Golf Players



桿頭:Taylormade M2
桿身:Tour AD PT 6S

官方FB:Kevin Golf Academy


Kevin教練 IG:kgaceo
勛哥 IG : vettelmedia

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I believe that everyone is quite dissatisfied with his performance in Who Comes to Play Stadium recently. Of course, many golfers have left messages saying that he has improved a lot . But maybe because I am the one who has been watching from the side , I don’t think so

. But if If you go back and look at Hong Xi more than a year ago, you will feel that he has really made a lot of progress. At the beginning, I just talked to him and gave him a concept driver, which was to hit hard and not touch lightly.

Now he hits too hard and goes too far. It’s too far. We need to start limiting his distance today . Otherwise, if he continues like this, he will be further away than me and have this problem . But we recently felt that when he was playing driver, his stability was not that high,

But he can do it. If you hit 300 , don’t say 300 , it can go as far as 300. Yes, but uh, the average can reach 278. In fact, among amateur golfers, the distance is quite good. It’s enough, very useful. If you hit white t, it’s enough

, even blue t. That’s enough, but we hope he can reach this distance in an easier way , because he basically relies more on brute force now, which means you rely more on a lot of body and you have a foundation of heavy training before.

So relying on that power to swing it to this distance, the club head speed can be as high as 100 or 110, and then it can reach a distance of about 300. Today, we hope to improve it through this fine-tuning , and then it

Will be easier to use. The swing method reaches this distance so that the physical energy he consumes after 18 holes can be reduced , and then the time of sliding the phone can be increased to increase stability , so that he can have more rest time, because in his current condition, he

Should finish 18 holes. Everyone will feel tired and sore, so we will move in this direction later and let’s see what kind of improvements we need to make. You can take one first later and then you can tell us about your current situation. Are you? How do I hit the ball ? Well,

Now I feel like this. After I reach the top , I feel like I use the rotation of my body to drive the club. I feel that I have to rely heavily on twisting to hit the ball, right? Then my It feels a bit like Dustin Johnson when the hand reaches

Very far back. It will make me feel like I will let me get it here. In fact, the center of gravity of the body is not very stable , so you should actually pay attention to you. In fact, it’s quite easy

When you hit it hard. When you close here at the end, you ca n’t stand firm and you will be a little bit . And if the ground of the tee table is not very flat, it will jump far and even farther , and even the ball will not be stable.

Yeah, so I I think this will actually cause a problem when you get off the court. In fact, the tee table cannot be as flat as when you are on the practice field, so the stability will also be affected. It means that when you hit hard,

You It will still be relatively more unstable , so our goal today is to allow you to hit as hard as possible , but you can stabilize your body. So you first hit with the original way and then hit with the feeling . Obviously you If you look like

This , you are unable to stand firmly and close the club completely. The senior coaches from ancient times have said that in fact, in a perfect swing, you should be able to close the club very stably. That means you During the entire swing process, your movements are quite correct.

Your strength and stability are all well done. Only then will you be able to make a beautiful finish . And what we just saw is your original feeling. The ball relies more on the rotation of the body. At this time, one of the players is not stable and the other one will cause

The ball to slice more easily . I believe this is also the most common problem for most golfers . So today we hope to change to a driver. Isn’t this a problem that we hope can be improved with the club ? We hope he has more of this. What is this?

Can you please answer this? This cartwheel is a swinging feeling that makes the club feel like a whip. Swinging action, feel the elasticity of this club , so your wrists are relatively flexible at this time. You need to rely on your wrists to do this action, this action. So let’s wait a moment.

First, try to stabilize the body without turning around. You feel like your body is all fixed in place . Just like I am sitting now, I just use my hands to swing the ball. It doesn’t matter. Let’s just hit it easily first and then we’ll see. What kind of effect can

You get if you just rely on your hands? Do you just rely on your own physical sensation with your hands? You feel like you just raise your hands up and swing them over. That’s it . Now the ball is still running a little to the right and a little bit . Run right

, but let’s take a look at the number of shots at this distance. I didn’t pay attention to 270. Just 270. You see, it only has the feeling of the hand. 262 only has the hand . So you can see that it is better. You have a little more body feeling.

You said, then I have more. One point of body is 270. Then you see, you only have 262 pairs of hands, and the speed of catching up is not very fast. It is only 100. It only takes 100 to produce such an effect. Let’s try a few more ones

. Then I hope you can feel a little better. A little more hand flipping will allow him to hit the ball with a slight left hook and it will be fine. If we make another mistake, it will be considered within a reasonable range. We will wait and see

If we can let him achieve that effect and hit a little bit more. The hook and hit are the same as the feeling of only the hands. The body feels as if I am standing on the spot playing the ball. So you have to have a very obvious feeling.

It seems that I am just swinging the club in the same place. Like this, release the club head. Hey, how do you release the club head? And it’s only 103. Yeah , and you can see that the club head speed is only 3 miles faster

, and you have already reached 283. It’s amazing. It’s amazing. And the key point is that the power is very easy, very easy. Hey, very It’s easy. You’re standing very stable, right? After you finish playing, you seem to feel a little swishing. Just standing like this

Is the effect of hitting Cui very hard. Even sometimes, maybe your Cui is not so far away, right? It’s so exaggerated. One more? Well, one more. Otherwise, let’s wait and say it’s a coincidence. It’s a little slower . This is more of the original feeling. So, even this feeling,

You can I think he can still produce power, and then he has a little bit of what people say is a hidden power feeling . It seems that during this period, I let him rely on me because I learned and practiced first, so I can easily swing the club head. Ah,

Then when I become more proficient in this action, I can make it speed up a little bit. I can make this thing speed up a little bit more , but you see, it is an instant thing. You don’t think I am pressing it with my body at this time.

Look. In fact, I use my hands to speed up a little, not because my body doesn’t feel like this. I just speed up the ball, so it doesn’t feel like I’m hitting the ball too hard. Try it and see if you think it’s okay to let that swing

Or even hit a big left hook , because you have to One idea is that we haven’t turned our waists yet. Well, we only have hands now , so hooks are normal, not bad, so it’s 270. So at this time, uh, I believe many people will say,

How can it be possible to hit the ball so far with hands ? Actually, It’s because of our situation. Considering Brother Xun’s condition, he loves to turn around. As we just mentioned, when he doesn’t feel like turning around , he just relies on his hands to hit the ball.

In fact, if we watch the video carefully, you will find out if you watch the video carefully. His body is actually moving. It’s not like what we just said. I seem to be a possible beginner. When I asked you not to turn around, you really weren’t turning around . Well,

It’s already a habitual movement for him, so when you It seems that your body feels that there is no rotation, maybe it is just the right amount of rotation , and then you focus on the release period of your club head , so the club head speed that appears will not be

So slow . You can swing easily , but it has reached more than 100 miles, and then the distance has also come out. So at this time, you have mastered this feeling first , and then we will practice turning the waist. But in terms of this movement,

You need to let you There is a lot of feeling of separation in the waist. In other words, you often see some videos where you need to stabilize your upper body so that your waist can rotate . It can’t feel like your whole body is rotating together. You can’t feel it

. This won’t help the movement. So when we hit, you can feel it a little bit and then increase the rotation of the hip. Then we want the rotation of the hip and then go. Add in the action of your wrist releasing the club head . Add one to these two

. So when you look at this action, my upper body is actually in a passive state. He will not follow and rotate with me . Then , this It’s time to shake my hand. This way it’s easy to get slices. So let’s pay attention to this part later. Add a little waist to

It to make it a bonus concept. Isn’t it enough to keep a little bit ? No, I think we can make the waist faster. Let your waist go a little faster , so when you practice, I actually think golfers have a problem that I often encounter,

That is, golfers are afraid of their ball hooking , but to be honest, I don’t really understand why. He is afraid of hooks. On the contrary, it happens very often. His hooks are actually very small , but he will be very scared. On the contrary, when he hits a big slice,

He will feel very happy. On the contrary, he will feel very safe. I often encounter this situation with golfers who come to me for lessons , but in fact they have to put aside this concept. You must first know how to hit a hook , and even that hook

Is honestly straighter than your slice because they The slice is usually the one that will hit the right side of the net in the driving range , but he may actually hook a little bit, and then he suddenly feels very scared. It may not be the path he is used to,

So he will be very scared, but I think it must be You have to put aside this concept. Well, you must learn how to hit this hook. So I don’t think anything of what you just did. You just need to turn your waist a little faster, and it will be fine

. So this is relatively, uh, necessary. One key to the difficulty of hitting long distance is that we have to practice controlling my hip activation. Then I can’t forget my hands. So I just mentioned that we can always hit hooks. It does n’t matter

. We just rely on our hands to hit hooks. That’s okay, because you will get used to this, and your hands will always remember that I want them to be flexible and stay in the swing. After turning around, I found that my hands seemed to be a little unable to keep up,

So you Look at this time, it is common for everyone to turn around. Then you see, the club head speed reaches 107 at this time , and the distance changes to 241. 241. Instead, the whole thing returns to the straight position without the club head, and the distance does not come out.

At this time, return first. It feels right to hit it with your hands, so if you are practicing at this time, I would suggest that golfers can first go back to the feeling of hitting it with their hands, turn your body, pull it out again , let’s pull it back, feel it ,

Hit the floor and hit the top. There is no need to be nervous about anything because this is a situation that you will definitely encounter in practice. Even if you are a professional player today, Tiger Woods will definitely be like this when he was practicing before. He is not born to

Hit such beautiful shots. Everyone must be patient and very patient. Okay, great, I think this kind of hook is very good, because if you want to think about it, now there is no waist, now there is no turning of the waist, when you turn the waist a little,

It will be a straight ball. Come and try it, it will turn too fast, and there will be a lot of the whole body here. The feeling when you open it is that your waist is relaxed. In fact, it is just a little bit . You do

N’t have to feel the waist rotation . You do n’t need to add a lot . You don’t need to add a lot . You have to feel that the waist is actually just a little driven. How do you feel when you swing it?

Because I still don’t dare to use it now. A lot of force is hitting me, but I still feel like I only have my hands. This really takes time to practice, but I would suggest golfers to practice more with their hands , because you must have heard of it.

Your friends all tell you to use your body to hit the ball , and they say that you are using your hands too much . You have to use your body to hit. But we return to a point that sounds weird.

Today, if you really know how to use your body to hit your hands , then why do you It’s better to hit without clamping the club on your body. The only point of contact with the club is our hands. So you said it’s important whether the weight of your hands is important .

Then I’ll add a little more force. Even I think you can feel the same without moving the handle with your body. It doesn’t matter if you increase the strength. Can you increase your hand strength ? Yes, just speed up your swing speed and swing the pole faster. Well, it’s not bad.

In fact, I think there is a way. You can try to swing with this pole. Then just rely on your right hand alone. Oh, this one hits the far distance. The 284 is true or false . In fact, you can see that this action is quite simple for you. Many people ca

N’t do it. Many people don’t make any sound if they swing it. Oh, many people swing it. There is actually no sound when he goes down, because his wrist will be grasped very tightly. He will grasp the wrist tightly, so you see, pay attention to see that when he is waving,

His hand will actually become like this. Try grabbing your wrist tightly, and there will be no There are no movements that make him bend. He seems to be fixed like this . Then you can see that he just turns his body up and down to swing like this.

So in this movement, you lose this part of the wrist and lose his flexibility. Then you can swing it again. When the time comes, his voice will become quieter, and the whole swinging movement will disappear. The body is used a lot , yes

, but you have to use one less part of the wrist. Of course , the body must be used. I didn’t say that the body is not used, but I think you should use it. First understand the wrist. Once you know how to do it,

And then add the distance from the body, it will be scary. Many people can’t do this, so you can also use this kind of aiming stick to practice . At the beginning, especially the aiming stick, because it It is very light , so in fact,

It will be difficult for the average person to make a sound when swinging because he cannot feel the weight of the club head. So in fact, you can use a practice swing that is heavier in the front and is very large. The ball type

Will obviously help you find the weight of the club head. You can first feel the rhythm and weight with that easy swing , and then feel the front end. At this time, you can start practicing swinging some lighter ones. The pole is like this, and then you can practice swinging it as fast

As you did , and the louder the swing, the better . And it is swinging with your wrist , and then you can practice it. You can also take it apart and go through it first. I only have my hands. Swing to make a little sound , then add a little waist drive

, and then let him swing to make a sound to develop this coordination , and then return to hitting the driver. You can practice in this way . I just swung the aiming stick , and my body turned too fast. It’s hard to change. That body turned too fast.

You must hold back . You must hold back and keep your body. Otherwise, you can only turn 250 at a speed. If you reach 110 and only reach 250, you won’t be able to show your hitting efficiency , but of course you have to go back and practice more

To be able to do it . It can’t be achieved in an instant. You swing it with your hands and then you move to the front of your waist and you practice your hands alone. Sometimes it is actually easier to do

, but as long as you want to add a waist turn inside, it will be more difficult to combine. This part requires more practice on this ball path. Is it okay ? I seem to have caught the feeling. I think it is necessary. One idea

Is that we should make sure that 10 of his 10 balls are all in the same direction. You are the one who ensures that he keeps doing the same action and the same direction. There will not be one left, one right, one left. The feeling of the right one is

Good. Then if you turn your waist, it will be your hand. It will keep it there. He will not miss it. The left one is the right one . This is the left one. Right, so I said it doesn’t matter if you keep turning left or right,

You just need to turn your waist later. Don’t be afraid of turning left . Don’t be afraid of turning left. Let’s emphasize the key point. It’s good, good, because no matter how fast your body turns at this time, it won’t matter. It’s not that, it’s not that

Typical. One left, one left, one right. So you see, everyone can think of a concept : if I easily hit left and one right at the end, it will actually be difficult to tee off. So even if I hit left today , but When I hit a hook,

I actually know that my ball will run like this . When I’m downfield, I can know where to aim. So you can see that this happens when he increases a lot of body rotation. In this situation, I might as well not put any effort at all. I

Will be more out of breath and more tired, and the distance will be closer . Yes, the club head speed will become faster. The club head speed will be very fast, which is completely useless for the efficiency of hitting the ball , but it does not pass through his hands,

Shaft, and club head. It is passed to the ball , so in fact, those who know how to watch will find that the way he just hit it easily looks really light. From the perspective of us next to him , it is very easy to

Hit, but the distance he hit will be astonishing . My concept is similar. I don’t have a very strong body , but I can reach that distance. I have to return to the original state with my hands. When I play ball, the distance is huge. No, it’s not very easy. 297

And you see, you didn’t do 109. Why didn’t you just go back and watch the video? It definitely didn’t look like that . Why does it look like you definitely didn’t use a lot of force ? Because the speed of the club head actually has a lot to do with your wrist

And the difference in body feel. Because the more wrists you have, the faster the club head speed will be. But when you look at someone like PGA, he doesn’t need to. That’s what he is. It should be said that he is like that. The two things are combined together

, although what he is practicing now. Just turn around , but his hands are actually already there. This is the concept we just wanted. I have been able to fix the basic conditions of my wrist to hit a hook. At this time, I started to practice my body

To increase the speed. Come on, look, you just relied on your hands alone Being able to do these things will maximize the efficiency. It’s better than when you just used your life to play the ball . And I feel that my hands haven’t shaken yet. It’s very good.

Even this one is only 104. I feel that my hands can do it. It’s better to throw it right, so this is the part where I have to go back and practice. So good, great, great, great. This part is to go back and practice more. I just felt that it

Was really easy with just the hand. It was really easy. It was you. It is absolutely relaxing to go back and watch the replay by yourself. The person next to you will feel that this person is not hitting the ball hard

, and then you will think how can you fuck him so far ? In that state, you will not feel that it looks like hitting hard, so 300 is reasonable. Yes , it feels like fart. It feels like you are not exerting any effort. How can it be that far away?

The key point is that the landing point is stable. In fact, it will be more stable than when you use force. You see, when you use force, it is easy to fly to the right one by one. But if you look at it like this, actually his deviation gap won’t be too big

, and I don’t have to swing so tired, that’s very important. I only need to have a speed of 103, and I can hit that distance. This feeling is also Very good. Overall, you will be able to hit the ball very far very easily. Then this comes back to

The most common saying that you don’t need to use force to hit the ball. But this is actually powerful. In fact, it is powerful. It’s just the dark force that I just talked about . The dark force is You

Just use the power of the club head to release the power for a short moment. In fact, it is really through this. This is what people call the part of playing without using force. I finally understand why you are why I saw you playing like this before. ㄅㄧㄤ 250 Yes,

I can do it now . You see , as long as you use the inertia of this club, it is actually very easy to hit it far. It is not that difficult. You see, you are standing with the ball. You only have to swing it with your hands, right? That’s it,

But there are too many balls. You see, they will have this situation. Everyone wants to turn hard , want to turn hard , and then at this time, the whole body is made to do a spin really very quickly , like you just did before. He did something

Very fast and then turned it by himself . Why did the ball move to the right? I heard something happen at this time. I heard a student tell me that his friend told him to do this so that the ball can return to the middle.

He said you It’s just that the body turns too slowly, and then I heard that if you are finished , you should make your body faster, right, because there is really a way of playing , just like we just mentioned DJ , they are playing that style of play,

He just wants to You need to make a lot of turns to return the club face to the straight position. But there is another problem . Your hand needs to be in a very bowl wrist state. Only then can you close the club face so

Much. The more you turn, the more likely it is that it will return. Is it too much? Otherwise, in fact, when you swing normally, your club face is open, so even if I turn more today, it will not come back because your hand is in this state,

No matter how you do it, it will be like this, so you must let him There is a release and return action , and then it is possible for your hands to return the club face to the center. Otherwise, when your body turns faster, the worse it will be . The thing about

The hole next door is that I don’t know where my ball is going because when I went down, I just couldn’t see it . The picture I played is that everyone has to have an idea . When I play now, I can see the club. The afterimage that passes through this section

Is what you said. When you swing like this, there will be an afterimage of your hand over there . The same goes for your club. There will be an afterimage that passes through , and your eyes will be focused on the ball. But if I’m like that, I’m looking at the opposite side,

I’m looking at that side, I’m looking at where the ball goes. So I have to remember one thing. Golfers who are easy to hit the right side must pay attention to this aspect , and then I feel that we It doesn’t matter if you just stand there and

Pick him up and swing him over. It feels like this. It doesn’t matter if you let him hit this kind of ball. You must practice to let him hit this kind of ball . You can see that you can just stand. 190 Some people turn around a lot. I won’t go over 190

To train your club swinging feeling. The faster you can swing the club, the faster you can have that speed . Because I believe that many people will not be able to make that sound when they swing like this . It will feel very stuck when you swing it, and your hand will

Be stiff. If you use a lot of your body, your wrist is not flexible . No matter how fast you turn, it can only be like this , and my body has to be very strong to hold on. But you see, I just need to swing it. After a while,

The sound will appear , or is it actually not audible at all? Then it shakes, and then it just stands there without even closing the pole. No, no. Let me tell you an important point. In fact, when you are very shaken, It can be like

The kind of action you see in Korea. It ‘s very easy to close the pole and come up. You see, actually I swing it down . I swing my wrist and move the pole. Then I close the pole and come up. Then I turn around and

Close it. In fact, I close it. Well , everyone has chicken wings very often. Today, this episode is all finished in one go. It is full of useful information. The main reason why I will teach this today is because the boss of our big family taught a release a few days ago

, and then he went directly to the 18th hole of Nanfeng two days later. It was the first time in my career that I hit one shot on the 18th hole of Nanfeng, a downhill par 4 hole. It was

My first time, and it was my first time to see someone hit one shot on that hole. It seemed like there were quite a lot of people, and there were a lot of people playing. Is it true that the people who are far away seem to be me. No, I’m not sure,

But I saw many of them facing each other on the side of the green. In fact, I’ve seen many people say, oh, he can hit that shot on that hole with one shot . But his hit may actually be thirty or fifty yards short , and then he felt that

He even said he hit it, hahaha. I arrived, but it was actually only on the edge, that is, there was at least a section of the green, but his definition was that he had reached it. Then I’m just going to talk about the point I just mentioned,

Which is the swing I just mentioned. After swinging, I can come up and close the pole naturally. When you turn around more, he will be like pulling, so sometimes you will have chicken wings . Sometimes you will pull him like this. Then when I move or if I don’t release it,

It will become like this and pull it over. But when you want to do it, it will be very difficult and the whole thing will be very unsmooth and your hands will get stuck . So in fact, it’s like what Brother Xun did in the video just now. When you reach this swing

, stabilize your body and rely on your swing to hit the ball , you can achieve quite good efficiency. The distance will come out, and the club head speed will come out. At this time, we will practice slowly and add a little bit of rotation. If the waist is still swung inward,

Your distance will increase rapidly. At that time, you will need to change the shaft, which is too soft.


  1. 感謝kevin老師

  2. 看完影片


  3. 請問kevin哥~
    鐵桿也適合這樣練嗎? 還是可能只針對長鐵適合?

  4. 實用!我也是身體轉太多,打完左腳幾乎轉向前方,而且也是站不穩,球都往右飛,已經買防右曲的桿了,還是往右飛

  5. 練習場阿伯最愛說法:你腰轉不夠

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