Golf Players

Anthony Kim Makes His LIV Debut This Weekend

Episode 321 was DOPE

– We were so excited we couldn’t get the episode number right!
– Anthony Kim makes his return to professional golf THIS weekend
– Is Rory close to joining LIV?
– Winter League updates – We came back down to Earth

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What’s up everybody we’re back again it’s episode 31 are you sure positive okay of the dadbod golf pod it’s kyin Ben and we are ready to talk about Anthony Kim getting ready to be back in professional golf is Rory going to go to live and we’re going

To recap our uh round two go round two tonight little bit tougher we we may have peaked but we’re going to reel it back in no I don’t know that we peaked I think that the course got the best of us of course got the best of us and we’re

Going to talk about it uh tonight’s episode’s brought to you by bet online the number one sports betting website in the country sign up today get a 50% welcome bonus use coupon code believe B A V and get a 50% bonus give them $100 they’re going to give you $50 back on

Top of it to play with so stack it up and have some fun that’s maths math baby all right so Ben the biggest golf news I would say of the year it’s definitely not from the Mexico open the biggest golf news it’s the Mexican open what did

I say Mexico what which one is it it was the Mexico open or something was a Mexican open whatever it’s an open that’s in Mexico so therefore the open is Mexico are you trying to get political possibly I I I want to stray away from that okay uh no but clearly

That leaderboard was not the headline but the big headline maybe since tiger won the Masters in 2019 is Anthony King oh golly makes his return to professional golf yes this weekend I believe right in jeda it’s in the Middle East are you sure that geography thing I

Know I’m I’m it’s wherever that course they play in the Middle East I don’t know exactly the name of it but uh yeah he comes back to live golf which we predicted we didn’t predict we assumed that that would be that would be a huge

Get for Liv um and he’s coming back they did a trailer they they dropped a trailer today you seen the video by the way go to Greg Norman’s page um just search Greg Mor Norman on Twitter I don’t know if it’s shark Greg Norman or something like that but go go on there

And it is literally he’s got it pinned his profile it does not say that it’s AK coming back but it’s clearly AK but it’s clearly AK and it’s Redemption tour 2024 uh it’s him basically walking through the desert yes I sent Kyle text earlier today everybody goes well let’s be prepared

He’s not ready for competition one of the caddies that’s out there that is on tour has been playing in muddy games with him apparently he’s been taking a lot of money off of people got to make a 11 got to make a 11 somehow and at one

Point in time shot I think 10 under is what that had 10 birdies in a round yeah he had 10 birdies in a round and so clearly the caddy was like he’s ready it’s whether or not he turns it on or not so we shall see uh we’re big fan

We’ve been pulling for AK since we started this pod like we’re like bring back AK and as soon as Liv started you and I said first guy you call Anthony Kim call yeah like when you’re when you’re XF like when the XFL and the usfl

Came out you’re like you got to get you got to go try to get Johnny Manzel Colin Kaepernick you got to go try to get these guys and AK was the guy that you had to go get uh if you’re live and it took him a little bit Yeah but they

Finally got him couple things about the trailer it’s long hair Anthony Kim yes clearly you can see he’s got the long hair which I love Ben mull Ben does not like that there’s not going to be a belt buckle I’m quite positive there that’s what I don’t like I don’t mind the long

Hair I want the Buckle we’re going to be athletic athletic fit we’re going to have long hair I think I saw some sort of glasses oh in the shadow so we’ll have to see about that I I don’t know what that means it could just be a style

Thing it could have been sunglasses they are in the desert it it I mean it could have been just lot of sun there from what I understand could been from the video I’ve heard that yeah that’s the geography thing messing with col I’ve heard there’s a lot of sun there but but

Regardless the silhouette of his swing still looks so good I mean this will be Kyle what if he plays decent and like when I say decent that long ass leaderboard that they have over on Liv yeah what if he’s at least on the front page like in that

Top 12 it’s going to cause some hype it’s going to create some hype I I swear to you whatever product he’s selling I’m buying we talked about tiger and his new logo AK release the logo send it out so far so far I’m not liking what I’m

Seeing out of Tiger’s brand but uh so AK I I’ll take anything you got Budd tried to tell him no but uh I mean it’s I it’s a absolute it’s absolute robbery yeah that it’s not on CBS or NBC at 2:30 on Saturday and Sunday it’s going to be over in four

Hours shotgun start you still got time for the news yeah it’s an absolute robbery that we have to watch it on YouTube and the CW but I guarantee you the views are going to be incredible well it’s overseas if they do forgot about the time yeah I mean we’re going

To know the results like stay off the internet you’re going to know the results before you actually watch it because of the time change we need to verify I’m almost positive it’s it’s in it’s in it’s overseas oh it’s in Saudi Arabia so yeah so the time difference is

Going to screw us on top of that so like why couldn’t he come back last week when they’re in Vegas or two weeks ago when they in Vegas well this week they were in myoba or no that no they did Vegas after after my oh I

Got you yeah so if he had been in Vegas that have been massive but so so I didn’t even think about that that’s really going to hurt yeah it’s we’re going to know the results but the good news is still I got to watch just for him and

You know what YouTube if you’re smart you just do an Anthony Kim cam yeah isn’t isn’t the app though is it out yet where the app is where you can watch every single shot from any player you pick I mean hell there’s only 48 guys know cuz I got YouTube TV and I

Actually moved the CW up to like where CBS and NBC are so I just go back and forth yeah between the two of them on television and I know that everybody’s like nobody watches the CW I’m like I do on Sundays or on Saturdays so I’m I’m very intrigued by this

Because I’m just thinking what if he goes and shoots 80 I I have zero problem with him doing that I got zero problem when shooting 85 I’m just glad he’s back and in competition I really hope he shoots under par if he can but what if he do is

Do you think he’s played zero competition golf 10 years think about this so he’s not going to be on a team no he’s independent so so this is like this is an Uncharted Territory this is an independent he’s not on a team I honestly think that’s why he may not

Have been put on a team because like what if what if he shoots what if he shoots 80 82 80 what if he doesn’t break no he very well could because we saw with tiger tiger Tiger’s the greatest golfer in the world and when he took his

Time off when he came back it was bad so we’re talking about a guy that was good he was not tiger and he’s taken 10 years off of competition play yeah so but here’s my point if he puts up an 83 just enjoy the fact that he’s back

Here’s my point though all right all right Charlie Woods has been built up because we only see him in scrambles and all this stuff he’s been built up as this High School tournaments their teas are up this Phenom that like can do no wrong he’s the next coming of tiger and then he

Gets a qualifying shot uh to to get into a PGA event he does his first PGA qualifier Granny’s 15 yeah and he shoots 86 it’s cuz he had 12 regardless it’s an 86 is an 86 now what are the comments it’s not the comments are not oh he’s

Only 15 it’s like oh he sucks he’ll never be good stuff like that like I I mean it’s like it’s brutal it is it’s brutal for a teenage kid to go through that have you ever had a 12 is a multiple times no you me tell you what I

Haven’t had to because I always just give myself a double Pi up I just give myself a double somebody asked me this weekend they were like hey have you ever had a 12 I was like no never made over double and they said you’ve never had a

12 and I said mm- I said let me tell you something I said once we get to snowman territory we’re picking up oh yeah I mean that you can forget 12 I’m not going to pull a Kevin n and hit it 15 times out of the woods before I finally

Get it out uhuh we’re not doing that so that’s what I’m saying though like what if he goes and shoot what if he can’t what if he’s like finishes dead last and it’s like bad dead last like he shoots high 70s shoots in the 80s one round

Like does that kill the the momentum the Mystique like we’re it’s so been so mysterious because he hasn’t played no and I think honestly Kyle I think you were talking about why he didn’t come back Vegas myoba I think that he didn’t come back because of this right here

This gives him a tournament tape delay he’s playing overnight over here nobody’s watching it live I think this is his way to kind of get into it good point where people are kind of like oh okay well he didn’t play worth of damn this time around so we’ll just watch him

Next week and then he’ll figure stuff out I mean clearly according to people that have played with him his game is still there but there’s a huge difference in oh there in competition play hit and giggle like tiger likes to say and then like playing legit competition gol well and that’s the

Thing is at the end of the day you know you you heard it about the guys they were talking about this past weekend because they were asking you know if a if AK comes back competition play and I was like well there’s just a difference in competition play because you know

What he’s doing in money games trying to go at the pin at 265 On a par three he’s supposed to go middle of the Green in competition play what part three is you talking about that’s a be part three I know Rivier yeah number four Rivier don’t hold the green Anthony

Kim is trying to hit it close to the green Rivier on number four whereas he’s supposed to be doing what everybody else is doing which is blowing it out right hope it draws back catches the green take your two Putt and move the next

Hole it’s a big I mean yeah so it’s a huge difference in competition play it’s not ho to hole match play it’s it’s 18 holes a a 12 is is as a possibility right when they said he had 10 birdies in in money games okay well how many of

Those holes out of the 10 birdies how many of those holes did he spray it in the water and they just picked up and said you got the hole we move on yeah exactly it’s a completely different ball game yeah I’m just worried he could had

10 birdies and shot 70 I’m almost just worried that it’s like if you watch your dad get beat up in a fight you know what I mean I’m worried if if like AK were to no cuz my expectations are here mine are like way through oh see Kyle Kyle is Santa Claus on

Christmas morning right now and I’m I’m more like let’s hope my mom remembered to put the Easter basket out you know what saying I’m think 30 for 30 documentary oh golly I I’m thinking he wins and then gets an invite to the Masters hey yakim nean Yim Neiman got an

Invite to the Masters he ain’t take 10 years off but if he goes out there and sh plays good what if he beats demon what yeah I’m saying okay we talk abouton do you do you get him we’ve talked about the worst case what about

Best case what if he’s in the mix what if he finishes top 10 Kyle will him being independent no contract what if he what if he gets sponsor exemptions to some PJ tour events can he play is he has the PJ tour suspended him does he get does he get suspended when

He hits his first shot P Turk Pettit was never on the PGA tour right so now he’s doing that qualifier event where he can get into the PGA tour right so has AK been away from the PGA Tour enough that he’s not technically on the PGA tour anymore so

Could he technically go back and forth that’s a good point I don’t know like he gets his exemption and then is he a member of the PJ I don’t think he’s even a member no so no cuz they they brought that up that’s why he went live

He was going to have to go through Q School like everybody else yeah bump that and he was like he I mean he could get sponsors exemptions no he could he could but it it apparently those must not have lined up so do you think if he

Finishes top 10 he gets a masters invite okay let me throw out conspiracies here okay what if he finishes top 10 and he refuses live money he ain’t refused to live money I mean he has not turned down half but apparently he’s not $500 million which

Is what Max hom said which I Max is that what is that what he said yeah Max hom said when he when the whole he gave you the whole scenario where it’s like the PJ tours to a AK hey please come play on our tour then live is like hey please

Come play on t tour but here’s $500 million yeah but he’s Max hom might as well just be like he’s The Insider he he does he’s the leaker he pretty much gets it right every single time yeah so I I think thank you I think uh I think he gets an

Invite yeah I think the Masters would would die to have I’m not die Masters would love to have Anthony Ken oh see I know I disagree why because the Masters is the Masters they just invited Yaki Neeman what’s why what benefit did they have to invite him Spaniard relations

Span your relations you got Sergio for that he’s not invited y nean from why nean from Chile oh you’re right he is Chile Chilean relations he’s not even from Spain what are you talking about no I South American relations I feel like this could go super bad or super good

And there’s no in between I feel like I feel like you have your expectations here and you need to get them here for this tournament I I am my expectation all right obviously I said my expectations are here but like so is everybody else’s that no I I don’t think

So I don’t I I know so I don’t think so or our captains would have picked him already they would have said I’ll take him on my team no no well I mean that’s his part of his decision too I’m just saying I think when you

Look at Twitter when you look at golf comment like golf media everything yeah everybody is so freaking High over AK and it’s not like we’re hyped to give him a participation trophy they’re hyped thinking this guy’s going to come out firing 10 years off oh Kyle wants 10

Birdies he he wants I’m telling you I want it I want Anthony Kim at the Masters you know want me to tell you why because I want to watch him on real TV oh well no I get that I listen live y’all got to fix this deal man no it’s

Not live CBS NBC stop being dumb stop being dumb like two can you imagine if they rotate it’s like weekends and stuff like that and we didn’t have to watch the Butterfield Bermuda class classic leaderboard listen this past weekend was terrible by the way jackn awesome awesome hair awesome swing

You’re like Freddy Couples on your swing I literally watched maybe 10 holes on Sunday and had to text Kyle what was going on cuz he didn’t care anything about it not not if if if that same kind of tournament is taking place next weekend I want AK I don’t want congratulations

It’s a travesty it’s a travesty that spring and summer we can’t rotate weekends before football season starts back and have a 230 Saturday Sunday of live golf shotgun start we’re done in 4 hours we see the whole thing all the more reason right now they’re overseas the time well they can’t that that

Doesn’t matter now yeah but still you can still put it on network television so people could no you could get it on network television so it’d be on their apps like it’d be on the Paramount it’d be on the like the you see what I mean

Like ain’t no C du out that you can go and watch tape delay regard whereas it’s a travesty I want I want AK to be on Prime Time television and I’m rooting hardcore hardcore I just want him to look fly like he always does I want him

To have the original look I want the flared pants no that’s dumb with a tight belt dumbest thing ever with the belt buckle he will be laughed off of the screen with the buttons unbuttoned but still the shirt still up there tight around the neck hoodies hoodies and

Joggers hoodies and joggers and long hair that’s what that’s the AK that I choose I’ll take that too that’s the that’s the AK I want all right we’re going to talk about another rumor that could be even bigger uh but before we want to do that we want to give a shout

Out to bad birdie Golf Apparel I got my bad Birdie on tonight uh use coupon code dad’s 15 all the employees here wear bad birdie is that blue camo it’s blue camo baby little little camo action we actually wore this if if you guys would

Go back on our social media we wore this in a tournament with one another we won by the way we won yeah and so people made fun of us until we grabbed the trophy and it was like you know what shut up yeah exactly eat that uh use

Cubon code dad’s 15 take 15% off your next order in every order uh for the rest of I guess for the rest of time maybe Poss so they tell us you can’t do it anymore exactly till they canel it so uh check them out all right so what’s

Our girl’s name we just contact her we tell her be like listen we told everybody they could do this she like all right she’s that’s how easy they are to work with yeah exactly we’re on a first thing basis yeah I think it could be automated emails but I’m going to

Choose to believe they were first yeah we haven’t seen her we don’t know her face to face but she’s really nice by the way super nice super nice all right so Ben the rumor is yeah that Rory mroy could be closing in send it on essentially A1

Billion contract I’ve seen it all the way up as 900 950 million a billion doll contract with Liv Golf and I don’t even know what to think about it okay well his former agent chub chubby whatever H goes by I would be more apt to believe his story more than

Anybody he said 750 million okay so I don’t know that we’re going to get to a billion I do find it funny that this all comes out after Rory pulled the whole we ought to be we ought to be considerate and letting guys back on the tour we ought

To be you know letting guys play in Majors so we got the best guys in the world play it in the majors so yeah I I do find this funny that all this is coming out after that whole you know as as as they call it the movie business

Foreshadowing they they not not to be not to be with four other things got it but yeah so I mean yeah look at it all right so he was hard hardcore anti- live yeah he steps down from like that standards committee yeah okay that was number one he starts talking about

Wasn’t he one of the ones that walked out on the on the meeting or at least ignored the meeting yeah but then he steps down from that committee then he starts talking about how the lives not so bad then he starts talking about how he misses playing with the guys then he

Starts talking about how close he is with ROM then Brooks Kea says if he could play golf with one other one other professional for the rest of his life it’d be Rory mooy and then now these rumors are coming out 750 900 million I I mean is it Vince Carter is

Over listen shut it down if he if he goes and if and if you’re smart we said this about Rah take the dag gone money because this is going more and more towards it not being a separate organization these guys taking the live money in two

Years are going to be playing on the PGA tour still under contract with live money so all these guys play in quote unquote elevated events with no Cuts these guys that have $750 million and John ROMs $500 million they don’t give a damn if there’s a cut or not the problem is now

We’re getting into the territory where if it was a Liv versus PGA tour it would not be fun anymore because the the Liv is going to be so stacked no it’s getting stacked yeah it’s ridiculous if if Rory goes now like you take that top eight or 12 versus the PJ tours top

Eight or 12 you’re I mean it’s not even going to be a fair fight this this whole the sanctimony of you know we got to preserve the game you know we play on the PGA tour because of tradition look $750 million is a lot of

Dagone money you take that with a kid on with a kid on top of his wardrobe sponsorship he’s making easily a billion dollars a year oh without a doubt I me if he takes that for sure I mean it’s now that that that’s a lump sum that’s

Not an annual that’s not a year no still I mean yeah how many people made a big did you hear that it see that’s what we’re here I love that’s like the Augusta Roars I love that you only get that here at bun see one of the that’s

One of the fun things about this is when it comes to the money portion of it keep in mind tiger other than Michael Jordan was the other billion dooll athlete you become one immedi almost immediately John ROM Rory DJ may may already be there because they don’t have to release

Their financials since they’re not on the PGA tour so he could be at a billion already yeah so you’re going from Tiger was the first guy that was a billion dooll Athlete on the PGA tour to now you could have multiple professional golfers their seven guys that are billion dollar

Guys could be and so because the as I said Liv’s not releasing the financials of some of these guys so Rory is going to be a billion I mean he’s got to be darn close right now for sure and Rah got to be darn close right now DJ darn close right now Brooks

Probably on his way I mean with his sponsorships his Netflix sponsorship is yeah you could have seven you could have at least seven billion dollar golfers EXA and so you went from having one guy that was ever a billion doll golfer to now in the last three years you got

Seven yep I’m telling you when everybody says oh you got to preserve the tradition of the game no these guys want to get paid and I don’t I’m not begrudging them I’m sorry if you’re upset about that don’t blame them if somebody this it’s a new

Job I told Kyle somebody comes to me and says we’ll pay you double to do less work okay all right Ben’s getting choked up just thinking about the money we’ll see what happens we’ll see what happens with uh Rory uh moving forward but last thing we want to talk about and we got

To talk about it quick obviously we’re recording here live from bunkers it’s the second round of the winter league we set a blistering Pace at uh at nine under I think net was 10 under uh in a nine hole scramble at uh TPC Scottdale not Scottsboro not San Antonio TPC

Scottdale Ben is might not make it goodness gracious so get a swig or something so tonight we played uh the back nine at PGA National we we backed the te’s up a little bit they made the greens a little bit faster sped the wind up a little bit it was much

Tougher you got to take this okay it was way tougher uh we birdied both part fives all right I’m good now we birdied both part fives but uh we couldn’t make a get a putt to fall we couldn’t get one inside 6 feet the greens were blistering

We shot three under first off I apologize to every Pro that I’ve made fun of you for talking about the wind cuz what Kyle and I probably thought was somebody goes oh winds are 10 mes hour today what no they put it on here ball blowing all over the place whenever you

Get it up in the air so clearly we’re not playing in the wind that we think we’ve playing in our whole lives we’re sitting there going oh this is so strong today this is awful today and then we still hit it straight uhuh that’s not the case yeah because today it’s Florida

Too so there’s not a lot of protection from the wind so you’re exposed but yeah it was blowing all over the place uh the1 th000 hole in ones we didn’t none of us scared it the bear trap is legit well first off ,000 hole in one one of

The holes 170 I think both of them were about that far no the eight uh 17 was only like 145 which is a that’s an awesome golf hole by the way but no you got the bear trap the wind swirling when we were there you had the bear trap was

Uh 15 16 and 17 y 15’s a par three a long par three 16’s the hardest par 4 like that’s ever been made uh you can’t not have 160 170 yards in and you’re it’s water water water everywhere and then you have uh 17 so we finished at

Three under I’m really curious to see how the scores shake out because we were leading we were leading by a shot after the first round so I think we had the the last place team was like we were Net 10 under the last place team was net

Four under it all depends on who shoots where who who lands where because uh it it was um it was tough they made greens faster this time around and so that made a difference cuz we were kind of messed stuff on that especially chipping um we brought our own drivers tonight though

And I think that made I the the the equipment here is great don’t get me wrong like there’s just something about swinging your own club yeah it definitely made us make a made a difference but like if you want to come swing these p770 brand new players irons

Or the stealth 2 irons like uh you can’t go wrong there either so um come next week uh there’s going to be beer on us if you want you’re going to have draft on us you’re paying for this oh yeah it’s all it’s we’re good to go so if you

Come spectate nielo ultral light is also partnering with this all you know you got you’ll have Michelob ultral Light On Us low calorie yeah low calorie and overall amazing restaurant amazing atmosphere like I said you get the Roars from Augusta you get the the the atmosphere of playing the courses you

Want to play and they got the winter league hey there was a late team that signed up they’re playing twice this week they get kep caught up yeah probably let you do it too just it wouldn’t hurt wouldn’t hurt checking them out wouldn’t hurt reaching out and

Play the courses and get caught up so the good news is where did we play last week uh Scottdale TPC Scott Scottsboro no Scottdale my wife jumped into our mentions by the way yeah we see you Lori uh we said something about it then we posted something and put the wrong thing

And all of a sudden she’s chirping and so uh yeah thank you for that but then uh today we you know we did the bear trap so if you get a chance I don’t know what’s up for next week it’s all famous courses it’ll be St Andrews pel Beach

Something like that so go catch up yep come see us come play with us yep and just check out the highlights that we’ll post on social media all throughout really appreciate you guys listening tuning in come see us next week we get here at 5:30 we start playing at 5:30 on

Monday nights we record shortly after so we’ll see you then uh this is episode 311 of the dab by golf fight and we’re always stroken


  1. Nobody is watching it live? There is a big world out there beyond the U.S. I'm in Myrtle Beach and it's on at 3:00am. I'll be front and center

  2. Big AK fan, stoked he is returning to golf. No chance Augusta gives him a invite even if he wins a tournament. Nieman definitely deserves invite. Past Latin American amateur champion, won DP tournament a couple weeks ago, won LIV Mexico 3 weeks ago, several wins on PGA including Riviera two years ago. Enough said.

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