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Breaking Down Open Workout 24.1: Strategies and Insights – Episode 56

In Episode 56 of the Masters in Motion Podcast, we dive headfirst into the freshly released CrossFit Games Open Workout 24.1. This episode is your ultimate guide to understanding, strategizing, and conquering the first challenge of the 2024 CrossFit Games season.

We’ll dissect the components of Workout 24.1, offering our detailed analysis on how to approach each segment for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. From pacing strategies to movement tips, we’re covering all bases to help you not just survive but thrive in this year’s opening test.

But that’s not all – we’re also bringing in expert opinions and community reactions to provide a well-rounded perspective on 24.1. Whether you’re aiming for a top spot on the leaderboard, looking to beat your personal best, or simply wanting to participate and have fun, this episode is packed with valuable insights to enhance your Open experience.

Join us as we kick off the 2024 CrossFit Games season with a bang, offering you the tools, motivation, and support to tackle Open Workout 24.1. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a CrossFit newcomer, let’s rise to the challenge together! #OpenWorkout24.1 #CrossFitOpen2024 #WorkoutStrategy #MastersInMotion


Training specifically designed for Masters Athletes #getbolder


⚠️ Watch me next ⚠️

– How I went from overweight to 3x CrossFit Games Champ

– How I would start from Scratch

– Stop Training Like You’re 20 Years Old


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Jason Grubb Fitness, All Rights Reserved
*This channel for entertainment purposes only. I share my opinions and what works for me, but you should do your own research and make your own decisions.

#crossfit #crossfitgames #fitness

All right welcome to this special edition of the Masters and motion podcast uh it’s a it’s breaking news is what we’ve got here Rick we are going to interrupt our scheduled podcast for the next three weeks and on Thursday nights we’ll try to do these brief uh although

Who knows we say brief but I know when you and I get Talking we can get going um but you the CrossFit open started today uh worldwide and 24.1 is has been announced and you and I have been doing on it all day thinking about it and we are here to unveil the

Ultimate strategies and all everything that anyone would ever need to know about this from our just years of wisdom is that fair or am I overselling it I’ll go with it but I’ll tell you I have I have for years watched um open prep videos from anybody I could get a hand

Up get a hold of I mean from about like seven o’clock at night through 10 o’clock every you know when the workouts were released later when they were released at uh was it 8:00 Eastern 5 o’ oh yeah I remember that so the the prep videos

Wouldn’t come out till a lot later at night and I would hold on and hold on just waiting for it I never thought I’d be talking about it one with you but hey full circle isn’t that crazy we paid our we paid our dues it’s okay we have paid

Our dues I mean I remember if we think back I mean we’re going back like to 20 2016 17 I think you know some of the videos I would I would be dying for was like you know what does bon think uh what’s comp train what are they talking

About good ones that’s right yeah they really did and uh you know who was also a really good one was Chris spieler he would I can’t remember if he would go on live on Instagram or something it was really uh it was really homegrown how do

I want to say that uh I he was just a camera with a guy walking around the gym he’s like here’s a better way to do air squats or a better way to do thr rusters um it was really fun um but no I was

Really at the time I would just I would seek out all of them as well like and for us at the time that’s how Masters qualified to the games like you had to have a good open Score yeah yeah that all that that carried all the way forward through the qualifiers which was

Just so so stressful so you did not want to have a bad weekend ever and that’s why I think a lot of us would do them on Friday because you knew you had you basically had to redo it on Monday I mean there was not there was there was

Really no um no mistaking that you were going to hit hit a home run the first time up up up the bat so right yeah now it’s a different mindset nowadays and we’ll get into that I totally agree yeah the I mean the mindset now is this um different qualification process that is

Even more unique this year than it was last year with the top 25% from the open and get to go to quarterfinals boy that releases some pressure uh for some to get to to get to quarterfinals so I know for you I think you said you’re doing the open with

Class tomorrow yep that’s what fits my schedule as am I on a Friday Night Lights class and it’s let’s go and have some fun we’re GNA suffer it’s gonna hurt but it’s we can have fun and not not have a sterile environment you know right with the cameras we have plenty of

That in the future coming correct and speaking of cameras and setup uh have to give um BOS if if what they say is true that BOS did program the open workouts um even though Dave made the announcement hats off to BOS for uh keeping it simple like they said they

Were going to and and Dave alluded the fact you will not need floor plan can’t get any simpler than a dumbbell on the floor I mean how how classes want to organize people and stagger folks and give everybody space is up to them them but you certainly

Don’t need uh to be running to the hardware store tonight to buy a bunch of tape for you know for this week so I’m really not we might have that in the future but thank goodness we don’t have it for the open yeah I I’ve done the evening

Announcement run to Home Depot to pick up uh tape for the floor and then going and taping lines on the floor is just it’s exciting and miserable at the same time but yeah no when I was uh this afternoon I recorded um a prep video so

I now I’m the guy creating videos was released to YouTube but um yeah I was like okay so let’s see I need a dumbbell okay that’s it you know I actually went to my dumbbell rack yeah just it was crazy now to be fair let’s be honest I’ll be transparent to you and

You only this is for your ears only Rick uh it I did the demo video with a 35b dumbbell there is no need for me to be sling around a 50b dumbbell today on a rest day the day before the open so the 35b felt great I’ll tell you

What it was I was Snappy yeah I can make things look really good with lighter weights okay so the camera camera did lie let’s say that the camera lied today there’s nothing on there that says 35 or you know whatever 50 pounds I would certainly imagine and I’m still gonna

Watch the video so to everybody out there yes I do watch Jason’s videos but um I would imagine you even talk about that and we should touch on that CL classes will too we will I will have a 25 a 35 in my hand to start and then

Certainly uh work my way up to the 50 before we uh yes 3 two one go it’s gonna make sense yeah if we let’s let’s get to I would love to jump straight to strategy now but let’s actually talk about the announcement okay uh what were some of your highlights from the

Announcement today because it was it was nice it was fun I I mean I that’s I I know I’ll start out with it was fun what did you think yes uh it was entertaining I did not watch any of the pre stuff I was able to just tune in right at about

Five minutes to three Eastern and uh caught them talking to the crowd and then uh Dave took it away and in typical Dave fashion it was convoluted over to the Whiteboard you knew it was drawing and everything I’m like oh my here we go if he has to draw it

Out it’s it’s an elegantly simple number-wise workout but for him to get to that point I was like what is he what is he doing what’s he saying what a meant it was actually I agree it was actually slightly hard to follow you just like okay 259 wow that’s going to

Be fast two two movements it’s a couplet for 2159 that’s going to be a barn burer he’s like well what about 21 yeah right and you’re like okay so yeah that that’d be interesting and then uh you’re like oh okay quadruple the 2159 okay that sounds more like it that

Sounds more uh ominous challenging awful um oh and none of us do single dumbbell snatches without switching our hands we never do that now we do do we do pistols on one leg so Props for that however you’re right I mean maybe five I’ve done five fives just something like that but

Not for sets of 21 so this will be this will be something yeah it will be something uh I’ll tell you what you didn’t miss or what you missed but was a little bit silly so you know they’re doing the uh the golden barbell not that’s not what it’s called but the

Awards yeah yeah golden bar and they were gonna cumul score the three events that they did yeah yeah they did their workout yesterday uh uh girls nasty girls which which is fun that’s cool and then they did the workout today which which was uh CrossFit 11.3 or five or

Something like that so it was 5 minutes of uh squat clean and jks or clusters if you want to think of them they pretty much did clusters 165 I think 165 for men do you know how heav that was for me in 2011 dying then wait you did I

Absolutely did it I will go back and find a Score I did not get a lot of reps trust me it was a it was a heavy bar yes they were and that time went fast I mean when I was in in 2014 my first open I

Could not have squat cleaned 165 anyway like just I remember in a workout having to scale 165 in my first year of CrossFit so rich frin got something like 83 reps that year 80 something like that in in uh five minutes yeah is craziness and so all four athletes go out there on

The floor I’m gonna spoil it for you all four athletes go out on the floor and they do like a every 10 second rep all four of them at the exact same time at the exact same pace so they get like how many reps is that six times they get

Like maybe 30 reps maybe and that’s it it was the most anticlimactic they’re just doing this pace and I guarantee that fikowski was got them all together said hey guys we’re about to do an open announcement let’s just do this every 10 seconds let’s do a cluster

I bet you they all and you know we’ll just we’ll all do the same it will it won’t mean anything and we’ll all sell ourselves on the open workout that’s have that has to have been what went down because it was the most boring five minute workout I’ve ever seen I was

Laughing and Sean and Annie were like you know they were commentating it and they were kind of into like okay okay so they’re off Pace from what Fring did definitely off pace and they’re they’re they’re really slow here and then they just they just held this I don’t I think

They all did I’m not exactly sure but I think they all did the exact same reps okay so it was humorous humorous to say all right so that backfired on CrossFit to get four Elites to do a yes test run of a past open workout right before okay

Yeah I mean yeah I mean it’s it’s fair that it’s a little crazy literally to go back to back with 15 20 minutes of a break in between that’s a little even even in their capacity yeah and and think uh back to your question and what

I think of the announcement um to no one’s surprise Jeff Adler is still really fit um yes the the ladies U held their own really well uh not that far off of his pace and as it was pointed out this is really a shorter person I hate to say

This it’s a shorter person’s workout I mean you still have to do the work but fikowski versus Adler there is a pretty significant height difference and and yeah how far the dumbbell has to travel for Brent is just a longer distance from Florida overhead than it does for Jeff I

Mean yeah it’s plain simple yeah so it it just is and and you know fikowski chose to snap up on his burpees which was curious uh but that just may be the way he always does burpees and it’s not maybe he’s not going to make that a

Change right there where Adler was able to to drop down and step step hop yes in a very quick efficient um very impressive um at the end Adler stepped it up to hop overs very very fast but uh I was I was surprised if akowski went with the snap-up hop over

On every on every rep it’s just more fatiguing I mean I prefer that kind of Burpee for Fitness but as far as like I’m gonna go do 90 burpees um 90 dumbbell snatches mixed in I mean it’s a lot of that hinging it’s a lot of

Bending yes correct a lot of hinging Y uh that could lead into warming up talk we’ll talk about that too you it’s got we’ve got to have a good thorough warm up especially your yes your lower back hamstrings and that’s I I think that’s fair to talk about now I think you know

Thinking when you watch them do this it it always looks like I mean I know it’s going to hurt uh we we’re smart enough we’ve done this long enough to know it’s going to hurt but when we look at that pace that’s a that’s a wonderfully

Aggressive Pace to be able to watch on on the screen there and then thinking like gosh it does it doesn’t look like it’s it doesn’t it doesn’t look that fast I mean it looks like they could go faster but then you think about you know you and I did about 170 burpees last

Saturday something like that actually it was exactly 170 um we we would never go with break neck Pace break neck speed in a workout that had 180 reps which this workout does so you have to think what makes sense for me if I’m going to do 90 burpees yeah burpees and 90 dumbbell

Snatches I would never you know I would never just one go out cold or jump out of the gate too hot so I think on the warm-up you mentioned hinging which I think is the probably one of the biggest parts of this workout from a warm-up

Perspective what are how do you warm up that hinging your hinging areas uh I’m going to start with a PVC pipe and I’m going to move to an empty barbell and I’m going to do some good mornings yeah uh for sure uh first I’m going to roll

The back out kind of got out of order there I’m Gonna Roll the back out I’m going to make sure um I’ve got some some Dynamic stretching in place on the ground first then I’m going to incorporate the barbell uh yeah I’ve heard things like uh couch stretch too

I’m not sure if I want to do that before or after I have a feeling my back will be lit up after and I want to go up against the wall there for that um to try and relieve some of that pressure on your on your lower back um yeah

Shoulders too um I heard one one good tip about uh take a lighter dumbbell and do some overhead walking lunges not with a 50 or 35 but lighter to your to your prescribed weight but what you’re doing is you’re forcing your upper your upper torso into a good position uh on lunge

Steps you’re kind of warming up the glutes um yeah even though we won’t be lunging but there’s there’s enough positioning there uh for overhead walking lunges uh that’s off the top of my head but I’m going to I’m going to do that and whatever else I’ve got programmed

Here whatever else is necessary um I I’ll I’ll probably kick it off I’ll do some crossover symmetry to kick things off to get those shoulders somewhat activated I also like if I know I’ve got a bunch of hinging I like to do some uh inchworms y inchworms into um McKenzie

Push-ups have have you ever I’m not sure if you’ve ever done those so what they look like it’s it’s the worst push-up you could do like imagine like a a four-year-old doing a push-up and their butt never goes up almost going into a cobra if you do those those can be

Really effective oh do you feel whole they are hard yes oh you feel so much so I like to do an inchworm out like five Mackenzie push-ups and then go into a downward dog I’m going to open up the shoulders a little bit and I in the same

Way that you were talking about walking lunges I want to open up that posterior chain down there and I think what’s fun about walking lunges I really like that actually that combination of some downward dog McKenzie push-ups um and some lunges I’m stepping I’m stepping up

On my burpees and so that’s there is a lunging move there’s almost a glute activation that is necessary for that step up on those on those burpees um and the same thing yeah I’m you know I’m GNA get in a decent amount of reps of everything once I get through that

Dynamic warm-up I think you got to do two or three you know uh rounds of some right arm snatches some burpees some left arm snatches and do you know do that rest a minute or two again rest really want to get everything really warm and uh and stimulated I mean you

Want the those uh fear based not fear base that’s not the right word but like some of those activated hormones you know some of those hormones that kick into your system the fight ORF flight hormones we want some of those not too many but just enough to cause us to have

A little less pain in the work out you don’t want those in the first set of 21 dumbbell snatches is what you’re saying right yeah you want you want you want some of that you prime the pump Little Engine turned on just a tiny bit because

The the last thing you want to do is be at rep 17 and look around and go oh my what am I what am I gonna do here so we we should I don’t know we didn’t say the workout I think we’re assuming everybody we should mention it we should mention

It if some if someone doesn’t know this podcast it would be curious but let’s let’s talk go and let’s share the details I think that’s agreeable uh 24.1 four time with a 15minute cap you’re going to do 21 dumbbell snatches with one arm 21 lateral burpees over the

Dumbbell and then 21 dumbbell snatches with the second arm and then 21 lateral burpees over the dumbbell you’re going to follow that routine for 15s and for nines doing 15 with one arm 15 with the other arm nine with one arm and nine with the other are each time breaking it

Up with lateral burpees over the dumbbell and we could talk about the standards here but uh the weights are 50 pound dumbbells for the males and 35 for the females again A 15minute Time cap um there’s going to be all uh levels of athletes trying it given the number of

Signups that um I think I saw a chart released yesterday so you’re going to have folks that are going to blow through it in six minutes like Mr Adler and they’ll be people that will be time capped and that’s just fine but this is something where the barrier to entry is

Pretty low for these movements as long as you can snatch that weight properly overhead but the barrier the the the barrier to entry into playing this uh is a pretty open given that we’ve started other open workouts in years past with like ring muscle ups or something like

That so Castro succeeded succeeded in this one and it’s smart it’s smart that they do it this way really um it should be inclusive and this is a heck of a test oh yeah this is we’re not out there playing patty cake this is hard hard

Work I I will I will have um I will go to bed tonight thinking about this like I always do each open workout like oh every time oh I don’t want to do this and uh you know it’s as as far as movement standards I think uh it’s it’s

Pretty cut and dry we want a dumbbell locked out over overhead right vertically you know hips knees ankles shoulder dumbbell all in alignment u in fact I still need to do the judges course by the way but um the other element that I thought was interesting

Is is the Burpee standard you can step down and step up you can get down and up however you want and it does not need to be a two- foot takeoff but you do have to be you have to have both feet off the ground at some point correct but what

How they how they say uh the other way of say that the the Contra to that is you can’t step over it because if you’re stepping over it you have one foot on the ground on one side and one foot in the air so right um just make sure your

Chest touches they’ll let you get up anyway um don’t step over the dumbbell don’t jump over behind the dumbbell which is why it’s good to have a judge you need to have a judge if you’re participating in the open um and if you’re recording it and not having a

Judge and you’re going to submit it for video review make sure the camera and again notice there is nothing in here where the camera should be be smart about it and make sure that the camera can see where you are where your feet are relative to the dumbbell so you just

Leave yes um a lot of guesswork away from the the uh keyboard Warriors okay make easy that yeah absolutely and some best practices in there to help you hit those standards um I mean is on the on the on the burpees just step up or snap

Your feet up next to the dumbbell if you if you start the Burpee next to the dumbbell you’re good if your feet start next to the dumbbell which actually means that your hands will be well in front of the dumbbell when you set yourself up for that first set of

Burpees but just make sure that you get your foot on that step up right next to the dumbbell so that you can jump over it or laterally hop over it um with without having to overthink it and I I always just that’s those are some of the

Things that I do in these workouts is I tend to think about what can I be thinking about during those burpees yes since they’re going to be so terrible and there’s a lot and there’s a lot of them too you want to have those swing thoughts like

That yeah yep and I I’m going to think about which foot is stepping up I will be stepping up on the burpees at least until I get to the nines or the last set of nine um Step Up with my left foot on the left side step up with my right foot

On the right side just make sure that I have a Cadence to that make sure I’m stepping up with my other foot next to the dumbbell um you know dumbbell snatches we’ve just done so many I think the number one thing have to do is don’t switch arms I have to remind myself

Don’t switch arms yes it’s going to be hang on when you’re up at the top and you’re locked out it’s just habit now to go up top and to reach for it up overhead since they have said they don’t care if you switch overhead so just keep

Your arm other arm down by the side but as the uh rule book said uh don’t as you’re coming down don’t lean your other arm on your leg don’t touch your other leg just have it have it off to the side AR has to remain yep

Body if you watched Adler he used his other arm to really swing like he he used his other arm as a counterbalance go back at see when the dumbbell was down towards the ground his other arm was way up high behind him and as he came up his his opposite arm was in

Front of him so he was using that big old giant bicep that AR he’s got some weight to it but using that as a counterbalance on that I thought was a really nice uh little technique so I practiced it and I think it anything to help you counterbalance 50 PBS

Onance to create a little Lage there um you know that’s why kangaroos have long tails you know they it’s the counterbalance wow we have touched on kangaroos in week one I like that this is great let I also heard another good point um today saying look at how Jeff

And Brent basically muscle snatched the dumbbells yeah the the P the proportion of 50 pounds to what their snatch weight their backx snatch or if you want to say Max shouldered overhead is is 50 PBS is not that much okay 50 pounds to me

Compared to my what my Max is is a lot more so I will not be muscle snatching or my back will absolutely give out I will I’m not going to go as fast as they will so I’m going to I know I’m going to be taking time in fully yep you know

Dipping under it a little bit standing up exactly it’s just don’t have that topend strength that they do to allow now if you gave me a 25 pound then we’d be muscle snatch this is true so know who you are as an athlete that goes for for everybody I think I

Think that’s a great tip I I I will I’ll muscle snatch it but I’ve got a good five years on you I mean I’m I’m right there so your overhead is much higher than mine yeah I mean absolutely yeah makes sense I Know Myself and I I think

That’s such a good point to as an athlete stay in your lane uh so that you can accomplish the other you know the other thing that is interesting to me is is just pacing on this whole thing um we talked about those those uh uh that excitement and

You you don’t want to start this workout ice cold because at rep 17 it’s going to punch you in the face but also the open brings with it this sense of Friday Night Lights there’s some excitement even in a a class at 6:30 a.m. when you’re going to do it there’s still a

Vibe and excitement we’re doing the open 3 2 1 go and you just start ripping the dumb look at me I switch arms you just start ripping that dumbbell like crazy um and that adrenaline dump is also quite uh quite elusive because it can cause you to over overdo it in round one

Because it feels so good you feel so fresh I this is no big deal that’s all a lie your body is not telling you the truth don’t do it don’t believe it don’t believe it’s lies so set your pace early and speaking of pace if you said you you

Set the fire the house on fire in round one with the adrenaline that’s 42 out of 180 reps so 21 and 21 you haven’t even touched the workout yeah you haven’t even touched it you haven’t got it’s you have to go back to 21 and do it all over

Again with the other arm so yeah that pacing is going to be and the 15s are the 15s are gnarly and I think the nines you’re going to be all hopeful when you get to the nines but there you’re going to be sapped it’s n when you start the

Nines you still have 36 reps yes that’s right of something to do and nothing feels good with 36 reps left on the nine burpees at the end you should set yourself on fire that that should just be you should but only out of the spirit of the games in in perfect open fashion

As these uh workouts end it’s when you know you’re in this case you’re two feet touch on the other side of the dumbbell you don’t have to collect yourself run across a Finish Line or anything like that you you go as hard as you can finish the workout and just drop down to

The floor doesn’t matter you know what the the clock you’re going to have a camera on you if you if you’re one of those folks that we do recommend to record these open workouts you could always you’re going to have your judge in your ear go back and watch yep the

Camera for the exact time you’re gonna be fine don’t yep just fall on the ground finish it you’re yeah just just collapse and that camera that camera that can see the clock is so nice cuz that could be sometimes that’s a second or two seconds a judge finishes they

Glance up at the clock absolutely um they’re not we’re not dealing with professionals here we’re dealing with with amateurs that are kind and generous enough to judge us um so um what else do we have what else what else stands out in this workout um for I’ll tell you what for basts

Athletes pacing you said it yeah I’ll reiterate it it is it has to be pacing um we were very impressed with the four of them today my time is not going to be anywhere near the four of them um I want to put up competitive time because it’s

Part of a training day tomorrow and I’m a oneandone mindset this year yep but I have to be I have to know myself and even myself is going to be slower than you I have to know yes I want to keep moving but there has to be some type of

Pace or Cadence to how I get through each round because I can’t go as fast as they can and you know I’m I am the fittest in my age group over the past years okay but this this workout is not built for me I look at this work I’m

Like okay this is going to hurt this is gonna be really tough be really grueling but I’m not best in the world at this workout um actually I’m not best of the world in any of them you just have to be best you have be good enough in all of

Them to to be on top of things but um I look at this workout I got a text message from uh one of our our fellow Masters athletes and he he sent me a message said I I like this workout and I Saidi bet you do it’s as if this was

Built for you like this is this is so your jam right here um you know you can probably imagine who that was but it I mean it’s just built built for a guy that loves burpees and and dumbbell snatches yeah um you know we had a

Workout at at uh Legends uh the Legends Championship that had some feel feelings like this it was it was different at dumbbell snatches and goblet Squad but it had burpees and dumbbell snatches mixed into that and some people are just built for that um I’m not I’m I uh I’m

Just not that fast at burpees and they they really tax me they really really they really beat me up so uh you know I have a I have a I have a gol I’ll call my shot um you know off the air we’ll call I’ll call my shot with you off off

The air excellent but I I think I think I I think I can get uh I I I I’m pretty sure I can go sub 10 but I I have you know round one I think I can go in a certain amount of time round two a certain amount of time round

Three uh I’m giving myself a little more time but if I have the opportunity to just knock it out of the park on round three because I have this last dose of life left I will okay uh but this is just one of those workouts where um yeah

I mean I know myself well enough to know like okay you know this isn’t going to be a top 20 top 30 top 40 50 I don’t even know where I’ll land on this but I’ll I’ll sell it I’ll give it my I’ll give it my best but I know myself I know

I know what I can do I’m also I also feel really prepped for this but uh these open workouts are they’re just so sneaky man um I want to say like I’m ready for this but even in the garage demoing a couple of the movements oh did

You feel it I I’m I’m uh oh my gosh I totally felt it with a 35 pound dumbbell and a couple of burpees boy I was trying to figure out how I want to do my footing on my burpees so I was practicing you know snapping up a bunch

Of times my stepping up with my foot closer to the dumbbell first and then the other foot and then jumping or foot further from the dumbbell and then foot next to the dumbbell and then jumping so practice all of those and I was talking to the camera at the same time and all

Of a sudden I just I just stop and take some breaths oh No Just pause the video because uh yeah it’s funny I I probably did 15 or 18 burpees and that’s not that big of a deal but I was trying to go at PACE I was trying to

Get a feel for what it was like and um was I wasn’t warm or anything so I didn’t Prime anything but Rick this one’s going to hurt like every other open workout it’s gonna it’s going to really hurt it’s a tested capacity like a lot of these are the skill level is is

Um is on the Lower Side by Design yeah uh but as we’ve seen for most these open workouts it’s capacity test and then as the season advances comes the higher skill work and strength y still showing your capacity I think that that’s how you get that well-rounded athlete that

Moves to the next few stages whether it’s Elites a age groups anything like that yeah so that’s what this will be do you have any at this point can you make any connections between this workout and the clue that Dave Castro gave us do you see anything that

Mushroom remotely that mushroom I don’t yeah nothing no the mushroom had a smaller top and a wider body in the picture didn’t it I I think I remember but but see the the number sequence doesn’t it starts larger and gets smaller so it’s not even that I I don’t

It doesn’t that doesn’t work either I know I have no idea if there was some sort of uh you know Newtonian math in there or something but no none of that even fits like thinking like a mushroom cloud like well maybe will be an explosion yeah you’re going to feel it

In your chest right afterwards and he he drew the mushroom on the board which was cute and it’s just so silly because his Clues he he was afraid he was going to give it away with his clue at least that’s what he said again that’s his way

Of just fall for his stuff exactly we’re how many years into this and I’ve never come close and I we said this last year you and I did I’m not gonna fall for it again yeah so no but it’s I it’s entertaining it’s entertaining I was

Excited all dayre to get into it I’m excited now that we’re already started and I don’t know about you but I have I I get I get uh that a little bit of anxiety not anxiety excitement and anxiety I guess once we crack open that first open once once you’re done at 6:30

Tomorrow morning and you text me as I’m getting out of bed you know your score uh you know I I’ll be doing it tomorrow night but once we get that open like we’re in the season it’s just kind of fun because officially start I’m so much

Looking forward to it and I’ll feel like okay that changes the mindset um we’re continuing to train like like almost every age group um athlete is uh but you know but now once a week you’ve got to put a score down it has to be validated

Right um I think with this for those that are looking to qualify to quarterfinals the biggest risk in tomorrow’s workout is not getting that score entered by Monday night um because you will be fine get us get it put a good effort in don’t get hurt and move

On y plain simple yeah and ideally this is one of those workouts that that everyone can do a oneandone uh that’s the ideal situation but there’s nothing wrong we we all talk about one undone it’s a stamp of Pride now you know we’re one andone soldiers I never I used to

Really look at people like that go how do they do that and now yeah I’m like last year I’m like I didn’t redo a thing me too I’m that guy I’m not retesting I mean unless it’s just a disaster I’m not to go some sort of failure but if

Someone does want to retest they just you know this is their year where they’re they’re fighting to get into that top 25% and their life and that’s what it’s there for their life is on the life for yeah you go for and we encourage so that means do the workout

Tomorrow know what it feels like go in with a strategy reflect back upon it when you’re done recover yep uh uh good recovery rest do all the things you need to do like you say eat your food uh do your recovery do your do your training Sunday

Is a lighter day sleep then Monday y rework the plan know what didn’t work on Friday ask somebody a favor to judge you again and burn burn the house down because you’re right if this is your entry into that 25% this is very important and by all means you’ve got

Four days use them you do use them and it’s it’s it’s no fun we’ve you and I have both retested historically it’s it’s one of the hardest things knowing what you’re about to go through and then doing it again I mean you just you just

Did it and now now you’re going to go you chew on broken glass again because you know what it feels like okay um but but it’s okay to do that it’s okay and if if you if you just blow it like let’s say you don’t listen to any of our

Advice about pacing tomorrow night and you just go so hot out of the bag that you’re laying on the floor in your set of 15s you just can’t move y we’ve we’ve all played dead on burpees before yes yeah that’s it you got down on one of

Those burpees and it was just too much it was just too much to get back up uh you can always you can always give it another go and uh no one is going to change I have been in the Monday position before where I’ve done the math

Done the homework tried to figure out what pacing I had to be halfway through whatever it was I’m like I’m way off pace and I’ve stopped and I’ve been like it’s just not it’s not going to work or you’ve got 30 seconds to go and you need

To squeeze out I don’t know few more reps and to I’m down to 10 seconds left I have chance to get one more rep and all send done dust settles I did all that work for one more rep back in that day when they when they open counted a

Little bit more for agq that one rep moved you up hundreds of places hundreds of places yep I did that I’ll tell you just the worst my worst retest ever was 2019 well was it the workout that had 19 wall balls 19 calorie row for a certain

Amount of 13 minutes or something might have been the first one right yeah I did it and I I retested that one on the Monday and I I mean I killed myself on the retest and I got one more wall ball one one more rep but that counts and I

Just oh it was I was outside I was laying on the ground outside 20 degrees out in Colorado laying on the ground almost devastated so disappointed in myself I mean I got one more rep you know and when you when there’s hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of reps that

One extra rep didn’t mean anything but I suffered so so bad for almost put you in a deficit on Tuesday for for the whole week yeah no my my intensity account was empty and then and then you know you have I think that was week one if I’m

Not mistaken because then you’ve got to get ready for you’re like oh my gosh I’ve got more weeks to go and I’m laughing through your description because I think I’ve heard BOS on a podcast say that might have been one of the ones where after that workout they really realized from a

Safety perspective they had to do more with floor plans because people got so out of control they did wall balls within a foot of the rower or straddled the rower at times and there were there were out takes somebody compiled a list of bloopers people were tripping over

Walls over the rowers balls would hit the rower and break it I mean it was a disaster that year and I think that’s where they said minimum safe distance and then we got we went way too far yeah and you had to you know maze to

Get to piece of equipment a and back to B sure yeah yeah they’ve gone they they’ve they’ve swung the pendum at times the overcorrection workout what did Glassman say uh men will die for points and and that’s true put themselves In Harm’s Way for a points crazy stuff good I’m glad you brought

That up well good luck to you tomorrow uh you good luck to You’ll here hearing from me early good we’ll try that well set the bar set a good bar and give me a Target to shoot for and uh to to the rest of our listeners good luck on the open this

Weekend enjoy it have fun we are we’re in a sport that allows us or gives us the opportunity to do something like this in a community that’s worldwide and it’s really really a magnificent thing um and just know we all get to do it together we’re all suffering and uh y

You know cheers to uh CrossFit and and BOS and and Castro this one’s uh beautiful elegant simple and just Dev like saying hello to a scorpion yeah yeah totally and it’s gonna sting yep you got it all right guys take care well thanks for listening we’ll see you guys next week bye-bye


  1. I m an overweight beginner 55 years young, so I m going for the Foundations workout. However there are so many different standards, it's very confusing. How can CF calculate scores to produce the leaderboard in the foundations category?

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