Golf Players


My buddy Sam has only played ONE round of Disc Golf EVER!
In this weeks video we will teach him how to play for real!
How big of a difference can we make?
Let’s find out!

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Hope you enjoy!


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Songs used in video:
Music track: Endless by Damtaro
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Music track: Okay Energy by Aylex
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Discgolf, ace, acerun, hole, in, one, hole in one, holeinone, hio, Järva, discgolfpark, Stockholm, Sweden, putt, putts, challenge, pleasure, Discmania, Discraft, Innova, Latitude64, Disc, Golf, Discs, Highlight, Simon Lizotte, Lizotte, Paul McBeth, McBeth, Kevin Jones, Garrett Gurthie, Calvin Heimburg, Eagle McMahon, James Conrad, Ricky Wysocki, Gannon Buhr, Isaac Robinson, Anthony Barela, Adam Hammes, Nikko Locastro, Ezra Aderhold, Brodie Smith, Drew Gibson, Jeremy Koling, Paul Ulibarri, Nate Sexton,

All right what’s up people today we have Sam the man today he going to be our project let’s go how many times have you played this golf before I only when I with you like I think two times I think we played one actual round and then

You’ve done like trick shots and stuff with exactly so that that’s all he’s done and I haven’t taught him anything so he a total beginner we did some tests to see how good Sam is right now and we didn’t give him any advice whatsoever so we’re going to do before and after

Results and these are the before results we did some putting from 5 m and you hit what what did I hit three out of 10 three out of 10 yeah three pots out of 10 from 5 m then we did some distance you had five discs the longest throw was

39 M and your average distance was 32 M impressive impressive I think we can make some improvements and then we played three holes and from those three holes you went plus three and this is a compilation of those three Holes okay now I’m going to use the pot if you guys are new here to the channel consider subscribing if you enjoy the content I upload every Sunday so if you like consistency that’s me leave a comment down below what you want to see next and we might do

It four let’s go all I try a blue one I think it’s going to go straighter I hope we’ll see it’s kind of like flat in the middle yeah so the blue one didn’t go well so I’m going to try a red one try out my colors and luck

All right that’s SP it with more power oh good bid that should count going to try the green one I had better luck with it before and it’s my favorite color so let’s go clean release pretty good parting with the pd2 yes all right let’s uh go

For a three yes plus one foot Fault all right are you ready to become a actual disc golfer yeah and get some tips and uh technique and uh throw further and become better let’s do it let’s start off with putting first of all there’s a lot of different styles all right so let’s start off with a

Couple different styles and see which one you feel is the best one for you so right now when you’re putting you stand like this with your right foot in front yeah and then you did it from the side and tried to that’s one style the other

Style that I want you to try is a straddle putt mhm which is when you stand like this with both feet same distance from the Target and then you go with your disc in between your legs and then just push it away so no spinning just push it forward there’s a little

Bit of spin but the most effort goes into just pushing the disc away all right let’s try it uh a little bit more spin so you want to like come in here and then let your hand open up as you release it but don’t think too much about it be relaxed and

Let the disc come out of your hand all right that looked better and you got more spin so you hit the band okay let’s do one more should I bend my legs or just keep them straight I bend my legs a bit to get more power yeah I I’ll bend

Them yeah that looked good you got a clean release try one more and then try to aim for the middle of the basket A lot of people call it shaking hands with the basket so release and then just imagine grabbing I’ll try it Dam it good aim a little bit low one

More last one it’s okay it’s okay I just want you to feel the different type of the third style is kind of what you’re doing but it’s more of a what we call a spin PT so you use a lot of spin in the disc so it’s the same thing with your

Right foot in front you come to the side that’s okay I come a little bit to the middle and then just spin it out okay so you start over here and then just I would be a little bit more towards the target and then come in a bit more here

Instead of back here all right and then just spin it forwards okay let’s do it yeah that looked pretty natural yeah try one more a bit too hard I think that’s the thing with spin PT you get a lot more speed in the disc I see yeah lot

More lots more speed that looks good like I said these are the different types of pots yeah but then there’s always things you can change with them to make them your style just to show you an example I’ll show you my putt which is the first one that we talked about

But it’s not a lot of spin yeah I go really deep instead of to the side here I go down here oh like that yeah kind of but you’re still to the side tilt your foot a little bit to the left and then I go in between my legs you want to go

Over here but try to go down in between your legs and then just push it I see so like and what’s the use for this I for The Stance just more power more spin for me I get more accuracy and there’s not that much speed in into the disc so if I

Miss it’s not going to go too far and I don’t get too many spit outs which is when you hit the chains and it comes back out all right I just try to like put it into the basket not throw it in okay that’s the difference o yeah that’s

Decent it’s the same thing that I showed you with the straddle putt the one when you go like this yeah you can go really deep with this one as well so I can do it like this and that’s pretty much the same thing but you’re doing it with a

Straddle putt instead like this like that not not like this like this okay yeah yeah and then do it deep and come up that’s the same thing go really deep feel the difference did you feel how it’s not like direct more like putting it in you know yeah it’s more like I’m OV

Exaggerating now but it’s more like this yeah I got the feeling it in yeah I got the feeling one more shot I going to try it yeah there you go yeah not so much power and it’s really slow and easy to control yeah yeah but I get the I get

The point of of these Downs yeah what do you feel feel like suits you best which position felt the most natural to you yeah I mean so far when I got the point of this stagger staggered that’s a straddle straddle stand yeah with just uh putting it in I think it’s the most

Uh efficient one for me I think so too it looked pretty natural it’s like yeah yeah because that looks really good instead of just throwing it in you can actually just put it in yeah yeah let’s try to do that from a little bit further

Away then if it feels weird or if it actually works from back there as well sure so now we’re from like 6 M just try to do it again the number one tip that I give to people to make them more accurate is to

Go big and slow right as big of a motion as possible and do it as slow as possible because if you do it quick and Twitchy it’s going to have like a really small margin for error where you release the disc where it’s going to go in so if

You’re doing this motion and you release it here it’s going to go left if you release it here it’s going to go in and if you releas it here it’s going to go right let me see how you hold the disc actually you’re holding your index

Finger almost under the rim when I putt I hold it like out here okay to make it come out as clean as possible almost just want it to like Glide out of your hand you don’t want to like spin it out it just wants

To come out yeah I think I think I get it yeah I want you to overe exaggerate to feel the difference so big and slow like This one more try that looked better yeah I was trying to like push it like onwards than forwards that’s exactly what we’re trying to do here Dam this is tricky yeah but I don’t really know if this is the optimal way of learning cuz it’s so

Much information to take in at the same time I think in closer range I think this will be beneficial on closer range yeah so what do you want what do you feel like doing when you’re back here just feel out where you want to put your

Body and what you want to do yeah I would like to just uh but you’re still going going back to a staggered stance which means he wants to spin it more so I think we actually want to keep the spin putt when you’re further away yeah

I think so too it’s kind of difficult for me to like have the power come further away yeah I understand that just feel it out and try what you want to do here okay so one thing when you do that is you release it like this which is on

A higher angle so the disc wants to go left okay if we do that more flat like this do you see how the disc just goes straight yeah instead of falling to the left like you’re giving the disc to yeah almost but you’re still spin putting so

The same thing but just bend up your hand a bit so it’s straight in the air all right that was straighter but it came out really wobbly you can go big and slow here as well yeah if you go Twitchy it’s going to be really hard to get that height and

Release right yeah but if you go like that it’s so much easier so you see how I am like this instead of this just be relaxed and fill it out yeah of course you have to put more than that but you’re like opening up your hand the disc just wants

To come out you don’t want to like open it up there’s a lot of information to take in but just focus on being relaxed and relax your wrist cuz your wrist is like really stiff you don’t get the spin so just relax and get it out there okay

That looked a lot better did you see how clean it came out yeah I saw it didn’t I felt it too yeah I okay one more try now he’s getting excited that looked so much better I’m getting there one more time come on okay in between those that was so good that

Was a really clean PT yeah I want to try with the other STS that looks clean as well okay the technique looks a lot better last right it’s fun when you get getting it that was so clean hey that’s so good that was the pressure but it looks

A lot better and you did all of those with a straddle right yeah yeah I think that’s the way to go I think so too the straddle but just be relaxed now we’re just dialing it in nice dead center mhm nice three out of three good job dude thanks looks a lot

Better I got the like the soft movement Sol it now yeah let’s do it one more time just for good measure right and then we’ll go on to throwing just try again all right nice I really like how you’re using your legs now as well you’re doing

This little like jump before I yeah almost yeah like pushing with your legs instead of just standing and using your arm exactly looks like a little trampoline yeah like a trampoline looks a lot more natural it’s really good thanks that’s so good I think I got it

Dead center thanks it feels really good you know getting it the te it looks a lot better as well thanks on to throwing then when we’re done we’re going to do these tests again and I think you will get a lot better than three out of 10 I

Hope so cuz right now you hit five out of six so pretty good pretty good all right let’s start off with your grip it’s like this that’s how you hold the disc when you putt right okay yeah when you throw far you want to use a power

Grip which is when you tuck all your fingers into the rim like this it can’t be like really loose it has to be in this groove right here you can see the groove in your hand yeah this groove right here you want the disc to be there okay and then grip it like

That I see okay let’s see your fingers underneath yeah just like that much more stable look your your finger goes this way you want them to be like this so it’s like digging into the Rim Yeah okay I get it yeah stand in your position like you did before and do the exact

Same thing like you did before but with the new grip all right that’s a lot further and that was with a putter that’s a TWP speed your furthest throw was with a 12 speeed so big difference already but now I’ll show you a better technique okay so

Do the same thing hold the disc like we talked about stand in your position and I’ll change your position so it’s better if I aim towards the camera here I don’t want to be like this I want to be like this so I can move my body and actually

Rotate my body okay so cuz you’re not putting right now you’re throwing so what you want to do take your right foot and you want it to be 90° towards where you’re aiming and keep your left foot a little bit further back like over here this arm right here is where you’re

Aiming right now yeah I get it do you feel like your body wants to move with it like that yeah try that I how do I do that just do what you feel like right now and I’ll tell you later okay there was so much more power in

That that was like insane difference your arm hurts a bit but it’s it’s fine I think yeah but your arm should be totally relaxed what do you call it a cooked spaghetti a noodle yeah it should be like a noodle it should just be you’re ripping it so it’s like stable in

Your hand but then you’re just relaxing and letting the arm just naturally move with your body okay you’re beginning your throw like in the furthest reach back position okay you could like stand like this and then do it in one motion yeah so you get even more

Speed because if you’re just doing it from here you’re just pulling yeah and it’s going to be like a really Twitchy motion but if you do it from here and reach back and then throw okay it’s going to be more natural okay you got a lot more power

But you had a lot of nose up did you see how the disc like upward yeah yeah the problem with that is that you’re throwing the disc like here yeah you need to straighten it out all right so a lot of people call it turning the key in

The door because you hold it like this normally but you want to turn the key so like turning a key turn it so it’s flat cuz then it’s going to be flat when you release it yeah okay so try it again just do the thing where you turn the key like that exactly

Okay I think you get it yeah like I said before start here do the reach back and then pull okay so it’s like a one solid motion I see I see Let’s Do It Go in oh oh he went into the the soccer hole you made a hole in one congrats

Let’s go why that happens is because you’re rounding your body rounding to explain that easily when you’re doing your reach back you’re behind your body okay which means if I want to throw that way where does the disc have to go uh like other other side it has to go

Around my body okay yeah yeah cuzz I can’t do it here too straight I have to go around my body which means I’m going from here to here I want it to go straight so instead of reaching it out here if I want to go straight there my

Arm is going straight I see other way yeah just around your body not around your body huh right not around your body you don’t want to go around your body that’s the thing I’m trying to tell you I’m sorry yes no it’s okay you want the

Disc to move in a straight line yeah that’s basically what I’m trying to say so if I’m aiming here I don’t want it to be over here CU then I have to round my body so if it wants to go there I have to go straight okay yeah from here

Straight in front of me and then straight out so it’s just a straight line you get it I get it so when you do do the thing again you’re aiming towards the pole next to the tree where do you want your reach back to be exactly like

Behind me here you’re aiming now you can look where you’re aiming okay no it wasn’t that straight no yeah cuz you’re going behind your body now it’s going to be in a straight line no don’t pull it here I see you wanting to pull it here

Keep it out right there then it moves in a straight line that’s good I like relax my arm too yeah you’re still trying to pull it a bit over here keep it out keep the disc towards me there you go so okay to make it easier you can move your

Right foot a little bit to the front Okay because that way your body wants to open up more towards me okay yeah I should keep my torso like yes line all right yes that is probably 55 M which is like 20 M further than your average before yeah

Nice uh and that’s with a mid-range so now stand in the position you did before okay I’m going to aim for the tree sounds good you don’t want your feet to be like in a straight line towards your target you want it to be slightly off so

Now you can see your feet in a straight line going towards here which is slightly to the left of the tree where you’re aiming yeah and that is correct okay you don’t want it to be straight towards you want it to be slightly to the left okay I see but not too much

Okay not that uh it’s going to be it’s a lot to think about now this is the really hard part and this is why it’s not the best way to learn the best way to learn is to focus on one thing at a time and then just work on that your

Position looks really good right now so just trust yourself and go for it okay thanks it’s a big difference yeah from what you did before one more time don’t forget turning the key yeah cuz now it was a lot of nose up again that’s why it went

So high and then just fell out of the sky exactly yeah this disc is really understable so it should help him with distance I’m not going to tell him what that means but it’s going to help me oh it was too unable that’s unfortunate cuz that was a

Really good throw you had no no up on that that was really good that was really flat all right try it with the disc you had your furthest throw with my lucky green oh my God my God holy the difference nice that’s insane come on give me that’s insane

Let’s go you almost got it to the tree I know that’s crazy my best shot today Yeah by far that’s twice as far as your furest throw in the first test wow twice as far okay try it with this one this one is really overstable which means it

Wants to go left but if you throw it that hard I think it’s actually going to go straight for a while all right so throw it just like you did that one let’s do it again that’s insane that’s an fd3 you got it to go straight yeah

That’s so that that was good insane that was good that’s really good damn it it’s still an insane difference I think that’s almost as far yeah I think so too too you seem very impressed yes I am all right it’s time to see the results five throws how far can you

Throw let’s do it you already have one throw that’s 78 M which is twice as far as your furthest throw in the first test yeah insane so whatever happens you can be very pleased with yourself o that’s a good throw yeah I think it’s 70 plus okay let’s aim for 80 yeah I

Think 80 would be insane oh my God wait it went it went further holy that counts we count it hey I’ll I’ll take that I don’t see it oh there it is that’s a really overstable disc so it’s not surprising that it went left that

That’s what it should do but still a bit too much nose up I see all right two more rks then let’s measure and see the difference yes it’s mixed for me you know you get some good on but you did the thing again that I told you not to do you started in

Your reach back yeah I I did that yeah right so start in your normal position do the reach back and then pull so it’s one solid motion yeah just like that yes last one last one let’s go for 80 yes come on come on then that’s

Far oh my God I think it’s further than the light blue one yeah I I think that’s Al also 70 plus okay let’s measure see the average difference and then your max distance as well your max distance before was 39 M do you think you beat it

Yeah I think so yeah I think so pretty good throw there yeah I’m excited good job dude thanks good job boom all right Sam the man the results are in for the distance okay your average was doubled okay you went from 32 to 64 in average exactly double exactly double wow nice

That’s insane before your furthest throw was 39 mhm we got one that was 78 okay which is twice the distance as well but in these five throws you got 175 which was the furthest one although it was a roller yeah yeah that’s right but your average is still twice perfect nice

That’s crazy but now on to putting yeah from 5 m again let’s see how many you hit out of 10 yeah let’s do it can we beat three out of 10 I think so I’m feeling confident me too all right first one let’s go easy easy peasy it looks so much

Easier the difference is insane dude good job dude thanks can we get the perfect you already tied your previous score already oh my God yes yes four out of four you beat it okay four for four let’s go okay one miss but it’s okay A no all

Right it’s a bit windy let’s blame the wind still four out of six that’s good yeah let’s go ah oh close last two come on unfortunate last one come on can’t all be perfect yes last one six out of 10 you got three out of 10 now it’s six

Out of 10 Again double yeah oh everything’s double that’s great now for the final test and the final results let’s play the three holes again yeah and see how much you improved I’m ready I think you are and now I can help you as well I’ve chosen your disc which

Is the Heat and I think with a perfect shot you can get a bird here but we’re we’re going to be happy with a par yeah we’re trying to beat plus three but I think we can actually get even par on three hle if we’re lucky maybe even under

Par Sam oh my God Sam that’s insane dude wow you have a birdie pot yeah I told you pretty slippery but we’ll manage this is kind of the same distance that you’ve been training at so the statistics say that you should hit this 60% all the time yeah I should get it

Yeah get the birdie come On a number two or what’s it called a birdie yeah a birdie is that your first birdie ever I think so on my feet that’s insane dude let’s go that’s crazy first hole go let’s go hole two you can use the same disc you threw it amazingly so

Just do the same thing again a little bit further but it’s a little bit downhill as well so I think you can actually get it to the basket yeah should I aim again a bit to the more right just a little bit to the right of

The basket but just get it out there let’s get it that’s a bit left ah and a little bit short but it’s still really good yeah do you remember where you were at this hole the first time way over there yeah so it’s a big Improvement still big Improvement if we

Can go under par then that would be amazing yeah let’s get it just a layup don’t try to make it no exactly okay uh that’s that’s a bit short yeah it’s a bit of a tester it’s it’s doable I think you’ll get it yeah let’s get the park come

On yes let’s go there was no spin on that disc but it’s in the basket it’s in there that’s the point yeah all right last hole now I want you to throw the method because it’s a slower disc it won’t go as far so it’s still like a

Solid throw it’s only 38 M though so you can’t throw full power yeah aim a little bit to the right of the basket let it finish left all right so before I did that yeah now I’m going to do something like that more yeah that looks

Good good speed a little bit too far right a bit too far right that’s definitely a three okay nice jot thanks this one is a bit further so you need more spin so stand in a staggered position instead of what you’re doing now this one yeah so like you were

Putting from the beginnings to get more spin that’s a par okay let’s go dude that’s minus one in total uh after this one yes so it was minus yes okay minus one instead of plus three let’s finish it then that’s insane let’s go let’s go thank you teacher on three holes four stroke

Difference that’s crazy actually that’s insane over a course of like 3 hours or something and double the distance double the average distance and double the makes from 5 m that’s insane wow very good teacher so thank you Kevin thank you thank you yeah great and great student as well you listen very good

Yeah thank you all right it was very fun okay really satisfied do you like this golf now it’s more fun actually now yeah yeah when you actually know what you’re doing yeah All right that’s it for today this was uh very interesting yeah very fun too you know but if you guys enjoyed this video and you want to see more stuff like this leave a comment down below so I know what you want yeah this could be

A serious yes you no could be today we only did stand still shots for example so I could try to teach you like an X step and try to get more speed into the disc like more movements yeah and we could go over for hands M like throwing

This way instead of this way so there’s a lot more to the game than what we learned today yeah I look forward to it if it happens yeah so if you guys want to see more just leave a comment down below and we’ll do some more but other

Than that thank you guys for watching don’t forget to like And subscribe and I’ll see you guys in the next one peace see You


  1. That was awesome teaching skills. Loved see the progress of you friend in a short amount of time!

  2. Thank you so much for having me in this, it was super fun! Felt like a pro (kinda 😅) after your training.

    Hope to do more of this! Let's make this a series 🤩

  3. Nice teachings! The only thing I'd do different if I got all of that other stuff correct as a teacher is; not teaching the power grip first but the fangrip, since it might get to be a bad habit of "releasing the disc" instead of letting it rip out before getting enough armspeed to avoid griplocking/oat. A "power fangrip" is what I use over the power grip for like… all throws on backhand. Works really well for me and I actualy thought I did use a power grip for a long time xD

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