is his last stop Mike got down to business when dju arrived on campus good stuff and with that let’s listen here’s dju I’ve been through the

Fluff of recruiting like that stuff doesn’t really matter to me anymore like for me I don’t I don’t really care what the facilities look like like all I just need is a football and that’s about it and some should pads at help I’ll be

Good to go in a Playbook so for him to be able to sit down with me and watch three games of everything have his thoughts about how I play things where I can get better at things I did well and being me being able to talk to him

Asking him like Hey how would you do this like what is this play would you run this in the offense or what do you guys think about this he ask me like what was your read here how do you guys see the defense or how you guys read

This play something similar in their offense it was cool because for me man that’s all I want to do I want to continue to keep getting better as a quarterback continue to learn and Coach norval he’s an extremely smart coach and for me that was a big reason why I

Wanted to be here I wanted to learn from him and be able to get developed under him good stuff man I love it I love it I think Mike norvell’s got to be giddy to hear his response and the way that he responded to that in a way challenge of

Sitting there and picking apart who you are what you are as a quarterback and what he’s going to challenge you to be and that’s been the big success I think the kernel of success they can dangle out there to transfer portal players is hey man you may have been good wherever

You were you may have been wanted by everybody uh where where you’re coming from and once you announced that you were going into the portal uh but but but I’m not here to Kiss the Ring I’m here to tell you here’s what you can do

A lot better I’m GNA make you better I’m G to challenge you I’m gonna force you to take the next step either as a leader if that’s what you need or as a a player physically the things you could get more out of your overall talents uh will will

Refine that and get the most out of you whatever it might be we’re going to elevate it and players have responded to that time and again so much so that that’s the reputation and now people knock on the door and you got to turn people away you have a greater selection

Of talent to choose from in the portal you know this isn’t always and and in many ways you can point to failure years in the transfer portal around the country uh for those that have tried to go in as hard as Florida state has and maybe not had the same kind of success

And I think at the core of why Florida state does have success is that they haven’t been kiss ass in this process it has been about the challenge it has been about the focus of getting better and not hey please please please come here we need you that’s not what they do at

All at all and they really have it even when they should have been please please please here we really need you going back to when we were a five and seven team and you desperately needed to raise the floor of talent Mike wasn’t about that he wasn’t gonna go out there and be

Like well you know you’re better than anything I got so if you want to come here there’s a place for you that’s not how they did it it was like no we’re not gonna We’re not gonna cut Corners obviously I’m on the phone with you I care uh about upgrading my roster

If you couldn’t play we wouldn’t be talking but that’s not what this is there’s a mutual interest here here now let’s talk about what we both can get out of this and how it’s going to work I like it next he talked to Jordan Travis and that’s a good idea because Jordan

Travis was here playing quarterback for Mike Norvell for a long time I got to talk to him um before I took my official visit I talked to him two days beforehand I just had a couple questions I want to ask him because for the most part I knew a couple players that played

Here I knew Micah I knew Johnny uh I knew AJ and just a couple other guys playing against him I kind of had my thoughts on what I knew about Florida State about the coaching staff but obviously want to ask Jordan cuz he played in this offense for some time now

And he was right there in the thick of it with Coach nor and Coach toart so I wanted to ask him a couple questions about the program how are they as coaches off the field how are they as as men and he had nothing but great things

To say and when that comes from your starting quarterback for a couple years now I mean that’s all you need to hear so when I I heard that kind of proved all my points that I had thought about coach noale and all the other coaches here and kind of just like well that

Just solidified it then it no one else I really need to talk to you know it’s cool I I think that if you’re in an interview setting and you’re Jordan Travis or a current player on the roster at any point over the last several years and you’re being

Interviewed and a question comes up about your head coach or a question comes up about scheme let’s say or other teammates you know unless you’re a complete adult you’re always gonna say nice things you’re certainly not not going to say things that would ruin the reputation of your

Coach create an environment a friction for yourself you’re gonna say what you think the reporter probably wants to hear and allows you to get to the next question and that much sooner get out the door you’re not going to bring up some of the

Foibles of uh what a player is or what a coach is or what the system does or doesn’t do where you’re apt to tell the truth I think are on these visits if you’re a recruit coming to town and there’s a kid who’s hosting you and there are things about the position

Group that he likes and doesn’t like and the coaching staff that he likes and doesn’t like or what it’s like to live here or any of the things that somebody might ask visiting a program uh that they were vetting as to whether or not they wanted to bank their future on uh

And and attending and those kinds of questions cuz players are real with players and they’ll say to a guy Hey listen let me tell you there’s a lot of good things here heads up so and so can be a bit of an ass on a daily basis and

It can be tough dealing with him you know when they recruited me I kind of thought it was going to be this way it turned out to be that way some of that was good some of that was bad and everything in between so why am I

Bringing that up well based on his body language based on the enthusiasm in his voice based on what we know J Jordan Travis to be who he was when he arrived who he was when he left the maturation process the way that he improved in a way that I’ve never seen a quarterback

Improve Jordan Travis went from not good period to very good and it’s pretty rare I’m not saying development doesn’t happen for players but when you’re lacking certain things as a quarterback and we just don’t see it you’re devoid of it and some of those things are accuracy or your ab ility to

Pre- snap read a defense the kinds of things that are on the check mark list of quarterback evaluations to suddenly not only being able to do those things but do them exceptionally well to you become one of the best college quarterbacks in the nation then you know that the process

Has worked the development has worked the assessment the evaluation and it’s neat to hear Jordan Travis then behind the scenes according to DJ where I I think an honest conversation would happen Jordan Travis rave reviews about what it means to play in this offense what it means to play for Mike

Norell what it’s like to be here at Florida State at the position that has the greatest Spotlight upon it and the most amount of pressure and the intensity of all of that right you’re in a fishbowl Jordan Travis’s opinion after all this time through many ups and downs is that Mike

Norell is great to play for the offense is fun to run Etc final part DJ assessing his game evaluations from DJ U Ang about what kind of quarterback he is I feel like I’ve BR great leadership I bring bring like a dog mentality come out here ready to work and now on the

Field man I feel like I do really do I feel like I push the ball down the field really well something I want to do throw the rock I feel like I can create plays inside the pocket whatever that’s getting out or making making people Miss inside the pocket and making throws down

The field um not scared of contact I don’t shy away from contact at all uh there’s a lot of stuff I want to continue to get working on am I perfect no not from it far from it but each and every day I want to get on the field I

Want to strive to be be able to be perfect in each and way I I work from the times of just being in tour Duty times of lifting and then just throwing receivers and being up on the board there’s a lot of things I want to continue to work on footw different

Stuff accuracy pushing the ball down the field feel like for me there’s there’s there’s not just one thing I’m working on right now I feel like my whole game I want to continue get better at let me tell you why that’s important my assessment of DJ at Clemson was that he

Did not run like a man he did not run like somebody who likes contact he did not run like somebody who’s 250 plus pounds he did not run like a player who understood that he had an advantage at that height that size now I don’t want anybody to

Mistake this he’s not a burner the kind of Runner I’m talking about with DJ is much more methodical he he doesn’t have a well he’s certainly not gonna have Jordan Travis’s speed very few people do but when you’re that big and that strong you should never be

Hesitant to get after it in the Run game you have an advantage God forbid some poor bastard in the secondary has to come up and Tackle you you got to lay the wood you got to be a guy who punishes people for coming up to tackle you it’s an it’s

Like when you watch a big man in basketball who refuses to play Big it’ll drive you nuts and I didn’t think DJ my personal assessment at Clemson was he was not a willing Runner he did not want to run there were opportunities for that young man to dominate people to to truck

Somebody and he wouldn’t do it he wouldn’t do it somewhere in his maturation in his growth as a quarterback and his understanding of the position he would take on that role later on you can find runs from Oregon State where he’s taking punishment delivering punishment staying on his

Feet fighting for the extra yard you didn’t see a lot of it at Clemson so he’s gotten better he’s gotten uh to to a place where he has a greater wherewithal of that Advantage we already know He possesses the Big Arm down the field he’s got to get better and more

Accurate in a lot of other areas I like that he’s honest about that understands it and wants to do it I like that he talks about openly he’s willing to run yes that’s music to my ears you guys guess that everything about that today was good it’s just an interview just an

Interview it’s got to go play football but he didn’t lose that interview he certainly won in all the right ways and he also took a snap shot of the behind the scenes process of how it is Florida State recruits transfer portal players and their potential it’s great it’s it’s

Continues to be consistent and worth getting into the the details about it’s why they continue to win in the portal it’s a Jeff camri show 933 real talk radio warchant TV sensation salad is so much more than a plain old salad it’s a salad which begs the question at what point does a

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The Jeff Cameron show is a production of the multimedia Network check out today for the latest news in next up one would think one would think that this is going to be his best season as a college football player he’s played a ton he’s been in big games he’s been

In big moments he’s failed he’s succeeded everything in between played in the East played in the west he’s traveled he’s done all the things I mean he’s he’s really I think Poise to probably have a huge year whatever his potential is I think you’ve got an opportunity to

Bring it out of them here it’s a money Year all the factors that weigh into this right if he wants to get paid big time and go play professional football he’s got to have a great year Mike and the team still really hungry after being snubbed with talent to fall back on

Emerging wide receivers there’s a veteran depth to this team to go along with added speed there’s just no reason to think that Florida State can’t be really good this year and I think better than most of us thought when season when the season ended and and Vegas has it at

Nine and a half I alluded to that at the top of the show I’ll go over I’m more bullish than most on Florida State this year I’ve said and I’ll repeat it I think the offense will probably be better than it was a year ago some of that is me banking on two

Things much better injury luck crazy amounts of injuries on one side of the ball last year unlike any time that I have ever covered this team every week and there was things that we couldn’t talk about and it drove me nuts and I didn’t you know you’re already

Stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to injuries as a talk show host because I get everybody gets hurt playing football and if you talk about it too much it sounds like you’re making excuses but they were winning games so there were no excuses to be made it was

Just that the winning margin wasn’t always what we wanted it to be and it wasn’t always aesthetically pleasing as it needed to be given the talent you had but when you find out somebody was playing it 50% you can’t talk about it and another guy is playing with a torn

This or a pulled that and another guy who’s at a skill position can barely run and guys are having to get shot up to play in the game and they’re showing you that kind of heart and you don’t want to rip that but you know it’s nothing close

To what they’re capable of it’s just mad so if you avoid you know a a series of really bizarre uh and and really a piling on effect of injury if you avoid that and you just have the normal football season guys are gonna get hurt it is a war of

Attrition it is football it’s a violent game played at great speed and these are big dudes somebody’s gonna get hurt got it but I can’t have one two three four five six seven eight dudes getting hurt on one side of the ball and expect that I’m going to be near nearly as efficient

So there’s that and then I think the other part of it is I really believe and I could be proven wrong could be proven wrong don’t think I will be but I could be proven wrong how quickly can that can that Synergy be built because between quarterback and receiver because I think

You got a guy who could be a star I referenced to Keem Williams a lot there was a moment in the year at practice which translated very briefly in a game where I thought there it is it’s happening the spark is there we’re going to see it it’s only going to get better

As the year goes on he’ll get more ABS it’s going to be by season’s end that we look at this guy project him to be an all ACC caliber player but then injury hit him too and he really never got another opportunity after that he couldn’t and so I’m going to project

That he has a massive impact pack this year to go along with others if those two are on the same page and the others cont contribute and you get the Alabama guys the offensive guys on Alabama who add a lot man I I just don’t know how they

Wouldn’t be better I I think it’s a no-brainer one thing I like about the dju development having him in the fold here is yeah he’s from the West Coast uh you know he played he considers himself a Cali guy so that means that you’re playing in some different temperatures

And climat than here then after being in the South playing in essentially what is Southeastern Conference footprint weather you go to Pacific Northwest weather at Corvalis and you play in the rain and you play in the wind and for a schedule this year that features Dublin

A trip to Notre Dame in November a place that he’s played very well in the past might might I add in the if you do what you are supposed to do and play in Charlotte in December and let’s say say you win that football game but maybe just maybe

You’re not one of the top eight National seeds at that point and you have to go on the road and play a road game against another college football playoff team that’s in the bad weather you got a kid whose arm travels everywhere you like to talk about it with the the ground game

And I think we’re trying to get tougher there that that travels that arm looked just as strong in Coralis as it did in 95 degree weather down in the Southeastern part of the country I love that little part of it in addition to the fact that he is a large human being

Who is not afraid of contact there are games in terrible Pack 12 Northwestern weather where you see him running over dudes where that kind of stuff it’s just these little details that you need to add up you know this year I think is about the little things adding up more

Than it is about the Stars coming to shine and these are some details that fit very nicely for what our schedule lays out to be what college football looks like now with the 12 team playoff it’s a good fit and let’s just see if he throw throws for over 62 63% completion

Percentage then I think you’re right this offense will be more productive than last year that’s going to be the number one number for me to look at there are better ones that are more specific but just the base numbers if he can get into that mid 60% range and

Completion percentage man the guy is the limit because you know we’re taking shots downfield this year you can scheme wide open throws the big play ability should be there because you can stretch a defense and force them to defend the entire field that’s what you’ve brought

In now to go along with the quick game to go along with what should be an improved running game for State lost a ton on first down last year they were constantly behind the chains the offensive line was substandard did not play as well as we thought it would

Going into the season they’ve got to be better there are a lot of things there a lot of data points along the way that have to be better for my prediction that the offense will be better to come true I’m predicting those things will happen you bring in uh a big-time offensive

Lineman you bring back some offensive linemen that now are going to be be in year two of the system so they’ll they’ll they’ll get bigger and stronger they’ll have a better uh feel for it a familiarity with it uh you have plenty of talented running back you you have a

Six7 tied end uh so you’re not devoid there you lose everybody there and he’ll probably take another big step forward too I mean last year was a hell of an adjustment to come from Shorter college to Florida State and to not be you know the top guy or anything close to it to

Outplay an existing tied end to take over the role as the second tight end and to get opportunities and at times make some big plays one can guess he’s only going to take another big step forward I just think it’s in place I really do I think the offense will be

Better and I think more consistent and then I think defensively I have more questions but I do think it was a how could you not think that it was absolutely huge uh tip of the cap to the battles in uh you know you you bring back a Josh farmer who’s only getting

Better he’s better year overy year yeah we put up with headaches off the field because he’s a kid and immature but he’s getting you know he’s back and he’s a hell of a football player Daryl Jackson finally gets to play football for Florida State really never got an

Opportunity at all I don’t even really count the Georgia game so that kid will be in the fold the whole way you bring in the kid from Oregon you bring in the kid from West Virginia uh you know just I think you have an emerging star in

Patrick p he’s going to be a star period and I and that’s an NFL player so there’s a guy coming off the edge let’s see how much better you are at linebacker that’s a big question mark uh I hope it’s better I I think you’ve got a couple people that are candidates to

Be uh good players there I’m not sure they’re done somebody in the chat mentioned well you’re a little worried about the overall depth that defensive tackle as opposed to the top three in terms of talent you know listen let’s not forget in this process that Florida state has had success bringing in

Players at the end of spring we’ve seen guys come well Keon Coleman so you can go out and bring a big-time player in once you kind of assess that roster and players elsewhere assess their place in a roster and you know the next thing you know you bringing in a kid that you

Think hey this could work look think about Fisk not being able to participate in Spring he was here he was wearing a green jersey the whole time remember that he didn’t do anything yeah and just had him for the fall correct and KRON was the wide receiver too after spring

You know and and he had a good spring camp but Keon was not a part of the conversation at that point and so right yeah you know because there’s another question in the chat that’s that is asking do you think we need to get another proven receiver they will know

After the spring game on April 20th and their actions will tell you it’s it’s much like the debate that we had about Tate rodmaker would you run it back with him and Brock and see what you could do Luke comes in and then see what you got

For a year I thought yes you thought yes coaching staff thought no I we want DJ you to come into town cam Ward come on down let’s see what you got and the moment that they did that the wheels were in motion where they’re telling you

Loud and clear this is not good enough yeah what they I’m sorry Tom what they told you was to Tate Rod maker wasn’t good enough right and and they didn’t want to force Brock to have to be the guy next year and they had an opportunity now they knew they knew DJ

Wanted to be here I mean I think he made that abundantly clear after his visit that he wanted to be here and nowhere else they were waiting to do the compare contrast interview process cam figure out what he wants all those things then you have a pick of the litter because

For State’s in a good spot you’re you’re correct I interrupted you but the point would be like I think that was really more of an indictment of Tate rodmaker I think they had seen all they needed to see of Tate they were done with Tate they were done with Tate and that was

The encouragement to take it on down the road but it goes to show you in that instance that’s somebody who’s been a programmed guy been around for a long time in this offense has I mean an intimate understanding of what the offense does and they say we would

Rather bring in one a dude Who Gon to have to learn on the Fly and to me that that’s a healthy thing because they’re willing to assess outside of loyalty to program and say look bottom line is he good enough yes or no and they’re willing to say the hard answer that’s a

Hard sell like man this this kid’s been around for a long time this is his shot this is his opportunity and there’s saying we’re going to project even during Bowl practices and that’s why on Christmas Day what happen happen but we’re going to project even during Bowl practices and this transfer portal

Window opening that we need to upgrade at this position so what what I mean by all of that is when we get to late April early may they are prepared they have proven to you that they are more than prepared to be cut and dry about what

They do need to get better and spring will do a lot to you know flesh it all out your motus oper Indi is to rely heavily to this point on the portal you can’t be worried about feelings you got to do it the right way you got to do it

With Integrity but you got to be honest with yourself and the kid and they have recruited over a ton of kids they’ve brought in a ton of people from outside the program when they determined that what they had wasn’t good enough it’s about wins and losses it’s about Talent

Acquisition and because they’ve done it with Integrity they can it’s kind of like insulting people and and having them laugh about being insulted if they know it comes from a good place they’re not going to fight you I I think it’s understandable to say to somebody after

Several years that you still don’t feel comfortable with them starting it’s probably time for us mutually to come to grips with the idea that you need to take it somewhere else and I’m glad because you can’t afford to be the other way if this is how you’re going to build

Your program now I bet you this will wne to some degree they will continue to be um you know a person that a team a program that utilizes obviously the portal that makes complete sense you don’t want to be a dinosaur you don’t want to be Wuhan Dabo but uh you you you

Got to continue to to use it but also build it up build it up build it up through the high school ranks with the elite offensive and defensive linemen that you win on that day five star kids then you’re not requiring As Much from the portal I just I like the assessment

Process I like the way they go about cutting ties when they have to uh I don’t think you can ever if you’re trying to be and you got to be that way with yourself too I think you got to be that way about your coaching staff you

Got to look in the mirror and say are we getting it done here or not is this guy a good recruiter or not are we learning what we need to learn are guys improving along the way if the answer is yes great if not we got to fire their ass and move

On this is how you build Championship programs the number one thing you if you’re talking specifically about offensive production and and can it be better than last year you know DJ just watching him in depth there’ll be some features coming out where Dominick Robinson goes through the film and you

Can kind of see some more in- depth the 22 because it’s just it’s so much easier to derive where quarterback’s eyes are how quickly they process information this is a kid who goes one to five in the progressions he can he you could tell he’s been a quarterback and a

Specialized asset at that position for a long time because there’s refinement to his game the strange thing is at times there will be layups and he just misses wide the wide open layup if you can take that out of his game the production goes through the roof it’s already good

Because he doesn’t turn the ball over but there are just times where he’ll make the correct read a guy is wide open and either the throw is just outright missed or it’s on the wrong shoulder and something that could have been a big gain a guy’s knee touches the ground

Because he’s got to break back on the ball and it’s a gain of seven instead of all the yardage that’s in front of him that’s the one thing that I don’t know how you fix that it almost feels like akin to a receiver who has issues with

Drops like I don’t know how you fix that particular issue but if Mike norell can do it man then this kid’s numbers could go through the roof roof like really really high and really really productive and he could be in some of the big conversations towards the end of the

Season we fixed a bunch of stuff about Jordan Travis and we got Johnny Wilson to catch the ball more frequently than he did certainly upon his arrival when he left Arizona State he uh couldn’t catch we brought him in said that catching the ball would be problematic

It was problematic it was bad at times but he was a boomer bust guy that made you better and then he got better he had one horrific game this year which he dropped everything thrown to him and then from there other than the injuries which you know not his fault he caught

The ball he was very consistent he got better so there is there are ways probably more ways than I would have ever thought possible prior to this past you know two years I’ve been very impressed very impressed that they have figured that out uh when we come back

I’ll Chuck this thing through the back window over here it’s the Jeff Cameron show 933 real talk radio warchant TV your local news now he tahie man accused of a deadly late night shooting at a cred gas station has been found not guilty at trial dran Barber 25 was

Acquitted a first-degree murder charges Friday evening and walked out of the Lyon County Courthouse minutes later the verdict came after two days of testimony and more than two hours of jury deliberations Barber was accused of killing cordarius Johnson on July 25th of 2020 at the Marathon gas station on

West Orange Avenue with Valentine’s Day around the corner the IRS criminal investigation office is reminded people to remain Vigilant to avoid being a victim of romance scam criminals use their way into their victim’s hearts for monetary gain some tips to avoid falling victim to a scam are to never send money

To anyone you have only communicating with online or by phone be careful what you post and make public online go slowly and ask lots of questions anyone who has fallen victim to a romance scam is asked to contact their local law enforcement this is Rachel and with

Through all talk 93.3 local news update brought to you by mamore systems tell ases go to macstore check them out online at macmor this is meteorologist Paul try with your real talk 93.3 weather update 68 this afternoon under sunny skies Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph 39

Tonight lots of sunshine tomorrow high temperatures reach up to 71 daytime highs approaching 70 Friday under overcast Skies 61 Saturday showers likely this report is brought to you by the lawn Johns for all your Landscaping and Lawn Care needs visit the lawn right now 64 Comfor your heating and air conditioning system doesn’t check with you before it takes a break that’s why we’re always ready to help any day anytime anywhere and with our annual service agreement there are no overtime charges ever at barno heating and air we will always be there for you no heating anding C 6186 so everybody knows Eddie that you are a spectacular cook of course they know that if they go into bumpers the food is always good I mean everything on the menu everything at gordos is delicious I always of course get the what the bangal chungle as I call it the bangal Chung

Jeff is that the what is the pork the B Chung je okay the bang Chung it’s delicious all these things all the items everything you do a master cook but sir I would ask you what is a skill that you possess that you’re particularly proud of that nobody would know and that uh

That you could share with us here growing hair Jeff growing hair you’re Gordo bringing the flavor and flare of Cuban food to Tallahasse since 1996 the Jeff Cameron show is a production of the multimedia Network check out today for the latest news inside Florida State athletics that’s now back to Jeff on uh never been my cup of tea I’ve never cared about Valentine’s Day even a little bit always thought it sucked

Still do luckily luckily my wife thinks it stinks too so we don’t even bother I’ll do some grilling I’ll do some grilling on this Valentine’s Day all right anniversary was on Sunday so I don’t have to ever really worry about it Tom I just do the

Old hey we’re good to go anniversary was Sunday no need to celebrate this made for uh TV nonsense so that’s the end of it it’s made for retail sales is what of course it is it’s a madeup holiday it’s nonsense um but I I’ll do something I’ll

Do something fun for for the kids you know I guess I don’t want to ruin it for the kids all right kids it’s Valentine’s Day I went uh to social kitchen I rubbed the meats here you go we’re good to go it’s off of carry Force I’ll actually

Tell you what they’re doing over there in a minute so I I think it’s time I mean we’re done with this right it doesn’t ring listen how it’s not ringing it’s nonsense broken tried to fix it earlier listen to that dead ass nothingness just nonsense hey back to sucking

Um you know go on the road last night to face Virginia Tech kept it close make key mistakes critical moments late in the game 8375 Virginia Tech your winner middle of the pack ACC team that you had to beat you couldn’t and Florida State now is doomed

Don’t know that they’ll make the NIT hence this nonsense and the beep beep is celebrating with a pack of cools or the ding no the ding-ding is the one that’s broken yeah the beat beep will be here any day now uh Virginia Tech started with a 10-2 run in the

Second half two wide open threes those are the only kind of Threes that are shot by our opponents they’re the wideopen variety every game we play every single one of them 4941 at that point 1630 to play we cut it to a one possession game because

Of course we did it gets your hopes up instead of going to bed you sit up straight put the pillow behind your neck so that you can watch the rest even though you know deep in your heart they’re going to lose so there you are watching with another wide openen

Three and that was uh the hunter kids fourth that makes it 65 56 6 minutes to play you take your glasses off you tell the MS you’re going to turn the TV off as she’s asked you to do well because you’re a null you can’t bring yourself to it so you lie you

Don’t turn off the television and you hope she doesn’t turn back over to bother you so then you’re hanging in there hanging in you never get it closer to five points and now you lose 8375 13- 11 seven- six in the ACC fall to a three-way tie for fifth in the

Conference uh that’s uh you know that’s about it Watkins was great R 26 points seven of nine from the field three of three from Beyond The Arc nine of 11 on the free throw line six boards four assists two steals three block shots you got Darren Green uh to emerge

From what had been a prolonged shooting slump he scored 14 50% from Beyond the threep point line that’s nice uh but um it’s it’s slipping away I I you got to play spoiler on Saturday at the TLC douc against a top 10 Duke team who’s 19-5 10 and3 in the

ACC uh you got to salvage something to have a winning season the postseason is beginning to fade and fade rapidly and I’m tired of it I want to care about college basketball I love Leonard Hamilton I’ve said that a million times over results matter we’re not winning

Games in the fashion that is acceptable and uh that’s I mean we’re that’s where we’re at that’s the fair assessment would you agree yeah five o’clock first pitch Friday night we’ll see how the baseball team does uh tomorrow night at four o’clock down in Clearwater softball

Takes on Stanford and then you’ll I mean you’re GNA tune in on Saturday but you’re gonna do so saying come on come on guys just show me something show me a little something it just it doesn’t have the same juice I get that it’s a top 10

Team coming to town but since it’s not Coach K and it’s John shy with Mike Patrick and Tow probably as a sports information director it’s not it’s not the same so hopefully hopefully though uh Saturday afternoon in your nll group texts everybody starts getting active saying hey you guys seeing this you guys

You guys seeing what’s going on here and Florida State makes a run of it but um one magical week in Washington DC that’s all they have left because they needed to go on a run against the teams from Virginia and uh they did the opposite of that I see Mike in the chat

Legendary former radio man Mike I will find you on Saturday I I did get your email I have not responded but I will reach out to you and we’ll figure it out I’ve got a a Saturday thing I got to do later in the day uh but I will get

Together and have an icy cold one with you and and and we will talk it up and catch up on our lives um yeah it’s uh golly is it frustrating Tom it is so frustrating because I want it so bad for them I like this team I

Like these kids I like the way that they kind of came back and got together and fought hard and went on that run and that got your hopes up of course you know I love Leonard Stan Love Chuck over there we’ve got I mean it’s been years together it’s been

Awesome but you kind of feel like you know if I were to continue to play the analogy game here it’s a little bit like you’ve had a good long running relationship you’ve been together for 20 plus years but how many times are we going to get in the car in start another

Fight I can’t keep doing this I can’t keep getting in the car thinking it’s a simple trip up to Costco just to grab a few things we need around the house and now we’re yelling at each other how long are we gonna do this I love you woman but this is getting

Old that’s where I’m at with Florida State basketball right I love you this is getting old oh well that’s a bad time for me to to chime in but um I I told you it’s redundant with the turn signal when you’re in the turn lane you don’t need

To have it on I don’t why are we why are we yelling at each it’s a turn only it’s a turn only and look it’s not even as though there’s two lanes it’s the end of buck Lake you just you can’t go anywhere but make a left I don’t you have to turn

There I can’t why do I need my turn signal there’s nobody oncoming there’s nothing same conversation every time hour number two forthcoming stay with Jeff C show 933 real talk radio War J TV glass has been taking care of business since 1945 when you call wi and glass you’re dealing with experienced reliable professionals who offer only the best like whitten’s top of the lime bath enclosures that provide style and luxury at an affordable price eye-catching storefronts are a specialty at wooden

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Pocket coming up next more the Jeff Cameron show live and local on Real Talk 93.3 w vft k Tallahasse the latest betting ODS and live movements from Vegas this is your action update now here are your latest lines from our guys in the desert fora Gator

Dro LSU 82 to 80 at the Aon Center last time but the Gators did not cover as 11-point home favorites fora State Falls at Virginia Tech 8375 the hokes with the 5 and a half Point home favorite coming up today South flaing 8 and 1/2 at home at Tulsa

North Florida plus two at Queens 164 and 1/2 the total at Curry Arena in Charlotte and it’s Kena State laying five and a half at home against Jacksonville the total 154 42 teams competing for 40 starting spots and Sunday’s Dayton of 500 qualifying coming up today Denny Hamlin

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Something to the show here that I’m gonna talk about Tom and I were talking about it today uh I’ll bring it to your attention shortly uh other than the start of the first and second hours I think we’re going to have to give way to the uh world of um of

Licensing and not uh and not have bumper we’re going to do something different it’s going to be fun it’ll be an addition to the show but maybe an old way of the show will go the way of the dodo unfortunately Hey listen I like what the music always represented it’s

All from my music collection it’s all stuff that I’ve Loved it’s all stuff that served as a personality on the show but man we get zapped all the time time we can’t keep doing it it now they’re threatening us even on the podcast for the bumper that starts the hours coming

Up soon with baseball being back we have probables we’re gonna use music for that but Tom’s right you guys may not get it on YouTube you may have to hear it on the on the podcast I don’t know it’s a toughy it’s a toughy but this is just

The way of the world and I’m not happy about it but that’s the way it works greed took over what do you guys think you guys like it television there in the background we dimmed it cuz Tom’s eyes were burning and so there you see now

It’s it’s dimmed it looks much better I think I think it does do you agree with that my eyes were burning you didn’t like how bright it was no correct um the camera didn’t like how bright it was that’s the most important thing the camera didn’t like it very much you

Couldn’t you couldn’t see what was on the screen yeah there’s something that could be done there though I think maybe uh some funny photos maybe some show themed photos like a nice little photo gallery of uh I’ve got some nudes we could put up there we could you know

Yeah that’s it that’s what we’re looking for that’s from my 1994 Playgirl shoot I’ve held on to those and uh we could throw those up there maybe increase the uh ladies in the audience who knows uh Tom would be like let me know when those are not on

The screen right that will be I’m retiring okay man I was thinking about Hower today I was thinking about driving over parking getting out I think it’s I think we’re going to have really nice are we going to have really nice weather is that what we have Saturday not so much

Saturday’s ugly what do we got director Matthew check the weather window uh what what do we have there for Friday opening day Florida State baseball we’ve moved on you heard me from the last segment we’re done with the uh I I know that I care about basketball right now

You know we could do what’s the uh is it Tom you’ll have to tell me what the yeah look at that look at that there that’s all right that’s not bad okay little Cloud little cloud cover yeah we’ll be all right um D you know I don’t know what we put

Up there you know when you go to bars there was a stretch there wasn’t the uh channel that people put on in the background uh chive or something like that wasn’t isn’t that a thing yeah that’s right wow yeah about that what about the interactive trivia

That was at the bars what if you just had the interactive trivia rolling behind you with questions I love trivia I’ll be too tempted I I’ll see the reflection to answer the trivia questions as we’re sitting here I love you and I both love trivia but the uh

The Chive thing was good because it had a lot of people falling down I’m a big fan of people getting hurt and following down on falling down on video Wrecking on a ski slope and taking 17 people out with them especially fat people it’s the best uh I like it when skateboarders uh

You know think too much of their skills and break all their teeth uh that’s fun I like that I like uh random slips on Ice uh where people live in inclimate weather and a routinely busting ass just trying to go get their mail love all that stuff that’s good bu bouncy houses

You name it it’s different um yeah yesterday up here depend depending upon what part of the area you’re in you got somewhere between four and 14 inches of snow and uh the wind kind of converted it because there’s a wind event always always forever a wind event converting

It into ice man you take so much smaller steps we talked about this before like reminders that you’re old you you do calculations on things that on the playground you jump from one place to the other wouldn’t think twice don’t care right and now I’m checking every step I’m going that’s a little

Patch I could step on it but I don’t need to step on it so let’s just we’re going to step on over here and we’re going to proceed forward I think what you should do with the television screen is make it vertical and then put the the

Photo of the rug chairman Cameron in the background I could just bring the rug in I don’t don’t know that I wantan to I don’t that would go from the ceiling to the floor though wouldn’t it that thing’s a monster it it is big uh it’s

It’s a giant rug made by prisoners of a foreign country working very very hard in Tajikistan how cool is that putting those prisoners to work for a good cause in weaving a blanket or a throw rug if you will that portrays me as chairman mauo it is I think about how bizarre that

Is you have friends in a place like Tajikistan who end up up finding that you can get rugs made by prisoners through a service and it it ends up looking like I’m chairman ma it’s great it is you’ve got a space over your right shoulder I I would suggest that there’s

There’s a huge space over your right shoulder on the wall there right next to the microphone you could put the rug right there I could start eating those apricots after big wins you know what I think that’s why uh the uh the playoff committee uh W allowed for corruption I

Think that’s why they allowed for corruption in the room was they didn’t see the video and they said you know what tiebreaker we did not get the video we didn’t get I’m a huge Cameron show fan he’s not taking Florida State’s season seriously so neither am I you

Know what at BAM is in Texas 2 let’s do this thing so I want to give uh credit to the person who posted this stat this is football related I read it during the break I was reading a bunch of stuff during the break and I came across this

Uh guy named Neil Payne posted this and so he gets credit and you know how in the last two days obviously it’s been a reaction I’m just throwing this out here this is completely different um the reaction to the Chiefs winning the Super Bowl obviously and where that

Puts momes and everybody wants to place him historically and then we know the numbers and all that but here you go you know this is crazy this is crazy so Tom you’ll like this since the 2001 one season 56 quarterbacks have led 125 drives in the playoffs in which it

Was the fourth quarter or overtime the drive ended with under a minute left to play and the offensive team was either tied or trailed by seven points or fewer going into said drive so you got it we’re talking about clutch time we’re talking about the biggest moments of a quarterback’s life with a

Chance to TI or win the game it’s all on the line it is the postseason and there’s under a minute to play all right all right that’s got it in a nutshell 56 dudes that have done that there have been since 2001 56 quarterbacks and 125 drives all right of those 125 drives

Only 50 total number 40% saw the offensive teams score what they needed to in order to either tie the game or take the lead so you go down and you save your season you continue the game or you win it now obviously the first that comes to mind

Is Tom Brady the great ones stand out we remember them it’s etched indelibly Tom Brady went five for 11 46% in that scenario Drew Brees went three for six 50% when he was presented with those opportunities Aaron Rodgers in those situations was three of four 75% Josh

Allen and Jeff Garcia of all people by the way each win a perfect two for two in that scenario all right two for two only one quarterback has been the absolute outlier of perfection in the stat in his playoff career Patrick momes is 747 in those

Situations he’s never not done it he is 747 including both the game tying drive at the end of regulation and the game winning Drive in overtime this past Sunday the average Quarterback during that sample LED his team to 1.7 points per drive momes has led the Chiefs to 3.4 points per Drive

Dve in that situation there has been the quick strike variety the famed 13 second game time Sprint against the bills and if you’re poor Josh Allen you’re reminded really I gave us the lead with 13 seconds to play and you sorry couldn’t hold on to it good God that was the 2021 2022

Playoffs he’s also done the lengthier drives as well including the five minute game-winning March versus director Matthews Eagles in last year Super Bowl the 13pl 75 yards 7 plus minute master class and overtime on Sunday where momes went a perfect eight for eight in the air 42 yards game-winning

TD also rushed for 27 yards in same drive with his legs in the stuff of myth and Fable get it it’s unheard of he has been a coldblooded winning machine when the time is at the most Essence it could be of the most Essence it could be it’s

Crazy so that also when you get to his legacy and I know that I I shouldn’t use that word because uh from 10 a to 1M ESPN loves to actually these days 6 am with get up they’ll start with it but when you think about the day that Robert

Craft started at orchids of Asia and made it up to the AFC Championship what a big day for him big day because the Patriots did win that game but am I not mistaken that Mahomes didn’t get to touch the football in a situation where he he could have gone look so that’s the

Overtime game to the to the Patriots right and it took another one happening to Allen before you get to a place where you know the rules had changed for the playoffs you think about that and you think about how the average number is four out of 10

Times you succeed and he’s closing in on 10 out of 10 times that he would succeed in getting what he needs in crunch time the one time he’s been prohibited from the Super Bowl one of two in his career has been because he didn’t get a chance to touch the ball in said

Situation like that’s crazy that’s crazy they lost to Joe burrow in overtime as well did they have a possession in a playoff G in a playoff game no I don’t think they did so yeah so Joe burrow did it to him but think the legend of my man Joe burrow

Right he was like I’ll go into KC and drop it down well and that kicker that kicker yeah yeah the from UF or whatever yeah yeah mcferson yeah yeah so but that’s the thing here is as you get into and and time goes on we’ll start talking

About those things the legend of Patrick Mahomes like the only times he would not go to the Super Bowl were where when the rules prohibited him yeah he couldn’t get the ball from doing something it’s like yeah you know what uh Yankees you you have a one-run lead but there’s a

Rule here that says the Red Sox automatically score two so Mo Rivera you don’t get to go pitch the ninth in you automatically blow the save like what what is that yeah it’s silly I mean I know it gets old and everybody would be tired of

It and I just did a rant on it yesterday about how tired of it I already am but I certainly can be tired of something yet acknowledge the greatness within and that is what is happening but I thought those numbers when I came across that stat and then went through and read the

Rest of the article and thought well sweet Jesus I mean that is insane to be seven for seven in those situations and to average 3.4 points per drive in that situation when all the other guys combined average 1.7 it’s it’s just here’s a question for you I think I

Know the number one answer is if if you were to have a null in college football to be in that situation you know right who’s number two who who would be your second guy in that situation because this would be me leaning on you for more historical perspective I was

Just a little kid who’s raah raing all the way but I couldn’t tell you who the clutch players were when I was watching the 90s well In fairness to all of our national champions you have to have a whole lot of what for in in in moments

In time that are snapshots that every fan will remember to you in your game Chris winky had them obviously jamus Winston had them Charlie Ward I mean you know that whole situation was born out of a comeback to where you know you get the onsides kick against Georgia Tech

And go down and that’s the birth of the uh Kentucky Derby offense and you do what they did you know that’s interesting though I would like to go back and look at game to game for a career which FSU quarterbacks delivered in those situations the most it might

Surprise us you know you may end up going back to a non-championship quarterback somebody who just did it a lot and was responsible for a ton of comebacks but doesn’t isn’t remembered uh in the same uh with the same fondness because they didn’t deliver a title they

Came up short so that could be you know I mean as a starting quarterback anyhow um you know that could be a Danny Canal I don’t know you know somebody like that I’m just saying people who had great success um there was so many good players I mean

I Peter Tom Wills was a really good player play yeah Casey welon was an awesome player in clutch and you know you go on you can keep Danny mcmanis keep going there were a lot of guys that found ways to win games that maybe didn’t leave the university with a title

Under their belt yeah probably you know outside of of jamus in the national championship the most famous would be Ricks to Sam because that you got to have it in that moment you have EJ’s you know play on Thursday night against Virginia Tech when they had to have it

That came after a fourth down conversion that was Rashad green I know it wasn’t the same sort of stakes on the line but I mean none of us are going to you know forget fourth and 14 most recently uh obviously beating Miami is a big deal

And to to convert that to have that throw at the end of the game to start that drive along the sideline Jordan Travis gets credit for that it’s amazing yeah I don’t think anybody touches jamus 2014 season in that regard but that it’s not the same thing is the last minute of

A game like what the parameters that you’re talking about don’t fit but when you when you put third and fourth quarter got to be nails like jamus was always nails that season I mean that was unbelievable to the point where you’re like this is insane and there was there

There were memes about it you know not tonight haters was born out of the fact that every chance he got he made those plays and we all got to see dicapo lay DiCaprio raising the glass of champagne for the G Great Gatsby it’s just get you some always made me laugh I loved

Reposting it over and over and over again and how many times Chris fower especially did people at home who hated Florida State think to themselves oh really we’re gonna give the ball back to that dude with two minutes to play I think we know how this is gonna end son

Of a and it was glorious Because deep down even though we were nervous I think most of us also had seen enough to say yeah we’re gonna win Jam’s gonna go ahead and do this thing yeah uh the best was what did it deflect off of for

Carlos to catch the ball on the road at Miami you were in the building that night was it somebody’s helmet was was it was it somebody crazy play ball went straight up yeah that’s hilarious right to Carlos I know you know and I could see it playing out in slow motion I was

On the 50 surrounded by Miami fans and it’s just me and Matt Brittain and we’re deck head to toe and no geared I’m like point because I see he’s gonna catch it that team was so complacent that you had to have a Ramsay strip sack

Early in the game you had to have that fluky play aguo being nails from 50 plus and then and then Dalvin taking it over late in order for the in order for you to win like that all of those things had to happen in order for you to that team

Goes in the Hall of Fame of most complacent teams in football history 2014 not not just Florida State history what’s crazy is dalvin’s run at the end and where he flashes the 305 to the audience and they’re all shooting him a bird and Angry and you know uh all that

Sort of stuff that angle is impossible how does he it’s when you see it you’re like oh he’s not going to get a touchdown holy Jesus it just happened look at that he teleported from the 12 this is crazy what every time I watch it

I’m like he’s not gonna get there he oh my God he got there kind of easily it’s really remarkable he he was a special player Jeff C show 933 real talk radio warchant TV Excellence defines us so we’ll never let Orthopedic pain and injury Define you Toc is a physician-led team of

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Personal training workout resulting in more energy visible toning and extra calorie burn for up to 36 hours experience a more vibrant life today with Orange Theory Fitness to find out more go to the Jeff Cameron show is a production of the multimedia Network check out today for the

Latest news inside Florida State athletics that’s that’s ever been on television so the NFL continues to win there that’s not what I want to talk about just a side here’s something I do want to make you aware of I think it’s largely due to advertising with me social kitchen is kicking

Ass uh you know you’ve got catering you’ve got Stakes you’ve got all the good stuff introducing wine Wednesday that’s today just in time for Valentine day for those of you that celebrate you can get a 10% discount on all wine and cheese uh including the the grazing boards who doesn’t like a good

Grazing board treat your partner 10:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. tempting selections 10% off wine Wednesday store hour is off of carry Forest there is 10:00 a.m. to 700 p.m. on the weekends it’s 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday I already told you $5 off per

Pound on any steak uh which was Monday Tuesday is bring in your own social kitchen tote bag and receive 15% off the prepared food items and those prepared meals are delicious made same day good to go save you uh and your busy spouse uh the time and the trouble swing in

There and get you a delicious meal and my man Chef Chris killing it and they’re growing Leaps and Bounds go check it out today good stuff good good stuff hey are we allowed to promote Tom I don’t know the thing I’m doing tomorrow um for people obviously who are

Oh yeah members and all that yeah at 9:45 oh yeah absolutely we could talk about it um you know the question and answer period has already lapsed but for those warchant gold members warchant gold subscribers there was an ask warchant anything in partnership with our friends at the

Battle’s end so that’s very very cool and the first player these are student athletes that you’re going to be able to ask questions to and this is in the Renegade room of message board so if you are at that upper level of members you can talk to the players

And ask them questions and it’s through Jeff he is going to be the vessel by which the uh the questions are communicated AAR AAR Thomas is the first player AAR Thomas I can’t wait to sit down with AAR Thomas tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. and and answer some questions uh it’s going to

Be fun and uh ask him questions let him answer questions I should say wouldn’t it be funny if I asked the question and said hold on aari I’ll answer that that would be that you know you might be upset about that and the battle’s in would too but that’s tomorrow and it’s

The kind of kind of goodness it’s kind of funny games we have around here if you’re a gold member going over to the Renegade room and asking questions to uh student athletes Zar Thomas is first up I’ll ask those questions tomorrow morning those will get posted in that

Forum and uh that’ll be fun and we’ll there’s going to be future guys on there as well if I’m not mistaken and we’ve been on there you’ve answered I’ve answered ia’s answered gorey’s answered we’ve all answered so the way to uh get access to those features and some other

Things that will roll out as time goes on is uh you go to and you enroll in the adree tier it’s the ad fre tier comes along with that uh you get an extra 5% off of every purchase from garnet and gold as as you’re a member a

Subscriber of so there’s a bonus subscription uh or I should say discount for you and then things like this there are going to be more players so hop on over to the Renegade room I would say next week we will have an announcement of the next player and that

Q&A will be available for everybody to view in a couple of days Timmy to on Twitter says J Cameron show I hate Valentine’s day as well because it is also my birthday oh I don’t know about that Timmy T Timmy to uh Happy Birthday um I would think that

You you know could double down on the goodness I mean it is your birthday and Valentine’s Day I mean could be your night buddy don’t know if you have a special someone but it was already going to be your day but we’re going to add to it it’s going

To get spicy at Tim [Laughter] tees kids you stay out with your friends um so I I don’t I I don’t know I know where you’re at but um I hope you have a great birthday timy T he may be like young and wanting to go out and have fun

On his birthday but it’s kind of ruined because it’s Valentine’s Day and it’s couples everywhere and so he’s got some fellas that he wants to hang out with but they can’t because they’re with their wives or their girlfriends so that’s maybe what he’s referencing as opposed to the overindulgence that I was

Thinking of see the thing is though if you are single as I was for quite some time and you go out on a night like Valentine’s Day in your 20s well at that point if there is somebody there a significant person at the you know that they’re No Frills that they don’t want

Any BS they’re there too and they’re the right kind of person that’s a good candidate right there that is an excellent candidate to sit down have a conversation with and see what they’re all about because if they if they catch your eye and they’re there on Valentine’s Day night having a bruski or

Having a cocktail you know man that there right right that’s the right cloth to be cut from right there so tomorrow the Genesis gets started Wagers will abound I’ll mention a few but did you see Tigers uh unveil the Sunday red looks good what you think um hopefully it’s better than the

Fanatics baseball roll out in terms of quality because uh Fanatics is now taking over MLB uniforms and they look like t-shirt giveaways for the first yeah they look awful awful yes I thought they were only taking over the city uh what are they called the city uni what city connect yeah City connect

So apparently I was reading up on this yesterday because they’re being widely panned what what yeah Fanatics is doing with these uniforms is that they’re sub licensing Nike and like Fanatics is the one that’s actually making this thing while Nike might have the brand yeah on the Jersey not Fanatics it’s it’s a

Fanatics product and the names are smaller numbers look like they’re terrible and made of $3 material like yeah it I’m sure tiger is uh suitable for a more you know well to do crowd and they’re paying for it but uh yeah there there’s a problem here in front of us

With MLB uniforms which is not something you really want to mess with too much no you don’t but if they are just the city connect uniforms I can live with that I don’t always like the city connect stuff sometimes they’re good Pittsburgh had a good one last year oh you’re putting

Them up on the screen here let’s go let’s look at this here so you think those are looking shoddy yeah yeah there’s a good example of Miles molis uh and and what it looks like for the the Cardinals jerseys but yeah you could see they Shrunk the names down the

Quality of the patching of the numbers it looks like it’s going to you know Fade Away within four uses of the Jersey or couple of Washings of the jersey and uh the players said that they feel like crap too it’s almost like uh got issue yeah it’s almost like that episode of

Seinfeld the uh the cotton versus polyester uh comes to life here so the guy that runs Fanatics and I’m forgetting his name right now billionaire dude who’s made gazillion dollars obviously being really good at this he’s got his hand in almost everything it’s the trading card business they did a Netflix show about

Him he does everything from uh shirts to to to Collectibles of all kinds you know in-game experiences all these things right he’s connected to everybody in the Sports World he gets inv Ed to everything he’s obviously been a shrewd businessman and done very well for them

To whiff this much he was talking about the growing Empire and what he wanted to add and and I just got done hearing that not long ago I think it was on Bill Simmons podcast I believe anyhow the point would be like they were pumped about this and now you’re telling me

That this is you yeah the players are like this is garbage get out of here that is that is a uniform that that on the screen for the people that are driving around town on the podcast t-shirt it’s like a t-shirt what they give away to the first 20,000 fans with

A giant logo of Nathan’s Hot Dogs on the sleeve is now what it looks like that players could be wearing unless this is a dress it looks horrendous so yeah there’s the yeah players don’t like it the fabric is a a very different consistency I don’t know

Though I will tell you this like this may be botched and be terrible and they may have to go back to the drawing board and they may have just wasted a lot of money and they’re going to get a lot of bad publicity but I will tell you if

You’ve ever felt a baseball jersey that those guys play in I’ve always thought that man those things are way too cumbersome there’s a lot of thickness to those things it’s 100 degrees outside for much of the baseball season what are we doing with all this on here it’s

Insane go back the old days in the 80s when they’re playing in St Louis on freaking AstroTurf and it’s 120 and those guys are in those giant cotton oh I always it’s basically wool I think they made out of w yeah well that’s like everything that you see in black and

White photos or the early 1900s we joke about it all the time it’s all those poor bastards the men weren’t allowed to walk out of the house unless they had 17 layers of goodness on it all had to be dressed to the nines with a cap then

It’s you know it’s 107 degrees people smoking cigarettes you’re standing there waiting to go to work it’s just a damn it we’re all going to be dead by the age of 50 and uncomfortable while we’re here 50 was actually that was wishful thinking I mean my yeah you weren’t

Living to 50 I just got done listening to and I we’ll go to break I I just got done listening to uh what the world was like in this country before regulations uh came into play on the food packing industry and the meat market now I I

Know about Updyke and I know about certain famous books of course but I mean this was an indepth analysis of what was going on with just the milk in this country they put from out hi and milk they were killing babies left and right back in the day it was insane

400,000 infants a year at one point ding drinking yep 400,000 just from drinking milk look it up late 1800s awful and they would try to stretch that milk out and get more oh imagine that corporate greed they were trying to get more bang for their bucks they’d pour water in you

Know what water they were pouring in from the farm pond stagnant with worms swimming around in it here’s your milk Mar good luck with the young it’s Jeff C show 933 real talk radio or TV your local news now Monday a judge set a trial date for Donald adelen she

Is a former mother-in-law of Dan Markle marle was an FSU law professor who was murdered in the Benton Hills neighborhood of Tallahassee in 2014 Donna’s trial is set to begin September 30th Adon was arrested in South Florida in November at the time of the rest Donna was on her way to Vietnam a

Country that does not extradite the US she was arrested just one week after her son Charlie was convicted for the murder of marle two men were arrested over the weekend in Lyon County in connection to a 2022 shooting that left a 16-year-old dead in Banbridge Cameron Bell and larius Campbell’s weekend arrest stem

From a shooting that happened in November of 2022 on North Sim Street leaving 16-year-old cadar is smart dead two other men Henry Knight and Terrence Anderson were arrested a few days after the incident Campbell was also involved in a separate shooting that happened at a tahaza convenience store in August of

2020 this is Rachel an with real talk 93.3 local news update brought to you by mamore systems tell as’s go to macstore check them out online at mamor this is meteorologist Paul try with your real talk 93.3 weather update 68 this afternoon under sunny skies Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph 39

Tonight lots of sunshine tomorrow high temperatures reach up to 71 daytime highs approaching 70 Friday under overcast Skies 61 Saturday showers like this report is brought to you by the lawn Johns for all your Landscaping and Lawn Care needs visit the lawn currently it’s 66° hey no fans our

Partner ISF Inc is a national management and IT consulting firm located right here in Tallahassee Florida solving the future for state governments through strategy process and Technology as a trusted adviser for state governments ISF knows the importance of defining a clear and detailed strategy our friends at ISF can help your organization create

A strategy that sets you on a path to success ISF your vision plus our expertise brings your brilliant ideas to life visit ISF dcom to learn more ISF solving the future so everybody knows Eddie that you are a spectacular cook of course they know that if they go into bumpers the

Food is always good I mean everything on the menu everything at gordos is delicious I always of course get the what the bug chungle as I call it the B Chong Jeff is that the what is the pork the B Chong Jeff okay the B Chung it’s delicious all

These things all the items everything you do a master cook but sir I would ask you what is the skill that you possess that you’re particularly proud of that nobody would know and that uh that you could share with us here growing hair Jeff growing hair Gordo bringing the play laor and

Flare of Cuban food to Tallahassee since 1996 the Jeff Cameron show is a production of the multimedia Network check out today for the latest news inside Florida State athletics that’s I bet you never knew that Tommy 400,000 that’s crazy that’s for that time too that’s that’s a high percentage of babies yeah

Yeah the world wasn’t overpopulated just that is an extremely high percentage of American babies Stephen’s funny why the game Oregon Trail was so real I love that stuff uh reading about folks making their way out west back in the day the day across the Great Plains where there was a lot to worry

About there was a lot to worry about starting with just if this stupid Wagon Wheel breaks we got some real problems this wheel it’s getting a little clunky on me we’re gonna get stuck out here on the planes and the commer coming this is not going to end well

This is a bad death and then moreover if they don’t find us we live long enough they will if they don’t find us we’re going to freeze to death and or starve to death and soon we’re going to start eating one another this is what’s going

To happen this is our life this is what we’ve got left guys all because because of this wheel I’ll tell you papa Ali was eating the kid his teenager who said dad you why you overpacking we’re just going west you don’t need another Axle just don’t worry about it it all breaks down

He’s like well you you question me yeah yeah yeah you sorry Sheamus plus you’ve always been fat that’s right you’re gonna be the first we eat you big fat ass um yeah that’s a that’s a toughy uh all right so what do I got here this

Week uh pizza money on Justin Thomas to win the Genesis oh five five to win one7 by the way he’s finished no worse than 12th so far in a tournament this year have you noticed that yes uh he was uh one of my picks if if if I was going to

Get it to throw it over this way because he’s paying out at three and a half to one for a top five finish that’s for a top five finish three and a half to one is very good odds he’s playing well and this means a lot to him given his

Relationship with tiger place the top 10 on Adam Scott who is uh rounded into form yet again 43 years old looking 23 years old swing’s still sweet sweet and he’s starting to putt it that’s the whole thing with him make some putts because the swing is always something to

Behold always Place him in the top 10 you can get three to one on that you can get wendam Clark the sprinkle in there a little bit too he played very well and of course Aber Berg formerly known as Aber Berg is now abore uh ludvig luds

Ludy who we like a lot uh I actually did pick him to win the tournament as well and obviously anytime you’re picking somebody to win a tournament the chances are you’re not going to win the bet but that’s also pizza money 10 to win 210 not so bad kind of fun there I’m

Doing for the purposes of the show The modest bets Tom I’m not going to get in here and get into the weeds some of the bigger bets we come in here and we say hey five here 10 there you know why I do that I saw a stat that the average bet

Uh is less than $4 who the hell is out here betting $3 on something really Jesus get it together man that’s a lot well you know thatting those are people placing $2 parlays all day long hoping that that that this is the last bet they ever have to make yeah yeah well you

Just don’t need to be betting if you’re betting two bucks so T yeah that’s prob that’s not going to do anything for and if that gives you juice I don’t know what that’s interesting yeah yeah you gota you gotta have a little well I don’t want to encourage whatever so

Tiger is basically even money to make the cut it’s minus 110 for Tiger to make the cut for reference for those of you out there uh it’s minus 2,000 for Scotty sheffler to make the cut so tiger is on the very bottom of the totem pole you think he makes

It he did something weird last year didn’t he shoot two rounds in the 60s and then had the one blowup round at 75 that cost him dearly uh like 75 his two bad rounds were like 7574 and his two good rounds were that akin to some of the better players 68 something like

That 66 what was crazy is if I recall on the par 3es he was just a shot maker left and right you’re talking 180 210 17 doesn’t matter the distance he was hitting the best shot of the day across the entire field but you know there’s that whole thing about walking the whole

Course and being uh in shape enough with the back injury and the hips and all that kind of stuff to get through 72 holes which he could not do I do believe that the Sund Day red that’s how it’s written out will do well everything tiger throws his you know logo behind

Does well he’s gonna do just fine and you know it’s not going to be chintzy it’s going to be of good quality uh so he’ll do fine he’ll that Sunday red thing he made it with Taylor Made they’ll do well they’ll get that thing out in front he’ll do well uh make the

Make the cut H you know I sure on the number on the number Tom on the number as an aside because people will tune out if we continue to talk golf uh what Scotty shefford is doing from a ball striking standpoint has never been done before it’s the silliest thing in

The world if he could put even a little bit he’d win every tournament every weekend it is insane and now how in your head must it be to be better at everybody in every category except for one and you can’t win tournaments just gota drive you

Nuts I mean The Strokes gain numbers on him right now are otherworldly it’s every shot it’s long irons it’s short irons it’s off the tea it’s everything it’s accuracy it’s everything you would ever want if I said to you you’re going to be the best off

The tea you’re going to be long off off the tea you’re going to be the most accurate with your long irons you’re going to be really good from 100 in you’d say all right take my chances with the putter I’ll take my chances with the putter

Nope nope it’s uh I mean a whole lot of top 10 finishes whole lot of near wins a whole lot of money you’re making a whole lot of money but yeah you’re not you’re not winning any titles this is this is the part of the Year where it

Gets fun though this the Genesis is the start and they go out to Florida that’s when my man over here on the left of the screen if you’re watching on warn TV really hits his stride you you and the Florida swing you have some good numbers that you throw typically in the leadup

To the Masters I do uh it’ll be fun I’ll throw that all out there we’ll have a good time and uh I do I will say this I for the first time ever am of the opinion they’re really gonna have to get a hold of themselves over there in

Arizona it’s just a makes for a wonderful collection of videos of people walking sideways into trees falling off Hills I saw one that I I posted yesterday with the with a woman slamming her head down on the side of a hill after slipping in the muck which I’m

Sure was all of the inclimate all those things those that is a blast that’s that’s fun and that I don’t want to see it go away but you can’t have what they have out there in Arizona anymore okay so I’ve got some stats on this uh in regards to the the police department

Involved in this particular tournament so two years ago there were 440 calls for service of any kind this year 653 two years ago there were zero arrests made last year 18 this year 54 I like that they’re going by golf numbers too I like that they’re doing that

Should be 72 next year objections two years ago 90 so 90 people with the hundreds of thousands that show up that tells you they’re being pretty lenient they understand what this event is 21 this year 200 and uh 73 trespassing violations this year up from 14 to years ago well

You can’t encourage the madness and then get worried about the madness you’ve just told everybody have as much fun as you possibly can and they did and then things got loose and people started getting hurt and there were fights on the golf course oh it’s the dudes trying to walk

Walking sideways that I get a kick out of ESPN is uh what 7.8 billion six-year packed to broadcast six uh years of the 12 team college football playoff that’s the news that has been breaking this morning uh for 1.3 billion the average price of just one tournament you might

Be able to buy the Pittsburgh Pirates same you know that that’s what you have how much of the 7.8 billion will be paid to players uh yeah right the details of the deal for ESPN still coming out could choose to sub LIC subl license some of these games to other

Networks uh according to uh Andrew marshan ESPN will have control of college sports championships outside of the men’s NCAA basketball tournament which is owned by CBS uh college football playoff board still has a ton to figure out terms are set the deal is still pending for approval from presidents and

Commissioners uh that includes those obviously that will be most affected by this outside of the SEC in the Big 10 so we’ll we’ll have to wait and see this is fascinating to me because it does give ESPN a leg up on the competition when you’re talking about you know do they

Want concessions about the greater existence of the sport you know let’s say the Big 10 and the SEC are getting together as they are and they’re trying to divide up the future of the sport well the SEC has a bargaining chip at that very exclusive table

Because now ESPN can say well you know we don’t have to give you a playoff game but if you want one if you want one your parent Network FOX Big 10 if they really want a playoff game you better play nice with me on this particular topic so ESPN

Did power play their way into a little bit of Leverage then again they could have the exclusivity that they’re paying for at nearly $120 million a game I think is what it breaks out to is that what it broke down to yeah I saw the number on that last night $118 million

Per game is what this is going to cost ESPN to broadcast if they don’t sublet it at all which is interesting because NBC and peacock recently paid 110 million to the NFL for an NFL playoff game on super Wildcard Weekend do you know that there is a a a growing

Momentum and belief uh with industry insiders uh that the Super Bowl will be be behind a payall at some point yeah I think so I think so they they’re willing to do that it’s almost like you reverting back to pay-per-view so we’re all going back to cable and we’re all

Going back to pay-per-view they don’t care that 50 people are going to be in a room because they’re just G to Jack the price up so crazy th it’s all about the commercial inventory cost versus the directed consumer cost once they figure that out and they can make the move they

Will that’s that’s why ESPN’s going direct to to Consumer on its own independent of the thing we talked about last week which is with all the networks getting together for linear television channels it’s it’s all changing in the next five years the way we consume every major sporting event is going to be

Fundamentally different than we’re doing right now so the college football playoffs current contract with the ESPN is set to run through 2025 2026 and obviously you have to have unanimous support for changes after a four-person subcommittee recommended the new 12 team format in June of 2021 took

More than two years of stop and start negotiations amidst conference realignment to get the unanimous approval from the college football playoff Board of managers the group of presidents and chancellors Who oversee the organization the board originally approved a model that included the six highest ranked Conference champions and

The six highest ranked at large teams the impending departure of 10 teams from the Pack 12 has led to a push to tweak that model which will be a five plus seven model but the board of managers has not yet approved it as of right now

Uh I do think from what I’ve read it seems as if that is going to have the five plus seven model meaning the five uh conference champions and and then the other sub you know the seven highest ranked of the Lesser conferences I guess is what they’re looking at so we’ll see

My number one hope um is that what they have currently for playoff games and stadiums will remain forever doesn’t go away and they don’t they don’t neutralite this thing top to bottom please don’t we want home games for first round of the playoffs one week from tomorrow we’ll be able to have the

First set of probables on the Jeff Cameron show how about that that will be of course for spring training baseball but we do it there too just because you never know when you got to see your guy are they stretching them out what’s going on uh good work out of you Tommy

Great show today a lot of fun good work out of you too as well Matthew be well everybody happy balls mcws day Happy Valentine’s Day if you celebrate be good talk to you tomorrow Peace


  1. Was that 20 never happens?😂😂😂 That's how many years they have won the off-season championship, talking about scum of course

  2. I don't know if this would be considered a hot take or not but my prediction is Az Thomas has a really good year and is a 1st round pick in '25 draft. I'm bullish on him, IMHO.

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