GOLF SWING RELEASE – Stop Slicing The Driver

If you want to stop slicing the driver, then you need to learn how to release the golf club. The golf swing release is a vital aspect of the driver golf swing. Releasing the golf club helps players like Ricky Fowler, Jon Rahm, Rory McIlroy and Viktor Hovland hit the driver straight and increases clubhead speed immensely!

Aussie Golf Pros explains why you can’t release the golf club and provides 3 simple golf release drills. These drills will help you gain the feeling of releasing the golf club, so that you too can square up the clubface, hit the golf ball further and stop slicing the driver.

Glen Haynes also demonstrates that an effective release is not just a flip with the hands but a full release of the body, left and right hand release golf swing.


For your convenience, we have composed a FREE PDF Training Guide, which you can download to your smartphone, tablet or pc for printing. The guide includes lesson notes, images from this lesson and details of all the drills included. For instant access, so you can take the Guide to the practice tee, click here:

Free Download – Training Guide

00:00 – Slicing the Driver
00:37 – What is the Golf Swing Release
01:40 – Why Can’t Amateur Release the Driver?
02:27 – Rotate the Clubface
04:41 – Tension in the Golf Swing
05:26 – How to Release the Golf Club?
07:39 – Golf Release Drills
08:13 – Throw the Club Like a Frisbee
08:55 – Upside Down Drill
09:49 – Split Hand Grip Drill

In this video, Glen uses and recommends:

Red Belly Active Polo ~
Srixon ZX-7 Mk II Driver ~

#release #golfswing #golfdriver


▶️ Easy Golf Swing For Seniors ~
▶️ The Lead [LEFT] Arm in the Golf Swing ~
▶️ Fix Tension in the Golf Swing ~
▶️ Stop Chunking Pitches ~
▶️ How To Strike The Ball First (Easy Drill) ~


Steve Gannon and Glen Haynes created Aussie Golf Pros to provide a learning platform for golfers of all levels. They post content regularly on social media accounts. Their website,, includes blogposts, golf coaching series and links to great programs. New content, videos and downloads are added regularly.

Golf Coaches, Not Teachers

The Aussie Golf Pros are holistic coaches in every sense of the word. Steve and Glen are both fully qualified members of the PGA of Australia and are avid students of the Sports Sciences. Together, they are certified in Advanced Golf Coaching, Golf Psychology, TPI (Body-Swing Connection), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Personal Development and Skill Acquisition.

Steve and Glen are not ‘Method’ coaches. They recognise that there are literally 1000’s of ways to swing a golf club! Rather than try to ‘change’ your swing, their goal is to help You Be The Best Golfer You Can Be!

Skill Development vs Technical Changes

Although technique is an important factor in improving a golfer’s performance, Skill Development is largely neglected in golf coaching today. Skill is something that can be tangibly improved with proper understanding of the golf impact laws and effective practice towards improved performance.

External Focus of Attention

Most golf teaching involves an internal focus. Common suggestions might include increased hip turn, a still head or improved hand path. These are all factors of the golf swing, which many golfers and teachers consider important. However, as they are focused internally, on movements of the body, golfers find changes extremely difficult to process.

Oh ho, there’s a slice! if you can’t release the  golf club then you can’t square up the club face   and the slice is often the result. so, today’s  golf lesson is about the golf swing release to   stop slicing the driver. as always, we have our  free training guide in the description. download  

All the notes and images from today’s golf lesson,  straight to your phone or PC. I’m Glen Haynes,   welcome to Aussie Golf Pros, where we  help you make the most of your game. the golf swing release is a very different  feeling through impact to what a lot of club  

Golfers are used to and for that reason we’re  going to share with you 3 really effective golf   release drills to help you gain that feeling  of actually releasing the golf club but first   what is the golf swing release? why is it  that 99% of tour Pros release the golf club  

But a lot of amateur golfers really struggle  to achieve that through impact? in essence,   the golf swing release is a snap of the  wrists through the impact area that help   the elite players to square the club face but  also to generate an enormous amount of clubhead  

Speed. have a look at how far that club head  is traveling, just by snapping those wrists.   going from a hinged or lagged position coming  into impact and then snapping those wrists we   can see the clubhead is traveling a good  3 or 4 yards through the impact area with  

Very little effort. that helps us to generate  a massive amount of clubhead speed but it also   helps us to square the clubface. I’ll get into  that in a minute. let’s talk about why it’s so   difficult for the amateur golfer to achieve this.  there are many different reasons. we’re going to  

List the top 3 reasons why you can’t release  the golf club, if you’re slicing your driver. number 1 – if we’re holding the club too much  in the palm of the hand then that’s going to   make it very difficult for you to release the golf  club. it’s very similar to skimming stones across  

A pond or throwing a ball. we want to place  that stone in the fingers. to get the club   in the fingers as well, that helps us to get  that mobility to be able to release the golf  

Club. that’s much easier to release the golf  club if it’s in the fingers than in the palms. number 2 is concept. as I said the tour pro  squares the club face by releasing the club. so,   the concept that some golfers have is that the  club face should remain square through impact  

But watch what happens if I try to keep that  clubface square. now have a look at my wrists   and hands here – they haven’t released. we want  the club to rotate and release like this, with   the bottom hand crossing over the top of the left  and rotating through. we want that clubface to  

Release and rotate through impact and that helps  us to square up the club face. I guarantee you,   what’s happening if you’re coming through here  like this, trying to keep the clubface square   to the target through the impact area, you’re  actually just leaving the clubface open. forget  

All this rubbish that you’ve heard about square  to square and trying to keep that clubface square   through impact. it doesn’t happen. it doesn’t  matter who you are, the clubface needs to rotate,   because we’re pivoting around our body.  the clubface, as it comes into impact,  

Is going to be pointing somewhere way in front  of the golfer. it doesn’t matter who you are,   there’s a certain amount of rotation required.  yes, it’s going to be more for some and less for   others but everybody needs to rotate the clubface  as it comes through into the impact area. that’s  

When it’s square, for just that split second and  then it’s rotating through here, it doesn’t matter   if it’s Ricky Fowler, John Rahm, Rory McIlroy or  Viktor Hovland. they’re all releasing that golf   club and rotating that clubface. you really do  need that clubface to rotate aggressively through  

Impact in order to not just generate clubhead  speed but also to square up the clubface. it   sounds a really difficult thing to achieve to  square up that club face at exactly the right   time and you think well how am I going to do that  consistently but the fact is that the golf swing  

Is basically a pendulum action with an extra lever  it’s still a pendulum action rotating around it’s   just that we have this lever here that helps us  to generate much more cobet speed the lever being   the wrist action that release but we get the golf  ball in the right spot opposite our body opposite  

Our heart for a right-handed golfer and you’d  be amazed at how good you can get at squaring up   that club face if you can release the golf club  number three the other real main reason that is   inhibiting your release is tension tension through  your jaw and your neck and your shoulders and your  

Arms and hands and this all this effort that a  lot of golfers are putting through the shot here   is inhibiting that release remember that stone  that you’re skimming across across the pond you   wouldn’t hold that tightly you’re going to have  that softly in your hands so that you can release  

The stone and we’re going to release the golf  club in a very similar manner we just don’t let   go we’ve got this nice tacky rubber grip on the  end so we don’t let go but the feeling is so so

Similar and the golf ball goes straight because  the club face was Square for that Split Second   of impact that’s all you need so let’s talk about  how that’s actually happening what is it that’s   helping us to rotate those arms and forearms and  the club face through impact how do we do it well  

It’s not just a hands and wrist release it’s not  just a body release everything is helping us to   rotate that club through to the Target area so we  want the body to turn through if we don’t turn the  

Body we get into this position here we’re trying  to release the golf club but we’re collapsing we   get this chicken wing look here through impact  that’s not very powerful and this lead wrist   is collapsing extending way too much that can  cause injury we want the body to rotate so that  

We can extend those arms through that impact  area and that helps us to generate that club   head speed but it’s safer as well you want to  be able to turn get your belly button through   the Target and allow everything to turn through  but it’s not just a spin through like this it’s  

Also releasing the golf club with the hands and  the wrists and it’s not just about the bottom   hand it’s not just about the Top Hand the bottom  hand is going to come through here and a lot of  

Coaches used use the term you’re going to shake  hands with the target but the top hand is also   working and that’s going to feel very much like  it’s rotating downwards so you get the badge of   your glove here and that’s coming through and  the badge is pointing down to the ground as  

You come through we don’t want to be collapsing  and overextending this lead wrist there’s some   extension going on with the lead wrist extension  meaning cupping the wrist there’s some but you   don’t want to be just flicking it it’s not a  scoop it’s a rotating motion as the badge of  

Your Club turns through here so golfs are very  much a two-sided game we’re going to release   everything through the target we really want  to have a little bit of Reckless abandon here   stop trying to steer the shot stop trying to  control your swing so much that’s why it’s so  

Important for you to throw those Waggles in and  release that tension so that you can really swing through and release everything through to the  Target not just just the body it’s not just the   bottom hand flicking it it’s not just the Top Hand  rotating it’s everything releasing right through  

To a nice full and committed finish of course  it’s easier to achieve the golf swing release   if you’re Mobile in the wrists and forearms but  even if you’ve got a little bit of arthritis or   seor golfer and you’ve lost some mobility in  your wrists it’s still possible to release the  

Golf club because we’re very much talking about  rotation here rather than flexing and extending   you can get a golf club and rotate this way and  we can do either hand then you can release the   golf club this is the majority of the motion that  we’re looking for through impact okay so our three  

Drills to help you get the feeling of releasing  the golf club remember I said I want that Badge   of your top hand rotating downwards so this drill  is really going to help that feeling get a disc  

A frisbee or anything like that it could be  a empty box of balls anything dis shape and   get that feeling of releasing that frisbee and  getting that back edge of the glove pointing   downwards okay it’s trying to spin that that way  getting that frisbee motion is really going to  

Help you to get that feeling of extending not  collapsing and being in here but extending and   rotating that lead arm so it’s a left hand for  right-handed golfer extending and releasing and   rotating downwards that frisbee feeling is is a  great drill for you number two get a golf club  

I’ve just got an A D here doesn’t really matter  what hold the wrong end of the golf club hold the   the hosle in the shaft there not the club head  just the hosle in the shaft this really forces  

You to get the clubing the fingers so it’s so  skinny and listen for the whoo if you’re whooing   then that’s releasing the golf club so you’re  learning how to snap those wrists just a sort   of a half to 3/4 swing and get that feeling  of releasing and then go faster and faster  

And this really helps you to get the clubing the  fingers to soften the hands and to get a feeling   because it’s so light you’re really going to  feel like you have to release it to generate   any speed so you’re obviously the goal here is  to generate some who make sure you’re above the  

Grass I don’t want you damaging your golf club  right number three is is a little bit trickier   so we’re going to hold the club up the normal way  against an Adine we’re going to split the grip so  

A nice big gap between the hands remember this  just just a drill and you can do these at home   you can hit a golf ball with this one if you want  to but it’s it’s quite challenging and again just  

A little half swing and try to get that feeling of  the right arm for the right-handed golfer crossing   over the left and maybe even touch your forearms  together into this position so you really feel the  

Club lever through impact now we wouldn’t do this  to hit some golf shots on the golf course because   it’s not really going to have a lot of control  because of this split here yes we can leave her  

Release the golf club but it’s going to be very  difficult to control the club face let’s try and   hit one it’s very challenging very easy to top a  shot here cuz the bottom hand is so far down the  

Grip there we go so that really hooked so you  can see I’ve lost control of the club face by   releasing it but that’s a good thing if you’re  hitting slices with your driver I want you to  

Exaggerate the release and hit a few hooks out  on the driving range make sure that that club   face is rotating as you release the golf club  through impact and you know work out which of   those drills really helps you to achieve the  feeling of the release through impact and then  

Take that feeling onto the driving range and  then eventually onto the golf course and we’ll   get you stop slicing that driver I mentioned  earlier it’s so important to get the grip in   the fingers so if you need some help with your  grip there a really detailed guide on how to  

Hold the golf club just here and of course we’ve  got our free download it’s in the description or   it’s the link there in the corner download that  straight to your phone take it to the range with  

You thanks so much for watching we look forward to  company next week are you the best golfer you can be


  1. Excellent job Glen in explaining and demonstrating how to get the proper release in the golf swing. I like all three of your recommended drills and see that all could be quite useful in practicing a proper release. Since I started paying more attention to my release, I am getting more distance and consistency in my golf shots. Well Done Glen!

  2. Hi Glen

    How much is the release done by pulling and turning in the swing letting the club spring off rather then just throwing the club? How quick are you feeling the release?

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