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Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 99

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports. Special Guest: Alex White.

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Hello Pittsburgh what’s happening woo I’m Frank niiko longtime comedian lifelong sports fan and Today’s Show will hit harder than Joshua Nagano is that his name it says Joshua on the Twitter page I thought definitely Francis Joshua is who he’s facing oh it’ll hit harder than Francis andano Francis Nano and one of

Those punching machine things look at this top score 999 bam so he got it there you go uh yeah I’m not impressed I’m kidding in case he could find me uh if I tried one of those machines this is probably what would happen I’d probably do something like this That would be me okay all right there you go that was me uh on the show to my right who I imagine has a killer right hook oh one more time on that one all right here’s another one there there’s a couple of them that would be me that’s what I

Thought I thought there was a montage here’s me all right fire ready this guy nope and it hit him in the face that would be me and then this is with the head that was just drunken Madness that would probably be me and then [Applause] Okay like what are you thinking I don’t know they’re drunk what do you what do you want to do oh my god oh right into the machine lost his phone he felt nothing till the morning there’s Mom okay reflex and then okay oh Jesus yeah did someone hit

Them no he set up behind the thing and he hit it into him I don’t know why these why so the the OB the moral of this story is anytime your friend does one of these machines make sure your phone is rolling there you go uh to my right who

I imagine has a killer hook the one and only two-time champ sports batting analyst and always a pleasure to have on the show Alex white Alex have you ever tried one of those machines I have not unfortunately I would Ryan have you ever tried one of those yeah I’ve tried it

Would you punch I don’t remember what could you punch on a day like today probably ladies and gentlemen I have a little inside little behind the scoop behind the scenes scoop Ryan came in today very angry um should we get into it right now let’s just do it oh first

Of all Alex what do you have coming up today on the show so a couple I mean it’s college basketball season college basketball season of course college basketball plays but there’s some games that really stood out to me I’m going to get your opinion because there’s some

Different angles that we could bet these games and then I’ll give you my favorite all right you guys got me and Ryan and Alex Oh hopefully R Ryan might storm out angry ladies and gentlemen oh look at the tally Daniel Pacho everyone’s been wondering what’s going on so I owe $70

For mentioning my hometown but yet this debt is now wiped clean ladies and gentlemen W so let’s review what happened yesterday on the show oh what’s this your hat Alex brought in for leave that right there just where this dodg ah there we go la right there so as

You folks know for Lent I gave up saying my hometown and every time I would say it on the show I’d be penalized $5 I was up to 70 bucks that’s 14 times I had said it that Jerry and Kaden and an and Ryan had caught there might have

Been one slipped in there here and there Drew dog was probably in on it too anyway I ow $70 so yesterday I said oh show Otani and his first Audrey name is gonna hit a home run I said a first St bat and I said no just give me the whole

Game so then my hero Jeff parl Jeff are you watching Jeff parl Jeff’s called me yesterday and said wait I have the bet I can’t do his voice I had the b as Jeff I can’t do just voice I don’t do Impressions Jeff said well why don’t we

Do this if he hits a home run you’re down to5 which therefore gives you three free sayings he gave you negative 10 at first negative 10 at first you’re right it was negative 10 but if if he doesn’t in home run your 70 goes to 85 and I it goes to

90 90 that was the original bet you negotiated B it down to 85 and 85 so I figured an 85 swing if I’m at 70 plus take it down to negative 15 so it’s like 85 or up to 85 right so I’d either be at

Negative 15 or plus 85 so I’m swing yeah yeah yeah thank you so I’m driving around and I get alerts for the Dodger games and I get alerts for pirate games on my phone I’m on the 15 going approximately 75 miles an hour why not I’m a stud I like speed all

Right I look down I see showy show show oani hits a home run and I scream so I’m very excited now I have not seen Ryan until Ryan came a little later to work today because he had a doctor’s appointment for Aubrey who’s doing well and he came in fuming and we actually

Filmed it and roll the footage of Ryan coming no we don’t have it and I don’t think we could air it but anyway Ryan is not happy at losing this bet so I’ve already said I’ve said it once so I’m down to negative 10 Ryan if you want to

Take your Ryan are you awake Ryan bring meero you sold your soul what the hell is that did you hear that tell me I’m not hearing things all right so I sold my soul to the devil uh why am I seeing Jesus on the Monitor and yet is Jesus involved in

This it who was that was that Jeff parl who voice was that my gosh all right anyway so I’m allowed uh and here’s the deal I think I made with Jeff I have to use all three today to get back to zero I’ll use them all today

No do I was that part of the deal I didn’t hear that part but is that part of the deal Ryan could you wake up please we’re already GNA call HR on you for many reason please wake up Ryan what do you think man how do you feel about

The deal that my agent Jeff parl negotiated for me I just want to know yes what book Jeff finds plus 550 odds for show he Otani to hit a home run yeah the Jeff parl book Because all right well that that book’s going bankrupt because sh

Otani hits a home run in one out of every Games 4 home run look look okay home run season leader that we got here at South Point sh Otani is seven to one the favorite is Aaron judge at 6 to1 so sh Otani is the second highest odds to to lead the

League in home runs and you somehow get 550 odds for him to hit a home run through the entire game which mini DARS on my side he hit it off a single a pitcher but you know who’s on my side Daniel Pacho uh I don’t know why Jeff had the authority

To do something for this he has tenure here he’s been here the longest he originally wanted to give him plus 350 and then Alex is going to break it down yeah and then as so how did it get so much worse he negotiated very well and

And then because it was plus 350 for his first at bat and then he said give me the full game I think Jeff was thinking that was never going to happen he wasn’t going to hit one which his first at bats I mean he struck out and then he what

Grounded into a double play into a double play so wasn’t looking too good but this is the fun part because it is a betting show I mean that’s kind of like sports betting right you’re down 70 bucks you have 15 left what do you do

You throw it on a plus 550 and hope for the best yeah but show Otani is not a plus 550 that was a double or nothing bet listen you agreed to the bet I heard you guys in the background all who was was around show before it even around when

Jeff made the bet with me on the phone yesterday Alex who do you think F yeah who has your back her hand again is freezing it’s amazing I don’t it’s freezing you sold your soul that’s Bob that’s who did the opening no oh who is that Chris Andrews Jimmy [Laughter]

Varo okay anyway Jerry and you’re wrong Jerry’s been the longest Jerry’s been here the longest all right well but I you’re right Jerry Jerry’s employee of the decade we know that I Jerry I apologize but Jeff made the BET and there’s the devil is that the are we

Showing the devil yeah did you show it already no I didn’t oh oh just scaring the crap out of me all right so anyway um terrible terrible terrible terrible I’m at negative 10 right now I have two free ones I have two free to burn which

Is so dumb hey you agreed to it he’s going to I mean he was biting his tongue it was kind of no fun for a little bit and and that was the exact point that’s why why you give it up for L don’t want to have fun all right perhaps we should

Get on with some of today’s show uh the dry race support has been wiped clean yes it’s February 28th Ryan we have we have someone else’s reaction video to the Homer we do yeah so at the end of the clip you’re gonna see someone peek in that’s Jeff and then you’re GNA see

The response that’s me okay so so we’re gonna see it hopefully all right we have something the the reaction one all right let’s play it I don’t know what we’re seeing baby All right so somebody else had the future B got him got him no maybe not and it looked like a popup by the way I thought you were driving I was well I saw the replay maybe I was driving home run H why is this wall blue what did the guy

Say when he popped in blank you Derek and why is this wall blue oh my God so they had the same bet there they had the same bet it’s the bet that was sweeping the the nation is he playing today D did not have plus 550

Odds uh by the way on the call he was so proud of it walking in too he was like why do you why how is this not the funniest thing that could have happened oh he wrote me he go Dum thing that could have happened it’ll make the and

All honesty it’ll make the bit funnier exactly legitimately for real all right uh today’s February 28th Ryan here’s why you should be happy today it’s the last day of the month record scratch no it’s not tomorrow is leap day we have an extra day tomorrow February 29th so don’t

Sleep on that but today is put up the graphic national public sleeping day have you ever fallen asleep in public when I was younger I’m sure not like even as an adult maybe like a little nap on like you know a bus a bus does an

Airplane count cuz I can sleep very well yeah fls okay uh where did everyone go the whole crew isleep okay the whole crew is gone ladies and gentlemen the whole crew is asleep there it is is uh you’re allowed to do it it’s national public sleeping day so it looks like uh

Alex and I are running the show oh and they’re back awake thank God the show will will go on not right by the way here’s me sleeping on a plane for the fir until I was like 30 35 I’d be asleep on a plane but I’d realize I’m starting to fall asleep with

Strangers next to me and I would make this noise this loudly on the plane like that so the people next to me go what the hell and I’m like oh sorry I almost fell asleep they’re like it’s okay you’re on a 5 hour flight but I

Literally my body was so afraid to fall sleep I’d go like that loud I don’t do that anymore now I can snooze you know you have a few few Jameson you hery it out and you go to sleep uh so it’s national public sleeping day it encourages anyone to

Take a midday nap right where you are as the cast as our crew just showed the power nap there’s three kinds of naps power nap 10 to 15 minutes The Hangover nap is 30 minutes long it’s 10 minutes too long leaving you loopy and wanting to stay asleep The Brainiac lasts about

60 Minutes includes the Deep asleep may feel a little grogginess upon waking up much like The Hangover uh this type of appp might be the best after a round of studying or before a big test then there’s the California king is a 90minut nap that’s a full cycle of sleep you hit

The REM stage you don’t want to do that so power naps that’s the one they recommend little uh 10 to 20 minute long nap that does me Wonders by the way me too you reading that almost put me to sleep what’s that I said you reading

That almost put me to sleep man Ryan is salty today Ryan is so mad you know what uh yeah and they’re all sleeping yeah Green sucks what’s that sir Green Bay sucks Green Bay suck you’re allowed to say that would you like to talk about bit over would you like to talk about

The quarterback situation no in Chicago let me take a sip of this this this soda is tasting so much sweeter today it’s ridiculous all right absolutely ridiculous Alex we have a game for you okay we have a game this was omitted from the version of the script that I sent

You I don’t even know if people read the scripts that I do send Ryan does Ryan’s the best all right and claims too and then I go oh what about that thing she goes yeah I read it last night but I forgot about it already so we have we’re gonna play

Triple day with with Alex all right here’s how triple day works it’s much like baseball like a triple play but it’s triple day I’m going to show you three athletes celebrities so could be a celebrity or an athlete who are celebrating a birthday today and you

Have to tell me who they are and then you’ll guess how old they’re turning and you get it’s multiple choice it’s multiple choice it’s very simp simple all right rule number here we go here’s number one your clue is not born in America celebrating a birthday today

Here we go it’s the game that’s sweeping a nation uh that’s the wrong graphic but that’s okay something else that’s for something else all right who is this person LCA Don not Don it is LCA donic now is Luca today 24 25 or 26 what do you think how long’s he been

In the league think about it take a look at that photo does that tell you anything he’s got tattoos so he’s old enough to get a tattoo you have to be I’m going to go right in the middle 25 show us the correct answer please this

Is why she knows our numbers that is correct he is 25 very good yay Alex yay Alex oh look he’s happy again Ryan’s happy again Hae you Ryan’s in a good um clue number two okay this is person number two he was a star baseball player at Windsor Academy drawing the

Interest of college teams however r than accept an athletic scholarship he elected to purs pursue music After High School he was born in Georgia so here we go start unscrambling this one here we go this is kind of right up your alley I think her head is twirling as it unfolds

Who is that hold on I oh it’s Jason alen the name was on there she didn’t do it quick enough it’s not your fault yeah oh you had 10 seconds I forgot to so think of it I don’t know why all right is he that is at my alley I love country you

Love country music yeah is he 4247 or is he 50 um I actually think he is 50 all right I’m going go C 50 oh sorry Jason oh 47 oh you just aged him oh you aged poor Jason Aline all right the last one is probably the trickiest one all right

Here we go sadly I was comparing it to his wife because she’s I know she’s a lot younger she was on American Idol uh Britney or something yeah yeah I didn’t realize that although the way that happened that whole relationship I don’t know any just Google it all right here

We go clue for number three you got all the dirt I did a little research last night this gentleman has won both the Indie 500 and the Daytona 500 born in Italy Vinnie it’s born in Italy here we go and cue the graphic here we go you have 10 seconds

Mario oh oh ah dang it Mario and Mario and Drey and Dre she’s like give I’m half a time all right there you go Mar Andre is he 77 81 or 84 this one’s a lot closer okay oh my gosh um I’m going to

Go what what happened a b or a oh is it a b or a looks like I double enough with a butd the second a 84 and his correct age is he’s anywhere you got uh she got two she got all three people and you got

Good job there you go I’ve seen Jason Aline in concert I can’t believe I missed him there you go so that was fun little game wasn’t it yeah they’re all celebrating birthdays happy birthday to you it is show number 99 I’ve been waiting so long is that

Toto I think 999 anyway it’s our 99th episode Ryan how do you feel about that man you’ve been here for uh for all 99 haven’t you no no you missed a couple well yeah I had the entire week when OB was oh yes you had a baby recently

That’s right sorry about that’s right anyway so anyway 99th episode and usually we’ve been doing these collages which everyone loves it’s sweeping the nation do you have a collage today I do you do all right let’s do the 99 how many can Frank name oh okay here we go

How many can Frank that is Warren Sap I believe yep Warren Sap who got into a little trouble won Super Bowl weekend uh next that is Aaron judge I believe Aaron judge so I’m play a game in Pittsburgh yeah there you go feel like I should I should add to

The tally uh I was there with Denny Nagel actually Denny Christian Hansen beown dummy was there and uh it was the Yankees versus the Pirates it was very embarrassing there were more Yankee fans there it was very upset we were in a box because that’s how I roll he had a home

Run the sound the ball made off his Bat different than any I’ve ever heard just the crowd this is what the pitch and he hit it and the crowd went oh and it went to dead center I think it had off the batter’s eye it just sounded different

So Aaron judge who by the way gambling angle these are now out at the South Point we have the South Point sports book these are the Futures on baseball we’ll talk a little more later about these Major League Baseball season leaders the Home Run title and strikeout

Leaders up Aaron judge is the favorite at six to one Aaron judge six to1 who’s second oh sh Otani is at seven to one there you go Ryan’s trying to keep a straight face the field three to one very interesting even though there’s about 30 names on here there’s always

One guy that comes out of nowhere every year you you never expect so interesting we’ll talk more about that but anyway Aaron judge is the favorite here at the South Point make sure you come down to the South Point get your baseball Futures in we’re going to do an episode

Before the season starts we’ll do a bunch of Futures and we’ll bet Futures and we’ll put him into a hat or we’ll put him on a board and we’ll see who does the best this year yeah uh next pick a player yep pick a player we’ll do

That it’ll be fun and then that’s obviously uh JJ Watt only person ever to win the defensive player of the year three times I believe his little brother TJ watt should also have another but he was robbed by Miles Garrett there he is ladies and gentlemen the great one would

You like to tell everybody about him you did he’s the great one he’s the great one Wayne Gretzky second greatest hockey player of all time ladies and gentlemen good to see him from my hometown of Pittsburgh is the next one I’m down to zero is that uh Jason Taylor

Yes it is Jason Taylor who’s from alqua I believe next to him another guy from Pittsburg that’s right I owe $5 now wo there are you gonna smile now it’s up it’s dead it’s not dead Aaron Donald probably the most intimidating defensive player over the past 10 years Super Bowl

Champ at the Rams and last but not least number 99 he had to put a Chicago Bear there what do you think of the quarterback situation Chicago is that Dan Hampton oh my God I got a perfect score much easier than the 90 no hints too no hints either yeah I did pretty

Well on that the 98s what was it 97 or 98 was the toughest one was it yesterday uh well I mean yeah yesterday was no yesterday I had the name yeah this 97 was 99 just nailed it home run hit a home run you know who else hits home

Runs Show heyy Ladies and Gentlemen uh all right so there you go that’s the last time you’re getting that bet so you you might as well just well I don’t know maybe I’ll skew another one towards Ryan if you find 550 anywhere else let us

Know all right let’s take a few uh live comments here mini Dar Baba buoy would get the final say or not uh some for another show oh I see so referring to you as Baba buoy uh I don’t know if you know that’s Gary Del but Howard Stern’s

Producer that’s his nickname that is you he’s referring to you as Baba buoy he’s saying that you should have had the final say on the BET not Jeff parl from another show yes I know I read his comment after the one that you just read

Okay I’m sorry well I I was doing a show I couldn’t read the com uh Bob Dell I finally get to see what my face looked like for 35 years when Frank wins something what when you win something this is what my face is what his face looks like and

Now he gets to see it on TV like are you confused by that no oh really okay I think I don’t know he gets to see what my face looks like all right anyway uh I feel you man uh Bob D’s on your side uh tattoos on Luca is not a

Giveaway slovenians can get tatted up to age seven is that true oh it’s Christian I should have known that was attempted a joke um that is Paul wants me to pay off the $70 I think Paul’s right Reno Paul’s right what sense does that make H Reno Paul

He’s on my side too uh Reno Paul by the way Alex mentioned you before the show she says Reno Paul on the show I watching today I said yes because you’re going to be talk that’s a little tease for later Reno Paul’s got to stay stay tuned okay go Clippers what’s that go

Clippers go Clippers man you just hate La all right uh they’re still La yeah I know what is this they’re playing the Lakers tonight what is this Yankees graphic I’m looking at is that for us oh yeah yeah that’s Alex came up with that oh should we show it now cuz you that

That was funny you had that game for me I sent this in for you it’s trivia oh trivia CL all right here we go Frank trivia I’m on fire I can’t lose this no I don’t think you can okay are you ready Frank yeah so who are the only teammates

To Homer in their first Major League at bat in the same game and in backto back at bats this is actual in the big leagues not spring training right spring training homers are the best though aren’t they I love spring training hom R so that’s a clue who are the only

Teammates to Homer in their first major league game at bats so it’s two guys and they went back to back yes and the Yankees is obviously a clue yes it is can I ask just a few can I ask are they still alive yeah yes they are okay still

Playing I might have to check on one of them well why do I think one of them is still playing yeah why do I think it’s it’s it’s it’s Aaron judges to too easy you’re the only teammates oh uh is it judge okay Aaron

Judge and then uh oh God so it’s a guy that’s not as successful as Aaron judge obviously yeah you’re not gonna get this one I haven’t Anthony well no Anthony vpy no uh no back back in 2016 2016 is it that F vo no it’s not Luke no it’s two first names Ryan

Alex well you got the second initial right oh uh alons wow this is a tough one Allen oh oh is it that Allen guy no no Clint Frasier NOP you want to know the answer yeah give me the give me the full initials give me both initials Alex ta Tim

Anderson no no no Tom Tor is not Aaron Hicks who is it that is hard two first names I don’t that is really tough I have Tommy Alfred Tyler ansb hsbor Austin Tyler hansboro osok is a first name I don’t know well where I grew up who is it

Tyler Austin that is a I’ve never even heard of Tyler Austin yeah he you stump me his career ended in 2019 but you know what you can’t upset me you know Alex I don’t I’m not even upset by it because you know why yeah I only owe five bucks

Now well and you got Aaron judge that was impressive enough I figured well I figured around the time yeah Aaron judge and Aaron judge by the way favor to win the major league home run title 6 to1 just barely ahead of show hey Otani all right uh ladies and gentlemen Sound the Horn

Damn it’s post time it’s time for post with punch lines we scour the internet and find some amusing Clips so you don’t have to there’s the graphic there’s me look at me smiling I’m like hey show just did a homework oh we got some music there too that public

Domain oh has it always been there sound like a little huy Lewis number there or something I liked it uh all right first up let’s see here I mean I don’t we we had a fantastic finish we had a weird finish with the Pistons and the Knicks

The other night by the way let’s just talk about the Pistons real quick an Pistons last night won the game we had Chris Newberg here from Detroit yesterday I watched the whole show it was a great show yeah it wasn’t it he was great Chris was great and he talked

About uh you know I saidwell where are the Pistons are playing tonight a back toback in Chicago I said their coaches upset Monty Williams they had the four-year-old little kid say he’s going to coach his butt off that had nothing to do with the Pistons but anyway I said

Bet him tonight they’re going to come out like we plus you would think the refs are going to be like maybe we should give the Pistons a few calls we kind of because they admitted that they blew that call where the one guy was literally tackled at half court so what

Happened last night they were plus what what was the number on that Ryan or Alex 4 475 plus like 475 and put some money on it bang an cashes a ticket and an also had BYU BYU so Ann’s an’s made everyone made money yesterday and me so the Pistons have won nine

Games yeah you know how many teams they’ve beat oh wow uh is it like four three they beat seven seven because they’ve beaten the Bulls how many times twice they’ve beaten the Bulls twice and the Hornets twice oh wow that’s interesting yeah well they’re they’re beating the teams they should excuse

Me sorry talk all right uh let’s see here so anyway that face so last night we had a couple great fantastic finishes the NBA probably the most dramatic one was in uh Cleveland and the reaction was great so uh what do we have here how do

You say his name Max struss stuss St is it strr us yeah anyway Max for the Cavs did this so look I mean the Cs all right so watch this donic with an unbelievable pass birthday boy LCA donic he’s celebrating he’s like game’s over unless they could like hit some ungodly oh my

God bam three-pointer I mean the reactions were great do we have the fan reaction One or no those one okay we do all right this is my favorite one right so imagine betting the money line on Cleveland to win this game and that’s how you win

Watch this shot from the nose BS these guys have the money line Alex so you’re going to see Luca with the unbelievable pass by the way Luca celebrating oh maybe I should play Little D not that he ever does doesn’t really get back leaves this guy alone a

Little bit they hit the money line they had the money line and they won and they had the wherewithal to be filming that that is outstanding right there congratulations to them what was the I don’t remember what the line was did it say it on the clip I don’t remember but

I don’t think they were that big of favorites yeah exactly they were at home 59t shot stress is the fourth player in the past 25 Seasons to make five threes in the last four minutes of the game the Cavs were favored by four they were favored by four all right so anyway but

How about that that stat was interesting and I don’t know how they come up with these so fast but fourth player in the last 25 years to have five three-pointers in the last four minutes of a game that’s crazy it really and Cleveland by the way is like the second

Seed in the East yeah they’re a lot better than anybody expected I think at the beginning of the year play the Bulls tonight they’re playing your Bulls tonight yeah now they’re gonna okay now let’s talk about this so they’re high off that game right they’re in are they

They travel to Chicago it’s in Chicago what’s the line um Cavs minus 5 and a half totals 216 and a half now you know they probably celebrate a little after the game I mean I’m not saying drinking but you know that was like an exhilarating thing they might be down

For a little let down there do you maybe take the home dog in the Chicago Bulls after they just lost after they just lost to the worst team in the league right I might look at the Bills or the B the bulls look at the bills too because

I’m telling you right now Josh Allen’s a good athlete I’m thinking the Bulls have I think the Bulls is not a bad play and she’s not doing it no she’s taking her winnings and going home so there’s the line right there she’s she we brought up

Yesterday’s but she also was 2 and 0 on Monday and she parlayed it which was awesome hands on fire this week man isn’t it great to like win like bets you make it’s great I guess I didn’t make one at the window but I made one yeah

Real uh all right so anyway yeah I I don’t know Chicago Bulls in home take the money line plus 170 maybe they win Cavaliers I think might be a little Chicago you can’t bet your Bulls can you is Zach LaVine uh he’s yeah he’s done for the year he’s still done he’s done

For the year that’s right okay yeah Williams uh anyway what what an ending in Cleveland now do we have the do we have the college ending do we have that one the Nevada game um shortly shortly okay hot and Cleveland we’ll do Hot in Cleveland uh

This is kind of a nice thing here uh hot and Cleveland was a TV show by the way with valer berelli so anyway uh Luca donic he stays after the game in Cleveland now here’s the clip uh Luca you can see do you know why LCA donic is

Popular in Cleveland well look this is after the game I believe or is it before the game I don’t know I think it was after the game so obviously it’s Cavalier game but he plays for the you know he plays for the Mavs so he sticks around rocket

Mortgage center and signs a ton of stuff because he’s from svenia and Cleveland is home to the world’s largest Slovenian population outside of Slovenia did not know that I know that’s very and also apparently you can get tattooed at age seven according which I didn’t know fan favorite there I mean he’s a

Fan favorite everywhere right I mean I love watching the guy play he’s amazing but I thought that was really sweet of him to stick around and sign all those autographs uh for all those uh people from Slovenia that follow his career uh what do we have next what one was next

We can do the the Nevada okay let’s do the Nevada one uh so here we go Reno Nevada this is for Chris Andrew Chris who’s still on vacation he’s coming back at the end of the week what what an ending to this game were you did anyone

Watch this game live cuz I I forgot to watch it and I wanted to yes I did and actually um I was getting ready for bed and I was like I I can’t stay up I can’t go to overtime and then this happens all right show it here we go so another

Dramatic seven or eight point favorite the line moved drastically because Nevada had one of their Big Time Players uh Black Shear out okay so everybody was bet in Colorado State Nevada was the right side of the whole game wow yeah they did very good so Danny Burke is

Actually going to be a guest on Sports by the book tonight okay and he had a great tweet he said this will probably never happen again in my life he live bet the Cavs okay they won on that oh my God and then he live bet Colorado State

And they lost on that so it was a great tweet it was like you get it and it’s gone somewhere some never happen again like somewhere somebody bet Cleveland and Nevada in game win yes uh very dramatic and you know Chris Andrews is probably wearing his Nevada shirt

Somewhere today even though he’s in Montana probably was because he wears it a lot when out of plays uh why don’t we take a couple minute break uh we’re going to take a two-minute break we’re going to come back with Alex’s picks she’s got a lot of different ways to

Maybe do it we have some more posts and uh I’m gonna go just put my Dodger hat back on we’ll be right back oh no they clear South Point offers all the types of entertainment you’d expect at a first class Las Vegas Resort did you know our

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Family catch a movie our 16 screen movie theater includes two XD extreme screens for the ultimate in viewing sound and luxury after the show treat the family to a variety of treats at our old Old Fashion Ice Cream Parlor Kate’s Corner we scoop up a variety of creamy concoctions including smoothies hand

Dipped cones milkshakes malts sodas and Sundays at katees there’s something for everyone and if you still got time to spare our Bowling Center might be right up your alley voted best of Las Vegas it’s a great place for friends and family fun 64 Lanes a pro shop snack bar and

Arcade and while the the kids are bowling you can play Slots and sip on a drink in the alleycat lounge while overlooking the lanes for our more serious and professional bowlers the South Point is also home to a separate tournament bowling Plaza hey we’re back on punch signes this has been a very fun show for Alex and I are having a blast smile on the time let’s see what Ryan looks like can we cut to Ryan right now here’s Ryan Ryan thanks so uh should we make Jeff hold it

Up so can you hold that up please Alex so this bagel has been in the studio wrapped wow it’s been it’s I know go ahead hit it on the table yeah that’s it’s been here for uh I don’t know it’s it’s been here since at least I think I

Know this whole week but maybe even on Friday I don’t I don’t know but we don’t know who it is but it’s it was so it’s been here for about a week so Ryan is proposing that Jeff must eat that as his punishment for allowing me to have such good odds yeah

It’s not it’s but it’s a spring training Otani might not even be why am I doing this he might not even why I mean the odds of him hitting a home run is not that high why would it be any different than a regular season game because they

Played half speed in Spring I mean come on it wouldn’t be less than a regular season game okay and brings up a good point there all right and I thought you were on my side and she see behind the glass it’s behind the glass versus this side

Of the glass they’re all on one team we’re we’re on an island out here Alex and I parl just tried to make a good bet and he made a great bet clearly he made a wrong bet he made a great bet uh Bob Dell uh again Drew dog is going to be

Emailing you we appreciate Bob’s going to do voice over for a commercial again for us Sports by the book for parls my man I’ll do a favor for Jeff je JP I was going to say something Chris Andrew just said he’s wearing a South Point shirt oh

Is he back he’s there wait oh is that on a text I’m sure yeah it was on a group text shirt yesterday he what I’m sure he wore the Nevada shirt yesterday he wors Nevada shirt yesterday on game day that’s what he always does see he could

Have wore un watching the show they won in overtime uh Bob I now get it uh I which my face looks like 35 years after Frank win something you didn’t even capitalize my name that’s rude um can’t face you today Frank I know oh and then be time if I want to watch

Frank fumble through trivia questions I just ask him the capital of New York Albany Albany Hansen are you really gonna come at me with state capitals this is like something we do when we’re you know J okay uh parl I do think parl with $100,000 bankroll could be a pro better

My negativity towards him is being judge and jury for this show so there you go so he thinks Jeff could actually win money Jeff is very smart he’s very good at what does yeah but it would disappear very quickly if he’s giving people 550 odds for showy Otani to hit home run and

Then this might be a first time request in the live comments an mini Dar should like your NBA picks for tonight he would like your NBA picks for tonight so an maybe take a look maybe at the end of the game we get an Anne bonus

Pick your feel she gets feel yeah an like it’s it’s a spiritual thing it’s when Mercury’s in retrograde and she gets like talking to her she but literally I you and when I was like hey maybe the Pistons money line and yesterday was like this I’m doing it

There you go that was well I wanted I well and Monday so you took that under that was one of mine and we had a guest that liked Drexel right and you decided to tie them together and made more money and that’s what you can do that

Yeah when you have the South Point app you can make a beted at any time and I I I implore you to get it because it’s a great app uh and that’s what I I use I use South Point it’s why not that’s what we’re here for and uh the best odds you

Got to come down you can place a ticket at the window you can do that but you can use the app you don’t even have to leave your couch um I don’t think the Otani bet that I won yesterday was on the South Point app right Ryan right he’s so mad did the

Dodgers play today or they already they already they already playing they are playing the Rangers today oh the World Champ Texas Rangers can you take all right btown bum bum dummy each week punch lines gets one viewer $10 ticket to play at the South Point probably incredibly illegal but keep me watching

We’ll look into the legality of that one there btown dummy all right so anyway uh we don’t need an N pick right now we don’t need it right now we can we might get it later but now we have sports betting analyst and someone who won the

$100,000 what was that last man standing contest station casino’s Last Man Standing yes there you go so she knows what she’s doing uh third generation sports betting analyst Alex white is here if you want to follow Alex it’s at Alex white with two e at the the end

Because she needs two e because um there’s other Alex whites right but it makes it more special with two e thank you all right so anyway uh what do you have for I didn’t want a number you know everyone just everyone just says numbers

Yeah yeah I I like I like the Alex with twoes Ryan well your handle you can follow Ryan as well at ryancore BMC Ryan Ryan BMC uncore which is your initials well see and that’s a generation thing cuz when I was in high school and social

Media came out it was a lot of this double letter and when Ryan was you know he’s a little bit younger than us it was all those underscores which looks really cool by the way the underscore I I still don’t know how to do it so uh that took

Me a long time to get Ryan on the on the ATS but underscore is over here you got to do this or you got all right so anyway let’s get to Alex well I’m sorry it’s right next to the zero you just gota which is where my

Total is on the board at zero oh no I owe five doar all right anyway Alex what do you have for us today we’ve been waiting to hear all right one of my favorite college basketball teams Iowa State one of the best defenses in the

Country have a future on Iowa State I do have a future on Iowa State okay so Oklahoma going to Iowa State we know it’s a very tough place to play two ways you can play this I like the under in the full game it opened 137 and a half

So it is moving that way must be some sharp money there um I also like Iowa State first half to cover the number it is minus 5 and a half first half but Oklahoma won the first game so there is Revenge here for Iowa State um and they’re fourth best best in points

Allowed in the first half allowing just 27.9 and at home it goes down even more 25.4 I think the Cyclones and uh TJ alberger will have his team ready and they’re a team that can actually take advantage of these Revenge spots some teams cannot looking at the under Iowa

States and the Sooners are both five and two to the under in their last seven games so either way you want to play it those are the two ways I like this game um and recapping again that is I like under the total under the 136 and2 and I

Like Iowa State minus 5 and a half first halfus 5 and a half first half I like it I like it all that I why is Oklahoma just one of those schools that you never want to root for my whole life I don’t know why it’s just a school that you’re

Always like H I don’t like I I don’t know why I like Texas better but anyway what’s that that that’s funny because that’s the the school that Sean roots for oh yeah he did he saw that I had Iowa State highlighted he didn’t like it

By the way Oklahoma will be one of four college baseball teams at the stadium this weekend for the college uh what are we calling it again classic College classic there it is college classic it’ll be Oklahoma it’ll be Cal Ohio State and pit which doesn’t count as one

Because I didn’t say the full name doesn’t matter so anyway uh and we’re going to be working that uh on Saturday Saturday and we have pit and Ohio State is the first game I’m very excited for that that game is at High Noon so make sure you come out to the ballpark Las

Vegas Aviator ballpark I can’t wait to see it Las Vegas ballpark Las Vegas ballpark I call The Aviator ball a lot of people know that Las Vegas ballpark all right Alex continue I apologize all right so let’s go to Minnesota and Illinois so this is one I was actually

Thinking of Ann cuz um Ann’s special I like um Minnesota to cover here but instead of the under I actually like the over in this game what is it sitting at right now I think it’s 155 and a half there it is uh we have 156 now 156 okay

So a little bit there but and plus 12 I just think that number is way too big um Illinois is very good uh fourth best offense so that’s help us with that over averaging 84 points a game defensively though they’re just slightly above average 63 in the nation the last five

Games they’ve allowed 82 points a game Minnesota two and seven straight up on the road not great but they covered in six of nine six of the nine games okay and 12 points jeez 12 points yeah so either way you want to play that one I

Like uh those two sides either the over or the dog here taking the points and that game’s in Champagne Illinois where I once uh spent uh about two weeks and if you’d like to to see the result of that two weeks there’s a movie on Amazon

Which I believe is free on Amazon Prime called act your age which I play uh van the good time drinking buddy I always have a flask on me it’s not a great movie but I’m in it and there’s a couple good I have I have one really good scene

That I improvised that’s kind of funny so anyway there’s another is that a have you showed a clip of that I haven’t shown a clip of that I think we showed a clip of uh The Creep Show episode I was in yes yes okay and uh the wishmas I

Don’t we haven’t shown that yet either there’s so many so many not really but anyway Ryan do you do you think Frank’s acting his age today am I acting my age oh my God uh I it’s not a sacrilegious thing I’m keep going Bob is seething uh it is Albany thank you Jerry

I believe Jerry lived in Albany for a little while didn’t he yep yeah that’s right uh okay yeah so I knew Albany Christian come on give me a break uh seething all right and anything else for us or is that it um no that’s I mean it’s fine that’s two great pics it’s

Like yeah we’ll stay there I didn’t mean to be like is that it I didn’t say I was like oh I didn’t want to catch up I said Out you called her an I called her an you’re both we answered it both I know I’m fine all let’s do on some more post

Punch lines shouldn’t be making fun of that that’s terrible uh all right uh Joey carts let’s talk about Joey vad Joey V we’ve been following Joey vad it’s been very sad Joey vad has been very Joey vad was not resigned by the Cincinnati Reds ladies and

Gentlemen uh we saw him in the car wash saying please sign me I need someone to sign me and then yesterday this is him in a random parking lot I’m sick of this if someone doesn’t sign me I’m not going to put my shopping carts away then he lunges at the camera carts

Like golf Joey carts you just want to get close to the hole look at that he can’t even do it can’t even do it by the way have you ever seen that guy on like Tik Tok or social media that like when people don’t put their card back he throws a magnet

On their car and is like didn’t put your cart back and people fight him like are so mad and he’s like I just you just put your cart back it’s right there it was only 20 feet and these people get so outraged they kind of look like Ryan

When he came into work today they get that angry that is a pet peeve though of mine too you go to do you go every time yeah you do put my cart back yes every time every time good people I do you’re La 98% of the time okay Costco the other day that

Parking lot’s a nightmare you could be killed in that Parco is a little tougher especially that one on they have cart put aways in every no yes no not when you park as far away as I had to the other day I was on a level of Costco and I walked all

The way around to put my card away that must be nice being young I do I do like the other day just thinking about other people that have to go get it if you leave it somewhere but I’m keeping someone employed someone will lose their job if they’re if

Everyone puts your cards away what’s that guy gonna do you don’t think he wants to Vape in the corner when I leave mine over he still has to go get them yes it gives him steps which makes them live longer and it lets him Vape which

Is going to kill him so bces out I I put mine up on like a like a you know up on the raw I put it up on there on the curb yeah so nobody can park in that spot not on the curb I just set up over a curb

Onto the Rocks as you pull into Costco I’ll take a picture of it and send it to you just one time it was freezing it was like 60 degrees the wind was blowing I’m sure it was just 99% of the time and Denny Nagel once sent something

To me I I re uh about how you should you can tell a lot about someone if they put their car back or not 90 I like B 9 99% here the odds of me doing that are as good as show OT hitting a home run every Spring Training

Game someone signed Joey vad the poor man my God I don’t even like him that much because he played for the Reds for years but I do like him because he’s quite a character uh speaking of someone uh I also like Kirk Cousins I like Kirk Cousins did you watch the quarterback

Show on Netflix with him and Mahomes uh Ryan did you watch that it was pretty good yeah it was pretty good I watched the first few I Was the Same I I back is anyone watching the Dynasty on Apple about the Patriots that’s supposed to be phenomenal I’ve heard that too I’ll give

You my Apple password if you need it I I think Bob D has Mine by the way uh so anyway Kurt Cousins what is going on here uh I almost said Christian uh Ryan what is going on what did KK cousins do here uh he got a grill he got a grill

That’s what the kids call it’s grills with a z I believe right sure yeah sure so here we for some reason he went to go see Dr lebster why do I think that was supposed to be Lester and he put a b in there oh I thought you were going to say

Orster o and it was Dr Lobster Dr Lobster yeah so anyway can we just see that one more time man I apologize so anyway here here’s the grill so Kirk I mean is he gonna wear that on the field uh I don’t really know it by the way

Very funny line it doesn’t take his doctor doesn’t take kl’s cash but he does great work um and I know jeda 2 approves that was the Justin Jefferson correct uh so anyway I was like ah maybe I could get a girl maybe Alex could get

A girl maybe you could get a girl this is what I would let’s see here we go all right uh I love that you picked uh Alex with the horse that’s your picture does the horse have a grill yeah he does oh my God Ryan all right Applause for Ryan very good

Ryan uh and then Jeff parl also has a Jeff parles made it today Jeff parl made the cut wow I’m surprised you you were nice enough to put Jeff in there or you wanted to make fun of him and then is nice enough okay can we go back to that

Picture of me because I know what that’s from did you find the video that that’s on man you do not have any pictures with your teeth like you you smile just that’s weird our s oh no it’s not uh okay well I’ll work on that

Um do you know what that is right there that picture no was that a photo or was that part of it that was a photo was a photo yeah okay so that was uh I was doing warmup for uh a show Craig Ferguson hosted it’s a game show called

Celebrity name game so uh the executive producer John Quinn who we had on this show the Lions fan who took his daughters to Detroit to see the playoff game and they counted how many people have swore around them during the game was very cute clip he was EP on that

Show and he wanted us to do a choreograph number to surprise Craig in the middle of a segment on our last tape dat so I would I kicked it off and we did a choreographed lipsync number to Ariana Grande’s um break free so I actually start off I’m dancing that

Video is me dancing and lipsyncing to Ariana Grande I don’t know if that video so I don’t that’s why I’m very curious how you found that because I didn’t think that was on the Internet it’s on your Twitter it’s on my Twitter yeah okay well anyway I I don’t think the

Video is out there but if you ever want to see me dancing and singing that would be the clip so everyone feverishly going to Twitter now Frank Niko by the way uh uh anyway that’s our last clip that was our last post right before we saw the

Sheet you just think Spencer Strider is without a doubt going to win the strikeout title well last year he won it by like 50 strikeouts and I think was Garrett Cole second I think or someone U might have been called doesn’t matter but anyway Kevin go Kevin Gosman was

Third Ty for third yeah Gosman had a great year so him and Co Cole and G Gman are both 14 to1 so anyway spener Strider two to one that’s basically like saying he’s got this in the bag now here’s what you got to learn Spencer Strider lot of armed torque on that guy

Has a weird St this is a guy that could be injured this a guy who could miss a few starts tree trunks for legs he has big leg again you look back at Tom sier you look at Nolan Ryan these guys big strikeout pitchers it’s all on the legs

Nolan Ryan that’s all he did was like leg day every day of his life until he was like 50 pitching in the majors Strider does have the trunks but I don’t know you get one arm injury H it could be out a few starts Garrick Cole knows

How to take care of the Body for a long season so that’s why Cole it 14 to1 an ex pirate as well uh I kind of like that here’s a dark horse for me but he’s never healthy enough he plays for the Dodgers Tyler glass now but Tyler never pitches a full

Season and you know the Dodgers are going to monitor his inning his inning so probably not a good bet matter of fact forget that I said that but any uh what about Yamamoto 30 to one I don’t know could take the league by storm anyone jumping out to the to

Anyone Zach gallon 40 to1 although uh I found it interesting that uh the field is three to one because again there’s always maybe some minor leager that comes up and just fools Major League hitters for a season but uh I do am looking at Mitch Keller I probably will

Put a little money on Mitch Keller Mitch had over 200 strikeouts for the Pirates last year just signed a big new contract $77 million so 65 to1 wow Chris S is 75 to1 Chris S another guy just injuries he can’t stay healthy but he faced six batters yesterday and struck four of

Them yeah no he’s a beast Chris Sail when healthy is one of the he’s probably the nastiest left-hander since Randy Johnson I mean no one wants to face him he throws heat he doesn’t know where the ball’s going kind of like nouch in in

Bul Durham uh but what is he where is he all the way at the bottom 5259 yeah 75 to one I mean again he’s not 100 to one the Dodgers are going to make the postseason the Dodger win total here at South Point 103 and a half they will make the

Postseason they’re going to Clin that division probably early so they’re going to rest a lot of these guys right uh Dave Roberts is going to want to set up the postseason pitching rotation uh Kershaw will he be number one probably not doesn’t play well in the postseason

As we know but uh I believe they’re getting Walker bu back later in the season correct you got glass now depending on how great of a year he has maybe he’s your number one guy go to the postseason and Chris S is with the Braves right so the Braves

Will also Braes Braves will also clinch early in that division probably they’re going to rest he’s not going to pitch more than 120 150 innings in the regular season you don’t think so Chris hail I think they monitor no after the he’s been out he stays healthy but that’s

What happened that’s what happened when he went to the postseason a few years ago then he was useless you know right yeah kod kod SAA is 50 to one and he’s out right now he’s gonna be out for a good amount of time he’s got he’s he’s

Hurt already so take him off the list uh anyone jumping out at you I mean you said Tyler glass now and I hear a lot of people always talking about glass he’s 6’8 Ines he’s a big man anytime he plays he averages over nine strikeouts a game I’m pretty

Sure but I don’t know it’s a hell thing but I like that at 20 to1 I mean if if uh if hunter green can stay healthy too for the Reds he might be pretty nasty Dylan CE is right there 30 to I love the fourth favorite is I love the fourth

Favorite is Blake Snell he’s not even on a team doesn’t even have a team it’s obviously he’s GNA the Yankees he’s going to sign with the Yankees we know that yeah well he turned down y a deal from the Yankees like six years 160 some million and you know their deal is going

To be a little less probably now and he’s going to look like an idiot but could you imagine that would if if he signs with the Yankees the Yankees onew punch would be the current Sai Young Award winners they would have Cole who won the American League and Snell who

Won with the Padres last year I don’t think that’s you want to talk about a trivia question that’s probably uh someday going to be just as hard as the one Alex gave me Tyler Austin but that that could be it I mean could you imagine a onew punch of back toback SCI

That’s never happened yeah yeah all right let’s look at the Home Run title then we’ll wrap up the show Aaron judge 6 to1 Pete Alonzo 12 to1 and schwarber Beast or famine with that guy 13 to1 those are your top uh well show hey 7

To1 um I have Juan stto circled at 18 to1 Juan sto’s got to prove himself signs with the Yankees he is going to be a monster on that lineup him and judge back to back uh 18 to1 with the short porch at Yankee Stadium I’m surprised he

Isn’t closer he isn’t under 10 to1 I 18 to1 seems like a good value bet to me what do you think I don’t know I think he just swings out of his shoes he does and he’s not gonna stay healthy the whole year he’s so young though he’s so good so

Young he’s gonna walk a lot I think I think he’s a different player in the Yankee lineup I really do with judge and Stanton but I mean he’s going to see pitches I mean I just 18 to one for Juan sto that you saying he’s going to see P

Let me try again y you saying he’s going to see pitches because of the danger in the lineup yeah sh otani’s lineup is absolutely disgusting it’s ridiculous and that’s why he’s seven to one yeah I know that’s why I like 18 to1 uh anyone jumping out at you there see that that

Makes me nervous though because they either do really well in New York or I know really bad and being behind those two guys uh kind of gets some people’s heads I feel one I think no I think he’s he’s matured enough he’s got a World Series r

Kind of a disastrous the whole San Diego thing really didn’t work out and he’s he’s he’s uh he’s in a contract here right Soto yeah they had to pick up the rest of it I I usually would know this but it’s not regular season didn’t they

Sign him to an extension did they sign to an extension I can’t remember thought they sign him to a three-year he’s still got a lot to prove though he wants to be the best player in baseball uh Julio Rodriguez I guess just not enough power one deal yeah 31 million oneyear deal he

Had a one-year deal that’s what I thought yeah that’s what I’m saying another reason to take stto he’s there to prove himself for one year $331 million deal he has a monster season he’s signing for3 or $400 million or he could sign with the Dodgers get a

Million a year and defer 700 million forever yeah what about M bets so 60 to one mooki 60 to one he’s gonna be batting leadoff probably right yeah mooki in leadoff so there’s an extra 40 50 at bats a year for the leadoff hitter uh what’s that again is batting second

Right behind him I know so yeah M Alex Alex and do you have anything on this and are you feeling anything see if she doesn’t feel it she doesn’t feel it you can’t ever count out Bryce Harper either Bryce Harper who’s asking for an extension in Philly he wants to stay

There he sees himself playing to age 40 and what is he oh 40 to1 local Vegas boy did he play at Bishop Gorman no he went to Vegas High School Vegas high school and appar he played at CSN he uh well now now CSN yeah apparently he was a

Monster here like I mean he was on the cover of Sports Illustrated when he was was playing in high school Gatorade player of the year right yeah unbelievable yeah all right so let’s see here uh thank you all for the live comments and uh Ryan how are you feeling

Man we’re wrapping up the show this show’s over man we don’t have to talk about show and the Magical Home Run that he hit in his third app B which by the way if you watch the replay on YouTube after the show was called by uh Tim

Neverett who was uh kind enough to join us in studio once and Matt neverett of course is part of the crew here that works on the show uh Jeff parl shockingly this is what’s weird Jeff usually is showed up by now he’s avoiding me he’s avoiding you

Cuz we do have only on Thursdays yeah we have a staff meeting at 1:5 oh then you’re right I thinking he would be here early yeah it’s going to be fun for me cuz Jeff’s on the show tomorrow so we get to talk about this all over again tomorrow we don’t have

To all right that was a gross laugh that was right into the mic you could hear the spit yeah that was all right and do you have a mini do you have an NBA pick she’s not feeling it right she’s not feeling it she’s not not feeling it I we

Can’t you know you can’t get blood from a stone she either feels it or she doesn’t feel it uh that was a fun show that was show 99 I can’t believe it tomorrow show 100 yep Ryan we should be pretty proud of that we both of us

Weren’t here for all 100 I was here for like 98 Alex was here covering with her dad for three episodes I made an appearance but that doesn’t really count so we can just keep the celebration going are we doing what you uh your idea at the end of the show tomorrow I would

Like to je not included just not allowed we’re going to do a shot by the way I’m going to Google and see if we have that dance video of me if you’d like to see that we could save it for Monday when Alex comes back

Any would like to see that yes to Ariana Grande of course we want to see this well we might not be able to use the audio but we can show me lip syncing and doing some dance moves there uh and then oh no I have a horrible story about me

In that shirt later that night that was the last tape day and there was an incident with me and an Uber and me not being allowed to be an Uber for all that’s a team there you go that’ll be for the next time uh great show today thank you Ryan thank you

Kaden thank you an thank you thank you Jerry downstairs for letting me know Albany was the correct answer and everybody in the L Sean and Sean and Sean I was say Sean and Sean who’s downstairs he likes Oklahoma or he didn’t like Oklahoma he’s an Oklahoma

Fan he’s an Oklahoma fan yeah so I’m sure he all right well we got Alex’s picks uh bam that’s what I’m going to do yeah stick around we got Sports by the book at 3 and then we also have gone racing today at 4:30 gone racing at 4:30

Brendan gone and Jeff Molly big weekend here uh there’s the college classic at the Las Vegas ballpark which I will be working alongside Alex on Saturday and then Sunday I’m going to my first ever NASCAR race I’m very excited about I don’t know why all of a sudden I started

Talking like this going to my first NASCAR race I’m I’m gonna go out there I’m gonna see some engines I’m gonna see number 24 I’m GNA see Joey Lano win that race Joey lano’s gonna win that race best now the number 24 car we got to win

This race I’m doing Al uh he’s not 24 22 he’s 22 there you go bet Jo l yay Joey all right tomorrow episode 100 and Friday oh Friday me as a Dalmatian yes and tomorrow comedian lunell what’s the name of the show punchlines live in Nevada every Show

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