Golf Players

Hideki Matsuyama firing at flags for 10 minutes and 8 seconds…

That final round at the Genesis Invitational was fun to watch. He only saw the flags… if continues hitting those buttery cuts he is gonna be a force to be reckoned with at the Masters. Amazing ballstriker and competitior. Listen and watch this ballstriking clinic…

Hiia 10 132 slightly tougher angle this one looks really good yeah right over the flag and should be able to get this fairly close good co there de is one of those guys that can can let it go when he wants to and this one’s starting down the

Middle and this should be good the easier misses to the leftand side this is working left to right this could ultimately be a pretty good GF shot didn’t like it but I don’t know why Strokes gain leads the turn one-handed finishes and got it hold high and got a great chance for eagle

136 just going to get a little pass see if he brings this back when he’s posing he’s going to make it from the Fairway drop the club right over the flag gorgeous shot this is going left a good shot got to be very careful with the spin here he can get this

Spinning back quite a bit he’s flighted this one down this one could turn out pretty good yeah sure did it’s a solid strike for heri kind of staying a little left uh the challenge the right hand side but you got to be careful that water comes in pretty

Quickly well this is working left or right this just needs to sit down if it does it’s going to be really good ah perfect miss a perfect Miss Mark that was that’s the shortest route to the green two that was cut that was caught pretty solidly oh he playing the big old cut

Very makeable there’s that short follow through you were talking about Amia downwind and for to be coming out of that first cut it’s just a n iron here there’s the the back stop that Mark mentioned so nicely done get it back to Hole high and you got to be careful the

Spin a little bit Dey has flighted this one down this going to land past it sit down [Applause] Ball good line too yeah they got it surrounded Yeah just trying to hold it up into the wind Kurt this is a nice shot boy it sure is boy he is playing some aggressive golf nice shot of his own going to just hit a soft eight it’s coming in just right at the hole W trying to match he’s trying oh Yeah okay had a pretty good right to left turn very few balls have been between that whole location and the left side of the green today the distance control was impeccable just locked at it and a little bit short that is not a gimme two pu it’s slow in the beginning

And then it levels out at the end and maybe goes back to the right a little bit that is not a gimme two if he misses there’s more golf to [Applause] play oh he’s hitting Beauty here Kurt boy this is on a good line he couldn’t tell back to the Sun but

Whoa thei the shot of the tournament on the PGA tour and now here’s Hideki Japan’s greatest golfing export getting a win in the 50th state Hideki matsan I say he did it pretty well to 18 matama set in the Fairway he’s posing so must be on target sometimes you can’t tell by the

Reaction that one you could from right to left a little bit with this three-wood but you still fell for it earlier today 100% I did I do too good solid swing there nice little one of the signature par threes here at Rivier Central bunker smack bang in the

Middle of the graen hold location a little Bowl here Frank what about there TR oh yeah Fair Way gets more narrow every year it seems It’s like a ribbon down there yeah in the middle came out flat hot up the right hand side trying to chase it up there well

It’s nearly on the grain but flag today is in the other side yeah good shot he is so brilliant at those shots right there from about 40 yards speaking of 10i matama got off to a great start first three holes really trying to spin this pitch in

Here one more H with help there was well played as a putting that ball in the green from over there that’s true to 11 oh is it online fromi almost a Three here’s one of those leaders at 14 195 today Trevor mentioned it back left hole location if you can just draw it in there kicks left that six iron absolutely cutting a hole in this chilly Breeze that’s in right now finy good shot avoid the Fairway bunker down the rights at

Al and that is right down Santa Monica Boulevard JY challenging it perfect went in from the left eight time winner and Master’s Champion who’s traveled millions of miles around the globe finds himself just inches away from an [Applause] Eagle it’s cutting gets the bounce two holes in a row eight under today oh he has nailed it straight up the middle you called it about 3 hours ago Frank that 1600 be the winning score but you know what with that drive it might get to 17 right here strength get

It into the middle of the [Applause] green he’s nailed it no problems there from m a little [Applause] long really really good come on now come on now come on [Applause] now nothing wrong with that couple more straight bounces just to hang in there hold up please thank [Applause] that was a good hop but will settle a good 40 ft oh yeah matama with a round of Riviera that will long be remembered


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