Golf Players


Actor and model Paulina Gretzky and 2-time major champion Dustin Johnson joined Claire Rogers on this episode of The Scoop.

The couple dived deeper into being on Netflix’s Full Swing, how they met and what it’s like raising a family in the spotlight.

0:00 Paulina Gretzky
13:39 Dustin Johnson
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This is the one that I was like my dream is to have you two on this stop we made G come true I’m just Kidding Paulina Gretzky welcome to Theo hi thank you for having me I’m so excited to have you on so we were kind of getting your ice cream and you said that you’re more of a Savory person I am I do really like salty foods all right so what are your go-tos French fries

Chips all those things I’m not really huge on ice cream but my kids love it so it’s okay do do you keep ice cream in the house for them oh for sure oh mainly Dustin really oh yeah 100% the guy loves it he said he likes Oreo right I mean he

Likes it all honestly but yeah mint chocolate chip Oreo for sure yeah yeah all right loves his sweets like my kids yeah so we know a lot about like the family you come from and your husband but I want to get to know a little bit

About you today um so who are the people in your life that you really look up to and why um I feel like obviously my parents for sure I follow an example of their relationship how they handled you know my dad being the best athlete doing what he did and maneuvering a family

Like they were truly two people that I look up to and honestly me and Dustin Dustin himself you like he makes me a better version of myself so I look up to him too what is like kind of A Day in the Life at your household I knew you

Were going to ask this and I’m like some days it’s just pure chaos and then some days it’s just go with the flow you know what I mean my kids are in school Dustin gets on grind when he’s you know working out and practicing Golf and I don’t know

It kind of just depends if it’s a me day a lot of things can happen but if it’s all about everybody else I’m kind of just running around for everyone so we just kind of got off the holiday season oh thank God do you have any family traditions that you’ve kept going maybe

In your own family or what is like maybe holidays just making sure that we’re all together honestly that’s like the biggest thing for us is that we just want to spend time together and just instill in our kids how important that that family quality time is mainly that

Other than that maybe going to see a movie that’s about it have you guys gone to any good ones lately we did see migration and I have to say it’s the best kids movie I’ve seen in a while I loved it okay that’s good to know kids

Humor can get me going yeah it’s good so your mom introduced you and Dustin right or she did how did all of that happen she got paired with him at tigers tournament back in the day when he was at um Sherwood that’s where I grew up

And she’s like do you want to meet my daughter and he’s like yeah I do so that’s literally and I haded nothing to do with him at the time but lo and behold love of my life yeah and then like didn’t you guys the first date was like at your house or something

Literally at my house so what what was that well not much to like I mean I I literally was like okay go in sweatpants sweatshirt start from the very bottom and then you can like blow it out the water the next time if you really like

Him and I did yeah it was cool it was just a chill environment and honestly it let us be our authentic selves where didn’t feel like too much pressure but I then later down the like line like I realized I was like oh there was a lot

Of pressure wasn’t there he’s like no PA sorry I know C your whole was your whole family there or was it oh my whole family oh my go oh yeah yeah and I’m 105 so imagine that my mom my dad all the siblings and him so you’ve been

Close ever like you’ve papz was there no way yes Pap barol a baseball player Dustin’s agent David winkl was there I mean everyone was there so they’ve just been they saw oh my gosh and do you have dinner what did you guys do well we had dinner in my

House and then the next night he took me out to a date with my dad and one of my best girlfriends Hannah and it was just I like more like moments like that you build like a friendship and then it leads into something that will last you know golf

Is hard you were on season one a little bit uhhuh I’ve only given yeah a little bit then you’re doing a little bit more in season 2 and honestly the people that we worked with with Netflix they just couldn’t of be nicer to me and they want

To accommodate and I’m just always like very censored like I’m very worried about like hurting people and what I say so like this feels like a little bit more of a time where I can like let loose and talk about things that like I don’t need to be so politically correct

On all the time I’m just worried about you know I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings right and that’s hard because you kind of grew up in the spotlight and now you’re still in the spotlight yeah and who wants to go in front of a group

Of people and not be liked you know what I mean so it’s not necessarily like people are putting on an act but like you do kind of go in thinking like I’m just trying to try to remain positive and then people call you fake there’s a

Lot to it you know what I mean so so how did you kind of were you nervous about the Netflix thing and how did you maybe overcome I guess because I’m out on like a um you know a platform that I’m so used to being out on a golf course like

It’s just like that felt like another I mean I forgot I was miked a lot of the times but I was with my brother Tristan so I mean it didn’t I I never felt uncomfortable like I really loved the process of it and they’ve been good with

Me I know I don’t give them like you know home life and all that stuff but it’s just like a it’s a place I can’t I can’t go yet totally yeah um and then we’ve seen a little bit of your golf swing online oh my God it’s terrible no

I don’t think it is did you grow up playing sports and then how did you kind of become someone who plays a little bit of golf so I mean I always watched my mom engage with you know groups of guys and how fun it was for her and I kind of

Just like really liked that side of it and I’m like oh this could be cool and she did make me pick between tennis or Golf and I was like less running golf so I did do golf like quite a bit in the Summers but I don’t I just like to go

Watch him honestly but although have have fun with my friends sometimes yeah on trips I think we saw maybe it was like by the Masters like you’re on like a simulator or something it was um I was using um the full sing swing simulator

In we stayed at a house in PGA okay got it yeah yeah oh yeah okay and then I went and played golf in Idaho after with him so fun I person when Dustin won the master it was like so fun like I ended up emailing the Adidas guy and I was

Like what jacket was pulling because I love the green one but what did kind of what does a celebration look for you guys look like for you guys okay so first of all too I was like wait is am I insulting them should I wear this screen

Like I was in like and you know it was in 2020 so I was the only one allowed to go so he won I drove back hugged my kids my Mom and Dad it was oh my God it was like amazing like really really special

Oh God gets me choked up it’s the worst but like a celebration whole family flying home I mean all celebrating around Dustin we just like knew it was going to happen like it was just he was around people that loved and supported him and he just like it’s crazy how you

Know from the beginning but we are not allowed to say it in front of him cuz he’s like no you have to have the car packed and ready to go or I need to be ready to be out there when he wins so I’m like great those options are a

Little like opposite but yeah I’ll be ready so I was ready so have you gotten to know AJ brother pretty well for sure AJ and Sam have been in our lives since the second me and Dustin started dating and how are how’s AJ I mean down the

Street just like my brother and sisters are I mean like literally my mom and dad live 10 minutes away from us I mean family is everything so but and good boundaries like honestly we love spending time with each other he’s just a funny guy yeah and she’s great so you

I think I saw something last year on a softball team oh my God I thought this was a good idea I was like okay we’re this is okay I thought we’d have some like I mean adult time and like cocktails none of they were like this is serious and I’m

Like okay and I think we won one game but we we we sucked yeah who are like it’s mostly your family it was my mom my dad AJ Sam my brother Trevor there’s you know significant others I mean a ton of us oh my gosh and

We got uniforms the whole thing I mean it was pretty comical who are the best were the best players on the team my mom would say her Dustin would say him and Trevor would say himself I mean everyone would say themselves and I’d be like I think my

Brother’s wife Ashley okay that’s fair she’s an an incredible athlete so for you it’s it’s normal to have kind of a little bit of the spotlight do you think your kids kind of understand like do they get that their dad is a famous golfer they great such a

Great question cuz like I don’t even know if I really like how I processed it it was all so normalized to me and I get it that people are like well what do you mean that can’t be normal I’m like well it’s all I’ve ever really known so just

Keeping them like level-headed grounded and like good kids that’s all I really really care about but they definitely know about their dad and just they’re always like did he get the trophy I’m like no not this time and what about your dad did they kind of get that or oh

Yeah they my uh my son was looking at old videos of my dad like he looks at him all the time he knows exactly who he is you know they just have different interests one loves sports a lot and the other is into other things so we just I

Have to navigate what each kid likes yeah totally how would your best friend describe you oh my god at soulmate I have two of them Jeremy and Christina and it was like I was like Dustin if this doesn’t work out I’m marry one of them like it’s happening like I’m not

Looking no further that’s the people I’m going to be with they’re everything to me it’s just another family member mhm and do they like and she moved next door to me as well oh my God so your whole like neighborhood is just kind of your family pretty much everyone’s within

Like 15 20 minutes away so now I have these photos on my phone I want to show you be oh God oh God so they’re not what you expect so when I was I think going into sixth grade Dustin stayed with my family for an amateur golf this is how

We’ve di okay this is me and him oh my goodness you guys are Pep abismal but I loving the moment this is the hair I know thought the poell shirts I probably like saw his pink shirt I was like oh I need to wear yeah did you guys like just come out of

The closet and we’re both Mar wearing pepp yeah and randomly his dad stayed with us too so for the whole week very random thought all around okay okay this seen this photo a lot of times from his dad him all the things I his grandmother emailed my mom a red velvet does he

Still really like red velvet cake he was like obsessed with it so my mom so my mom like made this red velvet cake for him it was so everyone goes out of the way for do like that’s so nice yeah right why is everyone so nice him okay

This is that’s my little sister shirt this is like her she’s so like so Barney pajamas and then I think that’s it but so funny God but even then it was like so interesting because he was not built like the rest of the golfers that came

Through he was yeah yeah yeah mean so yeah it was so funny but and that’s why I was like a little confused when my mom introduced me I was like wait you’re a golfer yeah that’s so fun I was like okay and that is just so crazy so that

Was Sherwood at an event that they played in and then we continue to talk for about 3 years and then in 2013 officially started dating and like the wedding photos are the most beautiful things how was the wedding much it was a lot you know what I mean after he won

The Masters I was like let’s just go like there was never the right time to plan and that really takes you know being the type of person I want I am in my relationship is that where I I signed up to travel with Dustin I love being around the tournaments and all the

Things but as you know obviously with kids and stuff my that’s my main priority you know what I mean so I’m like ah should I home school but then no we need them interacting but like I don’t know it just kind of all honestly all fell into

Place like it just worked out right time 10 years later two kids it was just meant to be and so I mean the I I think I had talked about Blackberry Farms like heard about it when I was 12 never talked about it again and then I got

Married there that’s so funny and just so happened to get the day that is my grandparents wedding anniversary no way so what what was what’s the day April 23rd oh my gosh that’s awesome so cool so then kind of wrapping up I want to ask you what is your favorite thing

About kind of the life you live and maybe and maybe it’s traveling like part of the travel I know you’re with your family a lot and then maybe what’s the biggest challenge that of of being you and you can start with a challenge maybe

Cuz we stand on high not um I think the biggest challenge which sounds kind of probably small to most but like public environments are just overwhelming for me my social anxiety is insane so it’s just like kind of like being able to be like let’s go to dinner like let’s go do

This like I’m always it’s not that people give a like or care but I’m always dealing with phones and things like that and just like people interpretate like they don’t know what’s going on they have no contact so that’s a challenge but it’s easy to get through

It and then what’s kind of your favorite part of it all my favorite part of it all is I don’t know the little luxuries like we get like how we you know travel and get time together and the things we get to go do is you know

Such a blessing so I’m I think that’s the best thing do you have a favorite thing you’ve done with your family up to this point I know I’m a creature of habits so I like to continue to do like I’m like why are we messing this up like

If we love it let’s go back so I don’t know we love our Aspen trips we love anything and Dustin is a literally could in the ocean like inside the ocean at all times so if he’s on his boat he’s happy so anywhere in Bahamas stuff like

That cool fun for him do I hear them coming in or no I hear him L hello Dustin thank you for popping in this is very exciting thanks for having me I was just telling Paulina we go way back yes all the shows i’ I’ve known her

Since she was like y couldn’t be a nicer family and you know really enjoyed well kind of stayed a couple years with you guys so no I just remember you know being being there and at the house and you know really getting to know your family and and really enjoying it yeah

So your first date you went to the Gretzky the second date you went out to dinner with Paulina and her dad what was that like meeting everybody at once were you nervous the fir the first the first time cuz actually I never met her so I I

Was playing golf with her mom and she invited me over for dinner and so yeah I was definitely nervous the first the first night going I mean I’m going to Wayne Gretzky’s house I’m Janet more maybe more afraid of Jan well now more afraid of Janet than Wayne for sure but

Um and then obviously meeting Paulina um so yeah I was definitely nervous the first the first night and then once I got to know him that night and um you know it definitely my dad thought were instant best friends like I’m remember hang out with him I was like what’s

Happening you’re going where we talked about the softball team were you on the softball team as well how are your skills I’m pretty good would you say you were the best on the team no not the best I was shocked I said Ashley no it’s good

Trevor her brother was on the team who got drafted in the MLB so yeah he was he was the best on the team okay his wife isn’t far behind she was the best female on the team I thought she was the best overall she is really good though yeah she can

Run she was like do you want me to tap in for you and run all the bases I’m like yes thank you she then she did like and while she was pregnant oh my gosh that’s so funny I still think she was the best but no

Yeah she she is good though I mean she’d feel the ball a third and Wing them out at first no problem wild so we talked a little bit about how family oriented you guys are what is an ideal day off look like for you guys I mean like we don’t

Really have weekends you know what I mean so like it’s like when he’s Eng do want H her I feel bad I’m always talking you kind of just like go with the flow you know what I mean we have to focus on our kids first make sure they’re in

School getting all their things done he goes and does his things in the morning time and then we want to play we play and if not we hang with the kids it’s mostly Sports really cuz they’re kids they’re in sports I’m say sport you’re the coach of their team everything

Basketball and baseball assist I’m assistant coach cuz obviously I travel so much so like I can’t be there all the time so I always I do assistant and then one of the other dads of the kids is a buddy and he one of the other like 17

Others signed up when Dustin signed up and you see all these men out there just talking on third base I’m like H what’s going on here do you think are the parents kind of like my kids coaches Dustin Johnson probably I don’t know I don’t think of that I’m out there cuz

Like I love being involved in the sports and coaching the kids and like I really enjoy being out there and you know playing with all of them and what’s your favorite thing to coach basketball or baseball or probably baseball okay did you grow up playing baseball I did I

Grow up playing baseball like I still love baseball and it’s like I have so much fun going out and playing with all the kids and you know running practices or what whatever we’re doing just I just really enjoy just even playing catch with them this is a lot of fun that’s

Awesome and then just one kind of specific question for you how did you become a golfer where did it all start so for me it started when I was when I was younger my dad was a club pro it was it was only for you know when I was

Younger and then he moved on to do something else but um when I was so that’s I’d go to work with him in the summer that’s kind of how I got into golf so golf for me like probably until I was 11 or 12 was just like summertime

Sport you know golf in the summer baseball in the fall basketball in the winter um soccer in the spring so you know and then that’s kind of what we did every year and then so during the summer obviously we didn’t have school so we’d go to the country club with d and I’d

Hang out there all day and practice and were you just immediately better than other kids your age or mean I did did okay he’s too humble he was for sure I mean I was really good for like so when I started and started playing tournaments it was like you know like

The Monday tournaments in the summer so you play like your chapter yeah so it’s just like your little area and yeah I mean I was one of the best kids in our area and then you know started playing you know some other South Carolina Junior stuff but growing up like I

Played only really South Carolina stuff played a few ajj ajga events but other than that it was mostly just local South Carolina tournaments and yeah I did I did pretty well so were you recruited to play at Coastal Carolina then or actually I was not recruited to play at Coastal but I

Knew South Carolina like game Cox and then Georgia so then I was going to Myrtle Beach for a vacation and drove by Coastal and called the coach and was like Hey sent him a resume and then went met him the next day and ended up going

To school there it’s been a while since happen things have changed me and Coach Terell really liked coach Terell run your foundation still one of my really good friends runs my golf school and my foundation so great coach um yeah it worked out if I wouldn’t have

Gone to Coastal I wouldn’t I wouldn’t have probably been on the PJ tour or been a professional golfer just because of the coaching and yeah and just you know coach Terell I got I can credit him to a lot he’s kind of you know he was he was a hard ass and he

Kind of you know rained me in and made me do things the right way and oh my God no wonder you love me instilled a lot of like you know discipline in me which I needed a lot I still do be honest I how

To but he helped you know and so it it ended up working out great and you know very thankful for that but awesome and it all worked out and I love you know love going to castal was a great school and really enjoyed it awesome great

Great well thank you both so much for joining me this is the one that I was like my dream is to have you two on this we made just kid no thank you this was so fun yeah no thank you so much I don’t know if we’ve ever done an interview

Together like talking like talking like doing interviews yeah I don’t think so don’t hurt yourself you should all subscribe to this because we have some really fun guests with really cool stories and ice cream it’s kind As Good As It Gets smash that subscribe button


  1. A shame golf media outlets have slowed down on making content with players who went to LIV. Glad to see this video drop, they're still interesting and fun people

  2. Claire is such a great interviewer. Made Paulina feel comfortable off the bat and asked questions that left room for more explanation

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