Can 3 everyday golfers beat a college golfer? (match play)

First off, thank you, Tyler! it was an absolute hoot to have you on the channel. Second to all of you, thank you for stopping by to watch this match against an incredible athlete. We sincerely appreciate the view and really hope that you’re crushing life.
There’s always room for improvement, whether it’s your relationship with God, becoming a better golfer, your mental health, fitness, being a better spouse, friend, mom, or dad, and so much more. These improvements won’t just happen, it takes effort and very hard work. it’s up to you to FOREJ your life, it’s never too late for the change you know is necessary.

Thanks for tuning back in Forge golf another video today special guest Tyler what’s up scratch golfer scratch golfer he just committed to where uh Central Wyoming Community College yes sir yep right on congrats on that thank you appreciate it so we’re going to do uh three versus one cuz nonathletes versus

Athlete it only makes sense he’s the one saying we’re not athletes but I don’t believe that I’m the athlete here yeah you see this build it’s a good build that’s a good build only only athlete who’s going to be confusing you for is a food eating athlete

Prof D yeah and I’d kill in those competitions subscribe comment to the channel Tyler thank you again thank you what’s your favorite cereal cereal um Reese’s Puffs Cinnamon Toast Crunch it’s a good one Championship cuz that’s what I’m going to win what do you mean not a cereal that’s not even a cereal wheedies that’s the cereal of Champions dude I’m a raisin brand guy I just barely started on that okay we’re going to get out of

The first hole or the 10th they making us go out the Back that’s it that’s it sinkage baby woohoo I can’t believe how clutch you are with a butter oh my what the hell is wrong with you like this has incredible zoom we’re in t flip see who goes first Tyler Tyler nice okay let’s go why are we waiting so long well it’s

A nice day everyone wants to go play golf also these two old people cut in front of us all the way down there like actually cut us off they’re like obey your elders you know what I say to that fine that’s perfect little cut off the right into the forest I didn’t see

That that cut left yeah yeah that’s where I thought it did Nice Shot balls dude somewhere over Tyler terrible Zoom baby he going to hit that dude I did not see where that went it’s over with those guys the people are 33 oh that’s it yeah I’m use my uh one

Iron you don’t have a one iron I do wow bomb Tech shees the I wish I had my stoies my fake stoies just hting over here pointing over there that’s about 313 what you using bro 3 wood you see how beautiful the bird sound hey you got yardage dog using that one

Iron woohoo it’s a beautiful day out you know it’s even more beautiful shot actually not bad that little H it’s not bad seven wood cuz we’re not going to actually give it the green I think that’s Pond CLE off left you that a pond I think it’s over yeah I

Think so which one we taking yours I don’t know what’s the look from right there um just straight trees yeah there’s just trees up there so if I were you I would probably go with Eli you’re not playing that off the car path are you no no no I’m taking relief

That’s what I’m doing right now I’m taking my that’s what you do is you get its closest point of relief plus the club length so wherever your closest point is put your Club there and then drop it and then put another T right there and then now you can drop anywhere

In that area so nice for yeah I thought dude I thought you were sending it for sure it’s like oh my gosh he’s really showing off not absolutely would they have you do that in Collegiate play uhhuh yeah yeah so that’s that’s just a rule if you’re even

If you’re out playing with like buddies and stuff that’s a rule you can you always can take what do you got got 246 so probably going to go with a hybrid don’t love that lie so I don’t know how well this is going to come out but holy beautiful she bro little left

Wow that was P work cut out for us today all right so Tyler has two strokes that was the second and we’re hitting our third Nice Shot thank you appreciate it wow 177 no that Hill I’ll do it’s all right there I like match play a little bit more but if you guys want to play stroke I I don’t care oh keep dra keep drawing Okay Tyler whenever you’re ready nice shot by the way thank you that was this is his third stroke right here uhhuh nice

Wow yeah well question come on go check not enough I mean bless you sorry uh it’s not bad though in real reality in reality that’s good Nice is that par as well look with the glove oh my gosh with the glove is that par cringe I don’t freaking care Tyler is match play Tyler is now one up I thought you guys have five right yeah you didn’t you hit it in four

No I had five oh did you yeah okay so I’m at one two there three on four tap and five yeah okay all square all square let’s go holy [ __ ] it’s drawn right in there nice sh holy crap sorry you’re not in the pond I think you cut that tree Car path he about but maybe it bounced up close you see it roll it it bounc straight up yeah so you’re going to be up on that Hill I choked it nonathletes right here wow go in go in wow I was gonna say Eli I don’t know if you’re going to do any better than that go in the other hole no no I think I’m actually make you guys putt that you going to make us putt

That I think so I’ve missed that I’ve missed that same putt before okay she going iron off of it you’re not going to putt it no I’m go for the chip I think see ah little too far to the right nice bar this isew knees weak arms are sweaty pals are sweaty my

Bad Bren doesn’t miss these is the Ping M he missed is these you say anything that little pine needle yeah that’s good all right El you your glove on that’s cuz I have GL okay so it breaks to the right Okay don’t worry that was professional my my cuz you had the you want to use the ultra no I’ll use it’s cuz you had the glove on El litics glove I’m a skilled Master this is why I’m making him putt it I’ve missed the same putt before it’s not the

Easiest he cash money it’s not you should have given that to us pressure got to you two yeah Weston played it the right way and just rammed it just got to give a though I’m not going to lie I’m sorry I’d like to say sorry to my family sorry to Maggie sorry

To sorry to the guy in the Walmart that I talked to in the motorized wheelchair Joel I’m sorry there’s the pin how many yards away are we about 370 370 yd away somewhere down in there somewhere in the forest yeah over the river and through the woods up a little bit down there

But not that I can hit what I’m aiming at but what am I trying to aim at uh the green other little team or uh so like that yellow sign down there yeah or even like yeah or even just like even a little left of it see the next uh T

Marker thing like right of that am right there I’m doing this weird pole draw thing today though let’s go kind of blocked probably over there another Fairway yeah it’s G it’s okay deep pause deep there we go good ball you’re aiming right at that branch spit

Up what is it 92 92 yes sir okay so in some from being back it’s probably more like 88 87 just the So bunker is that a bunker [Applause] there that’s not that’s not bad I guess we’ll see yeah good shot I don’t know Tyler has a weird shot you going try doing a little Punch or what no I’m going to go over you’re going over okay put it on the front foot

Freaking David and Goliath right here I mean this this tree is 100 ft 100 yards he did it well oh my gosh what the you’re insane well our Ball’s right there behind Tyler as well my shot is Eli’s landed right here so we’re going to we’re going to take his even

Though we could putt that it’s just really downhill till the day I die Ultra that’s what it’s all about so bump and run baby you shouldn’t have hit that J wrong see the fall fall you see it yeah I know I was I was mid swing though we got come

On I want you to make it but I don’t want you to make it I hope I got to go close gim huh no challenge no okay are we out or you out I think it’s me read this just it is too slow went out of winter out the mode [Applause]

Nice tell you about that crazy accident that happened on this hole like right there when I was literally on The Fairway really some like massive truck rear ended another like moving truck What does that make you um I think we’re still all square we’re all square Nice All right wow should be okay right rough please don’t have a guy run his head I think that’s the first time we’re ever going to play my drive maybe good shot I can’t believe I just did that stame you see that Hill down there kind of on like the left side by the

Rock that’s 250 and you want to be in line with that Hill because then it kind of goes down and then you have that big bunker right there you don’t want to be in that bunker so I’m down to the Rock lay up about 250 that biscuit we’re going one iron

Baby you going one iron okay one irons are hard that on the hill on the hill what are we hit in Weston more iron to the Rock to The [Applause] Rock oh berer I should be okay yeah you be I’m going to hit a little a [Applause] iron

Much but really only like half back swing we knocked that whole Branch off you see how thick that is yeah we’re just going to have to try to adust me Incarnation remember that rock where let say we got kind of fortunate you having that lie right there I know I

Was really hoping I would have missed that tree and just been down there cuz had I had it been down there I would have had a perfect look try to take this line iron there down on it and then just kind of the wind right back up that oh wow wow beautiful

Beus this a good shot hey Tyler can you give us a distance whole trick Tiger Wood’s actually taught me this exact shot you’re going to watch him learn boys got 131 131 roll over that roll off yeah you’re probably on the cart path or by the cart path behind it would you help W 54 I only that I thought the cart path was like right there the green kind of slopes down a little bit you got another about

15 ft past that hill so you might still be on the green or you’ll be on the fridge that’ be my guess sure [Applause] right in front of the yeah just short right There oh my go wow excellent p All right we work with this one is kind of a weird it’s kind of a weird putt when you’re down in that bowl cuz you don’t think it’s going to break that much to the right but it really does it just everything goes that way I I push mine Absolutely oh nice pot freaking St I’m not even kidding it’s a lot of pressure it’s a lot of break too on that puppy We got one up that wasn’t a gimme put that back down C it freaking one up Brent nice wow my gosh dude hey you gave me the read I just still you gave me the read yeah I gave you the read you’re welc you’re Wel what ho is this this is 14 it’s 14 we’re one up against an athlete three non-athletes make an athlete two athletes make a CH oh oh oh I was Far Forge hey we have a look up there dude you know when we say Forge we to see how Forge

Forge do you get people saying that oh come on this stra somewhere in there I didn’t see a land how’s that Nature Valley good that’s what athletes eat I think we have a look from there what is the yardage 120 120 that’s my freaking baby that is my off

Number I don’t want to get it’s weird cuz we have to clear that tree yeah no Beast you’re not going to see it just it didn’t have enough power oh my gosh shot meal plan like in the middle of the day for an athlete like yourself yeah

What does an athlete eat during the day well breakfast I eat four eggs bowl of oatmeal a protein yogurt a banana and a glass of milk every morning for breakfast are you trying to get bigger I am yeah I put on about 15 lbs in the

Last 6 months have you really dude good job you’ve been going to the gym with Eli then yeah right this hasn’t been going hey I went to V had to get yeah you just been playing ball basketball dude ball burns more calories on muscle grown muscle the hole is that in a little

Short yeah nice shot how about for lunch what do you eat lunch I don’t know just I like chicken and rice um yeah yeah what is it chicken and rice what kind of chicken fried yeah I like sailed bre no I’ll just go yeah just get a breast cut it up in chunk

Sauté it fill a little uh parmesan garlic Buffalo Wild wing sauce on there mix with my rice yes sir yeah baby how we doing good well we just got screamed at by the pro here the pro pro Course pro we got to pick it up go ahead you’re up

I’m up yeah use my balls the markering glove on doesn’t doesn’t matter looks pretty good keep goinging keep goinging nice pot okay that’s it pick it up why are you taking a three-wood rri will just go a little too far oh yeah must be nice being a collegate

Athlete four eggs and protein shakes all day he’s so Swo oh my hell get over the tree nice shot beamus as what would say look there’s a bee on the mountain for baller it’s not bad you’re right under the tree barely in the you see it clear up there we have like 95 yards probably playing like 85 yards little

Downhill wow what a shot get over it all reliable pitching wedge all reliable yeah down there Tyler of course right in the Fairway all still Sor wow he is really awesome you want me to pull the pin yeah it’s not that hole that hole that’s what she said scared it nice

Putt this good good no proba a lot of break I think now those were the ones that were sing oo Eli dang that’s Good I technically stole your guys’ honors on 14 when I cheed off first so over there dude that rough is the freaking killer that rough is the killer especially in the late summer when it’s all grown up and you’re like digging through weeds yep watch him hit

This one dead straight I know I hope he doesn’t darn digly that scared me so bad oh we’re a full hole behind but o you see on the practice screen okay got a little four iron playing smart we should have played smart yeah if I was feeling really good

I take a threeway ride over that tree um yeah just some four iron knock it out in the Fairway it’s a little thin but looks good should be all right you te it up yeah perfect look at that 197 197 hey car car dude that was like stand s stingy

You just wasted your good shot no no close car path I didn’t feel comfortable so Brent me we taking Brent’s Li yeah probably SL right yeah there’s water back there though that’s end that’s not good find that look good it’s good looking swing situation update we’re letting this dude super

Cool dude play through anyways Club Pro he’s mad thought we’re going slow we’re going to let this guy go talk to him though and there’s like nobody behind him so really there’s just a couple other slow groups and then where are the bad guys oh well but yeah shout out to that guy

Thanks for being patient with us see if he sinks this 60 yards out second shot this is not the hole this is a tough hole I don’t know what the handicap is on this but this one’s tough ah it’s okay chunky with how much obesity you’ve had today heart disease heart

Disease oh my gosh be good sit where is it right over there somewhere nice got super lucky yeah that was especially Landing in that dead stuff and that stuff’s pretty hard too it’s not super soft the rest of the course so go ahead chip her in let’s

Go dang it it’s all right on do it for the squad do it for the forge fans watching want to seeing this part dang it well it’s quick all right Brent to redeem it redeem us hunting is so freaking challenging especially right now where greens are

Like super slow but like you get that occasional one just that’s it that’s it Sage baby woohoo I can’t believe how clutch you are with a nice raw turn there we go one up what are you looking for do you have my putter like dude what the hell the ultra Wilson Ultra br’s going to be hitting one iron pretty good short that bunker should be okay hopefully in play never hit this club before yeah one I3 picked it up at the thrift store Thrift Shop cuz Brent’s on a budget following on the budget oo class dude it does not sound good sound like

It hurt it felt F oh went right over that tree oh my gosh it’s in the fair way it bounc back in oh my gosh oh it is what Nice Shot W gosh perfect Drive I thought it was going to be in the Stream far right get get right get

Right tree oh look at it come back to the left too there we go have a look so what does an athlete what is your gym schedule routine gym routine well we go Monday through Saturday six days six days Monday is my push day so focusing on chest and

Triceps Tuesday is my pull day so focusing on back and biceps and then Wednesday is my leg day let’s say you’re doing a push day yeah what does it look like start out with some Bene press and then I’m going to be honest I don’t know

The names of all the machines so we do some chest press or bench press sorry um and then we do we do like the tricep extension where you like lift the weight up and stuff over your head um sorry got it and then well and then I guess

Another thing to we usually Mondays I’ll go for a run after my workout Tuesdays I’ll do an ab workout after my other workout and then Wednesdays a run Thursdays an ab work we kind of just like flip flop flip flop so there’s the uh the traits of an athlete right there

Sir working out as an athlete now do you eat your mother’s home cooking oh of course dude good good that’s the thing I’m going to miss the most when I go off to college and have to start cooking for myself we don’t need know sap story film this go in

Okay I’m not even messing around I’m not even messing around whatever you say it’s about time I actually try you know oh no it’s drawing it’s pretty good though all right though nice oh wow freaking straight yeah oh my god get there nice shot that sucks

Sorry that honestly was my line wish I had that one back this is for the glory right for the chips I’m right at his chip dude a no gim me Ain no G me imagine though um I wouldn’t yeah I need it yeah you’re down

One dude with want to go Chris is in me feels power oh my Gosh dang all right well I didn’t want to but uhoh what Brent you can make the 20 Footers but you can’t make the two Footers it’s actually the twooter twooter get my head all right didn’t take a practice nice that was just awesome see on the Next okay on the edge yeah good oh my gosh I’m so bad at F somewhere back there oh no this is Fairway tell you won the last freaking t- shot run baby now done nice ohud that think’s fast this honestly pretty big putt yeah W

Baby wow I had the line I just didn’t hit it that’s in I just did not move [ __ ] huge oh yeah for the tie nice nice roll thank you all right well rest started so good job dude good match Mr Clawson good match Mr Weston something something yeah okay Brent

Close us out here say BR uh yeah good round ended up all square staying closer made some good shots good buts Brent hit some really freaking good buts today he he is clut he can putt he’s he can putt that’s for sure takes three nonathletes to tie an athlete it

Does yeah think we need some work freaking stud subscribe do it for Brent because he’s freaking Allstar butter oh yeah it’s actually insane you like h


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