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Filmed and edited by Garrett Horner
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Welcome to the butterfly effect I’m Chris horer today’s edition it’s strata bian 2024 215 kilometers on today’s race in Italy and they’ve extended it more than 30 kilom than the previous editions if you remember last year was Tom poock that won solo but there was a big time chase

Behind Tom poock where they were hot on his heels most of the way all the way to the Finish Line this year we have TD Pacha the Slovenian number one ranked rider in the world starting his 2024 season let me remind you guys REM Coop’s already started dominating solo Jonas

Vino’s already started his season for viz M Lisa bike dominating solo wins and so it’s time for Tad paga the Slovenian right but how do you really know how good he is well if you follow beyond the coverage editions before Strate bian today I told you Tad pagar was out

Training doing big time climbing with behind the scooter and with his power meter reading stuff as high as 550 Watts going uphill while he was shooting it with his camera taking a picture so you know the kids got to have some form cuz he did 85 miles in 3 hours and 23

Minutes but how good is he really now you don’t really really know but you kind of know because it’s t pagota right okay in the interviews last night and early this morning for some of the Riders we know there’s going to be rain throughout this all day on Friday which

Means that it was supposed to be drier today but it ends up raining it’s going to be miserable wet conditions it’s 93 km when the cameras come on and it’s UAE team EMS on the front that’s the Mexican writer there who started his professional season this year with UAE

Memores already winning at the tour down under Isaac deloro his name just behind him’s Tim wellins and we know he’s on fine form because we saw him at the classics at Kern brussell Kerns and omu Het news Bond so we know he’s on fine form the third Rider Tod pagota but

That’s only three riders in a grp group of about 50 maybe 60 guys but everybody struggling if you’re sitting on the Chester Field like I am the first thing you want to see what are the team numbers looking behind the three UAE team Emirates writer and how strong is

Everyone looking well viz M Lisa bike they’re the number two ranked rider in the world so what are those Riders looking like they have at least four riders in the front group Ben tillet there the American sep cus is there Kristoff leaport the Frenchman and a Tilla Walters is there four solid riders

In this front group against three UAE team Emirates that’s not a big time Advantage but they do have one more now we start looking at Enos with Tom pockock they had at least four riders in there you saw Kim in there you saw our enman in there Tom pikok like I said and

Then of course it’s the American Rider Magnus Sheffield that’s in there that’s having a spectacular strata of Bianca here in 2024 now 93 km to go and when you look at this you know right away what the plan is for from UAE members they’re going to make it as hard as it

Possibly can and what the commentators had told me from what they watched online before the cameras came on proper is that UA team emeres have controlled this whole race so let’s back it all the way back up into the manager team bus and start figuring out what some of the

Tactics would have been now we know from previous years since Co started anyways in 20120 that the tactics have always been to race aggressive at the start when everything comes back race aggressive in the middle and then race aggressive at the finish of the race so

With 93 km to go and Monte Santa Maria climb section coming up you know Riders want to get a bit of an advantage because in the meetings if you’re Tre Liddell they would have been sitting in the meetings telling their Riders okay Quinn Simmons we know you can’t climb

With the best at the finish of the race so you got to get away somewhere we don’t want to send you up in the early break but we want to send you away somewhere ahead of time of Monte Santa Maria so you can get a bit of a leap of

A gap to go up the road that’s a great strategy that’s why with 90 kilm to go you see Quinn Simmons going up the road I said it was a great strategy right it was a great strategy if the taxs have all been brought back it’s starting to

Go curb to curb and you can’t tell exactly what the mo from any of the teams are and the pace isn’t going 100% but that’s not what’s happening UAE team Emirates are on the front they’re driving full gas and they have been driving full gas for more than a 100

Kilometers so you know they’re going to continue to go full gas there is no reason for a knucklehead move that Quinn Simmons is doing here at 90 kilometers to go going solo up the road for Trek when he has another teammate back there in the form of Tom squinch squinge has

Been riding great we saw him put none other than wal van art under the knife when they’re at omu het news blong going up the climbs so as I told you I’m beyond the coverage you need to pay attention to Tom squins but up front Quinn Simmons isn’t paying attention

He’s just doing what he was told in the bus but the directors didn’t tell him hey if it’s going full gas don’t attack cuz only Knuckleheads attack when it’s going full gas cuz you can’t go any faster than Del Toro going on the front and Tim wellin and they’re on the front

Of course for T Bacha who’s going to go nuclear here in pretty short time now they’re at the front Quinn Simmons has got about a 15 20 second Gap knucklehead move as I told you and then behind you see inos get on the front Tom pockock he’s sitting there just behind his

Teammates will there Kim and he’s there because they’re coming into Monte Santa Maria he wants to start at the front fantastic strategy here they’re not pulling UA at MERS are just starting Tom pitcock last year’s winner at the start of a very very crucial moment here at

Strata bian now they go through the left for Quinn Simmons he starts up the climb and then just behind UAE team Emirates Tim willins is on the front with Tad pagach are sitting second wheel Isaac dor looks like his legs might be getting a little tired CU he can’t quite get to

The front but Tim Willams got it all under control they wrap up Quinn Simmons then they drop down the backside what’s happening when you’re going down these descents lefts and right turns on the slippery gravel roads when you’re riding 60 to 90 or 110 PSI in your tires like

Possibly I still have in mine anyways as you’re going down on these gravel roads it’s going to be slippery it’s going to cause gaps that’s what’s happening as you see Tim willins at the front B gotar sitting second just behind him that’s the American sep cus from vizol Lisa

Bike and Quinn Simmons is still near the front now as you see t gotcha he’s going to look left over his shoulder he knows there’s chaos happening back there and he hasn’t even started to pedal or even stress he’s going to wipe his sunglasses clean with his right hand there then

He’s going to accelerate right around the right side of Tim Willams and start his attack here with 81 kilometers to go SE cus looks like he tries to follow but only for about a half a second at the most as the American writer sits up the

Gap opens up there and it’s time to see you guys in the douches is exactly at this moment what T Picacho is thinking as he’s accelerating on the front he goes up the next bump on the dirt climbs there and drops down the backside then when you look back there who’s chasing

In the group well that’s Quinn Simmons the American from Tre this is another knucklehead move you don’t actually want to chase right now if you’re Quinn Simmons and you’re like Chris of course you want to chase you can’t chase right now because Tom squinge isn’t in this

Front group so when we see Quinn Simmons up there pulling full gas you know without seeing Tom squinge in this group that he’s further back there chasing like crazy on the slippery lefts rights turns descents before you start the next climb which means he’s suffering and it means Quinn Simmons the American kid

Who’s already spent 10 kilometers off the front and now is on the front pulling everyone else for no reason at all well you see the Gap start to go out there of course the T Pacha as he’s gaining time on this group of what’s left of about 20 Riders at this moment

With 80 75 kmet to go behind Quinn Simmon sits up he starts drifting in the back is’s getting dropped as the climb starts proper and then you see Tom squinge come up and those two are having a bit of a conversation we get a little bit further up the road we’re going to

See the attack from max van gills lot of Destiny I told you guys it’d be van edel that was throwing in the attacks for lot of Destiny but clearly they got at least two Riders going good because max van gills is going solo not the brightest of

The moves but this is definitely still a better move than you saw with Quinn Simmons if he can get up there he’s hoping that a few other guys would come up and then he can close the gap instead he gets stuck out there for about 10 km

And he will get caught by the group now in between that and right before he got caught there was a crash the crash was Quinn Simmons he’s on the right side of the gravel road there looks like he’s talking in His Radio because he’s got his elbow lifted up there he’s going to

Go through a little water rut there from the rain runoff the dirt’s going to get a little softer and he’s going to lose his front tire he’s going to crash and his teammate Tom squinge is going to crash too I felt a sad tear here for Tom

Squinch cuz he’s on fine form and he’s already had to deal with his teammate not being able to help him earlier chasing on the front of the gap on the front of the group when he’s back there chasing in the second group and now his teammate Quinn Simmons is crashing him

Now what happens next we look on there on the right side of the road when Tom squinge is falling off his bike as he hits the ground he’s already adjusting his glasses getting him set because he knows he’s on fine form and Tom squinge from Tre is absolutely flying in this

Early 2024 season he rolls out of the crash jumps up grabs his bike right off the top there of Quinn Simmons’s bike throws a leg over it and he’s gone trying to make up the Gap to the front group of about 15 Riders who are tracing

Up front Tad pagach are going solo with over a minute Gap behind Quinn Simmons this is going to be the end of his day congratulations the directors didn’t prep you correctly for this race and you didn’t put any kind of thought into what you were doing with 90 km to go when you

Attacked and didn’t put any thought into what you’re doing going down the gravel descent with Tom squinge in the second group back there as you’re going full gas seems like the right tactic at the time but it’s an absolute knucklehead move when you’re chasing and you got

Your teammate back there in the second group chasing too now all of a sudden Quinn Simmons is out of the race from the crash hopefully he’s okay but up front what’s happening to Tom squinge squinge will take a couple kilometers to be able to close the gap back up to this

Front group but he’s on flying form obviously as he closes up to this group now the Gap up to T gotar is still extending and he’s getting out to about 2 minutes max van gills like I said he’s going to get wrapped back up and with 60

Km to go all of a sudden there’s a stalemate when I backed the camera up just before 60 km to go all the way from the attack from T pagota it was basically just team MOS on the front with possibly one Rider like our nsmen

On the front and of course they had a little bit of help there from Kim Hauck that was riding on the front too but with the exception of that they’re not getting much help from any other teams even though Vima Lisa bike have four riders in this front group remember at

The Belgium Classics when they had six riders in the front group and they’re lighting everyone up well now they only have four in the front group and they’re not getting on the front at all SEP cus isn’t looking fantastic Ben tulet not on the front visma Leisa bikes Kristoff

Leaport the European Champion he’s not on the front and of course a Tilla Alters is doing what he can to stay in the group but can’t get on the front to help Enos that means it’s 60 km to go there’s a stalemate it goes curb to curb

See the picture from the back as all the Riders are sitting up they’re reaching in the pockets they’re all trying to catch a breath because it’s been full gas but no one is helping Enos with that stalemate all of a sudden we start seeing attacks from kfo and Van elvil

From lot of Destiny going up the road now we’ll see a group of six then it becomes about 12 and when you start looking at these groups look at the back of the picture that’s viz molisa bike who missed this front move and they’re still chasing to get back in now we’re

Going to see that Del Toro has a bike change when he has a bike change he’s coming back and we see this is about 50 km to go sep cus is dropping out of the race and he’s not going to finish today’s strata bian which means that Vis

Malisa bike have losing Force up front that means of course Tad pachar has less guys organized back there chasing as he’s going full gas up front now we’re getting into about 40 kilomet to go we start seeing that there’s a crash coming into the right turn that’s Ben Healey

From EF education that’s going down I couldn’t figure it out what caused it I don’t know if he clipped the pedal going through the right turn or somehow lost his back wheel for some reason but he goes down hard just as we see two Lotto Destiny Riders throwing in attack with

Van edel and Van gills up there going full gas van gills a continue solo up over this climb with about just under 40 kilomet to go 30 30 kilomet to go it’s going to be attack from Tom squinge I told you he was on good form and he’s a

Kid to watch he’s flying as he’s attacking with 30 km to go and with 20 kilom to go he’s going to catch up to max van gills but up front is still flying Tad pachar who is on the pedals never looking like he’s suffering in today’s strata of bian and always

Putting time into the group behind that’s unorganized to say the least as we see the two Riders chasing they’re still not anywhere close to T paga but now it’s just about 18 kilometers to go and Thomas pitcock he’s going to throw in his attack as he’s trying to bridge

Up the one minute Gap to the two riders in front so he can battle for a podium but behind that it’s devastated Riders are blowing up all over the place about seven to 10 Riders left in the front group Christof leaport for the viz M Lisa bikes the sole representation up

There trying to get some kind of result in the top 10 for Vi M Lisa bike up front TD pachar with 2.5 kilm to go it’s a fist bump to the camera there as he knows it’s time to win strata bian for the second time in his career as he goes

Up the last and final climb he’ll celebrate with high fives with the crowd and come all the way across the line with the arms raised jump off his bike start raising his bike and celebrate to the crowd a second Victory here at strata bian now what happened behind

With the two Chasers well the two Chasers behind Max vanill throws in the first acceleration intact with 700 meters to go but we see Tom squinge from Tre he closes that Gap throws in his next attack and he’ll get second on today’s St of bian with Van gills

Getting third for lot Destiny wrapping up some fine UCI points Tom a round out for fourth and then fifth back there mate mahor from bahin Victoria to round out the top five here at strata bian now why did it happen when you start looking at all of the commentators discussing

The tactics they start talking about well why did you have to go from 80 kilm to go well ideally Monte Santa Maria is an ideal place to attack to bring the group smaller not to go solo right 81 km to go for T pagota is a tall order even

If his power meter was reading spectacular numbers in training while he’s behind the scooter 81 km is a tall order I’m sure the Slovenian when he attacked was hoping that okay the group is 20 30 40 guys big when the cameras come on but he wants to reduce it

Because you only have two teammates Isaac deloro and Tim willin so if he got that those two dropped all of a sudden he could be outnumbered and be getting attack left and right so he looks back left over his shoulder like I told you in the video already accelerates I’m

Sure he was hoping one two guys would go with him he’d have a three thre man Breakaway going up the front and then he’d just dislodge everybody later on in the race but once he starts going up the road of course the directors are watching the same cameras we are they’re

Telling I’m back there in the UAE Emirates car that everybody’s toast we already seen your power files training behind the scooter so we know you can do 80 kmers on your own so he’s going full gas to the line most likely he wasn’t thinking at 80 km to go and most likely

The director sporti from UAE team Emer weren’t saying hey we’re going to win this with 81 km to go no the idea was to reduce it get it into a smaller group make the race as hard as you possibly could with all of your teammates which they did spectacularly that’s why the

Cameras came on at 93 km to go you see basically 50 60 Riders Max and then guys trailing off in ones and twos behind the peleton there so when Tad paga accelerate he’s thinking great I’ll accelerate I’ll bring a couple writers with me like Tom pck and maybe sep cus

And then I’ll drop them later on in the race and this thing be wrapped up with my first Victory here in 2024 instead he got a marvelous Victory with 81 kilomet solo at strata bian to devastate the pelaton here and send the markers out to Jonas Vino Primos roget and Rimco evapo

That I’m here to win in 2024 so you guys better bring your aame and we know Rimco evap has brought his aame we know yonis F go brought his a aame and tomorrow we’re going to start trying to figure out whether or not if borans grows new

Signing Primos roget has got his aame here in 2024 we could see some spectacular racing in the next week from Primos roget and rim coool but today we saw something Stellar from Tad Pacha at strata bian that all of us are going to remember next time we turned into the

Race for the 2025 season we’re going to be wondering can can t pagota go from 100 km out probably too much of a tall order either way it was a fantastic day here at strata bian to pagota Welcome to the 2024 season you are clearly on fantastic form and everybody better be

Paying attention to what UAE mems have done because if you remember right just a couple videos ago just a couple days ago in the videos I told you they had 10 victories with six different Riders and now they got 11 victories with seven different Riders so everybody better be

Paying attention to what UAE memers are done today here at strata bian and Quinn Simmons even if they told you to go before Monte Santa Maria if they told you to go you don’t go when it’s going full gas with a team at the front especially when you got a rider like Tom

Squinge riding as good as he has been the weekend before up there at omlet Head News blown and Kern Brussels current biggest knucklehead move I seen in the race today had to be that the director sporti from Tre letting them do it and the Young 22-year-old kid doing

It and not understanding what the what the complications would be if he goes up the road while UAE te memb are rri in full gas make sure you guys like And subscribe I’ll see you guys on the next Edition real soon


  1. "60, 90 or 110 psi like i still have in mine possibly maybe 😂😂😂" Almost spit out my cornflakes laughing, same high psi for me since the 90s 🙂

  2. Tadej accidentaly went on a training ride during Strade Bianche… you won't believe what happened next. 😛

  3. What a great time to be watching bicycle racing! So many good riders to cheer for. Both men and women. Keep up the awesome work explaining the strategy and tactics for the teams and riders. Your energy encourages me not to be nucklehead and get off the chesterfield and ride after watching your show.

  4. Great ride from Skujins. The recovery from the crash was pretty smooth. So many times, crashers sit for awhile cause they know they're out of it. Skujins' was out for glory and was up in a flash.

  5. It was a good bike race. It wasn't necessarily great, because the weather put a damper on things, and the race was pretty unorganized from the other teams who couldn't work together to chase down TP. Or maybe TP just had the legs, who knows? Either way, it was great to see cycling's ambassador (not that he's an ambassador, but he's the most animated and engaging personality on the world tour) have such a good day and do something I really didn't think would (or could) happen. Really, really looking forward to this season. Now who else is off to watch PR and RE in Paris Nice?

  6. The Stradion Cannibalianchi
    A new cannibal has entered the peloton: Tadeï Peaugaçar. His performance is so outcycling that some may yell: doping! Explaning that the new form doesn't devellope more muscles, but improves the existing. Apelike ones, that are seven times faster and stronger, so you have to be very careful with homeopathic doses. Now don't understand me wrong, i'm not saying Peaugaçar is an ape, only a cannibal! You see… As Merkx was.
    But seriously, this is becoming a kind of historical feature. Cannibalism definitely shapes cyclism today. Merckx may only have been an ancestor: Vingegaard, Pogačar, Evenepoel…
    But why do we still admire a dull race? That's when we are alone on our bike we all dream to do this: we all see ourselves in Perfectgaçar!

  7. This guy don't care how suspicious are his performances. He must feel entitled to do werever he wants, and the silence from the press is unbelievable. Pogacar story will end bad, veri bad.

  8. I believe he wanted to go solo, not just reduce the group, Sep Kuss was behind him, but Pog did not wait for him or anybody

  9. That course is much harder than they make it look. I rode the Strade Bianche Granfondo a few years ago and it was brutal. There are open flat sections where if a gap opens on the gravel, you're not chasing back unless you have a motor like Ganna. Plus the climbs are super punchy and that final climb into Piazza del Campo is a wall.

  10. What's nice in Strade bianche is that iit's for climbers that eat dust like Bardet, Formolo, and Pogacar, or for cobblestone riders that can climb, like Cancellara, Van Aert, Benoot, Van der Poel etc. The climbers seem to have taken the lead, but the fifth place of Mohoric and the tenth spot of Laporte were really impressive. Mohoric had almost parked his bike on the penultimate climb, yet still managed to the climbers, who must have been spent. Similarly, Skuijns is probably not as good a climber as Van Gils, but seemed to have had more stamina.

    Other than that it was rather boring to watch. Pogacar is too good.

  11. Gee – I wonder who the best racer in the world is right now? I don't think he's any better than Merckx or Hinault, but he's that level of dominant. Go, Pogicar! Most impressive.

  12. Tadej Pogacar 80 km solo ride and a gap above 3 minutes. He didn't even looked tired when he passed the finished line in Sienna. Lifting his bike with a great smile. Tom Pidcock only comment to Pogacar time gab was "What the f-ck". I say "pas normal".

  13. What is Lidi-Trek doing with Quinn Simmons??? I see he instantly turned pro with them but he has produced nothing of merit or even taking him to the correct races. I have no idea what type of prospect Trek is giving him because they aren't taking him to anything of worth. Only thing he got is a national title that he dragged himself into and (assuming) some crazy watts that is being pissed away.

  14. so it seems the only thing they could have done was let him go on purpose hoping to tire him out and then work together in the draft? Its obvious you cant race each other and catch him, and you wont ride away from him unless your in the high mountains with perfect tactics…TP is a beast like no other

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