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Jacob Toppin Could’ve Saved the Dunk Contest + Knicks News

Last night’s game between the New York Knicks and the Detroit Pistons was a thrilling and controversial one. The Knicks managed to secure a victory with a final score of 113-111. However, the game’s ending was marred by what some are calling the “worst call of the season,” as the referees admitted to making a mistake in the final seconds.

Injury updates for the Knicks include OG Anunoby,, Mitchell Robinson and Julius Randle.

Jacob Toppin, the Knicks rookie, showcased an epic dunk that made its rounds on x last night that he was supposed to use if he made it to the final round of the dunk contest.

Looking ahead to the Knicks’ game against the Pelicans, the Knicks will need to be prepared for a tough matchup.

After last night’s game, Pistons coach Monty Williams was livid and unloaded on the officiating in his post-game media session. Quentin Grimes, on the other hand, made some public comments on it as well.

New York Knicks we are the New York Knicks say go New York go New York go go New York go New York go say go New York go New York go go New York go New York go well just like that look who’s back in the mix straight out of New York City

It’s them redot Nick and nothing going to stop us from hanging not thew or even Indiana it’s theck back on CH that’s right the SE in the of the race and while you’re try and react to the shots we be bling Che out the team keep welcome to another episode of Big Nick

Energy right I guess we could call it an episode whatever you want to call it me and the boy Frank the fake Aaron Rodgers the real Frank Vinnie’s BR Vinnie in the backr and then and then mad Vincent mad Vincent in the background let’s jump right the [ __ ]

Into it Frank obviously yesterday I mean at least I was kind of expecting a blowout you know just get back on track you know get these guys rolling I was hoping that these guys could play 30 minutes and not closer to 40 or 40 but

In the end it came down to the end last sequence what a [ __ ] Play What a sequence Josh Hart uh just the hustle I mean just the grit it’s just uh like Josh Hart said at the end of that game post game he said the identity of this team is just we’re

Going to [ __ ] fight to the Whistlin so the game [ __ ] regardless of talent regardless of guys in and out you know that these guys are gonna fight in claw till the fourth quarter says zero so I actually messaged Josh Hart today because of last night’s

Game um and I’m not the type of person to just like go out on a limb and just like shout like go try to like give encouraging words to people who are above me in the uh you know the rankings of life um but last night I really had

To because you saw the grit of this guy um the one thing that I really wanted him to say in that post game which he did say and I was really really happy to hear it was that he dogged himself for missing those free throws um and I

Really and that’s the reason why I reached out to him was because to understand the severity of like that time in that place against a team that we should have just rolled over and to be missing free throws was I I remember I I was Sting in bed last night going

Josh please just hit these [ __ ] free throws just hit them and I and because I knew he was going to miss them they’re big moment things and and I’ve been hearing him talk about how his shots broken um so I just wanted to open this uh I’m happy you brought that up because

This something I was actually thinking about and the reason why I reached out to him you are only what you tell yourself Josh your shot is only as broken as you tell it keep shooting you are a shooter your energy has been quit essential for this team’s success and we

Saw it last night um as far as that play go uh that was a foul but I will say this I will say this we were ow a game and now we have received that game back and uh I would consider it a clean slate for the New York Knicks that

Houston loss should not be spoken about anymore because of our win last night so look at him there I mean [ __ ] I would have paid a lot of money to be at that Garden just for that last play man that place was lit up yeah even in like even

When Josh hit the N1 you expect him to be loud and crazy like he normally was and dude just looked in the camera like yep you know it was just one of hey Frank Josh Hart’s gonna look back at that moment 10 years Som now and just

Remember like the feeling and the garden and the energy and just everything about that moment man yeah it was uh hold on one second go ahead so um I apologize V was just saying something to me uh everyone welcome to the show by the way thanks

For joining us um that that moment is something that Josh will carry with him I believe for the remainder of the season because they had a claw for that win that was a game that we really should have rolled over but throughout the entirety of that game um to me Josh

Hart was the most important part of that game because you saw him do so many things for us he was able to be that that glue that we need he hasn’t been shooting well from three and he just kept shooting um he hasn’t been very confident in the way in

His offensive abilities outside of going around the rack but I’m happy that we were able to close the game out with the Vintage Josh Hart that was what do you think it is with Josh Hart that like fans have this like love hate relationship with him and like they

Really get on him when he’s not playing when he has like a string of three four five games where maybe he’s not putting up the numbers that he’s putting right now you see them all come out of the [ __ ] all come out of the Woodworks coming out Josh har neck and then you

You don’t see the same type of reciprocation when he plays the way he has played and especially the way he’s played last night listen New Yorkers are rough man we want production and I always say it uh one of our biggest flaws as fans is our knee-jerk reaction to uh

Performances I’ve never been somebody that will deem someone a you know an inconsistent PL you can never step in these guys shoes you can never know what it’s like when the bright lights are on you and the pressure is on you when you’re down six and you got to claw to

Get a basket and your season’s in the balance because everyone’s hurt and then all of a sudden you’re going from a 15 to 20 minute guy to a 25 to 30 minute guy and you’re shots are going up by 10 like the guys the guy’s workload has

Definitely gone up I think the reason you see New York be so critical on his performance is because they think so highly of him they usually will not like just like Julius Randall uh we might you know people might s like even me I was

Like oh last time we talked if we get past the first round you know with Mitch like oh all these guys Julia see you later um these guys we think highly of them so we’re going to be kind of kind of harsh on them when they’re not

Performing up to task and on top of that New York Knicks fans are the greatest fans in the world period Frank so we’re gonna talk about the fans quick that leads me right into um this question I’m gonna ask you what did you think about Evan fornier getting booed at Madison Square Garden

Because it was it was weird were rough it’s weird to see because um you would hope that our fan base would show a little bit more more respect especially towards a guy who was willing to do whatever our team needed during a time where we had this youth this influx

Of Youth that we had to kind of talent survey and see what what shook out of them and this guy had to take a back seat and he did it graciously uh so to see him for one I’m really happy to see him getting minutes I always thought

That he was a a more than serviceable player and I thought that he actually would have benefit he was kind of the guy we needed he didn’t play as good as defense and he kind of got buried due to that but I’m happy to see him get his minutes and actually be successful

Somewhat successful in a system but I was actually very surprised to see him get booed and to see Quin Grimes get applauded um not to say that I was surprised that qu Grimes gotten you know an ovation but um it was It was kind of

Odd to see to be honest with you what do you think do you think he deserve that booing I think Nick fans hold on to words uh very harshly like there has been a lot of comments uh over the past year since he’s been benched where he’s

Voiced his displeasure but what the [ __ ] do you want the guy to do just sit and say um I’m gonna sit happily on this bench I mean these guys have egos these guys are making multi and millions of dollars so as much as like I feel like there’s a certain perception sometimes

Of players and like how we feel about him so we think because they make 18 million dollars that they’re robots and they don’t have feelings and that’s the fur the case these guys are all in the NBA are all making millions and millions of dollars so they don’t think of it

From our perspective they think of it okay we’re all making a lot of money we’re all on the same playing field I just want to go out there and Sho go out there and hoop and show my skills right so feels like I’m 30 I’m 31 years old I’m in the

Prime of my career this is literally my mind my body everything’s just in one place I have my family I got my kids and listen he wasn’t able to contribute whatever was the fit whatever the case was um it didn’t work out like you said Frank happily happy seeing him get

Minutes with Detroit I don’t know if he’ll be there after next year but wherever he goes he’ll make value somewhere I I agree he he said Frank he said I’m 31 now 40 years old and I and I feel that that hits home as a guy that’s

Going to be 35 this year um I’m starting to be older than some of these players which is crazy uh I mean the guy the guy I think he I think on a on a championship bound team I think Evan forier can be an excellent piece he can come in he could

Space the floor for you that was always going to be his point with the Knicks unfortunately he just came in at a time where we had all these picks and we were able to make the the proper moves to ascend into a next level as far as the franchise goes

Um it’s just unfortunate for him that he got bogged down by the Knicks and they’re rebuilt and I know that wherever he goes he’s going to be a fantastic player Evan forier when he was on the Celtics this guy was not a bum this guy

Is not a bum and he’s not old 31 years old guy is not a bum hey Vin Let’s uh before we move on to the next topic let’s pull up the last play of the game we’ll just review it one more time I want to see it one last time you got it

Hardenstein picks it up out to Devon chenzo 10 seconds to go he throws it away ball loose picked up by Brunson BR the and hey I gotta be honest Durant won yeah but Durant had hands up there no he he played it was more contact initiated by

Har the video is courtesy of Sports Talk by the way excellent excellent um yeah yeah shout out to him um that almost didn’t even see like that could have just been a no cold there and just let the play go on so so the whole so the

Refs I have to say this for the refs reing crew um I don’t know what it is about the Knicks and what the refs have come to an agreeance on but there has been a lot of no calls throughout a lot of these games and I was just happy to

See that for once like we didn’t experience it against Houston the refs allowed the game to be decided by the players and not by the free throw line um as much as it was a foul and Detroit did get robbed of that win or the

Ability to win that game uh I like the no call obviously unbiased because it caught us a w but uh Frank it’s here’s my thing I don’t care I basically run by how Tibido runs with this I don’t care how the game’s called but just let it be

Consistent either way you’re gonna call physical call it physical If You’re Gonna Let Go Let It Go on both ends you can’t be one way this way and on the other way be that so I mean no this it was it was a good call I like I like the

Dvo contact was non-incidental I love the no call I agree I do think it was a nonincidental uh move to try and get the ball but I do think that you can’t you just can’t throw your body at people’s legs yo but and at a certain point Frank

Like the referee like the human eye and the human aspect of it has to come into the play like bro we’re talking like three seconds like that might have been a little excessive contact UM with dvo but like these guys towards the end of the game most of the time it’s not the

Right [ __ ] call you just let the play go on no I’m happy they did the game yeah no no no I’m happy they did that’s that’s something that needs to be kind of agreed upon throughout the entirety of the Ring throughout the NBA because they really got to let these players

Decide what the game was it was a hardfought game all game long it was a very physical game pretty much all game long and and it was a good no I mean it’s listen once again we’re biased because we caught a w um but it was a

Good no call if there is GNA be a no call I mean the refs did come out and say it was the wrong call and uh you know what good on them for doing that I always say this I don’t want to hear after the game that the call was wrong

What is that gonna do for me like that Houston game why did I mean to hear that the referee knew was a wrong call we knew it was a wrong call to keep the S to keep the sanctity of the game I think it’s important obviously it’s going to

Rub you the wrong way when you’re on the losing end of it you’re like why the [ __ ] would I care about you making the call now I agree no listen I get it but for the sanctity of the game you have to you have to withhold a standard and at

Least the NBA is holding their referees accountable and I think that’s extremely important for the sport because they are human beings and they are going to miss calls and sometimes they’re going to be game deciding calls but like like I said at least it was a game decid and called

By the players not by a free throw great yeah I mean just a fantastic I was gonna you know what’s funny is that VIN actually texted me in the middle of last week and asked me if I want to go to last night’s game and I told him no and

Two days prior to Vinnie actually texting me yo you want to go to the game $95 tickets or whatever [ __ ] he said I already was thinking of asking my dad to go to the game with me on Monday uh yes which was yesterday and I wanted to

Treat my father I wanted to take my dad to the game i’ never been to a [ __ ] basketball game my dad so I couldn’t [ __ ] wait I I I didn’t wind up going but I really was that I ped him in my car in StubHub thinking of going to that

[ __ ] game that would have been some game obviously um that end of the game call came in our favor and it seemed like Monty Williams wasn’t happy about it postgame rightfully so we’re gonna get to this right now Vin I’ll play it where’s the New York media

Now the absolute worst call of the Season no call and enough’s enough we’ we’ve done it the right way we’ve called The League we’ve sent in clips we’re sick of hearing the same stuff over and over again we had a chance to win the game and the guy dove into aar’s legs

And there was a no call that that’s an Abomination you cannot miss that in an NBA game period agre and I’m tired of talking about it I’m tired of our guys asking me what more can we do coach that situation is exhibit a to what we’ve been dealing with all season long and

Enough’s enough you cannot dive into a guy’s legs in a big time game like that and there be a no call it’s ridiculous and we’re tired of it we just want a fair game called period And I got nothing else to say we want a fair game and that was not fair I’m

Done I gotta be honest I give him a lot of [ __ ] credit for going on that stage uh and probably one of the most excited games for his team for the whole entire year besides winning their first game yeah um I always wanted a coach

That would like go to bat for me like that and take the [ __ ] fine get on the stage and not be scared of the scrutiny and call out whoever he’s got to call out so much respect to Monty Williams for doing what he had to do to

Try to get his point across but Frank in the end like you’re a nine- win team you’re the worst team in basketball [ __ ] doesn’t go your [ __ ] way ever right like if you’re think you’re GNA get the benefit of a Cole when Jaylen Brunson and Dante D

Venzo is in the same play and you’re the worst [ __ ] team in the league it’s not gonna [ __ ] happen because there’s politics in this [ __ ] you gotta earn your [ __ ] in this league you’re not gonna get that but this reaction that Monty Williams gave was the same

Reaction I wanted tibs to go into the postgame with when we lost game take the [ __ ] fine take the [ __ ] fine go to bat for your team but I respect the identity of this team and it and it goes through Jaylen Brunson good guy next question just next next game’s mentality

They try not to harp on the nonsense I feel terrible I feel terrible for Monty I think Monty’s a really good coach and I think that that Pistons team I think Kade watching Kade uh which you really don’t get to see a lot of because the

Pistons are just not good um the guy plays the guy the guy moves how Superstars move this the new AG Superstar though the new this is like the new agage Superstar movement you see these guys LCA these guys ain’t moving fast bro no it’s not see see it’s not a thing it’s

Not a thing of it’s fluidity that you see that’s that’s kind of like look at guys like Kyrie right I remember I was when when we got off the air yesterday I was talking to and Joe and Joe was telling me how you guys were talking

About uh how you there he was comparing point guards to Jaylen Brunson and and how he thought Jaylen Brunson was a better point guard than Kyrie Irving and um how I explained to him like I understand the idea of the age and how much is left in the tank and you know

All that kind of stuff but at the end of the day Kyrie Irving moves differently than Jaylen Brunson Kyrie Irving has a natural god-given talent that Jaylen Brunson had to work extremely hard to obtain you know like there’s a there’s a different not to take away from Jaylen

Brunson and to say that he’s a lesser player than Kyrie Irving I’m not saying that what I’m saying is Natural Born Talent Kyrie Irving moves differently just like how you see Kade Cunningham move Kade Cunningham moves like a Jason Tatum does like how a Paul Pierce moved

Uh like how Alca moves very poignant he knows where he’s going he knows why going there there’s not a lot of thinking there’s just reaction it was really cool to see hey you know who I like to put in that category too Frank uh France Wagner same

Fluidity yep yep James Harden moves the same kind of way these guys just kind of move differently they Glide across the court post you’re not beating the [ __ ] out of your body playing that way Frank yeah uh no I agree that like Julius Randall if he’s not in the shape that

He’s in like look how hard Randall has to work to prepare his body for the beating that he gives and takes game by game you know I wouldn’t be I I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if you see the Pistons fire off a couple of wins in a

Row after this one yeah for everybody that’s watching the stream thank you for showing up um for anybody on Instagram uh we cannot see your comments we cannot bring them onto the stage the only way we are able to do that is if you either go over to YouTube and comment on there

Or you have to be a paid Twitter um m in order for us to bring your comments on stage no we are not um ignoring comments um we’re just we’re just chatting the [ __ ] we’re just we’re just shooting the [ __ ] and and and admittedly Ang and I

Are both not the greatest on uh keeping up to dat with these comments so we’re g to do a little I’m gonna try and do a little bit better of a job to be more aware of him as well Joe’s usually the guy that takes care of that um Frank get

A couple of I’m gonna give you a couple of hitters right now I just want you to answer it quick quick uh quick answer uh not too much details okay Jaylen Brunson or Damen Lillard right now no no body of work I’m talking about right this season right at this point that’s

Hard and and I like that it’s a hard question because a couple of years ago it was a no-brainer so that’s the beauty of this question um I’m going to go Jaylen and the reason I’m going to go jayen is because his ceiling I think that his SE it’s not

Going to go it’s that’s a tough one I think that Damen Lillard is more naturally talented than than our boy Jaylen but I think Jaylen Brunson um has a better uh makeup if that makes sense and he has if in a world where I never saw Jaylen

Brunson in a new York Nick uniform I would probably go the other way no uh but since he has been a Nick and since I have grown to highly highly respect this man’s game especially his post game and his ability to score at The Rim at his size uh he gives me Allen

Iverson Vibes so I’m gonna go with Jaylen Jaylen Bruns and Trey young Jaylen Brunson Jaylen Brunson Kyrie Irving Kyrie Irving Jaylen Brunson Stephen Curry Stephen Curry Jaylen Brunson I’m gonna give two more Jaylen Brunson James Harden Jaylen Brunson oh okay last one um I don’t think James Harden’s a winner J

Oh what what’s your thoughts on him this year though what’s your thought I think I mean he better win on an All-Star team yo I’ll never forget Frank with Kobe Bryan’s Play will never win you a championship I it’s it’s I’m not how I got that’s that’s that’s how I gotta go

Off you know what’s crazy about Kobe Kobe’s not even talking about on the court oh really that’s I don’t I don’t take it as that they usually start to bald and and take that take that with where you want to go with that uh as far

As what I’m saying I don’t think it’s on the court stuff I think on the court James Harden is top seven best scorers of all time so stream’s Frozen I don’t see it’s not frozen on M it’s not frozen on frankon yeah no it’s good um I I

Don’t I don’t think James Harden is winning basketball I think I think Jaylen Brunson is winning basketball okay two more Jaylen Brunson lamelo B there’s two people saying he’s Frozen um okay we’re good just keep going so I would probably say I really like lamelo ball a lot I think

Lamelo ball is going to be very very special um if he can stay healthy so I’m gonna go with Lamela ball okay last one Jaylen Brunson Tyrese halberton halberton should have been a Nick should have been a Nick okay Frank where does halberton sit on your top point guards list

Um is he a top 10 point guard in the league 100% he might be top five so where does Brunson sit top 10 100 yeah absolutely Jaylen Brunson Jaylen Brunson uh so I like Tyrese Halburn a lot more just due to his assist numbers yeah I

Think I think he’s I think he is um a more pure point guard yeah and I think I think that his style of basketball is go is winning basketball and I think his ceiling might be a little bit higher than Jaylen brunson’s uh so that’s why I would go

With him plus I like his size he’s a little bit bigger um I don’t get me wrong I’m not pooo pooing Jaylen I just there are you know he’s he’s great and he is definitely I mean he’s in the MVP conversation so he kind of has to be top

Five point guards in the league um and I would have to I would have to look at all Brunson situation is so weird because like this team is really like revolving like fully everything is going through Jaylen Brunson at this very moment like the fit the mold of the team

The belief in this team is through Jaylen Brunson tibs and jayen Brunson that connection it’s just like there’s no [ __ ] other team in the NBA that Jaylen Brunson could have picked and seemed like it could have went as good at hit as went right now good is going

Right now so uh Vin pulled up some tears of from fadeaway world and uh tier one has Luca sha uh Shay and uh Steph tier two has halberton Brunson Tyrese Maxi dard yeah D well Tyrese Maxi dearon Fox and Trey young tier three is uh James Harden Jamal Murray um Drew holiday

Lamelo that is the kid fromand that’s uh what’s his face um who’s the kid on Cleveland the point guard of Cleveland Garland yeah there is Garland then we have Derek white from the Bulls and then Kade Cunningham then it’s Russ a tier four Russ D’Angelo Williams Mike connley CJ

McCollum Fred Van vet and then they have our boy uh my boy Emanuel quickley on there who has been playing very well I’ve been following him um and then I don’t know who that is [ __ ] tier five tier five is tier five is Tyrus Jones and uh whoever else it doesn’t

Matter because you’re tier five before we get on to the next topic I want to talk about George and Tyrus Jones and Trey Jones was the last I like I like keante George a lot he’s gonna be a Hooper he already is a Hooper um before

We get into the next topic we’re gonna we’re gonna talk on the next topic we’re gonna talk about the injury updates on our three main guys that have been out but before we get on to that I just want to get to a quote um Quint and Grimes

Spoke game um it was obviously about the last play I’m gonna read it to you guys right now I saw it directly in the view behind us he said I saw two guys ran into him into his legs like you said it it was not a guarantee if Jaylen Brunson

And them was on the other side of that call they get in that call but it’s a it’s just a respect thing you gotta earn your way you gotta earn them strikes you got to get to the playoffs win some games so stuff like that where you just

Got to earn respect in this league will get there for sure so yeah look exactly what the [ __ ] I alluded to you’re you’re never going to get the benefit of these calls when you’re the worst team in the NBA that’s a no foul um regardless of whatever they said I’m gonna say eight

Times out of 10 that play is just G to be let go exactly how it was I I disagree I think that that I think that that’s going to be called I do I do I think it was I I really do it was it was a Mis call that

Should have been called and I’m H like I said I’m happy it wasn’t but if I’m gonna talk from a non-bias because I love the game of basketball it’s literally one of the only passions that I have left in my life that I that really gets me like up

You know um Quin Grimes actually retweeted something uh from Nick he tweeted he tweeted that the refs absolutely robbed the Detroit Pistons from winning the game absolutely disgusting and he put dot dot dot dot dot dot I will say this uh I love Quinn Grimes shout out to him for taking the

High road uh and understanding that this is an entertainment business remember everybody listening that the MBA is sanctioned as an entertainment business just like the WWE so you have to realize that certain things are going to come into account uh Vegas they need to make money the Knicks are probably favored to

Win you gotta win so these things are going to happen um unfortunately we are just more privy to all of this due to technology and the ability to pass information so quickly and for things to get out there that really shouldn’t be getting out there um shout out to Quinn

Grimes he’s going to have a fantastic career and I am sad that he’s not a nick no more because he gave you a lot of what I knew he was a killer he start like a n killer he’s a killer the guy’s a killer the guy’s gonna shoot Big Time

Threes and he’s gonna make those big time threes he’s gonna make the right play he went to the rack a few times had a really tough layup going I think it was that tied the game really tough layup that layup is not an easy layup uh

That kid can hoop and not only can he hoop he has a really good head on his shoulders the Detroit Pistons have a fantastic player in him and he if they are smart they’re going to keep him around and they’re going to try and mesh

Him into that core of of Duren and of Kade Cunningham and of Ivy because it’s gonna be dangerous man I I always liked Quinton Grimes um but I think he knew and I’m sure the organization knew that once they signed Evo that Grimes was going to lose out no

Matter what yeah you have to no you have to and I saw stat last night that um dvo is third in the NBA in made threes behind Steph Curry and one more person it might be Dame it might be Dame I’m not 100% sure I don’t remember but I

Know Steph’s number one he’s third in the league mind you he really only started getting these minutes how long ago a month and a half so that’s also extremely extremely impressive uh that this guy’s gonna probably break the Nick single season three-point record that was

Broken a couple years ago by Evan F the guy that we were booing last night yeah yep um what did I just want to talk about oh I don’t know why we didn’t bring this up but uh if anybody didn’t see on our Twitter and our Instagram Isaiah hartenstein wore our

Shirt um you know those famous pregame tunnel fits guys so we were able to reach out to Isaiah hartenstein uh no it wasn’t through third party exactly we just contacted Isaiah hartstein and he was more than willing to let us send him merch and um I knew it got delivered to him yesterday

Which I said at the end of the stream and he wore it pregame and we got a lot of love we got a lot of support So if you were one of those people that gave us love and support or purchased the hoodie um thank you so much it was Ben

Wanted me to say that you guys were working with him through daps and a big shout out to Isaiah hardenstein for understanding that small business it’s it’s not even the small business Vin it has nothing to do with the small business it has to do with who’s in

Touch with the Nick fandom whose finger is embedded in the pulse of what New York is and for Isaiah hardenstein to where a product of ours uh speaks volume s about the dedication that we have towards this product and it’s resonating with people in higher places and it is a

Wonderful feeling to see somebody that has that’s made it right somebody that’s made it to the Pinnacle of their craft somebody who has gone through the trials and tribulations of not having minutes being thrusted into minutes building a culture for a team that we needed so desperately and for to recognize what

We’re doing as a culture within ourselves and to wear that on the main stage which is walking through there you know the these is this is an every game thing for the Knicks fashion and Hip Hop have been tied to the NBA since Jordan started really tying it

In and then you had Alan Iverson take it over the urban ideal of just like the Swagger for him to deem The Big Ragu swaggy enough to rock to wear it for us um big shout out to Isaiah hardenstein it’s a beautiful thing to see came a

Long way boys we we’ve been trying to get a nck player to wear our shirts since 2013 and we made a lot of [ __ ] attempts we were in touch with a lot of different people and um yeah I happily shed some tears yesterday because not

That it was like it’s just like you know you do something on your own with just a friend that didn’t that wasn’t supposed to turn into something and now it’s just turning into something that we never thought it was going to be and yeah it’s

Just nice to be rewarded every once in a while because we [ __ ] work really hard on this and we care about the things that we put out there in the world whatever it’s on Twitter X I’m sorry or on Instagram or on our page like in every aspect of what we do we

Really try to give our best towards it Y and with and it’s with the best intent you know like the beauty of Vin’s designs is that he so so my brother is a is a very family based person as you know family is very important to him so

When he so when he does these designs he does them as if these people are a part of him he loves these he loves his content he loves creating from nothing and he loves putting his own personal taste into these designs so for these these players to see it and for it to

Resonate it’s you’re bringing it’s like bringing them because like the beauty of being a Nick fan is that you’re like I was telling you yesterday when you told me oh man you got to come back on and I was like I love doing this I’m thankful

To be a part of something that’s bigger than me it’s the same ideal this guy is buying into something that we have that we created because we love it because of how they brought us in and for them it’s it’s the beauty of social media and the

Connectivity of social media is that we can reach these people who are in higher places and they’re looking at the things that we’re doing and they go we [ __ ] with that heavy heavy heavy enough to do that so it was just listen I saw the growth of this from the beginning and to

See the fruit of your labor really start to come out is really beautiful I just wanted to take this time to congratulate you specifically and my brother Vincent for this because when Vince sent me that yesterday I was you know me I’m just home I’m a home body I’m just chilling

You know super low-key this dude sent me this the picture of him wearing it and my blood pressure went through the roof I had to get out of bed I was pacing around my apartment because I and I kept texting I’m like yo this is [ __ ]

Major so quick shout out to Big Nick energy even though we are a part of this it’s bigger than him him it’s bigger than this guy it’s bigger than me it’s about the people that are in this chat room right now it’s about the the culture in which we embody every single

Day wearing these wearing these hoodies every single day every day wearing this hat every day every day it’s a culture and and you built it and it’s beautiful Frank um I know whenever I need any nice words I could always just come to you you always just make me feel good about

Myself bro so thank you for that it’s my purpose in life brother you’re the [ __ ] man I always thought you were the man bro so on to uh the next topic of uh [ __ ] we got another [ __ ] game tonight so as crazy as that game was

[ __ ] just comes really fast at you y Zion Williamson oh man I’m excited um just truly every time I watch Zion play and it hasn’t been many times against the Knicks um I don’t know I just feel some type of Aura like I feel like just one of them ones is walking

Into the garden so he question he’s questionable tonight by the way with a left foot contusion him and CJ McCollum are both questionable and uh I will say this I would be very happy to not see either of those gentlemen on the court tonight as much as I love Zion and I think

Zion uh listen if you go look at Zion’s clips and his highlights not his dunks because his dunks are obviously that’s what he does you go watch how agile and how much finesse this guy has around the rim uh potentially you know if the guy can get

His mind and his body and his soul right he potentially can be the best player in the NBA and he’s he is not doing himself any Justice by what he’s doing but you know what to each their own Frank but that’s you know what bro I don’t know

Why he doesn’t get I understand he’s had some troubles whatever it’s off the court his eating habits his weight his conditioning his effort his care for the game but I I think we forget to remember maybe a little different but Joel MB was out like a full like almost year and a

Half or so early in his career with a foot injury right away and we didn’t really think much about it I guess because he didn’t have as much hype as Zion coming came way more hype so besides the hype uh the trajectory of those two guys and when they started getting themselves

Going is not really that far off I fully expect Zion to eventually just gather the right team around him right I think that’s a part of the problem when you go to the NBA you have the luxury of a whole lot of money a whole lot of everything you know whether whether it’s

Social media the woman um it’s a lot man I don’t think people iiz like how much it is to be a professional athlete like you could buy the best meal in your city every single night and not have to look at your bank account you could go buy a

[ __ ] Dior [ __ ] sneakers this you could buy an outfit for every night you could be your your aunts your uncles your moms all the pressure from them maybe ask them for money that all comes into play so Zion whatever the case may be why he’s gotten into the trouble that

He’s gotten into um he seems to be be a lot more healthier this season it seems to be playing games um he’s playing with one of my favorite players in the league and he’s only one of my favorite players because he played for um Christ the King High School Jos

Alvarado Jose Jose Alvarado uh play I and I played there and I actually seen him last summer hoop and I gotta be honest Frank I watched this kid Jose Alvarado hoop last summer like right in front of my face against people who are high level College you had some high

Level high school I’m saying to myself [ __ ] in my Prime maybe I could [ __ ] guard this dude and my friend Matt Leb laughed at me and and shut the [ __ ] up you don’t know what you’re talking about and then he just started cooking everybody I’m like yep yeah I never

Would have a chance against this guy so yes um should be a fun game tonight they lost two games in a row um their last game was on Sunday I believe so they do have two days off um so it’s going to be interesting especially with these minutes Frank it’s these these things

Are adding up these things are adding up you got brunson’s playing 40 minutes what’ he play last night uh let’s go through minutes last well Teddy just said that uh Brunson and Isaiah hardenstein are um questionable for tonight no way bro there’s no [ __ ] way well iHeart so here’s the deal with

IHeart um Frank iHeart was on uh a 21 minute limit I saw that but he went past that yesterday he went to 26 so I guess they were kind of gauging how that Achilles is feeling and healing because the game before that I don’t think he I

Think he played 11 minutes so they I wouldn’t be surprised if ihar gets the night off just due to it being a back-to back um and also I wouldn’t be surprised if Brunson gets the night off too because we did steal a win last night uh

And I think that’s kind of it’s kind of you have to kind of give to take uh and ensuring if because if V just pulled it up and said that Brunson is questionable for Tuesday’s game against the Pelicans due to neck cervical spasms who’s this who’s this that’s Jaylen back spasms are

Not fun um so I I also I also I’ll be honest with you I’m worried that when he Dove for that play that’s when he kind of dislodged something there’s a possibility because when he when he went down I was like oh he he really went

Down hard for that and I wasn’t a big fan of that um so I wouldn’t be surprised if these guys are both held out uh just to make sure that they’re healthy which kind of sucks because listen if Zion and CJ aren’t playing I don’t care then it doesn’t matter who we

Have and who we’re playing yeah but Frank I fully expect Zion to play he’s only played one time at MSG since Co remember that interview that he did after that game where he was like I love playing in matad SC Garden it’s my favorite place listen listen I think I

Think that that everyone just kind of says that I think it’s just listen when you coin yourself as the world’s greatest Arena self self- coined you know it’s just it’s just something that guys say it’s easy because you also got to realize this guy probably don’t want

To be on the mic too much and and they go for layups so they oh I love you know the garden I love it you know everyone [ __ ] loves the garden who doesn’t love it come play for us then if you love The Garden enough talking about how

Much you guys love the garden and come play for the Knicks I’m done with that we’re right there though I feel the same way about you oh actually you know what son I want to bring up Frank interesting maybe you have uh something to say on this topic Quin and Grimes did talk

Yesterday about the practice facility situation that the Knicks have so he did say that sometimes going from where he lives to pra no I’m sorry where he lives to the game it’ll take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and 20 minutes and that that when there is traffic I’m talking from

The perspective of him playing in New York when there is traffic the Knicks would send out like a mass text message like hey everyone leave early and he said in comparison to now that he’s in Detroit he said it’s like 25 minutes away to go to practice and vot to a game

Whatever he’s like in the middle of both what do you think about that and do you think that plays a part in guys not wanting to come here no no I think well I mean sure I guess because you can always say like are because there’s always like the question when you’re a

New Yorker right it’s like are you a city person or are you not a city person so you know I’m a city person I don’t mind the hustle and bustle I don’t mind the commute I like I don’t mind being on subways unless it’s [ __ ] dead of

Summer during a rush hour and you’re in a sardine can you know on the F and you’re swearing your balls off but other than that no I you know maybe it might scare some guys away because you have to kind of you know re acclimate to a whole

Different grid system in a sense and traveling is a pain in the ass when it comes to New York it’s just it is what it is but I don’t I don’t think that it would shy anybody away for playing for the Knicks I think that the Knicks fan

You have to think the Knicks fan base sells out the garden win loss draw it doesn’t matter so you you come and you play for the culture and and one thing that the Knicks have is a fantastic culture whether we’re the fans at least not for the you can’t say that for the

Team for you know now we can say it but for the fans for the most part we’ll show up every single game and I think I was watching a little clip on it was um Jaylen Brunson and Josh Hart’s podcast that they do in their in their room or

Whatever and they were talking about going to all these away games and how they were just home games you know they go to Miami and it’s basically like being at a home game when we went to Brooklyn uh they were talking about how uh Mel Bridges hit a jumper and it was

Just like golf claps crickets it was golf legit golf like yeah one guy going like yeah good job and right that’s what that is golf clap I like that yeah just they were just golf CL I like that Frank and uh and then when we came down and we scored the

Whole place just absolutely erupted so I think that that’s the beauty of being a Knicks fan I don’t think the commute will shy people away I don’t think so at all I agree you think it does I I I think it plays um I think it plays just

A slight part only because I think I think anybody who the Knicks are bringing in nowadays with the character and the personality traits that they’re looking for I think it’s guys that really like to work and guys that really want to live in the practice Gym Blue

Collar Blue Collar guys so I do think that they want to be very accessible to that practice facility obviously they could go in there it’s 24 hours I believe open practice facility but I think it’s just their choice depending on okay do I want to sit there there’s

Just no way of avoiding like the hour commute because it’s either I live in the city and got to travel to Westchester or do I live in Westchester and travel to the city for the game travel to Manhattan right right so it’s it’s it’s like a give or take whatever

You want to do but me I feel like I would want to live closer to the practice facility and just take the hour Canute to the game because you’re not playing a game every [ __ ] day absolutely I would if you’re asking me where I would rather be closer to um I

Would rather be closer to the practice facility because you’re going to spend more time there than you are at Madison Square Garden correct all right guys um we’re probably going to wrap it up with in an hour or so we probably got like 13 minutes we want to get to some comments

Um so whoever’s got comments please and listen if you guys if you guys are on Twitter or if you guys are on Instagram please do us a favor and come on over to YouTube subscribe uh it’s the only way we’ll be able to see your comments and

Answer them um and it will do us a great service if you guys can come over here and uh just give us a a subscribe and a follow it would be greatly appreciated thumbs up the videos like share do all that also um you want some cool merch bignick that’s the place to go obviously The Big Ragu shirt is blowing us out the water right now thank you iHeart appreciate that um what did I just want to talk about I had something I had something in my mind I can’t think of it [ __ ] yeah you want to talk about Jake

Jacob toins dunk so I don’t know where that video is I guess Vinnie got rid of don’t bring it up okay we’re gonna bring up the Jacob top and dunk guys and for all in all in all seriousness I gotta say this I want to say this the allstar break has a

Serious serious issue and it needs to be it needs to be addressed I have I have ideas for for the allstar game what what actually is tell them what this is first I’m not revealing the dunk Ed so basically guys this video made its rounds on X yesterday that this was

Supposed to be Jacob doin Jacob toppins final round dunk thank you for everybody that’s joining right now What’s um Nick will be 25 what’s good um so this is the dunk that he was supposed to use in the final round he obviously didn’t get there but we’re going to watch it right

Now and then review it bro play that [ __ ] again no bro that’s a one that’s a three bro that’s a 360 a 3 with the hand yeah is that going the opposite way uh run from the beginning is he invert spinning yeah he’s going backwards spinning so he’s going backwards plus

Throwing the ball up and forward and catching it and banging it look his head’s way over the that’s that’s at the height of his his jump at the middle of the backboard are we yeah that’s impressive that’s a uh so go ahead an go ahead I I’m not a Dunk Contest like Guru

I’m have to say that’s Pro that nothing has even come close nobody has even come close to anything like I don’t know man um that Aaron Gordon and what’s his face from uh Chicago oh yeah Zack LaVine that I was watching clips of that D contest and

That guy wind mealing from the free throw line and and how his legs oh my yeah oh my god um so this so this uh Allstar Weekend needs a revamping the dun contest is terrible terrible mclung winning it two years in a row is you know God bless because he was a Frank

Are you cool with mclung being in it no I don’t want G Leaguers we got no no so you got to realize when when was it when was the dunk contest the dunk contest Jason Richardson Vince Carter when was the last good one before the Gordon LaVine won I can’t Vince

Carter and Josh Rich Josh Vince Carter and Josh Richardson with my opinion there was the Nate Robinson ones with the Dwight Howards and those were okay already dwindling down it was already dwindling down right there no it sucked the last the last go one before LaVine and the Gordon was Richardson against

Vince Carter in my opinion that was the last one so what they need to start doing LeBron James never doing a dunk contest is an absolute travesty to the sport um I don’t care if you win lose it does it shouldn’t matter to you you are

The biggest brand in the sport you are known for your emphatic in-game dunks and the ability to float through the air it was a no-brainer for LeBron to have to be in the dunk contest with that being said I understand why he didn’t they need to have stars

There needs to be Zion Williamson needs to be in the dunk contest and end sentence are they afraid to fa are they afraid to fail yeah it’s an ego thing it’s an e yeah man it has to be what it first all right so you got to look at

The landscape of humanity right in the 90s there was no social media opinions were not facts you were allowed to say and do as you please without worries of anybody judging you or ruining your career fast forward social media came now all of a sudden you can’t do

Anything you can’t say anything we have to watch the way we speak just because you have to watch the way you present yourself just because you can’t these guys are afraid they’re afraid they’re going to lose and they’re afraid that they’re going to lose some sort of clout wherever they

Are maybe you know maybe Zion can’t go to the same strip clubs anymore Frank Frank top five dunkers that have been in the NBA dunk contest or three whatever you could come up with who’s your Drexler you watch Drexler I I watch History I watch I’m a I’m a Hu so I

Learned I came in my basketball love started late I love so I was always so I was always a play I like to play these Sports the only reason I followed any type of names within the sports were for fantasy Sports reasons it started with baseball trickled into football and then

Obviously trickled into basketball I really really started following basketball uh all the time it was late man I was in my 20s believe it or not we were at yeah we were at the dry dock at a at a at a club and that was the year

With like Pablo and all these it was like that’s when I really really started to focus well no I mean My First Love for basketball funny enough was the Pistons was the Detroit Pistons the Ben Wallace rased Wallace was my favorite player growing up really ta

Yeah tan Prince Big Shot you know chony bips that whole team that was my team that’s what really yeah Rip Hamilton like that that was like my whole that was my team that got me into basketball uh so then when I really started following the Knicks it was around the

Time I met Terrence and Terren really taught me about the history of the sport and how you don’t know where it’s going unless you know where you came from so then started watching the history of basketball and I found you know all the greats which is the Clyde so it brings

Me back to the best top five dunkers in in history it’s gonna go Vince Carter is number one uh Clyde Drexler I like Sean Kemp because of how viciously he dunked a basketball I think dunking a basketball with verocity in the in the dunk contest is extremely

Important um you got to go MJ because MJ with the gold chain hanging out and like it’s just iconic iconic iconic um and then fifth I would probably have to go man that’s tough Jason Richardson I love yo Jason power power movement that’s my that’s my top five

And then and then it would be Aaron Gordon um over Zack LaVine because I think Aaron Gordon probably should have won that D the the dunk contest um LaVine won that right it wasn’t Gordon LaVine won it but it was yeah it should have been it should have been Gordon

Dominique Wilkins Vince c yeah Kemp Dominique Vince Frank Frank so give me if you were to take Five Guys in the league right now to do a dunk contest your choice right now give me your five in in the league right now healthy and and granted they’re all

Healthy yeah everybody healthy but they have to be current NBA players Zack LaVine you’re taking Zach I mean yeah because he’s still he still has hops even though the even though the knee still has it it’s gonna be him Zion Aaron Gordon because you need that you need that match up

Again I will put LeBron James now you can’t because he’s too old now yeah he too old he’s too old old I don’t know I don’t know who my my my fourth John Moran needs to be in there John Moran needs to be in there

100% John needs to be in there you know what I love about johnar and and it’s a shame that he’s a knucklehead the first year he came in this guy had so much Reckless abandoned going to the rim trying to catch bodies and he was so close every dunk and he

Didn’t stop and then the next year it just started happening it just it was amazing to watch him transition from that kid who was ambitiously just going after everyone’s neck and then yeah that’s a good one I would win that I’m the only one Edwards an Edwards an

Edwards would be the fifth that’s a good one five what’s your five an Edwards um who was the who was johnar Zion Zack LaVine and then uh Aaron Gordon and you’re Frozen it looks like you got bubbles over your head I don’t know why that happens every now

And then look at his little bubbles over his face it looks like you’re it looks like you’re about to think something yeah I don’t know why it happens hold on let me remove myself so I like this comment right here so a little bit about me Michael Jordan

Is not my goat Magic Johnson is my goat uh Magic Johnson was the first person that I saw passing highlights and I was like whoa you know this guy is different he’s got now you’re back welcome back yeah I’m back um who would I who would I who would I who would I

Put I just want to name my dunker list I would go even who who’s that kid who’s that kid that shaved his hair he had the long braids and uh he shaved his hair he was he was first on the Spurs and now I think he’s a net

He’s another guy Lonnie Walker oh he’s got bunnies that guy there there is one clip of this guy while he is flying through the air and I think he missed a dunk but the teammates of the guy that he was about to dunk on was they were

Like what where is this guy coming from yeah I got I would put uh J I want to go in order I want to go in order didn’t re tra get Jordan the the B my bad I’m just looking at these comments uh you know what no order I’m gonna go J Zion

And Obby toppen I want to put Giannis in there but I think he’s more of an I don’t think he’s a showman I I’ll be honest with you I don’t like like Aaron Gordon was even a stretch for me because I don’t I don’t like the tall dunkers it

Does nothing for me kaminga okay so we’ll go spider kaminga kaminga he’s he’s he’s got size but yeah don’t meter though I don’t like these tall dunk like like when Obie top like Obie top and won that dunk contest and it was cool or whatever but like guy you’re

69 you know like you’re 68 69 hey you know what uh Vin I don’t know if you’re down over the last couple of minutes here you want to bring up something has an open Panel quick could we try that out jayen yeah we’ll post

The link in the chat how do we do that well let don’t know I’ll take care of it let them know what you’re doing okay guys we’re gonna basically try to uh bring somebody up here on open Panel so if there’s anybody that wants to join

Please click that link that is in the comment section and we’ll bring you up and we’ll talk a little Hoops on whatever you want to talk about uh eugo I know there’s a lot of people in here that always are in here Jonathan Fleming let try let’s try to

Make it somebody that hasn’t been on too let’s be fair oh if anybody wants to come on please click that what do they got to do Vin just click that link so you basically you put that link in your browser it’ll bring you to streamyard you just allow access to your microphone

And camera and you’ll be in the waiting room and we’ll pull you up one at a time yeah if anybody wants to come we’ll give it a couple minutes I like Jaylen green a lot we got one V you got to bring him up yep all right we GNA

Bring we got our boy Eugenio coming there’s the guy that called Frank Aaron the Batman Aaron roders right or something like that it’s my guy that’s guy right Eugenio if you could just Vin does he need to put his phone in the vertical whatever however he wants to do whatever

He’s comfortable with eugo you’re on if you can hear us you could bring your camera on if you can brother please have technical difficulties yeah that’s fine he’s right here he’s there got to bring him on stage yeah what’s up brother hey man welcome to uh our stream you’re the first person that’s

Ever that’s ever been on our stream open Panel so glad to have you here well I’m very excited for that uh talk to me what do you want to talk about Nick’s uh you want to talk about last night’s game you want to talk about the Pelicans what do you want to

Talk give me some thoughts shoot me and [ __ ] yeah can you hear us you think he’s Frozen no he’s not he’s there you hear us yep it’s a little delayed so just bear with me that’s okay um yeah I mean I want to talk about yesterday can you hear me

Yes it seems like it’s delayed for we’ll try we’ll try we’ll give it another 30 we’ll give it another few seconds here and see if we can get you good now yeah you’re good you’ve been good hear you good we’re fine so yeah basically what I wanted to say

Was you know to add on yesterday was not a file um it definitely wasn’t a foul on Divan chenzo uh we finally got one I’m happy for that because we always it’s the Cole’s always against the Knicks you know the deal already you know um what do you think about tonight’s

Game um I honestly it all depends on if brunon plays Brunson doesn’t play then uh we’re probably gonna lose by 30 that’s just the way it rolls man uh if Brunson plays I think we’ll we’ll have a tough game like we had yesterday which we should we should win the game like I

Said it’s it all depends on Brunson yeah Frank I’m not I’m not down for like resting though I wanna we we’re on a little bit of a B I think we we lost three out of our last five listen let me tell you something as a as a guy that

Deals with sciatic pain and that sometimes gets spasms from just [ __ ] coughing bro you back spasms are not something you want to mess with especially on a guy that’s got to steer your team if this guy is experiencing any discomfort in his back his back yeah

No I feel you bro I know I know listen if if I’ll put it like this if CJ McCollin and Zion are both out tonight I will promise you Jaylen Brunson and iHeart will both be out as well and and then I think we win this game regardless wow I

Do well I mean we have a better team we’re deeper we’re deeper do 34 and 24 or something yeah but without CJ McColl the only guy that’s gonna be out there is gonna be bi yeah that’s the only guy and I think we’re a better shooting team if you

Don’t have mallum on that floor I think we’re a better shooting team than him just with just with bogie and with Divan chenzo alone yeah I think we’re a better shooting team than they are Eugenio any last thoughts before we wrap it up here we just brought you up for the last

Couple minutes we figured we give you a chance here so anything any lasting thoughts before we get up on out of here um I don’t know if you guys can see me man but I’m always Gonna Leave You guys with this with me get get Brunson

D’s already um get R to some high tops let’s avoid these U these big legs I’m always going to show you my Jordans so let’s do it my man thank you list Jaylen if you if you hear this um send Eugenio your address he’s gonna buy you a pair of

Jordans on the house and he’s gonna send them over to you appreciate all you guys man sorry for the technical difficulties no you’re good brother all right I guess uh that wraps us up here uh thanks thank you for everybody that is joining us or that joined us

Already um please like subscribe share however you could help us out we appreciate all the love that we get here that everybody’s been giving us um peace out guys


  1. That's so true! The ref had to let that call go, because of the gross call that was made against Jalen that gave them the loss against Houston! Evan didn't deserve the booing. He did play his role graciously.

  2. I think it was great hustle on that play and a good no call on that. As for Fournier I think that "Steak" comment. Got him

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