Golf Babe

Play Better Golf | Practice Being A Golfer!!

Golfers are different than people who play golf. Golfers do things correctly. If you want to lower your score you need to become a golfer. You must practice being a golfer. I demonstrate the difference between a golfer and a person who just plays at golf. Follow my advice and you will become a a much better golfer.

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I have a question for you are you a golfer are you just somebody that plays at golf big question and a very important question well hello everybody and welcome back to my channel where on this channel I give you sound information and and plans where you can

Actually improve your golf game so if you’re a person who really wants to improve at golf do yourself a favor and subscribe to my channel and you want to make sure that you’re watching every video that I put out because again I’m here to try and help you so the question

That I asked at the beginning are you a golfer are you just somebody who plays at golf is a very valid question because there is a big big difference I’m in the middle of high school golf season here in Mobile Alabama and dealing with a lot of kids

And a lot of kids that are you know that kind of middle 80s kid that really wants to be a 70s shooter when they go out and have a bad day they blow up and they shoot 90 um and they just they just don’t get it and and you explain to them

And you explain to them that the things that they’re doing on the golf course and the way that they’re preparing themselves to play in tournaments and to play aren’t what golfers do and it’s very difficult to get that across because in their mind they’re trying really hard and you know I

Understand that but they’re trying really hard at the wrong things so in this video what I want to do is I want to point out a few examples of the difference between a golfer and the person who just comes out and plays at golf and hopes they shoot a good score

So let’s talk about example number one and since we’re on the driving range let’s start here so my students will talk to me and I’ll ask them about they practicing they’ll tell me yes I’m practic I’m practicing I go to the range every day and I hit balls and I say well

How are you hitting balls well I go by a bucket of balls and I put them down and I hit them and I say what are you trying to do when you’re on the driving range well I’m trying to hit good shots that’s not a golfer you can’t go

To the driving range and try and hit good shots you got to go to the driving range and work on the things that you need to work on you have to put a practice station down that’s going to make you achieve what you’re trying to achieve and you have to be patient and

You have to be disciplined enough to stand out there on that range and hit balls with the station maybe you’re going to hit some bad ones that’s okay but you have to practice with a purpose the other thing that you need to be doing on the driving range is you

Need to be out there hitting some shots work on hitting it a little high one time work on hitting it low work on hitting a draw work on hitting a little fade so that if you’re on the golf course and you need to hit one of those shots you know

How when you come up to the putting green do you just bring three balls up and just randomly hit putts from one hole to the next hole to the next hole well if you do that you’re not really a golfer cuz you’re just using that same old putting stroke that you have that

Doesn’t allow you to putt very well on the golf course if you’re a golfer you need to come up onto the putting green you need to have something on the ground to help you make sure that you’re aimed properly that make sure that your eyes are in the right place and people my

Biggest training aid that I like get to people to use is a putting mirror and the one from eyeline golf is the one that I love I think everybody that plays golf should have one of these check the link in the description below down there I’ll give you a couple of different

Places where you can take a look at them but get yourself set up make sure your posture is really good make sure you’re aimed make sure that stroke is staying on line this is what’s going to make you a better putter not randomly just hitting from one hole to the next hole

When you’re finished working on your putting stroke do you then take a golfball and go out and practice putting yourself under pressure do you try and play games that simulate onc course experiences to where you have a goal and when you get close to that goal your

Insides get a little bit jumpy and you practice Under Pressure knowing that you can then get on the golf course and make a putt with pressure if you’re not doing these things you’re not a golfer you’re just a guy who comes out and plays golf when you’re working on your

Chipping are you the guy that brings your shag bag out dumps all those 30 40 golf balls out and just stands there and just keeps hitting the same shot over and over and over again with that same old chip in motion that’s not a golfer that’s a guy that’s just getting better

At doing what he already does if you’re a golfer you come out you put something on the ground making sure that you’re making solid contact you have the ability to check to make sure that your stroke is correct you put a Target out on the green for distance control in

Where you want to land that ball and then you work on oh jeez Landing it on that spot and hitting solid shots and again like putting do you put yourself under pressure when you’re practicing your chipping do you just take one golf ball and Chip it up towards a hole and go try

And get up and down do you play simulated games that’s a golfer you got to practice Under Pressure so that when you get on that Golf Course again you know that you can handle it and you know that you can pull the shot off are you the golfer that busts out driver on

Every single hole that you play and you’re trying to hit that driver as far as you can because it’s going to give you the best opportunity to make a birdie and when you do make a birdie you talk a lot about it but you don’t tell people about the other eight times you

Played that hole in the last 15 where you blew the ball in the woods or hit it out of bounds and you made a double that’s not not a golfer a golfer uses course management a golfer plays the whole how it needs to be played a golfer is taking less risk being more

Aggressive into conservative targets so that he is worried about his score at the end of the day not whether he can say I made a birdie on that hole are you the golfer that whether you’re playing by yourself or you’re playing with your buddies and you hit a

Bad shot you immediately grab another ball and put it down and hit another shot and you tell yourself in your mind that hey I’m still working on something I’m trying to hit good shots that doesn’t help you play golf that doesn’t make you a golfer a golfer hits a bad

Shot he’s got to immediately start thinking hey here’s an opportunity where I have to go use my skills and I’ve got to figure out a way to minimize the damages here I’m going to give myself the best opportunity that I can to make a par okay and at worst case scenario

I’m going to make a bogey also when you you hit that bad shot do you get all mad and your feelings get hurt and you allow that that anger to stay with you for the next two three shots the next two three holes that’s not what golfers do yeah

Everybody hits bad shots the best in the world Hit bad shots but you got to let them go because that’s what golfers do golfers Let It Go and golfers again go figure out how to minimize the damages because when you’re pissed off can’t play golf you’re not a

Golfer now are you the golfer that when you get up to your shot you just grab that club because it says whatever distance it is and you step up and you hit it and you’re just hoping to hit a good shot it’s not what golfers do a

Golfer has worked hard on developing a really good pre-shot routine that gets you in the right mindset in order to perform your best a golfer is going to look at that shot regardless of what the yardage is and figure out is there wind do I need to keep the ball down where am

I going to miss that shot if I’m going to miss it they plan their shots they use course management you got to be like a golfer and lastly are you the golfer that fires at every single pin regardless of where it is on the green and you’re just hoping like heck that

You’re going to hit a really good shot that might get in there close that’s not what golfers do a golfer he analyzes situation where is that pin that pin’s in the back left corner of that green and if I go long I’m over that slope in

The back I’ve got no chance of getting it up and down if I miss left I’m down the slope over there I’ve got no chance of getting it up and down so the golfer he’s not even aiming at that pin he’s trying to put the ball somewhere right out here in the middle

Of the green and he’s just going to accept the fact that hey I’ve got a 20 25 foot putt for birdie and hey I got a chance to make it but I’m going to walk away this ho with par see a golfer understands his game a golfer

Understands that with every iron that he hits there’s a dispersion pattern that he’s not going to hit them all straight I don’t care how good he is there’s a dispersion pattern and you’re not going to be able to control it perfectly so hey if my dispersion

Pattern is 25 ft left or 25 ft right with a seven iron in my hand and I’m hitting a seven iron into this green well 25 ft left puts me off the green whereas if I aim it over here to the middle of the green now I miss it 25

Ft left hey I’ve just hit it even closer to the pin but I’m on the green if I miss it 25t to the right I’m over here and I’ve just got a little bit longer putt so folks if you want to play better golf

If you want to be a better golfer if you want to shoot lower scores then you got to start doing thing like golfers do and let me tell you it takes practice um you know you have to practice controlling your emotions on the golf course you got to practice

Aiming things to the middle of the green because your brain wants to shoot that ball over there towards the pin it takes practice developing a good pre-shot routine so if you want to play better golf you have to do things the right way and you have to play golf like a person

Who knows how to play golf minimize the risks take advantage of the good shots when you can and play golf like a golfer I want to thank y’all so much for coming in here and watching this video um again I’m in the middle of High

School season and all of this is on my mind because this is what I’m doing every single day with these high school kids that I’m teaching trying to get get them to play better Golf and shoot some lower scores and let me tell you it’s hard cuz they’re hard-headed and that’s

Just human nature I’m not knocking anybody but it’s very difficult to get them to change because hey they’re convinced that the way they’re playing is the way that they need to play in order to score better and yet it doesn’t work so do yourselves a favor play golf

Like a golfer and come back to this channel every now and again and listen to some more of my great advice and see if we can get your score better do me a favor before you leave this video hit that subscribe button one more time because that’s what I do on this channel

I’m trying to help you play better golf thanks a lot y’all have a great day


  1. Awesome Bris. Yeah, golf is all about practice and learning from experiences. Would taking a handful of patience pills washed down with some shots of bourbon when coaching those school kids help? 😂😂😂

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