Easiest And Most Reliable Way To START The Golf Swing

Every golfer wants a more reliable swing that makes the game EASIER.

So in this video, Forbes featured instructor Eric Cogorno is joined by Golf Digest Top 50 coach Erika Larkin…

To show you the easiest and most reliable, repeatable way to start the golf swing.

Because if you START the swing correctly, the rest of the swing is pretty much automatic.

Join Erika and Learn the #1 swing-fix sequence…That turns your forced, unnatural swing…Into an effortless, automatic, true-swinging motion…

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Hey guys Eric agoro here with performance Golf out here today with Miss Erica Larin the creator of the true swing here with performance golf an absolute Trailblazer in golf instruction I’m super pumped if you guys be able to see Erica today and how we’re going to talk about the easiest and most reliable

Way for you to start your golf swing Eric I watched your program and some of the videos in there I think they’re so good uh you have a very unique ability to take these complex topics and turn them into very easy to do things for the

Golfers here so hey I love them thank you appreciate you being out here today and when we talk about the back swing and the takeaway in particular I know it’s not your favorite term of the world um we’re going to talk about why maybe trying to spend too much time and posing

That takeaway is a bad idea why you want to create true motion instead and we’re going to give you two or three take-home drills you can build this into your own golf swing use this when you go practice so ultimately we can hit the ball better and play better golf let’s flipflop

Rolles here ER for a moment and when we talk talk about how to start the golf swing I think in particular you know maybe reversing the sequence of what most golfers normally do I know we spoke about and if you’re watching you might notice this a lot of golfers tend to

Start in the wrong order right they get Club Head Hands then body when in fact we want that to work a little different than that yeah for sure you know one thing I want to stress is the swing the idea of a swing is it’s two directions

We swing the club back and we swing the club through I don’t like the idea of positions I don’t like the idea of really rehearsed manipulated manufactured motion we want it to be fluid we want it to be sort of one Blended idea that holistic concept of a

Swing not pieces it’s the sum of a whole bunch of motion Blended together so the idea of the club head going first and then the hands and then the arms you know now the body has done nothing and the club’s way back here so we’re not

Engaged with our engine our body is g to add so much to help get the arms into Motion in in a very effortless way that we want to make sure we’re using that to our full potential and not underutilizing a huge source of where our motion can come from so to me I

Think that sequence needs to feel a little different and ultimately when it feels the reverse of what we just talked about as if the body could go first and then the arms and last the club I know that looks really different maybe a little unorthodox to what most people

Think about in the takeaway this is what it might feel like is happening when we do that with regular Tempo and actually swing the club back and don’t do it too slowly it’s ultimately going to produce a really connected one piece takeaway look so you don’t have to worry that

This is going to look weird or people are going to wonder what you’re doing it’s not that but the idea of it is definitely a little bit different than what a lot of people are worried about thinking about spending so much time and energy trying to practice put ining the

Club in a spot if you do this the way we’re going to practice the club will get to all the right spots you’ll get the width the club face will be square like it’s all taken care of it’s all taken care of that’s so good before we

Even get into the ragd doll the first part I want to just reiterate that because it was so freaking important most all golfers like if you’re watching this and you struggle odds are your sequence is in the wrong order you go Club Head Hands body and that leads to

Bad things later on you have to feel the opposite of that body hands clut head so that when you actually swing it’ll be like at the same time that’s such a big I love how you said that thank you yeah we want the arms to be patient and we

Want the arms and hands to be followers we want to turn off the arms and hands to create this kind of handsfree swing idea and that is what is a true swing if I get my motion going back and forth what started that motion did you notice

What started the motion I would say there’s a little maybe a little gas pedal underneath that right foot hey yeah like you see my my feet moving around so actually we got to kind of get some stuff going from the ground up let’s just like spend a moment I mean if

You’re standing there at home watching this like stand up wiggle your toes move around a little bit get connected with the ground not in a frozen kind of way but in a dynamic way move your heels kind of move weight around right and left just kind of feel your connection

To the ground drop your golf club for a second and then what I want you to do is put your hands on your shoulders and just simply kind of move right and left take turns lifting each heel get the Torso rotating a little bit back and forth feel these nice little body turns

This is going to be the foundational move that is basically your body pivot this is the engine of your golf swing then add the arms in remember those kind of just nice dead arms that can hang and fall in front of us we did in another

Video together right so we want to just get the feet moving and notice how the arms naturally if I let them they just start swinging and now I’m going to go bigger I’m going to add some more energy I’m going to step on the gas step on the

Gas gas step on the gas and all of a sudden energy builds guess where the arms go higher farther up around my body because I’m adding momentum so you know what we call this the momentum move okay let’s go right so we go step on the gas

That drives the hips and the Torso back and notice the speed at which I’m doing this it’s a bit Swift it’s not slow I can’t do it slow and create any momentum it has to it to get going so this is a back swing that’s why it’s not a

Takeaway we have to get some momentum and energy building in the back swing if we want a two-way swing it’s not a one-way swing it’s a two-way swing yeah so with that let’s add the golf club yeah should we what’s what should you go there next show I think some of those

Erica just like the starting from the ground up having that little gas pedal and so the club head the shaft and the arms are moving as a byproduct of the body creating motion not the other way way around that’s key correct you said it perfectly um what I would love you

Know for golfers to do is is feel that they could take their setup and and whether you waggle create some nice relaxed motion get to a place where your pressure is on your lead side so you unweight that back foot a little bit maybe give a little air underneath that

Back heel and that way you have a little room to step onto that heel and foot and almost like you’re priming that energy and watch this do you see what just happened some people might call that a sway but I think that’s where momentum begins now the handle effectively looks

Like it’s going backwards almost like a little reverse lag hello that blow your mind okay and then from there we’re going to then get that body turn going which essentially just swings the arms back effortlessly that gets everything naturally moving it’s more like a like it’s tossing or going back yeah dragging

It back in a way or like throwing throwing the club back I mean if I made the same move and let go of the club might break a camera over there yeah right but that’s where my energy is going why it doesn’t continue to go that way is because of rotation and that’s

What’s going to throw the arms up and we’re over the shoulder we’re getting a circle happening here right and as you’re doing that Erica I know like that sort of first version the ragd doll version of it that we did and then I know with a lot of your students too you

Would use some form of you know training aid like a rope to be do you want to start with the actual rope or the towel you know what this is something everybody has at home and then there’s some uh graduated uh versions that we can use here take a nice long towel tie

A little knot at the end of it let it drape onto the ground and and as you lay it lay on the ground it might just have it lay a little in front of your ball position out by your lead foot and then try that move where we get the foot

Going and then you’ll just see how that kind of creates an opportunity to get the club back and you’re going to have to play with this a little bit but once you get it going you’ll actually get to a point where you can swing it high

Enough it’s going to hit you over the shoulder so I’m going to do it for real this time here we go Ready Step and swing back step step and swing through and so you can just hold this like a golf club and kind of get it going

Around you this is a great first feel of how to get the back swing started in the most simple way we have to almost essentially get the body moving because watch this if I just lift my arms it’s really hard to get this thing swinging back in any kind of variation that looks

Like a golf swing right it’s more of a lifting motion a Levering motion so to swing it back it has to come from a different place in a different kind of motion so I know one of the other pieces Erica too Our Friend Martin chuck if you

Know obviously just a um maybe an upgraded version of the towel there that he did yeah yeah I I think the inspiration came from you know essentially the idea that the golf club on our arms almost feel like a rope at some level um a weighted rope and so

Whether you you know try this with a rope or this is a great upgraded version of that because basically this is kind of the Rope except it gives us a little bit more concrete feel in the hands like a golf club all right so you want to get

This rope swinging again don’t just stand there and only use your hands and arms you can see how it gets very unruly so let’s get it going and just swing step on the gas and then swing that thing back over your shoulder try to maintain just a nice soft relaxed arm

Positions because as you do that you’ll actually feel too your arms slack out with this tool and with the Rope you create a nice wide looking Circle and just get that energy going that’s a swinging motion that’s a true swing right there I love that I’m going to hop

In there going to try some of the uh this with the last drill here too so the I think the step on the gas as you start your back swing motion is such an easy tactical thing for anyone to be able to go go and play and I think this drill

Like a lot of these drills it’s like that can seem almost too easy and too simplistic but when you do it and put it in motion and put it in your real swing a lot of you going to be amazed at how that gets you into spots along your

Motion that you’ve been trying to practice forever yeah right you hit them you get them automatically get them for free as you like to say get them for free instead of spending so much time try trying to get the club in certain spots you hit those within motion now I

Know as we go we have the rag doll which is a nice way to do that I think the Rope drill is awesome too and there’s a way that I like in particular that I’m going to spend some time on too which is this like push away drilling concept

Yeah so just simply add a golf ball there another ball behind the ball that you’re about to hit so we’re just going to place it right about there perfect so now it’s going to be tempting with this drill to want to use your hands to knock that ball away back along the target

Line but I want you to really resist the urge and leave that club head on the ground show me pop that right heel up a little bit and now as you step down onto it let your body feel like it’s pulling back a little bit give me that nice body

Pivot back see that the handle’s rocking a little bit F backwards in space and then as you get to that moment start to turn your torso and this club will just drag back away naturally the idea is to push that ball away on the target line

But pretty swiftly so that it rolls back actually several yards cuz if you do it too slowly yeah it’s not going to roll away anywhere so I’m not I’m not doing this you’re saying I’m not going here like this this is what I would see a lot of my students do they

Go yep right exactly no body motion at all exactly so it’s the body it’s the get the the gas pedal going get the body motion going that is moving as like a byproduct right you almost want to drag the club away as a feeling you could have so again just to reiterate most

Golfers go Club Head Hands body we want to feel feel like we go body Hands Club head and when you do that and actually swing that’ll probably all be kind of in a perfect spot along the motion right right into a good takeaway yeah there’s no rush to need to hinge your wrist

That’s going to happen automatically as you swing back that one felt better yeah that looks good so if I were to do that a couple in terms of doing a drill and I start to get this feel I’ve got the Rope going I’ve got the body the hands the

Club head going along for the ride and then as I’m practicing this cuz if that’s the easiest way to start the swing from there at this point I’m just kind of letting it go yeah yeah we’re not worried about follow through at all you’re setting yourself up with a really

Good windup pattern uh and sequence that you’re going to then basically unwind and uh but let it go let it just be natural so I’m going to try and feel the same things I felt body hands arms and I bet too if we look at that in reality that

Was probably closer to like one actual one I thought it looked super quiet the takeaway with what your hands and arms were doing and you allowed your body to lead the way yeah and it’s sort of like some of the other videos we did Erica with this handsfree and effortless and

Taking the tension away every time I do the drill that you show me it feels really good and easy even though like I feel like my body is working different than normal yeah you know I mean it’s so important that when you swing you are surrendering and leaning into this

Feeling of allowing the club to move back allowing the arms to go more naturally and really allowing momentum to do its job uh leveraging momentum and leveraging gravity as natural forces that are there to help you create this natural swing I mean that’s what we’re after when we talk about a true swing

Love it Erica awesome as per normal um I do really like this from Martin Chuck Tor Striker impact we’ll put a link down the description down below if you want to grab one of these could use a towel or normal rope as well but love this down below this is the easiest most

Reliable way to start your swing stop spending so much time trying to get the positions correct create a natural motion Erica thank you that was great thank you all right guys hopefully you enjoyed today’s videos I had a blast doing those with Erica like I mentioned her true swing sequence I think is

Awesome I watched all the videos and they were absolutely killer not only do you get an unbelievable deal I mean 47 bucks for that come on but you get unbelievable bonuses as well that’s your on course program you get unlimited swing reviews so Erica and her team can

Guide you through step by step this entire process that’s ridiculous and also her mental game program and live Q&A and not only do you get all of that included with the program you also get a 365 day money back guarantee so there’s literally no risk here for you to try

This I’m telling you you’re going to love it we’re going to put the link and the first link in the description down below you won’t regret trying it out

1 Comment

  1. Sorry but this is far away from all other coaches and even from what Eric shows in his videos. So much lateral movement of the head will not work for most golfers

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