Today’s video shows me playing Alnmouth Village Golf Club Club alnmouth was established in 1869 making it the oldest 9 hole links in England. The course was designed by the famous Scottish golfer Mungo Park, winner of the 1874 Open Championship at Musselburgh. He was also the club’s first professional/greenkeeper.

There are plenty of challenges to be had here, from the undulating fairways which complicate otherwise straightforward club use from the tee, to the tricky, hard-to-read greens that threaten to play havoc with your short-game. And although it is only a nine-hole course, there are other tees so it can be played as an eighteen-hole for those who wish to.

The view from that seventh tee is spectacular with the beach, Alnmouth Bay, the Coquet Island all visible. Like other coastal courses it’s open to the wind, adding to the challenge.

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On the road again golf mates dodging the rim from the Northwest got a nice drive today going to try and do what I did last week and play two courses try or the first course I get to if it’s beautiful I might just stay there see this listen to a bit of

Prince not bad he’s not do out for a bit I’m not too sure he’s retired he needs to get some more music out he’s not bad but golf mates remember you’re going to see what I’m going to see new a new home for a while let me feel

Like nothing to hold me back take my time just enjoy the ride I know man passing by life is good best I’ve ever felt get me up some in somewhere I can’t find myself if I do see some on the court the flag game it’s two blocks with tashes with sticks but the

Mermaids and like a witch’s cauldron I think it’s called not sure about that golf makes welcome down to another Liam travels today I’m at elou Village past 76,000 y designer I’ll let you know shortly big up to lean what a clubhouse this is right on the village it is

Stunning what a joy it is to be going to do something different I’m going to show you all the course cuz it’s a 90 course I think you’re going to enjoy this one right here we go what a Hidden Gem this is elmou Village Golf Club part

Three starting 147 yards it’s a bit down but I am going to go 18 cuz I am cold first swing of the day there it’s all over it if it’s big enough sit sit oh it stopped stay oh she’s dancing tell you what thank you for the

Comments last week the mean a lot again you don’t know what you’re in for I’ve had the draw now and uh I’ll tell you now if you think last weeks were good this one’s going to blow your mind right golf mates I’m going to read this off

The website so you don’t think I’m taking the Mick cuz sometimes you think I’m taking the mick right Elmo Village is the ninth oldest 90 Links Course in the UK 1869 it was designed by the 1984 Open championship winner at muscle BR Mongol Park great he must be a Scottish name

But I don’t get that uh hey look at this tea box look at this for shot honestly no swing no nothing Alou Village I’m on fire hey Greenkeeper met him Jimmy he’s going to love it sunl fan he’s not as a Newcastle fan he’s a maum he’s not a

Mack he’s a magpie always do your pitch marks golf mates what a shot that were right it’s all been R what I am going to say golf mates I don’t know if I’ve said it already I get four shots so I can be four over for this front nine but would

It be nice to start with a little birdie pie no fumbling birdie pie that’s a nice part to start with that is a nice PA to start with level p on to the next drivers coming out I think right golf mes as you can see with the drawn

I’m not too sure of drivers the club it’s stroke 12 320 Ys but it’s down wind feel like I’m going to have it hard when it turns around so the one two three it’s like there’s four RS into try and go left hand side and I’ve it a really oh God there’s

A car there I it a 12 wood I mean it’s all right nearly skyed that after a great step it’s not a long go but that were a great one that did you hear it do need to warm up but hey ho all change you probably seen the

Intro saying oh I’m going to do two courses well I am but it’s going to be two videos cuz I’m going to go to another course and play all that I’m telling you this week and next week you’re in for a treat right golf mates I tell you what the turf dries

Anything got 144 yards that thinks my drive gone about 170 yards I’ll be honest I think it went higher then it went longer okay 9on it looks like it’s in a ball does looks like it’s in a ball oh that’s a beautiful golf shot that is all over the pin honestly that’s a

Wrecked what a goal shot that was did you get that Mr cameraman boom boom what a shot that was can’t you tell I’ve been in Egypt for a couple of days and I might have had a lesson off Simon that’s all I’m saying div oh yes love it

Hannibal Smith said it once with a big fat Cuban in his mouth I love it when plan comes together I love it when a plan comes together so it might be a bit cold but the weather is great this shot is just made me so happy people asked on the last video

Liam Liam Liam how do you find these courses well I’m going to let you into a secret I’m going to go to the office now what me and pres were this morning show you a little secret right golf makes here we go this is a problem we’ve got

The rain it’s all on the west coast all way down to the Midland but if you look East Coast get it to 3:00 pretty all right so if we go up to the east coast at 6:00 we’re laughing so how do I find a course dead easy Google Maps I know

Around this area now is going to be dry so let’s zoom in there’s a place called elmou here elmou Golf Club but what I don’t I’ve only just seen at last minute there’s two there’s a little nine Aller here elmou Golf Club there and that’s the secret Google maps in Google

Maps if you could see this here but I could see the circles of the greens uh what a start after that terrible terrible t-shot come on baby Light My Fire come on hit me hit me hit me with your Rhythm stick hit me hit me tell you what you

Don’t nor set do it but sometimes you got to ask and in life I’ll be straight people who are cheeky I’ve got a chance of getting what they want so I’m going to be cheeky get off your coach and smash that like button for the worst Drive ever smiled boom shaka L birdie

One under right stroke 17 seems to be a bit of mounded middle of the fway all bosis this would have rescue people back in there that would be a lios house have you paid your fees of course we have right 312 Ys let’s get a proper Drive way now I think straight

Over that mound we’re going to be there there bouns what I am going to say green keeper here what a great job the greens are fantastic bunkers I’ll show you a bunker in a minute how good are they proper all over it right it’s a high one again off the tour

It’ll work it’s not a great drive that but this Dandy it’ll work but it w’t a great hit I need to get that going for when I’m coming back into the O Breeze so golf mates everyone will be back on the channel soon we’ve got some Mega videos coming out some massive

Announcements as well but the reason I’m doing nine and not doing like I did last week it’s because you in the comments said it’d be great you would have showed more so that’s what I’m doing so please show me some love on one under PA not

The best shot there but show me some love that you like this cuz we’re going to be running around editing all weekend get it out for you so it be nice cuz a lot of comments last week were like really nice made me happy and some of comments were saying like you get

Enjoyment out the videos so give us a like and give us a comment and I’ll reply reply to all of them like I am doing and you notice me cuz it’s all spelled wrong right gol M it’s 115 yard it seems to be in a ball again might

Have trouble with the old zoom in here but see what we can do gut wedge looks like to me pins on the left of the green what a nice shot round side of the green give me a bit of a green I think she’s on I think she’s on but I don’t think

She’s dancing what I mean she’s on the dance floor but she can’t hear the DJ for change of music cuz the music they’re playing is not that good it’s and I can walk 500 miles it’s a steak one not to worry I’ve got my little

Baggy I’ve left M to in bloody Egypt had a bit of Deli belly had to use it and you didn’t really didn’t need to know that never mind can’t KN the distance big div it like a bit steep the driver’s been a bit steep I need to shallow that

Out wow I don’t if you can see from the back camera here there seems to be a lawn tree down there near the green reminds me is it is it spare glass or spy glass in the USA hope for the people in uh USA let I’m going to give a

Big Sho to Alan and Steve hasslein I’m not sports with for a long time they’re living in Canada and America and I think they’re up here this is her neck at the woods fact I think the monkey angers all right this is fast behind take a two put

Here it’s not bad that it’s not bad I’ll tell you what I know the police will be calling me but if it goes here it’s fast one under wow going to get bitten in me ass soon uh what I am going to say golf mates the reason I’m playing extremely

Well with my score after three O’s is if you want to bit a look you might want to win the lottery what you want to do is this oh that’s poo I just put my hands in poo can’t believe that I I this is what I did last week put me

Hand in she and uh brings you luck because I’ve not drove well and I’m one under gross remember that you learn a lot of things from this channel right here we go I’m miss out on a shot here short five and six fourfold 367 yards looks class looks like we’re going end

Of the peninsula now probably see better on the Drone uh right get me spine onle right and keep the Shallow that is Miles better right outside of the fway you’ll get that just sounded class look at that North that’ be the North Sea that been the off sea and next week’s video is from a golf course just around the corner there and I’ve got a little

Snippet I’ve been there I’ve got a tea town later on it’s like part of it it’s just got loads of Junes it is probably the best kep Secret in golf I apologize I probably should tell you where elou Village Golf Club is well it’s on the sea it’s in North

Umberland so it’s about 3 hours from Bolton but I’m going to tell you a little story people from down south might not know especially people from from abroad won know but you got this mot called the m62 and when they were building it they asked this farmer can

We buy your house cuz it’s right in the line of where we need to go and he was a stubborn old s called Ken wild and he said no thinking like what you going to do so they offer him big money and he still said no what did he do stayed

There what did they do as you can see now they built the motorway around him what a silly man uh wow wow wow wow I’m going to get on the Green after this second shot which I’m going to show you now look at this absolute class but how close were I

From the beach but I’m not it would have been out of Bones actually unless it no it’s not out of Bones is it because they’re not white oh well there could be AIT I tell you what I’ve whacked that driver man it’s D wind so this other one know is

Going into right at the end of the six there another power forward what a course what a course this is right I’ve got 100 yards I’ve got a little Gap I’m hoping I get a little bounce could have been naughty shot this that needs to go or it might be

Lovely damn first mistake I’ve left that 35 shot I just giv it a tickle I thought it would bounce but it’s rised okay I’m going to wipe this smile off my face near the sea no hat could come off it’s actually mild now I don’t know what

It is I’m going to say some a walk last week and walking now I don’t know about walking but that’s if you’re capable if you not got any bad joints now walking a course sometimes clears your mind clears you just it’s just good do you know what

I tell you this wind’s getting up now it’s going to be hard few back NES so it’s like a traditional links out then in you’re going to love this place if you come I best find out how much it is yeah it B so com we’re a good shot is

That where when I’m trying it a gap wedge really really easy I should just beting a 54 full maybe so yeah right I’m going to try and bump it run and run it be a good shot just get it on the green need to go right cuz it’ll kick it left on this

Hill just love listening to that c where’s your bump and run stay there I did say right didn’t I okay this should be a bgy turf’s lovely lovely and dry it’s weird it’s not like lynxy it’s not don’t feel like sand Bas but it’s it’s dry it’s weird it’s like

It’s sand underneath but it’s got to be a top soil on a gromin is know as well as a YouTuber you know it’s not bad that golf Banks is it and D handicaps out off this course so leave it Empire take a t next door looks really inviting right green

Brilliant what’s going on getting to the O and that’s what oh my god do you know I’ve hit that and I thinking right come on come on come on come on Liam and then I thinking to himself I need to show you this island I might be wrong the local

Community will help me here but see that Island over there could be wrong somewhere on this Co line there’s an island like that but you can drive across the sea to it when the Tide’s down I don’t know if it’s that island or it’s an island up there comment below

And let me know because I’m into all that is that for being positive or is it because I’ve got one to the o or is it just because the greens are good or truth it’s CU I put my hands in that poo comment below right fif all bit of a

Forward T so it’s only 270 from here got my three iron uh it’s a shame you know it’s a small small dog leg you got that tree Behind the Green imagine the tree all greened up it look great to be fair I’ll be honest I’d

Love to play this all burnt up so link should be played so it’s a small dog leg after to don’t go right here it might be too big all right nothing like real golf look at that bounce oh please zoom in i’ right the ball’s still going now I

Want you to zoom into to me when it’s your day it’s your day if you can zoom into my feet here that’s my divit here uh I have nearly missed that ball so what so what I’m in play 100 yard right not going to make

That mistake I’m going to get my 54 and H it proper I think that’s the way to do this pin looks like it’s hanging off the green so it’s right it’s a bit thin I needs to go needs to go I think she’s on and it’s

Span on the green uh took the shot on that’s all I’m going to say a little bit thin but at least had a bit of commitment in that hopefully it’s in the TWP territory or like the overall 2y one po to be fair I didn’t check the stroke

Index I had a shot here probably don’t whole five in it what I am going to say if I have if we can get a p whole Five Short 15 when am I going to get my shots tell you what the design of this place how Scott BL Mongol or mingle I forgot

His name look at the runoffs here look at this and there’s another the runoffs are great there’s that tree again it’s stunning you can just visualize this son tree for leaves turqu wise SE mad I I was just wondering why am I doing the video and why am I telling you but I

Tell you what I’m going to expose this what a title this golf course we going to expose it for it is you need to come and play it because why would you come here 9 all and it got me thinking well if you going up the A1 which is about 10 minutes away

Up to Scotland you come from down south when it break your journey up have like a 6 s hour drive come off here do 90 stay over here and get yourself in Scotland it’s only an hour up the road yeah I’m looking at this next door look at

This bloody thing which leads me on to something I forgot to tell you there’s a big sister up there or a big brother elmou Gold Club is up there this is elmou Village so there’s another Gold Club up there I pr it down is it see but I’ve

Never played it could be good Pai have a bit of that Pai again it’s a bit quirky now this how green the greens are right it’s coming around here and it’s left right with the wind you can see the flag game there side’s coming in next week when

You see the other course it’s going to blow your mind it’s just like this one but with Junes wonder you know where I’m going all right bir is that too hard turn turn oh is that there what is going on what is going on two plus mix hold I’m not draw it’s not

Super long course like I said in the intro but wow boom shac five down level par not not one under 100 giving myself a little disj Justice right golf mates 300 yd uphill into the wind this is a beast now I’ve got a shot because it is stroke five and

I iot I get the fourth low Strokes on this so I have got a shot and I’ve got to get it right even though it’s a shot hole I’m just going to get it try and get it straight over cameraman without knocking him out oh a F Well That Couldn’t got any

Straighter I wanted it boom shakal lak this is going too good this don’t ever like sour grapes but he could have stopped this but a bit of Lu but that was a great drive presy just said to me Uncle Liam I can’t believe your putting’s bettering a driving to all I’m thinking to

Myself is it that bad my poting I don’t know uh I’m having it off really am can’t wait to get the lads me this could be I don’t want to give you any secrets away but we’re doing a hidden gems doing an extra one we’re going down south cuz

People are saying why we’re not going down south but we are what I am going to say if you’re a golf course when you want a bit of exposure just to email me and we might be able to come down might need a little help of expense if we get

Down if we coming down with the full team for fuel and alls and that but anyway get in touch if You’ like me to come and do a video on your course and play this good you might hear me heavy breathing that was a big hill right got 100 yards into

Uphill could it baby n I’m it full Gap not going to talk about the one missing no I think Gap I think Gap I won’t get the winds got up I did it at sail CR the baby nine so it’s 100 yards uphill give that 115 and

Win I think I can hit this full you know I do it’s a big win that come on I’ve got a great score yeah don’t mess with that wind don’t mess with it come on scy shot this oh I’ve screamed it right get down wind get down get down get down get down

All be there oh in this will be a fun up and down I will take five here now that’s going to be a hand shot too easy that face wide open am I bothered not a chance I want to make you laugh keep doing this video

Don’t I hi yeah yeah yeah how you doing yeah yeah yeah then you have to do this I’m going get the bloody camera for God’s sake not done no running zooms this is horrible golf mates actually at a 54 it’s it’s on an uper eye

Oh I did the right thing look at the distance again oh this is naughty this this is naughty can see you all laughing it going Zoom any we’re on the green if that sits that’s beautiful but it might have Top Spin cameraman looks like he’s having a little uh he’s

Laughing his head off he’s laughing his his head off I feel I think I thought it was a good shot that but he’s laughing his head off so behind me is the elou golf club that looks in great Nick bunkers are beautiful oh she’s not

There oh my God what a view I’ll show you this VI I do a little Vlog like I used to I’ve not done a running Zoom for you look at that preview that’s great where’s my ball cameraman’s laughing is it’s not all down there is

It oh for God’s sake hey I’ll do is ever so well no I’ve not seen it I don’t know if it full of Top Spin but what a hard all this is maybe better wedge instead of being lazy right 58 now I’m just going to try

And Flo it definitely left it’s a bit more green there try and give myself a putt that’s beautiful oh do you know what I might get chance for hey let’s get up there hit my butter God I’m blowing at me ass right this is for Salvage

Five I can’t I’ve got it can’t really go for it cuz it’s downhill that way in the wind got to one undergr don’t be negative but I’ll take a six here I won’t oh wow Flags out for that told you I touched that all right come on firm Head wow well it’s one thing with this golf you’ve seen the good the bag and the ugly but still I’m glad showing this Coral horse exposed I think I got a seven I got seven there yep so that’s a seven one um two over gross now after six I’ll

Take my four shots off I don’t know I’m doing this but I’ll do it where I look good honestly just see an air cut on a face transplant cull that reminds me of cullin unbelievable wor the 3-hour journey was honestly awesome right coming back of

A got Triple B yeah it will be on it and after a fantastic t- shot hey y’ who cares I’m going to r that moan there I think God this will blown up in the air for ages this lovely shot that is right on got me hand over that right on that mountain

That it’s not going to get there the wind or is it can’t see a bloody thing great swing got my driver go oh oh well it don’t matter does it I wonder if it’s honesty here would you go to an Irola especially know what I’ve showed you

Like I said I a snob not now let me find out how much is to play I forgot so golf mates 18 o I said there’s two lots of te’s it’s 28 well with it views quality of greens well wor it £18 for9 see leam behind the bar talking

About the be wow Clubhouse is great it’s packed for the Ramblers and golfers it’s like in the village had the first tea where I should have teed off right there but they’re just doing a bit of work unbelievable imagine the summer it’s all crowned you got a little atmosphere like

Playing at the Masters talking about the Masters Golf mates Masters is coming in April right golf mates shots scor saying 150 into a right good wind that drive’s gone I’m even gone you ready six IR cuz it’s right in that driver hit pretty well it’s gone nowhere proper hole now

This beautiful still say my favorite could be them last two though 4 five it’s a low one I’m not at it great out of the tour but it could run front edge could run front edge Jesus tonight need a u together let’s get up and come on that’s a great drive it’s

Just gone bloody nowhere nothing’s going to stop me I’ve not met a member yet i’ that was like CH just people not it well so it’s scraped nearly I’ve got a little N9 going to try and keep it low that one I would to put my fingers

In the other week right Good Vibes again Good Vibes currently two over there’s nothing wrong with that a new course wind conditions so I’m having time in my life with you right left to right okay bgy three over two left can hit me handicap we get one bgy one p or

Two PS I got one less me handicap boom Shak AAC get in come on I need you know be with me be with me right power five 450 from here but into so nice free shotter just’s try and take it easy all the room left nothing for

Right I’m going to have to hit another oh my God what did that come from that could be free off the tea oh my gide an wow if a nightmare finish this come on hopefully it’s not out of bounds but that was rubbish as usual provisionals are always fantastic

But how bad with that first T shot never mind I’m all a human how we human or are we dancers The Killers got that one right didn’t I eh threee off the te what a shock out wa Look At That Swing go and diags it for me what did I do B probably

Come over top right got John McGinley 206 into will it get there I don’t know front edge oh six here would be grand you never know I’ve gone right right right that’s just like the drivers with steam bones for God’s sake oh it’s that bad it’s

Hard all right hey chicken and rice not to worry you’ll need one good shot to get a good score right let’s lighten the mood on the way up went Costa Coffee got this weird s I’ll let you see morning welcome to Costa what can I

Get for you uh can I have a flat white please yeah of course can anything else and can I have a egg mushroom and spinach bat please any sauce uh no thank you is that everything uh do you do chicken and rice do what sorry chicken

And rice no no sorry okay uh and an orange juice as well please an orange juice is that everything yes love make me around for me cost SE for me I’m a Starbucks I don’t know if you’re a Coster or a Starbucks but what would you have ordered not vegan just like

Mushrooms for some reason don’t know why cuz I’m a fun guy already so the question is Starbucks or Costa right I’ve got four this is my fifth on this par five okay that W try and get it m of the way 45 yards oh looking God I’ve nearly killed

Press That’s how you are I’m having a great I think the legs have fell off aren they maybe this for this walking carrying all these cameras Nick the Greek he’s editing away maybe I’ll bring him next not even on to running Zoom listen let’s do some here

Last week you were R and ni R editing I up to Presley Only 17 c a pine tricky shot this I’ve got my gap wedge I’m thinking just about here and it’s downhill uh he talking about Captain crumble to be fair I thought it was a

Great shot I really did I thought the wind were going to knock him down go on if he gets that it’s so class oh in summertime that is absolutely class okay not to worry you got to laugh for one of them t- shots was so bad wouldn’t it

Right come on take out today and we you I’ve puted a sensational on what a course oh hey Alm are giving away a four ball as well so make sure you comment Leo give me your giveaway right and that all three off the tea four five six seven is that

Right two over did I get a seven or was that an eight or it press pry off the tea wait no no t- shot pre off the te four five 6 7 8 that’s three over the handicap and I already W so I’m now I’m four over is

That right yes no seven you got seven I got SE I have not a clue how many over I what I got there be honest uh Nick and nickel put it up there think have lost me on the I love golf and I love it for this

Reason I’ve not been writing my score down cuz I doing all right I think oh I know what I am I’m going to leave it to the editors it’s proves one thing sometimes people say golf spo’s a good walk not a chance on the last all here

310 yards uh been nice finish with a par never mind a birdie so my score it is there now that’s what it is that’s how many over par I am but I am allowed four shots so I think I am more of my handicap I’m sure I got an eight or a

Seven on that all i’ definitely got a six on the old two before and a bgy then so that’s a few right come on the tour Runner that’s not great but it is if you zoom in press I can’t yeah I thought we get that oh 40 yard

Shot am I doing that I’m going to dinos my swing I can’t wait to watch it back hey come on stick with me cuz I’ve got some news for you what I’ve kind of told you some lies I’m going to have to tell you some truth so let’s get down the fur

Going to tell you some truth right golf makes at the beginning of the video I did say there’ be a great video next week from this super course I’m looking at the time now it’s going dark I don’t think I’m going to have time get there but I

Am going to get back there and show it uh bit gutted about that cuz we went it had a seniors on and it was absolutely stunning but have you enjoyed this video that’s all I want to know have you enjoyed it make sure you comment and

Like and tell me well done but you got to say but Starbucks or Costa are definitely what on Earth with them swings not to worry right got 80 yards into the wind G wedge full should be lovely let’s go right inside it’s up there right inside I

Think that’s P it wow it’s got a two P for golf winds today don’t it yeah cuz I thoroughly enjoyed it but golf wins yeah golf wins always put your divits back do you think golf wins I think so it’s beat me today I tell you that right let’s finish

Strong right to left into wind it is like baric St Andrews on a miniature thing it’s right in the little village I’m going to put a drone up after it this port will show you the beauty of this Village said I see you Jimmy wow it’s not got

There right well look at this for a drawing footage if I could afford it I’d love to sell up move near the sea I think I would here away from the cities I would I think Cy would as well I don’t think the course has handed it to me I think it’s

A nice fur friendly course I think it just swung a bit bad last uh half oh golf makes there you go I’m going to say big up to elou Village big up to leam behind the bar and all the lovely people here because it’s one beautiful

Place like I said it needs exposing for what it is and that’s nothing bad it’s a beautiful beautiful Lynx golf courts which you need to come and play if you’re on the way up to Scotland or you’re on the way back home and you’re breaking up your trip golf Mak I’ve been

Liam and I’ll see you soon a new place a new home for a while let me feel like nothing to Hope


  1. I absolutely love your videos!!! I learn so much and it's great to watch you play I love your commentary as your playing I can't stop laughing!!!! Your courses are beautiful!!!! Keep doing what your doing and making amazing golf videos!!

  2. The Village is a fantastic nine hole course, and as you found out it can bite you on the bum. I have played it many times, and I recommend that you come back in the summer when it is burned off. It would be interesting to see how Mr Barlows scoopy loopy gets on.

  3. Great video. If you are wanting to play Alnmouth Golf Course let me know and I’ll sign you in. (It’s even better!)

  4. When.I.started watching #Golfmates all those years ago, I said to my Missus "you've got to watch this….. theres a comedian who's doing a golf channel " …….and I wasn't wrong 😂
    You keep us laughing out loud Liam.😂
    Great stuff!!👍

  5. Great video, one of my favourite courses Almouth Village. Even better to play in the middle of summer. And it has to be Costa, owned by Whitbread, a North East Company. And the island you can drive over to is a little bit north, Lindisfarne.

  6. So great to see you back to yourself buddy! Love the hat too. Might be purchasing one of those? Unless I take that off your hands 😂 great video as always

  7. You are thinking of Holy Island which is Lindisfarne.
    There is a nice little course near Seahouses we passed on our way to Scotland last year and we always stop off by HolyIsland to break the journey.
    Fabulous part of the world.

  8. For all the old people that watch this and the golf. The music on the intros are the best of any YouTube channel. They are class. Fair play Liam on your journey as I have been watching since 2018. You are a credit to yourself and family, even though I wish you would cut out the red meat!

  9. Loving these back to basics videos Liam. We've all bigged ourselves up with a few good shots…then it all goes to rat shit😅

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