Golf Players

The Senior Backswing Secret That Will Outdrive Your Buddies

Learn how to hit driver farther with this simple backswing tip from Todd Kolb! In this golf lesson, we reveal the senior backswing secret that will help you outdrive your buddies on the golf course. Plus Todd shows how he added 20 yards to a former Division 1 athlete with a simple golf backswing tip.

Say goodbye to shorter drives and hello to longer, more powerful shots with this simple golf backswing technique. Perfect for senior golfers looking to improve their game and beat their friends on the course!

Former D1 Athlete Adds 20 Yards to Driver With This Backswing Sequence

I’m going to show you how my three-step back swing sequence gave a 70-year-old former division one athlete 20 more yards on his drives we know that distance in the golf game is an important part and one of the ways to get more distance is to lengthen our

Swing and as we get older we lose flexibility and we have some previous injuries we don’t move like we used to move so the more that we can turn the more hip turn we can have the longer we can make the back swing so let me just

Demonstrate this for you if I restrict my hip turn because I have a bad back or maybe I’ve Been Told hold to not turn my hips this is about as far as I can swing the golf club so I’m going to make an effort to restrict my hip turn okay and

I want you to watch the length of my swing notice how long the swing is okay so here we go all right now I hit that pretty Sol it was maybe a little bit on the toe so I’ve got my GC quad here to validate it

And that one carried about 200 yards but you could notice because of the restricted hip turn my length of Swing couldn’t get very long all right so let’s hit another one here and this will one I’m going to actually allow the hips to turn and I’m going to make a longer

Swing and we’re going to check out the distance on that then we’re going to get into that sequence more hip turn longer swing okay that one felt wow that really felt solid and launch and I can feel the freedom in the swing and it actually okay that one carried almost 40 yards

Longer a longer swing is going to give us more distance so let’s talk about the three-step sequence if you followed any of our stuff you know that in the setup we like about a 50 40 split and when we’re set up we like the weight to be a

Little bit more on the lead foot so when we’re set in there we’ve got about 60% of our weight on our lead foot 40% on the trail foot so the first step in the three-step sequence is a slight bump so I start on the lead and I bump to the

Trail see how I do that start lead bump Trail so by the time my lead arm is about parallel to the ground I’ve got probably 70 80% of my weight on my trail foot and it’s this shifting of pressure it’s this shifting of weight that can

Give me more distance we go through the three power sources in the book The Bad lie which we wrote specifically for the experience golfer and we cover that in an entire chapter but that’s the first step in the sequence is I want you to start forward and I want you to bump the

Hip to the trail side step number two in the sequence is the release that’s the release of the trail leg when the trail leg releases that allows the hips to turn more you see how I’m doing that so when this knee and this leg releases the hips

Turn if this stays flexed it restricts movement so step one in the sequence is the bump step two is the release the third step all right is what we call the back my main man Nick down the line give him the thumbs up Nick there he is

Nick’s with us every single time pulling this stuff and putting it together Nick’s got me wearing the mic box in my back pocket this is the key part to the pivot I want this back pocket okay maybe it’s for you it’s a phone I want that box going

Backwards that’s step three in the sequence that’s the back so let’s go through them together and then we’re going to talk about this great setup change I made with David to get him 20 yards all right here we go I got the bump in the sequence step two I’ve got

The release step three I’ve got the back all right let’s do a little thre Setter and then we’re going to hit one we’re going to check out what the launch monitor tells us so here we go I got the bump the release the back boom there’s one bump release back notice how the

Hips going back the mic box is going back bump it release it back all right let me go ahead and hit one and I want you to notice here the length of the Swing I’m going to bump it I’m going to release it and I’m going

Back all right pulled that one a little bit I could see shut the face down went a little bit to the left in all honesty but let’s check out the distance on that one I’m thinking it was pretty good okay Carry 240 that’s not bad for me it’s not

Bad I don’t know if I’m experienced a golfer or not I Nick’s laughing back there I don’t know if I’m experienced at this age I’m in my s but some days I feel I feel experienced and you know this too we love hearing where you’re

From hey put it in the comments we love hearing where you’re from Nick and I the team we read all those we love hearing about that and responding to you let me talk about the setup change I made for David former division one college athlete played basketball this guy he

Had some game but he did not have the distance for a guy who was athletic I mean I don’t care if he’s in his 70s if you’re an athlete you’re an athlete your whole life do you agree with that if you do put it in the comments because if

You’re 70 and you’re an athlete as a kid you’re still an athlete when you’re 70 but what would happening is his setup was off so let me show you what he had he had his upper body tilted like this notice how his my trail shoulders High

My lead shoulders low now when he was set like this one is is his shoulders were okay open and that restricted his turn and because his Trail shoulder was higher he couldn’t complete his upper body turn all right so all I simply did said right David here’s what I want you

To do come in with your lead hand first grip it in your lead hand put the club Behind the golf ball and raise the hand handle a little bit now when I raise the handle you can see it from down the line from the front view what happens to my

Shoulders they tilt right here is David okay great athlete in his 70s here’s David after working with us now what this did for him is by getting his shoulder up it helped him hit up on the golf ball okay it’s one of the things that’s great about launch monitors is

That you can actually see if you’re hitting up on the golf ball so let’s tie it together all right more hip turn equals a longer swing I got the three-step sequence the bump the release in the back and I’m going to get my setup dialed in here we go I’m raising

It a little bit I’m set in there oh wow that was the best one of the day that thing was launched it was high what I hit up on that 4.6 de that was money carry 265 so now that I’ve given you 20 to 30 yards with your

Drives check out this setup change I made with Claire that also added 25 yards to her drives


  1. I've had my right hip replaced 3 times. It is hard for me to get a good turn without having a lot of pain. Do you have any tips to help me get a better turn?

  2. I love the simplicity of the way you explain things and how your advice can help experienced golfers like myself. Your book is excellent. Best wishes from Adrian, Derbyshire England

  3. When you lift your lead arm, aren’t you opening the face? Are there any changes to be made when raising lead arm ever so slightly?

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