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Mac Boucher X TaylorMade Qi10 | Golf Galaxy

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Hey everyone I’m MAC Bo here today I’m at Golf Galaxy to walk you through the new tailor made qi1 metalwood lineup and kind of why I use each Club so in the 3-wood I carry the qi1 tour head in the seven wood I use the qi1 regular head

We’re going to hit some shots and kind of see why I use each Club all right so we’re going to start with with the three-wood uh three-wood is a super important Club in my bag with just all the different shots I like to hit I can crank the three-wood down to a two-wood

I can crank it up to a fourwood and I can also adjust the weight to kind of control some spin levels to hit a variety of different shots depending on the golf courses I’m playing so right now I’m going to set it to the standard Loft hit some shots and just got a

Baseline number of kind of where when I would use this club okay so something that is really important with me with a 3-wood is I struggle to hit a draw with a driver um so on golf courses that kind of forced me off the te to hit a little bit more

Of a a draw shape I like to have a three-wood or a strong three-wood that I can really turn one over so that’s something that’s super important with me when I’m picking out a 3-wood that kind of fits my bag so we’re going to have a

Little draw here um this should kind of go anywhere around 280 would be the kind of goal to fit my bag okay so that came out extremely nuclear uh carried 287 so that’s pretty close to where I’d want it but that’s super important for me with a 3-wood and I

Actually think I could got a little bit more out of this if I crank that weight forward this weight track here bottom the club is really useful for controlling different uh spin levels as well as launch Windows so as I said earlier the adjustability on this head

Is extremely appealing to me if I want to kill spin we’re going to move this weight track right to the forward that’s going to bring the CG forward in the head which kills spin so for you high spin golfers getting that weight forward with your Woods is going to be really

Important um especially if you’re going to use a three-wood off the te and want a little bit more run obviously when you’re hitting a three-wood into a green you want it to launch a little higher and land softer so that’s when we would bring that weight right to the back of

The club that’s going to raise the spin and have that ball land on the green nice and soft okay so we have this set to the stock standard uh setting it’s a 15° head weight right in the middle so ideally I’m kind of looking for just

Over 3,000 RPM of spin with this uh probably about 260 in the air if I hit a good one and then we’re going to crank the Loft down get that weight forward and see if we can get a little bit more out of it just to show the different

Shots you can hit with this head okay so that’s kind of what the window I want for a stock three Freewood uh 3500 RPM of spin it’s going to come down land pretty soft if I am coming into a green uh but it also obviously

Three 278 in the air is is pretty long as well so I could use it off the te on those tighter par fours so we’re going to crank that Loft down now and get that weight All the Way Forward by bringing that weight forward gets the CG ahead in

The club killing all the spin um so this would be more of a two-wood setting same head we’re just changing the settings all right so now we’re at effective a 13 Dee head uh so again it’s more of a two wood weight All the Way Forward I’d like

To see that spin under 3,000 now uh should be a little lower flight and a little bit more carry with the less lock okay so like I expected 2,000 RPM has spin lower launch and it’s also going to roll out well so on those tight

Par fours that’s going to be Club I can really use to replace the driver this is why I love the tailor made qi1 two or 3-wood you can use it as a two wood you can crank it all the way up to a fourwood it gives me all the shots I

Like to hit in the golf course now let’s dive into the seven wood okay seven wood is probably my favorite Club in the bag I’ve had one in for the last few years now was super excited when they released the uh qi1 in Lefty this year in the

Seven wood so can I kind of go walk through why I use this club for the different shots I like it for and the different yardages I use it from I I do have a pretty big gap from my 3-wood 27 wood but it’s because I find this club

Is extremely easy to work both ways I can crank the Loft down and really turn it over and hit a draw but I can also hit it super high Landing it soft in those kind of longer second shots into par fives or long par 3s so we’re going

To stock one here first kind of give you a baseline number I like to see about 240 in the air with this club on a stock one okay so that was two 249 in the air nice high cut again launch is something I find super important with Woods I

Think it’s a huge benefit if you have a wood that you can get up in the air especially for amateur golfers being able to hit it high in the air and not have it release when it hits a green generally speaking you’re never just going to have irons into greens so it is

Important to be able to launch a wood super high so we’re going to hit a little draw here this is going to lower the flight and this is why I really like this club and the 3-wood I can kind of match the yard I need in my bag so we’re

Going to crank the Loft down in this just by making a slight change to my setup and we should get about probably 260 in the air if I catch a good one okay so 263 rolled out to 282 so again that’s a great gapping between the three-wood tour head and this head and

Again spin dropped a little bit now I would use this club again a lot coming into the those par fivs where I need to land it soft or carry a hazard or a bunker really important to have that um and I just prefer it more than a long

Iron because it’s just a little bit more forgiving coming from the rough coming from those spots where maybe a longer iron would be more of a challenge to hit so we’re going to set up here a little bit more open try to launch this one super high maybe carry it like 225 to

230 okay so 223 in the air again launch way higher spin close to 6,000 so we’ve doubled spin just by making little change to setup but it’s the same head and it pretty much covered three different shots for me so again I pretty comfortable in using this club from ton

Of different spots I highly suggest getting to a Golf Galaxy giving a seven with a shot it’s a club that not a lot of people even think about putting in their bag but super important for me

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