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2024 Arnold Classic Bodybuilding PREJUDGING : Hadi VS Samson

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E all right what’s going on you guys Nick here with Nick strength and power and the prejudging for the 2024 Arnold Classic Ohio just wrapped up so there’s a couple things we need to talk about here it kind of went in one way the way that we expected and in some ways it

Didn’t so let’s start with the first call out here from left to right you’ve got James haulings head and Antoine vant Samson daa and hottie dead in the middle rapael brandal and John Delarosa so that looks to be your top six and again this

Was the first call out so in a way the top three looks to be kind of what we expected and that’s going to include Samson hottie and I believe at this point Raphael but you got to take your hat off to Antoine vant James haulings head and

John Del Roa we talked about this a lot leading up to the show is third place in that third through sixth place it really could be any any of these guys and I think I was most impressed that Antoine made the cut that Antoine’s going to be

In the top six here so it’s interesting John Delarosa in here too this is one of the better versions of JN I think I’ve ever seen from a conditioning standpoint and we talked about that going into the show some of the updates that we saw during this past week of John in the

Hotel room in the gym in that good lighting his conditioning looked really good I think you know on par with James and hottie for maybe the best conditioned guys in this top six um so I think I think looking at this if if we’re talking about the outside of the

Top three I would say Antoine is looking probably like sixth place James looks like fifth in fourth place and third place seems like a little bit of a tossup they did a couple other call outs with these guys I think it’s going to be I think it’s going to be John and forth

And Raphael and third I think it’s really close between the two because Jon is obviously grazor sharp conditioning here I think definitely sharper than what we’re seeing from Raphael but Raphael is bigger and he’s got a little bit more of an impressive more muscular physique and when they did the call outs

The subse the subsequent call outs after this they had Raphael in the center pretty much the entire time which would suggest they have Raphael in third and they’re comparing the other guys against them but I still think that third place spot could be kind of a tossup between

Him and John Delarosa I was a bit surprised to not see horse MD in this first call out you didn’t see justtin you didn’t see AEM but you did get a really nice variety of guys in here I think you know James conditioning was awesome I think

The one thing holding him back was kind of his midsection his abs did look um a little bit washed out kind of blurry didn’t really have that deep separation which we kind of already knew it’s kind of a thing with James that we we kind of anticipated here

Antoine really conditioned I think he put on a little bit more size in his upper body he’s always had you know these really big legs but his upper body never really quite matched I think he kind of filled out his upper body a little bit more came with really good

Conditioning and I think that’s why he’s going to land in the top six and overall I think those placings third through sixth are going to be really tight I think that’s going to be really close between each of those placings but I do think like I said I think it’s going to

Be Raphael third I think it’s going to be JN and fourth and I get I I think James and Fifth and Antoine 6 but I think those could swap too because they move those guys around a little bit in the later call outs but

I’m going to go with um I’m going to go with James and Fifth and Antoine and sixth now the top two for the win pretty much what we expected here this is what we’ve been talking about for basically the majority of the buildup to this show

Is that this was going to be the hottie and Samson show that it was going to be between those two and that’s exactly what we got I think we got three three full rounds of just the two of them posing so it looks like at least the

Judges see it as close between Samson and hottie but to be completely honest with you guys as I was watching this I feel like hot’s got this I think hottie’s conditioning here is just too overwhelming I I think he looks honestly significantly better than he looked at

The Olympia when he when he lost to Derek and I think if I’m Derek Lunsford watching this I’m probably a little bit worried watching this I think if hottie looked like this at the Olympia it might have been a different story because hottie looks bigger here his conditioning looks better the poses that

Derek beat hotti in at the Olympia that were I think the Tipping Point for Derek taking that title home the back poses which is Derek’s you know that’s his strong point that’s really where he excels and I think hottie I think that’s where hottie nailed Samson here hot’s

Back shots were really impressive and I think really improved and that’s not to that’s not to say I don’t think Samson looked good here because he did I thought Samson looked good he looked impressive he looked shapely like he always does he looks big he’s tall he’s got a lot of

Nice stage presence he’s very aesthetic for a bigger guy that’s you know close to 300 lb maybe 300 lb on stage or somewhere around there but honestly I’m looking at this and I just I I don’t see an improvement in the conditioning of Samson I think that was the factor that

Let hottie beat Samson at the Olympia is Samson might be a little bit shapelier a little bit more pleasing to look at than hottie but hottie’s conditioning just overwhelms him because Samson doesn’t have that same level of crisp just really razor sharp detail that hottie

Seems to have and like I said I feel that hottie looks better here than he looked at the Olympia in terms of both size and conditioning I think Samson maybe looks a little bigger here than he looked at the Olympia so I think Samson may have improved when it comes to size but

Honestly the conditioning from Samson looks to me about the same as the Olympia so if hottie beat him at the Olympia the last time they went head-to-head and hottie looks better now in my opinion at this Arnold I think hottie’s winning this I think hottie’s walking away with this thing and it it

It seems like the judges think it’s close I say that because they did so many rounds of just the two of them posing so it must not be like a blowout for hottie it must be close but with the with the difference in conditioning here I think it’s just

So noticeable even if you prefer Samson’s shape if you prefer the aesthetic look of his physique hottie’s aesthetic too I mean hottie can pull a deep vacuum his waist looks small in a lot of those front poses um so while you might prefer Sam while you might say

Samson is more aesthetic and a little bit more pleasing to look at than hottie maybe you would say hottie is blocky or whatever I think the conditioning difference is just too much of a factor here I mean hottie is clearly on another level of conditioning than Samson it’s

It’s like they’re on two different playing fields and again I’m not saying Samson’s conditioning is bad for Samson this is pretty good conditioning but to face somebody like hottie I just I I don’t see where this would be enough and I would be really surprised honestly

If Samson wins this because hottie to me this looks like this looks like one of the best I don’t want to say the best version of hottie but it’s certainly better than the last Olympia and I think one of the best that we’ve seen from him

In a few years now this is a really really tight version of hottie and I think like we said going into the show hottie came in here with a chip on his shoulder he lost his Olympia title he had something to prove and I think uh he

Came here improve that point so after watching this prejudging I’m going to say hottie first Samson second Raphael third um John Del Roa fourth James holling head Fifth and Antoine vant in sixth let me know what you guys think in the comments below what are your predictions for this show based on what

You saw here at prejudging and as always like the video subscribe all that good stuff I love you guys appreciate you guys Nick strength and Power signing out all right guys don’t forget to click that like button and subscribe to this channel if you enjoy the content also

Check out my Instagram @ nickr power my Facebook page which is simply Nick strength and power my secondary YouTube channel Nick strength and Vlogs for Vlogs and bonus content that you will not see on this channel and consider subscribing to my third YouTube channel Nick strength and Pokemon which is all

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  1. I've always been a Hadi fan, and this is great to see. I love how he sneaks in a quick vacuum just to prove he can, solidly, despite the bulk.

  2. I’m sure we will get some “Hadi 2024 Arnold vs Hadi 2023 Olympia videos” but looking at this I’m not that convinced Hadi is that improved (and I felt Hadi should have won 2023 Olympia) I think Sampson doesn’t have the advantage of being compared to 2 smaller guys this time. He is only being compared to 1 guy and the completeness and condition of Hadi is standing out more than it did at the Olympia. Vice versa for Hadi Olympia call outs were against 2 guys – now it’s just 1 and he is clearly more complete and conditioned. Be interesting to see the Hadi vs Hadi comparisons

  3. This is a blow out Hadi is destroying Samson In all this possess

    Just look at Hadi
    Samson Is big but his conditioning is not up to the top 3

  4. Hadi WINS The Arnold and deservedly so he looked much the better BB over every body by far good for you Hadi now on to the 24 Olym.

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