Golf Players

Did Adam Peters Tell Us Sam Howell is NOT the QB for the Commanders?

All the NFL GMs have started talking with the media, and that means we’ve definitely entered Lying Season. Can we trust anything they say?

The Warm Up – Stoner really likes L’Jarius Sneed. Kansas City apparently will try to tag him and if a long term deal doesn’t work out, they’ll trade him. What is the CB worth these days?

The Game – Adam Peters did a lot of talking already this week. He seemed to spell the end of Sam Howell as a starter in one statement, then talked highly of him in another. Peters then calls into Grant and Danny to say they aren’t spending big in Free Agency. What can fans believe during Lying Season?

The Cool Down – A few names have been added to the free agency list. Should Washington pounce on those just cut? Or should they stay away from other team’s “trash?”

We also have Stoner’s 40 yard dash to close out our Combine talk. You don’t want to miss it!

All this and more on Episode 162! Let’s gooooooo!

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Donor 40 for everybody in the cool down you’re going to want to get here and have some fun with that we’re also going to have a grab bag session in that cool down after the 40 after we have some 40 because there’s just so much going on

Trev right now there’s uh oh God here comes inutes for our audio listeners we’ve got Stoner just kind of coming in here oh no oh no we were we promised him that we were G to try to have an ambulance on uh on hand looks like had needed this to come in those

Our real crutches Trev and Stoner is still trying to get settled into the chair we live every every uh Wednesday on YouTube Facebook and Twitter and our audio listeners cannot see the pain immense pain that Stoner is going through right now as he enters in so we do share this on your

Favorite audio platforms so make sure that you leave us a rating and review other people can get our content we’ve got a lot of people already in the chat so while Stoner gets himself you know together let’s talk about some of those guys here Trev we got locked on law we

Got Teddy Brian in the house as well we’ve got steady Eddie here Gus bus is here and uh steady Eddie 6.5 Stoner 40 time well we’re going to have our chance to guess about stoner’s 40 as he recorded um I am actually standing at my desk

Right now it’s not been a great back week for me as I’m still recovering from my back surgery so no 40 time I was gonna do one in solidarity I still plan on doing that yeah me too it’s been raining a lot here in my hometown so I’m

Not yeah that’s what everyone’s been saying yesterday was a crazy day I wasn’t ever even gonna attempt to do it yesterday back or otherwise because there was as H there was like 50 m per hour gusts people’s trampoline were ending up in other people’s yards it was

A crazy crazy time all right so Stoner seems collected enough to maybe come here uh and talk you know Stoner just let us know we we don’t need your fored time are you okay sir I’m okay he’s okay I’ll I’ll do whatever it takes to make this show

Great that’s what I like to hear excellent all right now we now we can actually continue on here so Stoners 40 in the grab bag section in the cool down for the game is lying season Adam Peters and Dan Quinn making the media rounds and so are all the other GMS and coaches

And a lot of them have things to say and a lot of that is stuff we can’t trust so we’re going to go over all of that content within the game I will say this and I’ll say it again in the game My favorite quote from the entire media

Presence of every single GM and Coach didn’t come from from Chicago didn’t come from Washington although there were some good Dan Quinn quotes my favorite one came from raheim Morris if we had better quarterback play I probably will not be standing here at this Podium love it absolutely got one

For you that after good you you got one yeah a good one the the GM of the bills when uh that was a good one the trading up for Josh Allen yeah he said when he traded up for Josh Allen and the way he looked at it was says well if it’s a

Failure I won’t be here to deal with it anyway and if it’s success then nobody’s going to care that we trade it up for Josh Allen yeah that’s a great way to look at it he might have had a a sweare word in there but uh yeah I’m glad

Stoner kept did a little uh PG here for our ref the district episode 162 I mentioned stoner’s 40 time is going to Bean the cool down we’re definitely going to want your guesses as far as how fast he was able to to run that you can see the crutches maybe that’s a prop

Maybe that’s realistic that is all going to be in there now you can’t bet on it but there are other things you can bet on and you’re going to want to make sure that you head over to bet online and get all of your wagering information and use

Our code believe B A V to get yourself 50% on a welcome bonus so your first deposit you can get 50% extra just by using that code bav bet on the NBA bet on some of the NFL action as there are a lot of things going on in the NFL right

Now and all of that can be done right there at bet online where the game starts let’s start with a little tag and trade here as this was something kind of came up today with a lot of these GMS talking and we hear like I said it’s lying season gentlemen we know that

There’s not necessarily what’s being said you know a a lot of the talk right now from GMS is oh we like them we want them here we’re they’re going to stay with the team and coaches talk a lot about that as well well it’s not all

True but some of the things are coming out right now are the tag and trade type things in fact there’s quite a few players that we were looking at here on ref the district as far as making them additions you can see Sneed is the image here if you’re watching us live right

Now and that was one of the first ones to come out from Kansas City just yesterday was hey they might tag him try to work a long-term deal if that isn’t done then they’ll look to seek a trade and get something out of him there’s also um Brian birds and t uh Higgins

That were mentioned as possible tag and trade options here this early season Huff by the way Bryce Huff not one of them Jets don’t plan and using the tag there Adam Peters says Washington not going to use it tag and trade was a popular term for our players last year

But it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen this year how about Sneed what would you be willing to trade for sne I know Stoner you’re willing to pay for him but Trev now you’re gonna have to pay for him in two ways compensation to the team that you’re trading to and

Money on top of it what would you give up for a player like lerus Sneed who is Super Bowl caliber great player we broke him down and he seems like a player who would be great here in Washington but is the cost too much I now don’t give me wrong he has

Super Bowl rings you know he’s a great Corner great man lock down corner but I don’t I don’t want to pay him and then give up draft capital for him this year because our draft is set up to be great with the picks we have and I don’t want

To take a risk on that for lerus sne no knock on him as a player I think he’s great if he was available free agency straight up then yes let’s pay the man and go get him that’s cool but if you got to pay him and then trade something

For him I’m not on board with that personally I think you can find a quarterback if not as good just a little bit you know more reasonably and playing style and and affordable pricing that you can get to play that position rather than tag and trading for Jus need now if

It was like Jaylen Ramsey or Patrick San maybe or you know any other like the elite Corners that you hear about all the time then yeah we can talk but lerus sne he’s good but he’s been there for a while like the past two years that’s when you started hearing about leria sne

So I don’t know I’m just me personally I’m not on board no tag and trade for me I don’t know man that’s a that’s a tough one for me because I doing the study on him and watching the film on him man I fell in love with everything that he

Does uh Trev he gave up one touchdown all year and that was in the Super Bowl that was the 2 first game of the year when he finally gave up a touchdown and you know he’s top 10 in in most statistical categories in terms of coverage uh he gave up a 51% completion

Percentage when thrown at him uh 56.2 quarterback rating when they you know threw at him he’s a lock down guy he and he’s a physical guy he’s the type of guy who likes to get up on the line and play bump and run I love everything

About him but I don’t know I I’m kind of the same I don’t know that I want to give something up for him the whole reason that I want to look at lerus sne because he’s a free agent and right if all of a sudden he’s not a free agent

Because he was signed or he was tagged I’m out of that business I don’t want to I don’t want to get into that business of of not only like somebody already said on here not only paying him but also giving up draft capital for him I’m not in that business right now Washington’s

Not in that business I don’t think at this point to where they can kind of do that they can give up draft capital for a free agent basically so if he’s not available then he’s not available don’t don’t uh kind of double down on him by

Giving up draft capital and money so I’m out on that tag and trade for him yeah it it seems like it’ probably be a little too expensive when there are some there’s some other options right you can get Kindle Fuller not saying they’re that they’re on the same level

Right now because sne did have an absolute fantastic year in Kansas City but the value there if you pay him a lot of money you know for what he’s worth that’s one thing but then when you’re having to go on top of it and give up

Something and Gus has been asking you do not have to give up two first rounds if they’re tagged and you trade with the team uh as far as like the last time you somebody didn’t I don’t have the exact uh measurement but what I did see and

Just a real quick look for it was in uh 2020 um Jaguar xanic uh nagao and I butchered the heck out of that name there uh was traded to the Minnesota Vikings Jacksonville got a second round pick in 2021 and a conditional fifth so you don’t have to necessarily give up um

And so yes so Gus actually had that that’s great so even though I was reading it off a different screen Gus bus as always a great historian and fact Checker here for Washington um yeah you don’t have to give up necessarily you know the farm but you

Will have to give up something a second and a fifth though that doesn’t really seem that bad when you look at it that way right a second or fifth and then pay them Washington has an extra second the where I would be concerned with this is Washington seconds aren’t mid round

Seconds Washington seconds are high draft picks and I feel like you can still get some value there where maybe trading and I love some of these options that people gave like Greg here I’m tired of Andy Reid fleecing us uh Joseph with they can have Andrew Wy back so

These are some great Fant comments here coming from our people watching us live right now and he’s not sneed’s not the only one it seems like we’re all out on Sneed as far as a tag and trade let’s go to the other one that we talked about possibly coming

Here and that was Brian Burns and a lot of people in the video when we were talking about Brian Burns being a free agent Target for Washington kept telling us over and over again he’s going to get tagged why talk about he’s GNA get tagged you’re talk we’re talking about

Him because he’s a great defensive end and Washington needs a great defensive end one of the things I’ve seen gentlemen in my research of snap counts is that your Edge rushers taken outside essentially the top 10 don’t do all that well with their team all right so why

Not for Brian Burns give up a second or a third in a late round of third you know third day pick to get a great Edge rusher you’re going to need one you’re going to need to pay one so as you’re going to get good value from that pick

In my opinion because like I said I’ve seen the data from the last four years edge rushers taken outside that that top 10 and the top 100 I’ll say that don’t always don’t seem to pan out as well as some of the other positions so why not

Get a a great pass rusher in Brian Burns I I like that idea CU like you said um if you have a chance to get an elite defensive end you take that chance because out of the top 10 they’re not good and then the free ageny class it’s

Not that great now quarterback position there’s more depth to that you can pass nerious go get you a quarterback I mean just har this example Joe Whit Dan Quinn made Duron Bland a pro bowl because he had a Hall of Famer because he had six pick sixes

In the season he like what A fifth round pick or something like that I’m not I’m not worried excuse me when it comes to quarterback there’s more depth that position to go sign but if you have a chance to get Edge right now A High Caliber Edge and Brian Burns Bryce Huff

You know any of those guys you knock on the door make a phone call and say like hey because that could take place of your early High second round pick that you might be looking at a defensive end which if you know you got Brian Burns

You can was that hide second round pick stay with the the latter second round pick and then go on from there you know what I mean so Brian Brian Burns yeah i’ tag a TR there’s something in the water or something Nathan because this is two

Two in a row that I I’m totally on board with what Trev is saying I’m right there with you go for it I’m with you this is a position this is a Difference Maker position and I think Brian Burns is pretty much a Difference Maker kind of

Player so would you give up some draft capital and a big payday for Brian Burns that’s the kind of guy you probably would Nathan and I have gone back and forth for many years about the importance the most important position after quarterback he says Edge I say

Left tackle but pass rusher just to clarify you need some to get after the quarterback normally that’s an edge rusher right right so uh either way it’s either the second or third most important position that’s where you that’s where you put your investment into your yeah second and third rounder

If you have to uh plus a whole bunch of money over the course of a bunch of years so yeah for Brian Burns that’s a different story I might do that for him I don’t know if Adam Peters and them are going to do that they’ve kind of made it

Clear that they’re not going to go on this spending spree but they’re still going to spend some money L season right right they’re gonna spend a lot of money I don’t know if they’re gonna put you know $120 million on a Brian Burns type of deal but they’re going to give

Somebody a couple of guys some pretty good size contracts Brian Burns should and might be one of those guys yeah so uh Grim here saying that he would take Burns or Allen at any cost uh and both are possibly getting franchised there yeah uh gusb thinking Burns is gonna get

A first rounder and I would be out on a first okay you can’t give up you can’t give up a first even next year uh for a player in my opinion I think that that would go against what this team wants to do building through the draft and all

That but next first Nathan is going to be like the 30th pick the Super Bowl 17 and0 until we find out otherwise absolutely the uh yeah so I I would not give up a first but you definitely want to address this position and Josh Allen or Brian Burns

Would be fantastic here in Washington again I’ll talk a little bit more about that comment from Adam Peters not wanting to spend big and free agency when we get to play season let’s talk about one last player as far as the tag and trade is concerned now Michael Pitman likely staying in Indianapolis

That was stoner’s guy I tried to talk him into T Higgins yeah however that is our last person to talk about as far as a tag and trade option Washington needing a big bodied wide uh wide receiver somebody who can you know play that long game because you have the

Likes of Jan doson and Terry muren who can work the quick Game T Higgins would be fantastic here in a notall Air Raid Offense that Cliff kingsberry is gonna run is he worth the tag and trade I I well I mean you kind of foreshadowed it a little bit there

Nathan I’m not a t Higgins guy I mean I love T Higgins let’s not get crazy here but in terms of if I’m comparing Higgins and Michael Pitman I like Michael Pitman a little bit better and so uh Indianapolis has made clear that they’re not going to they don’t want to let

Pitman go Cincinnati is already shown that they’re not GNA let Higgins go by going ahead and tagging him already that’s not a position though especially in Washington where I think they need to make a big move a big move like um trading picks and signing uh the

Long-term deal for uh T Higgins so so I’m totally against that sign T Higgins as a free agent okay but as a give up a couple of draft picks and sign him I’m not okay with that for T Higgins and for any wide receiver for that fact as much

As I like Michael Pitman I’m not doing that for Michael Pitman either and and Gabe Davis is another guy out there as I started studying him a little bit that I really really like I didn’t even realized he was as big as he was I thought he was another’s big dude I

Thought he was a smaller guy so the Market is kind of filled with a lot of these guys so I don’t know that you need to do that I don’t think you’re stepping down if you take uh a Gabe Davis instead of a t t Higgins or you’re not stepping

Down if you take or if you sign Pitman instead of a t Higgins so no I’m out on receiver on this team not receiver in general receiver on this team because that’s one of their strengths call it what you you we want to hate on Terry

McClaren right we want to hate on Johan Doon who wants to hate on Terry M you want to hate on Terry M no I don’t but we went through it the end of the year when people were calling him not a number one he is a number one uh but and

Even Dan Quinn when he said in his introductory press conference after he signed here to be the head coach he said basically he looks at Wasington he says the defensive tackles and the wide receiver room that’s the strength of this team right now so you don’t need to

Spend a whole lot of capital uh for a t Higgins so gusb saying we didn’t Target Terry and doson enough last year why add another wide receiver for those catches Gregory is out on Gabe Davis Rockman is asking what about just Mike Williams from the Chargers and and this is yeah

And that is something that somebody had mentioned in there as well locked on law here if you’re G to give up that much for Higgins because you’re gonna have to give up quite a bit I think to get a t Higgins here in a tag and trade

Situation why not just draft MH Jr mh2 it would be available to you if that’s what you’re trying to look for um and then we had seen somewhere here uh for Here We Go From Leon here out on T Higgins the draft is deep with wide

Receivers we can get a really good wide out in the fourth or fifth round I do think that there’s you never know another an Antonio Gandy golden on our hand yeah that’s fair that’s fair I will say this as far as drafting a wide receiver in the fourth and fifth round

You are looking at your third Wide Receiver right you’re looking at somebody to compete with snaps from dami Brown all right Terry mclen D and Johan doson are one and two brown is right now three unless someone like Curtis Samuel gets resigned or you go after a free

Agent so I I think that taking a fourth or fifth wide receiver and trying to develop in into what we’re trying to pick up which is a tall big body possibly deep threat wide receiver you can get that in the draft so I am also

Out as far as it is concerned on a wide receiver I’m also out on Adam Peters lying season and I’ll tell you why when we get to the Game welcome to the game it is officially lying season in the NFL as GMS and head coaches crowd the combine and try to talk everybody in the media into espousing all these crazy crazy things like not spending big and free agency not sure what we’re going to do

At QB says Chicago there is a lot of craziness that’s going on right now and it’s somewhat easy to discern what is real and what’s not real now one of the things I think got us in the biggest trouble this week was Adam Peter’s line about wanting a QB he specifically and

I’m gonna have to bring this up here to want to make sure because I like to be accurate right when I talk about these things his comment was about he was being asked about um Brock perie and what he needed to do as far as you know

Having a QB here in Washington and to me this really felt like it was a dagger to the howlers and Sam how being qb1 um Adam Peters says at the very end of this conversation about Brock pie now I’ve got to find a new quarterback a lot of people tried

Defending that saying it was it’s not a dagger for Sam how and they don’t have to go QB and they could do all this other stuff and it to me was crazy because as much as there’s other things that I’m out on on Adam Peters conversations and Dan Quinn’s comments

And everything and I’m not out on those two I still believe these two are going to make uh wonderful strides here in Washington I’m just not buying it is what I’m trying to say yeah this is one I buy okay we had just a few weeks ago

Doug Williams failed to hide the fact that Washington’s gonna take a QB right stop giving that man the camera and the microphone he can’t do Good Morning America for team reveal he can’t do anything about the draft don’t just let the man go do what he does don’t give

That man the microphone the camera anymore no offense well they did and he definitely walked into one with the reporters where there he pretty much says yeah QB is the is what Washington needs to go Dan Quinn and Adam Peters did spend a lot of time after this

Comment trying to like backtrack and trying to mask a few things and talk you know even even in that same one that’s what a lot of people were like no you got to listen to the full context and people kept pointing to the part where

Adam ERS was like oh well you know I learned this from uh uh old boy up in 49ers headquarters you know you go for a walk because you’ve been in the office and I walked with Sam Hal and he’s a great guy and everything okay guys if

He’s telling us how good of a person he is he’s not telling us how good of a quarterback he is yeah okay when they say oh I like what we got from this guy and it’s your QB who just finished with four wins on the year I’m telling you it

Is not he is telling you what you need to know you you got to read between the lines for the love of goodness if he had said or he at least had the chance to say but didn’t is he says but now I I have a quarterback he didn’t say that he

Said now I have to find a quarterback and if you don’t know if you have a quarterback then you don’t have a quarterback when you hear Chicago talking about or we’re still evaluating Justin fields and this and that Justin Fields is is not the guy they’re not

Going to have this oh we’re trying to figure it out and then all of a sudden sign him to this massive deal when they have the opportunity that they have in front of them to draft number one it he had the he could have worded it a

Different way if he knew that Sam Howell was the guy he would have basically said but I don’t have to worry about that here in Washington or something to that effect but he says I mean for Pete sake the the Giants GM came out and said Daniel Jones is our starter quarterback

And they they’re probably lying about that too because their rumbling is about you know getting rid of Daniel so that was the most candid response I think of the whole interview by Adam Peters it was like he was talking to like one of his old Pals or something like that when

They asked him the question because he was just like Brock p and then he’s like now I gotta find a quarterback that’s something you say like in your inner circle or like somebody from like you’ve worked with previously it was just so like Off Script it just came out of his

Mouth naturally so to piggyback your comments oner about he had a chance to be like yeah but you know luckily we’ve got Sam and we’ve got all that in him and he’s you know our guy or we have that quarterback but he should have said now I gotta find another quarterback

Yeah that was that was really the time to be like hey we’ve got a a great quarterback here that we can build around and really develop and kind of win football games that’s what he could have said and he did not say it and it’s it’s so crazy because we called it out

In our our post about this I said this should be dagger right this should be any Sam how building around Sam H talk but it’s not going to be and people proved us right right they couldn’t let it go that’s all people were saying in the comments was this isn’t a dagger to

How this is an endorsement to how I nearly fell out of my chair big big bad thing for me Leon with a great one before I’m gonna let Stoner talk because this make sure the audio listeners get this one uh from Leon walking Sam around Commander Park like

He’s a dog about to let go I love it you know he’s put Sam how and uh and the howlers with that one so Stoner you’re trying to get a word in edgewise and I wasn’t allowing it but what he also said at the beginning was it’s kind of on a

Tangent there with the Brock P py thing is is something that was really satisfying to me is he was basically saying we didn’t we didn’t draft Brock pie in the seventh round because we thought he was the savior of our franchise we drafted him just CA we

Liked what we saw on the tape but we had no idea he was gonna be the type of player that he’s turned out to be and that just kind of just shows you when it relates to Sam how it’s the same thing nobody thought that Sam how was even

Going to be as good as he was over over the course of 17 games and there was a block there where we thought he was very good but when you draft guys in that round you’re just you’re just you’re doing you’re throwing darts at the board and hoping that these guys will somehow

Contribute yeah but he knew it they he he knew that Brock pie was a a dart board throw sure and had no idea because it doesn’t happen with quarterbacks in the seventh round yeah he said as much right he’s like if we knew he was going

To be that good they would have taken him soon he told us he just straight up was just like yeah there was no way we would have waited to take our QB of the future and Brock Pie as Mr Irrelevant if they thought he was going to be anything

Close to what he was absolutely so it it is going to be an very interesting thing here code Talker by the way has two things for the panel we’re g to have a little grab bag session so code talker keep those coming in if you have

Questions for us you want us to answer please let us know we’ll make sure we get to them at the end here right now we’re talking about lying season and it is the don’t sleep lying season you can head over to don’t sleep use the code district get yourself 10% off

Your entire order whether or not that’s energy drinks energy shots or some of their fine merchandise that is all great because it is a local DMV company that you’re buying from Good People good products over there at don’t sleep energy it makes you great let’s move on

From the Sam how comments that Adam Peters liked uh or said even though JG I did want to get back to this one this was another comment that a lot of people were saying they’re discounting it because to Peters Adam Peters Sam how’s a new QB I think we’ve answered it quite

Extensively that he he wouldn’t have said the things he said if he were supporting Sam house so again moving on from that one we got Paulie in the house Outlaw King here uh sounds like we’re going bargain B shopping for free agency this is the other one this is the one

I’m out on gentlemen okay as far as a comment coming from Adam Peters he says that Washington isn’t going to be spend big he’s got on cranton Dany and he talked about this do you buy or do you not buy the comments coming from Adam Peters regarding shopping in free agency

Both I can definitely see him get off the fence get off the fence you can’t tell me how to form my Nathan lived on the fence I can’t sit on the fence for this one time he totally lives there he pulled you up so that you could uh yeah he did

Both because I can definitely see Adam Peters spending money on midlevel tier guys that are good but not Elite and it works for us because there’ll be an upgrade from what we’ve had the past I don’t know how many years but then also like no I don’t believe it because we

Got all this money we got high draft we got everything is set up for us to to spend whether it’s draft capital or or free agency money we’re gonna spend big if we might not spend it all on like a whole bunch of guys but we’re gonna make

Like at least two huge Splash signings we have to I think we just have to but um so yeah I’m I’m both no because you kind of have to say that you don’t want to let other teams know or like whatever like yeah we play spend a lot of money

Then that gets everybody else an alert like well we how much money do we have because we could you know but then also you’re going to lie because I mean you’re gonna tell the truth because I feel Adam Peters is the kind of guy that is no BS he’s very

Blunt very forward very direct I mean he just got done saying now we gotta find another quarterback and he’s been here for what two months so yeah that’s why I say both Stoner because yeah you don’t want to give up your secrets on how you going to spin but also no because you

Could be actually truthful because that’s the kind of vibe you give they’ve given us so far yeah I don’t think it’s going to be like in years past where they’re giving out a whole bunch of big old contracts you know three minutes after starts right I I don’t think it’s gonna

Be like that because you know it’s an overused cliche that we use about Washington now but you have adults in the building now right you have people making decisions not based on you know somebody that they watch the highlight film it’s not the three of us making these decisions where

We’re like T Higgins cool give him a whole bunch of money and bring him here that’s the way it used to be now it’s a measured approach now it’s a formula now it’s analytics uh let’s not discount when we talk about all these people in the front office and the roles they’re

Playing let’s not discount the Eugene Shen role that he’s playing in determining how you’re G to put this team together it’s not going to be willy-nilly a bunch of guys on a on a whiteboard writing down names and saying hey let’s see if we can get this guy

It’s going to be we’re going to spend this much percentage on a defensive end or on a right tackle or whatever it’s going to be and they’ve got to find somebody who fits that and it’s not gonna be we’re going to uh go out and

Sign a guy and then put him in there okay now how much money do we have left it’s not going to be like that it’s going to be very analytical a lot different than what we’re used to and so I don’t think they’re going to have those big time free agents but they’re

Also I don’t think they’re going to do this whole let’s go get a um Nick gates to be our Center a guy who doesn’t play a bad injury history and we’re gonna plug him in as our starting center I don’t think it’s going to be bargain Bargain Basement either no it’s gonna be

Guys that you’re gonna maybe haven’t heard a lot about but are guys who analytically fit really well into what they’re trying to do so I think it’s going to be a lot different than what we’re used to and we’re going to get we’re not going to get the bottom guys

And we’re not going to get the top guys we’re going to get a whole bunch of guys in that middle who fill out and make a team a whole lot better and at least we hope that it’s going to make the team better yeah one of the things I

Absolutely believe from Adam Peters is the fact that he mentioned this roster has holes right they have to build something here there’s some key positions that they like but then there’s a lot of just missing parts here in Washington so while I I they’re not Bargain Bin shopping okay and I will

Have to say that I laughed at all the people who and and this is the time to put trust in our in our our GM and everything when it comes to this right trust the process but I love how many people have bought into the things as

Far as don’t spend big and free agency and build the team and then place in a quarterback these are all Ron Rivera things that were we heard four years ago and we grew tired of during the Ron Rivera era and now that we’ve got new staff and staff we believe in right

We’re like oh yeah absolutely you don’t have to do this one of the things I’ll say about the spending in free agency is I don’t necessarily think that they will go for the top guys right we already mentioned T Higgins and Michael Pitman are gone maybe they don’t spend on a

Mike Williams right but they don’t need to because we think the W they think the wide receiver room is deep okay so maybe they don’t go after Brian Burns and maybe they go after a Bryce Huff who maybe isn’t one of the top two guys but

Maybe is one of those guys who they could potentially use with this team but it’s not going to be the guys who you’re looking at like an Andrew Wy like you’re like did you really just sign this guy like you’re not going to see a Nick

Gates who nobody was just like oh yeah this is the guy we need here in Washington all right so he would love to have a guy like him with his attitude oh yeah but he’s got to have a better skill set than what Nick gate has if if if the

NFL was like the NHL where you bring it you can swap out a line and just have a bruising line just to beat up other absolutely yeah absolutely keep a guy around like Nick Gates because he just he uh who was the Ricky Incognito was another one yes you’re on

Mute inito yes Richie Richie not Ricky yeah Richie Incognito as another one who was just like he was just kind of an average player but he just liked to pick fights he was a dirty player but he it’s you need a couple of those guys on the

Roster who are just going to get in other guy’s faces the I I think what would be most telling and this is what I was originally trying to get to with the free agency spending is if they are signing their own players that is a big

Sign of how things are going to change with this regime signing a cam curl signing and Antonio Gibson or Curtis Samuel will speak volumes to what they want to do with this team and I think that’s going to go a lot further in in actually speaking their actions right

The action speaking louder than words if they do that if they sign sign cam C which they Adam Peters says they are not using the franchise tag or the transition tag okay and so if they sign cam curl and then they go after maybe one or two other players a Casey two

Hill something like you know one of those other guys who are free agents that Washington has a a Kendall Fuller then we know that they’re not actually going to spend big on one of the top five names in free agency they’re looking to develop the guys that they

Have on the roster even if this isn’t a roster that they personally built I don’t think analytically um some of those guys that you mentioned and and those are good topics to kind of talk about about whether they’re going to sign Gibson Samuel um Gibson uh Samuel Fuller curl

Those are kind of your big four free agents from your own team right I mean you have other guys like you mentioned two Hill and James Smith Williams cleck Hudson isn’t dami isn’t he up dami brown jacobe dami brown has one more year he has one more okay um but those guys that

You kind of mentioned I don’t get a feeling that guys like that are gonna kind of be welcomed back into the fold no and that includes cam curl who I love and I will stand on a table for uh to resign him but cam curl to me feels like a guy

Who’s just gonna go where he gets the most money and that’s I don’t think that’s the kind of guy that this regime wants in place at the start they don’t want guys who are just out there to get the most money they want guys who out

There who are gonna uh um buy into what they’re trying to do here and building and building and so unfortunately I don’t think um cam curl is gonna get resigned I don’t think really any of these guys I don’t nether bro Fuller curl Cody bson Casey James Smith Williams

Jacobe uh I don’t think they’re I don’t any of those no Cody Barton no nothing no show yeah oh let him if if when they released David mayo and not bring him back three weeks later like we’ve done that we should that’s we should start the season off as one and0 with that

Move right there I I need I need a a a YouTube short of Trev throwing Miracle Whip in the trash I I I need I need that in my life I need I need that in my life uh mask collector Mayo is not the new AP you can’t do that to my

Boyev Mas uh Trev has been on the apy train since he came to Washington so follow him wherever he goes yeah ever practice squatty Lads on practice every season hey Trev they might kick you out of that UPS facility though if you’re following apy in there sorry you’re not allowed in there it’s

Private property I’ll wait it’s fine I’ll be the Ride Along I’ll just sit in the van while he goes again I just want to make sure that we’re letting people know if you give us something that might be a little bit off topic like Bernard did here we will get

To that in the cooldown so keep those coming as far as uh that’s concerned same with yam in the house bill that was passed all that’s going to happen after we do the Stoners 40 right now it’s lying season and one of the best things

To come out of this I think was the ward Association from the junkies with Dan Quinn sure locked on law was hinting at it earlier and the the big one that stuck out to me was the quarterback stuff sure uh and uh Ricardo here Dan Quinn says how is tough I believe

They’ll keep him as a backup Ricardo says and that was the word association that Dan Quinn had with it and one of the things I loved about this and kudos to the junkies because when you do word association and wrap fire right you’re not giving the person time to think so

Unless they’ve rehearsed something they’re going to give you like the just the barebones idea of what they have and tough might not be the right word you want to hear if you’re Sam how or in Sam how’s Camp I mean now the Jaden Daniels Camp they got themselves a little bit of

A fire kicker here as he used the term gamech changer with Jaden Daniels lying season or does that really hint that Jaden Daniels is pretty high up on their board what what did they do for uh Caleb what was that word association DC DC what is that all I mean I didn’t even

Really understand that one uh and Drake May was what athletic athletic that’s that’s nothing to me you’re right it was not rehearsed and it was just a rapid fire just thre these things out there now he did pause for a second kind of before each one uh before he gave it but

You know like the first word Terry McClaren and it was um explosive and John Allen was I forgot it was a real another really good adjective for John Allen I’ll bring it up here I believe it was dominant um you know and then they get to those guys and they were like um

Uh Caleb Williams DC I didn’t get but when he said game changer for Jaden Daniels that really caught my attention yo I mean he didn’t say that about Caleb he didn’t say that about Drake may he said game changer and that did spark my interest

And maybe he maybe he uh you know showed his hand a little bit maybe he doesn’t have a great poker face when he’s talking about I’m looking for a quarterback and Jaden Daniels is a is a GameChanger sounds to me like he’s leaning that way I I agree I I think this one

Actually might actually be lying season as much as much as I as much as I think that the junkies did a great job with trying to get Dan Quinn off uh off on here the way that he says DC and athletic for Drake May tells me that he’s actually like he’s planned

Something in his head to kind of talk about them right because he doesn’t want to have too glowing of a review about them because then that can tell people tip the and Jaden Daniels Game Changer which while true because I do think Jaden Daniels is going to be uh Electric

In the NFL as long as he stays healthy I know everyone’s like oh he’s too slim and all this I don’t I think that’s a bunch of malarkey but that’s not a debate for right now I I think that that one wasn’t as offhand as Jaden Daniels

Fans would love for it to be right I think that one I don’t think it’s a planned thing I don’t think it was uh you know trying to you know necessarily blow smoke but I think that he was a lot more practiced with the first two than

He was with Jaden Daniels so maybe it is maybe may maybe it is smoke to try to get somebody to come up to try to take Jaden Daniels from uh the Washington commanders you just you just don’t necessarily know the thing about lying season also is what we all kind of have

To keep in mind here is you know we all have our favorite right we have whether it’s uh May or Daniels or or at this point JJ McCarthy seems to be moving up all of it is lying to a certain extent because let’s just say the draft was today and maybe today Washington

Takes would take Jaden Daniels but that can change in a month and they might end up taking Drake May for example so take it all as being lying season at this point and that everything that’s coming out agents are putting that out um players are putting it out other coaches

Are putting it GMS are putting it out there to throw other GMS off the scent a little bit but just because for example if you’re a Jaden Jaden Daniels guy right and they say uh Jaden Daniels you know some rumor comes out that Jaden Daniels is probably going to Washington

Don’t believe that just because it fits your narrative that’s gonna be lying season as well everybody’s doing it yeah and it’ll kind of all come down to that last I mean we see it every year when we were watching Washington last year and everybody told us that Christian

Gonzalez was the guy for Washington and Washington had chance after chance after chance after chance to take Christian Gonzalez and they even had the chance to take him and they still took Emanuel Forbes and that’s because everyone was telling us that Christian Gonzalez was the guy and then you hear from uh Ron

Rivera later and they’re all like Emanuel Forbes was our guy all along I don’t know where this all this other information came from it’s all lying season it’s all fun that’s why we love the NFL so much and we sit here and we we just you know take it in day day

After day after day if everything was the truth the off season would be boring he would sit Wednesday and be like it’s really windy outside you think it’s be windy tomorrow like nothing to talk about so definely a real thing because ites keeps the headlines going keeps the

Content the two months from the Super Bowl to draft just seemed to just take forever forever I’m like I wish it was March 28th instead of February draft would be like two weeks away but now we gotta go through a whole another month of mock draft and that’s the same with

With free agency also when you see these reports that Indianapolis is probably going to or they’re going to try and keep Michael Pitman around for example that report comes out that may be a total lie that somebody is putting out there that maybe is trying to drive up

The price or drop the price down whatever it may be so that they can swoop in maybe it’s I’m just totally throwing it out there but maybe it’s um the agent for Adam Peters who’s putting that information out there so that people will say okay well I’m not going

To bother with Michael Pitman so he can swoop in and get Michael Pitman you just it’s same with free agents as well so we just got to take it all with a grain of salt and have fun with it don’t get mad when when your guy is um dissed or your

Guy is talked bad about or whatever it’s all part of the game and it’s a lot of fun yeah the uh locked onlaw here with some uh you know some maybe Insight here right when you’re when you’re at number two there’s only going to be one player

You can’t draft not much use in playing games because there’s there’s really only Caleb Williams that you’re not going after and now Chicago has a decision to make and they got his the GM polls got up there and talked a little bit saying that yeah he would like this

QB situation figured out in the next couple of weeks how about this as far as lying season where where are the Chicago Bears and I only mentioned this because Washington Adam Peters talked about how he learned from Trading up for a QB and you know a lot of people are like okay

So maybe he’s going to be risk adverse to that or maybe he learned maybe just don’t pay all that money for somebody who’s only had one you know Season anyways anyways no no no hate on uh on Lance um that that was John yeah the the situation though in Chicago is very

Interesting for Washington because if they don’t trade Justin fields and they’re unable to move that first pick Washington could be in a good position position here at taking just literally the best QB what’s going on in Chicago what do you think is going on with Chicago with Po’s comment about wanting

This done within the next week or two um he came out and said himself he wants to be as clear and as transparent with Justin Fields as he possibly can Justin Fields went on the St Brown podcast said he’s tired of the gray area

He to know if he’s gonna be kept or be trayed he just wants to know something um this all could be very calculated and they end up keeping Justin and trading the number one pick or picking someone else at number one like a offensive lineman or something

Else to build on Justin then we get Caleb in our lap we don’t know um and if it is M major kudos to him because he’s caught a lot of flack people are media saying that this number one draft pick his job depends on it pretty much

Because you passed up on some good players last year for some mediocre ones you have a great shot to go get one so now it’s like a lot of I mean I think it’s true because why would you go on the air saying you want to do right by

Your starting quarterback whether in two weeks you say hey we’re gonna keep you and this what we’re gonna go in the draft or in two weeks say hey we’re gonna trade you or whatever you want to be clear with the guy you owe him that much respect if you don’t do right by

That you might be gone sooner than you think no matter how you pick at number one or use that number one pick so they’re in a huge pickle huge pickle so I think he’s being transparent with his his responses to combine like he wants to get something done the next two weeks

Because the draft is coming and if you want to trade you want to draft Capital if you want free agency you got to have money to so it’s a natural response the next couple of weeks because free agency starts in the next couple of weeks and

You want to I think they want to go into the free agency period knowing if they have their quarterback or they’re gonna go get their quarterback that can then that could debate their free agency spending yeah and and they could be doing the lying not to Justin Fields but to the

Rest of the world yeah or or maybe they’ve got somebody in their ear saying Washington is head over here heels for Jaden Daniels right right so maybe they want to put it out there that hey this whole Caleb in Chicago we don’t really like him or whatever maybe we’re gonna

Go get Jaden Daniels which would force Washington to possibly then trade up with them and they can still fall back to three or two with Washington and still get their guy and get a whole bunch of draft picks so it’s all a game right and and they could be totally

Upfront and honest with their players but totally lying to everybody else just to get the advantage on their side because if Washington wants to move to one regardless of who they want if it’s Caleb or if they want to move to one it’s going to cost a lot it’s not going

To cost a lot as uh Denver at 12 now Denver is gonna have to P huge Ransom because Chicago moving back to 12 you know you’re getting a lesser player at 12 than you are at you know a lot more risk in that involves where where they’re gonna have 11 teams taking

Potentially the player that they wanted but didn’t necessarily want to spend a first pick on yeah I the value is going to be up there Stoner you’re absolutely right we’re talking this year’s first next year’s first and probably a couple of other premium picks now it might not

Be like an RG3 situation where you’re giving up this first next year’s first and the first after that because Chicago is guaranteed to get the next best player yeah uh but Chicago’s best situation in here is to keep this close pocket make teams kind of unsure where they’re going because either they’re

Going to overpay for fields and Chicago loves that or they’re going to overpay for the first uh pick overall and Chicago is going to love that probably even more as they can build up a a better team with a lot more first yeah trading back has unfortunately been on

My mind and it’s been frustrating because I’ve been a little bit tempted to trade back lately but that’s not what we’re here to talk about real quick I know this is a commander show that’s gotta be a lot of pressure on Ryan po so Stoner and Nathan

I’ll give you both a chance you’re Ryan po what are you doing oh with what are you doing for me it’s very easy I’m taking Caleb Williams I’m not taking any chances I think he’s quarterback one a one two three four five I think he’s Head and Shoulders

Above these other guys personally um so I’m not even messing around with it I’m not g to trade back with two if I think the commanders are um throwing smoke out there that they really want Jaden Daniels and they’re worried that another team wants Jade I’m just sitting there

I’m taking Caleb Williams at one I’m not messing around with it yeah it’s going to be hard to pass up on a talent like Caleb Williams that said I do think it’s very interesting what Chicago has done up to this point they kept their head coach they had a strong finish to the

Season where they started kind of putting together some really good games the players not that their opinion actually matters do seem to believe in Justin fields and so I think that’s why Washington not Washington but Chicago which by the way this number one pick isn’t even theirs it’s the Carolina

Panthers Chicago ended with the ninth pick so Chicago is in a catb birg seat here and I would actually not be surprised to see Chicago trade back a lot of the talk right now is how they get to reset their QB uh because Justin Fields is coming up you’re going to have

To fifth your option or sign him long term to a deal and that’s expensive well I tell you what if you’re if you like him if you think he’s the QB you can win with then you do you just you just do that right you don’t care how much it’s

Going to cost uh just like you mentioned Stoner earlier the the bills GM talking about moving up for Allen okay nobody cares how much it cost because it worked out right no one no one gives a darn right and and so the same thing for polls here if he passes up on Caleb

Williams but Justin Fields wins 12 games and becomes a well polished QB yeah unless Caleb Williams actually turns into Patrick Mahomes and wins two Super Bowls in like his first five years nobody’s gonna come back and think about that if Caleb Williams turns into a very

Good QB and Justin Fields turns into a very Q good QB they’re they’re not really going to see that as a a negative thing for him I’d be really really really surprised if they stuck with Justin fields at this point I would give Ryan poles an Oscar for all the stuff

He’s saying about just fields that you know he’s we still evaluating and all I mean you got four years of tape four years of this guy being in your building if you don’t know if he’s your guy at this point then he’s not your guy

So move on move on from him and if he if he really does stick with him and trade back or whatever I’d be I’d be shocked I’d say man that Ryan poles he’s a good actor they really didn’t have he really hasn’t had I know this an excuse for a

Lot of quarterbacks but he really hasn’t had anybody outside of DJ Moore to go to help his Mooney really didn’t really pan out to be is bad and KH KH C whatever Herbert he’s nice but he’s not an allpro like he’s just so it’s tough do you keep Justin and

Draft Marvin Harrison Jr or offensive line number one and let the chips fall after that because you got number eight you do I’m just saying if I’m Ryan poles and my job dependent on this man that’s the the keeping EA flu coming out saying you w to

Be I think keeping ear reflu was definitely the one that makes this the most interesting part for that now Trev you actually kind of started talking about all these excuses for Justin fields and they sounded strangely familiar because that’s the stuff we heard about Sam Hal and Aunt earlier had

Mentioned I’d rather keep Sam than draft Drake May both come from the same school so why would we want him I don’t like he’s I don’t think he’s better than Sam and here’s the thing about any of the QBs that Washington’s gonna take at the number two pick or in the first round

They’re not drafting that player because they’re going to be better than Sam H how year one okay they that player may end up and probably could be better than Sam H how in year one but they’re taking that player with a number two overall pick because of what they’ll be better

Than in the next couple of years right so they know that rookies might struggle to adapt to the speed and everything but if that player is a player who can develop into an allen who didn’t look great or how about a Payton Manning uh who didn’t look you know particularly

Great through a lot of interceptions one in 15 right They Don’t Care About That season as much as they care about what they can get out of them in future seasons and right now that’s why we’re looking at a QB at number two which QB

Is going to be another matter and a lot of the QBs decided not to really participate in the combine just doing kind of their interviews and no kind of 40s or anything like that but that’s all right we’ve got you covered here on ref the district Stoners 40 is coming up

Here in the cool Down we uh kind of teased and kind of pushed Stoner into position last week where he needed to run a 40 to kind of prove himself prove that that manhood of his that he can do this in his 50s as his birthday will be next week so he

Will not be on the show he’ll be celebrating his birthday so uh we’ll give him a happy birthday right now Stoner and uh and you did it you you took this this uh challenge you know on and you’ve done this and I really don’t

Know if I can uh really set this up any better than this picture that we have of you at the combine that’s go running your 4 up to Indie yeah let me set it up a little bit I went up to Indie uh to to do a 40 in

Indie uh on this uh track or whatever now I had I only had two cameras okay this this to me is really a three camera shoot but I only had two so I had a camera behind me and you’ll you’ll see it when we show

The video and then I had a camera like at the Finish Line because I wouldn’t know how else to to to get their correct time because I’m not I don’t have a stop I didn’t have anybody out there with a stopwatch or whatever so I had to sync

Up the two cameras and so I had to have one right on the line so all you’re gonna see is me from behind and you’re gonna and you’re G to see me cross the finish line uh with my uh my feet or whatever so that’s what the video

Is I’m H all right so let’s go ahead and we’re gonna switch this over as uh we have the video here and uh and so this is uh stoner with the two different cameras and my understanding this is my first time seeing it okay y my understanding here Stoner prepped me

With this is that there’s going to be a point where I pause the camera this pause this video so y stay stay with us the 40 40 40 at 55 challenge did I get all the 40s in there I think I did the 40 yard deck Dash it’s been 40 years

Since I’ve done a timed 40 and then the 4 other 40 is 40 pounds since the last time I did a uh a 40 a Time 40 yard dash and then lastly uh 55 is uh you know that’s my birthday coming up I’ll be 55 so you’re gonna see my run first without

The timer so you don’t know what the time is then we’re going to pause it and then everyone’s going to pck you know chime in to think after watching it to say what you think my time was and then we’ll see it again with stop stop watchat on there okay um who chicken

Legs on screen some great comments here uh Mas collector 40 ounces yeah Gus bus on that that line as well drink a 40 ounce before the 40 um you have uh JG see you from behind why must we suffer and of course a lot of happy birthday wishes uh and people

Saying you couldn’t get Adam Peters actually locked on laws here is probably the best Adam Peters comment Adam Peters does not have all day to time Stoner so let’s go ahead and roll the tape for our audio listeners were seeing him do a lot of prep work here oh you’re

Right outside of the combine here we go pray for the killes Cs that gr the hips even the shoulders the shoulder you see his Cal muscle already tightened up there all right a little zoom in that’s pretty good your form’s a little off I

Think I know what got I was flying was I not Nathan hit pause here and let’s see what everybody thinks I ran that in I was fly flying all right what do you think you see it now I want to hear what everybody thinks uh thinks Iran I said

8.2 yeah that looked a little that looked a little slow I’m not I’m not gonna lie uh 640 from from John um right we have an 888 from uh from yam an 88 from Real Deal uh TJ okay that’s at least under seven all right

Respectful 6 s from Gregory uh of 94 67 by gusb 6 eight from code talker TJ with 67 Tommy going big here 91 um seven flat seven from Brian Teddy there by the way can I chime in no practice no I mean I warmed up by like I

Walked there it was a mile away so I do a couple of one starts or whatever it was it was just I’m doing it one time and I hope the cameras get it because I’m only doing it one time and that was it so there was there no training leading up

To this or whatever it was just like go out there put the cameras down and go and I and I prayed for my for my achilles my calfs my hammies my uh um thighs my growing muscle my hips and even my shoulder and you know why I was

Praying from my shoulder because we’ve seen those videos of you know the high calorie folks and doing those Sprints and then falling down and the high shoulders or whatever I know right he’s so respectful with that yeah that’s a great respectful yeah the all right St

Trev what was your guess last week you you thought it was uh seven and I had yep and and Nathan at 82 now trev’s at 82 I I can already tell you stoner if you if I worked with you I can shave off at least a second just

Working on your form you had some you had you had some Air Force I’m running a mile and a half form and not sprinting 40 yards form yeah I mean listen also I was scared the biggest thing I was scared of is I was scared of popping my

Killes right at the start I mean I was really scared about that part I I will say it when you’re uh when you’re lining up your you uh your calf tightened I was like oh no I was like oh no that’s not good you cannot that that would have

Been that would have been bad I I would have to say that you were you were north of 7 seconds I think a lot of people are are very impressed with the what you did uh do like Dominic here not not bad at all very impressive definitely better than I

Thought I mean this is you’re right man 55 next week you nor no warm-ups nothing Trev what you got here not going to lie I thought he was going to do the warm-up and get a position and just I’m not running 40 I thought you were gonna do

That like Frank get I’m not running the 40 yeah I should have done that somebody suggested it I’d have done that I would my uh my 40 that I will record is absolutely just gonna be an entire joke okay I’m the whole thing is just going

To be a joke after a joke because it will happen when my back will cooperate with me uh Big E Stoner is an athlete I have played sports with him he is surprisingly good at uh at sports don’t don’t let his uh his I tell you all those times I tell

You cool jump shot don’t you all those times I could see it uh you know I got you know I got a cannon for an arm I could get out there and I always say things like you know I I could get out there and and throw five innings in a

Major leue he can fling a frisbe five innings in a major league game hey but for real you know what they call me when I played Hoops is they called me JJ for JJ rck because I come off them screens man I just TR he’s not lying I

Could kill now now granted in his older age he was a cherry-picking mother trucker because he would not go down and play defense he would just hope that his team gets the ball and then just toss it out to him because he can nail a three-point shot from the corner this is

A true story this is a true if hey as long as we’re talking about my athletic career right I’m gonna this is a true story that when I played intramurals and this was this was at Ramstein uh Nathan and in our interal over 30 League we were in the championship and in the

Championship and if you know anything about basketball in the championship game they played a box in one defense on me which means one guy played me manto man wherever I went and then the rest of the team played Zone because I was just killing them from three and you know

When you play in those intramurals nobody really plays much defense They Don’t Really Care right right but I just kept killing him and killing him K they said all right that’s it you go guard him and then we’ll just play zone the rest of us box for one in inter murals I

Know right that’s what they were doing yeah yeah Teddy Ramstein Airbase in Germany uh Stoner and I that’s where we met was that the that was the when I was there with you stoner yeah that was probably was that post or pre yeah that was probably about the same time yeah

When I was playing in was 2008 n yeah we used to play the the lunch pickup leagues and he was he was the first one team people would pick I’m I’m 63 64 I’ve got a wingspan of a guy who’s like 7 foot okay it’s like 85 in from tip

Fingertip to fingertip and I was one of the last people being picked because I was no good outside of fouling and and swatting swatting at balls that’s that’s all you picked me up rebounding and blocking shots Stoner was money from three I don’t think he’s money here on

The 40 I’m I’m gonna go I’m gonna go with uh with 85 as my final answer For let’s watch the tape and see what has to say again but this time with the stopwatch showing not bad 77 I mean 757 that’s not terrible I thought I was going a little faster but hey make sure you hit like hit subscribe for all the great content here at ref

The district till next time be a fan well we’re not leaving yet but yeah not not leaving yet 75 I think that’s uh that’s that’s actually really good stoner I’m I’m very proud of you for seeing it through uh Nat n conle didn’t think 85 was right I think 75 is uh is

Very respectful especially because you didn’t hurt yourself you didn’t launch right someone had mentioned that earlier you didn’t didn’t have any launch your form was awful if I mean you’re supposed to be on your toes my man like it’s was trying to uh remember the last time I actually like

Just sprinted I can’t I can’t recall probably when I was active duty so and I’ve been retired for for 11 years now so yeah I don’t remember the last time I sprinted so it’s not part of my repertoire at this point yeah so even though I’m a longdistance runner uh my

Favorite workout is uh what we called back in the day suicides but that might get this banned so I the wind Sprints is what I call them when lines now I think or yeah lines I call them wind Sprints when I when I’m coaching uh my favorite

So I Sprint all day because that’s my that’s well when I’m when I’m uhh able to work out because that’s my favorite thing that works on your cardio and for long distance running I mean I’m medium distance Runner not really a long distance not running marathons because

The no uh but uh I love medium distances your 5Ks and stuff and when a mile and a half in the Air Force right like that’s a that’s a short distance wind Sprints will help you out uh there so and it’s a great way to keep off the fluff so but

Good job Stoner a lot of happy birthday for you a lot of good ones and that was a lot of fun but now it is time to go to the grab bag and we have a couple different topic here some from our our people and if you have a a topic you

Would like us to touch on go ahead and throw it into the chat here uh we do have a couple uh from code talker Bernard has one yam has the first one that we’re going to talk about because uh the house passed the bill that would

Give DC control of RFK Stadium if it passes in the Senate yam says this would allow DC to redevelop the campus and use a it for a number of purposes RFK is where most people want the football stadium back is it going to happen Trev I mean it kind of seems like it

Might happen there’s a really really really good chance of it happening I think this time last year it was a long shot I think it was all we were talking about bringing it to Virginia or keeping it in Maryland or a different spot in DC

But now seems like it’s GNA go back to where it all started because of the the passing of the house and then and then that breaks on the same day coincidentally that FedEx decides to remove their uh name from our field and and you know cut that

Contract two years early it’s kind of interesting how they both happen on the same day um I’m just saying I like to read between the lines and some things but yeah I I think it has a greater chance of it happening now than passing through the house andate well I mean if it’s

Gonna happen this was the step that had to be cleared this was the hurdle that had to they had to get over regardless of what they plan on doing eventually but I think it’s right um I I think it’s fair to say we don’t know the owners too

Well but just in typical owner fashion they’re going to go wherever they get the best deal whether that’s Virginia Maryland or DC but this at least clears that hurdle and I think somebody put it up there about that area kind of being small for if you want walked on law if

You want to create a whole thing out there with the restaurants and other facilities uh but if you just want to put the stadium out there then then there’s plenty of room but there’s just not enough room if you want to create a whole District uh around the stadium now

They could still create a district if you will out in Ashburn or out in Northern Virginia in that area in Lowden County where you can have your training facility and you can have restaurants and all this stuff so you can do that but really to me it’s all about game day

Right and game day is where I think you should have everything all encompassed in one place well we’ll see at least they got over that hurdle or they’re about to get over the final hurdle so that they can at least have that option which like you

Said last year dreev this was not even in play because the government was not giving up control of that land to DC I I think DC has really kind of come along with the sale of the team to the Josh Harris ownership group where they’ve

Kind of wanted the team back in and then especially what when you have what’s going on with the whiz and the capitals maybe moving out of DC DC wants a sports team in the city and they do want to develop it in a way that will bring more

Revenue and more people into the city so I think that’s going to be a big part of what they’re trying to work with and making sure that the commanders or Washington whatever they’re going to be called because I hate to bring up a name thing because it’s going to be

Commanders for a while but a new stadium might bring a new name but uh the the idea of RFK or that area I do think the size thing is overblown I do think that they’re going to be able to fit some things in there what they’re going to be

Missing from that which I do think will upset some people especially those coming from a a distance to come is the tailgating experience will be different instead of having loads of free space which we have right now at the current location where it’s parking lot after parking lot and people setting up

Barbecues and all that there’s going to be very limited parking lot space I think at the new uh Stadium if it’s in that RFK site because I think they’re going to build it up into be an area where you can take the metro and then your tailgate experience is going to

Bars and going and doing these things they’ll have some places set up for people to tailgate but those I think will be coming out of Premium I think that’s probably what what that site would look at there’s other locations but I think it’s exciting to have and the team wants this

Make no doubt about it you you touched on this one Stoner having Virginia DC and Maryland fighting for you for a new stadium is exactly what the franchise wants because that that’s what’s going to maximize their fun funds now I just hope that the team makes the right

Decision when it comes to that to not just build up a stadium but build an area where actual Revenue can go back to it because if we’re putting taxpayer money to it because I am definitely not a fan of putting taxpayer money into a billion billionaires project okay the

Entire ownership group has like an uh it’s like worth a hundred billion dollars they can pay for their own stadium but incentivize them hold on but to incentivize them I understand that taxpayers have to take some of that because they’re billionaires for a reason right they didn’t become a

Billionaire because they had to pay things themselves they become a billionaire because other people uh paid for things and so if tax pay payers are going to pay for it then build it up and that’s one of things that I feel bad about for the current site in Landover

Is they never did that that money that they never actually put money into the area to actually improve the Landover area and that’s a disappointment so wherever it ends up I hope that money actually gets put into the community and gives people jobs and establishes a place that is better for

The area that paid money uh and and exactly how much tax do you pay in that area who me personally oh I pay zero tax in all three of these areas but that’s yeah so I don’t care personally I mean get the concept of of not wanting billionaires to make everybody else pay

For their toys if you will on their way of making more money but I mean personally it’s not my money so I don’t care how that sort of turns out I that’s not against the people who have to pay I’m just saying it’s not me so oh yeah it’s easy to

Spend other people’s money absolutely and and Gus is saying that as well you like to say that Nathan but if your region has an NFL team financing the stadium regardless of ownership wealth comes with the territory yeah I I and I get that and I would like to see us move

Away from that but it’s it’s probably never because they have they have all the power right they can just move to a place that does pay them uh and so I think that is it’s unfortunate but I mean I did I like I like my Oklahoma

City Thunder I want them to stay here I want them to build a new stadium to keep the team here and everything like that and just unfortunate that it is one of those things that you have to pay the money for now part of the reason why

We’re paying the money for is because it’s a lot that goes into it h and and one of the things that’s supposed to help with the funding is also a sponsorship uh Chris asking about new stadium sponsor because Trev you alluded to this earlier FedEx Field is out there

Is no more FedEx Field FedEx used the option that they had for when Harris bought the team it allowed FedEx to pull out of a deal that they signed all the way back in 2003 someone might correct me if I’m wrong there um so that’s a business decision by FedEx it’s it has

Nothing to do with the new ownership group it is merely FedEx probably isn’t getting the money uh return that they would like to have seen so what do you think we should be calling the new stadium or not the new stadium the current Stadium at Landover because it

Is no longer FedEx Field the come centers but that that could be a cool nickname oh like what sponsor like fed okay let’s see um I don’t I don’t know I I mean’s running place right I don’t know don’t sleep um uh don’t sleep Stadium don’t sleep field something like

That yeah um I well I think like uh I was thinking about this earlier is that I hope that Josh Harris and his group uh were made aware of this earlier and that this is not something that just kind of came out of left field to them

Because the changes that have to go into whatever you’re going to name the Stadium from here on out are massive massive changes think about like driving down the interstate and there’s all these signs about FedEx Field next exit right all those things have to all be changed now because it’s no longer FedEx

Field so I hope because the season it’s not like they have two years to do this they’ve got like four months before they gotta have everything all changed yeah everything’s gotta be already in talks of that but so I hope they’re ready for that and maybe yeah I think it’s what

Makes sense is um you know bet MGM field something like that you know the betting gonna be like that or or a Bitcoin place you know something that new money GMC would be cool yeah I mean that that makes the most sense but I would like to if they don’t get a

Sponsor I’d like to like rename it like Washington Memorial Stadium you know to honor veterans I would absolutely love a more generic name it won’t ever happen and it I mean it might be something along the lines of BET mgm’s Washington Memorial uh Stadium type deal but I I

Just don’t know my favorite so far of all the ones is coming from Bryant uh sell the rights to Lowe’s for all your Stadium Improvement needs because there is a lot of of needs for the stadium and we’re going to get to those in a little bit because they they the the Stadium’s

Awful is ranked as one of the worst and a lot of the facilities have been uh Washington pretty bad uh Prime field from Big E uh studfield from Kim Mandalorian uh gusb the simple Landover Stadium I I think something just kind of you know good would be there I’m

Actually against this this might be a very big hot take Ted Teddy strong here sha Taylor Memorial Stadium I would be very much against that I I would not want that um yeah no need to tie it to one person so but yeah I think something

Generic I mean if you just made it like you know Commander field or something like that would be fine until you get to a new stadium but I think they will sell the rights to somebody I mean that’s that’s just how it goes nowadays and I think y mentioned something about

Um you know about gambling addiction and how they don’t want sort of gambling sites to be associated with it which makes sense a little bit but I mean there are stadiums that are named after like alcohol right I don’t know if they’re like Miller Miller Field in Milwaukee

Or there a lot of those have gone away but yeah for yeah I think it’s fine if it if it’s certain vices that are not good for people well you know sorry but you know Money Talks so whatever it is I think bet MGM makes a lot of sense I I

Think when it comes to that I would like to see kind of similar to the former owner so I don’t have to put a dollar in uh he would put a lot of money into Native American uh businesses and organizations and developing those communities because he wanted to keep

The name Redskins it was kind of along the lines and to me I said this when the name was being changed I said that’s the thing that I I would want to see continue but as soon as there was no need and again this is what billionaires

Do they don’t don’t give money away for free right as soon as as soon as they moved away from the Redskin’s name so did that money and when you’re talking about the the the beer or the alcohol or the betting ones I’d like to see some of

That money that’s being made being put to though you know to help those who do have an addiction do that do have it I I I uh I gotten away and I apologize from the bet responsib uh message there but I do we I understand addiction is is

Something that’s very hard for people to live with and so you know that is one of our sponsors because of the Bel Network bet online is and so you know it is something that by we’re contractually obligated to read it and so I do want to

Make sure everybody knows we do you know want you to bet responsibility responsible like that and I would like to see if they go that route which betting now the NFL is a huge deal so it’s probably going to be something like that or Fanatics um so you know I do

Hope that they do put some money into taking care of the people who have an addiction if that’s the way uh that they go uh one of the things that they did put uh some money to was Stadium improvements maybe enticing enough for me to get back there and uh take the

Trip from Oklahoma especially to see some things that impact me directly as a veteran The Uso uh area is going to get revamped what were your biggest you know kind of things that you saw in the improvements that you were excited for me personally I’m excited for the

Uso t for you guys I’ve experienced it with you guys we went to a some games and you guys are military guys so that’s cool everything else I can’t afford that I’m glad it’s happen it’s cool part deserve to happen but me personally I can’t let like I’m not that’s not in my

My reality so I’m happy about the Uso because I’ve experienced that and it was cool but it was just it just wasn’t it didn’t feel very Uso it was just a tent with a couple of DJs and you’re sitting at cafeteria tables eating some some Mission

Barbecue and you so like it just wasn’t very Uso oriented so I’m glad that they’re actually upgrading that you know so and they’re doing some structural uh repairs to the stadium so we don’t have to hopefully don’t have to worry about the railing falling apart and yeah poop coming out and things like

That I mean they’re just $75 million seems like a lot of money but when you really get down to it’s probably not a whole lot in terms of what they’re going to be able to do and I think they’re using a lot of that money over an Ashburn too at the training facility

It’s not just FedEx oh we got to start putting a dollar every time we call it FedEx at Landover field or Commander field um so it’s not just there but stuff that they’re doing there it’s probably just kind of repairs for now and then we’ll you know once the new stadium is

Announced or whatever they’re they’re GNA have to keep putting a little bit of money in it just to Patchwork it until till end of life which is you know five years yeah it’s we’re in that stadium for a while so we’re probably not gonna this isn’t going to be the last time we

Hear that they’re putting 75 million into Stadium repairs because they got to keep it a live and hopefully you know build into a place where we’re happy to be at yes Trev unfortunately a lot of the money and I’ve seen this complaint and uh tailgate Ted has this complaint a

Lot too is all the money is going to that club level and you’re not really seeing things for the people who are in the upper seats or even the lower bowl and that’s unfortunate because you know that’s obviously the larger part now the the reason you see that in case you

Didn’t know no the reason why you see that is because the franchise gets to keep all the money from the club club level so that’s why they put money into it is because they want people to buy those seats because that money goes directly to them lower bowl and upper

Bowl is part of the franchise sharing revenue and those are the ones that they have to report and everything like that so the team is not incentivized to really put money towards those aspects especially as the team struggles to fill in the Stadium uh but I would like to

See some things go to other uh you know aspects of it but I mean a little bit at a time again this is only in the interim that we’re talking about a new stadium that’s going to be fantastic and we’re going to be falling in love with it and

Hopefully we’ll see some things moveing in that way Stoner you mentioned they got to put some money into Ashburn and that’s right because Jared mentions that uh we got to get real in the team facilities and get out of this bottom The League rankings the NFL PA rankings

Were released and Washington once again ranks dead last treatment of families F minus F minus come on here food cafeteria D+ nutritionist dietician B minus locker room F minus which apparently they had sewage leaks in the locker room strength training staff in a weight room c training room F minus

Training staff f team travel F head coach C and ownership B mind you this was given to players I think in October to put together so so some of this ownership only a b like they’re trying to get the feel for there a c for the head coach is pretty telling that they

Definitely gave up they weren’t buying into the Ron Rivera uh philosophy anymore but some of this other stuff like that we’re trying to get some money to it and it’s it’s unfortunate that Washington continues to fail here what can they do to kind of improve especially on the F minus for

Families man they got a long way to go yeah they do um just look how they handle the Sean Taylor thing with his family like there you go um the locker room situation John K kind of went a little bit of detail on his twitterday too some players said

It’s a whole bunch of different things of mainly the facility I mean if you just pay attention into like the postgame interviews if you just look around like there the locker room scene and stuff and outside the interview which I do it looks like a high school college locker room you go

To all these soofi stadiums and and and legent stadiums in Vegas it’s like some of the college locker rooms are better than the Commander’s locker rooms they got nice seats there’s space there’s TVs not a 20inch TV in the corner that you have to watch you know like so I guess

You just start with take a survey like with the Personnel the staff and the players of what they can do to improve the locker room I mean I’m sure the ownership has a great idea because they just came from that in the 76ers and the

49ers but yeah you got to make it a place for where free agents want to come play like that’s part of it as tedious as a sounds they give these these rankings for a reason and it’s not just the bogus ranking it’s NFL players Association ranking so they stick they

They mean something so if you want a Brian Burns to come to Washington he gotta share a locker with Andrew Riley and Sly he might be turned off by that because it’s not comfortable it’s not professional so you got to talk to the players and the coaching staff to see it

First I think yeah I mean I mean look this the the former owner completely neglected this all that this entire franchise for a long time and especially really in the last probably 10 years when everything kind of went South for him and the new ownership can’t fix everything overnight they’ve got a lot

Of things that they can do but there’s a lot of things you just can’t do it overnight I mean look at right remember going to training camp um in 20 not the one in Richmond but the first year that was back in Ashburn right yeah and it was a field

With uh you know with a couple of ropes around and that was you know and there was one little thing that sold um swag you know that was it I mean it was it was worse than a a college like a food truck essentially that was selling the gear

And then they had VIP tent which was like some beverages in a in a cooler and some like buffet style food and they and they they started last year was a whole lot better when they put in the grand stands and all that around there and they started really making it better and

That was you know you have to give credit to the previous owner on that he he did all of that but it was just so neglected for so long that he can’t just fix it overnight he can fix certain things though overnight and that is uh things like how they treat your family

Right and we but we’ve heard from other organizations or we’ve seen from other other organizations that on game days they charge for like daycare for the families of the players and staff and everything and you know that’s this kind of thing that you really shouldn’t make them pay for if they’re

There working for your team that day so there are things like that that I think that they can fix and that they will fix but most of all you got to fix the quarterback position and and that has nothing to do with this survey because if you look at Washington was ranked

32nd who was ranked 31 Kansas City Kansas City was ranked 31st in that ranking and and they’ve won three Super Bowl in the last five years so all that stuff does to an extent matter yeah but once you have the quarterback easier IGN when you win can

Over and that and we’ve said this before about the the previous owner if Washington were winning Super Bowls the previous owner is still the current would be still the current owner but winning winning is a weird thing in sports and that you’re able to mask so

Much when it comes to that look at the Dallas Cowboys in the 90s and a lot of the the bad things that were coming out of that locker room drugs and convictions and stuff like this doesn’t matter when you’re winning Super Bowls is the problem and uh it is interesting

And I as far as the daycare thing I can understand why they would want to uh ask for them to pay I mean these people are making hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars but maybe pro-rated right like your your your rookie uh seventh round pick shouldn’t be paying

The same as as your you know person who’s making the most on the thing you know in the military we do that in our Child Development Centers where it’s based off of your pay so maybe that would work Chris brings up something I had seen here Rick Snyder did actually

Say that the the food was actually good he didn’t understand why that and John K said that as well uh I know Rick had the salmon just like last week I will what I from from my understand in of this there’s going to be a big difference from obviously the cafeteria is

Something they all eat in but when the players are eating their every day right like if you go to a high school cafeteria and you can have like one meal there and it’s not bad right it’s probably good price for you it’s probably all this good stuff it’s not

You’re like hey this is this is pretty good yeah when you’re eating there Monday through Friday and maybe like it’s the same you know breakfast every morning and and the options just aren’t there I can understand how you can get get a lower rate uh rating for that uh

Or as gusb says they must have put raisins in the potato salad that would definitely you know that would take the cost down just a little bit there uh this is grab bag time here for us to talk about as we have a few more minutes

That we’d like to do here I’m going to go first with code talkers and I’m probably going to table I had trash or treasure uh but we’ll probably table that talk as some more people become available in free agency we’ll push that to next week

Because I really want to get to some of the questions that people had for us Co talker up first here for the panel uh Brian Burns was picked by Riverboat so what are the chances that some of our current players pan out with the right coaching I mean there’s a chance there’s

Always a chance um Dan Quinn’s already G on record saying he wants to tap into Jam Davis and see if he can use his talents that made him a first rounder if we can and I believe that he probably could because we’ve already seen that ability

A little bit out of J and Dav since he’s been here but and also no sometimes it doesn’t matter the kind of coaching you have the player just is the player he’s gonna be the same way he’s been his entire career whether R Riva picked them

Or Jerry Jones picked them or Andy re picked them it’s just it is what it is so in reality yes there’s a good chance but also at the same time there’s a chance that it’s not so 5050 how about that yeah I’m shoot I kind of agree with

Trev right I mean guys are fence sitting on this one no it’s not fence sitting but but 5050 is fence sitting that’s not not a little bit that’s a lot of bit you were literally straddling the fence if you go 5050 it could or it couldn’t look coaching coaching is important but yeah

It’s not as important as player player Talent yeah so Brian Burns was probably going to be good with Ron Rivera coaching or with Matt rule coaching or Frank Wright coaching it didn’t matter for Brian Burns but there are probably players that do excel with better coaching

Obviously but if you’re a stud you’re a stud it doesn’t matter who your coach is locked onine RS his case he was gonna be a stud yeah good players develop despite uh their surroundings I I I agree with that and and there is some there’s some

Merit to that but I really really loved what Joe wit Jr said about this uh when he talked about how you know it’s the coach’s job to get these players to learn and get their to get their players in a position to be successful right he talked a lot about

That and I loved hearing that as somebody who used to be uh a leader of people and it was just like you can’t sit there and tell me that somebody can’t learn something because it’s my job to get them to learn it I used to be an instructor uh to and I taught

Advanced broadcast subjects for for the Department of Defense and I had students who their heads were as thick as the walls that are right next to me okay but it was still my job to get them to learn and and and I loved hearing that from

Joe wit Jr there are players I’m not going to fence it on this one I absolutely think the chances are great that there’s going to be some players who we were not high on who are going to look fantastic in the next couple of years years Jamon Davis I think is going

To really explode he’s been improving each season already I think he’s going to be in line for a good one Quan Martin was a player that we were so down on after preseason in the first few games and then he gets injured and like we’re never gonna hear of this kid again it’s

Gonna be another wasted second round pick that Washington had he looked really good and he showed some explosiveness I think he’s going to be someone who’s going to be very successful under this new uh this new defense I think Jan dodson’s gonna be bounced back after a Down Season under

Eric benmy right so this is a player who we saw promise in his rookie season he had a sophomore slump but I think that he’s somebody who’s going to be explosive there are a lot of players on this team who have the potential even Emanuel Forbes under the right guidance and the

Right system can be okay and so yes if they’re a player so what I will say about this is the older the player is the less likely we’re going to see a change in Dynamic but players who are in their first year or second year you’re going to see I

Think a good chance that they actually you know really take on and show the reason why they were taken early there might be some misses in here okay maybe Daniels on the offensive line never uh comes to fruition as a talent for Washington maybe uh Ricky Stromberg was never worth a top 100

Pick but there are going to be players that were going to be really really high on after the next couple of years uh moving away from that uh discussion great conversations in the uh chat about this uh I do want to get to all of these so I might not get to all

Of them Let’s uh go to Bernard all the comments on these but Bernard had one uh earlier a little off topic what are your opinions on what Merill Hodge said about the top three three QBs on the junkies Trev is already raising his hands everybody has their own opinion of

Who they think is their best quarterback yeah everybody is and I personally don’t pay attention to former players who didn’t play or coach the quarterback position when they talk about quarterback I’m not discrediting their knowledge I’m not and they probably study more than I do but Maraj is a running back he hasn’t

Been talking about this stuff on ESPN for a few years now he has his own thing he has his own opinion about quarterbacks that’s great but he didn’t play the position he didn’t he wasn’t in the quarterback room he didn’t he’s just been doing what all these retired

Players are doing now what we can do watch tape for hours to analyze it so it’s cool that he has his opinion but everybody has their own opinion when it comes to the quarterback position and i’ rather listen to draft analysis people like Tom McShay Kyper who’ve been doing

It since I was born or other former quarterbacks who have been successful in the NFL or have had some success in NFL all these other guys like Aero Haj and and another running back here or a defensive lineman here talking about quarterback I don’t take too much stock in it because they’re

Just you know what I mean everyone’s gonna have opinion Teddy here was actually asking and I think this is a great question for our P1 here in the in the house here what were what was the thing that Merl hod said what were were his top three and what did he actually

Say about them Jaden McDaniels or Jaden Daniels was his guy of the top three and that includes Caleb Williams um he he just thought that kale Caleb Williams did was too much Off Script and and he said basically his whole point was everything happens in the NFL right

There in a congested pocket right whereas College it’s not like that as much and you can run around and you can do all guys are open all the time uh so he liked Jaden Daniels the best he thought uh Drake May was a little too stiff and had uh you know a long

Throwing motion and he he would not have Drake May so I mean that’s kind of what his deal was but but Trev is right also in that maybe it’s just because we’re looking for a quarterback and we’re in the top three this year but but the quarterback talk on those three is

Overwhelming with how many people have these opinions on these top three quarterbacks there isn’t a consensus of who the best guys are one two three now most people have Caleb one but after that everybody’s all over the place but I I really liked what CT Warner said and

Trev you said you listen to guys who have played the position and who really know what they’re talking about obviously Kurt Warner is a Hall of Fame quarterback and he said there is nothing on tape for either any of these three guys and he includes everybody and he’s

Watched tons of tape of these three guys nothing that they did in all those years of playing college football that translates to the NFL because it’s such a different game in the NFL and you can’t do that you can’t judge these guys on how good they’re going to be in the

NFL by watching their tape in college so he’s likei have no idea which of these three guys are going to translate they all have incredible Talent quarterbacking talent and we can even say that about Sam how Sam H is incredible qu he caning it he does have a good arm

And all that kind of stuff right he’s tough he he he can get out and run you know he he uses his legs he can make all the throws all that but what we can’t do we can’t get inside his head and how he’s processing what’s going on in the

Field and in college it’s complet completely different there are no NFL Concepts in the college game is what CT Warner so CT Warner is saying you can’t judge these you can judge their talent you just hope they’re going to succeed in the NFL yeah there there’s there’s a lot

That goes into it and I do think there’s a lot of information as far as haj’s opinion on it you take it with a grain of salt like you said Trev you know he’s he he has he has every right to his opinion he he is somebody who can be a

Talent evaluator who played at the pro level who who’s worked with Pro people so he kind of understands that but maybe he doesn’t understand it on a level that somebody else does Colt McCoy is breaking down tape you got JT o solivan who’s breaking down tape from

UVA yeah yeah there there’s there’s a lot of people who are breaking down tape and I think that it’s okay there’s some great uh you know Mark Bullock is breaking it down uh you got Nick from PFF who’s breaking it down from PFF commanders you’ve got a lot of people

Are breaking it down and we probably aren’t the best three to break down tape but I tell you what we still are gonna give you our opinion on these we have the best test the sniff test is the best sniff test the stoner sniff test right

Well I tell you what Trev you might not know this but Stoner and I decided right beforehand how we are going to present our QB Challenge and so we’re gonna we’re gonna just tell people how that’s going to work or or QB uh breakdown okay we’re going to do a top

Eight okay we’re gonna do March Madness style and we’re gonna have we’re gonna have these QBs going up against each other to see who who how they fall down in the rankings and that is what we’re we’re uh doing it locked on law breaking down tape as well but yeah we’re gonna

We’re gonna have a March Madness QB draft style content coming here on ref the district we hope that everyone will enjoy that and yes you will find out Aunt what exactly we think about JJ McCarthy who I will follow up with Tommy’s question here anyone looking forward to seeing any players that the

Combine JJ is one of the QBs that’s going to be actually doing the drills and I think that’s he has the most to gain and that’s why I’m interested in watching him uh I’ve been slowly coming around to the JJ discussion uh I’m not saying at two

Right now don’t don’t get me don’t get me you know on that that means it’s a chance of it could happening but he said because he said right now right now yeah well right now JJ’s not in the top three QB conversation right he’s somebody who’s kind of moving along in this what

I will say is if you trust the QB evaluators who are QBs a lot of them are starting to get to JJ’s tape and talking about how he has the talent that could translate to it right like we talked about it’s a crapshoot uh Kurt Warner saying you never know because the game’s

Not exactly the same JJ apparently has some traits and I’ve seen it I’m starting to kind of watch some things now I’ve not I haven’t sat down and watched entire game like looking at it at an analytic side but I have watched some things that I’m like okay I

Understand why people are coming around on JJ I I agree starting to like him a little little more and more and and also you know we kind of look at JJ McCarthy just a little bit on him in that he was part of basically a running program at

Michigan I think against Ohio State he had like six dropbacks or something like that yeah but I believe you might want to check me on this I believe he had more pass attempts last year than Drake may you might want to look that up I may

Be totally making that up but I believe he had pass attempts it if it wasn’t Drake may it might have been somebody else one of the other three top three but I believe he had more pass attempts last year than one of those top three guys 332 uh pass attempts according to sports

Reference and Drake May and 2023 had 425 so not gonna be more than Drake May so maybe it was Daniels that he had more than so what did we say for JJ 320 something 332 I think JJ yeah sorry Jaden Daniels had 327 so he had more than more than Jaden

Daniel more pass attempts than the Heisman Trophy winner who threw 50 touchdowns now it is a different St off 40 touchdowns and 4 touchdowns 10 rushing yeah so you know just kind I mean they probably played a couple extra games right because they were in the National they were in the playoff they

Might have played two extra games but still just kind of keep that in mind with JJ McCarthy it’s not like he was they were running 60 times a game I don’t give a dag on how many pass attemps he had were they accurate passage were they on the money were they

Good he could throw for 500 how many interceptions did he throw he threw 22 touchdowns to four interceptions uh he does have three years of experience so I know a lot of people are saying that he doesn’t have have a lot of experience uh 713 snaps it

Really isn’t all that much but I mean he’s improved each year uh he’s very young is a is is a thing right like he is one of the younger uh players in the draft he younger than Sam H he might be I know I know a lot of people make that

About Jaden Daniels about how Jaden Daniels will be nearly 30 by the time his rookie year is done again if the QB hits you don’t care you have play you have players playing in their 40s now as they take care of their body so that’s

Going to be something to kind of uh uh look at George I actually haven’t looked much at Joe Milton mainly because I just assume that Washington’s going to be taking a QB in the first so maybe if Joe Milton makes our top eight I’ll take a

Look at that but I don’t really have much to say on he’s the guy I put at number eight Nathan when I was looking it up earlier I put Joe Milton at number eight that guy who the other guy that was on the junkies the Jets Scout he

Said Joe Milton is the best quarterback in the draft so take that for what it’s worth when you’re talking about this guy he he said Willams as a as a fourth round grade so God yeah I’m gonna definit that I’m not even taking with a

Grain of salt here uh bosi came in late and asked do we need a number one wide receiver in the draft or free agent now we talked extensively about t Higgins not being someone we’d want to uh take in a tag and trade situation but do we

Need another wide receiver a number one wide receiver from drafter free agency you need a big body wide receiver I’m sorry you just do if you want to be successful in NFL and win games you need a 5050 go deep ball big physical guy to

Go get the ball you do a guy to to open it up for those little guys that are running around scl just got released today you got Gabe Davis out there you got uh Josh Reynolds from Detroit who’s 63 physical could take a hit and it’s really good

You got Mike Williams you got Mike Evans you need don’t need to be number one they need to be huge I think they need to be over six wide receiver room is pretty short and uh I would like to see somebody on the taller side and

Maybe that’s a tight end I’m going to go no to this answer I don’t think that they need a number one wide receiver either in the draft or free agency I think that the like I said you can get your I think in the later rounds especially because you’re looking at

Them being wide receiver three at best uh and that’s why I would stay away from that last question for the panel here coming from the code talker how upset would we be if Washington did not draft a quarterback I’m gonna be I’m gonna be real upset I’m gonna be real upset this

We have the number two pick in a quarterback friendly draft okay outside the top three even there’s some quarterback in this if we don’t go get what this franchise has been crying about not having the position filled about I’m G be real upset we went and got the ownership the

Front office staff the Personnel to to evaluate the talent we have the tools to go make it happen at number two with a quarterback friendly draft and we’re not just doing it because we have number two pick we literally need a quarterback I will be highly upset bro

If we do not draft a quarterback what what is I don’t want to go get Russell Wilson I don’t want to go get a a bridge quarterback I’m done withd cousins reunion you like that nope nope I don’t like that he gone stay in just stay with

Justin he wants you to stay stay with Justin I want fresh meat here bro fresh talented meat and we’re in the position to do it if we fumble this bag it doesn’t matter who we get in the front office or to run the team at this point

Literally yeah because it’s going to be the same thing every year no matter where we look where we play what our uniforms are team name staff all that we have to draft a quarterback You’re Gonna Lose the city You’re Gonna Lose the fan base if you don’t you’re gonna they’re

Gonna call for your head day two of the as soon as the draft is over they’re gonna call for your head you don’t get if you don’t get a quarterback and George Baker Mayfield is out there too no no no no no no no no we are in

Position to go get Heisman Trophy winner of this past season the one from last year and then was the successor to to Sam how who we already have we have a chance and then Michael penix who play in the playoff like B Nicks who’s played for every team in college like we have

The time and chance to do that make it happen CJ stoud made it happen Bryce young is still there even though he didn’t look sucess but he’s got another chance you go do that I’m telling hey this podcast will RI we will come on here Wednesday and sit

Just like this do I do I need to do I need to say anything I mean Trev encapsulated it perfectly it’s exactly the way I feel about it I don’t need to add anything to that it’s exactly I I uh Gregory asking if I just said Baker uh George suggested

Baker in the chat and so that that’s why I’m mentioning Baker I did have Baker as a Target last off seon for Washington I think he acquitted himself very well and I think that he will continue being somebody’s qb1 it should not be here in Washington uh would I be upset was the

Question from code talker if Washington doesn’t draft a QB I would and while I agree with locked on law that drafting for need is an awful strategy when you’re drafting a QB here in the first round it’s not just because of a a need

Right now but it’s a need in the NFL and often when you’re talking about best player available your QB needs to be the best player on your team to be successful okay you might have a lights out wide receiver or a pass rusher like Mikel Parsons who end up being the best

Player on their respective team but you need to identify that there’s a QB who will be either the best player on this team or will make this team better in the long run so it is not just a need sometimes that best player available might not be the best player right then

For the team but is going to be the best player for the franchise they need a QB in this draft they cannot afford to punt this one everybody has looked at it and this QB draft is deep whereas next season is looking more like it’s the Kenny pick it only goes in the

First round type draft so yes I would be upset and as Gregory mentioned 144 people here you better hit that like button I know we had uh close to 200 earlier uh so hopefully they all hit that one as well we appreciate everybody jumping on with us here on episode 162

We’ve got a went over a lot of fun stuff make sure you check out ston 40 I’m sure we’re gonna have that posted to our shorts here as well I’m Nathan Perry that’s the Trev that’s Stoner we will see you during some of our player focuses later this week and as we turn

Inwards we’ll get some of our own free agents being resigned here on the channel of course we’re live every Wednesday 7:30 here on YouTube Facebook and Twitter and then you can catch us on your favorite audio platform as well wherever you are make sure you let us

Know as that helps other people catch us uh and get more people joining the conversation here and until next time did you see that Trev did you see me flying down the track I was moving boy I was flying be a fan


  1. So you're 2 Sponsors are gambling which could be an addiction to some, an energy drink that costs 24.99 a 12 pack. Are you kidding me? Let me say that again 24.99 a 12 pack is outrageous. 👍 You go boys.

  2. The Sam Howell comment tells me that they don't want to show their hand on what they're going to do with the second pick in the draft. You guys are starting to sound like the ladies on the VIEW.

  3. Sam is their guy, I'm telling you. They will draft a qb to compete with him but it won't be their 1st pick

  4. It's funny how you say that some players will get better with this new coaching staff. So why can't Sam Howell get better with a new coaching staff? Because Eric the Enemy was 💩.

  5. I think they will go cheaper at cb if they get so.eone there look for kenny moore jourdan lewis guys that played slot the later played with dallas. Maybe look at a okudah a young guy that really hasnt lived up to his draft position they will probably gamble on someone like that because they think they can coach him up. Awuzie cheap vet

  6. We just traded a top DE for a #2 pick and you wanna go trade the #2 pick for a top DE 😂😂😂… do you hear yourself??… stop trying to spend half of our salary cap on the D-Line. Trade Jon Allen for a 2nd round pick, then go get Burns.

  7. If he said he is in the market for a QB it means after trading down and as a QB2.
    His draft analyst is telling him loudly the top picks are overvalued and Penix, JJ, and Bo are nearly as good and can be developed to be even better. Plus the draft computer shows the trade-down haul makes QB2 a FREE PICK.

  8. first time i've ever listened to this pod but if trevvy always sounds like shit, i don't think i can hang lol. Content is great, trevvy, fix your audio for the love of god.

  9. This Fanbase loves settling with mediocrity and mid QBS LIKE Sam Howell . I hope are GM HAS MOR😂E COMMONSENSE THAN THIS FANBASE AND NOT BUILD AROUND A MID QUARTERBACK LIKE Sam Howell!!

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