Golf Players

Garrard’s Gold Teams Draw

Watch the Live Teams Draw and see what team you get and who will be in your team.

I can’t see you just so you know you have to find it you got SC can I use this look at there cuz it’s the way it’s is a little different can I use this yes just swap that out I can’t get it over here too yeah stop

Moving for a sec that’s a problem do you want me to just hand WR it yeah there you go yeah but as soon as you touch that is it going to so you can’t see the comment’s lips hopefully you all can hear and see me can you you right no look We’ll get started in a sec we still got a few more minutes to get people to jump on we’re just sort of trying to set things up it’s all a little bit new for us you can’t read live cont made for kids oh has it yeah that’s

Aain yep maybe when she pulls the name out passes it to me or the team name the name you put the envelope cuz I can’t as you touch it I don’t see the mouse so how it works see when it’s on my screen I got to go right and it goes

To your screen that’s all these when you’re on that if you see it on my screen look at that screen and then drag right to go to your screen yeah that’s all it is couple more minutes guys and we’ll get started it’s a lot darker than not on

Here because you’re losing the light from there that’s because of the shadow of this there we go which slightly problematic but we’ll get there let me drive again it could be dark just while I kick things off got it how are you seeing comments you can’t

Dad turned it off yeah I put it child friendly I didn’t realize it friendly I didn’t realize it’ll stuff up I didn’t realize it it’ll stuff up the whole comments thing you’re famous Li to our 8,000 people is it 2,000 people there’s eight people can you guys uh click on the thumbs up

Just to let me know that the audio is okay so when I’m while I’m talking you can actually hear what I’m saying so the eight people in there there’s only two thumbs up give us a few more just so I can see if the audio is

Working I’m assuming it is or if it isn’t just text me on my mobile so I know it’s not working turn how I know what you’re saying yeah that’s true turn you’ve just lost a like true you can go we’re good to go you want to just kick it off you

Lost so as you can see we’re experienced YouTubers and influences in the world of uh YouTube like And subscribe down below righty well you know what let’s let’s kick it off at the end of the day this has all been recorded So the whole purpose behind what we’re doing is to be

Record the live draw show shows transparency so there’s no favoritism so welcome to the gad’s gold live teams draw thank you for joining the live stream the the seven people that are currently uh watching at the moment thank you to Beck and Libby for helping me out with today’s draw um Beck’s name

Within the Tipping comp is Midwife freckles and Libby’s name in The Tipping comp is Libby garage very creative name Libby um I thought the com comments I was live would be able to have a bit of a Q&A if anyone had any questions but unfortunately the way I’ve set it up

Doesn’t allow that so if there’s anything that you any questions you want to ask send them through maybe via text or in another way that you think probably text message I’ve got my mobile phone here so I’ll have liby read them out if you have any questions so this is

The first time we’ve done a live uh draw for on YouTube so hopefully we don’t have any technical issues and hopefully you can hear us loud and clear uh the agenda for tonight is a bit of a recap from last year we’ll run through the final numbers for this year’s comp

Uh we’ll also touch Bas on the last man standing comp and then obviously we’ll run through the team’s comp and how it works we’ve actually got um a fair few newbies so uh I will run through a little bit of the rules on on how the team comps works so they’re familiar

With what’s going on so last year’s recap so big congratulations to last year’s winner uh Darren Wright 72 is his name in the tiic comp he’s our 2023 Champion finished in on a 159 points we had um par Madison as our r as our runner up and while the dogs are going

Crazy uh he finished with 158 points he was also our daily M winner on 19 points which is part of our team’s comp and I actually haven’t sent it to him yet I don’t know if you guys can see that there but that is the medal that I’ll be

Posting out to Daniel for winning the daily M medal uh Michael Gray Bronx 78 he finished third on 157 points it was actually really close last year in the uh in the gas go footy tipping comp very similar to the the Grand Final and it actually came down to the Grand Final

And who was going to win our tipping comp and um unfortunately Michael just missed out and hopefully this year you can improve a couple better Michael U final numbers for this year’s comp for the 2024 Gage gold tipping comp is 93 people have registered this year we have

15 newbies 11 people are retiring and hanging up the boots and that makes the uh grand total for this year’s comp $2,325 so the breakdown for first second and third will be $11,000 for first uh $550 for second $200 for third um we’ll also have $25 money back for the

Individual people that are involved in the winning team that equates to $275 there’ll be 11 people in each of the eight teams so $275 has been allocated to the winning team for the teams comp and then there’s $150 to cover the trophy the metal the engraving um and $50 to cover website

And domain it actually cost me a lot more than some of the admin fees I’ve just um put aside to help share some of that cost but uh it’s something that I love doing and I love uh running this comp so it’s not about uh the money for

Me but you’re not as I just said it’s not about the money it’s about um well it is might be for some people but it’s not for me it’s about getting my name etched in on the Josephine Gad Memorial trophy that’s sitting in Pride and place over at Darren Wright’s place on the

Central Coast somewhere if not in his house it’ll be on his yacht that’s um floating out in the middle of the harbor somewhere um I’m sure he’s enjoying and uh loves the uh trophy sitting on his manal piece so that’s what I’m playing for I’m I’m wanting my name on that

Trophy this comp’s been running for a very long time you know close to 20 years now and I’m still yet to win this comp and the day that I do is a day that this comp probably stops but um moving on to the last man standing it’s a new

Addition it’s a new thing that I’ve sort of started this year I don’t know why I keep including new things to the comp because it just creates more work but we’ve had uh 35 people um register for our last man standing comp uh that will make the kitty for the overall winner

For the last man standing $875 it’s nearly as Financial to win the last man standing as what it is to win the actual tipping comp so if you put your name down if you’re one of those 35 people that’s what you’re playing for I want to touch on something that has come

To my attention um Daniel Brown actually brought it to my attention a day or so ago and the deadline for last for the last man’s standing is the Sunday which I think is 1:30 he kickoff for the first game I know it’s a split round with um

The Vegas but the deadline for every single round for Last Man Standing is the first game of the round so unfortunately the team lists aren’t revealed yet for the other games outside of the Vegas games but um it is what it is so pick your team get it in before

The kickoff for the first round and hopefully you can um collect that $875 as being the overall winner how you get your tips to me I mean I’ve communicated multiple times this there’s so much communication out there so you should know what’s going on but how you do that

Is by texting me on my mobile phone number your selection before kickoff of the first round so we’ll jump into a little bit about the teams comp mainly again for some of those new people or just as a bit of a refresher on what goes on the

Whole purpose behind why I created this teams comp um additional to just typical 40 tipping comp is what I found is that people sort of dropped off Midway through the year um when they weren’t going so well if they weren’t tipping or they weren’t um towards the top end of

The ladder they stopped putting their tips in so to try to encourage participation and try to encourage people to put their tips in every week I come up with this concept because if you’re part of that winning team there’s a good chance that you will get your $25

Money back so you might actually come last in the 40 TI comp but you might be in the winning team and uh you know it’s all worthwhile and it also will encourage people to put their tips in towards that later part of the year so even though you’re coming last if you

Don’t put your tips in you might your team might not win you also might get dropped out of that team and and the reserve might come up into the team and just on reserves as well we’ve got 93 people um the way the teams comp works

Is that it’s in multiples of eight so we’ll have eight teams with 11 people in each team making that 88 people participating in the teams comp with five reserves if you want to know how the reserve systems work and why you’re a reserve and why someone isn’t a

Reserve and how you get put into the team it’s all on our website read it read up on the rules or give me a call I’m happy to try to explain it or to you but what we’re here for is the teams draw so I will get started so with my

Trusty assistant Elizabeth garard she will draw out actually no before we we do the first draw what I didn’t touch on and I actually didn’t write a note and I knew I should have because I would have forgotten but um we’re going to draw the first team out and one of the changes

That I made in the team’s comp this year is that I REM removed one of the Immortals so if you’re not aware all the uh names of the teams are named after the um NRL Immortals and I removed one of the Immortals and named a team called Glen Davis

So um late last year we had the passing right so so I’ve named one of the teams team um Davis after Beck’s dad so I’m good um so what I’ve what I’ve done is I’ve pulled out um Beck’s name first so I pulled out Beck’s name and she’ll go straight in to team

Davis sorry about that all right so how it works um the first team we’re going to be calling out names for sorry about that it was it’s just a little bit emotional um is is team Davis so if your name gets called out I think 11 names

For each team you’re you’re you’re going in team Davis so Rebecca is the first person straight into team Davis who we got uh buan um PC PFC 991 buan I mate from work um I love the banter that we have in the corridors at work and I’m glad to see

You back in the comp mate and uh hope you do well you might have noticed if people that have been in the in the um live stream previously I usually have a write up on every single person I haven’t had time to do it this year but I’m going to try to wing

It uh Karina jois rabbit first so mom’s in uh Glenn Davis in team Davis so that’s the third person in team Davis I think Mom came fourth in the daily M medal last year um she led it throughout a lot of the um season but just didn’t

Didn’t finish it off I think she also finished in around the 20 or 30 Mark so a great team member to have in your team Chad Chad Harris the Chad o1 Craig Hannah said love the big one boss yes the uh big wine glass uh Greg is Beck’s

Actual wine glass that she uses for power m games that’s just to get her through the 80 minutes of football so we top that up for her and uh usually it’s polished off by the end of the 80 minutes you keeping count of how many

There are no no I’m not so we’re still on team Davis and guess who gets to go in team Davis Elizabeth Gard liby Gard in there with poppy and Mom well done Snickers s yes Snickers girl gal gal um one of the newbies in our um in our comp

So one of the 15 I think it is newbies so welcome Snickers girl many that’s six six five to go dra train dra train Dwayne gory I’ve been told he’s the nicest bik in t Gabby um just an Aussie batler I’ve been as it’s been said and another great team

Member actually Dwayne I think finished a couple of years ago right up there in the um daily a medal and last year he wasn’t too far off either he scores really well and the Finish is um quite high in the Tipping comp so another really good member to have your

Team we got Paul Bowie Lori Nichols um back for I think a third year in the Tipping comp is that a cricket reference yeah Lori Nichols definitely a cricket reference Jamie Howard SS TI D speaking of cricket a family Cricket lovers uh me and his partner so in team

Davis no South supporters yeah I’d say both South supporters I’m actually not sure if Jamie is a South supporter or not but Dad was an a manly Seagle supporter so let us know if any of you are Seagle supporters yeah the people have been called out so far if you’re

Seal supporter uh let us know because it’s something Glenn would love and we got two more and we got Liam Henry GG Liam straight into Glen Davis make sure that logo is right there for our purposes yet that’s there we go best team in the comp

One this the last one that’s the last one what do we got Greg henna speaking of the devil um Dragon man 243 we’ve got this team so um Beck’s gonna run through I’m gonna twist the computer over to Beck is gonna run through who’s in the 11 that are in the

Uh Team Davis team and it’s it’s nice to see Greg’s wrapping up uh Team Davis I’m being put on the spot here I didn’t know this was part of my role this is how we rock and roll here just do my best apologies in advance if I get your name wrong uh Chad

Harris Karina jois buan milanovich Alicia Barack Paul Bowie Jamie Howard Dwayne gory Greg Hannah me Libby and Liam Hendry beautiful team Davis one of the lucky 11 to be in team Davis I wish I had have been pulled out for that one so we’re g to move on to team number two team

Beatson team beatson is the next team we’re GNA be drawing out for just why Li’s shuffling inside the uh deex wine glass as you can probably see today’s um live stream is sponsored by VB with plenty of merchandise at the back so if anyone has any connections with BB if we

Could formalize that um Arrangement and that sponsorship that would be great got a fluffy gray we have a fluffy gray there’s a few Grays but uh Joshua gray um one of the I think I don’t think Joshua was in it last year I think he’s one of the uh inclusions this year into

The typan comp and sorry if I’ve got that wrong hope I’m sure you can understand that there is hundreds and hundreds of names well not literally but 100 names that I’ve got to try to remember and it all does become a big blow we hav any Darren W Darren Wright last year

2023 gad’s goal fully tipping Champion Darren Wright straight into team beatson to defend his title I don’t like this his name Eagle lover Anthony aloi so Anthony straight into team beatson with the defending Champion he’ll love the fact that he’s uh in a strong team to start

With um so Anthony straight into team beatson what do we got you me so siss happy Angela Rell is that how I say your last name Randall Randall Rand uh Angela is um was in for the first time last year back in again this year I tried to

Get a brother involved in the comp this year um but I just couldn’t get um him over the line at late notice um looking forward to the bant Angela and personal favorite your personal favorite is it Libby’s personal favorite is Daryl braender Snapper racing know why I’m

Joking I have no idea why Snapper is all of a sudden faing yeah well that’s gonna get plenty of uh chat in the in the uh WhatsApp I’m sure later Jing so Snapp racing out of 9 that’s all right it’s all about recording it so it’s transparent so

Snappers in the same team as around mound of sound who we got here Jack Jacqueline low how do you say her display name let me read it zylo 85 zoylo 85 see Jackie is one of the uh newcomers in the group and welcome and hopefully you do really well how many we got

Now go she’s coming for you she’s coming for me Lisa muras coming for you she loves to change her display name and actually gives me a good opportunity to talk about display name so there are two people currently that haven’t changed their display name they have a default

Name called ESPN with a whole lot of numbers if you’re one of those two please jump on and change your display name to something that just makes my life a lot easier with my spreadsheets if you wanting to find out how you change your display name just give me a

Call or send me a message and I’ll send you the link where I’ve explained step by step on how to do it and if not Lisa is very good at changing her display name because this is probably about the fourth or fifth time she’s changed it

Maybe give Lisa a ring as well but Lisa muras Coming For You team Beaton spell c u m i n g yes interesting Miss Mir Mr TR Jason Chon it’s one of Mitch’s mates one of the um one of the Henry brothers so um welcome Jason hopefully you do well

You’re in a a team of a couple of BLS you might know being uh Darren and Snapper so eight three to go obviously being Mr LR I’m assuming your supporter Jason Jason actually there was something in my notes and again like I said I didn’t have a write up on everyone but

There was something in my notes about something MCH told me about you that I was supposed to mention but obviously I don’t have it with me so I might save it for later uh joshu Crawford H six Reaper in team beatson that’s so what we got

To oh bummer Bruce Windle this is a strong team there’s a few newbies in there but um without knowing what their form will be like but there’s a there’s a few solid uh tipsters in this team so team beatson is a strong one bomber Bruce Windle lucky last team is Skippy

J74 Skippy j74 Jason Falcon I’m glad you’re back in Jason looking forward to uh popping actually um i r you think I spoke to you last week bomber is in your soccer team uh this year well you’re in bommer soccer team so the team you’ve joined actually

Is the same guy that you’re in he’s in same a coinci a bit of a coincidence yeah all right here we go we have Jason Falcon Bruce SLE Jason cheum Joshua Crawford Darren Wright Anthony eloisy Joshua gray Daryl Brad Bender look Lisa Mur Jacqueline low and Angela Randall team beatson that’s the

11 that rounds off team beatson has any of those names been the reserves no I don’t think so but is it has been on yellow isn’t it yellow I’m not even looking back let’s go and have a quick look shout out to Lisa for sending me that beautiful message thank you my

Darling let me just have a quick look Skippy so take Skippy out Jason so take it back so as I said earlier there’s five people that are reserved so reserves don’t get put into a side until um somebody doesn’t submit their tips three times throughout the

Season then the reserve jumps in it goes on financial order I won’t go into the detail of why and how the reserves work um it is all on the website um but yes so Jason is let me just have a quick look Jason is reserve number four so the

First Reserve will be the first person to go in um and I’ll I’ll name who that is as it comes out but Jason Falcon is the fourth did I say fourth yes the fourth Reserve go through those I might write them down so we run them through

Them now just I mean [ __ ] why not so we got we got um the first Reserve is Robert Newman he’ll be the first Reserve Paul Gard is the second Reserve Matthew Gard is the third Reserve Jason Falcon is the fourth reserve and JY Windle rounding off as the last person to join

The comp as the fifth Reserve so if you’re one of those five people you will definitely be placed in a team I guarantee you that there will always be drop offs the people don’t put their tips in you’ll be put in into a team but you just don’t start in the starting

Side of the 11 and next year get your money in quicker yes get your money in quick because that’s how it all works you need to draw one more to make the 11 and surprise surprise it’s another Jason it’s another Jason so Jason replaces Jason we have the Riddler Jason garard

Rounding off team beatson beautiful next team is team Churchill Church team Churchill we have joy wle who’s a reserve so we’ll pull him out of the the Barrel I can’t say that saying it wrong lean doctor 78 she always finishes in the top 10 and is a high achiever in the Tipping comp for the many years that she’s been in it so a great team member to have four te I can’t Churchill Churchill

Where do we know Le from H work colleague so work with Ln um who’s actually moved to the Central Coast she’s moved up north just recently so she’ll be working remotely for work but so I won’t get to see her but I’m sure she’ll be communicating online a lot uh through

The 40 tipping comp Jazzy bear Justine Banks thanks again Justine Peter for always putting your name um down I know you don’t follow 40 tipping but just to support the link the Les Bank Memorial shield and everything that I do in the Tipping comp it is very much appreciated and good

Luck sh 73 Greg Shaw shy 73 I don’t think you did so well this this last year shy I can’t remember where you finished um but something tells me it wasn’t towards the top but typically and traditionally sure he does normally finish quite well in anything that he he goes in he’s always

A a good achiever in these sort of things we got gregy Waits so one of Phil’s mates one of my brother’s mates he wanted to join it last year but he missed the deadline unfortunately so you had to wait until uh this year to join so welcome uh Greg and hopefully you do

Really well mate dinky who beat me dinky D with Justine team Churchill um dinky Annie D has been in the comp since we first started with Liz um yeah it’s just great to have the Banks family uh involved in tipping comp and uh thanks again D for uh always

Making sure you’ve got your name down and participating Millie moo Millie moo Carol Ryan I think it might be Carol stury um I think Carol has also been a part of the uh winning team in the past let me just have a a quick look at the shield I feel like she

Has not I think she was part of um the very first time I ran the teams comp which had no prize it was when I was testing it and I think it was the all girls team I think I’m sure Carol was in that team winto Eagle Craig

Martin Craig’s got his family involved this year so he’s got his kids and wife uh who’ve all joined so hopefully you do well mate oh hopefully the whole family does well and you got the Luck of the Irish over there the Luck of the Irish we’ll probably save that um a little bit

Later for Mary but sorry but um the winow eagle in team Churchill who was in h that team was Anthony in that team was he in the team earlier rabbits to win Richard Holland um Richard’s at a business event tonight that I couldn’t get to for obvious reasons because I’m here I think

He’s at Swing City Golf probably uh practicing his uh driver and um love look forward to the the chats we always have about the 40 tipping comp mate and thank you actually I’m playing Friday playing golf with you Friday so I’ll see you at Riverside Oaks on Friday

Is that some sort of work function too it’s a work course it’s a definitely course Deborah Palmer so Deb Deb was the um is a newbie this year and was interested in joining last year missed out so um we’re able to get her over the line uh this year so welcome Deborah if

You got any questions just ask can be a little bit overwhelming with how it all works but looking forward to the chats in the um in the uh kitchens at work two more parasan I like that name parasan Daniel Barack so he second last year and also the dailym Medal winner last year

So I reckon that’s just as impressive as winning the comp not as Financial but definitely impressive to be the person who scores the most points each round one more James McKenzie James McKenzie jemo macka can’t remember what year you won James but I know you won it I think it was about 2

2222 yeah what yeah 2022 2022 you sure yeah there you go 2022 James um looking for a Repeat Performance good luck now that he’s married settled and has a mortgage and all those things he might have a little bit more let Crystal do the picking yeah

Crystal can pick them out for you all right here we go what have we got team Churchill we have James McKenzie Daniel Barack Deborah Palmer Craig Martin Carol Ryan Diane Banks Gregory weights Greg Shaw Justine Banks Leanne doctor and Richard Holland wish I could see who’s online

Can you not throw up there I don’t want to touch I don’t want to touch anything break it no doesn’t look like it team gazer is next team gazer why we pull out that name the whole reason for doing YouTube um just makes it a little bit easier

With um the videos that I’m starting to create so that was the reason why we moved our Facebook live to YouTube live so if you haven’t and it’s not about you know subscribing and all that sort of rubbish that people talk about but the main reason to

Um the main reason to subscribe is just so you know when I post the video so you get the results um it’ll all be posted to the website ripping the piece of paper liby is not that funny I don’t know why you laughing yourself silly um Connor Connor Martin Connor dog 11 is

His display name so one of the um one of Craig’s young BLS is part of the uh the Martin family you just to see how those boys go they they uh I won’t be surprised if they finish well they love their Sports let’s just have a look at

Liby why you holding your Mary says tell Steve the Martins are watching oh the Martins are watching right did Connor just see Libby ripped his name I think that’s why she’s laughing so hard what you got in your face you got something there oh you got glitter something I don’t know something there

Oh here we go Matthew garard my young bloke no no no he’s one of the reserves I said so this is how you know this is not rigged or biased the fact that my dad and my Elder son are both on the reserve list there is no bias here if

You if you don’t get your money in you’re on the bottom of the list um St Hunty why that’s his name so Steven Hunt is his name Steven Hunty is his uh display name so what team is this B team gazia team gnia this is the second

Number two number two oh with Connor so Connor and stepen so Steven’s one of um Jason gard’s mates he’s got his Stephen also has his brother I think he twins brothers actually he has his brother in the comp as well called Phil quite coincidental um here we got Ken Ken

Harris rabbits forever not a Chad Harris relation Ken Harris is actually my sister’s uh workf friend who’s uh really Keen to get involved in the comp I believe from the bant that Michelle has shared with me if you’re watching Ken or if you watch it later may get involved

Online don’t be shy um we’re a friendly bunch and I hope you do well what’s going on here Mark Fraser Fraser 153 one of Glenn’s mates so I was getting a little bit emotional before X dad so Glenn Davis um that’s one of Glenn’s mates Mark Fraser has won the

Comp as well has won the comp about 2017 if I if I try to Rack my brain could even be a little bit earlier than that so Mark’s been in the comp for a while and uh I’m glad Mark that you always come back and join the Comp tiger allei 369 she’s why don’t you say louder Allison Hanah she said what did I say tiger allei 369 damn she’s fine is that what you said yes yeah right very good a so um one of it’s Greg Allison is Greg’s uh wife so welcome to the comp again again what we

Got penum penth possum Troy man so he’s the only person I left Ed to pay cash because I knew if he didn’t give me the cash at the pub and we’re having a beer I probably wasn’t going to see it so the penth Poss Troy man is it man or man I

Don’t know it’s all the same might be I just call him Troy Troy s Robert so isn’t Robert a reserve so Robert’s a reserve so redraw Lily is a Bas Lily hendri Lily hry one of the Hendry kids um Lily is a beast it’s great to see the Henry family

We might have to car with another com as Daryl Snapper racing would say a competition within a competition within a competition um for a little bit of a rivalry between the different families you got the Martin family now the hendry’s the gads the gray family there’s a lot of

Grays involved in now um Annie Murray wcj Eagles I think Annie was part of the winning team last year so she would have got a free entry into this year’s um comp as well as James Anthony they’ve been read out already Jason’s been read out there’s been a few read out who was

A part of last year’s who was that that was me nothing like burping on uh on live stream Jack garard who’s calling now OHA tell him we’re we’re live Jack Gard is on in team gnia how many is that B that is nice your name just got here we

Go we’re GNA turn you while you’re on your name just got draw out literally as you just rang so we’re doing the the teams draw look at him what a what a poser it’s the nightly phone call where he shows off his muscles you’re in team gnia but I’m gonna hang

Up or give you to my sister cuz we got things to do all right love you bye that wasn’t planned that was just coincidence play bit faster I think yeah a little bit faster how many teams you got five five to go and we’re 39 minutes in the

Stream raw time Glenn Anthony been involved in the comp for a while now lives on the mid North Coast um looking to to head up there soon I always miss out on the trips the golf trips that you have planned up your way with Richard and the boys but

Hopefully I get to see you soon and catch up for a game of golf in a be last one John Stewart John Street uh another workmate and um been in the comp for a fair while and uh I think John was part of that team winning team last year so

Had a free run into this year’s comp let’s go Libs no that’s it oh right Beck your turn right here we go so Jacko Toto Jack G uh Allison Hannah Lily Hendry Annie Murray Troy man John Stewart Mark Fraser Connor Martin stevenh hunt Ken Harris and Glen Anthony I think they

Might be a bit of a I don’t know what’s going on here can you lean closer you’re out of screen to watch these two Martin all right let’s go next one what team we got now team Johns team Johns Andrew Johns one of the best n football

Players to lace on a bit so they say team Johns let’s go coo brown cocko brown Daniel Brown a ex ARL NRL football player used to play for power M eels his brother is a former coach of a few clubs Daniel brown cocko brown Co rampid Roar Ben muras now Ben

Finished fourth last year I had a quick little look I was trying to remember some of the names for tonight’s uh draw um so fourth Ben hopefully you can finish one or two high this year and get into the prize money but Ben’s always and when I say always I’m pretty sure

Ben has finished in the top 10 every time he’s been in the comp and I think he’s been in it for the last five years or more probably even more actually probably a lot more top who IED you Heidi Heidi jeart so I love I love the conversations

I have with Heidi about the Tiff comp she she has many many ideas and um they’re all very good ideas too and Heidi is the reason why we have a first second and a third because she said if there wasn’t a first second and third prize then she wouldn’t be in the comp

Because it used to be win and takes all there’s a little bit of background so Jacob cartright is next another workmate moving along we have shaky Tenya how do I pronounce tenya’s last name BR Brian Bri sorry Tenya for stuffing up your last name Ten’s uh newcomer to the

Comp and obviously follows the shark so commiserations for that but um welcome Mitch Henry with his display name of Mitch Henry mate you can do better than that you have to be a bit more creative if you do change here I am giving people [ __ ] if you do change your display name

Let me know when you do just by text message or however you want to communicate it because it stuffs up my whole spreadsheets and it could stuff up your score and what I post so if you change your display name let me know especially if it’s mid-season um winning

Eel lean Henry there we go husband and wife back to back um in the same team team Johns how many seven seven Johnny Johnny nuk Johnny you did the accent Johnny um one of the winow boys um looking forward to potentially taking the Caravan out and having a uh a

Weekend away in the in the carav later down in the future Lee gray one of my best mates um Lee has been in the comp since it started I think and um M it must be your year must be your year what are you doing Mitch SC SCA SC with another creative

There’s a lot of names people just Lees the same Lee gray Mitch the other Mitch so Mitch SCA his display name is Mitch SCA another newbie feels like I’m saying they’re all newbies maybe I’m getting it wrong no dad’s Reserve bul bul doog bre Bulldog Brady Bret Callaway one of my

Brothers mates um been in the comp for a couple of years now and um I’m glad that he keeps popping his head back up so when I do have a beer with you once or twice a year mate we’ve got a bit of H catching up to do with the footy

Tipping does own a few Greyhounds too I believe I don’t know if they win because he never gives me the tip what we doing we’re back to the right let’s go here we go John’s Tenya Brian Bri Mitch Hendry Leanne Hendry Brett Callaway Jacob cartright Mitch SCA Heidi jewart Benjamin

Muras Daniel Brown John Nukem and Lee Gray just passing my cross mate Mom isn’t even ready yet Fiona gory so dra trains um Ms so she’s she’s in the comp this year I think you’re in Last Man Standing too Fiona so I can see that you’re on Facebook and thanks for joining the

Group don’t be a stranger and I look forward to catching up with you down to the sporties and having a a be or two Fiona might like to know what team she’s on I don’t know what team I don’t know what team Fiona’s in Tia Tia Fiona is in

Team Lewis Lewis the first person drawn out for Team Lewis tipy Panther it is Mary Martin so back to back can I sorry I have to interrupt okay go Lisa bless your cotton socks sends me a message she said says hang on a minute not so professional now Lisa she says mate

You’re the only one acting professional tell them to pull their heads in pull your heads in YouTube this is about this is about having a bit of fun a little bit of fun yeah that back down there we go what so did we get that

One so we got Mary Martin here Mary is one of the eight people that are online and I stuffed up her name call out so is with Fiona in Team Lewis did you want to say something about oh the luck of the ARs well you can you can was

Your to be sure to be sure um Michael Edgar me67 hope you do well Michael I know you don’t jump on Facebook and you probably won’t be watching this video but um love the chats at work um footy is always a big part of our conversations when we catch up

Noy the fat man Peter Nolan Who currently is in Vegas one of the only people I know who’s traveled to Vegas for the footy tipping comp for the foot for the footy this weekend I hope you’re enjoying yourself mate and um I yeah who’s playing the Bulldogs AR playing so

It’s not your team but I think you’re obviously there to uh support the family and I hope the seagull get a win mate um this is an ESP ah Mitch henna so Mitch has one of these funny default ESPN names Mitch if you’re watching the stream please um get on there and change

Your display name because it will help with my spreadsheets so you’ve lost two people from [Laughter] this I never said I was gonna be famous about this Chris file winow fly so um Chris is one of the winst boys glad to have you on board also hooked me

Up with um the fire stick which is uh the best thing that I’ve ever purchased through a subscription and uh look forward to having a be with you mate down at the winesday Peter Peter hunt one of the twins so it wasn’t um Phil was Peter so

Peter hunt hunt 13 and I’m assuming the p in your name is silent Hanah said he will I will make sure ah Perfect what don’t I one you mean a paper you mean what another ESPN ah Luke Jan so one of Jack’s mates one of my young bl’s mates Luke the candy’s first year in the Tipping comp and I haven’t reached out to him yet but he’s the other person any two of them

He’s the other person with the default display name he’s a South supporter and uh a passionate South supporter at that I think Jack and him have plenty of battles Mitchell Roberts I just changed was that a different Facebook that was probably my Facebook Mitch is obviously watching and he’s just said he’s changed

The name yeah there you go Aiden Martin now did we work out how we say how we say that ad do ad do ad do a do I don’t know what a do means and if it has some sort of you know because I am a bit of a

Boomer and a bit old Mary send me a message tell me what a dose means but either way a dose Aden Martin one of the Martin kids what team’s this be and how many we got uh Team Lewis and that’s team member number nine so two go Team Lewis hendo

Matthew Henry another one Matthew Hendry hendo 80 um MADD one of the Henry Boys in team leis is that right yes leis William Randall William Randall eel coldest six don’t know what the coldest part is all about but will you’re in Team Lewis that was the last one

That right I hope this video saves Team Lewis consists of Luke you can’t see Aiden Martin Mitchell Hanah Chris file Peter hunt will Randall Matthew Henry Peter Nolan Mary Martin Fiona gory and Michael Edgar that’s a that’s a mly bunch that one ah love to see them all pull on a

Jersey and run onto the py field which team we got team and Inga next just the last one more after that one second last team Indiana Indiana Indiana garad my brother’s daughter she’s over in um England at the moment doing a working holiday traveling the world seeing the

Sites living her best life and love it that you um put your hand up and joined again Indy without any prompting or any reminders so hopefully you uh get all the uh notifications and all the stuff and the time difference doesn’t play too much of a role where you’re getting your

Tips in and good luck actually Indie did really well a couple year was it last the year before last she almost won didn’t she almost won it so it would be a really good team member to have in your team but I don’t know what I don’t

Know what your form was like last year I don’t recall seeing your name at the top just be happy yes happy 54321 Chris o key need mention them say again no so Chris Chris is in team and Inga with uh Indiana my brother-in-law my um sakar partner my scotch

Partner in crime and looking forward to uh the uh backyard fire pits enjoying a few beverages watching the foot he’s got oh you wouldn’t believe it Michelle Gard Deputy LM Deputy Lord mayor so a team of gads so far husband and wife back toback the same as um Mitch I think had his

Misses as well back to back so uh all in team MinGa is that right yep Helen 09 06 Helen Hughes they are like although Helen’s not a garad she’s a um an adopted Gad in our eyes she’s part of the family so they’re all gads at the moment Ray Jones

How’s you gold Ray Jones and on that same light I don’t know if I consider Ray a Gad just quietly because he’s a tiger supporter um Ray glad to see you in the Tipping comp mate sorry you couldn’t get into uh clean uh Team Davis

But uh hopefully you do well this year I know you’re wanting to be out fishing which is um Ben Mass’s dad but good luck and I hope you do well mate just to add one more to the G just St gar oh you’re joking step garard you beauty Rando

What’s going on here let’s let’s have a look at this team sure I am G to be sending reminder texts to every single one of you about getting your tips in team and I’ve been in team twice at least bear in mind Steven’s already told us that um he’s never on this

Competition so you know like he’s not that great no I don’t think I’ve have a name on anything any man I keep creating competitions and I still haven’t won it the only reason I created that last man’s den is so got I can try to win something new MCM bunnies 22 22 Mick

It’s good to have you part of my team Phil M Phil M out fishing so out fish out fishing is with um what’s Ray’s name Tigers gold oh that’s good two Grumpy Old Men side by side anyone seen that movie you might know the reference oh Bronx 78 it’s a

Great person having our team we are absolutely stacked with great team members Michael Gray Bronx 78 yeah I know I said that last year to one of team and and they came like second last I had to look so I’ve got no idea as be just alluded

Tock the rock pile Paul Henry one of the Henry boys can’t play golf on H Sunday PA but I’m sure I’ll bump into you sooner than later PA Henry the rock pile C I think um I think Paul I think you did really well last year in the uh

In the daily end points for memory so uh oh no Troy Coyle crackers 721 we do have a stacked team liby I’m I’m calling it right now this team’s winning again yes I think that might be it think I’ve not done very well this time one

Two four five six seven eight n 10 it is you beauty we just got to make sure Michelle gets some good tips in and doesn’t doesn’t submit you know West Tigers a bit Paramount type of thing and we’re going well all right we have got here we know we have got Troy coil

Indie Gard Chris o’keef Michelle Gard Helen Hughes Stevie G Ray Jones Michael man Michael Gray a team Paul hry what a team wait I’ll get the engraving pen out now it’s it’s it’s done team Inga okay last team team you messenger yeah I was in the ah you were too lucky you

Megan wobby Jem into team messenger into team messenger um Megan got um Deborah over the line at work to be a part of the footy tipping comp and um look forward to their chats Megan great not a wooden spoon this year I did have a a little bit of a ride

Up for Snapper with about the wooden spoon for the Tigers but like I said I uh only got halfway through so I thought I won’t bother with all the write up the topest G Paul o Keith hopefully I haven’t made you stay up all night paully just so you get your listen to

Your name get called out mate I know that you’re going to Reve achieve really well this year mate you are a talented young kid and I’m glad that you’re in the pr teaming comp and I’m sure you’re going to do extremely extremely well and you’ll definitely beat your old man so

That’s a given and that should be the goal number one but that’ll be easily achieved and look forward to our chats Phil garard skw 708 my big brother he’s in team messenger now I I came out with the call last year saying that because he was working remotely out in

The middle of the country that wouldn’t get his tips in as he always does he proved me wrong so um I’m not going to make that outrageous statement again again so we’ll see how you go but but just quietly you did finish I think in the 60s or something so sued although

You put your tips in you’re probably better off not um Steve Wade sedy 48 I think Steve was one of the um freebies that came along who won last year’s comp and got his $25 back um has done well over the last couple of years as well is

As crazy as a cut snake but um looking forward to going on tour in April on the golf trip s we got another Steve Dolan another cut snake Steve Dolan doo in team messenger with his mate suy just gonna need help Dad gonna need help gonna need help Tim Ryan he won it

About four years ago or more um so God the names are starting this could be another good team yep it’s some um some big names there this could be another team to watch Team messenger I’m going to call it now will win team messenger comes second Lucas Henry one of the Hendry kids

Another hopefully how many got left hope got the numbers right and stuff Pete Banks Peter Banks Pete 75 thank you again Pete I say it all the time but thank you for joining is this the lucky last no three left we have Trey Allen one of Jack’s mates Trey Allen

01 good we have VB that’s your contribution to the whole stream of everyone the top BL Trey is a very good BL a very uh polite Court courteous young man the Scott Harris no I’m not here last one hang on look who it is Julie gray Jewels

2v one of the regular people that post absolute rubbish against par matter online regularly but do love the banner Julie and thank you for joining thank you for getting your husband to join and family and friends Bye by you go done well that’s it thank you read the names

I got to read the names on right Pete Banks Tim Ryan Trey Allen Scott Harris Megan Bowie Steve Dolan Steve Wade Paul o’keef Phil gard and Lucas Henry another good team team messenger I’m calling it now Runners up to uh Team mininga thank you for joining uh just a couple of

Reminders don’t forget to get your tips in I will try to remind people throughout the season um as best as possible be patient um with what I post and again please subscribe to the YouTube channel for no other reason then you’ll get the notification so you know

When I post the results so what I’ll be doing every week is posting the results in the teams comp and any communication will be done through YouTube and if you’ve got that notification on you’ll know when when I um when I’m posting just a bump Phil said finished in the

40s you ask is that Phil was in my brother yeah right 40s I don’t believe it actually I you were lower than that because I finished in the 20s and you well act my finger got quite sore just scrolling was quite ridiculous make sure to like And subscribe yep so again don’t

Forget to get your tips in Last Man Standing uh get your tips in by um Sunday 1:30 um even though it is a split round what else is there I don’t think there’s anything else to remind everyone else of any final words I think that um if we can get you to

1,000 subscribers on YouTube don’t you start making money from this so can you can you put it out there everyone 1000 subscri yes very good thank you Beck no you’re welcome my pleasure all right see you guys later and um I’ll be posting this video if anyone wants to read watch

It I mean it’s very good viewing if you want to rewatch the uh video check out the uh website and what you find faceb a lot of people watching maass right yeah what does that mean Married at First Sight okay and so when it’s finished you’ll find that they’ll

Watch this Oh They’ll all jump on well I know that’s where Snapper will be he’ be tucked up with your little blankie on the lounge watching um whatever you just said it was very good all right see you all later I’ll stop dribbling and catch up with you soon see y

Now how do I end and

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