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LIVE DUGOUT: INDIA VS ENGLAND Tests- Entertainment vs Winning-What do you prefer? | Sports Today

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Wpl Ms okay we are live and no I want herit to start today let’s see is this is the best way to gauge his energy levels oh it’s good today have I given you any signs today I’ve come rejuvenated I feel it’s not about what I know I know a lot

Of things already before it started but it’s for our viewers uh they need to know whether you today one of your days where you have done gym or one of the days where you have done extra party at night or is it one of the days where you’re well rested those parties have

Stopped by the way thank God for that parties have stopped otherwise all I would do is see him lying down on the bean bag and yawning isn’t it stops right there does it let’s see early days let’s see early days has it stopped what looking at it

So far it’s a good start see it’s a good start I’ve come rejuvenated as I said and uh yes to all of you all joining us right now welcome welcome a very good evening as well welcome to the latest edition of The Dugout where uh we do decide to talk a

Lot with you and of course right towards the end we will try and make the 11s as well which we intend to do but first things first there’s lot happening what are we making wait it says now the title says it we’ll try to make the best 11 as

Far as the IPL is concerned but before the IPL before the IPL there’s lots happening as well in fact the IPL sandwich between let’s say uh there’s a bumper wedding happening at the moment in the country where cricketers are busy with at the moment and why I say it’s

Sandwiched the IPL it’s also sand in the World Cup you’ve got an update as far as the World Cup is concerned as well we’ve got that update already up on sports today for you but just in case you didn’t know teams will have the option of playing two matches sadar if I’m not

Wrong two warm games is the option but the bigger thing is the deadline for the squad announcement is but those are optional matches right optional it’s not C I have a very important feedback San can we get the air condition please that’s the biggest news of the

Look at him yeah I I before starting in fact I was wondering if you with that jacket of yours would be the one to complain about it but remove it though this is not a very thick leather jacket it’s very thin today it’s quite humid outside because of tomorrow you’re expecting

Rain tomorrow in the Hills it’s going to be thunderstorms I had it’s a wet start to the month of March that’s what the imds I had thought that after a long time I’m getting my weekend off I will take my bike and go to the hills seriously yeah

I go on Saturday come back Sunday but it is thunderstorms everywhere in the Himalayas any part of the hills that you go to any where you I was okay to go anywhere Himel utak everywhere thunderstorms predicted over the weekend it’s not a good weekend you can expect a little drizzle let’s say in

In some parts as well even Delhi included by the way some parts of harana as well is it because the MD has said unlike you know the starts to March that you expect this time around there could be a little bit of rain that you see so

Some paths none belt will see Rain by the way what does that mean for the test match have we heard anything from Dam salad uh we don’t know that doesn’t board well let’s say as far as temperatures and no already it was expected to be uh the minimum in single digits yeah

In dhamala during the test matches um minimum was hovering around five six something like that but those minimum temperatures are either very early in the morning or late at night uh but the highs were also somewhere 209 it was in 11 12s I checked a few

Days that’s a couple of weeks back isn’t it yes I I checked a few I haven’t checked the latest weather but it’s going to be mighty cold it’s going to be proper cold in dhamala when you’re playing maybe uh they may have to even delay starts I don’t know the the one

Good thing in north of India that is happened this time uh it’s been a very at least in Delhi and a very clear winter in the sense it’s been cold but uh in terms of pollution levels fog smog all of that has been very less so you

Have had clear skies by the way speaking of of clear skies and pollution levels nothing Bel especially speaking about Delhi it’s been the best in the last 8 years as far as the month of February is concerned that’s what I’m saying so how it impacts dhala is that if you were

Going to be in a position that it’s a late start it may not be because it’s been clearer up and so that’s a good thing and talking being in Delhi and you guys feel that difference the cleanest let’s say because sart’s very careful about and he keeps monitoring uh the air

Pollution level yeah for my kids safety I have to to do all that so that’s why Yep this because it’s been windy the last few days in February have been very windy and that’s why the pollution levels have automatically decreased yeah we’ve not been able to play badminton as

A result yeah so but but I I got a question for n before the conversation moves in another Direction uh any of your friends attending the jam Nar pre wedding no I just going to get to that because no none of them are my friends I don’t know rich and famous people like

You guys do but talking about rains up in north of India at the moment even in the west it’s raining Superstars uh that’s been of interest to us on last count I think I saw eight big names heading to the wedding in Jam nagar there was Sachin tendulka there was

Rohit Sharma ishan kishan hardik panda konal panda Sur Kumar yadav Y how many have I counted six I think six yeah there were a few there was also Dwayne Bravo Nicholas and Nicholas B Rashid Khan oh more than gr Smith grth gr Smith was there as well okay Z was there along

With wife yes along with Sagar yes so the one tweet I saw nasty though but and nand I mention it so it it wrote the the Tweet was that uh isan has decided to skip domestic cricket and play 5day Amani wedding just thinking of a tradeoff to be

Playing that’s his choice it’s his choice I mean of course it is his choice that’s why I’m saying it’s a very notorious tweet whoever put that out yeah it’s in bad taste it is see the he’s not playing right now his team is out also he’s been punished for not

Playing domestic Cricket now of course he’s you know part of that Mumbai Indians family and I know that he’s close to their money so obviously he’s going to be going there and so did a lot of other players mson has gone Ms D who’s never seen otherwise you barely

Catch a glimpse of him he’s never seen in Social functions him going is very rare I think he likes going to weddings because uh not too long back he was there for rishab pun’s sister’s wedding as well if I’m not wrong yeah uh so I think Ms does like attending a wedding

Or two I don’t think he likes but I mean someone invites him obviously he’s going to go he chooses to stay away from official functions someone’s person yeah he was away from an official function in the month of Jen no lots of official function he’s not there that’s why he

Stays you know very neutral doesn’t want to be there because what happens if you go into one function then everyone expects you so he’s just very neutral there but weddings and all that time to celebrate and so he’s going but the surprise I didn’t know I just found out

Now I actually thought it was a wedding well somebody told me the wedding is actually in July true true pre-wedding they’re calling it The pre-wedding preing 2 day pre- wearing Extravaganza oh is it like a Roa Roa C I don’t know but all I know this is pre

Wedding now I’ve gotten to and I didn’t know for 2 days I was watching honestly didn’t know I kept thinking that it’s the wedding and people are going for the wedding because engagement I remember happened long ago so that that would have been the Roka sadhar this is just

Let’s say you know okay I didn’t know I just somebody told me before I came to the show I just wasn’t my only interest Sport and I just was thinking that these players are going there so I was telling somebody they’ve gone for the wedding

They said no no no wedding is not now yeah wedding is in July so I said the wedding what is they said this is pre wedding preing my goodness I didn’t know that what do we know about the wedding though I I heard somewhere 2500 or dishes rana’s coming for it rana’s performing

Theit’s performing I think there’s one more star performer even Mark Zak is there he was here I think yesterday Bill Gates has been here for a couple of days he enjoyed some wonderful tea I heard uh Bobby chaiwala Bobby chaiwala he described him he described Bobby chaiwala as somebody very photogenic in

Fact in one of the interviews that I saw did you see Bobby chala’s style yes if you haven’t seen check it out then I saw his interview where he said the person asked him the interviewer where do you get this inspiration for this St he said I watch all these southc movies

In the head Bobby I haven’t heard of him seriously no I haven’t of him anyway let’s get back to Cricket uh I mean though we were talking about Cricket it’s cricketers that went to the wedding did you mention sky over there as well yeah we coming back to Cricket

Harid again just just that there were eight 10 names we mentioned so yeah what is uh the Australia New Zealand test match by the way what a test match it’s happening ideally they should have dismissed them for about 250 but that 100 plus run stand 116 run stand between Hazelwood and Green

Man Marathon Innings from Green 174 first not out not out first major knock in his new batting position yes number four yeah but you know that I talking about batting position that opening slots not working for Smith not working another faure fourth Innings fifth innings for him over there no he’s

Failed in the second Innings also yeah he’s out out for a duck 12 for two right it’s not working M if I Smith uh without doubt the greatest test batsman of this generation any doubts over that no no no test batsman I’m told open I Ain doing it

Where did my runs come from number three why would I change that not working for him in fact it’s the leanest period for the Fab 4 because Kane Williamson got run out for zero first run out after 12 years but I saw on social media everyone saying where is Australian Spirit of

Cricket but where is the spirit of cricket it’s the two new New Zealand batters that have collided they collided okay Stark was stationed there no no but that’s not his fault not his he just was in his follow throw he did not even go purposely you know in the way of a

Batter or it’s not even that the batter collided with him nothing nothing did Stark do is just that will young and Kane Williamson who collided as simple as that run out Direct Hit Direct Hit from labain and first time in 12 years that he was run out in a test match in

His 99th test match can you believe it now they’re staring down the barel yeah already they were 170 something all out first in yeah 205 run lead already conceded but now they are 13 for two with Saudi taking the two wickets also playing his 99th test FIFA for Henry in

The first Matt Henry got five but scam green 174 it would have been even more worse had Henry and Phillips not played those knocks they were 42 for five how’s uh the deal for green looking for RCB now huh has all pound at RCB we’ll still have to wait okay

Soalan is done n has come that is the thing that is RCB for you yeah it’s a good week let’s say from an RCB perspective they saw a young bowler emerge let’s say uh somebody who’s shown a lot of Promise then green plays that knock ipls just Round the

Corner so’s played two freakish knocks in India in months yes fa is in good form fa is in good form could this be rcb’s year that is the thing I it’s a question every year it’s a question every year it’s this could be RCB is in the wp they lost yesterday though yeah

But it was the first loss they won two yeah and they lost one it was a bad start last year I remember for that there was another joke on that that you know after four years you get one extra day in a year on that day also RCV

Loses yes but interesting theories that I heard about the 29th yeah how how you know different parts of the world there are different ways that it gets perceived as in Ireland it’s it’s you know the Irish leap as they call it they it’s it’s uh it’s that one day in

Scotland by the way not Ireland in Scotland it’s that one day where women go to men and that’s one day designated day let’s say where women uh proposed to men it’s that one day that’s reserved l so once in 4 days the Greek always considered unlucky in India it’s

Considered lucky so different theories RCB team is made up of different players I mean look at the RCV team I mean look at the host broadcastter is running a graphic at that time Ki first season of IPL didn’t score a single 50 Mandana made in 50 in the third match of IPL

Both come against Delhi capitals yeah the number 18 connection Mandana is also 18 okay what’s happening India England anything latest other than Michael won shooting his mouth off as he always does as he always does as he always does he labeled bash England’s no no as the new

Ravi Chandra nashra nashin not England’s new Ravi Chandra nashin is sh Bashir wow eight wickets he took how did he reach that conclusion just a lot of promise and he said that England cricket has unheard a special Superstar or something like that young talent and he’s on that

Page where it’s going to be tricky for anyone to bat it was going it was an up and down page uh all you needed to do was land the ball on the TAA which he was doing and fair enough that he’s shown some sort of promise

That height also helps him and to get that you know bounce right which is the strength of a spinner he did all of that but to already compare him it’s matches huh it’s like you know venkatesh AER plays two matches and next couple theyve type you know we start we start doing

That in India same way next Ashwin like we sort of let’s be honest we’ve sort of done that with jel as well the next is sort of yeah looked very good but I Prem premature premature you going to wait for these comparisons to happen yeah

Where do we wait in India F being Hil as next mson I understood because he did consistently well and he’s gone past Ms in test Cricket yeah yeah but in test Cricket few games and this is the next and I think Michael War also said I

Didn’t read but s was telling me that uh what that England have been the better team in this series if you look at sessions but how does how do you decide which is a better either he’s been very sarcastic about it no chance or or he

Was just referring to the RAS which is where you saw them be ahead in the series Baba better team in the series how I don’t know he’s watching another series I think like so the if the score line is 31 it’s is there for a reason right you got hammered

By like two youngsters in jval and SAS took you to cleaners uh you struggled to play jadea on certain occasion Ashwin on certain occasion bura made you look like novices all of this has happened and for somewhere he still finds England look like the better team I mean here on

Sportsday we’ve credited the english team I think they came here prepared uh everyone liked the intent and you know at least till the time the the first two test matches happened it did seem like it was a 50/50 series you know both boxers trading equal amount of punches

Third test onwards India just put you know uh foot on the gas and just raced away just raced away it was like the biggest win so it was a massive difference four test match certain occasion it look like they could be closed but India again too good on the

Day eventually when they won it was on a caner so I can’t imagine yes there have been some good performances from England you know Pop’s knock uh certain time the bowlers have done well heartley did well that route played a good knock but that’s fine that that you know sometime

India’s gone abroad lose 31 41 you will have some good standout performances also now but you can’t say India went to Eng Land Lost 4-0 there were a few good performances you know like r d stepped up on occasion they were but I couldn’t have said India the better team you know but

Uh India been unlucky and England 4-0 it’s not I mean there’s been a big difference and there’s no comparison between the two team India’s been the far better team the far superior team despite the fact that they’re playing an inexperienced team they still look the better team yes but but credit to

England out of all the teams that have been on Indian show they they’ve done much better than a lot of teams not the best I still feel the Australian team at that bgt 2017 gave a much tougher fight yeah but even the last one it took you

To a situation where you had to prepare a flat track you lost that one test match I’m you know in terms of trading punches but I didn’t hear anyone from Australia say that oh we were the better team so I don’t know yeah it’s typical England but even if let’s say this

Becomes 41 and that let’s just wait and watch how the dhamala test pans out I think you know because not too long back did you see the Australia series happen I think in terms of contest yes you were pushed a little more by England than let’s Australia push you maybe marginal

I’m saying that’s not even a debate right okay you could think that England did but I could think Australia whatever it’s going to be marginal the the statement made is a sweeping statement saying that England will the have been the better team but just that but I like

The second say we don’t play to win so would you play to do I can’t understand at the the answer no no but entertainment is what if I’m a fan excuse me what is entertainment for me I I have not gone to see a WWE a WWE contest is entertainment it’s scripted

The result doesn’t matter my entertainment as a fan is if my team wins if my team want wins a test match that entertains me and and when they win it’ll naturally have good performances it’s just an extension of that it’ll naturally make me feel nice it’ll naturally make

Entertain me you don’t I’m saying like sport itself as a contest or Cricket itself as a contest especially test match cricket already has all the ingredients to entertain you the contest between bat and ball the contest between the skill of a bowler and a skill of a batter and the fielders and captaincy

And all of these things are already ingredients that make for a great dish so what extra do I have to do to entertain I can’t understand I mean see test Cricket the nature of it and the way it’s been played let’s say it’s like you know preparing mutton let’s say you

Slow cook it you put it you put the pot and you let it slow heat and you know it it Cooks that’s test Cricket for you slow heating England didn’t want that England wanted to put the entire dish let’s say in a microwave or a tandur

Let’s say and put it on fire that very moment and get the dish out and here it is it they served a good dish here and there Pakistan was really kind they gave everything that they needed to present that dish but in India that theory didn’t work India also gave them

Occasions where they could get runs but the Indian team was much better and I’m saying the just as for food taste is the test or The Benchmark uh similarly for uh cricket M The Benchmark is you know Victory or entertainment so if you are playing like say jel and shman G

Tough conditions under pressure take you to a win that’s Entertainment for me who has decided that entertainment only means that I hit a four or a six the England team but I don’t think so so I’m just saying no because he said England team have decided to entertain but I’m

Saying even an entertainment where is it that the other teams are not entertaining where is it that that Ashwin spell did not entertain me who is to say that uh the grind that a Jurel and a shman de did not entertain me the definition of entertainment is somewhere

You made up your mind that a four and a six is entertainment by the way even on that front India has had far more many sixes than England just to say India’s played at the same net run rate overall as England so even if I was to take that

Logic I don’t see you know where is it that his point that England idea is to just entertain not to win that itself just defeats the purpose you’re playing a match to win right entertainment is a byproduct It comes naturally if you win you will entertain people anyway so I

Could not understand the whole statement or the logic see the show that he was in okay it’s kind of a sarcasm kind of a very humor filled kind of a thing so he might have said it on that backdrop he also said something on that because no

No not just on Ashwin he when when he was reflecting on the on the last test match he also said it’s not the bass Ballers who lost in R it was the old school approach because they got into a shell and they were barely playing Bas

So they lost because of that so the bass Ballers didn’t lose because there was no basball on offer in Ranchi so whether it is typical straight face British sarcasm I don’t know this is in Hindi they call gir in tang tang tang it is exactly that basball has not

Lost England has lost England old school England lost that is why anyway to make sense of them is now Beyond anybody because I don’t know it’s a lot of you know Shifting the goal post that I see over here they themselves are in a delusion I’m telling you England are living on a

Delusion for the past 2 years and it’s evident from the cricket that they play no England player invited for the wedding they’re busy I think they’re busy now in two different cities that they busy in golf golf golf golf or in m in two two split yeah why

People like the Bangalore courses more than moali some said we like moali courses Maybe yeah they’ve trained a lot inure and Bengal yeah in in in Bangalore so yeah maybe good weather there also you’ll actually weather I I’m not too sure if that would have been let’s say

The moot point because you would have gotten very good weather in moali at this point of the year so I don’t think weather would have been really the make or break over here or the deciding factor uh let me ask our producer in s what should we do uh should we uh do

People want us to pick the IPL 11 or do they want us to to answer their questions for today what would they prefer a couple of them are asking about the title they asking when are you going to pick so should why don’t you put a

Poll why don’t you put a poll let’s quickly have a poll with whoever watching us okay would you want us to do a Q&A from here on okay answer all your questions related to India England and so on so forth or you would like us to pick our

IPL dream 11 why I’m saying that is that uh you know so your question can be what should we do at the dugout option A q& a answer your question or option b pick the alltime 11 why I’m saying is that alltime 11 we can pick

Any other day also any other day also yes yeah absolutely pick it tomorrow we can pick it day after the day day after the Gap is a long one and while they are playing golf we can the whole we’ve got the whole month of M to do that till the

202nd at least I can say yeah anytime it can happen so let us see what is everyone saying you can even put a comment and let us know what do you want us to do pick a team cuz if you pick pick a team then uh it

Is going to go for another 40 45 minutes we can we don’t mind that we don’t mind anything we’ll go with the J J yes yes yes San will tell us yep let’s see if the poll is up first go down what do you think no we’ll just see

The comments we’ll know yeah ah 55 53 it’s a close one it’s a close one let let’s see and it is changing yeah yeah yeah uh let Let It Go Beyond 60 for us to let’s say make that decision huh let’s go beyond 60 huh let’s see

Responses Q oh some interest from wpl as well is saying IPL Q&A Q&A Q&A say IPL also get ction W okay uh sidat says Q&A okay let’s see let’s seean Paris J IPL Fisher Al is IPL I think it’s still sort of Even Stevens are feel let’s go let’s go on

Top let’s see pan has in fact gone ahead and shared his best 11 see if we start on the 11 it will be a big close it is close so far 91 VES okay so okay let’s pick the IPL since most it’s slightly no it’s 5248 I

Think you should do a Q&A now and a whole segment on this I because so you can do it different another day you can now just answer some questions what do you say Sange has a point given how close this is I think we can go for a q& because this it is

Worthy let’s say of full hour you know what what will happen as soon as we get into the IPL uh Team it’ll go on for an hour yeah easy cuz I’m not going to be happy with the team that anyone picks if it’s not my team

And I think ditto for Sadat and has true true true true so okay let’s get to Q&A then we’ve decided uh see it’s we the poll it’s almost 50/50 so so we are not a populist show in that sense yeah we’ll go Q&A it’s almost the same we go Q&A

We’ll probably do the 11 uh uh you know okay then tomorrow show your questions guys yeah bring in your questions yep so we are going to do the Q&A at this point okay there’s a lot of mention about the wedding though that I see in the comments what’s what’s the average uh

This thing though uh are we did we get to know any number let’s say how much this whole Extravaganza is probably going to be costing somebody I heard said about 500 CR or something I don’t know there is no specific number that we can just spinpoint on because see lot of

Performances it’s going to be a 3 4 Day event if I’m not mistaken 3 Day event 3 more than 2,000 people on guest list including the king of bhan as well king of Bhutan king of bhan I mean 500 crores I don’t think so more than that might cost around 3,000 CR that’s

Six times 3,000 cres 1,000 that’s double wow so we don’t know I think by the end of this I think we’ll get to know what is the exact amount in that sense uh so has been paid close to 100 for what no no way 100 CR is too much yeah she 60 70

Look at I mean there was one I don’t know whether it is a very authentic video that they showed crates and crates of rana’s items that’s her luggage that’s her luggage it says rihana luggage no middle class moving home it’s that much of crates that is just for one performance and I don’t

Know whether the video is genuine or not I don’t know so okay let’s let’s start with the questions uh so what you want to take rookie Tei or sh we can take rookie Tei he says that which four teams will make the T20 World Cup semis this

Year okay as of now pretty early days actually rookie techi for now to say which team one team I’m definitely picking my first pick is is going to be Australia yes me too without doubt I’m picking Australia uh second uh I will pick is uh

West Indies uh the rest of it uh I’m not sure between a New Zealand a Pakistan a India a West Indies oh there too many choices South Africa India will make it as well yeah sem I’m sure of yeah India will yeah how are you sure of my friend there are good

6 teams on the you I understand but again I will take it let’s for granted without applying a lot of cricketing logic as well we’re not making the mistakes of 21 hopefully all over again and it doesn’t quite look like you’re again moving in see at the moment are

England ahead of you in the T20 cve they are are Australia ahead of you they are they are uh recent results suggest Pakistan have done fed better than you in t20s look at I will not I I won’t go by them excuse me sir 2021 you were knocked

Out first round they reached the semi-final 2022 you semifinal they played Final so recent results they’ve been better than you Al build up to the world T20 has not been good that has never been good yeah maybe that forget build up the start of the World Cup will

Also never be that’s no I’m just telling you in terms of performances what they’ve been doing so I don’t think it’s going to be that easy a walk like for example at the ODI World Cup at home I could have had my eyes closed even before the tournament started and we did discuss

I’d put India in the top four will I put India in top four that easily for the T20 World Cup I’m not sure I I think they Sak I think the only one which I think is the clear-cut favorite is Australia they will definitely make it I think between

England New Zealand New Zealand India Pakistan South Africa West Indies it’s going to be a fight yeah my four teams are Australia if West indes too tough my four is Australia India West indes England my had to just name four for the heck of it again I think that’ll just be

A guess because you know you need to keep seeing teams performing closer to uh you know the the tournament then you then you’ll know but as I said Australia I’m definitely having I’m going to put New Zealand for sure I think they they’re a good team they’re a good T20 set up

Uh there is England the defending Champions there’s India I go but then I’m leaving out of South Africa which isn’t easy leaving out a Pakistan which isn’t easy and a West Indies not it’s very toughing that lost to Australia that they’ve had theyve had a very good build

Up and maybe the home Jinx could be open this time because no host nation has ever won the World T20 beat it from 2007 South Africa didn’t win N9 England didn’t win 10 uh West Indies didn’t win uh 12 Sri Lanka were the team that came

The closest but they lost in the Final 14 uh Bangladesh didn’t win 16 India didn’t win 21 India didn’t win although they were the H played in the UA Australia didn’t win in 2022 so West Indies seem to be the only team that could end the Jinx and who knows

Uh not doing well in the World Cup suddenly out of the blue winning the world T20 where have we seen that before and heard that before so my four teams are Australia India England West Indies yours uh I’m going with Australia England India these three I think I’m

Pretty certain about fourth I’m a little unsure because Again difficult to choose between New Zealand South Africa and the Wendy’s I think I’ll give it to the Wendy’s because again they look menacing and and each of those players let’s say are match winners yeah so it’s my yeah I

Mean as say it’s tough to argue but as I said it’s too early too early to get down okay Sharon V says nikil b why have Mai nagar Mosin Khan why haven’t they got fast bowling contracts does anybody know what are they up to I mean their status that’s an interesting one I

Haven’t been keeping but I guess you know for the fast bowling what they’ve done is the the players that have been in and around the Indian setup they have given them also I think they’ve uh rewarded domestic performances players that have been playing uh regular domestic cricket and the ones that have

Been picked are regularly playing mosin’s case I don’t think he was playing for sure nagar also not much also Mai and nagar so if you have not been playing domestic Cricket you not been playing rangi trophy Cricket in particular and I think that’s been issue uh you know that that they have

Highlighted I guess that’s why you haven’t been given uh I mean in in general uh Mosin I mean looked very good in that IPL thought that it was a next India material but then had that injury which I wasn’t surprised with because of that short Runner he would use a lot of

His back and his shoulder at that time you had a inclination at least I thought at the time that he’s going to get injured and that ever since that injury is not been the same uh Maui I think didn’t start out well but did make a good comeback uh you know in the

IPL so has had decent seasons in that sense but I guess the team management nagar kot not so much as Mai has Mai in fact came for the India contention play the New Zealand series Sri Lanka Series start January January it was Sri Lanka I guess but I guess they are focusing more

On the ones that are playing 4- day Cricket more than just whiteb cricket yep yeah but I think unpopular opinion but I think that K Sharma because you know lot of jokes went around when he was picked for what four Cross by RCB and of course after beg your pardon J

Dal uh after he was P picked by RCB a lot of jokes as to why you know somebody got hit for five sixes and all fact that he’s also been given a fast bowling contract I think there’s something about yesal which we don’t know as yet because his performances maybe there’s something

That the franchise because there were a couple of teams interested in him RCB on those flat tracks I’m guessing they knew something about him which we don’t and the BCC as well rewarding him with a fast bowling bowling contract maybe he’s doing something right which is yet to be

Seen which no no he did nothing wrong I uh you know like the fact that uh the Indian cricket system is kind of stood by him that one game where he went for those many sixes that Rinko Singh hit him off after that we didn’t know we

Thought that he was dropped but it’s only later that you realize that he was not well he was unwell but his team kept backing him after that you had a situation where they were bidding for him in the IPL so what teams have realized and by the way he’s a very good

Domestic performer he was being looked at as an India star because what I had heard is that he had the ability to swing the ball and he was bowling very well with the red ball so he had those abilities so which is what I like that

You have you know not just gotten swayed by that one performance where he was taken for a lot of runs that that is a good thing and you to back performances just that those domestic performances are never highlighted so you look at and you think oh most people remember him as

A guy who got hammered but listen he’s been a uh you know worker he’s worked really hard you know someone who had told me about him I won’t forget was your earlier chairman of selectors a f fast poer at that in Chan Sharma he had mentioned about him to me and that’s

When he actually came into the Limelight also he was being looked at as a New India Prospect because he was doing well in domestic Cricket that’s why the IPL teams looked at him so I like the fact that you’ve kept even Vijay Kumar vishak who’s been rewarded again where did he

Sort of come into the spot it was last year only i y yeah Prine do you think India are going to become the first all format defending Runners up after this T20 World Cup see you lost the WTC final you lost the World Cup final is that even a thing defending Runner of

Ouch see this I like your sense of humor yeah this is going to happen this happen every single time you think this happening until and unless you don’t win an IC trophy these kind of stat no but right now to be a runner up as you were just discussing those four teams and

Stuff being a runner up will be a mighty achievement in T20 World Cup it will be trust me this reminds me of what final is going to be very tough finishing second with Manchester United was my biggest achievement in my footballing career the GU won to Champions League and what not and even

Then he made that statement no because I just told you it’s not going to be easy this T20 a very open T20 right now you need to win really you need to I agree but I’m saying it’s a very open tournament very very open tournament Divan saying better regime K shastri msk

Rohit oh sorry Koh shastri msk SL Rohit rid Ajit I think the latter has more clarity on players role and in handling players so I think the uh I think there isn’t much to choose from kohi shastri I think they they had a lot of strengths

Uh and they did very well especially in test Cricket Indian team did very well under them and the Rohit DVID combination also has its strengths and weaknesses just as the K shastri regime had its strengths and weaknesses uh the Difference Maker here is msk and Ajit AAR

Where I think the latter I agree with Dyan the latter wins which is the rohid raid Ajit combo simply because what happened in that msk thing I will never forget that number four at the World Cup you are changing number fours while the World Cup is happening uh there was also

A big issue during msk’s regime when Ms dhoni uh captaincy went in the white Paul format I think that all happened while msk was uh the uh you know chairman of selectors if I’m not mistaken there was a debate whether you know he Ms had been asked to

Let go of that or whether Ms himself decided so there was a big controversy and there were quite credible reports suggesting that msk kind of forced ms’s hand to take that call which didn’t go down too well with the fans so msk’s tenure was filled with controversy there

Wasn’t too much Clarity I think the other thing that goes into this Letter’s um Advantage is this step that they ‘ve taken they’ve actually walked the talk one thing is to say that you know we need people to play domestic Cricket the other is to to put their foot down uh

And it’s a start it’s not still a perfect process as we highlighted in The Dugout yesterday there are still issues but at least it’s it’s a start which they have done which wasn’t the case earlier also certain selection here you’ve seen some consistency in selection at that time I remember there

Was never 11 that was same there was some sort of a record that you went with so many matches with not the same 11 same 11 yeah true I never forget about what you did with Kip Yad you know told him he’s your number one spinner and did

Not play so yeah there were there were issues there there issues here you ask me the the second combo wins primarily because not so much Captain coach combo that’s roughly the same chairman of selectors changing gives them the edge yeah Nan kpal is like saying do you

Think it’s easier for road to push for book as couple of Seasons back he said IPL team owns players is it because he’s at Sunset of both the careers also AI is back to their Invincible days uh is it easy for Rohit to push for

B um compared to who I would not know couple of season back he said IPL team he did yeah not couple of just last year last year yeah and that sit down yeah that no but even I I do not see the clash between B and IPL in that sense I

Think what he’s trying to say here is that with the with with IPL coming to the four you know it’s it’s not it’s easy to said that done let’s say I think that’s what he means over here for Rohit to say because let’s not forget what I

Can recall Rohit Sharma let’s say back in the day when IPL had just been born let’s say Rohit Sharma was a nobody then he didn’t have a central contract then but when one once what what got him all the Limelight was the the fact that yes

Then of course he was picked I think for about a crow and a half that he was picked for back then somebody wasn’t a centrally contracted player at this point as well it’s easier let’s say to say book and everything because what do the players really do if they want to

Come into the Limelight they will do this who watches uh domestic Cricket anyway and all of that I feel is a shortcut what what I I didn’t understand the the question as in how B and uh you know for RO hit to pick while he said I’m saying IPL teams can own

Players why can’t you still not push for book the book is let’s say IPL is important and IPL players will being governed by let’s say IPL franchises you could still have hook to succeed in test level no my point is that there are a lot of players that have IPL contracts

And are dedicated to IPL okay jpit bura is an example vat kohi is an example they’re all dedicated and maybe around IPL they will be dictated by what IPL teams do yet you can have book for test Cricket why are they mutually exclusive maybe preparation again different skills

Is harder thing to do this is a shortcut it’s let’s say a skill that is easier to develop hard-hitting than let’s say going through the grind then let’s say having the patience developing your skill sets as a test player maybe that’s the difference no but then that’s the

Players choice no I’m saying boo he’s talking about Hunger Hunger for a player right so hunger for a player you you can have the hunger to succeed in test Cricket no my point is that uh let’s take Rohit Sharma his question is that Rohit now it’s very easy for him to say

Book at one point it was not my point is Rohit himself has was an IPL star to begin with right he made all his name in IPL yet had the book to be successful in test Cricket he was unsuccessful in test Cricket he tried to be successful my

Point is what he’s saying is that rohit’s mindset has changed at one point he he was happy that everyone focuses on IPL forget test Cricket now suddenly because he’s at the end of his career he’s saying book but my point is even when he was at his prime of his

Career he always had the book for test Cricket no he wanted to succeed maybe maybe this generation doesn’t and I was just reading yeah but nobody his question is only on Rohit sh I’m just maybe an easier thing to say I I think I agree with him partly maybe an easier

Thing for but hasn’t this opened the can of worms wasn’t that a sweeping statement from Rohit no what statement that he said I mean if you don’t have the hunger I mean see it comes in the back drop of the selection panel and also the BCC Hing that okay players have

To prove their ground in test match cricket suddenly and In First Class Cricket you have to go through the grind In First Class Cricket now only then it will be considered otherwise severe consequences will happen but now he said okay if there are players who are not

Hungry they will not succeed okay but look at the backdrop in that sense look at the backdrop of the statement that you made inaji we all stated that isn’t he making a direct JB at certain two players who are not in the scheme of things but they are not stated oh we

Don’t have the hunger for test Cricket their actions have their actions right state it their actions you are I’m just saying it’s now what do you have to spell if let’s say uh you are sitting in this entire show you don’t speak okay questions ask you’re not interested

At the end of the show I say Sadat what happened today you definitely are not interested in the show you will say no but I never said I’m not interested till I say I’m not interested how can you say that I’m not but your actions are telling me you’re not participating

You’re just sitting not want so then ishan kishan was told go play one domestic came you’ll be back did he play he didn’t play so then what else you need you don’t have to spell things out people are saying Rohit Sharma did not take the names should have taken his

Name he doesn’t have to take names he said it enough there there is no hunger which is’s pointing out also you got to realize Rohit Sharma earlier wouldn’t have said it because he was not in a position to say that he’s one of the players now he’s the captain he will say

All he said is that youngsters are doing well he said huh we had to give them a chance because the others are not interested what’s the point of keep getting them to play might as well go with that’s it he himself always had book to succeed just that he was never

Successful in test Cricket his Prime in test Cricket came much towards the end of his career 2019 onwards effectively when he started to open he always had that so I don’t think you can blame Rohit Sharma for not having book he had book that time had the book well so if

He’s if he’s today saying that there are some kids who don’t have the book then he has the authority one as Captain because he’s seeing it happen in front of him and to himself walked the talk he himself had book to do well in test

Cricket where did he not have book to do well simple as that years there’s nothing that has changed he could still say and I think it the the fact remains what n pointing out that uh he also said that IPL team’s own players that may

Still be true IPL team can own me but they own me around that time but no IPL team tells its player that don’t have the hunger to play uh test Cricket yes certain players take a call saying that listen I cannot be fit enough to play throughout the year or test Cricket I’m

Even going to an extent that okay fine n not interested in in test Cricket there could be players who are not interest what I’m just saying conspiracy theory let’s say I’m saying Conspiracy Theory what if let’s say IPL teams are actually having some sort of a contact with

Players even prior to the IPL and saying okay under the table we giving you this we don’t want you to be injuring yourself or hurting yourself you just please Focus we need to be winning the IPL title this year last two months we want you to be at our Academy we’re

Giving you compensating you well but you don’t play the r g what if that’s happening no no but what if that is happening it’s up to the player now my point is if the IPL team had to do it if I had I who would be the first player I

Would want to do it for if I’m RCB is there a bigger player than Virat kohi but I can’t do that to a vat that’s I’m going to look at other players that I can Target no what do you mean look if I’m Rajasthan Royals have they been able to do it with

A yes J I don’t buy this logic if a player doesn’t want to and I I will not go so far as so why would an IPL team have an issue with a player yes IPL teams can tell players that if you you are not fate or their medical and I know

That happens their medical team has seen some sort of an injury then they can advise them but no IPL team will ever tell you K do not play you know avoid test Cricket nobody’s going to say that if you have an injury issue it’s another

Thing they may give you a sort of they would want you let’s let’s consider let’s say players like Wades Aya Shivam du Saras okay so we’ll not include s because he’s playing test Cricket at the moment you take any other player let’s for example um or whatever it is who are

Not in the cricketing setup at the moment but are playing uh rangi Trophy and other formats what if teams let’s say uh I’m not saying they’re doing it right now what if there is to be a scenario let’s say going forward where IPL franchises just to just adding to up

To theer ownership just the it’s up to the player if a player is happy now you’ll have the changes you’ll get 75 lakh for R trophy you’ll get 15 CR play testet up to you you want to be happy with the 3 CR IPL contract and then

Dictating you not to play RI trophy you be happy if you want to be known as a test cricketer if you have the hunger if you want to be recognized as a performer in test Cricket you will go for it it’s up to the player but I don’t think there

Is any situation like that I do know that it is a possibility if you are injured and the IPL team can come up with their own advice that has happened and I know a lot of players then would not play at a certain time because they’ve gotten advice from the IPL teams

That’s fine but no IPL team can tell you not to play rangi trophy not to see that is blatant interference won it’s not happened till now if it’s blatant interference then why would you want to then make the situation even more complicated because now in the past

Couple of months what we have seen the club versus country debate as far as a monetary situation is concerned under the G of medical uh I mean mental peace and all those kind of things and that we still don’t know about but if there was a mental breakdown that is

We still don’t know about that the player thing that he it all boils down to the player See England made it clear we don’t want a central contract that was West Indies players made it clear about a decade ago we don’t want a central contract we want to be T20

Freelancers same with New Zealand what is happening is it any surprise that the French boards are giving up on Central contracts look at a Trent bold yeah it is setting up precedent now India we all thought okay we not we are immune to it because we the richest board in the

World look at what’s happening you had to revise your contract system so that it comes up to par with the IPL so IPL can’t dictate what that because then it will be direct Club versus country debate blatantly out in the I don’t know the future holds maybe

What harid says becomes a reality but I think you needed to you know really stem the flow of an IPL team having that kind of an influence over a player now and I think it has already started with the steps that you’ve taken so while it’s not that prevalent at the moment you’ve

Already taken steps to ensure it doesn’t become very prevalent in the future possibly if you did not take any step 10 years the line It could only part of the battle one let’s say for the BCC because it’s just the monetary aspect that you’re fighting right now not the rigor

Aspect of it because that’s a different ball game all together that’s where then exactly then that’s up to the want to be a test cricketer you happy playing 10 overs as a batter and hitting fours and sixes and you do it if you are if you

Want to be recognized as a guy who can bat for 80 overs in a day then it’s your choice do it if fans start respecting test cricket and appreciating that skill then players would automatically be attracted to that skill y Rakesh buhan what you saying nav sidu said that deep

Das Gupta to be a goalkeeper than a wicket keeper I don’t recollect that statement there were many poor Wicket Keepers like msk KS bat were mediocre too what’s the point here what’s the question Rakesh you just want to hate on a few Wicket keeper is that your point go ahead be my

Guest y okay raakesh buan is saying Rohit Sharma not to be seen in Jam nagar of course he’s there you may not have seen him I did are we heading too much in too much in between the reading too much how would be Mumbai DG out this IPL

We’ll try and answer the last question firstly to answer your first question that yes Rohit Sharma is there so there is nothing and by the way you got to realize while things may not have turned out the way that Rohit would have wanted and how a lot of us also saw that thing

Thought it was probably not fair the way you know he was dealt with but he shares a very long relationship with that franchise and the family so he’s already there that’s the first thing uh and secondly what happens in The Dugout that’s going to be interesting cuz you know there are

Murmur and not just murmur we did see a lot of things happen in in the sense uh uh social media social media where people very close there are a few teammates who came out in support of Rohit Sharma we’ve I’m not going to spend more time talking about that you

Already know they mentioned it uh already there were must have been a few players who had their own Ambitions to be captain that wasn’t really done we know of rit’s manager better half putting a tweet out so I I know it’s not going to be ideal but I think a lot of these

Players are professionals they know that once you cross the line you see again you’re getting paid by a franchise or a professional you may have an issue with the other player but once you’re on the field you want to go and perform and there are examples in the past of

Sporting teams not getting along very well off the field but on the field it’s a different story each person performs his role anyways I I only have two major things is Mark B still the coach of Himi yes last checked he was okay how did he survive that that’s a miracle that’s a

Miracle after the interview he gave and second if the fans can answer what wrong did hardik P do as it I mean he got the captain C but he got unnecessary hate for yeah yeah yeah I’m not saying he should what wrong he did nothing wrong he do anything

Wrong and I think the hate probably was directed more at the people who decided huh yeah I mean see I why would you blame a hardic let’s say let’s say if even if he expressed his ambition to be captain and he wants to be why shouldn’t

He right everyone aspires to be and he had been a successful Captain he had Ambitions absolutely he should there’s nothing wrong with that it’s up to the franchise so I think the majority H didn’t go towards hardic Panda it actually towards the franchise they lost subscriber base because of that they

Were yes they lost followers on Instagram I remember after that and uh hardik Pand was just looking for himself as simple as that and by the way when all of this was happening remember he was still let’s say as believed to be the Indian team captain in the shortest

Format of the game that have vistan series hadn’t happened yet yeah yeah plus you know a lot of people are saying that oh hardik should have said no no I will not take it Ro is there please that’s easier said and done Nobody Does that today’s day and age you are going

To deny a captain of mbai Indians which is a legacy team in the I and sometimes the franchise can also tell you hello boss we’ve got you here it’s our call to make you captain or not not for you to decide good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Amant partti

Do don’t you agree Rohit Sharma is the greatest ever to play the ODI World Cup 1,5 75 runs at 61 seven centuries most honestly someone asks you the same that would be your answer am there is a big uh you know while I think Ro’s numbers at the World Cup are phenomenal but

There’s one thing that I learned uh from my good friend uh the the late great Dean Jones okay every time we would have an argument and he would come up with this which is a very valid thing whenever you say you know this one is so

And so this one how many World Cups has he won yes simple point the fact of the matter is it’s a team game I agree it is a team game and individual performances should be appreciated but those individual performances at the end of the day have to be complemented with the

World Cups a Leonel Messi was without doubt the greatest player of his generation he knew that till he has the World Cup yeah it’s he will always be inferior to a certain Diego Maradona he went all out to achieve to get that World Cup a Sachin Tendulkar will be the greatest batter

For me to have played the sport that I have seen But even he knew Sachin that till he gets the World Cup his career is not he I sort of you know have a different take to that would we have looked at Sachin differently had he not

Won the World Cup yes yes sain would have looked at himself himself differently that I know because he’s answer that’s your answer that is your answer so at the again da Bradman of course the WTC didn’t exist but looking at as numbers looking at when you talk

About let’s say gold standard in test Cricket do you talk about anyone else the same way as you talk about have the biggest prize what you play for the biggest priz and your performances have to complement getting the biggest price Sachin tul record in the World Cup are

Also outstanding but he needs that World Cup you have to be a World Cup winner especially when we are just talking in context of World Cup as he said amon’s question was regarding the best batter in a world cup and if you’re not seeing just a career let’s say it was a generic

Career question the best white ball batter ever and then you having that’s still another debate and you eliminate a World Cup is another thing but he’s talking about the best batter in a world cup and if we just talking about the best batter in the World Cup he not won

The world cup then that debate does not count overall I again I look at it differently let’s say team sport I look at it differently individual I think the accolate counts much more team sport even a team sport no you I somebody let’s say aning Holland let’s say as

Good he is as a player and you know he he’s showing he will not be winning a World Cup you know in his this thing he may be the most prolific Striker ever no no but or not let’s say but he will not be getting anywhere close to the World

Cup they are not looked at that way now in the footballing that’s why our George best yeah is never looked at like that because you have to be a World Cup star so you could have done very well in club football but at the end of the day you

Had to have done well in International Football to have that’s why a platini is spoken about in in one of the top beckin bar was spoken about you know in one of the top players of the world Diego maradon Messi P because you had to achieve it there so when you sit back

And talk about greatest batters you will have to look at World titles it is if if you look at I know sometime it’s not just based on you your team has to come together but then you playing a team sport Y and if you look at bradman’s era

The only trophy that was been played for was the ashes ases and under bradman’s era they managed to not relinquish the ashes that often and such where is exploits that England and Australia’s relationships changed forever that was the impact if you look at the greatest batter for me in the World Cup Adam

Gilchrist the ultimate clutch player in history 50 in two finals a century in a final and Australia were unbeaten in 2003 and 7 yeah for me he’s the greatest ever World Cup battle that you can see so that’s the situation okay uh final question uh s mahavar says 2023 a got

Clearance from NCA in bgt then he collapsed and Mi six months Cricket how this time NCA report saying a is okay and mind you didn’t he play I play IPL for playing World Cup no but then see if you look at the Timeline he was clear

But then during the aabad Test match he had that compressed nerve on his lower back and that’s why he missed the IPL entirely because of that and he was racing against time he and KL Rahul they were racing against time to be fit and by Providence both got fit before the

Asia cup Rahul played two games later because AER again had a relapse of a backs passing and both played the World Cup which is why I mean see sh s and KL Rahul they know the NCA functionings far better because they’ve been their premium uh you may say customers in the

Last 2 years now for a will not have access now a will not get access now because he’s not part of the central contract yeah Rahul the see a didn’t customer of course they premium customers yeah look at the number of trips that they made to the NCA in 2

Years Rahul also gold membership huh ah Diamond membership for all I care but see look at what’s happened so that is why NCA also has not we highlighted that in couple of shows also NCA has not covered itself in Glory by certain watch UPS to rim manah jit bura Rohit Sharma even four

Names that I mentioned are they very small names they’re big names okay uh as is do you think ishan’s contract would be terminated had he not joined hardic for training session what time he just had to play a game had he played it no no he’s he’s asking the

Other thing yeah contract for Mumbai would have it been terminated had he not trained with of course not I think that’s a joke it’s a sarcastic com yes I get it a final question um Akash Barda says his father asked him what did IPL give to India and he said just Jessie

Ash who are dedicated for test yeah absolutely ipl’s been a see IPL while there is a lot of criticism that comes IPL way it’s also given you a lot of star bura is one Ash is of course one overall even hardik panda in that sense you know IPL gave him that so yeah

Although you was springboarded from smack to IPL after that five sixes that he hit he du final comment from KK do you think it’s time now for BCCI to think different format different players if BCCI goes more hard it can also backf this time three knockout matches in T20

World Cup to win the trophy yeah that’s right but yeah we actually KK we’ve been saying this on sports today for a very long time for a very long time that maybe that the way Cricket is evolving you may have to look at different players for different formats certain

Players can you know be good enough to play all if not all three at least two and there could be certain overlaps there by and large you you may have to look at it and also allow players you don’t have an off season and I in that sense sympathize with the players they

Also need a break so if you’re going to do that maybe allow players to choose and if they do choose to skip a format don’t hold it against yeah but then players also have to come out and say that listen I’m not going like hard like the difference between let’s say Shas or

Isan let’s say both of them together Wiz let’s say hardik P I think the communication was much clearer and there was you know no hideand-seek being played let’s say and now he’s been asked to play domestic he said okay I’m not available for test so for my case

Domestic is going to be say mushak Ali vij yeah if available yeah the communication’s clear from that’s it y that on that note shall we discuss the wedding New Zealand Australia New Zealand IPL everything there is Under the Sun long break now so we’ll have more time discuss going for you guys

Have a lovely weekend thanks as always it’s Friday yeah it’s Friday yeah it is Friday yeah first March take care bye-bye byebye wand shab


  1. One feedback for harshit/mohit PLEASE STOP SAYING LETS SAY IN EVERY SECOND Use other term and also its not math class u always assume to say let's say.

  2. Rohit has phenomenal record in odi wc but he didn't win the odi wc… similarly virat has prolific record in t20 wc he doesn't have t20 wc..
    😅😅 Destiny

  3. Michael Vaughn is on 100 different podcasts making sarcastic comments to have some fun. These people, by taking him seriously, give him the satisfaction. Please don't be so dumb and find better topics to discuss.

  4. Please stop predictions and forming all time best IPL teams. Don't you remember Ranchi test you'll just gave<30% chance for India to score over 300 runs. I don't want to remind you that team selection was appalling.

  5. 59:00 so according to this argument virat kohli is not the best batsman in t20Wc history despite having 2 man of the tournament and highest scorer of 22 t20 WC just because he hasn't win a trophy and Rohit sharma has won it in 2007

  6. he was being sarcastic on Prairie show ..tht show is anyways mostly sarcasm on English positive thinking bubble should've seen before commenting ..he wasnt serious

  7. I am a Film Editor with 28 yrs of experience. With all due respect to you all.. For first 8 mins u r talking anything but cricket… In Editing even 1 frame extra is bad edit.. U people are taking 8 mins to get into groove.. People have no patience. Grab the audience from frame 1.

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